Newsgroups: comp.lang.tcl.announce,comp.lang.tcl,,comp.answers,news.answers
Path: lvirden
From: [email protected] (Larry W. Virden)
Subject: comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (May 31, 1996) (4/5)
Followup-To: comp.lang.tcl
Summary: A regular posting of the comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) and their answers. This is the fourth of five parts.
This part is a catalog of Tcl-based programs.
Originator: [email protected]
Keywords: tcl, extended tcl, wish, tk, expect
Sender: [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected] (Larry W. Virden)


Archive-name: tcl-faq/part4
Comp-lang-tcl-archive-name: tcl-faq.part04
Version: 7.000
Last-modified: May 31, 1996

        For more information concerning Tcl (see "tcl-faq/part1"),
(see "tcl-faq/part2"), (see "tcl-faq/part3") or (see "tcl-faq/part5").

        Note that a URL or Contact address with ??? at the end means that
I was unable to verify the address.  Also, Contacts without addresses or
marked as Unknown mean that I had limited to no information about the contact

Index of questions:

XII. What are some examples of applications using Tcl and/or Tk?
        o Absence - an in/out board
        o aclock
        o ADDD (A Depository of Development Documents)
        o addressbook
        o AddressManager
        o Agent Tcl
        o Alpha
        o Amiga OS Tcl 3.x port
        o Amiga NetBSD Tcl 3.x port
        o annoy
        o APRL
        o arswm
        o arTCLs
        o artts
        o AVB (Amazing Virtual Burrito Gooey)
        o aXe
        o bclock
        o beast
        o Beholder
        o BETH
        o biff clock
        o bitmap browser
        o Bowling
        o brClient
        o browse.tcl
        o BSVC
        o budge
        o bulletin board
        o cal.tcl
        o calculator (Booth)
        o calculator (Herron)
        o calculator (Shen)
        o Calendar / Rolodex
        o Caml Light
        o canvas_ui - a Tk sketcher
        o CACTVS
        o cbb - check book balancer
        o ccitcl
        o CEdit
        o CGI to Tcl and/or Tk
        o CGI Forms based mailing (Ivler)
        o CGI Forms based mailing (Knight)
        o CGI Tcl commands
        o chichot
        o cklist
        o classifyMail
        o Clock (Analog)
        o CmdLine
        o CML
        o CODA
        o CODE
        o coloredit
        o Compare Manifest
        o Configureth
        o Convert
        o Coral
        o CoST
        o costwish
        o cpp2itcl
        o cpumon
        o cron interface
        o CUTE
        o Datascope
        o datavision
        o dateicon
        o DCSE
        o DejaGnu
        o DGC Tools
        o Dialer
        o DiET
        o directory browser (Hughes)
        o directory browser (Khattra)
        o Directory User Agent interface
        o dogsbody
        o Dontspace
        o Dotfile Generator
        o Drag and Drop file browser
        o DumpExts
        o e93
        o ECLiPSe
        o echo server
        o Edge
        o Editor's Assistant
        o edit-html
        o Elementary School Mathematics Drill
        o Elsbeth
        o Emacsclient alternative
        o Email CGI form script
        o Emil
        o Embedded Tk (ET)
        o Tcl etags program
        o EVA
        o evaluate_parameters
        o Expect
        o expecTerm
        o exmh
        o Fish Tank
        o floater
        o folderbiff
        o Font selector program
        o fn and ForumNet
        o FreeBSD shared library Tcl/Tk
        o Fresco CORBA interpreter
        o Frink
        o FSP client
        o ftp-inband
        o FVWM wish
        o GAGS
        o GDB Tk interface (Cygnus)
        o GDB Tk interface (tgdb)
        o Generalized Screen Printing
        o GENERIC 3D Kernel
        o getcons - get console
        o getname
        o geturl2
        o Ginko
        o GOOD
        o Grail
        o Graph editor
        o Graphical Interface to CVS (Chan)
        o Graphical Interface to CVS (Marwood)
        o Grapher-3D
        o groupie
        o guest_book
        o Guile
        o gzip
        o Hdrug
        o Hierarchical Help System (HLP)
        o HLO
        o Home Librarian
        o Host Monitoring (hm)
        o hot2list
        o hp-tcl-cdplay
        o HP/UX binary version of Tk
        o HTCLtoTCL
        o html2mif
        o html2tk
        o HTML viewer
        o HTML2text
        o HTTP CGI example of calling Tcl
        o HTTP get program
        o Hypertext Help system
        o ical - a calendar manager
        o idiff
        o IDEA
        o IDL/Pvwave/Matlab to Tk
        o IEEE 488 GPIB board driver
        o Illustra ORDBMS to WWW CGI gateway
        o IMAGE
        o [incr tcl] class browser
        o Inter-Language unification (ILU)
        o Iplace - interactively place widgets on a frame
        o IPX ping
        o IVS
        o Jargon file interface
        o Java interface to Tcl (avh)
        o Java interface to Tcl (Corey)
        o js tools
        o Jungle
        o Karel the Robot
        o KIS
        o Klondike
        o KosherDill
        o l2x
        o Laserjet Manager
        o Lassen
        o LaTeX to HTML
        o LaTeX to Tk Help
        o Libsearch
        o Lightwave
        o lily
        o Linux port of Tcl/Tk
        o Linux port of Tcl/Tk 4.0
        o lookup
        o Machete
        o MacTcl, 7.3
        o Mankala
        o Map_Marker
        o Marpa
        o Math Teaching Aid
        o maze
        o MazeMan
        o Me
        o memory allocation package
        o Menu Edit tool
        o mercurius
        o mg
        o mghello
        o MGGHAT
        o mib browser
        o mickey mouse clock
        o MiniHelp
        o mmm
        o Mobal
        o modometer
        o Modula-3 interface
        o Modules
        o Monitor files
        o Moog
        o mosaicRC
        o MS-DOS Tcl, 6.0a
        o MS-DOS Tcl, 6.2
        o MS-DOS Tcl, 6.7
        o MS-DOS Tcl, 7.x
        o MS-DOS Tk/Tcl
        o MS-DOS Windows Tcl
        o MS-DOS Windows Tcl/Tk via GNU-Win32 (Lantinga)
        o MS-DOS Windows Tcl/Tk via GNU-Win32 (Schumacher)
        o MS-DOS Windows DLL for Tcl
        o MS-DOS Windows TkWin Tcl/Tk (Alexin)
        o MS-DOS Windows TkWin Tcl/Tk (Kubota)
        o MS-DOS Windows twin Tcl/tk
        o MS-DOS Windows NT winnt Tcl/Tk
        o MS-DOS Windows NT winnt Tcl/Tk Japanese
        o msessmon
        o music
        o Mx
        o Mxedit
        o Nanny
        o Nautilus
        o Ned
        o NeoScript
        o Netrek Metaserver Monitor
        o newsflash
        o Newsspy
        o 99 bottles of beer on the wall
        o NMRView
        o nn-tk
        o Non-blocking Tcl interpreter
        o NR
        o nv
        o oa
        o Obeah
        o Objectify
        o ObjectiveBrowser
        o Objective-Framework
        o OBST
        o ODDIS (Oracle Data Dictionary Information System)
        o OmniMoni
        o Operator
        o Oracle wrap for Tk/Tcl
        o OS/2 port of Tcl 7.3
        o OS/2 port of Tcl 7.4
        o OS/2 port of Tk 4.1
        o OS/9 Tcl
        o OSAtcl
        o Oscilloscope
        o ot
        o Oz
        o PADE
        o Palm
        o Parallel Processor Simulator
        o ParseArgs
        o Patch
        o PathFinder
        o Patience
        o PencilTCLClient
        o pgbrowse
        o Phantom
        o Phoenix
        o PhoneStation
        o Picasso
        o pixmap
        o planit
        o plop
        o PLPLOT
        o Point
        o Point repulsion demonstration
        o PostgresBrowswer
        o printop
        o ProTcl
        o ProTcXl
        o protoTcl
        o pTk Miscellaneous programs
        o ptkmotd
        o ptk ping
        o Ptolemy
        o Purchase
        o Qba
        o Qddb
        o Quiver
        o RAD/CVS
        o RasMol
        o rcsview
        o rech
        o Remote control of Tk apps
        o Reservation system
        o reversi
        o Rivet
        o Roger's Interface Language (RIL)
        o Role Playing DB
        o rolodex
        o RosettaMan
        o router-stats
        o Rmth
        o Runner's Diary
        o ruptool
        o Rush
        o Tcl interface to Sather
        o S-LVQ
        o Scheme-based Tk
        o schmod
        o sclock
        o SCOP
        o ScriptAce
        o sd_launch
        o sender
        o ServiceMail(TM) Toolkit
        o ServiceMail extras
        o setter
        o SGI Tcl/Tk binaries
        o SGI GL interpreter
        o Shiva
        o Show keycodes
        o Sift-Mail
        o sim68k
        o SimCity
        o SIMON
        o Simple database interface
        o Simple Order Form generator
        o skim
        o tkslrn
        o smaillog
        o CMU SMTP
        o SNMP Test Suite
        o SOAR
        o SSA interface
        o stetris
        o stprof
        o Tk Sound Editor (aedit)
        o SpecTcl/SpecJava
        o Spice interface
        o STEAD
        o subtile
        o Subway Navigator
        o SurfIt!
        o Swedish/English dictionary
        o Symbolic derivations
        o Tch
        o Tcl compiler (Koski)
        o Tcl compiler (Tromey)
        o Tcl
        o Tcl / Tk install softlink
        o Tcl shells
        o Tcl-my-fancy
        o tcl_cruncher
        o tcl2c
        o tcl2c for HP compilers
        o tcl2dos
        o tcl2html
        o tcl++
        o tclbot
        o tclc
        o ICE Tcl/Tk Compiler (tclc)
        o tclCheck
        o Tcl Edit
        o tcllex
        o Tcl-NEST
        o Tcl/Tk Perl 5 (Beattie)
        o TclRobots
        o tcltags (Hoegeman)
        o tcltags (LoVerso)
        o tcltags (Tromey)
        o tcltkgrass
        o Tcl to C compiler (brannon)
        o tcl to c process
        o tcltools
        o tcltrim
        o tcltt, v1
        o TCLtt (TCL-TinyTalk)
        o TclTutor
        o TclYasp
        o tcshql
        o tdcad
        o Teapot
        o TeenyMUD
        o term_expert
        o tess
        o testApp
        o TH
        o Threading Analyst
        o tickle
        o TickleServices
        o TIGER
        o timeclocks
        o timesheet
        o Tk
        o Tk patch to window raising
        o Tk to TkPerl converter
        o Tk Dylan
        o Tk extensions via imake
        o Tk Perl 4 (Schreiner)
        o Tk Perl 4 (Grobgeld)
        o Perl/Tk (pTk)
        o Tk Python (Ahlstrom)
        o Tk Python (Lumholt)
        o Tk without Tcl
        o tk WWW interface
        o Tk xworld
        o tkAtaxx
        o TkBabyNames
        o TkBible
        o tkbiff
        o tkbuttons
        o TkCD plus CDplayer
        o tkcdctl
        o tkchrom
        o tkCVS
        o tk-debug
        o tkDCSE
        o TkDesk
        o tkdiff
        o tkDIP
        o tkdir
        o TkDispCalc
        o tkdraw
        o tkdvi
        o tkedit
        o tkelm
        o TkFibs
        o tkfire
        o tkfonts
        o tkgnats
        o tkgoodstuff
        o tkgoph (Wade)
        o tkgopher
        o tkgrabber
        o Tk GUI builder
        o tkHelloWorld
        o TkHelp
        o tkhistory
        o TkHolWorkbench
        o tkHTML
        o tkhylafax
        o tkined
        o tkinfo
        o tkinspect
        o TkIspell
        o TkJdic
        o tkkids
        o TkLayers
        o tklayout
        o tklogger
        o tklsfonts
        o TkMail
        o tkmaillist
        o Tkmailto
        o TkMan
        o TkMapedit
        o tkmess
        o TkMH
        o TkMHn
        o tkmines
        o TkMix
        o tkmotd
        o tkmr
        o Tk mpeg_play
        o tkncaa
        o tknet
        o tknews
        o tknote
        o tkodo
        o Tkolumns
        o tkpb
        o tkpbiff
        o tkpiechart
        o tkping
        o TkPlanet
        o tkpostage
        o TkPostit
        o tkppp
        o tkprompt
        o tkps
        o tkrecord
        o tkreq
        o TkRolo
        o tkSather
        o tksccs
        o tkSketch
        o TkSol
        o tksquare
        o tk_stattab
        o tktail
        o tktar
        o tkTelnet (Hobbs)
        o tkTelnet (Patel)
        o tkterm
        o TkTetris
        o tktex
        o tktiles
        o tkview
        o TkVP
        o tkweb
        o tkwfd
        o Tkwm
        o tkwool
        o tkxpilots
        o tm
        o tmusic
        o tooltips
        o Towers of Hanoi
        o tpp
        o trad
        o trajectory
        o trajedit
        o trax
        o TreeLink
        o Trellis
        o ts (TeX)
        o TS (Console shell)
        o TUA
        o tupact
        o twoClocks
        o Tx
        o tyacc
        o typebreak
        o ui2perl
        o umake
        o uncgi (Demailly)
        o uncgi (Koreth)
        o URL to Tcl array decoder
        o USE
        o Usenet gateways for Compuserve and GEnie
        o User-Maint
        o user-setup
        o vat
        o vic
        o VIM
        o VMD
        o VMS port of Tcl/Tk (Angel Li)
        o VMS port of Tcl/Tk (Kimball)
        o VMS port of Tcl subset (Lester)
        o VROOM
        o VT100 emulator
        o VxWorks port of Tcl 7.0
        o w3cli
        o Wafe
        o Wafe graphical cross-reference browser
        o Wafeperl
        o Wafepython
        o widget server
        o wish child
        o wish compiler (Buckingham)
        o wish compiler (Thomas)
        o wish compiler (Uhler)
        o wish Perl extension
        o word10
        o Workspace
        o wt, a 3D game engine
        o wtour
        o wwwtools
        o xalias
        o xbible
        o XBrowse
        o xcal
        o Xdig
        o X-Directory
        o xdrum
        o xe
        o xelem
        o XESS Tk interface
        o xf
        o xf, Japanization version
        o xgpl
        o xibc
        o Xisrdisplay
        o xka
        o xkeysyms
        o xmotd
        o xmpeg
        o xnearest
        o xnet
        o Xnetlib
        o xnewscan
        o xpel
        o xphone
        o Xpilots interface
        o xpole
        o Xprint
        o XPVM
        o xreconfirm
        o X-Ref words
        o xscript
        o xstatus
        o XTeXShell
        o YART
        o YART/VR
        o yh2a
        o Zap Interpreters
        o Zircon
        o Zorro

End of FAQ Index



From: FAQ Tcl/Tk Package Catalog
Subject: -XII- What are some examples of applications using Tcl and Tk?

