NA Digest, V. 22, # 14

NA Digest Wednesday, May 04, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 14

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: NA Digest Editor [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2022
Subject: NA Digest Administration Update

Dear NA Digest Community,

In the past few months, we have had to address several technical
challenges associated with sending out the NA Digest. We believe we
have solved the problems at this point, but some of you may not have
received some of the past few issues of the digest via email.

You can find past issues archived here:


We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Thanks for your continued support of the NA Digest!

Best regards,
Danny Dunlavy

NA Digest Editor

From: Brad Lucier [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2022
Subject: Jack Dongarra receives 2021 Turing Award, Highest Award in Computing

The citation reads:

For his pioneering contributions to numerical algorithms and libraries
that enabled high performance computational software to keep pace with
exponential hardware improvements for over four decades

The press release can be found here:

Congratulations, Jack, from all of us!

From: Mathieu Salanne [email protected]
Date: April 29, 2022
Subject: PRACE HPC Excellence Award

PRACE HPC Excellence Award - Nominate now!

The newly created PRACE HPC Excellence Award recognises an outstanding
individual or team for ground-breaking research that leads to
significant scientific advances through the usage of HPC. The award
can be given to any individual or team that demonstrates that the work
has been communicated and peer-reviewed within five years preceding
the nomination deadline.

The winner will receive a prize sum of 20 000 Euro, and plenary
speaking slot at PASC22 where the 2022 edition of the Award will be
presented. Nominations, which should not exceed more than 6 pages,
are open until 20 May, and the winner will be notified by 6
June.Self-nominations are allowed.

The members of the Prize Committee are:
George Biros, University of Texas at Austin
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
Laura Grigori, INRIA (Chair of the Prize Committee)
Erik Lindahl, Stockholm University
Nathalie Reuter, University of Bergen
Matej Praprotnik, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana

From: Michele Martone [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2022
Subject: Release of librsb Sparse BLAS Software Library

The minor release of the "librsb" library for high performance
sparse matrix computations based on the "Recursive Sparse Blocks"
(RSB) format is out and available for download.

librsb is mainly for iterative methods implementors; it features cache
efficient, multithreaded sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and it
is especially fast in the symmetric and transposed variants. Many
options and further matrix operations are available.

Both Sparse BLAS and the own interfaces are supported (C/C++,
Fortran). You can also use librsb transparently in a Matlab-style
fashion via the GNU Octave `sparsersb` package and command, or in
Python via the `pyrsb.rsb_matrix` class inspired by `scipy.sparse`

- This release improves the build process across operating systems
(e.g. *BSD, IBM AIX, Mac OS), architectures (armhf,sparc64),
compilers and shells.
- Numerous compatibility-oriented configure options.
- Full changes list on

The source code of librsb is LGPLv3 licensed.

Website for librsb and sparsersb:
Sources of PyRSB:

From: Xiangxiong Zhang [email protected]
Date: April 27, 2022
Subject: Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, USA, May 2022

The Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics at Purdue
University will be hosting the 2022 Workshop on New Trends in
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, on May 9-10,
2022. It will be an in-person workshop at Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana. The workshop will start at 1:30 pm EST on Monday,
May 9th, and end on Tuesday, May 10th.

More information can be found on the workshop webpage

From: Michael Bader [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2022
Subject: SIAM Supercomputing Kick-start Webinars, ONLINE, May 2022

Have you heard about the new initiatives (see of the SIAM Activity Group on
Supercomputing (SIAG/SC)? Our focus is raising awareness of HPC
opportunities, growing the community, and preparing the next
generation of young HPC scholars. We invite you to get involved!

To kick start these initiatives, we will host three virtual sessions
open to everyone, spanning various time zones. Each session will begin
with a 10-minute lightning talk by a leader in the HPC community. We
will then introduce our SIAG/SC initiatives and invite attendees to
discuss feedback, next steps, and how you can help.

Please choose a session that is most convenient for your time zone:

May 12:
1 am PT / 4 am ET / 8 am UTC / 10 am Central Europe / 5 pm Japan
Lightning speaker: Sadaf Alam, Supercomputing, Cloud and Edge Security
Models Convergence using APIs and Container Technologies
Session A: Zoom registration on

May 12:
9 am PT / 12 pm ET / 4 pm UTC / 6 pm Central Europe / 1 am Japan
Lightning speaker: Hatem Ltaief, Meeting the Computational Challenges
of Giant Optical Telescopes' Real-time Control
Session B: Zoom registration on

May 12/13:
May 12: 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET;
May 13: 12 am UTC / 2 am Central Europe / 9 am Japan
Lightning speaker: Anshu Dubey, Software as an Instrument of Science
Session C: Zoom registration on

Register (and also attend a session!) to get a chance to win a unique
SIAG/SC T-shirt!

