NA Digest Sunday, October 29, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 42

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 89 09:55:42 EST
Subject: [email protected] Has Moved

The machine running netlib has been moved from Argonne to Oak Ridge.
We hope the move didn't cause any problems, hopefully you were unaware
of the relocation. During the move, mail to the old Argonne address
[email protected] was automatically forwarded to Bell Labs.

You can still send mail to Bell Labs by sending requests directly to
[email protected]
The contents of the collection at Oak Ridge and Bell Labs are
nearly identical. Interesting exceptions are the approximation catalog
and Fortran-to-C converter at, some software tools and
reports see the index from tools (mail to [email protected],
in the message type: send index from tools).

The address for netlib at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is
[email protected]. Mail to the old address, [email protected], will
continue to work for a month or so by automatically forwarding mail
to Oak Ridge.

Jack and Eric


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 89 09:58:43 EST
Subject: LINPACK Benchmark Report

I have just made a major revision to the ``LINPACK Benchmark Report''.
If anyone would like a hardcopy of the report send me your address
and it will be mailed out. The report is also available from netlib in
post-script form. To get a copy via email, send mail to [email protected].
The mail message should say:

send performance from benchmark


[Editor's warning: The postscript file for Dongarra's report is HUGE.
If you asked for a copy of an earlier version from netlib, you would get
almost 2 megabytes of mail, split into 19 mail messages. I don't
know how big today's version is, but unless you really want the postscript,
you are probably better off sending Jack your postal address and
waiting for the paper copy. --Cleve ]


From: Jim Demmel <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 89 15:40:13 EDT
Subject: Kahan Named Winner of Turing Award

Prof. W. Kahan of the University of California at Berkeley is the winner
of the 1989 Turing Award. It is being awarded for his contributions in
computer architecture and numerical analysis, in particular for his work
on the IEEE floating point arithmetic standards 754 and 854. These
standards have been very widely adopted by the computer industry.
Prof. Kahan is cited as uniquely having used numerical analysis to
influence computer architecture. Indeed, anyone who uses a workstation,
PC, or HP calculator to do floating point computation has likely benefited
(perhaps unknowingly) from his ideas.

His work on computer arithmetic grew out of many battles to get the right
answer despite inaccurate computer arithmetic, inconsistent compilers, and
unresponsive operating systems. For example, on some early calculators the
expression "arcsin(sin(x))" would yield an "argument out of range" message
for some arguments x near 90 degrees. The reason was that for these
arguments the computed value of the sine was greater than 1. This seems merely
amusing until one has taught freshmen who write sines exceeding 1 as test
answers. To see that the problem extends beyond cheap calculators, the absence
of a guard digit on Cray systems has delayed production of a portable divide
and conquer algorithm for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenproblem for many
months, whereas it is clear how to write such a code for machines with more
careful rounding.

Many of these problems are easily fixed, or could have been easily avoided had
the designers known what arithmetic properties were important. Indeed, it is
the fact that so many numerical analysts have had to waste mental energy trying
to write reliable code despite these problems that has motivated Prof. Kahan
to work on well designed arithmetic systems.

Prof. Kahan's contributions also include numerical linear algebra and error
analysis. For example, the kernel of the standard algorithm for the singular
value decomposition is based on a joint paper with Gene Golub. He has also
been a vocal critic of various schemes which purport to automatically protect
users from roundoff and over/underflow errors.

Many of Prof. Kahan's ideas have been reported by his colleagues (with
appropriate credit of course) rather than in his own formal publications.
A notable collection appears in "The Symmetric Eigenproblem" by Beresford
Parlett. Of course, one can consider him a principal coauthor for every
Intel 8087, Motorola 68881, or other similar floating point chip produced.
Prof. Kahan's point of view has long been that most numerical analysis
papers are destined to be read by a few colleagues at most, and with
correspondingly narrow influence. To truly improve the way people compute,
the ideas must be incorporated in easily available hardware or software
packages which can be used without needing to read the corresponding papers.
Two examples of such packaging are the "solve f(x)=0" and "integrate f(x)"
keys on HP calculators which he designed. Prof. Kahan has pursued this
approach consistently and successfully for a long time.

