NA Digest Sunday, November 5, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 43

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Alan Cline <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Nov 2 12:06:58 CST 1989
Subject: Two New Versions of FITPACK Available

A new version of the software package FITPACK has been placed on
netlib. FITPACK contains code for curve and surface fitting and
smoothing in various space dimensions and geometries. The under-
lying functional form employed is the tension spline, which al-
lows the reproduction of such properties of data as positivity,
monotonicity, and convexity. The package began development in

A small subset of the 1979 version of FITPACK was placed on net-
lib several years ago. That version had only a few subprograms,
is antiquated, and its usage is discouraged. The new subset of
FITPACK to be distributed by netlib is taken from the most recent
edition of the entire package. (In terms of characters, lines of
code, and number of subprograms this subset is about 20% of FIT-
PACK. However, these 25 subprograms account for about 95% of
usages of the package.) What has been omitted in the subset are
such capabilities as:
1. Automatic tension determination,
2. Derivatives, arclengths, and enclosed areas for planar
3. Three dimensional curves,
4. Special surface fitting using equispacing assumptions,
5. Surface fitting in annular, wedge, polar, toroidal, lunar,
and spherical geometries,
6. B-splines-in-tension generation and usage,
7. General surface fitting in three dimensional space.

Questions about the package can be addressed to Alan Cline, Com-
puter Sciences Department, The University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX 78712 USA. Telephone inquiries should use (512) 471-
9717 and e-mail is [email protected]. Interested parties can
obtain the entire package on disk or tape from Pleasant Valley
Software, 8603 Altus Cove, Austin TX 78759 (USA) at a cost of
$495 US. A 340 page manual is available for $30 US per copy. The
package includes examples and machine-readable documentation.


From: Steve Vavasis <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 89 10:05:15 -0500
Subject: Mesh Generation for Finite Elements

I would like to put together a bibliography on automatic mesh
generation techniques for finite elements. Please send me a note
if you know of work in this area. Also, send me a note if you
would like a copy of my bibliography when it is complete.

Stephen Vavasis
Computer Science Department
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
[email protected]


From: Peter Deuflhard <Deuflhard%[email protected]>
Date: 30 Oct 89 13:30 GMT+0100
Subject: Electronic Mail Address of P. Deuflhard Changes

Due to changes of the equipment where the electronic mail system
of the ZIB resides, the e-mail address of P. Deuflhard changes to
the new address:

bzfdeufl%[email protected] .

For e-mail participants of the X.400 mail system the new address
looks as follows:

C=de;A=dbp;P=zib-berlin;OU=sc;S=bzfdeufl .


From: Arieh Iserles <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 89 09:46:19 PST
Subject: IMA Conference on Dynamics & Numerics



July 31-st--August 2nd, University of Bristol, England

The theme of the meeting is twofold: APPLICATIONS OF NUMERICAL
bifurcations, time series analysis, approximation of strange
attractors, onset of chaos, complex dynamics of maps and fractal sets;
ANALYSIS: shadowing, focusing and bifurcation techniques in stability
analysis of numerical PDEs, dynamics of nonlinear algebraic solvers,
approximation theory on fractal sets etc. Attention will be paid to
problems in applied mathematics that incorporate substantial input
from both numerical analysis and dynamical systems.
The first day of the meeting will be devoted to a short course on
three topics:

THEORY OF BIFURCATIONS: Colin Sparrow and Ian Stewart;

David Rand;

Ron Mitchell and Chus Sanz-Serna.

The remainder of the meeting will be in the usual format of invited
and submitted talks and a poster session.

A preliminary list of invited speakers includes

Jack Hale
Herb Keller
Steve Smale
Roger Temam
Nigel Weiss

Contributed papers and posters are invited and will be accepted on
the basis of a 300--500 word abstract, which should be submitted by
December 31st, 1989.

Abstracta and all other enquiries should be sent to:

Miss Pamela Irving
Conference Officer
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Maitland House, Warrior Square
Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS1 2JY

or, by e-mail, to
[email protected]
[email protected]


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 89 14:21 EDT
Subject: SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics


Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Fifth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
June 11-14, l990

Hyatt Regency Hotel
Atlanta, Georgia

Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics


Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Operations Research
Algorithms and Complexity
Parallel and Distributed Computing

An interdisciplinary conference on discrete mathematics, theoretical
computer science, and mathematical programming, with applications in coding
theory, communications networks, computational complexity, cryptography,
economics, manufacturing, operations research, parallel processing,
robotics, transportation, and VLSI.


Parallel Comparison Algorithms--An Application of Highly Expanding Graphs
Noga Alon

Ludicrous Lexicography--Some Simple Greedy Algorithms Produce Objects with
Surprising Structures and Applications to Codes, Lattices, Designs, Games
and Groups
John Conway

A New Parallel Architecture for Sparse Matrix Computation Based on Finite
Narendra Karmarkar

On-Line Algorithms vs. Off-Line Algorithms--How Much Is It Worth to Know the
Richard M. Karp

Protein Sequence Comparison: An Application of Dynamic Programming
Jill P. Mesirov

Towards Strongly Polynomial and Combinatorial Algorithms for Linear
Eva Tardos

Word Processing on Groups
William P. Thurston

Complexity of Combinatorial Approximations
Leslie Valiant


Networks for Interconnecting Processes
Jean-Claude Bermond

Ordered Sets and Sorting
Dwight Duffus

Geometric Representations of Combinatorial Structures
Edward R. Scheinerman

Polytopes and Linear Programming
Leslie E. Trotter, Jr.


