NA Digest Sunday, May 21, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 20

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Roland England <R_ENGLAND%[email protected]>
Date: 15-MAY-1989 11:55:24 GMT
Subject: Clarification (London ODE Conference)

In two messages which appeared last week on this subject,
my name was given as Ronald England. I wish to make it
clear that this was, at least in one case, the result of
an error on the part of the editor, and that my name is
in fact Roland England. [Ed. note: My apologies --Cleve]

Roland England
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


From: Stephanie Bodoff <[email protected]>
Date: 15 May 89 14:27:00 GMT
Subject: Numerical Inversion of a Laplace Transform

I would like to obtain (c or f77) source or (less preferable) an algorithm
for performing numerical inversion of a Laplace Transform.

Thanks in advance,
Stephanie Bodoff
Apollo Computer Inc.
ARPA: [email protected] (preferred)
UUCP: ...{decwrl!decvax, mit-eddie, attunix}!apollo!bodoff
USPS: Apollo Computer, 330 Billerica Rd. Chelmsford MA 01824


From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 May 89 11:52:40 cdt
Subject: LAA Special Issue on Algebraic Linear Algebra


Special issue on

This is to announce a special issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications
entitled ALGEBRAIC LINEAR ALGEBRA. It will be devoted to the interaction
between algebraic matrix theory and the rest of algebra. Examples
of the types of papers we seek are:

1. Generalizations of classical matrix theory (such as module theory or linear
algebra over rings) or the use of such generalizations to solve
problems in classical linear algebra.

2. Use of algebraic linear algebra in coding theory, control theory,
cryptography, group matrices, and other areas.

3. Extensions of algebraic linear algebra itself that have been suggested by
such applications (e.g. new matrix problems).

This issue is open to all and papers will be refereed in the usual way.
The deadline for submission is August 1990, with expected
publication approximately one year later. Authors should submit three copies
of the manuscript (prepared according to the guidelines described in
"Information for Authors" published in every issue of LAA) to one of the
following special editors:

Robert M. Guralnick
Department of Mathematics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1113
email: [email protected]

William H. Gustafson
Department of Mathematics
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409

Lawrence S. Levy
Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706
email: [email protected]


From: John R. Rice <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 May 89 15:06:40 EST
Subject: Temporary Position in Chile




We are looking for a numerical analyst (ODE's and parabolic PDE's) to
work for a project funded by the United Nations, and to collaborate with
colleagues at the Department of Mathematics of Catholic University of Chile,
Santiago, Chile. The appointment would be for a period of 3 to 4 month,
starting between August and October 1989 (spring time). We pay a reasonable
salary and traveling expenses for the selected candidate. Local computing
facilities include a network of 6 Apollo workstations (one of which is
an Apollo 10000 with 3 CPU's) dedicated to the project, and general university
computing facilities (VAX-VMS). The position would be very suitable for
someone in sabbatical leave.

Interested persons please contact

Dr. Ivan Huerta
Departamento dfe Matematicas
Universidad Catolica de Chile
Casilla 6177, Santiago 22

uucp-mail [email protected] (not too reliable)

Fax 52-2-5525698 (Area code country-city-phone number)


From: Victor Eijkhout <U641000%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 May 89 10:41:44 MET
Subject: Nijmegen Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Conference


To celebrate the 13th, the 17th, 31st, and 37th birthdays
of the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method a
conference will be held at the University of
Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on June 19-21, 1989.
Prior to the conference there will be a short course on
PCG methods on June 15-17, 1989.

Invited presentations wil be given by
Robert Beauwens, Peter Deuflhard, Richard Ewing, Ivar Gustafsson,
Lennart Johnson, David Kincaid, Ahmed Sameh, Henk van der Vorst,
and Harry Yserentant.
In addition there will be a number of contributed talks.
The deadline for submitting abstracts
(one to two pages) for contributed talks is May 26, 1989.
Notification of acceptance will be given by June 1, 1989.


For people flying to the Netherlands: Nijmegen is easily
reached by train from the airports of Amsterdam, Brussels,
Dusseldorf, and Frankfurt. These connections require
changing trains once.

