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General information

There will be a come-together on Friday evening for those arriving in Cologne the day before the meeting.
We will meet in the restaurant Germania directly located at the river Rhine for eating, drinking and talking.
It will start at 19:00 and you can join anytime depending on your arrival time.

Saturday evening the official social event will take place as a river cruise with buffet-style dinner.

Holger offers to show some of the highlights of Cologne during a walk on Sunday afternoon.

This map gives an overview of the different EuroTcl locations.

Note, that lunches on Saturday and Sunday as well as the social event are included in the registration fee.

Dinner Ship


Photos from EuroTcl 2015

Program Schedule

19:00 Come Together at the Germania Restaurant
09:00 10:00 On-site registration, Meet and Greet
10:00 10:15 Welcome
Session: Tips and tricks
10:15 11:00 Csaba Nemethi How to Make Optimal Use of Drag & Drop with Tablelist
11:00 11:45 Arjen Markus My experiences with Tcl
11:45 13:15 Lunch
Session: AndroWish
13:15 14:00 Harald Oehlmann From Android Newbie to first Tcl apk
14:00 14:45 Christian Werner AndroWish meets the ingeniously delightful Internet of Things
14:45 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 16:15 Alexandru Dadalau Using dictionaries to store, manage and visualize 3D data
16:15 17:00 All State and Future of Tcl. Discussion with TCT members Jan Nijtmans and Jos Decoster
18:30 Social Event cruising the river Rhine
09:00 09:30 Meet and Greet
Session: Improvements
09:30 10:15 Jan Nijtmans Unicode 8 for Tcl
10:15 11:00 Christian Gollwitzer Speeding up VecTcl
11:00 11:15 Holger Jakobs Short talk: A ISO8601 compliant calendar widget
11:15 12:00 All Open discussion. Slot for ad-hoc presentation.
12:00 13:00 Lunch
Session: Automation and Monitoring
13:00 13:45 Paul Obermeier CAWT Use Cases
13:45 14:30 Ben Fuhrmannek QMON: Uncomplicated monitoring for small environments
14:30 15:00 Conclusion and Good bye

Talks and Presentations

Paul Obermeier
Jan Nijtmans
Ben Fuhrmannek
Alexandru Dadalau
Christian Werner
Harald Oehlmann
Csaba Nemethi
Christian Gollwitzer
Arjen Markus
Holger Jakobs
Paul Obermeier
CAWT Use Cases

CAWT - COM Automation With Tcl - was introduced at EuroTcl 2012 as a Work-In-Progress report. Since then several releases have been realized adding new modules and enhanced functionality.

CAWT is a high-level Tcl interface for scripting Microsoft Windows� applications having a COM interface. It uses Twapi for automation via the COM interface. Currently packages for Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet Explorer, MathWorks Matlab and Google Earth are available.

This talk will give an overview of the current status of CAWT and show example use cases of CAWT. The use cases range from simple additions to my personal "Swiss Knife" application toolset poApps to a Tcl and Microsoft Office based requirement, test and documentation framework used for an internal project at work.

Jan Nijtmans
Unicode 8 for Tcl
Work is in progress to improve the Unicode support for Tcl.
Some Unicode-related improvements already saw the light in Tcl 8.6, but keeping trace with the upcoming Unicode 8.0 standard is an ongoing challenge.
This talk will summarize which changes were done in Tcl 8.6, and which changes can be expected in future Tcl versions.
Ben Fuhrmannek
QMON: Uncomplicated monitoring for small environments

QMON is a simple open source monitoring application suitable for a small number of hosts and services. It aims to be a quick and secure alternative to nagios with focus on simplicity.

After a brief architectural overview the talk covers implementation details of CGI and CLI frontends, database backend and the actual monitoring check execution. Also, in order to provide a usable configuration interface, qmon introduces an enhanced version of ini-style configuration featuring template substitution.

Alexandru Dadalau
Using dictionaries to store, manage and visualize 3D data
Christian Werner
AndroWish meets the ingeniously delightful Internet of Things
With Android 4.3 and later the portable devices are able to talk Bluetooth 4.0 (aka Bluetooth Smart or Bluetooth Low Energy) which starts to gain some traction in the Internet of Things.
The talk presents AndroWish's Tcl interface to this connectivity.
Harald Oehlmann
From Android Newbie to first Tcl apk
A simple but often used TCL utility to verify a particular Bar Code structure should be ported to Android.
The aim was acheved from nearly no Android knowledge to the apk file in two weeks.
New Android extensions were font size control via gesture and Icons resizing with the font size.
Csaba Nemethi
How to Make Optimal Use of Drag & Drop with Tablelist
This is a short tutorial presenting the drag & drop support in the Tablelist package.
The relevant tablelist subcommands and default bindings are explained with the aid of two demo scripts showing how Tablelist, combined with the TkDND extension or BWidget's drag & drop framework, can make Tcl applications much more user-friendly.
Christian Gollwitzer
Speeding up VecTcl - experiments with compilation to machine code
VecTcl is an extension for numerical analysis, which focuses on a seamless integration with the Tcl language[1].
VecTcl expressions are compiled into Tcl procs, which evaluate vector expressions using a backend written in C. While this approach provides satisfying execution speed for large vectors[2], VecTcl programs can still not match the execution speed of an equivalent program in C. This is especially true for scalar expression, where even plain Tcl is faster due to bytecode compilation.
These limitations can be overcome by JIT compilation. The jit branch of VecTcl[3] demonstrates the feasibility of compilation to native code for a limited subset of VecTcl. The experimental compiler uses tcc4tcl to compile the VecTcl program via C to machine code.
Several other ways have been investigated, including the use of an external compiler (gcc) and JIT libraries such as sljit. A speed-up of 10x over Tcl for scalar math (100x over scalar VecTcl) was observed using VecTcl/tcc.
For a similar improvement of vectorized code, stronger JIT backends than tcc are needed, which is evident by a comparison to an offline C compiler as the backend.
[1] VecTcl
[2] Benchmarks
[3] VecTcl JIT
[4] sljit
Arjen Markus
My experiences with Tcl
I would like to present my experiences with Tcl over the last four years.
While nothing spectacular in the sense of new programming techniques, I have been using Tcl extensively to support my research:
data analysis, data presentation, drawings in articles, software for a course and numerical simulations.
Holger Jakobs
Short talk: A ISO8601 compliant calendar widget
The available calendar widgets are all made with canvas and cannot be navigated by keyboard. Plus, most of are not ISO8601 compliant.
Therefore, I wrote my own calendar widget in pure Tcl/Tk as a Tcl module without canvas and ISO8601 compliance. Since ISO8601 is a worldwide standard, there is absolutely no way of using old-fashioned, deprecated national ways of writing a date. But the texts used for month names and (abbreviated) weekday names can be localised using standard msgcat.
The widget uses the namespace calendarWidget, but not (yet) TclOO.