NA Digest Sunday, February 19, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 7

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


[Ed note: Only one item this week. A couple of
other items got clobbered. Sorry. Please resubmit
and we'll include them next week.]

From: Jerzy Wasniewski <NEUJW%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 89 09:16:20 DNT
Subject: The 1989 Danish Summer School for Supercomputing

The Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education (UNI-C),
The Technical University of Denmark (DTH) and
The Danish Research Academy

invites to

T H E 1 9 8 9 S U M M E R S C H O O L

Numerical methods. Applications in chemistry and seismic.

Monday 14th - Wednesday 23rd of August 1989

DTH, Building 305

UNI-C, DTH and The Danish Research Academy are pleased to announce
the 1989 Summer School in Applied Numerical Methods on parallel and
vector type Computers. The summer school is financially supported by
The Danish Research Academy and the DP Capacity Board of The Danish
Ministry for Education.

The School comprises six series of classes within chemical simulation,
quantum chemical calculations of electron orbits, seismic methods
and general numerical algorithms for vector and parallel computers.
The lectures will be given by international recognized researchers,
and provide an inspiring insight into the prospects and challenges
of computer applications of modern numerical methods.

Application workshops on afternoons and evenings include tutorials
in using UNI-C's computers, an Amdahl VP1100 vectorprocessor with
128 Mbyte central memory and an Alliant FX/8. In addition there is an
Intel Hypercube, kindly lent by the Department of Computer Science at
The University of Copenhagen, and an Ardent Titan graphical supermini,
which is placed at our disposal from High Tech Systems, Ballerup.

Participants are requested to bring their own FORTRAN programs for
the exercises, and use this opportunity to install and optimize their
application program on one or more parallel type computers, guided
and instructed by the guest lecturers and UNI-C staff.

UNI-C is situated on the Technical University of Denmark campus
in Lyngby, a northern suburb of Copenhagen (12 km from the
Town Hall). UNI-C was established by a merger of three major
University Computing Centres, Copenhagen, Aarhus and Lyngby to
form one supercomputer centre for Denmark. Besides the Amdahl
VP1100 with 30 Gbytes of disk storage, UNI-C has an IBM 3081,
a UNISYS 1100/92, CDC Cyber, Alliant and several VAX'es.

Guest professors:

Dr. Bengt Fornberg (BF)
Ph.D. from University of Uppsala 1972. Fellow, CERN, 1972-74.
1975-84 Professor at California Institute of Technology.
1984- Research Associate, Exxon Research and Engineering
Company. Dr. Fornberg will talk on seismic modeling with special
emphasis on pseudospectral methods.

Dr. David Fincham (DF)
Recent positions:
Research Fellow, Royal Holloway College, London. Senior
Consultant, DAP Support Unit,
Queen Mary College, University of London.
ICL Research Lecturer, University of York.
Present position:
Lecturer in Computational Physics, University of Keele.
Dr. Fincham will
talk on numerical methods in chemical modeling and simulation.

Dr. V.R. Saunders (VS)
Dr. Saunders is working at
SERC, Daresbury, England, and is invited to talk on
numerical methods in quantum chemical calculations.

Dr. Jeremy du Croz (JC)
B.A. Cambridge 1962, B.Sc. London 1975. University of London
Computer Centre 1968-75. 1975- N.A.G. Ltd. Since 1981 responsible
for adapting the NAG Library to vector-processing machines and
other types of supercomputers. Dr. du Croz will talk on how to
provide efficient transportable numerical software for supercomputers.
Particular topics include level 2 and 3 BLAS, applications in
linear algebra and nonlinear problems, the LAPACK project, FFTS's,
Quadrature and random number generators.

Dr. Iain Duff (ID)
AERE, Harwell and CERFACS, France. Dr. Duff will
talk on the solution of large sparse systems of linear equations,
structure and factorisation.

Dr. Michael T. Heath (MTH)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA
Dr. Heath will talk on algorithms for (massively) parallel

Workshops and tutorials in using the various summer school computers
will be headed by UNI-C staff.

* * *
Preliminary Schedule of Speakers
| Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We
9 am | Reg. VS VS VS VS W-T Free VS VS VS
10 am | Opn. DF DF DF DF W-T - DF DF DF
11 am | sp. BF BF BF BF W-T - BF BF BF
12 am | Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch - Lunch Lunch Lunch
1 pm | JC JC JC JC JC W-T Soc. Q&A Q&A Clos.
2 pm | JC ID ID ID ID W-T prog. ID ID sess.
4 pm | do. Workshops
. | W o r k s h o p s & do. &
6 pm |( D D D D D D do. D D )
. | t u t o r i a l s do. tutorials
9 pm ------------------------------------------------------------

JC, VS, DF, BF, ID, MTH .. Guest professor initials (see above)
Reg. ..................... Registration
Opn. sp .................. Opening speech (N.N.)
UNI-C .................... Introduction to UNI-C facilities
W-T ..................... Workshops and tutorials
Soc. prog. .............. Social arrangement and dinner
Clos. sess. .............. Closing session.
D ....................... Dinner (not provided)
Q&A .................... Question and answer session

* * *


The summer school is open to Danish, Nordic and International
post graduate students. Applications from other students, post
doctoral students and researchers are welcome, and applicants will
be selected from those who are actively working on projects that
are appropriate for parallel and vector type (super)computing. Enrollment
Enrollment is limited to 40 participants. We expect 20 Danish, 10Nordic
and 10 delegates from the international research community.

The registration fee is DKR 3000, and covers lunch and lodging at
nearby student recidence. Participants wishing to stay at more
luxury or tourist hotels must pay their own accomodation expenses.
The participants may apply for funding of traveling and lodging
expenses. The summer school is free of charge for Danish and Nordic

Persons attending the summer school will be expected to have
some experience in scientific and numerical modeling on computers.
Preferably they should bring FORTRAN code which represents work
in progress. The UNI-C staff will provide assistance in migrating
code and data to the summer school computers. The participants are
expected to improve this code during the workshop sessions assisted by
guest professors, UNI-C staff and co-participants.

For further information on this Summer School please contact:

Mrs. Mette Seborg
Manager, Education and Training
UNI-C, Copenhagen
DK-2100 Copenhagen @
Telephone: +45 1 82 83 95
(as from May +45 35 82 83 95)

or Jrgen Moth
E-mail: [email protected]


End of NA Digest
