NA Digest, V. 22, # 29
NA Digest Sunday, September 11, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 29
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- New Book, Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods, Julia
- Singular Days, France, Nov 2022
- ECCOMAS-IACM Math 2 Product, Italy, May 2023
- ICIAM 2023, Japan, Aug 2023
- Tenure-Track Position, Mathematical Sciences, Univ of Delaware
- Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Notre Dame, USA
- Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Morgan State Univ
- Postdoc Position, Computational and Pure Math, UIT, Norway
- Postdoc Position, Numerical Comp/Optim/Wavelet/ML, SZU
- PhD/Postdoc Position, GeoComputing/HPC, LMU, Germany
- PhD/Postdoc Position, High Performance Computing, Hamburg
- PhD Position, CFD for Ocean-structure Interaction, USA
- PhD Position, Numerical Modeling of Material Laws
- PhD Position, PharMetrX PhD Program, Germany
- PhD Position, User Friendly UQ, Durham Univ
- PhD Positions, Computational Science, USA
- PhD Positions, Czech Technical Univ
- CFP, MCA Special Issue, Radial Basis Functions
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Tim Kelley [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2022
Subject: New Book, Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods, Julia
SIAM will shortly publish my new orange book
Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods:
Solvers and Examples in Julia
The project includes the print book, a suite of Jupyter notebooks that
are a very good approximation of the print book, and a Julia package.
The solvers and the notebooks are finished and ready for use. The
package is SIAMFANLEquations.jl, now at version 1.0. You install it
like any other registered Julia package.
The github repos are
The package and notebooks are open source. License data are on the
From: Theophile Chaumont-Frelet [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2022
Subject: Singular Days, France, Nov 2022
We are pleased to announce that the next edition of Singular Days will
be held at University Cote d'Azur, Nice, France, during November 2-4,
2022. Singular days are a recurrent meeting historically targeting
the analysis of singularities arising from the presence of corners and
edges in boundary value problem.
In this year edition, the covered topics additionally include
- a posteriori error estimation,
- local mesh refinements,
- numerical methods for singularly perturbed problems,
- asymptotic analysis, and
- bridges between mathematical analysis and physics.
More information on the conference can be found at the website:
The conference is intended to be an in-person meeting. Registration
is free, but mandatory. If you are willing attend the conference or to
present a poster, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected].
From: Matteo Giacomini [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2022
Subject: ECCOMAS-IACM Math 2 Product, Italy, May 2023
The deadline for minisymposia proposals for the inaugural edition of
the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference - IACM Special Interest Conference
series "Math 2 Product (M2P): Emerging Technologies in Computational
Science for Industry, Sustainability and Innovation" has been
extended. Proposals including the title of the session, the name of
the organisers and a one-page abstract should be submitted by e-mail
to M2P_Conference- [email protected] by September 30, 2022.
Each minisymposium is expected to consist of at least one 2 hour
session which may be organised as follows: 6 invited talks of 20
minutes; or 1 keynote lecture of 40 minutes + 4 invited talks of 20
minutes. The above scheduling includes time for questions and
The conference will take place in Taormina (Sicily, Italy) from May 30
to June 1, 2023 (we refer to the website
for more information). The goal is to establish the M2P conference
series as a recognised international platform to promote a deep
interplay between academic and industrial realities, covering current
and new trends in industry 4.0, sustainability and innovation.
Plenary lectures will be delivered by Irene Arias (Universitat
Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain), Charbel Farhat (Stanford University,
USA), Paola Goatin (Inria, France) and Ricardo Vinuesa (KTH Royal
Institute of Technology, Sweden). Confirmed industrial partners: ATM
(Italy), Bracco (Italy), Cetena (Italy), Dofware (Italy), Electrolux
(Italy), Micron (Italy), NVIDIA (UK), Pirelli (Italy), PoliHub Milano
(Italy), Scuderia Alpha Tauri (Italy), Siemens (Germany), Tenova
(Italy), Thales (France), Trenord (Italy), Volkswagen (Germany).