The Turing Award ceremony is February 20, 1990, during the ACM Computer
Science Conference in Washington, D. C.


From: Tom Manteuffel <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 12:15:02 mdt
Subject: New Address for Tom Manteuffel

I have taken a permanent position at UC Denver. My new address is:

Tom Manteuffel
Computational Math Group
University of Colorado at Denver
1200 Larimer St., Campus Box 170
Denver, Co 80204

Phone 303 556-4810

Email [email protected]


From: Tom Manteuffel <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 12:24:54 mdt
Subject: Student Paper Competition for the Copper Mountian Conference

Student Paper Competition
for the
Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods
April 1-5, 1990

There are funds available to support the Travel and/or Lodging of several
graduate students to the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods.
Interested students should send an exteded abstract of no more than three
pages to:

Tom Manteuffel
Computational Math Group
University of Colorado at Denver
1200 Larimer St. Campus Box 170
Denver, CO 80204

before January 1, 1990. Awards will be determined by the program committee
and will be announced before Febuary 1, 1990. Recipients will be expected
to present their work at the meeting in the from of a one-half hour talk
and to submit a paper to the proceedings. Publication of the paper will be
subject to the refereeing process.

Email: [email protected]


From: Roland Sweet <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 89 12:11:23 mdt
Subject: CRAYFISHPAK Available


CRAYFISHPAK(TM) is a package of FORTRAN 77 subroutines for solving second-
order finite difference approximations to two- and three-dimensional
Helmholtz equations in cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates
with any combination of periodic or specifications of the solution or its
normal derivative on the boundaries of a regular domain. More general
separable elliptic partial differential equations may be solved by directly
interfacing to one of a suite of seven special block tridiagonal linear
system solvers. Highly vectorized Fast Fourier Transform and cyclic
reduction algorithms are used to solve the linear systems of equations.

Following the style and spirit of the well-known and heavily-used FISHPAK
package, the sixteen CRAYFISHPAK drivers use finite difference approx-
imations on standard or staggered grids to convert a straight-forward
description of the equation, domain, and boundary conditions into a linear
system of equations and call an appropriate solver routine that computes the
solution. All singular problems and coordinate singularities are treated
automatically. Extensive error checking of input parameters is performed to
detect improperly specified problems. Useful de-bugging facilities decrease
the time required to successfully interface to any routine.

Designed for time-dependent (e.g., fluid-dynamics) applications, all
routines have separate initialization subroutines that completely define the
linear operator and perform significant pre-processing which speeds the
solution of a given problem. In this way repeated solutions corresponding
to different data are obtained much faster. Timing studies demonstrate that
CRAYFISHPAK routines are well over an order of magnitude faster than compar-
able FISHPAK routines. For example, on a single-processor Cray X-MP the
solution of Poisson's equation in cartesian coordinates on a 64x64x64 grid
executes in 108 milliseconds (18 times faster than FISHPAK routine HW3CRT)
at an average speed of 100 megaflops. For time-dependent applications this
new package has the potential to significantly reduce computer costs.

CRAYFISHPAK is available in Fortran source form and is licensed for use on a
single machine. It consists of 18,500 lines of source code. On-line
documentation, consisting of 6,500 lines, is contained in 23 ASCII files.
Each file describes the input/output parameters and other pertinent
information for one user-accessible routine. There is a 100-page User's
Guide that provides general information about the entire package and
descriptions of the finite difference approximations used in each driver.

For more information, write or phone to:

Green Mountain Software
1951 Alpine Avenue
Boulder, CO 80304-3657

Phone: (303) 447-9224

[CRAYFISHPAK is a trademark of Green Mountain Software.]