What: Absence - an in/out board
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple in/out board based on reserve.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ron Urban)

What: aclock (Lehenbauer)
Where: From the contact
        alt.sources archives (Nov 1992)
Description: Tk analog clock script - two versions were posted.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: ADDD (A Depository of Development Documents)
Where: <URL:>
Description: An object oriented Software Engineering Environment extended using
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> ,
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: addressbook
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk program to manage your addresses, phone numbers, email
        addresses, and everything now written in your 'rolodex'.
        See <URL:>
        for more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Clemens Durka)

What: AddressManager
Where: <URL:>
Description: A GUI for address database management - a graphical rolodex.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Chunping DING)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Chunping Ding)

What: Agent Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: Modified version of Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0 which implements
        a transportable agent system in which autonomous programs, written
        in Agent Tcl, migrate under their own control from machine to
        machine, interacting with other agents.  Analagous to Telescript,
        but using Tcl as the language.  Package consists of a server
        and tclX/tkX interpreters.  Limited security implemented
        at this time, but this component is under development.
        See <URL:>
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bob Gray)

What: Alpha
Where: <URL:>
Description: Alpha version 5.x is a Macintosh System 7.0 shareware ($25)
        Tcl programmable editor.  The Think C 5.0 Tcl source for the Mac
        is available as well.  For more information, see
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Amiga OS Tcl 3.x port
Where: From the contact
Description: A port of Tcl 3.x to the Amiga.  Uses Amiga share libraries
        and implements "send" under the Amiga OS, plus a post.  Includes
        a MIDI file loader and player.  Works, but is not up to the latest
        version of Tcl nor is further work occurring.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: Amiga NetBSD Tcl 3.x port
Where: From the contact
Description: A port of Tcl and Tk for Amiga NetBSD running X11R5.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Markus Illenseer)

What: annoy
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk Towers of Hanoi application.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Damon Permezel)

What: APRL
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl based tool for audio pattern recognition.
        See also <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (DAn Ellis)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Eric Scheirer)

What: arswm
Where: From the contact
Description: Window manager configurable using Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bill Burdick)

What: arTCLs
Where: <URL:>
Description: a Wish-based Usenet news reader
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Hoegeman)

What: artts
Where: <URL:>
Description: The anal retentive time tracking software (artts) allows you
        to track the amount of time spent on various tasks.  Includes a simple
        report generator.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul E Coad)

What: AVB (Amazing Virtual Burrito Gooey)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk program to display a burrito and change it's foreground
        color.  Seriously.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jonathan F. Dill)

What: aXe
Where: <URL:>
Description: An easy to use X11R5 text editor.  Allows user to optionally
        include Tcl as an extension language.
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (J. K. Wight)

What: bclock
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk clock program which uses a bezier curve to draw the hands.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Scott Hess)

What: beast
Where: From the contact
Description: Both Expect And Scotty Together (BEAST) permits intelligent
        interrogation of network nodes to see if they support IP stacks
        and an SNMP agent.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ian Jarrett)

What: Beholder
Where: <URL:>
Description: Beholder is a RMON implementation which opens a pipe
        to the stdspook SNMP frontend and converts the output to
        Tcl lists, etc.
Contact: Unknown

What: BETH
Where: <URL:>
Description: Browsing and Editing Tcl Hypertool (BETH).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Svoboda)

What: biff clock
Where: From the contact
        alt.sources archives (Nov 1992)
Description: Tk example program showing biff and xclock like functions
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: bitmap browser
Where: From the contact
Description: is a bitmap browser reminiscent of the xbmbrowser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bob Bagwill)

What: Bowling
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk based bowling game, using the core Tcl/Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Grina)

What: brClient
Where: From the contact
Description: A simple Tk remote directory browser.  It connects to
        a server to get info to display.  brServer was also posted.
        Requires Tk and Tcl-DP.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hanmao Jim Shi)

What: browse.tcl
Where: alt.sources archives (Mar 90)
Description: Directory browser w/Tcl
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter da Silva)

What: BSVC
Where: <URL:>
Description: A microprocessor simulation framework written in C++ and Tcl/tk.
        Provides a GUI and C++ classes to facilitate the development of
        microprocessor simulators.  Requires gcc, g++ library, wish and
        the addinput extension.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bradford W. Mott)

What: budge
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk based arcade/puzzle game - a cross between Sokoban, Pac-Man
        and Blind Date (the TV show).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Nat Pryce)

What: bulletin board
Where: From the contact
Description: Program based on [incr tcl]/itcl which can be used to store
        various pieces of info, represented by icons.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Roseman)

What: cal.tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: CGI script to provide a WWW-based, dynamic, calendar.
        Requires uncgi.  See a demo at
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (J.M. Ivler)

What: calculator (Booth)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple Tk calculator.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Richard Booth)

What: calculator (Herron)
Where: <URL:>
Description: a simple calculator.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Herron)

What: calculator (Shen)
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple Tk calculator
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)

What: Calendar / Rolodex
Where: <URL:>
Description: A calendar/rolodex written in Tk.  Also can browse/edit other
        colon-separated field files.  The calendar and rolodex portions are
        split into source-able separate files for use in other applications.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Marc Mengel)

What: Caml Light
Where: <URL:>
Description: An implementation of the ML language that does not comply to the
        standard but is small, modest in memory requirements, available for
        micros, simple to compile, provides C interface and comes with useful
        libraries.  Runs on most Unix, Mac and 386 PCs under MSDOS.
        Includes a Tk-based graphical user interface and a hypertext browser
        for module interfaces.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: canvas_ui - a Tk sketcher
Where: From the contact
Description: a Tk sketching program which uses a canvas and creates Postscript
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brent Welch)

Where: <URL:>
Description: Distributed client/server system for the computation,
        management, analysis and visualisation of chemical
        information of any type.  Uses Tix/Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wolf-Dietrich Ihlenfeldt)

What: cbb - check book balancer
Where: <URL:>
Description: Perl script with Tcl/Tk graphical front end for a program to
        maintain a check book balance database.  The program requires
        Perl 5 and Tcl 7.4/tclX/Tk 4.0.  It can import Quicken export
        files.  Now supports recurring transactions, international
        date format, now requires Tk 4.0.
        See <URL:> for
        some pointers.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Curtis Olson)

What: ccitcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A script interpreter intended for client-side scripting on
        the WorldWideWeb.  It integrates Tcl 7.3, Tk 3.6p1, Safe-Tcl,
        and the cci extension.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stan Letovsky)

What: CEdit
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Programmer's editor, written entirely in Tcl/Tk.
        Features brace, bracket, and paren matching, shifting of
        selecting text, highlighting of comments, procedure lists for
        C, LISP, Scheme, Tcl/Tk, Perl, integrated make utility,
        regular expression find/replace with scrollable history,
        infinite undo/redo, n-character wide tab stops.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alan G. Yoder)

What: CGI to Tcl and/or Tk
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple Common Gateway Interface scripts for invoking
        Tcl scripts or Tk scripts.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund)

What: CGI Forms based mailing (Ivler)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl script to do CGI processing of 'email the form data'
        for the programmer.  Requires uncgi.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (J.M. Ivler)

What: CGI Forms based mailing (Knight)
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl script to allow Common Gateway Interface forms-based
        mailing to a specific user.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jon P. Knight)

What: CGI Tcl commands
Where: <URL:>
Description: C code implementing Tcl commands for query-string parsing and
        other interesting things for CGI programmers.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Kevin B. Kenny)

What: chichot
Where: <URL:>
Description: A software agent that assists the user throughout the interaction
        with the xterm session.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Zbigniew Wieckowski)

What: cklist
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk based checklist for projects, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Monty Scroggins)

What: classifyMail
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl replacement for MH slocal, providing extended capabilities.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bill Burdick)

What: Clock (Analog)
Where: From the contact
Description: Graphical representation of non-digital clock.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: CmdLine
Where: From comp.sources.misc archives
Description: OODC++ library and driver to parse command line arguments.
        Written by the author of ParseArgs, but completely redesigned
        and rewritten - has no dependency on ParseArgs.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brad Appleton)

What: CML
Where: <URL:>
Description: CML is a Chemical Markup Language.  It is based on using
        sgmls, Tcl 7.4 or newer, RasMol, Tix, BLT, cost, and a few
        other pieces.  You should be able to get to all the pieces from
        following the links on the above page.
Contact: Unknown

What: CODA
Where: <URL:>
Description: CEBAF Online Data Acquisition is a general data acquisition system
        for nuclear physics research.  This system uses (is about to use?)
        Tcl to tie together the various programs.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (CODA mailing list)
        using a "SUBSCRIBE CODA-L" for the body of the message.

What: CODE
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk/Tix based system to produce parallel programs for the
        Sequent Symmetry as well as other PVM-based
        networks of heterogeneous machines.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Emery Berger)

What: coloredit
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk script to edit colors
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)

What: Compare Manifest
Where: From the contact
Description: tclX program that reads a MANIFEST and compares
        directory hierarchy to it.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: Configureth
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk program to modify widget configurations (colors, font,
        curosrs, etc.) on any currently running Tk program.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Svoboda)

What: Convert
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tclX 7.4/Tk 4.0 program which has over 200 conversions from
        one general unit to another (centimeters to feet, etc.).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Costas Vlassis)

What: Coral
Where: <URL:>
Description: A deductive database similar in concept to Prolog.  When
        it runs in "server" mode, there is a Tk GUI client as well as
        a Tk explanation tool.  The package also builds a Tcl shell with
        Coral database extension.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Shaun Flisakowski)

What: CoST
Where: <URL:>
Description: The Copenhagen SGML Tool is a structure-controlled SGML
        application programming tool based on the sgmls parser and
        [incr tcl]/itcl.  For more information, see
        Version 2.0a2 is based on Tcl 7.4/ Tk 4.0.
        Also is known to work with itcl 1.5, 2.0 beta, BLT 1.8, and
        Tix 4.0.  Does not work with Tcl 7.3 / Tk 3.6.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Klaus Harbo)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joe English)

What: costwish
Where: <URL:>
Description: Generic graphical interface to CoST SGML/ESIS post
        processing tool.  Written in Tcl/Tk and uses CoST-2.
        It is not an authoring too, a DTD editor, a parser, a WWW
        browser or a typesetting tool.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Murray-Rust)

What: cpp2itcl
Where: From the contact
Description: Program to parse C++ header files and automaticallty
        extract C++ bindings.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karel Zuiderveld)

What: cpumon
Where: <URL:>
Description: Invokes vmstat processes to monitor CPU metrics and plots
        them in a tri-color graph.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Glenn Huxtable)

What: cron interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: TkCron is a Tk 4 simple interface to crontab creation.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Cedric Beust - TkCron v1 author)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wann-Ban Chi - TkCron v2 author)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Colin Lee - TkCron v2 author)

What: CUTE
Where: From the contact
Description: Call Unix/Tcl Environment - a serial port 'expect' like
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: Datascope
Where: <URL:>
Description: A single user updatable relational database system with C,
        FORTRAN, Tcl and Perl interfaces.  Each table is represented by
        a fixed format file.  It is not SQL-based, and is intended for
        small databases.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Daniel Quinlan)

What: datavision
Where: <URL:>
Description: DataVision is a window surfaced table plotting program
        based on Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6/tclX.  Supports 2-D diagrams.  Has been
        tested with Windowing Oracle SQL (wosql) version 2.2 as well.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Boese)

What: dateicon
Where: <URL:>
Description: Attach an icon (which displays the current date) to a Tk
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Williams)

What: DCSE
Where: <URL:[.dcse]/TKCDSE-SGI-3_0.TAR_Z>
Description: An X11 multiple sequence alignment editor for
        editing protein, DNA or RNA alignments.
        It is available for Silicon Graphics (IRIX) currently.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter De Rijk)

What: DejaGnu
Where: <URL:>
        and other GNU sites.
Description: An expect 5.x based package designed to be a framework
        for testing other software.  Separate test suites exist for
        GDB and binutils.  Note that the tar includes a complete release
        of Tcl 7.5b1 and expect 5.x.  Additional test suites are available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rob Savoye)

What: DGC Tools
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tke, a multi-window X11 text editor and "Tkt" - a
        Terminal Emulator/Command line/Shell window program, and "tkb"
        an experimental C++/C source browser.  Requires tclX/Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dave Clemans)

What: Dialer
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk interface that dials your modem, executes a login script
        and starts a program of your choice (such as ppp, term, etc.)
        on successful connection.  Requires Tk 4.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Crimmins)

What: DiET
Where: <URL:>
Description: DiET (Dp in ET) is a patch to Embedded Tcl extended it so as
        to support Tcl-DP (Tcp Distributed Programming package).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ma Jin Ming Matchy)

What: directory browser (Hughes)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk interface to browse directories, not files
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Doug Hughes)

What: directory browser (Khattra)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple directory browser behaving similar to NeXT file browser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Taj Khattra)

What: Directory User Agent interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: A program that interrogates the OSI Directory about information
        objects, people, programs, organizations, etc.  This is for
        ISODE 8.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: dogsbody
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk 3.6/4.0 file manager program, popping open rxvt's and
        text editors for text files, directory listings, news and mail
        readers, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (C.J.Read)

What: Dontspace
Where: <URL:>
Description: Extended Tk solitaire game, modeled after the "Free Space"
        game distributed with a certain microcomputer OS Windows package.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Heidemann)

What: Dotfile Generator
Where: <URL:>
Description: The Dotfile Generator is a configuration tool.  Configuration
        modules exist for emacs, and modules are being created for tcsh,
        bash, and fvwm.
        A Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0 application which translations user input
        via checkboxes, entries, menus, etc. into some sort of
        output code.  The transformation is coded in modules where the
        user describes the element to be shown along with some help.
        The module then generates the configuration language needed.
        Currently modules for elisp for Emacs/Xemacs, as well as
        tcsh and fvwm are provided.
        Other modules can be coded - bash, procmail and the NCSA WWW
        server are in progress.
        To see more info, including some screen dumps of the
        program please refer to
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dotfile Generator Admin)
        with the subject of 'subscribe'.

What: Drag and Drop file browser
Where: <URL:>
Description: Drag and drop based directory browser (tkfb) and helper
        programs with a NeXTStep like interface.  Version 2 of was renamed to tkfb.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Scott Schwartz)

What: DumpExts
Where: <URL:>
Description: Command to generate .def file for Windows.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gordon Chaffee)

What: e93
Where: From the contact
Description: A programmer-oriented text editor which uses Tcl
        as a scripting language.  It allows an unlimited number
        of open files, multiple selections, columnar selection,
        cut/copy/paste, multiple clipboards, unlimited undo/redo,
        regular expression search/replace, keyboard binding,
        customizable menus, adjustable fonts, adjustable tab sizes,
        ability to run tasks from within document windows, color and
        more.  No user manual exists yet.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Todd Squires)

What: ECLiPSe
Where: <URL:>
Description: ECLiPSe (ECRC Logic Programming System) combines the
        functionalities of several ECRC systems, including SEPIA (an
        Edinburgh-style extensible Prolog system based on a WAM compiler),
        MegaLog (a database system) and CHIP (a constraint logic programming
        system).  Amoung many other pieces of software, it uses Tk as an
        interface to the X toolkit.  Software has a nominal feed for academic
        and government-sponsored organizations.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Orders, subscription to mailing list)

What: echo server
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple server and client to demonstrate Tcl 7.5's socket
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Perry Statham)

What: Edge
Where: <URL:>
Description: Xf tool called edge.
Contact: Unknown

What: Editor's Assistant
Where: <URL:>
Description: Manage papers, editors and events in the editorial
        submission process.  Uses Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Henning Schulzrinne)

What: edit-html
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk wish script for creating HTML-based documents.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Nathan Torkington)

What: Elementary School Mathematics Drill
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk script to drill a fourth grade student on math.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hermann H"uni)

What: Elsbeth
Where: <URL:>
Description: Elsbeth is a full-fledged Tk 4.x based text editor which
        provides a library of bindings to add functions like search/replace
        interactive window sizing/movement, word completion, and other
        goodies to most of the standard Tk widgets.  See the page
        for more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Svoboda)

What: Emacsclient alternative
Where: <URL:>
Description: A "cheap" variant of the Emacsclient/server model which does
        not wait for completion, works across a network on the same X
        display, and utilizes xauth security, written in Tk and Emacs Lisp.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Juergen Nickelsen)

What: Email CGI form script
Where: From the contact
Description: A tcl script that generates the HTML for an email entry
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hubert Halkin)

What: Emil
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tool for converting between MIME, Eudora, Mailtool,
        PC client, Mac client email formats.  Header handling and conversion
        control configured in Tcl.  Version 2.0.5 now available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martin Wendel)

What: Embedded Tk (ET)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Code preprocessor and library which simplifies the task of
        developing applications which use both C and Tcl/Tk.  Version
        1.2d supports Tk 3.6.  Version 1.5 is the latest version and it
        works with Tk 4.0.  Comes with some sample applications such
        as a terminal emulator window, as well as a 30 page article
        describing ET.  See <URL:> for
        more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (D. Richard Hipp)

What: Tcl etags program
Where: From the contact
Description: A gawk script which generates an Emacs tag file for Tcl code.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ted Dunning)

What: EVA
Where: <URL:>
Description: An interactive facility to interact with running perl/Tk
        widgets.  Helps with testing of widget interactions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (KOBAYASI Hiroaki)

What: evaluate_parameters
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.Lehigh.EDU/pub/evap/evap-2.x/evap-2.2.tar.Z>
Description: evaluate_parameters is a Perl program that
        processes command line arguments in a simple consistent manner
        performing type-checking, multi-levels of help, etc.
        generate_tk_program is an auxiliary program which generates
        a Tcl/Tk GUI wrapper around one's Perl or C program to gather
        the command line arguments interactively.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephen O. Lidie)

What: Expect
Where: <URL:>
Description: Expect is a scripting language to interace with programs
        such as ftp, telnet, fsck, and others that normally cannot be
        automated from a shell script.  Think of it as providing the means
        to 'remote control' other programs.  It is thus also good for
        automating program exection on remote systems, and providing the
        means to creating Tk interfaces on top of other, non-GUI, programs
        Version 5 is Tcl 7 compatible.  The version on, while not from the author, is a set of source modified to
        be used with tclX, BLT, and TkSteal.  Version 5.19 (the tar.gz version)
        is Tcl 7.4 compatible.  This package will also build expectk, which
        allows one to write Tk interfaces to the above types of programs.
        The alpha file is Expect 5.20a3, for Tcl 7.5b3 and Tk 4.1b3.
        For more information on Expect, see
        <URL:> and
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Don Libes)

What: expecTerm
Where: <URL:>
Description: expect with terminal emulation
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Christopher J. Matheus) and
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark D. Weissman)

What: exmh
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk based UI to MH.  Supports nested folders, MIME/metamail,
        pre-sorting mail into different folders before you read it,
        searching for URI/URL/URN references, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brent Welch)

What: Fish Tank
Where: <URL:>
Description: The famous Tcl/Tk Fish tank.  See
        for a bit more info.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Robert Heller)

What: floater
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk server for playing duplicate and
        non-duplicate bridge over the internet.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Geoff Pike)

What: folderbiff
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk program to watch MH/slocal folders and, when button clicked,
        start up an exmh session on a folder that gets new mail
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bill Burdick)

What: Font selector program
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk interface to XLFD font selection.  This was
        written for the X Resource issue 11 article "Interactive GUI
        development environments: A comparison of Tcl/Tk, the Desktop
        Kornshell and MetaCard", which compares dtksh, Tcl/Tk, and MetaCard.
        Also see <URL:> for more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Scott Raney)

What: fn and ForumNet
Where: <URL:>
Description: ForumNet - teleconferencing system,
        fn - client to access ForumNet
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sean Casey) ???
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sean Casey)???