From: Ken Hayami [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2022
Subject: ICIAM 2023, Japan, Aug 2023
ICIAM 2023, the 10th International Congress on Industrial and
Applied Mathematics, will be held at Waseda University, Tokyo,
Japan on August 20-25, 2023.
The call for minisymposia has been announced. A minisymposium is
composed of one or a few sessions (up to three sessions) of
coordinated presentations on a single topic of interest and importance
in industrial and applied mathematics. Each session within a
minisymposium should include four presentations in two hours. Each
speaker should be allotted 25 minutes for their presentation, with an
additional 5 minutes for discussion.
ICIAM 2023 will be held in a hybrid conference format, i.e., a session
in a minisymposium may mix on-site and online talks. If the situation
demands, ICIAM 2023 will switch the conference format to an online
Important Dates:
All deadlines are at midnight AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
- Submissions open on April 1, 2022
- Closing date for submissions of proposals: December 23, 2022
- Acceptance notification for proposals: within one month after
submission of each proposal
- Closing date for submissions of abstracts from speakers: March 15,
- Registration fees for speakers are due on July 20, 2023 (Speakers
who have not registered at that date will have their talks removed
from the program.)
For more details, please see "Call for Minisymposia":
From: Peter Monk [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2022
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Mathematical Sciences, Univ of Delaware
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware
is seeking to hire two tenure-track faculty members. We are especially
interested in candidates in Discrete Mathematics and/or Data Science,
but other specialties that enhance and extend departmental research
strengths will be considered. The appointments will be at the
Assistant Professor level.
For full details see
From: Kathy Phillips [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Notre Dame, USA
The Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics
(ACMS) at the University of Notre Dame is accepting applications for a
Robert and Sara Lumpkins Postdoctoral Fellowship. This is a three year
nonrenewable position. Preference will be given to applicants whose
research includes multidisciplinary collaborations and aligns with the
research interests of the department.
ACMS includes research groups in applied mathematics, statistics and
computational science. ACMS offers a Bachelor of Science, a doctoral
degree, a research master's degree, and a professional master's
degree. ACMS is a department in the College of Science. The teaching
load for the Lumpkins Postdoctoral Fellowship is one course each
semester. To facilitate conference travel and collaborations, this
fellowship is accompanied by a generous annual travel allowance. The
position begins in August 2023.
We will begin reviewing completed applications beginning November 15,
and will continue accepting applications until the position is filled.
Applications accepted at the following link:
From: Mingchao Cai [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Math, Morgan State Univ
A postdoctoral position in Computational Math is available at Morgan
State University in the department of Mathematics. The work involves
Finite element methods and numerical analysis for fluid flow,
structure mechanics, poroelastic models, or inverse problems, or
machine learning. Candidates should have a Ph.D degree in
Computational Mathematics or mechanical/civil Engineering with a
background in Finite Element methods, high performance computing,
fluid mechanics, and/or structure mechanics. The position is
available now and is expected to be filled as soon as possible. The
benefit includes a regular salary plus insurance (charged by Morgan
State University). The initial contract will be 1 year, with a
possible renewal of the 2nd year. The candidate will be supported by
NSF grants and a grant from the Army Research office. The earliest
possible starting date is Jan 1st 2022.
Interested candidates should contact Professor Mingchao Cai (see
address below) with a CV and a description of their background and
research interests.
Professor Mingchao Cai
Department of Mathematics
Morgan State University
1700 E Cold Spring Ln, Baltimore, MD, 21251
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Hans Munthe-Kaas [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational and Pure Math, UIT, Norway
A 2-year postdoc available at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in
Tromso. Deadline: Oct. 30.
About the project and the group: The Postdoc is financed by the AURORA
MASCOT project funded by UiT. In collaboration with University of
Bergen, a new centre for mathematics, the Lie-Stormer Center (LSC) is
being established.
