NA Digest Sunday, November 26, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 46
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Sun Nov 26 09:16:32 PST 1989
Subject: Change of Address for Moler
A couple of weeks ago, I made an announcement here that
The MathWorks, the MATLAB companay, was looking to fill several
positions, including one for a numerical analyst. Now, I've
decided to take that slot myself. I'm one of the founders of
MathWorks, and have always been a consultant to the company, but
now I'll be a full time employee. For a while at least, I'll
be working out of my home in California, even though MathWorks
headquarters is in Massachusetts. (There are already a couple
of other MathWorks developers in the Bay Area.) My address and
phone number are:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks
325 Linfield Place
Menlo Park, CA 94025
My electronic address is "[email protected]". If your mailer
can't find the route via uunet to, you can still
use "[email protected]".
From: Burt Garbow <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 13:59:38 CST
Subject: Some Corrections to EISPACK
We've recently come across a couple of minor bugs in EISPACK.
They only affect the results in rare situations. The corrections
to HQR, COMLR2, and COMQR2 repair errors introduced in going to
Edition 3, while the correction to BANDR substitutes more robust
coding to avoid overflow.
[Editor's Note: The changes have already been made in the source
code available from [email protected] and should be made soon
in [email protected]. --Cleve]
HQR (DO-loop indices)
DO statements
do 200 j = k, n
do 210 i = 1, j
do 230 j = k, n
do 240 i = 1, j
should be replaced, respectively, by
do 200 j = k, EN
do 210 i = L, j
do 230 j = k, EN
do 240 i = L, j
COMLR2 and COMQR2 (DO-loop indices)
DO statements
do 840 i = 1, enm1
do 820 j = ip1, n
do 880 jj = low, enm1
should be replaced, respectively, by
do 840 i = 1, N
do 820 j = I, n
do 880 jj = low, N
BANDR (Overflow protection)
S2 = 1.0D0 / (1.0D0 + B1 * B2)
should be replaced by
IF (ABS(B1) .GT. 1.0D0) THEN
U = 1.0D0 / B1
S2 = U / (U + B2)
S2 = 1.0D0 / (1.0D0 + B1 * B2)
From: M. Jones, SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 89 10:02 EDT
Subject: SIAM 1990 Annual Meeting
SIAM 1990 Annual Meeting and Short Course
July 15-20, 1990
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Invited Presentations
Crystal Microstructure via Elasticity Theory
John M. Ball, Heriot-Watt University
Wavelets Making Waves in Mathematics and Engineering
Ingrid Daubechies, AT & T Bell Laboratories
Nonlinear Morphologies in Directional Solidification
Stephen H. Davis, Northwestern University
The Mathematics of Mixing Things Up
Persi Diaconis, Harvard University
Solving Large-Scale Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Practice
Martin Groetschel, Universitat Augsburg
Algebraic Computation Comes of Age
Anthony C. Hearn, The RAND Corporation
Mathematical Modeling of Unstable Growth Processes
George M. Homsy, Stanford University
Networks in Neurophysiology
Nancy Kopell, Boston University
Control of Systems Arising in Flexible Structures
Irena Lasiecka, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
The Matrix Sign Function and Large Scale Riccati Equation
Alan J. Laub, University of California, Santa Barbara
Wanted: Applied Mathematicians to Try the Fruit Fly Challenge
Garrett M. Odell, University of Washington
Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming - State-of-the-Art
David F. Shanno, Rutgers University
Linear and Nonlinear Stability in Granular Flow
David G. Schaeffer, Duke University.
Papers and Posters -- Abstract Deadline: February 2, 1990
Minisymposia -- Abstract Deadline: January 19, 1990
For additional information, please contact:
SIAM Conference Coordinator
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688.
Telephone: (215) 382-9800.
E-mail: [email protected]
FAX: (215) 386-7999
From: Horst Schwichtenberg <[email protected]>
Date: 22 Nov 89 18:39:45 GMT
Subject: Third European Conference on Multigrid Methods
for the
OCTOBER 1 - 4, 1990
organized by: Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD)
Ulrich Trottenberg GMD and University of Cologne
Wolfgang Hackbusch University of Kiel
The conference, continuing the sequence of conferences in 1981 and 1985,
will again bring together specialists and others with interest in the
general area of multilevel methods.
Themes of the conference will range from basic research to industrial
applications, with special emphasis on
- adaptivity
- parallel computation
including such subjects as adaptivity of grids and of discretization,
parallelization and efficient implementation of multigrid algorithms on
new computer architectures and domain decomposition techniques.