From: Mathias J. Krause [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2022
Subject: Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB, Poland, Jun 2022

Early bird registration is open until the 10th of May 2022 for the
Fifth Spring School on Lattice Boltzmann Methods with OpenLB Software
Lab. It is held in Krakow, Poland, from 6th to 10th of June 2022. The
school offers a special lecture on LBM on high performance computers
and, for the first time, using GPUs with OpenLB (v. 1.5).

More information (
Registration (

From: Benjamin Unger [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2022
Subject: Knowledge-driven Machine Learning, Germany, Jul 2022

The Cluster of Excellence SimTech located at the University of
Stuttgart proudly announces its 1st International Summer School on
"Knowledge- driven machine learning and its applications", taking
place from July 11-15, 2022, in Stuttgart.

The summer school aims to equip participants with a basic
understanding of how different aspects of knowledge, including but not
limited to established simulation paradigms, can be induced in modern
learning architectures.

Taking place in the heart of Stuttgart, the scientific program covers
diverse scientific areas, ranging from mathematics, over physics to
chemistry, which is assured for by contributions from speakers such as
- Prof. George Em Karniadakis (Brown University),
- Prof. Tilman Plehn (University of Heidelberg),
- Prof. Pietro Faccioli (University of Trento), and
- Prof. Pascal Friedrich (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

Please spread the word and check the Summer School's website via for
more information.

From: Giuseppe Rodriguez [email protected]
Date: April 29, 2022
Subject: Learning Methods for Inverse Problems, Italy, Jul 2022

The summer school Summer School on Recent Advancements in
Computational and Learning Methods for Inverse Problems will be held
at the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the University
of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) on July 11-15, 2022.

The summer school consists of one longer course that will provide
background in Numerical Linear Algebra and give an overview of
classical and new solution methods of both small and large-scale
inverse ill-posed problems. In addition, there will be 4 short courses
on specific topics. Students will be required to attend all courses.
Participants who like to present their research activities may present
a poster during the poster session. Each poster will be introduced by
a short presentation of 5 minutes.

Participation is open to Ph.D students and young researchers.
Prerequisites for participants of the summer school include basic
knowledge of Linear Algebra and MATLAB programming. The number of
participants in the summer school is limited. Applications can be
submitted to the e-mail address [email protected] before May 20,
2022. It should include an application letter by the applicant, a CV
of the applicant, and a letter of recommendation describing the
background of the applicant. The letter should include a title and an
abstract if the applicant intends to present a poster. Applicants will
be notified of acceptance by June 5. Participation in the summer
school is free.

The event is sponsored by the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science of the University of Cagliari (

From: Volker John [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: Numerical Methods and Analysis in CFD, Germany, Jul 2022

This workshop is devoted to modern numerical methods for solving
equations from fluid dynamics, such as Stokes and Navier-Stokes
equations, convection-diffusion-reaction or reaction-diffusion
equations, and coupled systems. Topics include as well the numerical
analysis of such methods as their use in simulating problems from

Plenary speakers are
- Alexandre Ern (Universite Paris-Est)
- Michael Feischl (TU Wien)
- Julia Novo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
- Joachim Schoberl (TU Wien)

For detailed information visit the homepage of the workshop

From: Lehel Banjai [email protected]
Date: April 27, 2022
Subject: Chair Position, Computational Mathematics, Heriot-Watt Univ, UK

The Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University, UK, is
looking to appoint a chair in computational mathematics and numerical

The details of the post can be found at:

The closing date for applications is 13th May, 2022.

From: Maria Lukacova [email protected]
Date: April 27, 2022
Subject: Professorship Position, Numerical Mathematics, Univ of Mainz, Germany

At the University of Mainz there is a call for W2 Professorship
position in Numerical Mathematics.

We are looking for a candidate with expertise in uncertainty
quantification, high-dimensional approximations, numerical analysis of
data science or of partial differential equations including their
realization using high- performance computing.

The closing date for applications is May 22nd, 2022, see
Universitatsprofessur fur Numerische Mathematik

Please, be so kind to inform colleagues who might be interested.

From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2022
Subject: Research Associate Position at SISSA, Italy

A new open position (12 months) as research associate at SISSA,
International School for Advanced Studies, Mathematics Area, mathLab,
Trieste, Italy ( is available with deadline May 13,
2022 at 1pm (Rome time):

The position is in the framework of our cooperation with Electrolux
Italia spa. The project is "Advanced Numerical Methods for
Parametrized Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in

Field of the research activity: efficient geometrical parametrisation,
reduced order modelling, computational fluid dynamics, optimisation,
control, data assimilation, shape parametrisation, reduced order

Competences: mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, scientific
computing and programming, CFD.