What: FreeBSD shared library Tcl/Tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: FreeBSD port of Tcl/Tk.  Some extensions may also build
        shared libraries - email the contact for details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Thomas Gellekum)

What: Fresco CORBA interpreter
Where: From the contact
Description: As part of Fresco, a Tcl-based interpreter (dish) that uses
        CORBA dynamic invocation was developed.  See
        <URL:> for more info.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Linton)

What: Frink
Where: <URL:>
Description: Program to prettify your Tcl/Tk/itcl program.
        Frink formats, minimises and obfuscates your Tcl code.
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lindsay F. Marshall)

What: FSP client
Where: <URL:>
Description: Wafe/Perl based interface to FSP.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martin Hamilton)

What: ftp-inband
Where: From the contact
Description: An expect script which uses it's own internal protocol to copy
        files over a telnet/rlogin/etc. link.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Don Libes)

What: FVWM wish
Where: <URL:>
Description: Source from The X Resource, Issue 14, article entitled
        "Tickling Fvwm: Extending Tk as an Fvwm Module".
        which is really about extending Fvwm with Tk modules.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jay Schmidgall)

What: GAGS
Where: <URL:>
Description: A GA application generator and C++ class library, which uses
        a Tk/Tcl graphical interface.  See
        <URL:> for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (J.J. Merelo Guervos)

What: GDB Tk interface (Cygnus)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A GPL'd Tk interface to GDB 4.15.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rob Savoye)

What: GDB Tk interface (tgdb)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk based interface to gdb, similar to xxgdb and mxgdb.  Uses
        Tcl, Tk, expect, tclX, BLT, and TkSteal.  This is a shareware
        product.  Binaries for most Unix platforms are available at this
        same site.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tgdb questions)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH)

What: Generalized Screen Printing
Where: <URL:>
Description: Code described in _The X Journal_, July/Aug 1995, for
        article on printing support from within the X environment.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sriram Srinivasan)

What: GENERIC 3D Kernel
Where: <URL:>
Description: A generic 3D graphics kernel which can be used to implement
        one's own system by derivation from the generic.  Provides
        device drivers for a lot of graphics system, including
        Tk 3.6/4.0.  Includes an OpenGL Tk widget.
        See some of the following for examples of use of GENERIC:
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (send subject of
        subscribe GENERIC mailing list)

What: getcons - get console
Where: <URL:>
Description: Console management tool - a wish based contool so to speak.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Steve Osborn)

What: getname
Where: From the contact
Description: The Solaris 1.x and 2.x /usr/lib/getNAME program doesn't
        generate proper index entries for Tcl man pages, due to the use
        of the .HS macro.  This Tcl script generates the appropriate
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Greg McFarlane)

What: geturl2
Where: <URL:>
Description: Fetch a remote HTTPD URL (eventually binary (GIF...))
        using tclX.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: Ginko
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk/Itcl email reader, intended to work similar to Elm.
        Still pre-alpha state.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: GOOD
Where: <URL:>
Description: An object oriented C++/Tcl framework for interactive 3D
        applications running under the X window system, with special
        support to SGI GL, PHIGS, etc.  Features a Tcl shading/
        raytracing/radiosity kernel, a Tk interaction application builder
        and a C++ classlib.  There is also an extension available
        that implements additional objects for scientific
        visualization.  There is a Tcl set of objects
        for generating interactive 3D graphics included.
        There are other extensions, fonts, etc. available as well.
        Requires tcl 7.3, tk 3.6, tktree, vogl, yart 1.2, iom 1.2, maf 1.2,
        db 1.2, sc 1.2, mm 1.2.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (YART mailing list),
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ekkehard Beier)

What: Grail
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk/Python based, extensible, internet (WWW) browser.  It supports
        plug-ins and applets written in Python.  It runs on most Unix
        platforms, with Mac and Windows ports in the works.  Supports
        tables, frame sets, caching, better HTML parsing, applet
        security, improved printing, support of various image formats.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Grail mailing list admin)

What: Graph editor
Where: <URL:>
Description: A directed-graph editor, with a set of routines to do
        dialog boxes.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Eichin)

What: Graphical Interface to CVS (Chan)
Where: From the contact
Description: Software Engineering Class project.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tony Chan)

What: Graphical Interface to CVS (Marwood)
Where: <URL:>
Description: GIC is a Tk interface to the Concurrent Version System, a
        revision control system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Marwood)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Grapher-3D
Where: <URL:>
Description: Generates surfaces of two variable functions allowing the user
        to view these surfaces from any three dimensional position.
        Binary versions, which do not require the installation of Tcl/Tk
        on one's system, are available for several platforms.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Paul Mesnier)

What: groupie
Where: <URL:>
Description: A front-end for group-based permission schemes.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter A. Grina)

What: guest_book
Where: <URL:>
Description: A guestbook Tcl CGI.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: Guile
Where: <URL:>
Description: Alpha release of a generic extension language library for the
        GNU project.  It is centered around Scheme.  Provides support
        so that Tcl programs are extensible in Scheme or Guile programs
        can use the Tk widget set, or any Tcl comand module, from Scheme.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Lord)

What: gzip
Where: <URL:>
Description: gzip is a compression program provided by the Free Software
        Foundation.  It parallels the Unix pack and compress commands.
        Its algorithm results in a relatively high percentage of compression.
        It does not use Tcl, but is used by many archive sites as the default
        storage compression.  The decompression part of this package, gunzip,
        can be used to extract files ending in .Z, .gz, .tgz, and perhaps
        other compressed files.
Contact: Unknown

What: Hdrug
Where: <URL:>
Description: A set of tar files which together create a GUI environment
        for developing logic grammars for natural languages.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gertjan van Noord)

What: Hierarchical Help System (HLP)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk routines that implement a hierarchical menu type help system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Amaranth)

What: HLO
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk program and some Perl scripts to convert one's Mosaic
        2.4 or earlier hotlist into an HTML page or pages and then
        allow one to interact with it to control Mosaic.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl J. Runge)

What: Home Librarian
Where:  <URL:>
Description: Shareware C++ package with a Tcl/Tk interface.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Robert Heller)

What: Host Monitoring (hm)
Where: <URL:>
Description: This Tk program current monitors various threshold values
        for caution and warning levels for things such as system
        load (excluding SYSV), number of users, percent of swap space used,
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Amaranth)

What: hot2list
Where: From the contact
Description: Convert Mosaic hotlist into an HTML document.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund)

What: hp-tcl-cdplay
Where: <URL:>
Description: a Tk interface to the HP CD-ROM player
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Hoegeman)

What: HP/UX binary version of Tk
Where: From the contact
Description: A HP/UX 9.0+ series 700 binary shared library version of
        Expect/k version 5.13 + Tcl 7.4b2 + Tk 4.0b2.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (#Yan Fa Li)

Where: <URL:>
Description: Extracts Tcl from HTML/Tcl merged file.  Requires [incr tcl]/itcl.
        Also has contains program which parses arguments passed by httpd
        type server from FORM input.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Case Larsen)

What: html2mif
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple HTML to FrameMaker MIF format converter.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne A. Christopher)

What: html2tk
Where: From the contact
Description: A Perl script which converts an HTML file into Tcl code for help
        information.  This allows one to embed HTML info into a Tcl
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sanjay Ghemawat)

What: HTML viewer
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 4.0 simple HTML viewer.  This allows one to display
        text in bold, italic or fixed-width fonts, display inline images,
        indent text, center text, or tag text as a hypertext link.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Angel Li)

What: HTML2text
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl script which reads an HTML document and outputs the plain
        text of the document.  Designed to make it relatively easy for the
        user to configure how the program should mark specific HTML tags.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joe Moss)

What: HTTP CGI example of calling Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: The NCSA's httpd can invoke tcl scripts.  It appears
        there is a test example called test-cgi.tcl that comes with
        the httpd source.  At least one bug fix was reported
        relating to the content length field.  Contact
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Salmon) for details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: HTTP get program
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl 7.5a2 program which uses the HTTP protocol to get a value.
        With appropriate define, it compiles into a loadable extension.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jan Nijtmans)

What: Hypertext Help system
Where: From the contact
Description: A hypertext help system, written in Tcl/Tk, where each page
        of text is a Tcl proc with links to other Tcl procs.  Does not
        read HTML files.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (D.J.Bancroft)

What: ical - a calendar manager
Where: <URL:>
Description: A calendar application - previously required InterViews
        libraries but now uses only tk.  Designed for Tcl 7/Tk 3.3.
        This is implemented as a set of date management extensions and a
        wish interpreter.  The Postscript file documents the Tcl interface
        to date/time.  Also contains a class system with methods for Tcl.
        Version 2.0 requires a C++ compiler, Tcl 7.4 and Tk 4.0 or later.
        For more information, see <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sanjay Ghemawat)

What: idiff
Where: <URL:>
Description: An interactive diff program, written in Expect and
        based on the C from Kernighan and Pike's "The Unix Programming
        Environment" book.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alistair G. Crooks)

What: IDEA
Where: <URL:">>
Description: Integrated Document Engineering Assistant (IDEA) is a
        Tcl/Tk interface to a suite of SGML utilities that can be used
        to produce DVI, PS, and plain text output from a single SGML source.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sami Lempinen)

What: IDL/Pvwave/Matlab to Tk
Where: From the contact
Description: A Modified version of Tk which communicates with a
        custom RPC interface designed for WAVE and now IDL.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Justin Seiferth)

What: IEEE 488 GPIB board driver
Where: <URL:>
Description: Manipulate GPIB boards using a modified wish shell with
        GPIB commands.  Lots of new Tk widgets are available for
        writing measurement software.  Works with Tcl 7.3 or 7.4.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (GPIB admin requests)

What: Illustra ORDBMS to WWW CGI gateway
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl CGI gateway for WWW access to Illustra ORDBMS files.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Troy Hanson)

Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk wrap for the CAD software CATIA GEOmetry interface
        of CATIA(TM).  This is still alpha software.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Hale)

What: [incr tcl] class browser
Where: <URL:>
Description: A very simple [incr Tcl] graphical class browser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Drew J. Asson)

What: Inter-Language unification (ILU)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A system that promotes software interoperability via
        interfaces.  ILU modules in Common Lisp, ANSI C, C++, Modula-3, and
        Python are currently supported and Tcl and GNU Emacs-Lisp support
        are in the works.  See <URL:>
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> is the contact point to be
        added or deleted from the discussion mailing list
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>.
        Another mailing list, <URL:mailto:[email protected]>, is
        only for announcements of ILU releases, and may have less traffic.
        if you'd like to join please send mail to
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>.

What: Iplace - interactively place widgets on a frame
Where: From the contact
Description: A poor-man's GUI builder.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne A. Christopher)

What: IPX ping
Where: <URL:>
Description: Extensions to tkined and scotty to allow them to be used
        to check NetWare machines.  This software uses Sun's /dev/nit
        interface, and thus will only run on a Sun.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hugh Anderson)

What: IVS
Where: <URL:>
Description: As part of the MBONE support software, the Inria
        Videoconferencing System (IVS) was written
        by Thierry Turletti and Christian Huitema. It uses a
        sophisticated compression algorithm (a software implementation
        of the H.261 standard). It produces a lower data rate, but
        because of the processing demands the frame rate is much lower
        and the delay higher. System requirements: SUN SPARCstation or
        SGI Indigo, video grabber (VideoPix Card for SPARCstations),
        video camera, the X window system with Motif or Tk toolkit.
        For more info on IVS, see
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (IVS Users Group)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Thierry Turletti)

What: Jargon file interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: Source from The X Resource's article "A Tutorial Introduction to
        Tcl and Tk".
Contact: Unknown

What: Java interface to Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: Provides the means to execute Tcl scripts from a Java program.
        Contact Ralf Ackermann <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        for the changes to get this to build on Linux 1.3.24 with Tcl 7.5a2
        and the JDK.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Arthur van Hoff)

What: Java interface to Tcl (Corey)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Small interface that allows you to use Tcl as a scripting
        language for Java, or write Tcl commands in Java.  Written
        for Java 1.0 SDK and either Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0 or Tcl 7.5b2/Tk 4.1b2.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ken Corey)

What: js tools
Where: <URL:>.
Description: A extensible multi-font, multi-mode text editor (jedit -
        includes some vi-like bindings), and a multi-font help viewing system
        (jdoc), an abbreviation manager (jabbrevs), a preferences manager
        (jprefs), plus numerous other support tools and demonstration programs.
        Note that there are a large number of useful procedures
        that come as a part of this package including a set of rich text
        management procedures.  Version 4.0 supports Tk 4.0, localisation,
        better hypertext conversion to HTML, more Motif compatibility.
        More information about jstools is available at
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jay Sekora)

What: Jungle
Where: <URL:>
Description: The contact is developing a "WWW server" (sic) (really HTTP?)
        using Tk/Tcl/tclX/Tcl-DP.  Alpha version currently supports simple
        GET, HEAD, POST directives and CGI-Scripts and can server plaintext,
        HTML, GIF, JPG, and AU file formats.  Configure it similar to CERN.
        Provides no authentication or access controls, or
        cgi program execution for POST or searching.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Karel the Robot
Where: From the contact
Description: This is a program in development by the contact.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael D. Moore)

What: KIS
Where: <URL:>
Description: A shareware Tcl-based information server providing system
        admins access to UNIX kernel information via Tcl scripts.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Klondike
Where: <URL:>
        <URL:> archives.
Description: tclX/tkX based solitaire game.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Heidemann)

What: KosherDill
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk program in BLT to display the largest and oldest files in your
        file system and allow you to look at it, compress it or delete it
        using drag&drop operations.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (George A. Howlett)

What: l2x
Where: <URL:>
Description: This gzip'ed tar file contains the beta 1.0 release of a
        LaTeX parser front end which calls Tcl functions for each LaTeX
        construction.  Simple conversions are provided as examples.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Henning Schulzrinne)

What: Laserjet Manager
Where: <URL:>
Description: This program makes the options of the front panel on a
        HP Laserjet printer directly available to the user on the screen.
        It is especially well suited for the newer Laserjet 5 models that
        completely lack front panel configurability.  Source code, binaries for
        Linux, HP-UX are available (with IRIX soon to come), and documentation
        in English or German available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Richard Schwaninger)

What: Lassen
Where: <URL:>
Description: Multimedia/Information Retrieval research project
Contact: Unknown

What: LaTeX to HTML
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl conversion program taking a subset of LaTeX and
        generating HTML for it.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ioi Lam)

What: LaTeX to Tk Help
Where: From the contact
Description: latex2tkhlp is a simple program that converts a LaTeX document
        into a Tk hypertext help proc "DoHelp" that you can bind to a Tk
        Help button.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jun Luo)

What: Libsearch
Where: From the contact
Description: expect driven interface to internet library databases.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Terrence Brannon) ???

