NA Digest Sunday, February 26, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 8

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Steve Nash <SNASH%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 89 09:08 EST
Subject: Interface of Computing Science and Statistics

The Twenty-First Symposium on the Interface
Of Computing Science and Statistics

General Information
The Twenty-First Symposium on the Interface of Computing Science and
Statistics will be held at the Hyatt Orlando in Kissimmee, Florida on April
9-12, 1989. Technical sessions will begin on the morning of Monday, April 10.
The Symposium is a long-standing interdisciplinary forum focusing on the
interface between computing science and statistics. Professor John Nelder
will give the keynote address on the conference theme of statistical software
and the human interface.

Short Course: Software Reliability Modeling and Related Topics, Amrit Goel,
Syracuse University

Short Course: Managing a Large-Scale Economic and Social Database with
Off-the-Shelf Technology, Martin David and Thomas Flory, University of

MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1989
"The Statistician and the Computer: Towards a Symbiotic Relationship," John
Nelder, Imperial College

"Directions in Statistical Computation with Mathematica," Stephen Wolfram,
University of Illinois and Mathematica, Inc

Multiple Comparisons: Paul Somerville, David Van Brackle, Don Edwards,
Jason Hsu

High Dimensional Data Structures: Nancy Flournoy, Martin David, Sallie
Keller-McNulty, Elizabeth A. Unger, Mark S. McNulty

Innovative Statistical Software on the Macintosh: E. James Harner, Paul
Velleman, David Belsley, Roy Welsch, Achilles Venetaulias, Luke Tierney

Portfolio Optimization: Raoul LePage, Andrew R. Barron, Bertram M. Schreiber

Experiments with Mixtures: John Cornell, Gregory Piepel, Ruth Meyer,
Chris Nachtsheim

Statistical Graphics Applications and Extensions: Daniel Carr, R. Dennis Cook,
Wesley Nicholson, William Eddy

Efficient Use of Microcomputers: H. Joseph Newton, Ronald Schoenberg, Cleve
Moler, William Alexander

Quality Control and Experimental Design: Jeffrey Hooper, Robert Buck,
Jerome Sacks, William Welch, Lihsin Liu, William A. Nazaret, David Lubinsky,
William Q. Meeker,Jr.

"Algorithms, Automated Decisions, and Expert Microsystems for Statistical
Graphics" William Cleveland, AT&T Bell Labs

Computing for Mixed Linear Model Applications: Ramon Littell, Andre
Khuri, Terrence Callanan, David Harville, Colin Goodall, Nicholas Lange,
David Blouin, Arnold Saxton, Francis Giesbrecht.

Vectorization of Statistical Algorithms: Leigh Ihnen, James Gentle, Kenneth
Fordyce, Leigh Ihnen, Glenn Luecke

"Sensitivity Analysis in Regression: Where We Are and Where We Want to Be,"
Samprit Chatterjee, New York University

A Structured Environment for Data Analysis: Forrest Young, John Smith,
Cynthia Null

Experience with Maximum Likelihood: Linda Pickle, Leland Wilkinson,
Dale Preston, Javier Cabrera

Administering Departmental Computing Facilities: Douglas Bates, Dennis Cox,
Douglas Martin, Michael Meyer, Luke Tierney, Michael Wincek

Simulation Based Alternatives to the "Closed Form": James Thompson,
E. Neely Atkinson, Barry W. Brown, Thomas B. Kauffman, Graham Lord

Programming Parallel Machines: Edward Wegman, Stephen Nash, Ariela
Sofer, Joseph Brandenberg, John Miller, Mingxian Xu

Evaluating Statistical Software: Richard Goldstein, John McKenzie,
Richard Goldstein, Grant Blank, William Gould, Jennifer Wilton

The Future of UNIX: Richard Becker, Paul Glick, Michael Tiemann, Daniel Geer

Bayesian Computing: Prem Goel, Michael West, Mark Berliner, Prakash Laud,
Michael Steele

Developing Guidelines for Statistical Software: Lawrence H. Cox, Barbara Ryan,
Leland Wilkinson, William Eddy, Robert Teitel, Forrest Young

Chaos: Allan Wilks, William Withers, Robert Devaney

Visualizing Multi-Dimensional Spaces, Large Data Sets, and Density Plots:
Alfred Inselberg, Bernard Dimsdale, Daniel Carr, Edward Wegman,John J. Miller

In addition to the invited program, an extensive contributed paper program is
planned. Ninety-eight contributed papers have been accepted for presentation.
Conference proceedings including both invited and contributed papers will be

