NA Digest Sunday, December 10, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 48
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: D G Wilson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 12:12:15 EST
Subject: Request for a "Tough" 2-point BVP
Some statisticians here at the ORNL have developed a numerical
technique for solving two point boundary value problems for linear
second order ODE's. A thumbnail description of their method would
include the words "global" and "collocation," but to tell the truth
I don't really understand it. They claim they are taking the mean
of a collection of functions that satisfy the ODE at the collocation
points which they call "enforcement sites." At any rate, I have given
them a stiff ODE, and one with a regular singular point at x=0. On
these they have done remarkably well. Now they want a really tough
problem. Sooooo, who would like to volunteer a tough problem for this
experimental method? I know, how tough can a linear problem be? But
they're not up to y" = F(x,y,y') yet. Maybe next year. D. G. Wilson,
internet: [email protected] bitnet: dgw@ornlstc
From: George Byrne <GDBYRNE%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 89 10:32:10 EST
Subject: More on Electromagnetic Radiation
More on electromagnetic radiation from computer terminals and PCs is
in an AP article in the Thursday November 25, 1989 New York Times.
George Byrne
From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 11:56:59 JST
Subject: Japan SIAM Established
Japan SIAM Established
Japan SIAM (Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathemtaics) will start
next spring as a new academic society in Japan. Its aims and scope are to
bring together the researchers, eigineers, instructors and all others who are
engaged in and/or apply mathematical method and idea to their problems, and
to promote the academic activity in this field in Japan.
Recently Japan has been recognized as a country of high technology,
including computers and its applications, which can be brought in by the
progress in mathematical sciences. Such situation will surely intensify in
the future, when technology needs more mathematical method and idea to make
breakthrough in highly difficult technological barrier. This comes from
the fact that without mathematics, which is known as an almost unique
language in science and technology, it is impossible to apply many
methods of analysis devised in some specific fields for all other fields.
At the same time, the situation encourages a number of pure mathematicians
to turn their attention to the problems in science, technology and
Considering all issues mentioned above, Japan SIAM will be a platform
of discussions and communications between its members interested in the
application of mathematical sciences. It will act like as SIAM (USA),
IMA (UK), SMAI (France) and GAMM (Germany).
Now the establishment committee of Japan SIAM, leaded by Prof. Masatake
MORI, University of Tokyo, is arranging necessary affairs for its start-up,
activity, journal and so on. Its current focus is on the founding assembly
to be held in the coming April in Tokyo.
All the references should be to him:
Prof. Masatake MORI
Department of Physical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo
Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan.
Phone: +3 - 5684 - 8649 (direct)
From: Mark VandeWettering <[email protected]>
Date: 5 Dec 89 00:36:02 GMT
Subject: Announcing Sci-Vi Newsletter
I am posting the first issue of the scientific visualization newsletter
to [the UNIX Newsgroups] and sci.math.num-analysis.
If you would wish to receive this and future issues, send mail
to [email protected], and include a short description of
your interests.
Mark VandeWettering ([email protected])
From: D G Wilson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 89 13:27:52 EST
Subject: Change of address for D. G. Wilson
I will be leaving the Oak Ridge National Lab at the end of this year
to take a new job with IBM in Kingston, New York. I will be working
on the numerics of software for the IBM 3090. I haven't started yet,
so I don't really know what I'm getting into, or what I can and can't
accomplish. However, if you have comments about or suggestions for
improvement in 3090 software (or hardware for that matter), I would
be glad to receive them and to dicuss them with IBM folks in Kingston
when I get there. I will be at the ORNL through December 28. I plan
to take vacation in January, but in February my address will be:
Dr. David G. Wilson
IBM, Dept. 41UD, MS 276
Neighborhood Road
Kingston, NY 12401
I hope to have an e-mail address, but I don't have one yet. Happy
holidays to all. George Wilson.
