NA Digest Monday, March 20, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 11
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Frank Luk <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 89 12:51:41 EST
Subject: SPIE Conference on Signal Processing
Program for
SPIE Conference on Advanced Algorithms and Architectures for Signal Processing,
San Diego, CA, August 8-10.
Organizing Committee: Boualem Boashash, Philip Hargrave,
Franklin Luk, James Reilly, Jeffrey M. Speiser, Paul Van Dooren.
Tuesday, August 8
Keynote Paper:
1. John G. McWhirter,
Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, United Kingdom.
``Algorithmic Engineering - An Emerging Discipline''.
Session 1. Adaptive Filtering
Chair: Philip Hargrave, STC Technology Ltd, United Kingdom.
2. Simon Haykin and Henry Leung,
McMaster University, Canada.
``Residue Adaptive Filtering''.
3. Dirk Slock and Tom Kailath,
Stanford University.
``Multi-channel Fast Transversal Filter Algorithms for
Adaptive Broadband Beamforning''.
4. C.F.N. Cowen,
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
``Data Equalisation using Highly Non-linear Adaptive Architectures''.
5. George Irwin,
The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
``Algorithms and Architectures for Systolic Covariance Kalman Filtering''.
6. Ian Proudler,
Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, United Kingdom.
``A QR-based Lattice Filter Algorithm for Least Squares Linear
7. John Hudson, Terry Shepherd, and John McWhirter,
STC Technology Ltd, and Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, United Kingdom.
``Parallel Weight Extraction by a Systolic Least Squares Algorithm''.
Session 2. Numerical Techniques
Chair: Paul Van Dooren, Philips Research Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium.
8. Marc Moonen, Paul Van Dooren, and Joos Vandewalle,
ESAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
and Philips Research Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium.
``(G)SVD Updating for Tracking Slowly Time-varying Systems''.
9. B. Yang and J.F. B\"ohme,
Ruhr Universit\"at, Federal Republic of Germany.
``Reducing the Computations of the SVD array given by
Brent, Luk, and Van Loan''.
10. A.W. Bojanczyk and A.O. Steinhardt,
Cornell University.
``Linear Array for Covariance Differencing via Hyperbolic SVD''.
11. Wallace E. Larimore, Jorge Galdos, Daniel Martin, and Franklin T. Luk,
Computational Engineering, Inc, and Cornell University.
``A Transputer Implementation of System Identification
and Control using SVD's''.
12. Paul Van Dooren and Jean-Paul Charlier,
Philips Research Laboratory, Brussels, Belgium.
``A Jacobi-like Algorithm for computing the
Generalized Schur Form of a Regular Pencil''.
13. Jean-Marc Delosme,
Yale University.
``CORDIC Algorithms: Theory and Extensions''.
14. B. Ottersten, M. Viberg, and T. Kailath,
Stanford University,
``Asymptotic Analysis of the Total Least Squares ESPRIT Algorithm'',
15. Theagenis J. Abatzoglou,
Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.
``Analysis of the Constrained Total Least Squares Method
and Its Relation to Harmonic Superresolution''.
16. P. Comon,
Thomson Sintra, France.
``Separation of Sources Using High-order Cumulants''.
Wednesday, August 9
Session 3. Signal Analysis and Beamforming
Chair: Jeffrey M. Speiser, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA.
17. Guanghou Xu and Thomas Kailath,
Stanford University.
``A New Technique for Broadband Direction Finding''.
18. A. L. Swindlehurst, Richard Roy, and Thomas Kailath,
Stanford University.
``Suboptimal Subspace-fitting Methods for
Multidimensional Signal Parameter Estimation''.
19. James A. Cadzow,
Vanderbilt University.
``Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques''
20. R. L. Ricks,
Naval Ocean Systems Center.
``Use of Overlap in the Hough and Fast Hough Transforms''
21. H. Arnold and J. M. Speiser,
Naval Ocean Systems Center.
``Array Manifold Effects in Signal Subspace Techniques''.
22. Ching Yih Tseng and Lloyd J. Griffiths,
University of Southern California.
``A Unification and Comparison of Adaptive
Linearly-Constrained Beamforming Structures''.