Housing and Transportation: The Symposium will be held at the Hyatt Orlando
Convention Center and Hotel, beginning the evening of Sunday April 9 and
ending at noon on Wednesday, April 12. The Convention Center and Hotel offers
40,000 square feet of meeting space. It is two miles from Walt Disney's Magic
Kingdom and EPCOT Center and is convenient to Sea World and Cypress Gardens.
Seaworld will offer a substantial discount to symposium attendees available at
registration. The hotel has 946 guest rooms, 3 lighted tennis courts, a 1.3
mile jogging and exercise trail, 4 playgrounds, 4 wading pools, 4 adult pools
and 4 whirlpools. The room rate for a single room is $80 and for a double,
$90. Reservations can be made by calling directly (407) 396-1234. Be sure to
mention that you will be attending the Interface Symposium. The block of rooms
reserved for the Interface Symposium will be released on March 9. Please book
before then to ensure availability and rates. Airport limo service is
available from the Orlan-do Airport at a cost of $11 per person each way.

Short Courses
There are two short courses planned for Sunday, April 9.

"Managing a Large-Scale Economic and Social Database with Off-the-Shelf
Technology," 1:00-5:00 p.m., will be taught by Martin David and Thomas Flory
if there are at least ten registrations by March 1. The purpose of this
workshop is to introduce statisticians and users of larger data sets to an
information system that has been devised for the Survey of Income and Program
Participation (SIPP). Registration fee: $100, including a printed manual.
Contact SIPP ACCESS, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 3412 Social Science Building, 1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706, (608)262-6358. email: [email protected]

"Software Reliability Modeling and Related Topics," 8:30-5:00 p.m. will be
taught by Amrit Goel if there are at least 15 registrants by March 1. The
topics to be covered are software engineering and software reliability, error
analyses, classification and discussion of software reliability models,
details of Jelinski-Moranda and Goel-Okumoto models, model unification and
generalizition, time series models, performance models for fault-tolerant
software, stopping rules, parametric estimation, and related topics.
Registration fee: $100, including tutorial notes. Contact Amrit L. Goel,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY 13244-1240, (315)443-4350 or (315)443-3512. Email:
[email protected]

Registration and Banquet
The registration fee for members of cooperating societies is $125 and for
non-members is $140. The registration fee will include a copy of the
proceedings and admission to the opening night reception. A banquet is
planned for April 10 at 8:30 p.m. The fee of $25 is inclusive of dinner, a
show with the theme of Arabian nights and transportation. To be put on the
IFNA mailing list and/or to register, please return the attached form.

Additional Sponsorship
The IFNA has applied for support from AFOSR, ARO and NSF. The National
Security Agency has indicated plans to support Interface '89. Contingent upon
level of support from the other organizations a fund for graduate students and
young investigators will be established to support travel and per diem.
Please send in attached inquiry card for further information.

Program Committee
Linda Malone and Kenneth Berk are the Co-Chairs. Other committee members are
Douglas Bates, Richard Becker, Daniel Carr, John Cornell, Lawrence Cox, Nancy
Flournoy, Prem Goel, Richard Goldstein, E. James Harner, Jeffrey Hooper, Leigh
Ihnen, Alfred Inselberg, Raoul LePage, Ramon Littell, Joseph Newton, Linda
Pickle, Paul Somerville, James Thompson, Edward Wegman, Allan Wilks, and
Forrest Young.


From: David Griffiths <MA37%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 89 15:54:30
Subject: NA and Applied Math Positions at Dundee

New Academic Appointments Scheme
Lectureships in
Applied Mathematics
Numerical Analysis

Applications are invited for the above posts from can-
didates qualified and keen to contribute to research in
Applied Mathematics, Applied Analysis and Numerical

Although the posts are to be financed under the UGC's
"New Academic Appointments Scheme", it is intended that they
should be fully established and that the appointees should
become permanent members of the academic staff. The salary
initially attached to the appointments will be at the
appropriate point on the Lecturer Grade A Scale (#9,260 -
#14,500) or Grade B Scale (#15,105 - #19,310) determined by
qualifications and experience.

Applications with curriculum vitae (6 copies or, if
posted overseas, one copy in a format suitable for photo-
copying) and the names and addresses of three referees
should be lodged with the

Personnel Officer
The University
Dundee, DDl 4HN

by 31 March 1989. Please quote EST/6/89 for the Applied
Mathematics post and EST/7/89 for the Numerical Analysis

Further details are available on e-mail by sending to
[email protected] .