Until Dec 28, internet: [email protected] bitnet: dgw@ornlstc
From: David Kahaner <[email protected]
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 89 11:41:03 JST
Subject: Address Change for David K. Kahaner
Beginning 1 December 1989 I am on leave of absence from NIST
(formerly National Bureau of Standards) and working out of the
Tokyo office of the Office of Naval Research. My addresses are:
(US mail: this only requires a first class stamp from anywhere
in the USA)
David K. Kahaner, ONRFE
APO San Francisco 96503-0007
My "real" office address is
David K. Kahaner
Akasaka Press Center
7-23-17 Roppongi
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, JAPAN
Telephone Numbers: (Time in Tokyo is 14 hours later than
Washington DC.)
Office: 011 81 03 401 8924
[011=international, 81=Japan, 03=Tokyo]
Fax: 011 81 03 403 9670
(Presently this is shared by several people,
so message headers should clearly state:
To: David K. Kahaner ONRFE, Tokyo)
My temporary job at this ONR office is to improve communication
between US scientists and our Far East colleagues who are
interested in scientific computing. This involves attending
conferences, visiting labs and universities and writing summaries
in the open literature. It may also be possible to support small
conferences here with scientists from US, Japan, and other
countries. I will be happy to see any of you who are planning a
trip to Japan and also hope that Far Eastern readers of this
Digest will contact me.
David Kahaner
From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1989 18:57:16 PST
Subject: Reports from Stanford
The following reports are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Please be sure to include your postal address and the number of the report.
=----------------------------------= =-------------------=
- Manuscript NA-89-10 October 1989
On element-by-element preconditioning for general elliptic problems
by Han-Chow Lee and A.J. Wathen.
- Manuscript NA-89-11 October 1989
Solving linear equations by extrapolation by Walter Gander, Gene H.
Golub and Dominik Gruntz.
- Manuscript NA-89-12 November 1989
Backward error assertions for checking solutions to systems of
linear equations by Daniel Boley, Gene H. Golub, Samy Makar, Nirmal
Saxena and Edward J. McCluskey.
From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1989 19:24:55 PST
Subject: Scientific Computing / Computational Mathematics at Stanford
Dear Colleagues,
I attach a brief summary of our Scientific Computing/ Computational
Mathematics (SC-CM) Program at Stanford. If you have any students who might
be interested in this program, please encourage them to apply. Thanks.
I'd be happy to hear of other programs of this nature.
HISTORY AND PURPOSE. The Scientific Computing and Computational
Mathematics Program came into being three years ago. Its purpose was
to train students in the use of modern computer architectures for
solving problems arising in science and engineering. We sought to fuse
a discipline which contained components of computer science, applied
mathematics and application areas. The Program is an indepedent
program which admits students independently of any department. At the
same time, several of the faculty (Golub and Oliger) are members of
the Computer Science Department and, hence, teach and advise students in
CS. The Program was originally under the Dean of the Graduate School
but has recently moved to the School of Engineering where more
resources were made available. In general, there has been much
enthusiasm for this program at Stanford from members of the School of
Engineering and faculty members in the applied sciences.
FACULTY. The faculty of the Program is three-tiered. The core
faculty consists of G. Golub, J. Keller and J. Oliger. There are
several members of the associate faculty and the affiliated faculty.
I am pleased to say that there has been a great deal of good will from
these faculty members. They have contributed in several ways such as
supporting and advising students.
STUDENTS. There are now 15 doctoral students in the new program.
For this academic year, ten new students came from an applicant pool
of over 40 (12 students were made offers of admission to the program).
These students have a variety of backgrounds, including medicine,
computer science and chemical engineering. We hope to expand our
applicant pool through advertising and word of mouth. The students are
supported in a variety of ways: teaching assistantships, research
assistantship, an NSF and an SOE fellowship. We actually have more
positions than are being filled, but this will no doubt change. We
are beginning an affiliates program from which we hope to support
students in the future. In addition to the Ph.D. program, we have a
master's degree program with about six students who are mainly
Gene Golub
Director, Scientific Computing/ Computational Math
Office: Margaret Jacks Hall, Room 306
Office Phone: 415/723-3124 Home Phone: 415/323-0105
FAX number: (415) 725-7411
From: Benedict Leimkuhler <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 17:27:06 +0200
Subject: Conference in Finland on Numerical Solution of ODE
JUNE 18-22, 1990
This meeting continues the tradition of the 1986 and 1988 ODE meetings in
Albuquerque and Toronto. There will be a small number of principle talks
by invited speakers on a range of subjects, such as
*stability of matrix products
*real-time simulation of mechanical systems
*Runge-Kutta methods for stiff ODEs and DAEs
*computation of invariant sets, and numerical estimation of Hausdorff
dimension for attractors.