Peter M. Winkler, Chairman
Fan R. K. Chung
Pavol Hell
Maria M. Klawe
Daniel J. Kleitman
Richard D. Ringeisen


Contributed Presentations and Poster Presentations

Contributed presentations and poster presentations are invited in all areas
consistent with the conference themes. A brief description of your talk
(not exceeding 100 words) must be submitted on a SIAM abstract form, which
can be obtained by completing the attached postage-paid reply card and
returning it to SIAM. A contributed presentation consists of a
seventeen-minute talk, followed by three minutes for questions.

Abstract Deadline: January 12, 1990

Contributed Minisymposia

A minisymposium consists of approximately 3-4 half-hour presentations, or a
two-hour equivalent, allowing time for questions and discussion on a topic
consistent with the conference themes. Prospective organizers are asked to
provide a title, a description (not exceeding 100 words), and a proposed
list of speakers and titles of their presentations. To obtain a proposal
form and instructions, please complete and return the attached postage-paid
reply card.

Deadline for minisymposium proposals: December 22, 1989

For additional information, please contact Conference Coordinator, SIAM,
3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688.
Telephone: (215) 382-9800 FAX: (215) 38607999 E-Mail:
[email protected].


From: Rolf Jeltsch <JELTSCH%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 89 10:45:08 CET
Subject: Third Joint Europe/U.S. Short Course in Hypersonics

at the RWTH Aachen --- University of Technology
October 1 to 5, 1990

The First Joint Europe/U.S. Short Course in Hypersonics was held in
Paris in December 1987 and the Second Short Course was held in Colo-
rado Springs in January, 1989. These courses brought together Che-
mists, Computer Scientists, Engineers, Experimentalists,Mathemati-
cians, and Physicists to discuss hypersonic flows related to aerospace
applications. The third Short Course will offer presentations by in-
ternationally known experts with many years of experience over a wide
range of subjects. The subjects can be grouped into the following
areas: Physical environments, configuration requirements, propulsion
systems including airbreathing systems, experimental methods for
external and internal flow, theoretical and numerical methods. Since
hypersonic flight requires higly integrated systems the short course
not only aims to give in depth analysis of hypersonic research and
technology but also tries to broaden the views of attendees to give
the ability to understand the complex problem of hypersonic flight.
The course should interest post-graduate students, designers and

J.J. Bertin, F.S. Billig, R. Brun, J. Cousteix, M. Delery, J.-A.
Desideri, D. Hnel, E.H. Hirschel, H. Hornung, G. Koppenwallner,
R.G. Lacau, C.P. Li, M. Mallet, J.G. Marvin, C.G. Miller, III, R.D.
Neumann, M. Pandolfi, P. Perrier, C.D. Scott, J.L. Steger, K.F.
Stetson, J.L. Stollery

Special Features:
* Evening speaches by Prof. R. Lst (ESA) and Dr. L. Beach (NASA).
* Analysis of Results from the Workshop of HYPERSONIC FLOWS FOR
REENTRY PROBLEMS, Jan. 22--25, 1990; Antibes, France

Organizers: Josef Ballmann, Rolf Jeltsch, RWTH Aachen
The conference will begin on Monday, Oct. 1 at 9 am
and will end on Friday, Oct. 5 at 2 pm

Registration Fee 800.- DM ~)
~) A limited number of fellowships are available for university
members, especially assistants and undergraduate students, which
entitle them to attend the lecture at a reduced fee. Details will
be sent on application to Dr. Brakhage.

Conference Office:
Karl-Heinz Brakhage
Institut fr Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
D-5100 Aachen, Fed. Rep. of Germany
Phone +49-241-80 3951
E-mail: Earn/BITNET: EZ010PM@DACTH11 (not before December)
Telex: thac d 832704
Telefax: +49-241-80 3952 (not before December)

Rolf Jeltsch: E-mail: Arpanet: [email protected]

HINT: Long Conference announcement available by
mail [email protected]
send 3HYPERSONIC90 from meetings


From: Jerry Kautsky <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 89 20:49:37 +0930
Subject: Chair Position at Flinders University



Applications are invited for a Chair of Mathematics, tenable in
the Discipline of Mathematics. This is one of two Chairs in the
Discipline; the other being held by Professor G I Gaudry. The
position is available from early 1990. The successful candidate
will have a distinguished research record in at least one
mainstream area of modern mathematics which builds on the
existing strengths of the Discipline, and the experience and
vision necessary to help shape the further development of all
facets of its teaching and research programmes. Other factors
being equal, the University would wish to appoint an outstanding
candidate in some area of modern mathematics whose work has
significant application to fields such as engineering science,
physical sciences or information technology.