The PostDoc is aimed at novel research in the borderland between
computational and pure mathematics.
About the Post Doc: The position will be attached to the project UiT
Aurora project "MASCOT - Mathematical Structures in Computations".
The MASCOT project aims to unify and advance research frontiers in the
interplay of computational and pure mathematics by exploring
fundamental mathematical structures and their increasing significance
for modern algorithms and novel program architectures. The research
topics for this postdoc position are in the borderland between
differential geometry and differential equations, non-commutative
algebra, computational mathematics and numerical analysis. Central
topics are structure preserving geometric integration algorithms for
differential equations, differential geometry in applications, as well
as the study of algebraic structures arising from analysis of
geometric integration algorithms, such as pre- and post-Lie algebras,
Lie- and Butcher series and related combinatorial Hopf
algebras. Possible application areas include stochastic and
deterministic dynamical systems, rough paths and regularity
structures, control theory, and robotics. The development of high
quality mathematical software is a prioritized task. In the detailed
planning of research activities, we will be flexible towards the
background and interests of the candidate.
More info:
Prof. Hans Munthe-Kaas, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
mailto: [email protected]
From: J. Lu [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Comp/Optim/Wavelet/ML, SZU
Job Type: Full-Time for Research Scientist / PostDoc
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 Positions
Salary for Postdoc: about 340,000 RMB (about 48892 US dollars) --
420,000RMB (about 60396 US dollars) per year.
Closing Date: Open Until Filled.
Description: We have projects that are looking for Research
Scientists/Postdoc in Optimization, Numerical Computing,
Image/Video/Signal Processing/Analysis, Matrix theory, Harmonic
Analysis, Wavelet, Machine Learning, etc.
We have no teaching tasks.
Promotors: Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine
Learning and Applications, College of Mathematics and Statistics,
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. email: [email protected];
[email protected])
Those who are interested in Research Scientist/Postdoc please send
their C.V. to Prof. Dr. Jian Lu (email: [email protected];
[email protected] ).
From: Marcus Mohr [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, GeoComputing/HPC, LMU, Germany
Within the project "Multi-physics Simulation for Geodynamics on
Heterogeneous Exa-scale Systems (CoMPS)" funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Research we have an opening for a PhD/PostDoc in
GeoComputing/HPC (m/f/x). The CoMPS project is a collaboration
between the GeoComputing group at LMU Munich, the Chair of Informatics
10 (System Simulation) at Friedrich-Alexander-University
Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Chair of Numerical Mathematics at TU Munich
and the Leibniz Supercomputing Center.
CoMPS continues our precursor project TerraNeo (see and involves several hot topics in large
scale computing, such as e.g. matrix-free iterative solvers, parallel
coupling of Eulerian and Lagrangian models, mixed precision, and
handling uncertainties.
For further details please see:
From: Philipp Neumann [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, High Performance Computing, Hamburg
A PhD/postdoc position (TVoD E13, 100%) is available at the
Helmut-Schmidt-Universitat Hamburg, chair for high performance
computing. The research tasks deal with the development of novel
algorithms, efficient implementations or efficient data analysis
methods on current HPC systems. Possible foci of the work arise in the
scope of multiscale flow simulation development with the software
MaMiCo which is developed at the chair as well as with regard to
collaborative developments of molecular dynamics simulations. The
complete posting is available at:
Interested but not sure yet? Feel free to contact Philipp Neumann,
[email protected] in case of questions. Send your application
incl. reference number MB-3122 until 21.09. 2022 to
[email protected].