23. B. D. Rao,
University of California at San Diego.
``State Space Model-Based Parameter Estimation Methods
and Some Applications''
24. Rongqing Xu, Zhidao Cao, and Yongtan Liu,
Harbin Institute of Technology, China.
``A Method of Precise Motion Compensation for ISAR''.
25. R. Altes,
Chirp Corporation.
``Proportional Bandwidth Wideband Wigner-Ville Analysis''.
Session 4. Array Processing
Chair: James Reilly, McMaster University, Canada.
26. Richard Blahut,
IBM, Owego, New York.
``Algebraic Technique for Signal Processing and Coding''.
27. G.A. Jullien and W.C. Miller,
University of Windsor, Canada.
``Homogeneous VLSI Structures for High Speed DSP
using Number Theoretic Techniques''.
28. James P. Reilly, K. Max Wong, and P.M. Reilly,
McMaster University, and University of Waterloo, Canada.
``A Bayesian Approach to Direction-of-Arrival Estimation
in Highly Correlated Noise Fields''.
29. J.F. B\"ohme,
Ruhr Universit\"at, Federal Republic of Germany.
``Location and Spectrum Estimation by Approximate Maximum Likelihood''.
30. Sanzheng Qiao,
McMaster University, Canada.
``Parallel Implementation of a Linear Prediction Algorithm''.
31. W.G. Chen, K.M. Wong, and J.P. Reilly,
McMaster University, Canada.
``A New Adaptive Technique for Detection of
the Number of Signals in Array Processing.
32. Ahmed H. Tewfik,
University of Minnesota.
``Direction Finding in the Presence of Colored Noise''.
33. Richard Roy, M. Goldburg, B. Ottersten, L. Swindlehurst,
M. Viberg, and T. Kailath,
Stanford University.
``ESPRIT and Uniform Linear Arrays''.
34. John Shen and Douglas Wood,
Carnegie-Mellon University, and ESL, Inc.
``Application-Specific Processors for Real Time Tracking''.
Thursday, August 10
Session 5. Time-Varying Spectral Analysis
Chair: Boualem Boashash, University of Queensland, Australia.
35. B. Boashash, G. Jones, and P. O'Shea,
University of Queensland, Australia.
``Time-frequency analysis and instantaneous frequency estimation:
implementation and applications''.
36. L. Cohen,
Hunter College, City University of New York.
``Time-frequency distributions, instantaneous frequency and spread''.
37. B.E.A. Saleh,
University of Wisconsin.
``Filtering in the time-frequency domain''.
38. Moeness G. Amin,
Villanova University.
``Smoothing in time-varying spectrum estimation''.
39. L. Auslander, I. Gertner, R. Tolimieri, and G. Eichman,
City University of New York.
``Time-frequency Analysis and Synthesis of Non-stationary Signals''.
40. J. Speiser,
Naval Ocean Systems Center.
``An Overview of Wide-band Signal Analysis Techniques''.
41. T. E. Posch,
Hughes Aircraft Company.
``Coherence States, Spectrograms, Wavelet Estimates
and Their Time-Frequency Distribution''.
42. W.J. Williams,
University of Michigan.
``A New Time-Frequency Distribution
for the Analysis of Multicomponent Signals''.
43. Moeness G. Amin and Fred Allen,
Villanova University, and General Electric Company.
``A Novel Approach to Cross-terms Elimination in Wigner Distribution
using Adaptive Filtering in Frequency Domain''.
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 89 13:10:16 PST
Subject: Position with Nova Corporation in Alberta
Nova Corporation of Alberta currently has positions available in
Calgary, Alberta for recent graduates at the doctorate level in
Applied Mathematics. The work is in the area of pipeline and
compressor simulation and control.
Contact Bill Tarchuk at (403) 290-6970.