What: Lightwave
Where: From the contact
Description: An animation program for the Video Toaster
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: lily
Where: <URL:>
Description: A layout editor developed by Dave Svoboda.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Svoboda)

What: Linux port of Tcl/Tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: Binary portion of Tcl 7.3,7.5 and Tk 3.6/4.1.
        Requires libc-4.4.4 or later and tk/blt and tkX require
        XFree86-2.0 or later.  The Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.1/tclX related files are by
        Martin Cornelius.  See the parent directory for other possibly useful
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Engel)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martin Cornelius)

What: Linux port of Tcl/Tk 4.0
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0, designed to install in /usr/local.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jesper Pedersen)

What: lookup
Where: From the contact
Description: Look up words in /usr/dict/word file.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Raines)

What: Machete
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple HTML editor in tk.
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lindsay F. Marshall)

What: MacTcl, 7.3
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl 7.4 source ported to the Mac Think C 6.0 and MPW.
        Not that this is _not_ a development environment but a tool
        for embedding Tcl into other applications.  This version
        includes more robust unix commands and an extended source
        command.  Tcl 7.3 also available at some of the older sites.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ray Johnson)

Where: From the contact
Description: Tk based man page browser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Bowe)

What: Mankala
Where: <URL:>
Description: A two player Tk version of the Mankala game.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Roger E. Critchlow Jr.)

What: Map_Marker
Where: <URL:>
Description: Aid a user in designing an HTTP imagemap for an HTML page.
        The user can read in an image and imagemap file, manipulate a
        few basic shapes, display these in a number of styles and colors,
        save the file, and test URLs in the file.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dr. Peter Murray-Rust)

What: Marpa
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl 7.3 extension implementing an enhanced Early's
        algorithm for context-free and ambiguous languages and grammars.
        Allows grammars to be specified in BNF with TCL procedures as
        parse actions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jeffrey Kegler)

What: Math Teaching Aid
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple application to graph mathematical functions.
        Allow graphing of arbitrary number of functions at the same time.
        Auto or manual axis range, user control of colors,
        line widths, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Reed Wade)

What: maze
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk program that generates mazes and allows you to solve them.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Roger Critchlow)

What: MazeMan
Where: <URL:>
Description: An interactive maze game.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John F. Sefler)

What: Me
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk/Tix based mapping program.  Allows zooming in and out
        to look at objects on the canvas at different magnifications.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jan A. Barglowski)

What: memory allocation package
Where: <URL:>
Description: A garbage collecting, leak detecting malloc() replacement.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hans-J. Boehm)

What: Menu Edit tool
Where: <URL:>
Description: GUI interface to edit menus.  Runs stand alone and will be
        a plug in for SpecTcl in the future.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ken Corey)

What: mercurius
Where: <URL:>
Description: Mercurius facilitates composing and reading multimedia electronic
        messages compliant with the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: mg
Where: <URL:>
Description: A research prototype for managing multi-gigabytes of
        documents and images.  May fail for > 4 gig files.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alistair Moffat)

What: mghello
Where: <URL:>
Description: Example source of using your C program with a Tk/Tcl GUI.
        Illustrates the registration of personal Tk functions, linking of
        variables, a method of keeping application "alive" when GUI is idle,
        and a bit more.  Used Tk3.6p2, Tcl7.3.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael K Ganley)

Where: <URL:>
Description: MultiGrid Galerkin Hierarchical Adaptive Triangles (MGGHAT)
        is a program for the solution of second order linear elliptic
        partial differential equations.  It uses Tk to display the
        graphics.  See
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: mib browser
Where: <URL:>
Description: SNMP gets, walking on selected nodes.  No support for sets
        yet in application.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Subodh Nijsure)

What: mickey mouse clock
Where: From the contact
Description: A simple Tk clock which displays Mickey Mouse.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Sandler)

What: MiniHelp
Where: <URL:>
Description: A WYSIWYG help authoring package for Tk/Tcl 4.x applications.
        Works under Windows NT and Unix.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Charlie Kempson)

What: mmm
Where: <URL:>
Description: A WWW client demonstrating the capabilities of the Caml
        Special Light programming language.  Requires Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0,
        metamail, gzcat, and Caml Light.
        One must use Caml release V0.26 or newer.
        Supports full HTML 2.0 level 2, including forms.  It also supports
        Caml Special Light applets.
        For more info on MMM: <URL:>,
        & for more info on Caml Light: <URL:>.
        See <URL:> for a
        Japanese version of MMM.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Mobal
Where: <URL:>
Description: Software system for developing operational models of application
        domains in a first order logic representation.  It uses an interface
        client written in Tk.  Integrades a manual knowledge acquisition and
        inspection environment, an inference engine, machine learning methods,
        and a knowledge revision tool.  Available free for non-commercial
        academic use.
        See <URL:>
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: modometer
Where: <URL:ftp://FTP.Lehigh.EDU/pub/odometer/modo>
Description: Inspired by the Macintosh's Mouse Odometer, this Tk/Perl
        application tracks the total distance your cursor and pointer
        device travel.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephen O. Lidie)

What: Modula-3 interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: Interface between Tk and Modula-3.
        Also contact <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karin Petersen) who
        has succeeded in merging Modula-3 and Tcl-DP.
Contact: Unknown

What: Modules
Where: <URL:>
Description: a dynamic user environment customization package
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John L. Furlani)

What: Monitor files
Where: From the contact
Description: An Expectk script to perform a tail -f on a file and display
        the results.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bob Willmot)

What: Moog
Where: <URL:>
Description: An X window system gopher client for Unix boxes, written using
        Tk and Perl.  This is an Alpha release.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martin Hamilton)

What: mosaicRC
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple Tk script to open a new URL in Mosaic/X
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Yechezkal-Shimon Gutfreund)

What: MS-DOS Tcl, 6.0a
Where: Unknown
Description: Experimental MS-DOS Tcl 6.0a port
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: MS-DOS Tcl, 6.2
Where: <URL:>
Description: stable port of Tcl 6.2, and extra libraries, ported to MS-DOS
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Martin)

What: MS-DOS Tcl, 6.7
Where: <URL:>
Description: Port of Tcl 6.7 to MS-DOS.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Sprenger) ???
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Sprenger) ???

What: MS-DOS Tcl, 7.x
Where: <URL:>
Description: Partial port of Tcl 7.5a2 to MS-DOS.  DOS Tk is based on
        cTk.  Both require more debugging.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laura nmi Michaels)

What: MS-DOS Tk/Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: Standard and tclX/tkX under MS-DOS, using
        the DJ Delorie's GO32 32 bit extended and linked with
        Quarterdeck's libraries for Desqview/X.  Requires Desqview/X
        to run.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Poindexter)

What: MS-DOS Windows Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: Port of Tcl (version unknown) to MS-DOS Windows (version unknown).
Contact: Unknown

What: MS-DOS Windows Tcl/Tk via GNU-Win32 (Lantinga)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Version of Wish that will compile with GNU-Win32.  You need both
        this tar file and the latest version of GNU-Win32 to be able
        to compile your own extensions into a Windows 32 version of wish.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Oscar Lantinga)

What: MS-DOS Windows Tcl/Tk via GNU-Win32
Where: From the contact
Description: Beta setup to allow Tcl7.5a2/Tk4.1a2 to be compiled using the
        GNU-Win32 tool chain.  Allows one to develop on Unix for
        Win-32 or to port Unix based extensions to Windows.
        All important GNU tools are available, though gdb currently
        only runs under Windows NT.  Executables will run under
        Windows 95 and NT.  Eventually, they will run under Win32s as
        well.  GNU-Win32 available for Windows NT, 95 and Linux.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Schumacher)

What: MS-DOS Windows DLL for Tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: An experimental MS-Windows DLL instance of Tcl 6.2.
        Author is not able to maintain and distribute this.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ugo Cei)

What: MS-DOS Windows TkWin Tcl/Tk (Alexin)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A port of Kubota's TkWin to Visual C/C++.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alexin, Zoltan)

What: MS-DOS Windows TkWin Tcl/Tk (Kubota)
Where: <URL:{tkwin,tkwinbin,fedloc}.zip>
Description: A port of Tcl 7.3 and Tk3.6a to MS DOS Windows using
        Borland C++ 4.0.  Fetch the README files from the ftp sites
        above to get the specific details.  This gives a Tk look and
        feel - not a Windows look and feel.  Others have discussed
        ways of binding tkwin scripts to the application manager under
        Windows.  The contains all of PLUS some
        examples.  The SunSite winsock directory contains a current
        MS-Windows WinSock application.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Professor Ken K. Kubota)

What: MS-DOS Windows twin Tcl/tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk for MS-Windows.  Used Microsoft Visual C++ for port.
        See doc for limitations, exceptions, etc.  Said to require
        a version of MS-DOS newer than version 4.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Toshihiko Haga)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Shigeaki Miyata)

What: MS-DOS Windows NT winnt Tcl/Tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: A port of the Windows twin port of Tcl/Tk and Tcl-DP to
        the Windows NT 3.1, 3.5 beta, and Chicago Beta 1 environment.
        It does not support Windows 3.1.
        Tknt40 is a port of Tcl 7.4, Tk 4.0, Tcl-DP 3.3b2, BLT 1.8,
        incr tcl 1.5 and most of Tix 4.0 to Windows NT 3.5.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (TkNT email)

What: MS-DOS Windows NT winnt Tcl/Tk Japanese
Where: <URL:>
Description: The Japanese beta release of the Windows NT Tcl/Tk port.
        This does not yet include Tcl-DP/BLT/[incr Tcl] extensions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: msessmon
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk MBONE quality monitor that displays the multicast tree on
        a canvas.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Stewart)

What: music
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk cd music database manager.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rob Urban)

What: Mx
Where: <URL:>
Description: a old Tcl/Sx based text editor - not kept up to
        date with the latest Tcl and Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Ousterhout)

What: Mxedit
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk text editor.  Note that the edit
        widget itself is stand-alone so that you can use it in other
        applications.  Also, mxedit.menus is a Tk script to
        put a veneer over Tk menus.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brent Welch)

What: Nanny
Where: <URL:>
Description: Provides means to balance distribution of CPU-time between
        competing users/departments on UNIX computers.
        Though this is a commercial product, free trial demo versions
        are available in the above directory.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Nautilus
Where: <URL:>
Description: A debugging browser for [incr tcl] classes and other
        tcl programs (as long as you use [incr tcl]/itcl).
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lindsay F. Marshall)

What: Ned
Where: From the contact
Description: A highly modular text editor with modules for browsing,
        editing, find/replace, execute text, conversions, manipulate
        test from the net, hypertext help, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Nat Pryce)

What: NeoScript
Where: <URL:>
Description: A server-side scripting environment based on the Apache
        WWW server and Safe-Tcl.  NeoScript is a module that adds
        in-HTML-file programability to the Apache HTTP server
        <URL:>.  It also supports ApacheSSL.
        With NeoScript you have access to per-uid dpopen database files,
        random and sequential files, HTML page inclusion, logging,
        procedure libraries, random numbers, date and time functions,
        calculations of server hits per hour, counter systems for
        statistics, improved debugging, file cataloging and a new
        forms library.
        Note that updates have been appearing quite regularly, so keep an
        eye on <URL:news:comp.lang.tcl> for information on the
        latest version.  This module is freely distributable except
        for commercial resale.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Netrek Metaserver Monitor
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk 2.1/tclRawTCP based Tk program to monitor netrek.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (James Hawtin)

What: nevot
Where: <URL:>
Description: The Network Voice Terminal (nevot) is a media agent which
        provides network based packet-voice communications.  It has a
        Tk interface.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Henning Schulzrinne)

What: newsflash
Where: <URL:>
Description: A NNTP newsreader written using Tcl/Tk.  It has article
        threading, multiple newsrc files, article decoding.  It does
        not yet support killfiles, moderated newsgroup posting, email
        replies, multi-article save/uudecode, searching, or documentation.
        Requires Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0, BLT 1.7, [incr tcl] 1.5 and
        tcl-dp 3.2.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Koert Zeilstra)

What: Newsspy
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tcl program to connect to a NNTP news server and scan
        article headers for special keywords.  If found, read article
        and append to a file.  Can be invoked from cron.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (hofmann)

What: 99 bottles of beer on the wall
Where: From the contact
Description: Expect script which simulates a human typing the beer song
        as they drink the beer.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Don Libes)

What: NMRView
Where: <URL:>
Description: Process, visualize and analyse Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
        data.  Uses Tcl/Tk for scripting and GUI.  See
        <URL:> for more details.
        Executables for SunOS 4.x, SGI, IBM RS/6000, PowerMac/MachTen
        are available.
Contact:<URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bruce A. Johnson)

What: nn-tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk interface to nn (net newsreader).  It supports
        the use of exmh to post news, as well as to
        send and read MIME and PGP email messages as well as to turn URLs into
        buttons for passing to Netscape or other browsers.  Supports Tk 4.x
        (no longer supports Tk 3.x and nnmaster).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Toivo Pedaste)

What: Non-blocking Tcl interpreter
Where: From the contact
Description: A function which acts as a non-blocking Tcl interpreter.
        It does everything that tclsh does, and looks exactly the same,
        but it never blocks; when you background a process, it keeps
        doing whatever it's doing except that it won't process any more
        tty input until you foreground it again.  Written in C++.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brian Starr)

What: NR
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk based graphical newsreader.  It
        provides support for multiple fonts and colors,
        MIME display of articles, true threading,
        multiple groups at one time, multiple newsgroup
        profiles, news filtering, grouplens, and
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jon Herlocker)

What: nv
Where: <URL:>
Description: Nv allows you to send low frame rate video between workstations
        on a network.  It is a Tk application.  A Tk widget to handle
        the display is a part of the package.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ron Frederick)

What: oa
Where: <URL:>
Description: Beginning of a set of office automation tools.  Only
        a button bar program is currently available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Del)

What: Obeah
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple Tk/Tcl interface to configuration of Makefiles.
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lindsay F. Marshall)

What: Objectify
Where: <URL:>
Description: Source code Preprocessor that takes C++ class definitions and
        creates code to create, manipulate, and delete the classes from the
        Tcl level.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne A. Christopher)

What: ObjectiveBrowser
Where: <URL:>
Description: An evaluation copy of a commercial product which is a
        graphical development tool allowing live objects
        within a running application to be viewed in many
        object-specific ways.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Objective-Framework
Where: <URL:>
Description: An evaluation copy of a commercial product which provides
        true language independence to the Objective-C object model.
        It profides a seamless integration of the Objective-C runtime system
        with other languages.  With OF, one gets Objective-Tcl and
        Objective-Perl, or one can purchase Objective-Tcl or Objective-Perl
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: OBST
Where: <URL:>
Description: Common persistent object oriented data base management system,
        developed in Germany as a part of the STONE project.  A Tcl
        interface, Tk graphical object browser, as well as C++ interface,
        exists.  Multiuser, supports schema evolution, check-in and out, full
        access to the Meta-DB and is available on several Unix platforms
        with a Windows NT port underway. See
        <URL:> and
        <URL:> for
        more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (OBST listserv)
        with body of 'add [email protected] obst-announce' or
        'add [email protected] obst-forum'.
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: ODDIS (Oracle Data Dictionary Information System)
Where: <URL:>
Description: ODDIS shows most of the static information about the Oracle
        Version 7 Data Dictionary.  When you click on a database object,
        the tool displays detailed information about it in a formatted
        output window.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (ODDIS team)

What: OmniMoni
Where: <URL:>
Description: OmniMoni is a highly configurable, realtime, information
        monitoring system, written in Tcl/Tk.  It can monitor any process
        which produces textual output, such as ps, uptime, USENET log
        files, etc.  It can output either text or graphs.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rainer Mager)

What: Operator
Where: <URL:>
Description: A beta version of a Tk based files and applications manager.
        Based on Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Erez Strauss)

What: Oracle wrap for Tk/Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple ORACLE wrap that implements SQL commands in Tk/Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Andrew Hale)