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 89 15:33 EDT
Subject: SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems

SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems
May 7-10, 1990
Marriott Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Conference Topics:

Geometric Theory and Dynamical Systems
Modeling Complex Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems and Fluid Mechanics
Modeling and Control of Mechanical Systems
Applications in Engineering and Physical Sciences
Applications in Biological/Natural Sciences

Invited Presentations:

Nancy J. Kopell
Jack K. Hale
George R. Sell
John J. Mallet-Paret
James A. Yorke
Kunihiko Kaneko
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan
Alfred Hubler
Arje Nachman
John W. Cahn
John M. Rinzel

Invited Minisymposia:

Geometric Theory and Dynamical Systems
Modeling Complex Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems and Fluid Mechanics
Modeling and Control of Mechanical Systems
Applications in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
Applications in the Biological and Natural Sciences

Organizing Committee:

Shui-Nee Chow, Co-Chair
Harlan W. Stech, Co-Chair
J. Doyne Farmer
Avner Friedman
Celso Grebogi
Ira B. Schwartz

How to Contribute:

Contributed Presentations and Poster Presentations

Contributed presentations and poster presentations are invited in all areas
consistent with the conference themes. A brief description of your talk (not
exceeding 100 words) must be submitted on a SIAM abstract form, which can be
obtained by completing the attached postage-paid reply card and returning it
to SIAM. A contributed presentation consists of a seventeen-minute talk,
followed by three minutes for questions.

Abstract Deadline: December 4, 1989

Contributed Minisymposia

A minisymposium consists of 3-4 half-hour presentations, or a two-hour
equivalent, allowing time for questions and discussion on a topic consistent
with the conference themes. Prospective organizers are asked to provide a
title, a description (not exceeding 100 words), and a tentative list of
speakers and titles of their presentations. To obtain a proposal form and
instructions, please complete and return the attached postage-paid reply card.

Deadline for minisymposium proposals: November 28, 1989

For additional information, please contact: Conference Coordinator, SIAM, 3600
University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688. Telephone:
(215) 382-9800. E-Mail: [email protected] FAX: (215) 386-7999


From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Sun Oct 29 10:39:38 PST 1989
Subject: Positions at The MathWorks

The MathWorks is the company which develops and markets MATLAB.
The company currently employs about 30 people and expects to
add three or four more soon. The company headquarters is in
East Natick, Massachusetts, which is about a half hour drive
west of Boston.

The background and interests expected for the various positions
available range from numerical linear algebra and matrix computation
to systems programming and graphics. Educational level and
experience expected range from inexperienced beginner willing
to learn to seasoned Ph.D. with a personal library of M-files.

For more information, send email to [email protected]
or phone me at 408-732-0400. Or, contact the MathWorks' president,
John Little, with email to [email protected], phone 508-653-1415,
or write to:

The MathWorks
21 Eliot Street
South Natick, MA 01760


From: Bill Hager <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 11:33:23 EDT
Subject: Positions at the University of Florida

Here is an excerpt from a recent advertisement for positions at
the University of Florida:

Department of Mathematics

In each of the next several years, the Department of Mathematics
intends to fill a substantial number of tenure-track faculty positions
with mathematicians of exceptional caliber. Outstanding candidates
from all academic ranks and all areas of pure and applied mathematics
are invited to apply for these positions. Applications from junior
candidates with postdoctoral experience are especially welcome. First
preference will be given to candidates who will facilitate Department
goals of establishing strong working groups in partial differential
equations,... Candidates should forward a resume and arrange for
at least four letters of recommendation to be sent to

David A Drake, Chair
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida
201 Walker Hall
Gainesville, Florida 32611

Application deadline: December 31, 1989

The phrase "substantial" means around 20 positions. Numerical analysts
are encouraged to apply, especially those whose work is related in some
way to partial differential equations. The University of Florida has
excellent computing facilities, and incoming faculty are usually able
to negotiate for attractive packages of computing equipment. For further
information, contact Bill Hager ([email protected]).


From: Peter Monk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 15:46:57 EDT
Subject: Position at the University of Delaware

Numerical Analysis / Scientific Computing

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware
is seeking candidates with expertise in numerical analysis /
scientific computing at the junior level (Assistant professor - tenure
track). The appointment is to commence in the fall of 1990.

Our department has active research groups in various areas of applied
mathematics including elasticity, fluid dynamics and electromagnetic
theory. There is ongoing work in partial differential equations,
integral equations, symbolic computation, finite elements, boundary
element methods and applied analysis. Activity in our department is
complemented by research in parallel computing and symbolic methods
in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences.