In addition there will be twenty-minute contributed presentations, and a
limited number of forty-minute highlighted talks, selected on the basis of
submitted abstracts. Abstracts for either talk category should be one page
in length (approximately *300-500 typed words*), and should appear with title
and author list in a form suitable for inclusion in the conference program.
All abstracts should be sent by regular mail. If the abstract is being submitted
as a highlighted talk, a separate letter should accompany the abstract,
stating why the talk would be especially suitable for a longer presentation.
The deadline for abstract submissions is **January 31, 1990**.
A limited amount of *financial aid* is available, to be awarded principally
on the basis of *need*. Applicants for such support should accompany their
abstract with a separate *brief* letter stating very clearly why they merit
support and the exact minimum amount which would enable them to participate.
As part of the Special Year on Numerical Analysis, the meeting is being
sponsored by Finland's Rolf Nevanlinna Institute. The Rolf Nevanlinna Institute
is a national research center with activities in both basic and service research
in all fields of pure and applied mathematics. Additional funding is being
provided by the Finnish Ministry of Education.
For abstract submissions, detailed information about conference and hotel
registration, or to be placed on the conference mailing list, please write to:
Olavi Nevanlinna
Helsinki University of Technology
Institute of Mathematics
02150 Espoo 15
tel. +358-0-4513034
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Karl Gustafson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 15:14:43 MST
Subject: IMACS International Conference on Computational Physics
JUNE 11--15, 1990
* Contributions in all areas of computational physics are
welcomed. Emerging topical groupings will be given in the second
* Approximately 10 plenary lectures are planned. Special
sessions of 5 contributions each, invited by session organizers, will be
encouraged. Individual contributed paper sessions will be arranged.
* Proceedings will be given to all attendees at the Conference.
Interested contributors are invited to submit a preliminary manuscript
or extended abstract as soon as possible. Instructions may be obtained
from the Conference Secretary (see below).
* Pending suitable publication arrangements, the plenary
lectures and a selection of refereed longer papers will be published
shortly after the conference in journal/book form and made available to
all conference participants. Details will be given in the second
* All communications regarding the scientific program should be
addressed to:
Professor Karl Gustafson
Chair, IMACS, Computational Physics
c/o Debbie Ramsey, Scientific Secretary
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309--0425
(email: [email protected])
* For registration materials, housing information, and all other
conference matters, please contact:
Debbie Cook, IMACS Conference Secretary
University of Colorado, Office of Conference Services,
Boulder, CO 80309--0454
(FAX: ~(303) 492-5959; Telephone (303) 492-5151)
From: IMACS '91 Secretariat <75003678%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 DEC 89 12:16:14 GMT
Subject: 13th IMACS World Congress
13th IMACS World Congress on
Computation and Applied Mathematics
July 22-26, 1991
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
General Chairman: Professor John J H Miller, Trinity College,
University of Dublin
R Vichnevetsky, New Brunswick, USA, (Honorary Chairman of the the Congress)
G Birkhoff, Cambridge, USA L Collatz, Hamburg, FRG
J Lighthill, London, England J L Lions, Paris, France
G I Marchuk, Moscow, USSR J L Synge, Dublin, Ireland
M Yamaguti, Kyoto, Japan O Zienkiewicz, Swansea, Wales
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS)
International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)
The Honorary President of the Congress is Michael Smith, T D,
Minister for Science and Technology. The last IMACS World Congress,
(the 12th, held in Paris in 1988), featured about 800 technical
papers on a wide variety of subjects, and was attended by 1100
participants coming from 52 countries. The 13th IMACS World
Congress is expected to follow a similar format.