What: OS/2 port of Tcl 7.3
Where: <URL:>
Description: Port of Tcl 7.3 except for glob or command pipelines
        to OS/2 2.x, using C Set++.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bud Bach)

What: OS/2 port of Tcl 7.4
Where: <URL:>
Description: A port of Tcl 7.4 only to OS/2.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stefano Fornari)

What: OS/2 port of Tk 4.1
Where: From the contact
Description: The beginnings of a port of Tk 4.1 to OS/2.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Illya Vaes)

What: OS/9 Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: Port of Tcl to OS/9.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Heinz-Juergen Oertel)

What: OSAtcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Version of Tcl for the Macintosh which plugs into Apple's
        Scripting environment.  You can use Tcl instead of AppleScript
        to do your controlling of AppleEvents.
Contact: Unknown

What: Oscilloscope
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk/BLT software to test a digital oscilloscope board on
        a SysV4.2 Unixware system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martin L. Smith)

What: ot
Where: <URL:>
Description: An issue-tracking text database.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Harbo)

What: Oz
Where: <URL:>
Description: Interactive implementation of Oz (a concurrent
        constraint programming language for complex symbolic computations)
        features a GNU Emacs programming interface, a concurrent browser,
        an OO interface to Tcl/Tk, interoperability features, an
        incremental compiler, a garbage collector, and stand-alone
        applications.  See also <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Palm
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk mail program which uses the c-client library.
        You need to get c-client, BLT, and Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6.  Palm
        tries to feel similar to pine.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (angel li)

What: PADE
Where: <URL:>
Description: PADE - Parallel Applications Development Environment - is
        now available, providing a GUI interface to a virtual console
        utilizing a parallel make utility to support all development.
        Tk 4.x is used for the GUI in version 1.4.  See
        <URL:> for more
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (PADE)

What: Parallel Processor Simulator
Where: <URL:>
Description: The interface to a Tk/Tix based initialisation program for
        a Parallel Processor Simulator.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stuart Andrew Blair)

What: ParseArgs
Where: From comp.sources.misc archives, volume 29
Description: Utility library for parsing command line arguments in various
        languages (including Tcl) and on various hardware platforms
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brad Appleton)

What: Patch
Where: <URL:>
Description: While this is NOT a Tcl related program, it is the program
        used by most authors for distributions of updates.  There are
        many mirror sites for the GNU software.  Use the one most appropriate
        for your site.  Also, feel free to use Gopher, WWW, or other similar
        clients rather than FTP protocol.
Contact: Unknown

What: PathFinder
Where: <URL:>
Description: A free evaluation license copy of a restricted version
        of the commercial product (C/C++ capability only) is
        available at the above address.  A Tk based code analyzer with
        an understanding of C, C++, Tcl, itcl, FORTRAN, Pascal,
        ApplixWare ELF, COBOL, ABAP/4 and other languages.  It can
        insert the symbol table inforamtion into the user's local
        relational database system.  Includes code parsers, symbol
        hierarchy browser, source code editor, retriever, and more.
        PathFinder is easily extended for support of new languages.
        It is currently at version 3.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Patience
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk solitaire card game
        Has various rules as to how to lay down cards.  Supports undo
        unlimited number of moves - back to the beginning of the game!
        Stores state of game to load again later.  Optionally suggests next
        move.  Supports differing card fonts, new sets of rules, etc.
        Requires Tcl 7.0 and Tk 3.6 or newer.  For more information
        see <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Christian Krone)

What: PencilTCLClient
Where: <URL:>
Description: PencilTCLCLient provides one with a way to communicate with
        the NeXTStep vector object drawing program named Pencil.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Florian Marquardt)

What: pgbrowse
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk Postgres browser and query tool.
Contact: Unknown

What: Phantom
Where: <URL:> (in Europe)
        <URL:> (US)
Description: Interpreted language designed for large-scale interactive
        distributed applications.  It is based on a safe extended subset of
        Modula-3.  Includes a Tk binding.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Antony Courtney)

What: Phoenix
Where: <URL:>
Description: WWW editor/browser, built upon tkWWW.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lee Newberg)

What: PhoneStation
Where: <URL:>
Description: Software for incorporating a telephone into the Workstation
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephen A Uhler)

What: Picasso
Where: <URL:>
Description: Interactive drawing tool similar to idraw.
        Requires tclX/tkX and Pbmplus commands.  Version 4.1 contains
        Tk 4.1 support at an alpha level.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Frank Mangin)

What: pixmap
Where: <URL:>
Description: A color pixmap editor written in Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)

What: planit
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk based planner.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joe E. Buttrum)

What: plop
Where: <URL:>
Description: Perl/Tk arbitrary function Plot Program.
Contact: <URL:[email protected]> (Stephen O. Lidie)

Where: <URL:>
Description: A scientific plotting package, containing a wide range of
        plot types and font characters.  It supports many different
        output device drivers.  The X driver is written in Tk.  It
        provides a full user interface, with zoom, pan, orient, etc.
        There is a Tk plotting widget as well.  Plplot uses the
        GNU licensing so be aware of this.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> for mailing list.
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dr. Maurice LeBrun)

What: Point
Where: <URL:>
Description: a Tk based text editor - 1.60+ works with Tk 3.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Charlie Crowley)

What: Point repulsion demonstration
Where: <URL:>
Description: Two C++ programs designed to answer the question of how
        to distribute N points on a spere and how to tesselate a sphere.
        Uses Tk and itcl to display results.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jon Leech)

What: PostgresBrowswer
Where: <URL:>
Description: An experimental postgres front end.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Frank Sauer)

What: printop
Where: <URL:>
Description: A frontend to lpc, lpq, and lprm with their full functionality.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Olaf Gellert)

What: ProTcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Prolog interface to Tcl/Tk.  Version 1.x now works with Tcl 7.
        See <URL:> for
        more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Micha Meier)

What: ProTcXl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Prolog interface to Tcl/Tk and Xlib.  This is the latest
        version of ProTcl - it has become ECLiPSe oriented and most of
        the new features are available only in ECLiPSe.
        See <URL:> for
        more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Micha Meier)

What: protoTcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Pseduo-compiler for Tcl
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Claudio Esperanca)

What: pTk Miscellaneous programs
Where: From the contact
Description: A series of perl/Tk programs, including selecting X
        colors based on rgb values, displaying standard X cursors,
        and show the X fonts.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ali Corbin)

What: ptkmotd
Where: From the contact
Description: A perl/Tk version of a Tk based /etc/motd display program.
        Very simple program which shows how to write simple programs
        in perl/Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: ptk ping
Where: From the contact
Description: Sample perl/Tk program to demonstrate Ping.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephane Bortzmeyer)

What: Ptolemy
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simulation and prototyping system, written in C++ and using
        Tk/Tcl for user interface.  Ptolemy 0.6 is now available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Purchase
Where: <URL:>
Description: A program to prepare a purchase order form.  It provides
        samples of how to use variable trace callbacks to achieve
        spreadsheet-like recalculation functionality and has code
        to render on-screen text info to PostScript for a hardcopy
        form.  It also provides a sample of Literate Programming using
        web.  It requires the use of fileselector.tcl from the
        GIPSI package.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Przemek Klosowski)

What: Qba
Where: <URL:>
Description: Qba is the Qddb Business Application.  It provides a Qddb/Fx
        interface for managing clients, inventory, invoices, payments, and
        the like.  Requires Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/itcl-1.5/BLT 1.8/Tix 4.0/Qddb-1.42.6
        and tktable.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Qba author)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Qddb mailing list)

What: Qddb
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Quick and Dirty DataBase (Qddb) package.  It uses Tcl as a
        configuration language.  Also has a Tk interface with TkTable extension.
        qhelp is a sample hypertext help system.
        Supports Tk 3.6 or Tk 4.0.  Requires itcl; BLT and tclX is recommended.
        Also support's Tix 4.0 with Tk 4.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Qddb user mailing list)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Qddb bugs only)

What: Quiver
Where: <URL:>
Description: QUIck and dirty VEgetarian Recipes database is a
        Qddb/Tcl/Tk/itcl/BLT based application for managing recipes.
        About 2000 recipes are included from the FATFREE mailing list
        at <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gil Benson)

Where: <URL:>
Description: RAD/CVS is an object-oriented, Tcl interface to the
        Concurrent Versions System (CVS). The RAD/CVS Tcl Interface implements
        an abstract interface that is not dependent upon CVS and could
        conceivably be implemented using other underlying implementations (e.g.
        RCS, SCCS, PVCS).  Has a Tk/Tix interface.
        Available for non-commercial use only.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Goodsen)

What: RasMol
Where: <URL:>
Description: A molecular graphics visualization program intended
        for proteins and nucleic acids.  Available for the X window system,
        IBM PC MS-Windows and VMS/DecWindows environments.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> ,
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: rcsview
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk viewer for RCS or CVS files.  It highlights text
        according to the version from which it comes.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Andrew Myers)

What: rech
Where: From the user
Description: Tk for Windows script to drill elementary mathematics.
        User visible text is in German.  No documentation.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hermann H"uni)

What: Remote control of Tk apps
Where: From the contact
Description: A read-eval-print loop that connects you to a registered Tk
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bill Burdick)

What: Reservation system
Where: <URL:>
Description: A reservation system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ron Urban)

What: reversi
Where: <URL:>
Description: Reversi (Othello) game.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joel Fine)

What: Rivet
Where: <URL:>
Description: A language independant version of Tk (Tk without Tcl), used as
        the basis of work to get a Python version of Tk.  See
        <URL:> for more
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brian Warkentine)

What: Roger's Interface Language (RIL)
Where: alt.sources archives
Description: a preprocessor for resource files.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Roger Reynolds)

What: Role Playing DB
Where: <URL:>
Description: Linux based shareware role playing DB system which uses wish for
        doing the installation.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Robert Heller)

What: rolodex
Where: From the Tk demos directory
Description: John Ousterhout's entry to Tom Solbourne's 1992 X toolkit
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Ousterhout)

What: RosettaMan
Where: <URL:>
Description: UNIX man page filter - converts formatted man pages into
        other formats such as ASCII only, TkMan, troff, nroff,
        Ensemble, SGML, HTML, MIME, LaTex, LaTeX2e, RTF, and Perl 5 POD.
        This isn't Tcl/Tk, but is used by TkMan and could be used by
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Phelps)

What: router-stats
Where: <URL:>
Description: Gather statistics about router data and then create bar
        graphs of the data.  For more data, see
        Depends on Tcl, Expect, and Perl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Iain Lea)

What: RMTH
Where: <URL:>
Description: A combination shell emulator, remote command interpreter,
        and wish tutorial.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Mark Svoboda)

What: rootmenu
Where: From the contact
Description: The Tk/Tix program rootmenu allows one to dynamically build
        a Tk application with menus, menubuttons, check buttons, and
        radio buttons.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sean Halliday)

What: Runner's Diary
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.1 scripts for logging runs.  Works with Linux
        but should run with other systems.  Also requires Perl (4.3 or 5.x).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gerhard Lehmann)

What: ruptool
Where: From the contact
Description: A tool to watch the uptime status of various machines.
        Has a problem right now with the XID exhaustion problem.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Matt DiMeo)

What: Rush
Where: <URL:>
Description: A modified version of Tcl oriented towards faster execution.
        The code here does not represent a working system, but if someone
        wants to finish the job, Adam says "...I'd be happy to help
        in any way I can (except coding :-()."  Basically, Adam
        has had to cancel his work on Rush due to a "research conflict"
        (ie. if he wants to graduate).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Adam Sah)

What: Tcl interface to Sather
Where: <URL:>
Description: Version 1.0.6 of Sather includes a Tk browser.
        More info available at <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Petrie Stoutamire)

What: S-LVQ
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple program to perform Kohonen's LVQ1 algorithm.
        Uses a Tcl/Tk interface.  Unix or PCs.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (J.J. Merelo Guervos)

What: Scheme-based Tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: A graphical package which relies on Tk and the Scheme
        programming language - think Tk and Scheme rather than Tk and Tcl.
        Note that not only is Tk provided, but a full OO system, called
        STklos, which is similar in concept to CLOS or Dylan OO system.
        See <URL:> for more info
        on STk and see <URL:>
        for a FAQ.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (STk mailing list)

What: schmod
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tclsh that goes through a directory and copies the user's
        permissions to other and group, except that it denies them write.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hume Smith)

What: sclock
Where: From the contact
Description: A sample tcl script which can be used as a TCP/IP server
        under inetd.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter da Silva)

What: SCOP
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tk-send driving command which coordinates Mosaic and
        rasMol.  SCOP stands for Structural Classification of Proteins.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: ScriptAce
Where: From the contact
Description: ACEDB software with Tcl interpreter.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Henry J. Cobb)

What: sd_launch
Where: <URL:>
Description: This is a MIME/WWW browser helper to launch MBONE sessions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (William C. Fenner)

What: sender
Where: From the contact
Description: Send standard input to a specified Tk interpreter, prefixed
        with some sort of insert command.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brent Welch)

What: ServiceMail(TM) Toolkit (servicemail.tar.Z)
Where: <URL:>
Description: ServiceMail is a stand alone email server written in C and Tcl.
        It takes incoming email requests and can perform tasks for the
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (ServiceMail questions),
        or subscribe to servicemail-help mailing list by sending a message
        to the "listserv subscribe servicemail-help your-real-name" service at
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>.

What: ServiceMail extras
Where: <URL:>
Description: See <URL:> for
        a description of the various email services that can be added
        using the above tar file. Package includes ability to send GIF files,
        .au files, an ftp status, gopher style searches, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> with a subject of help

What: setter
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk front end to the xset program.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (James McNalley)

What: SGI Tcl/Tk binaries
Where: <URL:>
Description: Contains the binaries and documentation for wish and tclsh.
        The information corresponds to the alpha 2 release.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wessel de Roode)

What: SGI GL interpreter
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl based interpreter for Silicon Graphics GL.
        Succeeded now by TIGER.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ekkehard Beier)

What: Shiva
Where: <URL:>
Description: Survey Human Interface and Visualization Environment
        (Shiva) is the supported toolkit to be used
        for assembling data reduction pipelines and host software for
        the SDSS data acquisition system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

Where: From the contact
Description: Tk interface to sox for playing sounds.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Nelson Minar)

What: Show keycodes
Where: <URL:>
Description: Display X keycode information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Harrison)

What: Sift-Mail
Where: <URL:>
Description: A program for filtering incoming email, using a Tcl extension
        based around the c-client API.  For more info, see
        An X Window interface to configure is available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurence Lundblade)

What: sim68k
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Motorola 68000 processor simulator using C++ and Tcl 7.4
        Tk 3.6 for the user interface.  The program works with Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.0
        but has some binding problems.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Riesterer)

What: SimCity
Where: <URL:>
Description: This is a fully functional port of SimCity to X, with
        multi-player capability.  It does however 'melt' after 5
        minutes if you have not bought a license.  They call it a 'demo mode'.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Don Hopkins)

Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk/Tcl based Mosaic Hotlist/subject space management program.
        A subject space server maintains a database for the users of
        the software.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (M. J. Johnson)

What: Simple database interface
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl/Tk front end to simple database.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Richard Otto)

What: Simple Order Form generator
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple order form generator and processor package.
        It consists of a Tcl support library and CGI scripts that
        read forms from template files and use the email-www package
        to transport the results.
Contact: Unknown

What: skim
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk wrapped offline newsreader designed to work over SLIP/PPP
        lines.  Depends on Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rene Pijlman)

What: tkslrn
Where: <URL:>
Description: A set of patches adding a Tcl/Tk interface to slrn.
        Requires slrn, slang, Tcl 7.4 or newer, Tk 4.0 or newer.
        Uses Embedded Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dave Warner)

What: smaillog
Where: alt.sources archives
Description: email activity report for smail 2.5
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

Where: <URL:>
Description: cmu-snmp.2.1.2 is an SNMP agent and clients that include a
        modified wish interpreter.  The hp tar file mentioned above is
        some patches needed to (a newer version) needed for HP/UX.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Glenn Huxtable)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wes Hardaker - HP/UX)

What: SNMP Test Suite
Where: <URL:>
Description: Contains a SNMP-capable Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (James Watt)

What: SOAR
Where: <URL:>
Description: Soar is used by AI researchers to construct integrated intelligent
        agents, and by cognitive scientists for cognitive modelling.
        Recent versions of Soar use Tcl/Tk to do scripting and user interfaces.
        Soar is available on a variety of platforms.  See
        for more details.  Also see <> for discussions
        on SOAR.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: SSA interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk/tclX interface to browsing a SPARC Storage Array set of
        disks.  For more information, see
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Doug Hughes)

What: stetris
Where: <URL:>
Description: Version of Tetris written in STk (Scheme based Tk).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dr. Harvey J. Stein)

What: stprof
Where: <URL:>
Description: German tax calculation program for 1994 and 1995.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tuende Kriegl)

What: Tk Sound Editor (aedit)
Where: From the contact
Description: The beginnings of a Tk based sound editor.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sani R. Nassif)

What: SpecTcl/SpecJava
Where: <URL:>
Description: GUI builder for Tk/Tcl and Java.  
        No guarantee that future versions will be released under
        the same terms.  Supports WYSIWYG drag and drop interface,
        ability to support new Tk widgets automatically, with simple
        access to generated code.  Requires Tk 4.1 and a modified version
        of blt's table manager (this code comes with the tar file).  Works on
        Solaris and Windows 95/NT.  Even though this says 'bin' on it,
        the binary is just a Solaris 2.x version of wish for folk who
        don't already have one built.  All the source for SpecTcl/Java
        is there for use by other Tk 4.1 users.  See
        <URL:> for
        more details.
Contact <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Spice interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: Experimental schematic SPICE interface written in Stk.  See
        <URL:> for
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Johann Friedrich Heinrichmeyer)

Where: <URL:>
Description: Sympathetic Tk-based Editor for Average Dummies (STEAD)
        is build from jedit and is a Tk based editor.  The doc is all
        in French.  Text selections (including rectangulars) can be piped
        through filters, search and replace using regular expressions,
        multilevel undo and redo, and many other features.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Maurice DIAMANTINI)

What: subtile
Where: <URL:>
Description: a Tcl/Tk (4.0 or 4.1) program for generating Penrose,
        Ammann, and other aperiodic tilings through substitution or
        composition rules, displaying them, taking their fourier
        transforms, and generating postscript you can print for the
        kids to color.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Roger E. Critchlow Jr.)

