NA Digest Sunday, August 27, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 33

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Tom Manteuffel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 89 15:51:29 mdt
Subject: Correction for Copper Mountain Announcement

Last week's NA Net News included an annoucement of a "Copper
Mountain Conference". However, this title could lead some readers
to think of the multigrid conferences at Copper and to disregard
the message. A more complete title would be "Copper Mountain
Conference on Iterative Methods", which would better reflect
the broader coverage of the meeting.

Tom Manteuffel


From: Elise deDoncker <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 11:30:27 EDT
Subject: First Great Lakes Computer Science Conference

October 18-20, 1989
Western Michigan University

Organization Committee: The 1989 First Great Lakes Computer Science Confer-
ence is organized by the Department of Computer
Technical Program Science, Western Michigan University.
Naveed A. Sherwani It is a broadly based conference and topics may
Publications include, but are not limited to:
Elise de Doncker
John Kapenga
Finance Parallel Algorithms Hypercube Algorithms
Alfred Boals Graph Algorithms VLSI Design
Tutorials Numerical Integration Computer Education
Mark Kerstetter Numerical Linear Algebra Artificial Intelligence
Local Arrangements Distributed Computing Computational Chemistry
Kenneth Williams Software Engineering Biological Information
Carolyn Oberlink Pattern Recognition Processing
Exhibits & Image Processing
Ben Pinkowski

There will be twenty minute talks for contributed
papers. The abstracts are due on September 15, 1989. The abstracts will be
reproduced in the technical program. Therefore, each abstract should fit on
half a standard page,(4 in. X 6.5 in. wide). Each abstract should include
title, name of the author(s) and their affiliation(s). Please indicate the
speaker by an asterisk in case of multiple authors.

Four copies of the full paper are due after the conference on
November 15th, and will be refereed by three referees. There is a limit
of seven pages per paper, single spaced, including figures. The notification
of acceptance will be mailed on or before February 15, 1990. The camera ready
text will be due on March 15, 1990. Accepted papers will be published in the
conference proceedings, which will be mailed to the conference attendees.

Only the papers presented at the conference will be considered for
publication in the proceedings. The papers and the abstracts should be sent
to the technical program chairman Dr. Naveed Sherwani.

The conference program includes a number of invited talks in various
tracks, and parallel sessions. At present the invited speakers list

Salim Akl (Queen's University)
Jack Dongarra (Argonne National Labs)
Michael Fellows (University of Idaho)
James Lyness (Argonne National Labs)
Paul Messina (CalTech Supercomputing Division)
John R. Rice (Purdue University) and
Ahmed Sameh (University of Illinois).

There will be a wine and cheese party on Wednesday evening. The
conference banquet will be held on Thursday evening at the Holiday Inn-West.
Participants are requested to register as early as possible to facilitate
conference arrangements.

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn-West, at group rates
below the normal rates. Contact: Holiday Inn-West, 2747 S. 11th Street,
(616) 375-6000. Rates: $54 (single), $64 (double), if reserved by
October 1st, 1989. Mention the conference name to get reduced rate.
Transportation will be provided between the hotel and the conference center.

Western Michigan University is the fourth largest university in Michigan
with 25,000 student population. The Kalamazoo metro area with a population of
about 200,000 offers a variety of cultural and social activities.
Kalamazoo is located between Chicago and Detroit on I-94. It is aproximately
a two and one-half hour drive from either cities. Kalmazoo can also be reached
by air using United airlines, Piedmont airlines, American airlines or
Northwest airlines. Kalamazoo is also served by Amtrak and Greyhound.

For further information contact: Dr. Naveed Sherwani, Department of Computer
Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008.
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (616) 387-5645


From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 10:00:07 CDT
Subject: Wilkinson Fellowship at Argonne


Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory is seeking outstanding candidates in
the general area of computational mathematics to fill the 1990
J. H. Wilkinson Fellowship in Computational Mathematics.

This fellowship was created in memory of Dr. James Hardy
Wilkinson, F.R.S., who for many years had a close association
with the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne,
where he acted as a consultant and guiding spirit for such
efforts as the EISPACK and LINPACK projects. The Wilkinson
Fellowship is supported by a special grant from the Applied
Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the U.S. Department of

The J. H. Wilkinson Fellowship is intended to encourage young
U.S. scientists who are actively engaged in state-of-the-art
research in computational mathematics-including, but not limited
to, the development and implementation of numerical algorithms
for linear algebra. The candidate must be a U.S. citizen or
permanent resident, must have earned (or be about to earn) a
Ph.D. degree or the equivalent during the past five years, and
should have a strong background in numerical computation. The
candidate should also be interested in expanding into the area of
advanced computing research. Argonne's Mathematics and Computer
Science Division has strong programs in computational mathematics
and advanced computing, as well as in software engineering and
applied analysis.