From: Hansong Tang [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, CFD for Ocean-structure Interaction, USA
A solicitation is resumed for a Ph.D. student position in
computational fluid dynamics / computational engineering, starting in
Jan. 2023 at the City College of New York (CCNY) of the City
University of New York (CUNY). The successful candidate will develop
new and enhance existing models for ocean flows and flow-structure
interaction problems. It is expected that the candidates are highly
motivated and goal-oriented and have
1. MS degree in applied math, civil engineering, mechanical
engineering, naval architecture engineering, or other related
2. Solid knowledge of mathematics and physics
Preference will be given to those who have experience in computer
programming, modeling algorithm development, and simulation of
floating objects. The CUNY is the US's leading urban public
university serving more than 400,000 students at 23 colleges in New
York City. CCNY, the flagship campus of the university, is located in
Manhattan and draws students from around the world. CCNY is ranked
among the top US universities for producing engineers, business
executives, and scientists (including over 10 Nobel Prize winners and
Fields medallists). If interested, please send an email with
materials including a CV (including TOFEL score for international
applicants, those with no such scores won't be considered),
transcripts, and publications (if any) for a pre-review with
"Ph.D. student" in the subject line in your email to:
[email protected]. All emails and enclosed materials will be
assessed (so don't send duplicate ones), and those with a good match
will be replied to. For international applicants, being able to obtain
a visa on time is essential.
From: Kai Diethelm [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Modeling of Material Laws
The Scientific Computing Laboratory of the University of Applied
Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt in Schweinfurt, Germany, has an opening
for a PhD student to be filled from November 1, 2022, or as soon as
possible thereafter. The position is a full time position on grade E
13 of the German civil service pay scheme (TV-L); it is available for
3 years. We are looking for someone with a Master's degree or
equivalent in mathematics, computational engineering or a similar
area. The tasks to be accomplished will be in the development and
implementation of numerical methods for the handling of innovative
mathematical material laws for viscoelastic materials and the
integration of these numerical methods into existing finite element
systems for simulations in structural mechanics.
For further information please contact me at [email protected]
From: Cornelia B=F6hnstedt [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, PharMetrX PhD Program, Germany
The Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics &
Computational Disease Modelling is an interdisciplinary PhD program
bridging pharmacy and mathematics. It aims at understanding the
drug-patient-disease interaction by analysing data of drug
concentration, effect & disease profiles of pre-/clinical trials and
of therapeutic care by developing and using mathematical & statistical
We are currently inviting applications to enrol in the PharMetrX
Research+ Program or the PharMetrX Training+ Program. The PharMetrX
Research+ Program (Research & Training & Network) comprises an
excellent research environment in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area,
fascinating and innovative research projects in a highly relevant
field, truly transdisciplinary supervision, an individual mentorship
from one of the associated industry partners, a specifically tailored
training program of compact modules, a network of peers and a highly
competitive 3.5 years fellowship. The PharMetrX Training+ Program
(Training & Network) offers a specifically tailored training program
of compact modules that convey the foundations in pharmacokinetics &
pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics, methodological
approaches of modelling & simulation etc. as well as a network of
peers. It is open for PhD students who have already started their PhD
in the field of pharmacometrics or will do so soon. Both programs are
open to candidates with a university degree in pharmacy,
pharmaceutical sciences, mathematics/statistics, bioinformatics, life
sciences or medicine. See for further
Deadline for applications: 15 September 2022.
PharMetrX is a joint program of Freie Universitat Berlin and the
University of Potsdam, supported by a consortium of global
research-driven pharmaceutical companies.
From: Anne Reinarz [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, User Friendly UQ, Durham Univ
Durham University is pleased to offer a fully funded PhD studentship
for a UK or international student. The successful applicant will be
based in the Department of Computer Science of Durham University,
applying UQ methods to complex, large scale numerical models. In
particular, the project is concerned with creating easy-to-use
interfaces, parallelisation strategies and encapsulation. As a
benchmark example the project will use hyperbolic PDE solvers and
solve Bayesian inverse problems primarily using MLMCMC methods. The
models will be run primarily with GKE in order to provide easy access
to High Performance Computing resources without the technical burden
(regarding dependencies, compiler versions etc.) traditionally coming
with HPC environments. Access to Durham University HPC systems will
also be provided.