From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 89 09:12 EST
Subject: SIAM Best Paper Competition

The student authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
mathematics submitted to SIAM will be invited by SIAM to attend its annual
meeting in San Diego, July 17-21, 1989. Each winner will receive up to $750
to offset expenses and will be recognized at the meeting. Papers must be
singly authored to be eligible for consideration. Winners must present their
papers at the meeting to receive the awards. In submitting their work for
publication, authors are asked to consider the SIAM journals.

To qualify, authors must be students in good standing who have not received
their PhDs at the time of submission. Submissions must be received by SIAM
on or before April 1, 1989. Submissions can be sent by regular mail or FAX.
Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract (3-4 pages), double-
spaced, in English; (2) the signature of the author on the submission; (3) a
statement by the student's faculty advisor (also on the submission) that the
paper has been prepared by the author indicated and that the author is a
student in good standing; and (4) a short biography of the student.

Each submission must also include a letter of recommendation from the
student's advisor or department chair.

Submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, applicability, and
clarity of exposition.

The winners will be notified by May 15, 1989.

Submissions and questions about this competition should be sent to:

A. Bogardo
c/o San Diego Competition
1400 Architects Building
117 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-5052
e-mail to [email protected]
FAX to (215) 564-4174


From: Petter Bjorstad <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 89 10:15:58 +0100
Subject: Position Available in Bergen, Norway

Professor in Computer Science

The Deparment of Computer Science, University of Bergen, requests applications
for a position as Full Professor of Computer Science.

The department has 12 full time faculty members (6 full professors and 6
associate positions), 2 adjoint (part-time)professors and 10 research
fellowships (Ph.D. students).

The department gives courses for undergraduate as well as graduate studies.
There are two main directions of study at the advanced level, computer science
and numerical analysis and optimization (scientific computing). The department
has 55 Master degree sudents and 14 Ph.D. students.

All faculty menmbers have state of art workstations (SUN-3), the computing
environment is based on ethernet networking connected to the international
Internet (ARPA-net). The department has created a laboratory for parallel
processing (Alliant FX/8 and Intel Hypercubes) and also a laboratory for AI
research. The department will move into a new building (The High-Tech Center
of Bergen) in the spring of 1989. Several other computer science related
research groups, including IBMs Scientific Center will be located in the
same building.

The department conducts research in the following areas: In computer science:
Analysis of Algorithms, Datacommunication and Coding Theory, Artificial
Intelligence, Programming Development (Languages,specifications, verifications
and environments). In scientific computing: Numerical Integration, Numerical
solution of Partial Differential Equations, Accelleration of Convergence,
Discrete and Continuous Optimization.

There is a strong focus on the use of parallel computers in all areas of

The department has both national and international cooperations with research
groups at other institutions (in particular in the United States and Europe).
Locally, we cooperate with the Christian Michelsen Research Institute and
with the IBM Bergen Scientific Center.

There are also other groups within the university doing computer science or
computer science related work (Computer Science in Social Sciences, Computer
Linguistics and Computer Psychology).

Prospective applicants should be able to teach in the department, and must have
an outstanding research record in computer science. Applicants with a documentedresearch record in analysis of algorithms, artificial intellingence or
programming development are especially invited to apply. A strong interest in
aspects of such research related to parallel computer systems will be
highly valued.

More information about the position can be obtained
from Professor Petter E. Bjorstad
by email to [email protected]

Application deadline is May 1st.


From: Ake Bjorck <[email protected]>
Date: Wed 22 Feb 89 14:39:55
Subject: Householder XI meeting


The Householder Symposium XI on numerical algebra will be held
during the week of June 18--22, 1990 at Tylosand, Halmstad on the west
coast of Sweden. This meeting is the eleventh in a series, previously called
the Gatlinburg Symposia. It has been agreed to rename all subsequent
Gatlinburg Symposia to honor Alston S. Householder, one of the pioneers
in Numerical Linear Algebra and organizer of the first four
Gatlinburg meetings. The meeting is an international conference of experts
in the field of Numerical Algebra. The format of the meeting is a sequence of
invited papers during the day and special workshops organized by the
participants in the evening. There is no formal program, but traditionally
a few topics are emphasized. For this meeting they will be large scale
nonsymmetric linear algebra problems, least squares, and matrix inertia
and stability.

The meeting is being organized by the Householder committee, in cooperation
with the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra.
Chairman of the committee for this meeting, and in charge of the
local organization is Ake Bjorck of Linkoping University, Sweden.