This appointment is for one year, and may be renewed for a second
year. It includes a highly competitive salary, moving expenses,
and a generous professional travel allotment. Applications from
qualified candidates, as well as nominations for the position of
Wilkinson Fellow, should be addressed to Rosalie L. Bottino,
Employment and Placement, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4832. Applications
should include a resume and a statement of research goals, and
the names of three references. The closing date for applications
is December 1, 1989. The applications will be reviewed by an
international selection committee and a candidate announced in
January 1990. The position will commence during 1990.

Further inquiries can be made by calling 312-972-7162 or by
sending electronic mail to [email protected].

Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.


From: Reginald Tewarson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 15:06 EDT
Subject: Position at Stony Brook

State University of New York at Stony Brook
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
anticipates a post-doctoral and/or a tenure track Assistant Professor
position starting January 1990. The sucessful candidate will demonstrate
excellence in one or more of the following areas: computational fluid
dynamics, hyperbolic conservation laws, chaos, and fluid instabilities.
Please send a resume and statement of research and career goals to Chair,
Applied Mathematics Department, SUNY-Stony Brook, Stony, Brook, New York
11794. Also, please arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent.
SUNY-Stony Brook is an EEO/AA employer.

Reginald P. Tewarson
Leading Professor
Applied Math. & Stat.
516-632-8368 or 516-751-2193


From: Jerzy Wasniewski <NEUJW%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 89 16:31:38 DNT
Subject: Address Change for Jerzy Wasniewski

I am moving from the Danish Computing Centre for Research and
Education (UNI-C) in Denmark to the Multiflow Computer, Inc., USA.
After August 24, 1989 I shall be available at the new address:

Jerzy Wasniewski,
c/o Multiflow Computer, Inc.,
31 Business Park Drive,
Branford, CT 06405,
Tel: + 203 458 3287
E-mail address: [email protected]


From: Pamela Coxson <coxson%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 13:18:27 PDT
Subject: SIAG/LA Newsletter: Request for Information

To members of the SIAG/LA of SIAM:

Are you going on sabbatical or moving to a new location? Have you won an
award or been appointed or elected to a new position? Your colleagues in
SIAG/LA would like to know. Please mail this information to me at
[email protected]. If I receive it by the September 10, I can include it
in the next newsletter.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Pam Coxson
Secretary, SIAG/LA
[email protected]


From: Pat Gaffney <FSCPG%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 89 17:42:26 EMT
Subject: IBM Bergen Active in Environmental Sciences

IBM chooses Bergen for activities in Environmental Sciences

To emphasize its commitment to the environment IBM has appointed
its Bergen Scientific Centre -- as the centre for IBM's activities
within environmental modelling and as the focal point for information
on environmental activities throughout Europe.

"IBM in Europe has long recognised the importance of
environmental protection and we are committed to helping
governments and other industries to develop solutions to
environmental problems when opportunities present
themselves and when IBM knowledge, experience
and technology can be helpful," said Dave McKinney, president
director general, IBM Europe. "The Bergen Scientific Centre is
part of IBM's initiative".

Norway was chosen as the host for this international activity because
of its initiative and position in environmental protection work and because
of the close partnership between the Scientific Centre and the University of
Bergen and surrounding institutes.

The Bergen Scientific Centre, which was established in 1986, has gained an
international reputation for its work in Offshore Technology
(Reservoir and Seismic processing), Oceanographic Modelling, and Information
Technology. This new initiative will capitalize on the available expertise
and accomplishments of the Centre while at the same time strengthening and
expanding the effort to include a broader coverage of environmental work.

The main topics that will be covered by the new Environmental Sciences
activity will be:

Modelling, Databases, Remote Sensing and Mapping.

The Scientific Centre will be focal point for information on all work
conducted in the above topics both inside and outside IBM. In conjunction
with academic and industrial partners the Centre's Environmental Sciences
activity will concentrate on modelling, the coupling of databases with
modelling and simulation, and remote sensing.

A key ingredient for the success of this new activity is the cross
fertilization that is to be accomplished from the Information Technology
work conducted by the Centre. In particular Parallel Computing will
be used as a major component of the modelling and simulation work
within Environmental Sciences.