Our computing facilities include access to a multi-processor IBM 3090
(running VM/XA with parallel Fortran) , an 8 processor Sequent
Symmetry (with upgrades planned to reach 30 processors), as well as
many VAX and SUN machines. Within our department, we run two SUN

The University of Delaware is located on the east coast midway between
New York City and Washington DC in Newark Delaware. Newark has a
pleasant small town atmosphere, but is within one hour of Philadelphia
and Baltimore, twenty minutes from Wilmington, and two hours from New
York and Washington, DC.

For further details, please contact one of the selection committee
by e-mail:

Pam Cook - (Chair) [email protected]
Peter Monk [email protected]
Fadil Santosa [email protected]

or by mail at

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

(BITNET users may send mail to CAY19763 at UDACSVM).


From: Glenn Luecke <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 08:33:51 CDT
Subject: Position at Iowa State

We solicit your help by asking you to nominate a qualified computational
mathematician or numerical analyst for the senior level (associate or full
professor) position that will begin in the fall of 1990. The successful
candidate will receive a very competitive salary and be provided with a
quality workstation.

It is expected that this person have a strong research record which must
include funding from contracts/grants. Please fill out the attached
nomination form and send to me via regular mail or email at
[email protected].

Iowa State University of Science and Technology has about 25,000 students and
has a history of strength in science and technology. The first electronic
digital computer was developed here in 1938-1941 by Atanasoff. The extraction
process of uranium ore was developed here during world war II. The following
is a list of some of the areas of excellence within the university at the
present time: the Partial Differential Equations Research Group, Astro
Research, the Heat Transfer Laboratory, the Applied Nondestructive Evaluation
Program, Magnetic Thin Films Research, Center for Microelectronics, Center for
Research in Biotechnology, Research in Robotics and CAD/CAM, the Materials
Analysis and Research Laboratory, the Statistical Laboratory, the
Computational Meteorology Research Group, the Center for Computational
and Applied Mathematics, the Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and
the Research Group in Vector and Parallel Computing. The Center for CFD was
established by funding from NASA and is one of seven such centers in this
country. The Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics is associated
with the engineering college and with the Ames Laboratory (one of several
national laboratories funded by the Department of Energy) and is well known for
their work in inverse scattering and is developing a strong component in
computational mathematics. The vector and parallel computing group is engaged
in research in vector and parallel processing for scientific and engineering
applications and is currently under contract with a number of private companies
and has teamed with members of the CFD Center to jointly work on projects for
NASA and other agencies.

The department of mathematics is composed of about 55 tenure track faculty and
65 graduate students. Normally, faculty members teach two classes each
semester; however, faculty are encouraged to use grant/contract monies to
reduce teaching loads and devote more time to research. The campus is
interconnected via a high speed campus network providing access to a VAX
cluster, a National Advanced Systems 9180 (a 2 processor, vector mainframe
computer), and access to NSFnet and hence to all computers on that network.

The interview process will begin January 15, 1990: however applications will
be accepted after this date until the position is filled.


From: Jim Pool <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 14:35:12 CDT
Subject: Position at Drexel University

Professor of Computer Science

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Drexel
University is seeking a computer scientist with a distinguished
research record to lead the development of its computer science
research program. Candidates from all areas of computer science
will be considered; however, areas of special interest include:
parallel computing including algorithms, languages and tools, and
architecture; computer graphics including visualization;
distributed computing including distributed file systems and DBMS
for large scale scientific and engineering modeling; and computer
algebra including parallel algorithms and the interface to
numeric computation.

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has recently
moved to a new location and installed a department-wide local
area network, MCSNET. Departmental computing resources on MCSNET
include: a Sequent Symmetry S21; two Sun SPARCserver 390's; Sun
Workstations; and Apple Macintoshes. MCSNET provides access to
Drexel's IBM 3090VF and Convex C-1 and to NSFNET.

Drexel University, founded in 1891, is located in the University
City area of Philadelphia adjacent to the University of
Pennsylvania. Drexel's cooperative education program and
microcomputer program (approximately 13,000 Apple Macintoshes are
used by Drexel's students, faculty, and staff) provide a unique
undergraduate environment.