What: Subway Navigator
Where: Source not available at this time
Description: Tk-based internet service to find routines in the world's
        subway systems.  Reach the subway via
        <URL:telnet://> or
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Pierre David)

What: SurfIt!
Where: <URL:>
What: Alpha version of Tcl/Tk WorldWideWeb (WWW) browser.
        Supports HTML v1.0 and v2.0, along with a subset of HTML v3.0
        tables.  Goal is for it to be completely v3.0 compliant.  Handles
        inline GIF (including transparent GIFs), PPM, and X bitmap images.
        Supports older Tcl applets using Jacob Levy's Safe-Tcl extension.  See
        <URL:> for demo applets.
        Runs with Tcl 7.5a2/Tk 4.1a2.  Dynamically loads tclX and
        BLT extensions.  Supports CMT's cmplayer.
        See <URL:> to
        sign up to the SurfIt! mailing list.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Steve Ball)

What: Swedish/English dictionary
Where: From the contact
Description: A Python/Tk based Swedish/English dictionary.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mitch Chapman)

What: Symbolic derivations
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple symbolic derivation solver.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Tiller)

What: Tch
Where: <URL:>
Description: A program which quickly and easily accesses the documentation
        for Tcl/Tk.  It does not rely on the man pages.  The doc has been
        reformatted and rewritten for use with Tch.  Version 0.1 is
        alpha.  This program will probably become shareware or commercial
        as it develops in detail.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ken McDonald)

What: Tcl compiler (Koski)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl to C compiler, written as a class project.
        Also see <URL:>
        for his paper.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Koski)

What: Tcl compiler (Tromey)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Written in C++ with templates (g++ 2.6.3), this
        requires no changes to the Tcl core.  It compiles procedures
        as they are defined, as well as if, while and for statements
        and math expressions.  Only tested with Tcl 7.3.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Tromey)

What: Tcl
Where: <URL:>
Description: The complete base package for Tcl.
        Tcl is intended to be a small language which is easily extendable,
        and which is used as a user configuration language.  It is of course
        being used for much more as well.   example.tar contains
        example source code to build a dynamic extension for Unix, MacOS and
        Windows.  vclibs contains the tcl75.lib and tk41.lib files for
        use with Visual C++ compilers and the Tcl 7.5 and Tk 4.1 release.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Ousterhout)

What: Tcl / Tk install softlink
Where: <URL:>
Description: installtk is a script which creates a set of softlinks
        from the distribution directory to the public installation
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Maurice J. LeBrun)

What: Tcl shells
Where: <URL:>
Description: Package to assist users who want to build customized
        shells by choosing among Tcl/Tk extensions.
        Also see <URL:> for more
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Tcl-my-fancy
Where: <URL:>
Description: Set of steps and a simple sh script that tries to aid in
        creating Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0 interpreters with various extensions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Poindexter)

What: tcl_cruncher
Where: <URL:>
Description: C program that parses and flag syntax errors in your
        Tcl/tclX/[incr tcl]/itcl/etc. sources.
        Can also produce faster sources by removing all unneeded
        white space, comments, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: tcl2c
Where: <URL:>
Description: Update to the script that converts a Tcl script into a
        C string.  Fixes problem with some CPP's that do not process
        very long lines.  Works with ANSI C only.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Juergen Nickelsen)

What: tcl2c for HP compilers
Where: From the contact
Description: The HP compiler could not handle the long lines generated by
        one of the previous updators of tcl2c.  So this one was posted.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rick Walker)

What: tcl2dos
Where: <URL:>
Description: Script to port a clean TCL distribution to DOS and/or Windows,
        ready to compile.  Note this only works for Tcl - NOT Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bob Yennaco)

What: tcl2html
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl script which creates an HTML presentation of a Tcl program.
        Preserves spacing, emphasizes comments, bolds Tcl keywords for
        presentation on the WWW.  Works as either a CGI script or stand-alone
        script.  Written in Tcl 7.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jeffrey Hobbs)

What: tcl++
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl based code providing SELF-like prototype-based tcl objects.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hansel Wan)

What: tclbot
Where: <URL:>
Description: MUD robot for Tcl programmers
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rusty C. Wright) ???

What: ICE Tcl/Tk Compiler (tclc)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A commercial Tcl Compiler, available for a number of
        Unix platforms.  Supports tk, tclX, itcl, blt, expect,
        and tcl-dp extensions.  See <URL:>
        for details.  The new ICE 1.1 release supports itcl 2.0 method
        compilation, complation of entire tcl files, as well as other
        enhancements and bug fixes.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tclCheck
Where: <URL:>
Description: C program to perform a sanity check for brackets and their
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lindsay F. Marshall)

What: Tcl Edit
Where: From the contact
Description: A Simple Text editor in Tcl/tk
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Celal Dikici)

What: tcllex
Where: <URL:>
Description: Generate Tcl code from lex input.  Email the contact
        if you cannot find the latest version on the Tcl ftp site and
        cannot get into the amdahl ftp site.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alistair G. Crooks)

What: Tcl-NEST
Where: <URL:>
Description: A network simulation tool built upon the NEST networking
        simulation tool and Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jon Knight)

What: Tcl/Tk Perl 5 (Beattie)
Where: <URL:>
Description: These are Perl 5.000 extensions.  Tcl-perl/Tcl-ext allows a Perl
        program to create Tcl interpreters, evaluate scripts and files,
        dynamically bind commands into them in either C or Perl, manipulate Tcl
        variables, tie the variables to Perl variables, etc.  It will use a
        dynamic libtcl if one is available.
        The tkperl5 extends the Tcl-perl extension to bind in the Tk widgets.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Malcolm Beattie)

What: TclRobots
Where: <URL:>
Description: A programming game in which one writes Tcl programs to
        control a robot, which must survive a battle with other
        robots.  Strongly influenced by CROBOTS.  Requires Tcl
        7.4 and Tk 4.0.  Uses "send".  For more info, see
        The challenge tar files contain the winning robots for the 1995 and
        the 1996 competitions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Poindexter)

What: tcltags (Hoegeman)
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl command to generate vi tags file.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Hoegeman)

What: tcltags (LoVerso)
Where: From the contact
Description: /bin/sh command to generate vi tags file.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Robert LoVerso)

What: tcltags (Tromey)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Emacs TAGS generation for Tcl source.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Tromey)

What: tcltkgrass
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk front-end for GRASS
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Line)

What: Tcl to C compiler (brannon)
Where: From the contact
Description: Compiles Tcl scripts into corresponding C code.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (TERRENCE MONROE BRANNON) ???

What: tcl to c process
Where: From the contact
Description: set of steps placed in tkined makefile to build an
        initialized C string to a tcl script.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Juergen Schoenwaelder)

What: tcltools
Where: <URL:>
Description: Version of Tcl 6.5 and Tk 3.0 which uses autoconfig for
        configuration purposes.  Not needed for Tcl 7/Tk 3.4.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (david d 'zoo' zuhn)

What: tcltrim
Where: From the contact
Description: Read in a Tcl script and remove empty lines, commented lines,
        and trim space to try to speed up script.  May cause problems if
        your code expected to find these things at run time.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ioi Lam)

What: tcltt, v1
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl TinyTalk - a multi-user interaction tool.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Chris Siebenmann)

What: TCLtt (TCL-TinyTalk)
Where: From the contact
Description: Programmable client for connecting to MUDs (effectively, chat
        servers with role playing).  Uses TCL 6.7, should be OK with earlier.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Fenger)

What: TclTutor
Where: <URL:>
Description: Interactive lessons teaching Tcl 7.4 and a bit of Tk 4.0.
        For more information, see <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Clif Flynt)

What: TclYasp
Where: <URL:>
Description: An integration of a conforming SGML parser with Tcl.  Ity
        uses a simple procedure call interface rather than an object
        oriented interface like CoST 1.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Durand)

What: tcshql
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl 7.4 interface to the shql SQL database program.
        Provides Tcl procedures to create, read and write a shql database.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jean-Luc Fontaine)

What: tdcad
Where: <URL:>
Description: A little Tk CAD drawing program in early Alpha stage.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tuan Doan)

What: Teapot
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/curses based Table editor and planner.
        Supports multiple languages, iterative expressions, three
        dimensional sheets, etc.
        Should work on any POSIX, ANSI C, XDR , System V curses (ncurses)
        library system, and supports X/OPEN message catalots.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Haardt)

What: TeenyMUD
Where: From the contact
Description: a small Multi User Dungeon program which is based on a
        heavily modified version of Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (TeenyMUD admin addr)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Teeny MUD Mailing List)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (jason downs)

What: xtem
Where: <URL:>
Description: Provides a simple graphical user interface to control an editor,
        TeX and LaTeX, previewers, printing, syntax checking, spell checking,
        index building, bibtex, etc.  Requires Tcl 7.3, Tk 3.6, tclX 7.3.
        Also works with Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/tclX 7.4.
        See <URL:>
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Roland Weibezahn)

What: term_expect
Where: <URL:>
Description: Expectk script that tests character graphic (e.g., Curses) apps.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Don Libes)

What: tess
Where: <URL:>
Description: tess (tar extraction simplification script) is a tcl/tk based
        tar file extraction tool.  tess will automatically uncompress/unzip
        files ending in .Z or .gz respectively.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul E Coad)

What: testApp
Where: From the contact
Description: A bare bones C application that creates a Tcl command
        and associates it with a button's callback.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Kevin B. Kenny)

What: TH
Where: <URL:>
Description: Teacher Hypertools created with Elsbeth.  These tools
        add new capabilities to other Tk programs.  See
        for more information concerning Teacher Hypertools.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Svoboda)

What: Threading Analyst
Where: <URL:>
Description: The Threading Analyst (tan.tcl), along with the Protein
        extension (px) to Tk/Tcl provide a GUI interface to a program
        which provides protein classification and prediction modelling.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rob Miller, Ph.D.)

What: tickle
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tickle is a Macintosh text editor and file converter
        handling binhex, uudecode, compress, tar, MacBinary, Apple
        Single/Double, etc.  Supports System 7's drag and drop.
        Provides access to MacOS functions such as Resource Manager,
        Communications Toolbox, OSA components, Editions and
        AppleEvents.  Contains a Macintosh Tcl interpreter and
        library.  Supports tclX extensions and some unix equivalent
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: TickleServices
Where: <URL:>
Description: Shareware dynamic NEXTSTEP application which uses Tcl
        to provide a Services Menu framework.
        (Ed note: Sorry for the brief description, but I really don't understand
        NEXTSTEP enough to do better)
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Scott Hess)

Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl-based Interpretative Graphics EnviRonment is a tool for
        programming OpenGL.  It has a Tcl extension for OpenGL 1.0,
        a Tk editor/soft debugger (in development), and a course for students
        to learn OpenGL.  Depends on Tcl 7.3.  Send the line
        "subscribe TIGER mailing list" to contact to join the TIGER mailing
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ekkehard 'Ekki' Beier)

What: timeclocks
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk application to keep track of how much time you spend doing
        different activities.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (George Forman)

What: timesheet
Where: <URL:>
Description: An online program which generates hardcopy time sheets.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Monty Scroggins)

What: Tk
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk is an X11 extension for Tcl.  It provides
        the means to write simple scripts to create and manipulate
        X window system windows with the various manipulators available
        in C libraries such as Motif.
        You need to get the Tcl 7.5 package as well.
        Precompiled binaries for Windows (Win32s, Windows 95 or Windows NT)
        are also available.  W32s1234.exe is a self-extracting
        archive containing the Win32s v1.25 setup files, so that
        PCs under Windows 3.1 can run Tcl/Tk.
        bc450rtl contains the Borland C run time DLL.
        Also, the BinHex pre-compiled binaries for the Macintosh are
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Ousterhout)

What: Tk patch to window raising
Where: From the contact
Description: Patch to tkWm.c to fix a problem raising toplevels under mwm
        and olwm.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Ousterhout)

What: Tk to TkPerl converter
Where: From the contact
Description: Converts Tk programs to TkPerl5
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael H. Coen)

What: Tk Dylan
Where: <URL:>
Description: A 'side-show' demonstration of interfacing the CMU mindy
        implementation of Dylan to Tk.  Perhaps is only available to Dylan
Contact: Unknown

What: Tk extensions via imake
Where: <URL:>
Description: An imake based utility that simplifies wish extensions so that
        no Tk code modification is needed.
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jim Wight)

What: Tk Perl 4 (Schreiner)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Perl 4 library which can be linked into a Perl interpreter
        to provide access to the Tk wish interpreter from Perl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> ,
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Guenther Schreiner)

What: Tk Perl 4 (Grobgeld)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Perl 4 library for accessing the Tcl/Tk wish interpreter
        from within Perl.  Based on PerlWafe.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dov Grobgeld)

What: Perl/Tk (pTk)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Perl 5.002 based Tk interface, in alpha testing.  Provides
        a more object-oriented interface.  Based on Tk 4.0b3.
        Does not need Tcl or libtcl.a at all, and all Tk commands
        are available as native Perl XSUBs.  Requires at least
        Perl 5.002.  Known as TKML in the Perl 5 Modules FAQ.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> with "subscribe ptk" requests
        in the body of the msg.