The university can be reached by public transportation
from the hotels in the city, and there are sufficient
parking lots on the campus.


The conference organisation has options on rooms
in four hotels at reduced rates,
Hotel Altea
single room f100--f110 double room f145
Hotel Atlanta
single room f70--f75 double room f110
Hotel Wienerhof
single room f60--f65 double room f95
Hotel Rozenhof (located outside the city center,
a 20 minutes walk to the university)
double room f90
Prices include breakfast.
A room will be reserved for you upon prepayment
of the conference fee. You will receive
confirmation of the reservation and information
including a local area map.


In order to reserve a room at the reduced rates, your
registration must reach us before May 26,
and the prepayment of the conference fee of f150
before June 2.
(The present exchange rate is US$1=f2.13.)
The conference fee is f180 if paid
after June 2. This fee includes refreshments at coffeebreaks,
and the conference programme containing the abstracts.
For the short course fees are f200 (before June 2), or
f250, thereafter. The fee includes lecture notes,
two lunches, and refreshments during breaks.


For further information
- call the Netherlands (0)80-612986
(secretary of the Mathematics Department)
- email Victor Eijkhout: [email protected]
- write to
O. Axelsson
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Nijmegen
Toernooiveld 5
NL 6525 ED Nijmegen
the Netherlands

Registration Form

I wish to register for the PCG conference.
Family name:
First name and initial:
City and postal code:
El. mail:

[ ] Please reserve a single/double room for me
at the hotel:
Arrival date:
Departure date:

Payment by [ ] Banktransfer on account
i.f.o Prof. dr. A.O.H. Axelsson
Amro Bank, Keizer Karelplein,
Postbus 79, 6500 AB Nijmegen
the Netherlands
(postgiro account: 848700)
[ ] Postgiro account 4393790
Hr. A.O.H. Axelsson, Nijmegen
[ ] Eurocheque [ ] enclosed
[ ] Travellers cheque [ ] enclosed

There is an additional charge of f9 for all foreign
cheques, including travellers cheques.
This reservation is binding.

Please note:
-this reservation must reach us before May 26, and the prepayment
before June 2 for reduced rates to be applicable.
-if the hotel of your preference is booked full, we will
reserve a room in the next higher class, unless you specify

Place and date:


Send the completed form (with enclosed cheque, if applicable)
J. Maubach
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Nijmegen
Toernooiveld 5
NL 6525 ED Nijmegen
the Netherlands


From: Joyce Aitchison <AITCHISON%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 May 89 13:26 BST
Subject: Vacancies at RMCS, Shrivenham

Lecturing and Research Posts.

Applied and Computational Mathematics Group - RMCS (Cranfield).

RMCS (Cranfield) is a faculty of the Cranfield Institute of Technology but
situated at the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, in a rural
setting in Oxfordshire. The College is 23 miles west of Oxford and 7 miles
east of Swindon. RMCS provides undergraduate and postgraduate courses for
both military and civilian students. The academic staff are civilians and
are appointed on normal university terms.

The Applied and Computational Mathematics group has teaching and research
interests in a wide range of topics in physical applied mathematics and
numerical analysis. Several vacancies have arisen in our strong and
expanding lecturing, research and consultancy programme. Applications are
invited form graduates in a mathematical science with experience in such
fields as mathematical modelling and numerical analysis.


There is a vacancy for a lecturer with responsibilities within a wide range
of further education courses, including undergraduate degrees in science
and engineering and M Sc courses in mathematical modelling and numerical
methods. The post will be for three years in the first instance but there
is a strong possibility that the post will be made permament.


A three-year, or possibly permament, appointment for a person of post-
doctoral or equivalent standing who would participate in research
developments and should be adaptable to new requirements.


Two posts of two or three years duration are available for a variety of
applicable mathematical projects. Specific openings exist in the areas of
computational fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics and finite elements.

Application forms and further details may be obtained from
Personal Office, RMCS(Cranfield), Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8LA
tel (0793) 785403/ 785421.

Informal enquiries may be made to me :


telephone (0793) 785276.