Nominations and applications, including a resume, a description
of future research interests, and the names of at least three
references, should be sent to:

James C. T. Pool
Mathematics and Computer Science
206 Korman Center
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA 19104

NOTE: I will be attending the SIAM Conference on Geometric
Design, Supercomputing 89, and the SIAM Conference on Parallel
Processing in Scientific Computing to talk with potential

Drexel University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action


From: Martin Berzins <martin%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 89 18:41:27 BST
Subject: Position at University of Leeds

University of Leeds
School of Computer Studies

Applications are invited for the following post that is
available immediately in the Division of Computer Science.


Preference will be given to candidates with strong interests
in the development of mathematical software for the numerical
solution of differential equations or of numerical linear
algebra, especially those interested in exploiting parallel
architectures. Candidates may be completing a doctorate or have an
established research record, which can be in any area of
mathematical software or have strong industrial
experience in a relevant subject.

Research and teaching in numerical analysis and mathematical
software date back to the origins of Computer Science at
Leeds in the 1950s. Courses are given within the Honours
Mathematics degree in all three years, and service courses on numerical methods
are still given to a wide variety of departments in the Faculties
of Science and Engineering. Compulsory and optional courses are
given to all Computer Science students. The successful candidates
will be integrated into the teaching program and expected to
participate in the development of new courses and schemes of study.
There are currently five academic staff active in this research
area with other staff supporting the teaching.
Informal enquiries may be made to Head of School, Professor P.M. Dew
(Tel. 0532 335432) or e-mail [email protected] or by email to
Martin Berzins at na.berzins or [email protected]


From: John Holt <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 10:53:32 EST
Subject: Position at University of Queensland



The Mathematics Department at the University of Queensland
in Brisbane, Australia has a vacancy for 1990. This is a fixed
term position with a limit of one year.

Applicants should possess a Ph.D. and have experience in research
and undergraduate teaching in one or both of numerical analysis and
mathematical programming. Duties will include teaching and
examining undergraduates in the Science and Engineering Faculties
and being active in research.

The salary for the position will be in the range A$31,258 to A$35,273
per annum. In addition, a return economy class airfare to Brisbane
will be provided.

The successful applicant will be expected to take up duty during
January 1990 and to depart no earlier than December 1, 1990.

The closing date for applications is December 1 1989. Applications
and resumes should be forwarded to:

The Director
Personnel Services
The University of Queensland
St. Lucia, Queensland 4067

Further information can be obtained by contacting Dr John Holt via
email (na.holt), or fax ( 7 870 2272), or Dr Vincent Hart, the Head
of the Department by phone on 07 377 2673 or fax as above.


From: Ken Clark <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 89 19:15:52 EDT
Subject: Position at Army Research Office

U.S. Army Research Office
P.O. Box 12211
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

Merit Promotion Vacancy Announcement # 90-3

POSITION: Mathematician, GS-1520-14 or Computer Scientist, GS-1550-14
(Interdisciplinary position)

SALARY: $48,592 - $63,172 per annum

LOCATION: Mathematical Sciences Division, U.S. Army Research Office
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

OPENING DATE: 24 October 1989

CLOSING DATE: 24 November 1989

DUTIES: Based on a broad background in computational mathematics or
computer science, serves as the primary program officer for the support
infrastructure program of the Army High Performance Computing Research
Center (AHPCRC). Also serves as the Principal Assistant to the Director,
Mathematical Sciences Division, in the overall management of the Center.
Plans, schedules, and implements periodic reviews of the AHPCRC. Analyzes
and evaluates on-going activities of the AHPCRC to ensure their relevance
and enhance the utility of these resources to the overall user community
in the Army. Evaluates requirements of high performance computing in the
Army. Articulates and serves as the chief spokesperson for the Army User
Steering Group in dealing with the AHPCRC. Maintains contact with all
scientists and engineers involved with the Center and visiting scientists
to the Center. Maintains a constant review of AHPCRC-to-Army technology
transfer mechanisms to ensure that Center products are being used and
evaluated by Army scientists. Initiates and monitors the short- and long-
term exchange of scientific personnel between the Army and various
components of the AHPCRC. Plans and coordinates training of Army users in
use of modern computing environments. Evaluates and disseminates the
results of the research program and advanced system strategies of the
Center to Army and other interested government agencies. Represents the
Director at briefings, seminars on budgets, program presentation, and
other matters of overall Army and national interest. Conducts liason
with top level scientists and administrators involved in sponsoring
research and development activities. Interacts with various Army
activities and schools to ensure they are informed of AHPCRC resources, and
conversely that information pertaining to important Army scientific
problems is made available to AHPCRC scientists. Organizes workshops, study
groups and symposia as required for accelerating the introduction into DA
(Dept. Army) technical community of the tools from advanced computing.
Maintains an awareness of relevant research and development activities in
the high performance computing area. Pursues research and/or advanced
study within locally available institutions on projects of personal
interest and whose content is relevant to the mission of the Army.

