Address: P.B. 121
City/State: Eidsvoll
Country: NO
Primary Contact: Martin Langsj�en
Company Phone:47 63962296
Company Fax: Not_Applicable
Support Phone: Not_Applicable
Contact E-Mail: Not_Applicable
Support E-mail: Not_Applicable
Consultant Info: We have experince from large C/C++ development projects projects and systemadministatin in large hetrogenous enteprise environments.We have quality experince from most major OSes: UNIX, Novell , OS/2, WindowsNT, Windows9x, Windows 2000This is requried when we help our customer to find the right tool for the task.
Consulting Keywords: CIFS (Samba) Custom Programming Custom Systems E-Commerce Firewalls and Internet Security Internet Server Development Internet (Web) Programming Netware Connectivity Network Administration System Administration System Security Virtual Private Networking
Main Distribution: RedHat
Other Distribution: NA
Specialty Distribution: LinuxPPC
Other Specialty Distribution: NA
Reseller Authorizations: Not Applicable
Linux Certifications: Not Applicable
Primary Contact: Martin Langsj�en
Extra Notes: AQS AS has higly motivated perosonell and a strong nwotwork of external consultans. Our goal is to deliver Alternative Quality Solutions to our customers.