From: Dennis Gannon <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 89 22:31:34 -0500
Subject: ICS 89 Registration Information
June 5 - 9, 1989
In Cooperation with Computer Technology Institute
and in Association with SIAM, AICA, BCS, INRIA, IPSJ and GI
Conference Co-chairman: George Paul, IBM Research, USA
T.S. Papatheodorou, CTI, GREECE
Paul B. Schneck Director,
Supercomputing Research Center,
Frances E. Allen Sr. Manager, IBM Research
Jean-Marie Cadiou ECC, Director
Information Technologies - ESPRIT
Wolfgang K. Giloi Director,
Research Center for Innovative
Computer Systems and Technology,
GMD - TUB First
John Gurd Chairman, Computer Science Department,
University of Manchester
Robert Haber Adjunct Professor, National Center
for Supercomputing Applications,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paul Messina Director,
Concurrent Supercomputing Facilities,
California Institute of Technology
Raul Mendez Director,
Institute of Supercomputing Research
The conference will beheld at the Capsis Beach Hotel, which is
located 22 Km. from Heraklion airport, in the most picturesque
region of Crete, at Aghia Pelaghia village.
P.O. Box 72
Tel: (081) 233395 - 7 TLX: 262204
Recreation: A large, open air, sea water Olympic size swimming pool, a
pool for diving, a children's pool and an indoor pool. Spacious lounges,
sun terrace, TV room, extensive gardens, children's playground, sauna,
hairdressing salon, card room, game room, four restaurants, two snack
bars, Greek coffee shop and main cocktails bar. Two private sandy beaches
offering all kinds of sea sports such as: water skiing, pedal boats,
canoes, wind surfing, sailing, 4 tennis courts, minigolf, volleyball,
parachuting, bicycles and mopeds, table tennis, night club, discotheque.
The Local Arrangements Committee - through its travel agent, MANOS TRAVEL
SYSTEM S.A., has booked rooms at the CAPSIS BEACH HOTEL, Aghia Pelaghia at
special rates. Please indicate on the registration form your preference
for a room. The Local Arrangements Committee reserves the right to make
other arrangements than your choice, in the event that the allotment for
the requested room has been disposed.
All hotel accommodations will be treated on a
first-come-first-served basis and must be
received not later than April 30th, 1989. After
this date, applications will still be handled,
but cannot be guaranteed.
Rate per person in double room: DRS. 38.500
Rate per person in single room: DRS. 44.500
Above rate per person includes 5 nights accommodation on half board basis
and service taxes. Excluded are telephone, telex of cable expenses of
other special hotel services, and shall be paid by the user of these
services. To guarantee the reservation a deposit of USDOL $100.00 will
be required for every room requested. This amount will be credited in
the participant's name and deducted from the final bill.
Advance Regular
Before May 5, 1989 After May 5, 1989
ACM/SIG member ACM/SIG member
$295 $360
Non-member Non-member
$360 $410
* Student
* Student registration must be accompanied by advisor's endorsement.
Amount Enclosed: $
Mailing Address:
Please return conference registration form and complete payment in
P.O. Box 1122
26110 Patras, GREECE
Checks payable to IICS'89, Computer Technology Institute
Note: Eurochecks in Greek drachmas only at current rate.
For more information concerning the conference, contact the
Local Arrangements Committee.
General Co-Chairs: George Paul, IBM Research, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Theodore S. Papatheodorou, CTI, GREECE
E-mail: [email protected]
Program Co-Chairs: Dennis Gannon, INDIANA, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Elias N. Houstis, PURDUE, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Program Vice-Chairmen Friedel Hossfeld, KFA, EUROPE & AFRICA
E-mail: zdv001%djukfa11.bitnet@
E-mail: sopka%[email protected]
Yoichi Muraoka, WASEDA, JAPAN & FAR EAST
E-mail: muraoka%jpnwas00.bitnet@
Proceedings: Richard D. DeGroot, TI, USA
E-mail: degroot%[email protected]
Local Arrangement: Angela Cotronis, CTI, GREECE
Conference Registrar: George Papaspiropoulos
Computer Technology Institute
P.O. Box 1122
Tel + 61-225073 and 273496
Telex 312515 CTI GR. Fax + 61 222088
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Per Grove Thomsen <NMIPGT%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 89 10:54:48 DNT
Subject: Journals for Sale
To potential customers of past editions of periodicals:
The following journals are for sale at the highest reasonable bid
from: T. Busk
Institute for Numerical Analysis
The Technical University of Denmark
Building 303, DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark.