show successful completion of a full four-year course in an accredited
college or university leading to a bachelor's or higher degree in math-
ematics or the equivalent of a major including 24 semester hours in
mathematics OR 30 semester hours in a combination of mathematics,
statistics, and computer science.

Specialized Experience: In addition to the basic requirements, applicants
must have one year of specialized experience at least equivalent to the
next lower grade. Specialized experience is experience which is in or
related to the line of work of the position to be filled and which has
equipped the applicant with the specific knowledge, skills and abilities
to successfully perform the duties of the position.

SELECTIVE PLACEMENT FACTOR: Ability to perform fundamental research in
computational mathematics or computer science.

SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Available to travel up to 30% of the time.

HOW TO APPLY: To be considered, status applicants should submit the follow-
ing documents: (1) an updated Standard Form 171 (Personal Qualifications
Statement); (2) ARO Supplemental Applicant Statement; (3) ARO Supervisory
Appraisal of Job Related Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities; (4) Latest
Supervisory Performance Rating; (5) OPM Form 1386 (optional); and (6)
Current SF 50, Notification of Personnel Action.

Non-status applicants should submit an updated Standard Form 171 (Personal
Qualifications Statement). Completion of ARO Supplemental Applicant
Statement is encouraged. OPM Form 1386 is optional.

Applications should be addressed to: U.S. Army Research Office, ATTN:
SLCIS-CP-AR, P.O. Box 12211, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211.
Applications should be received no later than close of business on the
closing date of this announcement.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To obtain required forms and further information
about the position, contact ARO Support Branch, AUTOVON 935-3331, or
Commercial (919) 549-0641.

Use of postage paid government agency envelopes to file job applications
is a violation of federal laws and regulations. Applications received in
postage-paid government envelopes will not be considered.

Further info re. this position can be obtained from the mail stop indicated
above or by contacting me directly.


Ken Clark
[email protected] (OR [email protected])


From: Melvyn Ciment <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 89 16:07:33 -0400
Subject: NSF Program Director Position

NSF Program Director Position in Advanced Scientific Computing

The Division of Advanced Scientific Computing (DASC) is seeking
candidates for the position of Program Director for the New
Technologies Program. This position will be filled on a one to
two year or permanent basis to commence around September 1990.

The DASC is responsible for the establishment and direction of
the NSF Supercomputer Centers. DASC is part of the NSF
Directorate of Computer & Information Science and Engineering.

The New Technologies Program supports fundamental research
related to the use of high-performance computing in solving
scientific and engineering problems. High-performance computing
refers to the full range of supercomputing activities including
existing supercomputer systems, special purpose and experimental
systems, and the new generation of large scale parallel
architectures. Topic areas include; software development for high
performance computing environments, performance evaluation,
comparison of systems and architectures, graphics, and

Applicants should have a PhD. or equivalent in a scientific or
engineering discipline. In addition, the applicant should have
six or more years of research experience in a field of
computational or computer science with emphasis on applications
of high performance computing to science and engineering.

Telephone, mail and electronic mail inquiries about this position
are welcome. They should be addressed to

Dr. Melvyn Ciment
Deputy Director
Division of Advanced Scientific Computing
National Science Foundation
Washington, DC 20550
tel. 202-357-7727

E-mail; [email protected]


End of NA Digest