Joyce Aitchison,
Applied and Computational Mathematics Group,


From: Kathleen LeBlanc <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 May 89 11:27 EDT
Subject: New Books from SIAM

TITLE: Stochastic Processes in the Neurosciences
EDITOR: Henry C. Tuckwell
SERIES: CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics No. 56

136 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-89871-232-7, May 1989
LIST PRICE: $24.50

This monograph is centered on the quantitative analysis of nerve-cell
behavior. The work is foundational, with many higher order problems still
remaining, especially in connection with neural networks. Thoroughly
addressed topics include stochastic problems in neurobiology, and the
treatment of the theory of related Markov processes.

Special features include systems of nonlinear stochastic partial differential
equations and the pertubative approach to their solutions; comprehensive
treatment of channel noise; and statistical analysis of point processes;
Wiener kernel explanations.

Mathematicians, especially probabilists and statisticians interested in new
applications, will appreciate Tuckwell's work, as will neurobiologists.
Background requirements include intermediate probability and related
mathematics, as well as a rudimentary knowledge of neurophysiology.

CONTENTS: Deterministic Theories and Stochastic Phenomena in Neurobiology;
Synaptic Transmission; Early Stochastic Models for Neuronal Activity Including
Poisson Processes and Random Walks; Discontinuous Markov Processes with
Exponential Decay; One-dimensional Diffusion Processes; Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations; The Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Neural
Activity; Channel Noise; Wiener Kernel Expansions; The Stochastic Activity of
Neuronal Populations


TITLE: Parallel Processing and Medium Scale Multiprocessors
SERIES: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics
EDITOR: Arthur Wouk, Mathematical Sciences Division, Army Research Office

216 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-89871-238-6, June 1989
LIST PRICE: $31.50

The papers in this book represent those presented at the ARO research workshop
on Parallel Processing and Medium Scale Multiprocessors held at Stanford
University in January 1986. The workshop brought together research workers
with strong connections to scientific computation as well as an interest in
the systems programming problems that are restricting the application of the
new hardware being developed.

This volume contains papers covering several areas, including systems
programming, parallel language/programming systems, and applications
programming. The work reported includes investigations into debugging of
operating systems, portability of applications programs and parallel operating
systems, efficient resource allocation in multiprocessors, parallel constructs
for applications programming languages, and applications programming efforts
on diverse architectures. These papers can provide helpful guidance for those
wishing to explore the new territory of automatic optimal parallelization of
sequentially conceived programs.

This book will be a useful guide for all researchers having an interest in
scientific computation, especially those wishing to explore more thoroughly
the problems involved in automatic optimization in the compilation of parallel

CONTENTS: Debugging Multi-Task Programs, Morven Gentleman and Darlene
Stewart; Matrix Computations and Game Playing on the iPSC, Cleve Moler and
David Scott; A System for Parallel Processing, P. O'Leary, G.W. Stewart, and
Robert van de Geijn; Statistical Methodologies for the Control of Dynamic
Remapping, Joel Saltz and David Nicol; Sparse Cholesky Factorization on a
Local-Memory Multiprocessor, Alan George, Michael Heath, Joseph Liu and Esmond
Ng; Concurrent Global Optimization on a Network of Computers, Richard Byrd,
Cornelius Dert, Alexander Rinooy Kan, and Robert Schnabel; Heterogeneous
Processes on Homogeneous Procesors, George Cybenko, David Krumme, K.N.
Venkataraman and A. Couch; Matrix Multiplication on Boolean Cubes using
Generic Communication Primitives, Lennart Johnsson and Ching-Tien Ho; The
Force on the Flex: Global Parallelism and Portability, Harry Jordan; SCHEDULE:
An Aid to Programming Explicitly Parallel Algorithms in Fortran, J. Dongarra
and D.C. Sorenson; Dynamic Grid Manipulation for PDEs on Hypercube Parallel
Processors, William D. Gropp; Solving Compressible Euler Equations on a
Hypercube Simulator, Jung Pyo Hong, Bob Tomlinson, and Nisheeth Patel

LE BLANC AT SIAM. Phone: (215)564-2929; E-mail: [email protected]


From: Robert G Kaires <[email protected]>
Date: 17 May 89 02:09:30 GMT
Subject: Complex Zeros of an Analytic Function