preliminary manuscripts (original contributions or survey papers)
and proposals for the organization of sessions are solicited in the
following areas:
- numerical analysis
- approximation theory
- finite element theory and other computational methods based on the
calculus of variations
- symbolic computation
- mathematical modelling and study of wave and nonlinear phenonema
- systems analysis, systems simulation and systems theory
- computational fluid dynamics
- computational acoustics
- computational chemistry
- computational physics
- computational mechanics
- statistical mechanics
- applications in other scientific and industrial disciplines,
- optimization, theory and applications including biology
and the environment
- computational electromagnetics
- attention will be given to those contributions which emphasize new developmen
theory and applications, which have been made possible by the appearance of wha
referred to as non-von Neumann computer architectures (pipelines, hypercubes, m
machines, neural nets, etc.)
- contributions of artificial intelligence to fields that were almost entirely
past, such as mechanical engineering, computational fluid dynamics, solution of
integral equations, will be featured.
- contributions are solicited in all aspects of the history of applied mathemat
modelling, and the development of computers that are relevant to the other them
The current plan is to publish pre-conference PROCEEDINGS and
post-conference TRANSACTIONS
Preliminary manuscripts in duplicate, Enquires about all
proposals for the organization of other Congress
sessions, and other communications related matters
relating to the scientific programme should be addressed
of the Congress should be addressed to : to:
Professor John J H Miller Paulene McKeever,
IMACS '91 40 Millview Lawns
General Chairman, IMACS '91 Malahide,Co Dublin, IRELAND
26 Temple Lane, Dublin 2, IRELAND (+353-1) 452081 or 797655
Telefax: (+353-1) 792469 Telex: 30547 SHCN EI
Telex: 30547 SHCN EI
From: Ian Gladwell <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 89 06:20:13 CST
Subject: Positions at Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University
Department of Mathematics
Junior Tenure-Track Positions
The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University seeks
applications for junior tenure-track positions with employment beginning
Fall 1990. An outstanding candidate may be considered for a more senior
position. Candidates should be active researchers in applied or numerical
mathematics and should have a strong commitment to teaching. The
department has an active doctoral program. Applicants must be able to
teach graduate level courses in applied mathematics, numerical analysis or
scientific computation. The teaching load for each position is two courses
(six hours) per semester. There may also be visiting positions available
in academic year 1990-91.
Southern Methodist University has about 8000 students. The Department of
Mathematics has a strong and ongoing commitment to the development of
classical and modern applied mathematics. Thirteen of the sixteen
full-time faculty are applied or numerical mathematicians. Current areas
of research include mathematical modeling of physical and biological
phenomena, nonlinear waves, perturbation methods, fluid dynamics,
numerical bifurcation, mathematical software, numerical solution of
differential equations, and parallel computation. Candidates should be
active in one of these areas or a related one. Senior faculty and their
interests include D.H. Anderson (mathematical biology), W.E. Ferguson
(numerical partial differential equations), I. Gladwell (mathematical
software), R. Haberman (nonlinear waves), G.W. Reddien (bifurcation
theory), D.A. Reinelt (fluid dynamics) and L.F. Shampine (numerical
ordinary differential equations). Among its computers, the university has
a Sequent Symmetry for research use.
Applications must be received by January 10, 1990. Please send a vita and
three letters of recommendation to: Professor I. Gladwell, Chair,
Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
75275 (Tel: (214) 692-2506, FAX: (214) 692-4099) who may also be contacted
with any questions concerning the positions.
I. Gladwell's email addresses are:
[email protected]
h5nr1001 at smuvm1 (on bitnet)
SMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/Title IX employer.
From: Lothar Reichel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 89 14:52:32 EST
Subject: Position at the University of Kentucky
Department of Mathematics
University of Kentucky
The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a tenure-track
assistant professorship in numerical analysis. Especially encouraged are
applicants with interest in numerical solution of partial differential
equations, numerical linear algebra or numerical methods in optimization.