All fields of application are welcome; special topics will be
- computational fluid dynamics
- device simulation
- porous media flow
- statistical physics
Invited lectures will be given by
A. BRANDT Rehovot, Israel
E. DICK Gent, Belgium
P. W. HEMKER Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. JAMESON Princeton, USA
P. G. LAUWERS Bonn, W. Germany
O. McBRYAN Boulder, USA
J. W. RUGE Boulder, USA
K. STUEBEN Sankt Augustin, W. Germany
P. WESSELING Delft, The Netherlands
H. YSERENTANT Dortmund, W. Germany
containing title and abstract (maximum 1 page), as well as name and
address of the author(s), should be sent together (3 copies) to the
conference chairmen (use mailing address of the conference secretariat).
Deadline for the receipt of abstracts is March 15. Notice of acceptance
will be given by May 15. Selected contributions will be published as
full papers in the conference proceedings (to appear in the Birkhaeuser
Verlag, Basel). The deadline for the submission for these full papers
will be fixed during the conference.
of the conference will be the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, situated in
the `government quarter' of Bonn-Bad Godesberg. All conference sessions
will be held there.
Accommodation and meals
will be provided at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut. The approximate
prices for accommodation including meals (full board) are DM 118,- for
1-bed rooms and DM 98,- for 2-bed rooms per person and day.
Please send the completed registration form to the conference
secretariat. (Order registration form from address below.) The
conference fee is DM 400,- for advanced registration (to be payed by
July 15th) and DM 480,- after July 15th, 1990. For a limited number of
students conference attendance at reduced fee is possible. Students
interested shall send a written proposal to the conference chairmen.
The conference fee includes social events, particularly a banquet.
U. Gaertel and J. Linden, GMD
e--mail address: [email protected]
Conference secretariat
Christine Harms
P.O. Box 1240
D--5205 Sankt Augustin 1
West Germany
Telephone (49) 22 41 14 24 73
Telefax (49) 22 41 14 23 42
Telex 889 469 gmd d
Dates in 1990
March 15 deadline for abstracts
May 15 notice of acceptance
June 15 final program
July 15 deadline for advanced registration
September 15 deadline for registration
October 1-4 conference
From: Warren Jones <jones%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 89 12:54:10 cst
Subject: Positions at University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Alabama at Birmingham
The Department of Computer and Information Sciences invites applications for
tenure-track positions available fall 1990. Rank open. The Department
administers programs at the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. levels. Parallel processing
and artificial intelligence are the two major research directions of the
Department. Therefore, applicants who have research interests in these two
areas are of special interest as well as those who are interested in the
integration of these areas with the areas of database systems, numerical
computing or graphics/image-processing.
The Department research laboratory equipment includes a variety of Sun
workstations and a 30 processor Sequent Balance 21000 parallel computer as
well as access to the Alabama Supercomputer Network Authority Cray XMP/24.
The Department is also a university affiliate of the Advanced Computer
Facility at the Argonne National Laboratory providing access to a variety
of parallel machine architectures. Opportunities are also available for
collaboration with biomedical researchers in the UAB Medical Center.
Birmingham is a major metropolitan area of almost 900,000 and is a
southeastern center of finance, telecommunications and medicine. It
was recently selected by Newsweek magazine as one of the top ten cites
in the U.S., characterizing Birmingham as "a friendly, prosperous city
feeding on a high-tech blend of biomedical research, engineering and
telecommunications". UAB is a comprehensive sunbelt university and
ranks among the top 20 public universities in the U.S. in terms of
federal research and development. In 1989 UAB surpassed the $100M per
year mark in active grants and contracts. Enrollment is over 15,000
Applicants should hold the Ph.D. in computer science or closely related
field and have a strong interest in both research and teaching.
Interested individuals should send a resume and names of three references
to Dr. Warren T. Jones, Department of Computer and Information Sciences,
UAB Station, Birmingham, AL 35294. UAB is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer.
From: Ralph Byers <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 89 13:03 CDT
Subject: Positions at the University of Kansas
Job Announcement
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
Applications are invited for tenure-track and temporary
positions at all levels, commencing mid August 1990 or as
negotiated. Field is unrestricted but preference will be
given to numerical analysis, probability/statistics and to
areas meshing well with the department's needs. A Ph.D. (or
Ph.D. dissertation accepted with only formalities to be
completed) is required.
Application, detailed resume with description of research
and three recommendation letters should be sent to C. J.
Himmelberg, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University
of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2142. (The department may also
be contacted by email at [email protected] or
[email protected].)
For details, contact Ralph Byers at the above address, by
email at [email protected] or by telephone (913)864-3651.
Deadlines: December 1, 1989 for first consideration, then
monthly until August 1, 1990.
End of NA Digest