I am looking for a FORTRAN routine to find the complex zeros of an
Analytic function in the complex plane. I know that there is an IMSL
routine called ZANLYT which uses Muller's method. The problem is: we
don't seem to have IMSL at this university. Can someone email me a
routine they've written (and hopefully tested) that can accomplish this?
Another related question: is IMSL public domain?? Are these routines
available in source?
Thanks in advance for all help.
Bob Kaires
Clemson University, Clemson, SC


From: Manfred Trummer <[email protected]>
Date: 17 May 89 15:02 -0700
Subject: Announcement for Pacific Northwest Region


The Third Annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar will
be held on
Saturday, September 23, 1989
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia.

The format of the meeting will be the same as the first two meetings
in Seattle and Bellingham. We will have five invited 45 minute
presentations, and ample time for informal discussions. A small
registration fee will cover the cost of lunch and refreshments.
So far the list of speakers is as follows.

Professor Feng Gao
Computer Science Department
University of British Columbia

Professor Randy LeVeque
Mathematics Department
University of Washington

Professor Tjalling Ypma
Mathematics Department
Western Washington University

For more information, or to get on the mailing list, please
contact <na.trummer>.
Manfred Trummer


From: Pat Gaffney <FSCPG%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 May 89 13:26:03 EMT
Subject: Position at Bergen Scientific Centre, Norway


Distributed parallel processing under UNIX

Bergen Scientific Centre, IBM, runs a network of UNIX System V workstations
(IBM RTs and PS/2s) connected on several LANs. Additionally, there are
connections to an IBM 3090 and other networks eg ARPA and EARN.

We are looking for a scientist who is interested in some aspects of
parallel computing (preferably with a numerical bias) who will also use
his/her UNIX experience to assist in supervising and supporting our UNIX
systems group.

We are also implementing a version of UNIX on our IBM mainframe.

We are looking for UNIX system experience to assist in this and to help
create an environment where UNIX commands can be executed on either the
workstation or mainframe (or both) with a minimum of user interference.

This appointment will be for a period of one or two years.

Several years UNIX system experience is essential, as is some research
activity in parallel processing.

Additionally, experience with the following would be desirable:

Distributed file systems

Bergen provides a pleasant environment in the heart of the Western
Fjords of Norway with excellent opportunities for outdoor pursuits
especially skiing, and water-sports. The centre is English speaking
and provides a friendly and flexible environment for scientists of
many different backgrounds.

Contact Chris Thompson at either of the electronic mail addresses:


or contact Patrick Gaffney:



From: Alan Karp <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 May 89 06:21:31 PDT
Subject: IBM Supercomputing Competition

April 24, 1989

The IBM Corporation and IBM Canada Ltd. announces the 1989 IBM 3090
Supercomputing Competition. This is a contest for technical papers on advances
in Numerically Intensive Computing.

IBM will award cash prizes directly to the authors of papers describing work
done on IBM 3090 systems, including:

o Leading edge uses of large scale computers
o Innovative applications or algorithms

IBM employees and their immediate family members are not eligible for this

First, second and third prizes of $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000 will be awarded
in each of four divisions:

1. Physical sciences and mathematics
2. Engineering
3. Life and health sciences
4. Social sciences, humanities and fine arts

Universities that support the work of First Prize Papers in each division will
be awarded an additional $10,000 if the authors certify that substantive
support was provided.

An abstract must be registered by October 2, 1989 and the paper must be
submitted by January 15, 1990. Award winners in each division will be selected
by a panel of independent judges. Winners will be announced by March 1, 1990.
The Awards will be distributed by May 1, 1990.

A promotional flyer, a General Information Brochure including the Registration
Form, Certificate of Originality, and Academic Institution Support
Certification and two poster sizes are available. Small quantities are being
sent to each Branch Office.

For information on submission of papers, contact your Area Technical Computing
Manager, Managers of ACIS Marketing or: Milton Thrasher, Competition Admin.,
T/L 236-6318;RHQVM01(MTHRASH) IBM S&TC, Department 72/BNG, 44 S. Broadway,
White Plains, NY 10601-4495 (914) 686-6318


End of NA Digest