The traditional format of the Householder Symposia requires that
the attendence is limited. The organizing committee invites all qualified
persons to apply to attend. The application should consist of a vita and an
extended abstract (about two pages) of a paper you would present if invited to
speak. The latter will be used by the committee in planning the program.
Material should be sent before November 1, 1989 to

Ake Bjorck
Department of Mathematics
Linkoping University
S-581 83 Linkoping, SWEDEN


From: Danny Hershkowitz <MAR23AA%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 13:18:09 IST
Subject: International Linear Algebra Society

ILAS-NET Message No. 39

As many of you will know, the former International Matrix Group (IMG)
is now known as the International Linear Algebra Society.
Accordingly, IMG-NET will now be called ILAS-NET.

IMAGE #2 (January 1989) - produced by Bob Thompson and Jane Day-
has now been mailed to about 300 people who returned their coupons to
Bob. It may be a little time before it reaches people outside North
America - as it was mailed surface mail.

IMAGE #3 (hopefully out in July) will be edited by Bob Thompson and
Steve Leon. Please send you news to Steve Leon, whose e-mail address
is: [email protected]

The production and mailing costs of IMAGE are fairly considerable-and
we have found it necessary to institute a small membership fee for
ILAS to cover these and other necessary expenses. The fee will be
$12. Fees paid in 1989 will also cover 1990, though a voluntary
contribution of $12 to cover the second year will be greatly
appreciated. Thereafter the fee will be annual. We hope all those
interested in linear algebra will join ILAS. We realize that it may
be difficult for some members to pay the fee. We will therefore waive
it upon request. Mebmbers will receive IMAGE.

If you wish to Join ILAS, please send the following form and your
membership fee (or a letter) to James R. Weaver (ILAS' treasurer).


To: James R. Weaver
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, Florida 32514-5751





[ ] I wish to become a member of ILAS.
Enclosed is $12 - my membership fees
for 1989 - 1990.

[ ] I wish to become a member of ILAS.
Please waive my membership fee.



From: Danny Hershkowitz <MAR23AA%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 13:25:57 IST
Subject: Address Change for Danny Hershkowitz

I am back from my Sabbatical in the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

My address is now again:

Daniel Hershkowitz
Mathematics Department
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000

My e-mail address is (as before)

[email protected]

Messages for ILAS-NET should be sent to this address.


From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 10:27:05 cst
Subject: Workshop on Multidimensional Hyperbolic Problems

University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

(612)624-6066 FAX (612)626-7370
ima_staff%[email protected]

Workshop on

April 3-14, 1989
Organizers: James Glimm and Andrew Majda

The field of multi dimensional conservation laws is
new and ready for development. The analytic techniques
of compensated compactness, the application of geometric
optics to multidimensional shock stability, deeper
understanding of nonlinear interactions have all
been developed in the last decade. There are emerging
also powerful scientific computation methods (and machines);
higher order methods, and the new generation of front tracking
schemes have produced dramatic pictures of complex flow

This two-week workshop, part of the IMA 1988-89 program on
NONLINEAR WAVES, will begin with introductory lectures on
the mathematical and computational developments. The Tuesday,
April 4, program will be devoted to forward looking lectures
based on the work of Ron DiPerna and delivered by his friends.

The second week will include lectures on numerical algorithms
and results, recent results on the Boltzmann equation and
other rarefied gas dynamics models which shed light on multi-
dimensional conservation laws, and recent theoretical and
asymptotic results on multidimensional problems and models
in continuum mechanics. There will be a session on open
problems. (There will also be contributed sessions;
those who wish to contribute should submit abstracts to
the Organizers.)

The April 10-11 portion of the program is
cosponsored by the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.


Claude Bardos Tai Ping Liu
J. Thomas Beale Andrew Majda
Russel Caflisch Dan Marchesin
Phil Collela Guy Metivier
C. Dafermos Cathleen Morawetz
Pedro Embid Droz John Nohel
Bjorn Engquist Stanley Osher
James Glimm Bradley Plohr
James Greenberg Rudolfo Rosales
John Grove Victor Roytburd
David Hoff Denis Serre
John Hunter Michael Shelley
Reinhard Illner Marshall Slemrod
Eli Isaacsen Luc Tartar
James P. Jones Enrique Thomann
Robert Krasny T. C. T. Ting
Peter Lax Paul Woodward
W. Brent Lindquist Qiang Zhang
Pierre-Louis Lions

Iowa State University, Michigan State University,
Northern Illinois University, Northwestern University,
Ohio State University, Purdue University,
University of Chicago, University of Cincinnati,
University of Houston, University of Illinois (Chicago),
University of Illinois (Urbana), University of Iowa,
University of Michigan, University of Minnesota,
University of Notre Dame, University of Pittsburgh,
Wayne State University
Eastman Kodak, Honeywell, 3M


From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 10:35:35 cst
Subject: The Work of Ron DiPerna

The April 3-14 Workshop on Conservation Laws at the IMA
is the first international meeting of many of Ron
DiPerna's friends and colleagues since his death. One of
the Proceedings Volumes will be dedicated to him and,
in addition, the April 4 program will be devoted to
forward-looking lectures based on his work and delivered by
his friends.