The successful applicant will have a strong programming ability and a
competent mathematical background. Prior experience in mathematical
modeling or uncertainty quantification is beneficial although not
essential. Applicants are encouraged to make enquiries directly to
Anne Reinarz anne.k.reinarz(at)
From: Jose E Castillo [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Science, USA
The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Computational Science is aimed
at training scientists and engineers who will create advanced
computational methods and tools to model and solve challenging
problems at the intersections of scientific disciplines. The doctoral
program offers coursework and research in a broad range of subjects
that develop expertise in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific
Computing with applications to Biological Science, Earth Science,
Engineering Science, Health, Physical and/or Chemical Science. UCI and
SDSU campuses are recognized as Hispanic Serving Institutions offering
a welcoming and supportive environment for diverse students. Admitted
graduate students are offered a range of financial assistance options
while they are pursuing advanced degrees, including Teaching,
Graduate, and Research Assistantships and Fellowships. Applicants with
strong backgrounds in mathematics, physical, biological and geological
sciences, computer science, and engineering are invited to apply.
Please check our website for details regarding the doctoral program
and the application process. We have 20 positions available.
From: Vyacheslav Kungurtsev [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Czech Technical Univ
Structured Graphical Models for Causal Inference is an increasingly
important class of Machine Learning techniques, especially it
applications of public health and medicine. Using careful principled
structure in the modeling of potentially influential as well as latent
variables, conclusions can be reached regarding the cause-effect,
rather than simply correlational influence, with far reaching
implications for understanding and treatment/policy. The development,
analysis, training and inference of these models is highly nontrivial,
and involves an array of tools from statistics and information theory
along with optimization and numerical analysis. As part of a Horizon
Europe EU-wide project in the domain of public health, we are seeking
motivated and competent PhD students to pursue research in the
associated fields. Multiple positions are available in accordance with
the different aspects involved, including: Modelling and quantifying
generalization, bias, and variance (statistics, machine learning);
Training Large Scale Models, including parameters and structure
(stochastic optimization); and Incorporating dynamic systems and filtering
approaches to models of longitudinal time series data (system
identification, optimization and control).
The PhD-ship will be supervised by Jakub Marecek and Vyacheslav
Kungurtsev (Dept. of Computer Science) and Vladimir Havlena (Dept. of
Control Engineering) at the Czech Technical University and is part of
a broader collaboration with Imperial College London, Technion -
Israel Institute of Technology, National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens and others. The position is full time and limited to 4
years. The studentship comes with a monthly salary similar to the
average pay in Prague, the Czech Republic (approximately 45000 CZK per
month before a notably low tax), and a travel budget. The Czech
capital regularly ranks among five European cities within the world's
best cities in the world to live in (cf. Time Out Magazine index for
2021) and CTU's offices are in a centrally-located palace with a view
of Prague Castle. For more information, please see
We seek candidates with Masters degrees in Statistics, Control Theory,
Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations Research, or related
disciplines, with excellent mathematical aptitude, as demonstrated by
involvement in mathematical olympiads, relevant coursework, or
undergraduate research. A preference is given to candidates with
experience in programming, especially (but not limited to) Python
We expect to start interviewing candidates as soon as possible, with a
view of a start between January and September 2023.
From: Everett Zhu [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2022
Subject: CFP, MCA Special Issue, Radial Basis Functions
Radial basis functions (RBFs) are a type of real-value function which
invariably involve only one-dimensional distance. With their merit of
meshless and independence from dimensionality and geometric
complexity, RBFs have gained substantial attention from various
scientific computing and engineering applications, such as the
recovery of functions from scattered data, the numerical solution of
partial differential equations (PDEs), ill-posed and inverse problems,
neural networks, machine learning algorithms, and so on. This Special
Issue ( will present recent research results on
radial basis functions and their applications in engineering and
For further information please send an email to Prof. Dr. Zhuojia Fu
([email protected]). The publication fee will be waived for well-
prepared submissions.
End of Digest