1) J. Inst of Mathematics and its Applications, vol 1-26.
2) IMA journal of Numerical Analysis, vol 1-7.
3) Numerische Mathematik, vol. 1-49.
4) BIT, vol. 1-27.
5) USSR Comp. Math. and Math. Physics, vol. 1-13.
6) Computer Journal, vol. 19-24.
7) Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol 1-8 and 10-18.
8) ICC Bulletin , vol. 1-6.
9) Math. Tables and other Aids to Computation, Mathematics of Computation,
no's: 19-28, 30-32, 35, 38, 40-64, 67-176.
10)Annals of Math. Statistics vol I-XXV (less 5 issues from vol.II-V).
11)Proc. of Amer.Math. Soc. vol. 1-4.
12)Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. vol. 54-59. (less vol 56. no. 3)
13)Skandinavisk Aktuartidsskrift. 1943-73.
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1974-88.
Answers or Bids to T. Busk c/o NMIPGT at NEUVM1 .
From: Geoff Chesshire <geoff%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 89 12:05:27 pst
Subject: Parallel Computationaal Fluid Dynamics
Implementations and Results Using MIMD Computers
Los Angeles, May 8-9, 1989
ONR, RIACS and INTEL are pleased to participate as sponsors for a conference
designed to discuss recent developments in the use of MIMD parallel computers
in high performance computational fluid dynamics. Each of the invited
speakers has experience and specific results to report using an Intel iPSC/2
system. The issues discussed, however, will pertain to a broad class of
similar MIMD systems. Please note this correction. Deadline date for
pre-registration was incorrectly printed as March 10, 1989. The correct
deadline date is April 21, 1989.
Antony Jameson
James S McDonnell Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University
"Transonic and Supersonic Flow Calculations Using the Euler Equations"
Anthony T. Patera
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Medium Grained
Parallel Processors"
William T. Thompkins
Manager, Computer Science Laboratory, Northrop Research and Technology Center
"Data Storage Concurrency and Portability: An Object Oriented Approach to
Fluid Mechanics"
Akin Ecer
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University at Indianapolis
"Applications of a Hypercube for Solving Three Dimensional Flow Problems"
Mark E. Braaten
Mechanical Engineer, General Electric Research and Development Center
"Solution of Fluid Flows by a Pressure Correction Method on a Hypercube
Geoff Chesshire
Senior Scientist, Applications Research, Intel Scientific Computers
"Fluids Codes and Distributed Memory: Techniques, Tools and Examples"
PANEL DISCUSSION: Are Highly Parallel Systems Ready for Prime Time?
The NASA sponsored panel session will discuss issues in parallel computations
related to a broad class of alternative architectures. Moderator: Horst
Simon, NASA Ames Research Center, Panelists: Creon Levit, NASA Ames Research
Center; Gary Montry, Sandia National Laboratories; Ken Neves, Boeing Computer
Services; Anthony Patera, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Justin
Rattner, Intel Scientific Computers.
The Parallel CFD organizing committee is soliciting contributed presentations
of 10 minutes or less on subjects which will complement the in-depth titled
papers described above. Proposed title and abstract (not to exceed 250 words)
should be sent to Lynn McDaniel, AlTek/Parallel CFD, 8321 N. Woolsey,
Portland, Oregon 97203. Abstracts deadline February 28, 1989. Notification
of acceptance March 13, 1989.
Radisson Plaza Hotel
1400 Park View Avenue
Manhattan Beach, California 90266
(3 miles south of LAX Airport, just west off I-405 at Rosecrans)
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 8
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 9
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Radisson Plaza Hotel. Please
contact the hotel at 1-800-228-9822 to make hotel reservations. Be sure to
identify yourself as a participant in Parallel CFD to receive the discounted
conference rate.
Registration for Parallel CFD is limited to 200 people. Advance registrations
of $100 will be accepted until April 21, 1989. Registration at the
conference, $125 will be on a first come, first served basis for those without
reservations. Day of Conference registration will begin at 7:00 a.m. May 8,
1989. If you have questions regarding the conference, please call Lynn
McDaniel at (503) 289-7735.
End of NA Digest