NA Digest, V. 22, # 20
NA Digest Sunday, June 12, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 20
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- New Book, An Applied Mathematician's Apology
- Algorithmic Optimization and Data Science, Germany, Jul 22
- Ghana Numerical Analysis Day, ONLINE, Aug 2022
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Positions, Math/Applied Math, Univ of Pretoria
- Postdoc Position, Math/Applied Math, Univ of Pretoria
- Postdoc Position, Modeling and Scientific Computing, France
- PhD Position, e-Science for Epidemiology, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Mitch Graham [email protected]
Date: June 07, 2022
Subject: New Book, An Applied Mathematician's Apology
An Applied Mathematician's Apology
by Lloyd N. Trefethen
In 1940 G. H. Hardy published A Mathematician's Apology, a meditation
on mathematics by a leading pure mathematician. Eighty-two years
later, An Applied Mathematician's Apology is a meditation and also a
personal memoir by a philosophically inclined numerical analyst, one
who has found great joy in his work but is puzzled by its relationship
to the rest of mathematics.
2022 / viii + 80 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611977-18-9 / List $36.00 /
SIAM Member $25.20 / OT182
SIAM Bookstore:
From: Volker Schulz [email protected]
Date: June 08, 2022
Subject: Algorithmic Optimization and Data Science, Germany, Jul 22
ALOP Workshop on Algorithmic Optimization and Data Science
July 20-22, 2022
Trier, Germany
Please note that the registration deadline has been postponed to June
24, 2022. We cordially invite you to participate and give a
presentation in this event.
Confirmed Invited Speakers are:
- Gitta Kutyniok (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen)
- Sebastian Pokutta (Zuse Institute Berlin)
- Suvrit Sra (MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society)
- Enrique Zuazua (Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg)
Register directly at:
From: Stephen Moore [email protected]
Date: June 11, 2022
Subject: Ghana Numerical Analysis Day, ONLINE, Aug 2022
Ghana Numerical Analysis invites you to its second Ghana Numerical
Analysis Day (ONLINE) from August 24-25, 2022
The goal of this workshop is to inform about research activities in
the areas of numerical analysis and applied mathematics. Students,
post-docs, faculty and scientists from Ghanaian universities and other
research institutions are invited to present their results/interests
and discuss their ideas. Apart from strengthening already established
contacts, this workshop also hopes to provide an opportunity to start
new collaborations. It will be a two-day event with contributed talks
of 20 minutes including questions and 5 minutes for Poster
There is no registration fee, however, all interested participants are
required to register.
Registration to participate via online platform and to receive the
link is open on the workshop website via
The application deadline is August 17, 2022.
From: Mapundi Kondwani Banda [email protected]
Date: June 08, 2022
Subject: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Positions, Math/Applied Math, Univ of Pretoria
The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics in the Faculty
of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, is
seeking to appoint Lecturers/Senior Lecturers (four positions). The
successful candidates will be required to: lecture at undergraduate
and postgraduate level; conduct research in at least one of the
departmental research focus areas that leads to publication in
reputable peer-reviewed journals; supervise postgraduate students;
participate in departmental administration; and participate in
community engagement.
The following are the minimum requirements for a Lecturer: PhD degree
in Mathematics and/or Applied Mathematics; teaching experience in a
tertiary environment. For a Senior Lecturer the requirements are the
same as for Lecturer, PLUS: substantial teaching experience at
undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels; potential to be established
as an independent researcher in the near future based on a recent body
of work.
For further information and application guidelines, please, go to:
Application deadline: 30th June, 2022.
Job ID: 24577
From: Mapundi Kondwani Banda [email protected]
Date: June 08, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math/Applied Math, Univ of Pretoria
The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
( at
University of Pretoria invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow
to join the research focus area: Partial Differential Equations, their
numerical analysis and mathematical modelling.
The fellowship will be awarded to an excellent applicant who has
strong mathematical and computational skills, especially in analysis
and partial differential equations, and a good research record
especially in applications of evolution models, their numerical
methods, and optimal control. The call is open to applicants who are
in possession of a PhD degree relevant to the above research topic.
Applicants should send a cover letter (maximum one page) indicating
their personal goals and motivation for the application with an
attached degree certificate, CV and additional evidence of
achievements such as the list of publications, reports, distinctions,
awards, as well as the names and contact details of two referees.
Applications and questions can be addressed to Mapundi Banda
([email protected]).
From: Miguel A. Fern=E1ndez [email protected]
Date: June 08, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Modeling and Scientific Computing, France
We are looking for an excellent and highly motivated postdoc to join
the COMMEDIA projet-team at Inria Paris:
The research will focus on the development of mathematical models and
numerical approaches for the estimation of blood pressure in the human
wrist (systolic/diastolic) from photoplethysmography measurements.
A complete description of the position, the conditions offered and of
how to apply can be found here: 04801
From: Stefan Engblom [email protected]
Date: June 08, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, e-Science for Epidemiology, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
This project will tackle the considerable challenges of computational
modeling to estimate and predict the state of an epidemic. We will do
so using data from novel monitoring techniques involving
non-traditional sources of data.
This PhD position is part of the eSSENCE-SciLifeLab graduate school in
data-intensive science and comes equipped with generous funding and
support infrastructures.
Specific requirements for the project include proficiency in
programming (e.g., Matlab or Python), as well as knowledge in one or
more of computational science, systems identification, or machine
learning. Experience and courses in applied mathematics, statistics,
and dynamical systems are also valued.
Please read more about the details of the project here:
Please apply via the online system (state project #2):
Deadline to apply is June 20.
End of Digest