Other areas of Information Technology, that will play a key role in the
Centre's Environmental Sciences, include: Expert Systems and Databases.
By collaborating with other international scientific organizations, both
inside and outside IBM, the Scientific Centre aims to coordinate and
strengthen its own activities within Environmental Sciences while at the
same time contributing to international collaboration.

The planned expansion in the areas of modelling and databases, and the
heavy emphasis on parallel computing imply that sufficient computing
power and storage facilities are available for the Centre's staff and
partners. In this regard the main computing power of the Centre will
be tripled by expanding the Centre's IBM 3090-200 VF to an IBM 3090-400S with
4 vector facilities and 80 gigabytes of disk storage.

In addition the Centre will increase its staff to provide more student
and faculty positions.


From: Stanly Steinberg <[email protected]>
Date: 24 Aug 89 20:54:15 GMT
Subject: Symmetric Discretization Problem

I am interested in numerically solving general elliptic pde's in a
unit cube in n-variables with general Robin boundary contitions.

The partial differential equation:

__ d d
\ -- a (x) -- f(x) + b(x) f(x) = g(x)
/_ dx ij dx
i j
0 < x < 1

The boundary conditions:

__ d
A(x) \ N a (x) -- f(x) + B(x) f(x) = C(x)
/_ i ij dx

Here a(x) is a symmetric matrix and N is a vector normal to the boundary.
Of course f is to be found and a, b, g, A, B, and C are given.

Main Question: Can this problem be discretized using a nearest-neighbor
finite-difference scheme in such a way that the approximation is second
order and the resulting linear system is symmetric? First order and symmetric?

Remark: Nearest-neighbor means that the number of points in the
finite-differrence stencil is 3**n.

Remark: For n=1 the solution is easy. For n=2 or n=3, many special cases
can be done. A single algorithm is needed for the full problem class.

Question: How about a finite-element method?

Remark: The problem appears in this form because boundary-fitted
solution-adaptive grids are being used to solve a steady-state

Professor Stanly Steinberg, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, 505 277 4733
[email protected] [email protected]


From: Michelle Jones <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 89 12:14 EDT
Subject: Forthcoming SIAM Conferences


September 25-28, 1989
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and
Computational Issues in Geophysical
Fluid and Solid Mechanics
Stouffer Greenway Plaza Hotel
Houston, TX

Organizers: William Fitzgibbon and Mary Wheeler, University of Houston

Plus a one-day short course (to be announced).

September 27-29, 1989
SIAM Workshop on Geophysical Inversion
Stouffer Greenway Plaza Hotel
Houston, TX

Organizer: J. Bee Bednar, Amerada Hess Corporation, Tulsa

November 6-10, 1989
SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
Sheraton Mission Palms Hotel
Tempe, AZ

Organizer: Robert Barnhill, Arizona State University

Plus a one-day short course on Interactive Computer Graphics

Organizers: Tom Foley and Gregg Nielson, Arizona State University

December 11-13, 1989
Fourth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing
for Scientific Computing
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing

Organizer: Jack J. Dongarra, Argonne National Laboratory

Plus a one-day short course (to be announced)


January 22-24, 1990
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Cathedral Hill Hotel
San Francisco, CA

Organizers: Fan R. K. Chung, Bell Communications Research, Inc. and David
Johnson, AT&T Bell Laboratories

March 5-7, 1990

SIAM Conference on Applied Probability in Science
and Engineering
Clarion Hotel
New Orleans, LA

Organizers: Bernard Matkowsky, Northwestern University, James McKenna, AT&T
Bell Laboratories, and George Shanthikumar, University of California,

Abstract Deadline: September 27, 1989

May 7-10, 1990
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
Marriott Hotel
Orlando, FL
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems

Organizers: Shui-Nee Chow and Harlan Stech, University of Minnesota, Duluth

Abstract Deadline: November 28, 1989

June 11-14, 1990
Fifth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Atlanta, GA
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics

Organizer: Peter Winkler, Emory University

Abstract Deadline: January 5, 1990

July 16-20, 1990
SIAM 1990 Annual Meeting
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Chicago, IL

Organizer: Andrzej Manitius, George Mason University

Plus a one-day short course (to be announced).

Abstract deadline: February 2, 1990

November 5-7, 1990
Second SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control
Cathedral Hill Hotel
San Francisco, CA

Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra

Organizers: Biswa Datta, Northern Illinois University, and David Carlson, San
Diego State University

Abstract Deadline: May 16, 1990


July 8-12, 1991
Second International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(ICIAM 91)
Sheraton Washington Hotel
Washington, DC

Organizer: Robert E. O'Malley, Jr., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Plus a one-day short course (to be announced)


End of NA Digest