The program will be chaired by James Glimm, Ron's thesis
advisor. Speakers and their topics are:

Constantine Dafermos Systems of Conservation Laws in a
Single Space Variable

Luc Tartar Conservation Laws in the Weak


Andrew Majda Vortex Sheets and Concentrations for
Incompressible Fluid Flow

Pierre-Louis Lions Boltzman Equations and Transport


From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 10:43:23 cst
Subject: Sweatshop on Computational Issues

``Sweatshop'' on

April 17-21, 1989
Organizers: James Glimm and Paul Woodward

The ``Sweatshop'' will act as a follow up to the IMA Workshop
on Multidimensional Hyperbolic Problems and Computations,
April 3-14, and will specifically focus on hyperbolic wave
theory as an aid to computation and the use of computation to
better understand hyperbolic wave theory. Rather than a lecture
format, there will be working sessions based on the computer
resources of the IMA and the Minnesota Supercomputer Center,
in particular the Cray II.

It is expected that the following topics will be included:

(a) Front tracking on Minnesota Supercomputer Center machines.

(b) Computational modeling of novel fluid problems, especially
using Riemann solvers and wave interaction concepts.

(c) Comparison of Godunov, front tracking, local mesh
refinement and hybrid methods.

Partial List of Participants

A. Bennett J. Grove B. Lucier M. Renardy
G-Q Chen J. Hunter A. Majda R. Rosales
I-L Chern A. Jeffrey G. Majda D. Schaeffer
B. Cockburn B. Keyfitz P. Marcati G. Schleiniger
B. Einfeldt R. Knapp D. Marchesin M. Shearer
P. Embid Droz T-t Li W. Mascarenhas A. Tzavaras
H. Freistuhler X-L Li G. Metivier D. Wagner
H. Frid C. C. Lim E. B. Pitman G. Warneke
H. Gilquin S-Y Lin B. Plohr T. Zhang
J. Glimm W. B. Lindquist M. Rascle Y-l Zhu


From: David Bailey <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 89 10:58:09 -0800
Subject: Positions at NAS Division of NASA

NASA Ames Research Center
Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Systems Division
Applied Research Branch
Mountain View, California

The NAS Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center has immediate
openings for highly qualified persons to participate in a research
program in scientific computation on advanced parallel computers. The
NAS organization at NASA Ames operates a state-of-the-art
supercomputer center, with a 4-processor Cray-2, an 8-processor Cray
Y-MP, a nationwide high-speed communications network, and numerous
high-performance color graphics workstations. Recently NAS, in
conjunction with DARPA, augmented its facilities by acquiring a
Connection Machine CM-2, with 32,768 processing nodes and
floating-point hardware. Later this year a high-performance MIMD
research computer system will be added to this facility.

As a part of its research effort, the Applied Research Branch of NAS
is seeking additional personnel to take the lead in working with NASA
scientists to implement some important scientific applications on the
highly parallel computer systems. Qualifications for these positions
include the following:

An advanced degree in computer science, mathematics, physics, or

Programming experience on an advanced parallel or vector computer
system in a scientific application. Experience on a CM-2 or a MIMD
hypercube system is particularly desirable.

Published articles in parallel computing or numeric computation.

Familiarity with Fortran and the Unix operating system.

Familiarity with computational fluid dynamics or other similar
PDE applications.

Expertise in parallel languages and programming environments.

U.S. citizenship is not required, but candidates must be at least
permanent U.S. residents. Both civil service and contractor positions
are available. Interested persons should contact

David H. Bailey
Mail Stop 258-5
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035
Tel: 415-694-4410
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 89 16:16:27 PST
Subject: Technical Reports Available

I have a limited number of the following reports. If you like a copy,
please let me know.

"A Constrained Eigenvalue Problem"
by Walter Gander, Gene Golub, Urs Von Matt

"Tracking a Few Extreme Singular Values and Vectors in Signal Processing"
by Pierre Comon and Gene Golub

Iterative Methods for Cyclically Reduced Non-Self-Adjoint Linear Systems"
by Howard Elman and Gene Golub

Send your complete postal address. The reports will be sent on a first
come, first serve basis.

Gene Golub


End of NA Digest