The teaching programme of the Discipline is extensive. It
provides for three separate majors in mathematics; the
mathematics core for other degrees, principally computer science,
statistical science, physics, chemistry and earth sciences; and a
range of other service topics.

The Discipline of Mathematics at Flinders has a strong research
record in a variety of fields, including abstract algebra,
continuum mechanics, differential equations, elasto-dynamics,
geometry, harmonic and functional analysis and numerical

The University has under active consideration a number of new
initiatives that involve the Discipline of Mathematics. Teaching
of Engineering students at Flinders will begin in 1990 in a joint
venture with the Schools of Engineering of the South Australian
Institute of Technology, leading to the award of Engineering
Degrees in a number of specialities. Discussions are also
proceeding on the possible formation of a new School of
Information Science.

A major development in software engineering will take place in
1990. In partnership with the Institute of Information and
Communications Technologies of the CSIRO, the University is
establishing a National Centre for Software Engineering. This
will involve principally the Discipline of Computer Science in
the first instance. It is anticipated, however, that the
Discipline of Mathematics will be progressively involved in
subsequent developments of the partnership with CSIRO.

The incoming Professor will be expected to assume the Headship of
the Discipline shortly after taking up duties. The appointment
as Head would be for an initial period of 3 years. It is current
University policy that the Headship should be shared by the
Professors of the Discipline.

Salary: Professor $63,919

An additional salary loading may also be payable if justified by
market forces. Supplementary benefits include superannuation,
study leave (outside studies), travel and removal allowances.
The University also encourages academic staff to undertake
consulting and other professional activities relevant to their
Discipline within certain time limits.

Informal enquiries about the position should be directed to
Professor Gaudry, telephone (+61-8)275-2152 (electronic mail
[email protected]) or the Dean of the School, Dr
C R A Rao, telephone (+61-8)275-2402. Further written
information about the Discipline and the conditions of
appointment may be obtained from the Manager, Human Resources,
The Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park,
Adelaide, South Australia 5042 [telephone (+61-8) 275-2300
facsimile (+61-8)276-8213] with whom applications should be
lodged, in duplicate, by 31 December 1989. Applications should
include a detailed Curriculum Vitae giving full particulars of
qualifications, experience and scholarship, relevant personal
information and the names and addresses of 3 referees from whom
confidential assessments can be obtained.



From: Yair Censor <RSMA403%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 89 15:53:11 IST
Subject: Position at the University of Haifa


The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University
of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, anticipates a tenure track openning for a
candidate in computer science, starting October 1990. The department
offers B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics and in "Mathematics
and Computer Science".
Strong research and teaching ability and a Ph.D. in any area of
computer science are required. Send resume and list of publications
plus one copy of preprints/reprints of papers. Please supply names
and mailing addresses of three or more references (electronic addresses
and telephone and Fax numbers of these references will be appreciated).
Send applications or requests for further information to:
Prof. Yair Censor, Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31999, Israel.
(e-mail: [email protected] ).


From: Chuck Gartland <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 89 15:00:13 est
Subject: Position at Kent State

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Senior Position in Applied Mathematics/Scientific Computation

Applications are invited for a faculty position at the associate or full
professor level beginning Fall Semester 1990. The ideal candidate would
have a strong training in classical applied mathematics and some experience
with large-scale scientific computation. He or she would be expected to
have a solid record of research, publication, and external funding, as well
as a commitment to quality teaching. The appointed faculty member would be
expected to enhance the Department's outreach and interdisciplinary research
efforts, supervise graduate students, and contribute to curricular planning
and development. A competitive salary is available.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Kent State University comprises
pure and applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, and the Institute
for Computational Mathematics. This new position is intended to complement
existing strengths in applied analysis (especially numerical analysis and
approximation theory) and computer science (especially symbolic computation,
expert systems, and parallel computing).

The infrastructure of the Department is very good: the equipment inventory
includes 2 VAX mini-computers plus Encore, Sequent, Staran, and Warp
parallel-processing computers and a variety of work-stations and peripherals.
The University also maintains an IBM 3090 mainframe and a high-performance
(interactive) link to the Cray Y-MP/864 at the Ohio Supercomputer Center in
Columbus, on which computing time is readily available.

Kent State University is attractively set in the rolling hills of northeast
Ohio 40 minutes southeast of Cleveland and 20 minutes east of Akron. Some
of the main research centers in the area include the University's
internationally known Glenn H. Brown Liquid Crystal Institute, NASA Lewis
Research Center in Cleveland, and Loral Systems (formerly Goodyear Aerospace)
in Akron.

Application deadline is February 24, 1990. If qualified individuals do not
apply by February 24, 1990, the deadline will be extended until the position
is filled or until August 18, 1990, whichever occurs first. Applicants should
submit a resume and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to

Chuck Gartland
Chair, Applied Mathematics Search Committee
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242

Kent State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.


End of NA Digest