Research in these areas is complemented by the University of Kentucky
Computational Sciences Center, which invites visitors, and provides
summer research grants on a competitive basis. The appointee must exhibit
a high potential for research, and is expected to participate in the
development of the numerical analysis program at the department.
Candidates should send a curriculum vita and the names of at least
three references to Professor James H. Wells, Chairman, Department of
Mathematics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0027.
For further information contact James H. Wells (phone: (606) 257-6794,
e-mail: [email protected]) or Lothar Reichel (phone: (606) 257-8837,
e-mail: [email protected]).
From: Mike Osborne <E415MO%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 89 14:56:17 CST
Subject: Positions at Australian National University
The Australian National University
School of Mathematical Sciences
Research Positions in Advanced Computation
The School of Mathematical Sciences intends to provide a new focus of
activity to augment its existing research in highly computer intensive
mathematical and statistical methods and to capitalize on its substantial
theoretical strength. The School includes , in particular, seven Fellows
of the Australian Academy of Science, and it has strong interactions with
related groups within the University. The University has good computing
facilities which include a Fujitsu VP-100 supercomputer.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment
as Postdoctoral, Research, or Senior Research Fellow within the special
areas of (1) computational mathematics, including applications to non-
linear modelling, or symbolic and exact computation, (ii) computer intensive
statistical methods.
No teaching is required, but some participation in advanced under-
graduate and graduate teaching may be available.
Applications from those able to take leave of absence from their own
institution will be welcomed. Persons interested in fractional appoint-
ments are encouraged to apply. Expressions of interest are also invited
for a position to be funded jointly by the Division of Mathematics and
Statistics, CSIRO and the ANU. This post would involve collaborating with
Australian Industry to identify and solve important problems in computer
intensive statistical methods. It is expected that the appointee to that
position would divide his time between CSIRO, Melbourne and the ANU.
Enquiries and requests for information may be addressed to the Dean,
Professor C.C.Heyde (phone 61 (0)62 492957; FAX 61 (0)62 490759).
Closing date: 31 January 1990
SALARY: Senior Research Fellow $A 43,104 - 51,141 p.a.
Research Fellow $A 31,259 - 40,622 p.a.
Postdoctoral Fellow $A 27,139 - 30,882 p.a.
APPOINTMENT: Senior Research Fellow/Research Fellow up to three years with
a possible extension to five years; Postdoctoral Fellow normally two years
with possible extension to three years.
I would like to suggest that graduating Ph.D's and those interested a
period of intensive research might want to consider these positions care-
(1) For a combination of reasons the academic support both within the
School and outside it is as strong as you are likely to find anywhere.
Also there is considerable interest in the project (the School wants AC
recognised as one of its main activities, and major theoretical groups
in areas including Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Astronomy,
and Environmental Studies are strongly supportive - in part because of
encouragement being given to cooperative postgraduate programs, in part
because the initiative is seen as providing a valuable focus for an
important part of their activities).
(2) The University computing facilities are good (including both vector
and parallel architectures), and show signs of getting even better in
interesting ways as at least one major computer manufacturer flirts with
the idea of funding R&D on campus as an important part of their develop-
ment activity.
(3) The University is well equipped to accomodate research staff and
appreciates the need to fund transport of family plus goods and chatels
both TO AND FROM Australia. Most University housing is well situated
for public transport, schools (and preschools), and shops. Australia does
have a health scheme which covers at least basic needs.
(4) Canberra is a very attractive city which is very easy to live in. Also
food costs are lower and quality higher than in most comparable cities. If
you allow wine in the equation we win by miles!
(5) Recreational facilities are excellent. Canberra is also close to some
of the most beautiful and interesting country in Australia. It is a very
good centre from which to see it. One method which tends to be encouraged
is by bushwalking/backpacking.
I hope I have made this positions sound both interesting and worthwhile-
because that is certainly the intention. If you want further information
try me on
E415MO@TAMVM!.BITNET (until December 15'th)
then mro250%[email protected]
Mike Osborne
End of NA Digest