NA Digest Sunday, July 16, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 27

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: David Handscomb <DCH%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 89 15:25 BST
Subject: Leslie Fox Prize, 1989


One-Day Meeting - Monday September 4th 1989

To be held at the University of Cambridge

The adjudicating committee (K.W.Morton, J.C.Mason, N.K.Nichols)
have selected seven papers, from the 17 entries that were submitted for the
prize, to be presented by their authors at a meeting that will be held in
Seminar Room A, Department of Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics
(DAMTP), Silver Street, Cambridge, England. The programme is as follows:

A.Edelman (MIT)
Eigenvalues and condition numbers of random matrices
M.Buhmann (Cambridge)
Multivariable cardinal interpolation with radial basis functions
B.L.R.DeMoor (Stanford)
The restricted singular value decomposition: properties and applications
D.J.Higham (Toronto)
Highly-continuous Runge-Kutta interpolants
R.H.Chan (Hong Kong)
Circulant preconditioners for Hermitian Toeplitz systems
A.M.Stuart (Bath)
Linear instability implies spurious periodic solutions
M.Ainsworth (Durham)
An asymptotically exact a-posteriori error estimator for the
finite element approximation of problems with singular solutions

If you wish to attend, please inform Professor K.W.Morton, Oxford
University Computing Laboratory, 8-11 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, England
(na-net identifier na.kmorton, e-mail address [email protected]); nobody
who does not do so will be turned away, but it would be helpful to know
numbers by 28th August. Everything except lunch is free.

Professor M.J.D.Powell has kindly arranged a dinner in Pembroke
College on the Monday evening at 15 pounds sterling per head including
wines. Those interested in attending should send him a cheque at DAMTP,
Silver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW, payable to Pembroke College, not later
than 25th August.

Everyone is encouraged to attend the Numerical Analysis Mini-
symposium to be held in Cambridge the following morning, 5th September,
9.00-12.30, as part of the IMA Silver Jubilee Conference. Speakers are:
A.Iserles, C.M.Elliott, K.W.Morton & E.Suli, C.T.H.Baker, I.S.Duff et al.,
M.G.Cox & P.M.Harris. Further details of the conference are available from
the IMA. For any wishing to attend the Fox meeting and the minisymposium
ONLY (NOT the full IMA conference), Professor Powell has kindly reserved a
few rooms in Pembroke College for the Monday night - please add 18 pounds
to the cheque for the dinner if you wish to take advantage of this.


From: Fred Kus <FRED%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 09:24 EDT
Subject: Source Code Wanted

I am looking for the source code for the following 3 programs :

1. Algorithm 352 of the ACM - the characteristic values and
solutions of the Mathieu equation.

2. The routines listed in the book by Y. Luke 'Special Functions
and their Approximation'.

3. A routine for the multivariate normal random deviate
generator with given covariance matrix. I know of GGNSM in the
IMSL library but I need a public domain version.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Fred Kus
[email protected]
Computing and Information Services
McMaster University
1280 Main Street W.
Hamiltin, On.
Canada L8S 4K1


From: Ronald Peirls <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 89 13:05:16 EDT
Subject: PostDoctoral Position at BNL

PostDoctoral Position at BNL

The mathematical sciences division of the Department of Applied
Science at Brookhaven National Laboratory invites applications for a
possible post-doctoral position in computational numerical analysis.
The recipient will be expected to seek research problems arising out
of Laboratory programs in the physical and environmental sciences, but
the area of research would otherwise be open. The Division currently
pursues work on the development of parallel algorithms for the
solution of partial differential equations, on visualization methods
for nonlinear dynamical systems analysis, on image reconstruction
algorithms, and on the behavior of asynchronous parallel computations.

The Laboratory has major programs in high energy and nuclear
physics, material sciences, accelerator physics, structural biology,
environmental science, and many other areas. The position is expected
to be available beginning October 1, 1989 but applications would be
acceptable from candidates not available till later in the year.

For further information please contact Dr. Ronald F. Peierls,
Mathematical Sciences Division,Department of Applied Science,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973. E-mail can be sent to
[email protected], or, on BITNET to PEIERLS AT BNL


From: Matthew Clegg <[email protected]>
Date: 12 Jul 89 21:31:00 PST
Subject: Software Wanted for Integer Programming

I am interested in obtaining software for solving
(integer) linear programs. Of course, I would be
especially interested in software that is in the public
domain. Do you have any idea where I should look to
find these kinds of programs?

Thank you for your assistance.


Matthew Clegg.
[email protected]


From: David Foulser <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 89 11:49:53 EDT
Subject: Educational Site Licenses for CLAM


I am writing to let educational NA-NET users know of a special software

Scientific Computing Associates, Inc., of New Haven, Connecticut, is
offering educational institutions a site license of its CLAM software
running on Sun-3 workstations, for a total of $400. This covers as many
copies as you care to license at one site, with a year of maintenance
supplied to one contact person per license. CLAM runs on a variety of
UNIX computers; this offer applies only to the Sun-3.

CLAM, the Computational Linear Algebra Machine, is an interactive
scientific computing environment with a natural, matrix-based
mathematical syntax. It incorporates a range of advanced features,
o sparse matrix algorithms and data structures,
o seamless integration with FORTRAN or C subroutine libraries, and
o powerful graphics supporting common display environments
- Sun workstations
- The X Window System
CLAM is also a complete programming language augmented with on-line
help and symbolic debugging.

CLAM is meant to handle large numerical problems. This distinguishes
it from several other products such as Mathematica (primarily symbolic
math) and MATLAB (works only with smaller dense matrix problems).

CLAM features sophisticated techniques for factoring and solving large
systems of linear equations and other compute-intensive tasks.
These sparse matrix techniques allow CLAM to represent and manipulate
large, sparse arrays efficiently.

CLAM's X Windows graphics supports color, 2-D line and contour, 3-D
surface, and animation graphics. Also available are SunView, PostScript,
and Impress plotting capabilities.

For more information about CLAM, please feel free to send Email, call,
or write. If there is sufficient interest, I can summarize replies.

David Foulser, Ph.D.
Research Scientist/Product Manager

Scientific Computing Associates, Inc.
246 Church Street, Suite 307
New Haven, CT 06510 USA
(203) 777-7442
foulser%[email protected]


From: Ken Mandelberg <[email protected]>
Date: 15 Jul 89 15:17:27 GMT
Subject: Numerical Analysis Courseware for Mathematica

Does anyone know of any Mathematica "courseware" appropriate
for a numerical analysis course. More generally, if anyone has
taught a numerical analysis course using Mathematica, I would
appreciate any advise, assignments, etc that emerged from
the experience.

Ken Mandelberg | [email protected] PREFERRED
Emory University | {decvax,gatech}!emory!km UUCP
Dept of Math and CS | [email protected] NON-DOMAIN BITNET
Atlanta, GA 30322 | Phone: (404) 727-7963


End of NA Digest