What: Tk Python (Ahlstrom)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Native Python GUI language such that programs
        based on it run with a native look and feel on Windows NT
        and have a Tk look and feel under Unix/X.  Mac and OS/2 versions
        are expected.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (James C. Ahlstrom)

What: Tk Python (Lumholt)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tkinter is the interface between Python and Tcl/Tk.
        Discussion primarily takes place on comp.lang.python, where
        attempts to remove more and more Tcl from the implementation
        is taking place.  See <URL:>
        for more details on Python.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Steen Lumholt)

What: Tk without Tcl
Where: From the contact
Description: An effort to separate Tk from it's Tcl interpreter underpinnings
        is underway.  The intention is that the resulting Tk 4.x based
        system would be able to be used by many of the current interpreters
        such as Perl 5, Tcl, and Python.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Nick Ing-Simmons)

What: tk WWW interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk World Wide Web (WWW) browser, requires tk 3.x.
        It expects to find xli to display external graphic files.
        Version 0.13 is intended for use with tk 4.0 and is quite buggy
        as of Mar 31 1995.  Also, see <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (administration of mailing list)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (WWW Tk Browser Discussion List)

What: Tk xworld
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk world builder for the xworld server
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael D. Moore)

What: tkAtaxx
Where: <URL:>
Description: Strategy game similar to Othello.  Requires Tk 7.[45] and
        Tk 4.x.  5 levels of computer opponet, unlimited undo, save
        and load games, setup game board positions.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Williams)

What: TkBabyNames
Where: <URL:>
Description: Provide combinations for someone seeking names for a new
        child.  Requires Tk 4.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tyson Bigler)

What: TkBible
Where: From the contact
Description: Present the user with a menubar of the books of the Bible
        (obtained from <URL:>
        and display the current book.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael D. Moore)

What: tkbiff
Where: From the contact
Description: A small xbiff-like program, in Tk 4.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rob W. W. Hooft)

What: tkbuttons
Where: From the contact
Description: Read a config file and put up a panel of buttons to run
        user specified Unix commands.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jef Poskanzer)

What: TkCD plus CDplayer
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk/Tcl GUI front end for CDplayer 2.0.  Requires a Linux or
        Coherent supported CD-ROM drive.  Porting to other systems
        using Sun CD-ROM ioctl() system should be simple.
        Questions about TkCD should be sent to its author, Michael Hamilton.
Contact: <URL:mailto:mark@datasoft> (Mark Buckaway)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael Hamilton)

What: tkcdctl
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk base SCSI CD player skeleton.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Kenichi Chinen)

What: tkchrom
Where: <URL:>
Description: A clock (patterned after xchrom) that uses the orientation
        of a wedge in a circle to indicate the time.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Phelps)

What: tkCVS
Where: <URL:>
Description: tkCVS release 5 is a Tk 3.6 interface to the
        Concurrent Version System, a revision control system.
        Supports CVS 1.4 and newer and provides search facilities for the
        modules database, file browser, etc.
        Version 6.0 works with Tk 4.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Del)

What: tk-debug
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk interacter for Don Libes' Tcl debugger.  It lets
        you connect to any running Tcl process, including background
        processes.  Includes Don's Tcl debugger.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Tromey)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Tromey)

What: tkDCSE
Where: <URL:>
Description: Dedicated Comparative Sequence Editor - a Tk application for
        IRIX 5.2 (though it should be able to be ported).
        This is a multiple sequence alignment program of
        interest to biologists.  It also includes a modified wish, with
        the following extensions dynamically loadable: [incr tcl]/itcl, wigwam,
        blt, expect, tclX, tix, table, mb, and etraL (some extra list
        commands written by the contact).  See also
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter.DeRijk)

What: TkDesk
Where: <URL:>
Description: Unix/X graphical file manager.  See
        for screen snapshots and fixes for the released package.  Allows an
        arbitrary number of file and
        directory browser windows, configurable file-specific popup-menus,
        history mechanism of directories, opened files, executed commands,
        etc., annotated files, ability to search for files by annotation,
        name, contents, size or age, trash can, drag and drop, disk usage
        of directories hierarchies, performs file operations in the background,
        bookmarks, configurable application bar, multi-buffer editor,
        sound support.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Christian Bolik)

What: tkdiff
Where: <URL:>
Description: TkDiff is a Tk based interface to the Unix diff command which
        provides highlighting of difference regions, side by side viewing of
        files, linked scrolling, random access to the difference
        regions and online help.  Requires Tk 3.x or 4.x.  Also
        supports RCS and CVS.  Latest version also available by mail by
        sending the line '@CMD send-tkdiff-dist' to contact.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John M. Klassa)

What: tkDIP
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk wrapper that executes DIP to start a SLIP connection
        and echos the output to a text widget.  Includes a timer that
        keeps track of time spent online.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tyson Bigler)

What: tkdir
Where: <URL:>
Description: Directory display tool. Supports sorting directories by
        name, file size, date or user, selecting interesting files,
        directing to rmote machines, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rainer Kowallik)

What: TkDispCalc
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk display calculator, with memory of previous commands.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Eric J. Schwertfeger)

What: tkdraw
Where: From the contact
Description: A simple Tk 3.6 drawing tool.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne Throop)

What: tkdvi
Where: <URL:>
Description: Manipulate .dvi files via a Tk interface.  Still in alpha
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tkedit
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk text editor with multiple buffers, split views, function
        key macro recording, columnar blocks, X11 selections used
        a lot, C, FORTRAN and Tcl function summaries, can be used as
        an X replacement for 'more' at the end of a pipeline.
        It also has macros for keyword highlighting C, FORTRAN and Tcl
        and function folding.  Version 2 supports Tk 4.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rainer Kowallik)

What: tkelm
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk elm-based mail reader.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Budi Rahardjo)

What: TkFibs
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk client that provides an interface to the Fibs
        backgammon server.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tkfire
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk Defender like game
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne A. Christopher)

What: tkfonts
Where: From the contact
Description: Font selection program.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jay Schmidgall)

What: tkgnats
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk front ends for the GNATS bug management system.
        Email the contact for a Tk 4.x compatible version.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Hoegeman)

What: tkgoodstuff
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 4.x based configurable desktop button panel.  Supports
        clock, www browser, button bars, stacks, fvwm support, etc. See
        for documentation and screen-shots.  Requires Tk 4.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Crimmins)

What: tkgoph (Wade)
Where: From the contact
Description: A quick and dirty Tk based gopher client.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Reed Wade)

What: tkgopher
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk based gopher client which will use tclX, tkPixmap, and
        Japanized text if available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hoshi Takanori)

What: tkgrabber
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 3.6 program that manages and manipulates the X
        selection on your display.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rich McClanahan)

What: Tk GUI builder
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 4.0 based GUI Builder, called GuiBuilder (or tclGui).
        You get to choose place vs pack, allow you to configure the
        widgets, provides a grid for snapping things into place, etc.
        A Japanized version of GuiBuilder's help file was contributed by
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> in April of 1995.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sean Halliday)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> with a body message of
        "subscribe tclgui" to join the TclGUI mailing list.

What: tkHelloWorld
Where: <URL:>
Description: A very simple example of a C program which sets up an
        interpreter and then makes the calls to put up the standard
        Tk hello world button.  Provides the novice with a simple
        example of how to embed Tk in a C program.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Eric Bleeker)

What: TkHelp
Where: <URL:>
Description: A facility to make and use helpfiles with Tk windows.
        Latest versions provide support for Tk 4.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Harry Baecker)

What: tkhistory
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 3.6 script that visually keeps track of the
        command history for csh, tcsh, and ksh.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rick McClanahan)

What: TkHolWorkbench
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk interface to HOL.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tkHTML
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple HTML editor for X.  It has both menu and keystroke
        oriented commands to make editing and converting documents to
        HTML easier.  Current beta provides Tk 4 support.
        See <URL:>
        for more details.
        tkHTML 3.1 is the current beta release and is a binary only
        distribution, with Tk 4.0 and Tix 4.0 support.
        Uses Netscape and Mosaic for previewing - no longer requires wwwish.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Liem Bahneman)

What: tkhylafax
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tk/tcl interface to Sam Leffler's FLEXFAX package.
        Does not support all flexfax features, but does quite a bit.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Andy Moskoff)

What: tkined
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk based network editor with a programming interface that
        allows network management applications to use tkined as a user
        interface. Sample applications are part of the scotty sources.
        More information and some sample screen dumps can be found at
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Juergen Schoenwaelder)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tkinfo
Where: <URL:>
Description: GNU info parsing and interpretation code and a Tk program
        providing a sample of how to use it.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Kennard White)

What: tkinspect
Where: <URL:>
Description: Allow browsing/inspection of running Tk applications.
        This version works with Tk 4.0b4 or better.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Shen)

What: TkIspell
Where: <URL:>
Description: Interface to ispell command.  Version 1.6 is intended to
        share utility files with TkMail v1.6.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Raines)

What: TkJdic
Where: <URL:>
Description: A combined wa-ei-wa and Kanji dictionary program
        for X which uses Tk.  You also need the EDICT and KanjiDIC
        data files - accessible from the above page.
        Your Tk of course needs the Japanese support patches.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tkkids
Where: From the contact
Description: Two kids' games - a Concentration-like memory game and
        a spelling game (requires speak/scat software).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Grina)

What: TkLayers
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk/Expectk interface to ulayers, a windowing package
        for serial protocol Unix users.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dan Wallach)

What: tklayout
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk 4.0 Canvas Graph Layout
        See <URL:http://ic-www/ic/projects/bayes-group/group/people/taylor/taylor-home.html>
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dennis Heimbigner)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Will Taylor)

What: tklogger
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk program that watches log files for certain events
        and displays them according to certain rules in a priority
        or normal window.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Doug Hughes)

What: tklsfonts
Where: From the contact
Description: List all the X fonts.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sam Oscar Lantinga)

What: TkMail
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk 3.6 interface to BSD's Mail command.
        See <URL:> for
        more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Raines)

What: tkmaillist
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk front-end that lets you subscribe and unsubscribe from
        mailing lists.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Cedric Beust)

What: Tkmailto
Where: <URL:>
Description: Alpha version Tk-based mail composer which supports MIME.
        Requires Safe-Tcl 1.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Johan Lindbladh)

What: TkMan
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk based man page reader with hypertext links.
        Works for HP-UX, System V, SunOS 4 and 5, OSF/1, DEC Ultrix, SGI IRIX,
        Linux, SCO and IBM AIX, FreeBSD, BSDI.  Requires RosettaMan, Tk 7.0
        and Tk 4.0 or later.  Version 1.7.x requires RosettaMan 2.1.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Phelps)

What: TkMapedit
Where: <URL:>
Description: A CERN httpd htimage configuration file editor.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Takeshi Taguchi)

What: tkmess
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk version of xmessage.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: TkMH
Where: <URL:>
Description: Interface for the MH mailing system.  Depends on Tcl 7.0 and
        Tk 3.3.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martien Verbruggen)

What: TkMHn
Where: From the contact
Description: Interface for the MH mailing system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Thillier Pyves)

What: tkmines
Where: <URL:>
Description: Mines game.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joel Fine)

What: TkMix
Where: From the contact
Description: An X11 audio mixer, written in Tcl/Tk.  tkmix0.3.tar.gz is
        the current version.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Welch)

What: tkmotd
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk based tool to display the MOTD file with acknowledge button.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Doug Hughes)

What: tkmr
Where: <URL:>
Description: A read-only mail file viewer.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Andy Tefft)

What: Tk mpeg_play
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk interface to mpeg_play.  Tested only for 8 bit color.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gordon Russell)

What: tkncaa
Where: <URL:>
Description: A interactive NCAA tournament pool editor, scorer, and viewer.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Vivek Khera, Ph.D.)

What: tknet
Where: <URL:>
Description: TkNet is a frontend to SLIP/PPP.  Manages Daemon internet accounts.
        Generates login scripts, displays link throughput, can retrieve mail,
        message status line, diagnostic log file, multi-script sessions,
        connect on startup option, etc.
        See <URL:>
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Charlie Kempson)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: tknews
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk-based news reader.  In December of 1995, tknews was ported
        to Tk 4.0.  The author has indicated that development is frozen.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Michael D. Moore)

What: tknote
Where: From the contact
Description: Little TK notepad for jotting down things to remember.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Clay Luther)

What: tkodo
Where: <URL:ftp://ftp.Lehigh.EDU/pub/tkodo/tkodo-1.0/tkodo-1.0.tar.gz>
Description: This is a Tcl/Tk implementation of xodometer, which tracks
        the approximate total distance your pointing device travels.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephen O. Lidie)

What: Tkolumns
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk Columns game.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tony Bates)

What: tkpb
Where: <URL:>
Description: A tkperl xbiff like mailbox watcher.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Stoffel)

What: tkpbiff
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk version of xpbiff, a pop-up bitmap version of biff.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Benjamin Lurie)

What: tkpiechart
Where: <URL:>
Description: Object oriented Tk application to allow one to build pie
        charts.  Requires Tk 4.[01].  Includes stooop, the Tcl source
        based Object Oriented environment.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jean-Luc Fontaine)

What: tkping
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk program that runs ping -s in the background and logs output.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brent Welch)

What: TkPlanet
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk GUI to XNet version of the Neural Network Simulator
        PlaNet 5.7.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Martin Mandischer)

What: tkpostage
Where: <URL:>
Description: An xbiff replacement.  Requires Tk 3.[34].
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dan Wallach)

What: TkPostit
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk program behaving like xpostit.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alessandro Rubini)

What: tkppp
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk tool for controlling a PPP connection.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Eric Jeschke)

What: tkprompt
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk xprompt/xprompt2 replacement.  Pop up a window with some
        prompts and input areas.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Robert LoVerso)

What: tkps
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk front-end to the ps command
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Henry Minsky)

What: tkrecord
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk interface to 'record' Unix command.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Kei Y Boris Koo)

What: tkreq
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk based task/request tracking software system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jerry Heyman)

What: TkRolo
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tool for manipulating rolodex files from xrolodex and other
        similar tools.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Neil Bowers)

What: tkSather
Where: <URL:>
Description: A collection of Sather classes to interface to Tk/Tcl.
        Built in Sather ver0.5.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Oscar Bosman)

What: tksccs
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk script that runs on top of SCCS designed for users
        used to VMS CMS.  See
        for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Matt Majka)

What: tkSketch
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk based Sketch and Schematic editor.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Johann Friedrich Heinrichmeyer)

What: TkSol
Where: <URL:>
Description: Solitaire card game in Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Bao Trinh)

What: tksquare
Where: <URL:>
Description: With tksquare you can build a 'magic square'.
        A 'magic square' is an arrangement of numbers which can be
        added together in a great number of directions (rows, columns,
        diagonals is minimum) to yield the same total.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Fabrizio Pivari)

What: tk_stattab
Where: <URL:>
Description: A packaging of the scientific application Stattab using
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dan Serachitopol)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Barry W. Brown)

What: tktail
Where: From the contact
Description: collect the output of a tail on the argument into a
        Perl/Tk text widget.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephen O. Lidie)

What: tktar
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk interface to the tar command.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Doug Hughes)

What: tkTelnet (Hobbs)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk 4.0 app named xtel that spawns an xterm to telnet
        or rlogin to a machine.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jeffrey Hobbs)

What: tkTelnet (Patel)
Where: <URL:>
Description: An expectk script that automates logging into machines
        via telnet.  Requires Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0/Expect 5.17 or
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Yatish Patel)

What: tkterm
Where: <URL:>
Description: Expect bindings to make Tk text widget into terminal emulator.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Don Libes)

What: TkTetris
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 4.0 based game, similar to the standard tetris,
        with auto-statistics, auto-pause, shadowing.  Now at version 0.97.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jeffrey Hobbs)

What: tktex
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk-based interface to the TeX tools.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Norman Danner)

What: tktiles
Where: From the contact
Description: What X toolkit is complete until a Sam Lloyd 14-15
        type puzzle is written in it?  This is for Tk 4.0; it can make
        tiles out of anything you can load as a photo.  Can solve.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Hume Smith)

What: tkview
Where: From the contact
Description: View one or more files from a scrollable Tk text widget.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Eric J. Schwertfeger)

What: TkVP
Where: <URL:>
Description: A video poker application built using TclProp.  It is a
        traditional casion-style game.  It is designed as an intro to
        using TclProp and declarative programming in general.
        For more information, see <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (TkVP admin requests)

What: tkweb
Where: From the source distribution
Description: Simple Perl/Tk based WWW browser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>
        with a "subscribe ptk" body message

What: tkwfd
Where: <URL:>
Description: A postfilter of words displaying bar graphs showing relative
        percentages of token matches or word frequencies.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jean-Louis Faraut)

What: Tkwm
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl/Tk window manager, based on extensions to Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> to subscribe to the
        tkwm mailing list.
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Eric Schenk)

What: tkwool
Where: From the contact
Description: A version of Tk which uses the wool language rather than
        Tcl.  A Sun 4 binary is available on .
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Colas Nahaboo)

What: tkxpilots
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk/Tcl script that allows you to create configured
        xpilots servers.  Best with xpilots-3.1.0 or newer.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Richard Oak)

What: tm
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 4.0 typemon program to monitor keyboard and mouse activity
        and suggest rest breaks.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rick Walker)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Tom Knotts)

What: tmusic
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl 7.3 based music file browser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Shannon Hendrix)

What: tooltips
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk program which provides functionality similar to
        the one Microsoft has.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul D. Boyer)

What: Towers of Hanoi
Where: From the contact
Description: Sample of Towers of Hanoi solution in Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Damon Permezel)

What: tpp
Where: <URL:>
Description: CPP-like Preprocessor to run over Tcl scripts to remove
        extraneous white space and comments before execution as well
        as provide the ability to use macros and constant #define
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ken Edwards)

What: trad
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6 interface to the Radiance program.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Greg Ward)

What: trajectory
Where: From the contact
Description: Program to edit piecewise linear paths in space as a
        function of time.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne A. Christopher)

What: trajedit
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple Tk trajectory editor, showing the function of the
        hermite smoothing.  Requires the smoothing and PGM/PPM extensions
        available in the same directory.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Oliver Trepte)

What: trax
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tcl/Tk tool to play trax.  Rules available from
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mel Nicholson)

What: TreeLink
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk based program which draws a hypergraph of links starting
        with a particular HTML document.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karsten Gaier)

What: Trellis
Where: <URL:>
Description: Trellis is a hypermedia system developed by Furuta (Texas A&M)
        and Stotts (UNC Chapel Hill).  Includes a server, net editor,
        browser, librarian, attribute viewer.  Only SPARC binaries are
        included.  You need Perl and Tk/Tcl libraries to run clients
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Stotts)

What: ts
Where: <URL:>
Description: An easy to use TeX shell for the X window system.
        It includes an editor.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: TS (Console shell)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tcl based console shell which will work with Windows 95
        as well as Windows NT.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Grant J. Munsey)

What: TUA
Where: <URL:>
Description: Collect all the info that UUCP packages put in their logs
        and summarize it.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lele Gaifax)

What: tupact
Where: alt.sources archives
Description: 9X faster C-news active file "minimum article" updater
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karl Lehenbauer)

What: twoClocks
Where: <URL:>
Description: Two different kinds of clock
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Charles Read) ???

