NA Digest Sunday, October 22, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 41

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Israel Nelken <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 09:35:32 EDT
Subject: Change of Address for Izzy Nelken

Izzy Nelken has graduated from Rutgers University
and can now be reached at:

Izzy Nelken
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4

Phone: (416) 978-5899
Fax: (416) 978-4765
Internet: [email protected]


From: Magnus Ewerbring <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 15:26:40 CDT
Subject: Change of Address for Magnus Ewerbring

Please note my new address:

Magnus Ewerbring
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Il 60439

phone: (312)972-3118
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Bruce Bukiet <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 89 08:32:44 EDT
Subject: Change of Address for Bruce Bukiet

My new address is:
Bruce Bukiet
Department of Mathematics
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Ralph Byers <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 18:21 CDT
Subject: Positions at University of Kansas

Job Announcement
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas

Applications are invited for tenure-track and temporary
positions at all levels, commencing mid August 1990 or as
negotiated. Field is unrestricted but preference will be
given to numerical analysis, probability/statistics and to
areas meshing well with the department's needs. A Ph.D. (or
Ph.D. dissertation accepted with only formalities to be
completed) is required.

Application, detailed resume with description of research
and three recommendation letters should be sent to C. J.
Himmelberg, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University
of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2142. (The department may also
be contacted by email at [email protected] or
[email protected].)

For details, contact Ralph Byers at the above address, by
email at [email protected] or by telephone (913)864-3651.

Deadlines: December 1, 1989 for first consideration, then
monthly until August 1, 1990.


From: George Sell <sell%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 89 19:27:13 cdt
Subject: Visualization and Graphics Symposium


30 November 1989
at the Minnesota Supercomputer Center

Presentations by

Terry Lybrand
Albert Marden
Subbiah Ramalingam
L.E. Scriven
Paul Woodward

Sponsored by

Army High Performance Computing Research Center
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
Geometry Supercomputer Project
Minnesota Supercomputer Institute

For further information please contact:

MSI Symposium Coordinator
Minnesota Supercomputer Institute
1200 Washington Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 625-1818


From: Horst Simon <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 89 16:28:02 -0700
Subject: Positions available at NASA Ames Research Center

NASA Ames Research Center
NAS Applied Research Office
Mountain View, California

The Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Systems Division at NASA
Ames Research Center operates a national supercomputer center, with a
4-processor Cray-2, an 8-processor Cray Y-MP, a high-speed
communications network, and high-performance color graphics

Recently NAS established the Applied Research Office, one of whose
missions is to perform state-of-the-art research in highly parallel
computation for fluid dynamics applications. Our organization now
operates a Connection Machine CM-2, with 32,768 processing nodes and
floating-point hardware. Later this year a new generation hypercube
system, with true supercomputer performance, will be added to this

The Applied Research Office is seeking additional personnel to take
the lead in working with NASA fluid dynamicists to implement important
applications on our highly parallel computer systems. Included in the
effort is the development of new algorithms and computational
techniques to obtain high performance on the target systems.
Qualifications for these positions include the following:

An advanced degree in computer science, mathematics, physics, or

Programming experience on an advanced parallel computer system
in a scientific application. Experience on a MIMD hypercube
system is particularly desirable.

Familiarity with computational fluid dynamics or other similar
PDE applications.

Published articles in parallel computing or numeric computation.

Familiarity with Fortran and the Unix operating system.

U.S. citizenship is not required, but candidates must be at least
permanent U.S. residents. Both civil service and contractor positions
are available. Interested persons should contact

David H. Bailey
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop T045-1
Moffett Field, CA 94035
Telephone: 415-694-4410
Internet: [email protected]


From: David Salzman <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 89 21:54:28 EDT
Subject: NSF Phases Out JvNC

Press Release

17 October 1989

For Immediate Release

For further information, contact :
Dr. Doyle Knight, President
Consortium for Scientific Computing
The John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center
Princeton, NJ
Telephone : 609-520-2000

The Consortium for Scientific Computing has been informed by
the National Science Foundation that NSF will not renew its
funding for the John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center
beyond September 1990, at the end of the current five year grant
period. The NSF indicated that the reason for non-renewal was the
collapse of ETA Systems, the Center's supercomputer vendor, in
April 1989.

"I was surprised and very disappointed by this decision,"
said Doyle Knight, President of the Consortium for Scientific
Computing. "In our judgement, this action is inconsistent with
the recommendation of the NSF's own Peer Review Panel and with the
recommendations contained in the Federal High Performance
Computing Program report issued just last month by the Office of
Science and Technology Policy."

In April, the Control Data Corporation, the owner of ETA Systems
and the manufacturer of the ETA10 (the supercomputer currently
employed at the Center), announced that it would be discontinuing
its supercomputer activities, including support for the ETA10.
Following that decision, the Consortium revised its program plan
and submitted a new renewal proposal on June 1, substituting an
eight-processor Cray Y-MP for the ETA10. The revised proposal was
reviewed by an NSF Peer Review Panel, which recommended that the
JvNC be renewed for another five-year period.

"Our proposal involved major cost sharing from state, university
and industrial sectors. The State of New Jersey and Consortium
institutions committed $18 million in direct cash funding for the
JvNC for the next five years," said Richard Spies, Vice President
for Finance and Administration at Princeton University and
Treasurer of the Consortium for Scientific Computing. "Based upon
information provided to us by the National Science Foundation,
this financial support is the second largest commitment from state
and university sources among the five NSF supercomputer centers."

"We hope that the National Science Foundation will reconsider
this decision," said Bruce Ekstrand, Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs at the University of Colorado and Chairman of Board of
Trustees for the Consortium for Scientific Computing. "In our
judgement, the NSF decision does not fully recognize the quality
of the JvNC program or the crucial contributions of the JvNC to
the national scientific and engineering research communities."
Edward Cohen, Executive Director for he New Jersey Commission on
Science and Technology, agreed. "The JvNC has made a major
contribution to the New Jersey academic and industrial research
community. Its impact has been extraordinary in education,
training and technology transfer." he said.

The JvNC began operation in December 1985. Then Center
currently supports more than 1400 researchers nationwide in a wide
range of scientific disciplines including biology, chemistry,
engineering, mathematics and physics. The JvNC operates a state-
of-the-art high speed data communications network, the JvNCNET,
which serves twenty academic and industrial research institutions
and is a gateway to two international networks. The JvNCNET was
the world's first T-1 (1.5 megabit/second) network connecting
research universities when established in May 1986.

The membership of the Consortium for Scientific Computing
includes the University of Arizona, Brown University, University
of Colorado, Columbia University, Harvard University, Institute
for Advanced Study, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New
York University, Pennsylvania State University, University of
Pennsylvania, Princeton University, University of Rochester and
Rutgers University.


End of NA Digest