What: Tx
Where: <URL:>
Description: an old Tcl/Sx based terminal emulator - not kept up to
        date with the latest Tcl and Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Ousterhout)

What: tyacc
Where: <URL:>
Description: A slightly modified and extended version of byacc that
        allows the parsers specified in .y to generate Tcl code.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Kleyn)

What: typebreak
Where: <URL:>
Description: This Tk 4.0 program can be configured for varying break
        periods.  It also allows programs/scripts to be started at
        different points in typebreak's operation.
        The idea is that it reminds you to take a break from typing,
        to ensure that you do not injure yourself.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Robert Brown)

What: ui2perl
Where: From the contact
Description: A Perl script which converts SpecTcl's .ui files into
        Perl code.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Andreas Koschinsky)

What: umake
Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl script providing unconditional make like capability.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ioi Lam)

What: uncgi (Demailly)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl proc to parse Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
        arguments, as passed by WWW browsers.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: uncgi (Koreth)
Where: <URL:>
Description: A frontend for processing queries and forms from WWW on
        Unix systems.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

Where: <URL:>
         in the Tcl mailing list archive file
Description: a Unix Tk browser
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brent Welch)

What: URL to Tcl array decoder
Where: <URL:>
Description: httpqs2tcl is an encoded URL to Tcl array variable decoder for
        the WWW that simply takes an encoded URL (query string) and decodes
        it into a Tcl array.  url2tcl takes the encoded URL to Tcl
        array variable from POST transactions.
        They were particularly designed for use with dtclsh,
        but the raw code will also work with other packages.
Contact: Unknown

What: USE
Where: <URL:>
Description: Provides a graphical tool for designing user shells.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ruediger Franke)

What: Usenet gateways for Compuserve and Genie
Where: From the contact
Description: Software using Expect, Bourne shell, and C which provides
        a gateway between GEnie and/or Compuserve Information Systems and
        a local moderated Usenet newsgroup.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (David Beckemeyer)

What: User-Maint
Where: <URL:>
Description: a Tk based user account maintenance package for maintaining
        /etc/passwd, /etc/group, etc.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Charles A. Eads)

What: user-setup
Where: <URL:>
Description: Menu driven interface to the Modules package.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Richard Elling)

What: vat
Where: <URL:>
Description: Distribute audio files between workstations on a network.
        Has a Tk interface.  Is a binary only release for DEC MIPS,
        DEC Alpha, SPARC/Solaris 2, SPARC/Solaris 1, SGI, HP Snake, I386/BSD.
        The other reference is a FAQ on MBONE upon which vat is based.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: vic
Where: <URL:>
Description: Video Conferencing (VIC) over the internet is the purpose
        of this tool.  It is designed with a flexible and extensible
        architecture.  It provides a Tk interface.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Vic comments)

What: VIM
Where: <URL:>
Description: A demo version of the pilot project of visualization of Ising
        models.  Thesis is written in Dutch.  Also, the contact is no longer
        at this email address.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: VMD
Where: <URL:>
Description: A biomolecular visualization and analysis program that
        uses Tcl, TclX, TclDP for the base of its extension language.
        Adds commands for extracting atomic and molecular info from the
        internal data structure, measuring physical properties including
        center of mass, rmsd, and radius of gyration, controlling molecular
        representations, adding 3D to the scene, and interfacing to
        the structure determination program STRIDE.  Depends on GL
        library, so port to non-IRIX 5.x environments will be needed.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: VMS port of Tcl/Tk (Angel Li)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl 7.5, Tk 4.1 ported to VMS.
        Other extensions may be available at the ftp site.
        These were compiled on an Alpha running OpenVMS T6.1.
        See <URL:> for more
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Angel Li)

What: VMS port of Tcl/Tk (Kimball)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Port of most of Tcl 6.7 and Tk 3.2 done by a number of folk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Kimball)

What: VMS port of Tcl subset (Lester)
Where: <URL:>
Description: This Tcl port to VMS contains binaries and source to start
        your own application.  The sources for the VMS port of Tcl DP
        are also available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gerald W. Lester)

Where: From the contact
Description: Tcl/Tk binding for the Volume Rendering using Object Oriented
        Methods (VROOM) C++ class library, aimed at multi-modal visualization.
        For more information, see <URL:>.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Karel Zuiderveld)

What: VT100 emulator
Where: From the contact
Description: An almost complete VT100 emulator, similar to TkTerm, in the
        testing phase.  One problem - { character cannot be input.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Harco de Hilster)

What: VxWorks port of Tcl 7.0
Where: <URL:>
Description: This is a beta version of the Tcl 7.0 port to VxWorks.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joe VanAndel)

What: w3cli
Where: <URL:>
Description: A WWW Tcl robot.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: Wafe
Where: <URL:>
Description: Symbolic interface to Athena Widgets.  Note that this
        can be used with Xaw3d to get 3-D Athena widget
        presentation.  See <URL:>
        for more details.  At the above ftp site are many other
        associated tar files, such as Linux binaries, Xaw3d, documentation,
        etc.  One of the sample programs is a text based WWW browser.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (WaFE mailing list)

What: Wafe graphical cross-reference browser
Where: From the contact
Description: A graphical interface to cref written in Wafe and Perl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Eggleston) ???

What: Wafeperl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A version of Perl enhanced with Wafe extensions.  Contact
        has also posted at least one patch.  Also included in Wafe 1.0
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gustaf Neumann)

What: Wafepython
Where: From the contact
Description: An extension to Python allowing one to build
        graphical user interfaces based on OSF/Motif or Athena Widgets.
        Uses Wafe (Tcl/Xt/Extensions/Widgets) to gain access to the
        widgets.  Also included in Wafe 1.0 distribution.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gustaf Neumann)

What: widget server
Where: From the contact
Description: Widget server designed for use with the X11/emacs program epoch.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brian L. Kahn)

What: wish child
Where: From the contact
Description: Code from the Linux Journal Magazine (??) written by
        Matt Welsh (date?) which forks off a wish, attaches two file
        pointers to the child process, and sets the points for reading
        and writing.  Allows someone from C/C++/Perl/etc. to send Tk
        to a wish interpreter and receive the results.  Info on the
        author not available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jagadeesh Krishnamurthy Venugopal)

What: wish compiler (Buckingham)
Where: From the contact
Description: Updates to wish_compiler to Tcl 7.3/Tk 3.6, added in support
        for Expect 5.7, Add more of the std Tcl/Tk init files.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Brett Buckingham)

What: wish compiler (Thomas)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Update to the "wish compiler" which generates obscured
        Tcl code.  The Tcl script is turned into an initialized string
        which is compiled and linked into the interpreter.  This currently
        generates assembly language for a 68k machine.  The Tcl
        code uses a "very simple minded" scheme for obscuring but
        makes the code relatively secure from simple attacks.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Gary Thomas)

What: wish compiler (Uhler)
Where: <URL:>
Description: Builds a self-contained "wish" application binary that can
        be executed independently of the presence of Tcl 7 and Tk 3.3 on
        the target system.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Stephen A Uhler)

What: wish Perl extension
Where: From the contact
Description: Perl 5 extension that allow one to call wish/tclsh scripts
        from within Perl.  Original author contact info not available.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Narendra Ravi)

What: word10
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk dictionary searching application.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Monty Scroggins)

What: Workspace
Where: In development
Description: In progress integrated front end to the fvwm window manager.  Uses
        Perl/Tk.  See <URL:> for more details.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jim Fetters)

What: wt, a 3D game engine
Where: <URL:>
Description: Version 0.05 of a 3D game engine with Tcl programming support.
        Includes a Tk based graphical world editor by
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Thomas Malik).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Chris Laurel)

What: wtour
Where: <URL:>
Description: Source for the Tk 3.x Widget tour.  Binaries for 386BSD, HP/Apollo
        DEC Alpha AXP (OSF), DEC MIPS (ULTRIX), Linux (386),
        HP PA-RISC, IBM RS/6000, SCO 386, Sun SPARC, SGI Irix are also
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Andrew Payne)

What: wwwtools
Where: <URL:>
Description: Source for geturl, uncgi, test-cgi, as well as other
        WWW related tools.  Note that a HTTP server written in
        Tcl, tclX, Tcl-DP, and GD Tcl is also described here.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Laurent Demailly)

What: xalias
Where: <URL:>
Description: A simple program launcher.
        More info can be found in SunExpert magazine, March 1995 and
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Collinson)

What: xbible
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple Tk front-end to Bible: BRS Rel. 4.00
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alan Mak)

What: XBrowse
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk file browser.  Uses some of the Sekora jlibrary routines.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Phil J Smith)

What: xcal
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple calendar display.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mitch Dsouza)

What: Xdig
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Wish-based interface to the Domain Internet Groper (dig)
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Dave Collier-Brown) ???

What: X-Directory
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk based Directory/File manager.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (X-Directory mailing list)
        send "subscribe ml-xdirector" in body.
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Christoph Wilhelm)

What: xdrum
Where: <URL:>
Description: A script based on the Tcl MIDI extensions that allows you
        to create and edit drum patterns.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mike Durian)

What: xe
Where: From the contact
Description: Simple extensible Tk based text editor.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne Throop)

What: xelem
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Wish-based hypertext periodic table of chemical elements.
        Requires Tk and BLT.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Przemek Klosowski)

What: XESS Tk interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tcl/Tk interface to the XESS commercial spreadsheet product.
        This makes it easier to construct advanced apps which integrate
        XESS with other products.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Applied Information Systems, Inc.)

What: xf
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk 4.x user interface builder.  See
        <URL:> for more details.
        An older version of XF, for older versions of Tcl, may
        be available as well.
Contact: to subscribe to the XF mailing list, send a
        "sub xf-l Your Name" line to
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]>,
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Sven Delmas)

What: xf, Japanization version
Where: <URL:>
Description: This Japanization patch includes the Japanese translation
        of xftutorial scripts. Requires Japanized Tk extension.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Yoshiyuki Nishinaka)

What: xgpl
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk interface to the gnuplot program.
        Comes with minimal documentation - may require a Tcl/Tk
        expert to deal with some of the intricacies.  Requires
        gnuplot 3.5.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Paul Alexander)

What: xibc
Where: <URL:>
Description: Requires expectk - provides an X11 front-end for the Internet
        Backgammon Server.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jesper Blommaskog)

What: Xisrdisplay
Where: <URL:>
Description: Graphically display images from the ISR3.2 objects from
        it's symbolic data store.
        See <URL:> for
        more information.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: xka
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk based rolodex-like application.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Pierre David)

What: xkeysyms
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk script to display the keysym of input keys
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Mark Harrison)

What: xmotd
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple Tk script that displays the motd and forces the user
        to acknowledge that they have read it by pressing a key.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Doug Hughes)

What: xmpeg
Where: <URL:>
Description: a Tk/Tcl based front end to mpeg_play.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Alexei Rodriguez)

What: xnearest
Where: From the contact
Description: A simple minded tool for map viewing, written in Tcl/Tk.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne Throop)

What: xnet
Where: <URL:>
Description: An X window system based AX.25 packet network analyzer.
        AX.25 is a data link layer network protocol used by for wireless
        packet radio operators.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rich Parry)

What: Xnetlib
Where: From the contact
Description: A file retrieval application, developed to support file
        distribution similar to Netlib.  A demo of the software was
        planned for a November conference.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Reed Wade)

What: xnewscan
Where: From the contact
Description: xnewscan is a Tk interface to the newscan program, which
        scans an NNTP server using user provided patterns for matching
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John McGowan)

What: xpel
Where: <URL:>
Description: X Pseudo-servers built with X Protocol Engine Library.  Uses
        both Tcl and Safe-Tcl for various purposes.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> to get on mailing list.

What: xphone
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk-based address and phone database.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Rick McClanahan)

What: Xpilots interface
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk interface to a xpilot server.  Allows to you
        configure the xpilot server by using buttons and sliders.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ramdane Ferhati)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Berne Yves-Henri)

What: xpole
Where: <URL:>
Description: A digital filter design and exploration program
        written in tcl/tk (with a few widgets written in C).
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Kennard White)

What: Xprint
Where: From the contact
Description: Tk 4.0 script which allows you to specify various options to
        xwd/xpr/lpr so that you can get various X widgets printed.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (John Chambers)

What: XPVM
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk front end to monitor and debug PVM 3.3 or higher.  PVM
        is a package for developing parallel computing applications.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Xiaokun Zhu)
        <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (James Arthur Kohl)

What: xreconfirm
Where: From the contact
Description: Provide user-friendly interface to repetitive tasks which need
        logged.  Requires tclX's tcl command for the daemon, and no
        more than core Tcl/Tk for the remainder.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Peter Grina)

What: xscript
Where: <URL:>
Description: Collection of X11 shell programs which can be used in pipelines.
        Some of the tools need tclMotif to link.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Jan Newmarch)

What: X-Ref words
Where: From the contact
Description: A Tk browser for a brute force word xrefing (mxref) script.  Both
        are by the author.  This allows one to search for any words in
        sets of files mxref'd.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Wayne Throop)

What: xstatus
Where: <URL:>
Description: Client/Server virtual whiteboard for displaying status of
        various topics defined by the administrator.  Also provides a
        Point of Contact database.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Victor A. Zele)

What: XTeXShell
Where: <URL:>
Description: Tk based shell around LaTeX/TeX, providing hypertext
        help, interactive editor, and spell checking.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (hofmann)

What: YART
Where: <URL:>
Description: A C++/Tk 3.2 Raytracer/Renderer.  Contains an OpenGL Tk
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ekkehard Beier)

Where: <URL:>
Description: Allows you to move around in virtual scenes across the net,
        meeting other people.  Based on X11, Tcl 7.3, Tk 3.6, YART 1.1,
        IOM 1.1
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Ekkehard Beier)

What: yh2a
Where: From the contact
Description: Process WWW queries and forms via Tcl.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Joachim Mueller)

What: Zap Interpreters
Where: <URL:>
Description: Simple Tk script to clear out all wish interpreters which
        died without being removed.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Spencer W. Thomas)

What: Zircon
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk interface to IRC.  Version 1.16beta2 supports
        Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.1.
        Does not permit commercial use.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]>

What: Zorro
Where: <URL:>
Description: A Tk based To Do list manager.  Supports Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0.
Contact: <URL:mailto:[email protected]> (Lindsay Marshall)

What: Simple name of package
Where: ftp site
        From the contact
Description: One to two line description of package, including Tk/Tcl version
Contact: Email address for questions, comments, etc.


End of comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (4/5)