From: Jocelyne Erhel [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2022
Subject: Research Position, INRIA, Rennes, France

A Junior Professorial Chair will be available at INRIA (National
Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) in Rennes
(France) from second semester 2022 (July 1, 2022 at the
earliest). Candidates should have skills in mathematics and/or
computer science, and experience in applications to the field of earth
and environmental sciences (simulation, modeling, statistics). The
successful candidate will be based in the INRIA center in Rennes, and
member of a Mathematics or Computer Science research group and will
work in collaboration with the department of Geosciences, with the
ultimate objective of creating a research team at the intersection
between digital sciences and geosciences. He/she will participate in
the teaching within the Ecole Normale Superieure of Rennes and in the
creation of its new department of "Sciences for the Environment". A
startup package will be associated to the position.

The application procces will be specified in the near future. The
conditions of the previous competitions can be consulted at the
following address:
These positions are offered on a fixed-term contract (CDD) under
public law (from 3 to 6 years) as a tenure track position as a
Director of Research INRIA. The official description will be
communicated in the coming weeks.

For more information please contact: Arnaud Debussche
([email protected]) and/or Philippe Steer
([email protected])

For administrative information, please contact: Patrick Gros
([email protected])

From: Buyang Li [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ

The Department of Applied Mathematics, Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, invites well-qualified candidates to apply for a two-year
Postdoctoral Fellow position in computational mathematics.

The postdoctoral fellow is expected to work on a posteriori error
estimation of finite element methods for the Maxwell equations, or
other topics within the group's research interests, such as geometric
flows, arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) methods, fluid-structure
interaction, nonlinear wave equations, corner/edge singularities of
PDEs, and so on.

Candidates with strong coding experience are welcome to apply.
Candidates without coding experience but with strong background in
analysis are also welcome to apply.

Interested candidates should send a CV with a list of publications to
Dr. Buyang Li via email: [email protected]

From: Jose A Cuminato [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, ML, Sao Paulo Univ, Brazil

Post-doc position in machine learning and text mining. This project
involves the development of models for automatic inspection from large
databases with Electronic Invoices. The objective is to identify fraud
and detect overpricing in government data. Text mining methods will be
investigated and developed specifically to extract features and
improve the information contained in electronic invoices. This
information is used by machine learning methods to classify textual
segments of electronic invoices, as well as to improve electronic
invoices data clustering. It is expected to identify risks and explore
relationships between companies, public agencies, and other entities
described in the electronic invoices. The candidate will investigate
methods for text pre-processing, data clustering, outlier and anomaly
detection, and one-class classification. It is recommended that the
candidate has expertise in python packages currently used for these
activities, such as SkLearn, Keras and/or PyTorch, as well as
graph-based visualization techniques using the Neo4J environment. The
candidate will be based in Sao Carlos, Brazil. The post is initially
for one year and can be renewed depending on performance. Starting
date is from 1st July 2022. To apply, please send a CV and a reference
letter to [email protected]. Applications are open until May 25,

From: Ernesto G. Birgin [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Optimization, Univ of Sao Paulo


The FAPESP Thematic Project Computational Methods in Optimization
announces a post-doctoral fellowship with initial duration of 12
months and renewable until March 31, 2024, depending on the results
achieved, to work at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
( of the University of Sao Paulo
( The project consists of the
development and implementation of solution methods for continuous and
discrete optimization problems.

Applicants must have completed their PhD less than 7 years ago and
have proven experience in optimization. Programming skills are also
required. The candidate is expected to interact with other members of
the project, including MSc and PhD students as well as faculty members
of the team.

The post-doctoral fellowship includes a monthly stipend of R$ 8.479,20
(about USD 1,700 - enough for the maintenance of a single person in
Sao Paulo) and research contingency funds (15% of the annual value of
the fellowship, each year). For more details, check out FAPESP's

To apply, the candidate must send the following documents by email
until June 10th, 2022:
- Curriculum vitae with a list of publications, and previous
- Two recommendation letters, being one preferably from a previous
supervisor (those can be sent directly to [email protected] by the
- A motivation letter for the application.

All documents must be sent to Prof. Ernesto G. Birgin at
[email protected], using 'postdoc application' as the subject.

From: Laurette Lauffer [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2022
Subject: Doctoral Position, Numerical Methods, KIT Karlsruhe

The Collaborative Research Center 1173 at Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology is seeking to recruit a doctoral researcher for the project
B8 Theory and numerics of the coupled Maxwell-Landau- Lifshitz-Gilbert

The proposed doctoral project focuses on numerical methods to simulate
dynamical effects of magnetised material.

We seek an ambitious doctoral researcher with an interest in numerical
simulation of partial differential equations. Within the project, you
will learn about the simulation of time-dependent problems in a
high-performance space-time setting. You will have the opportunity to
attend courses, conferences, workshops, and summer schools. Engagement
in teaching is encouraged.

For further details please visit .

From: Matthias Moller [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Flexible Floating Structure Modelling and Analysis, TU Delft

The Numerical Analysis group at TU Delft, The Netherlands, is looking
for a talented and motivated PhD candidate to develop mathematical
models and design tools for fluid-structure interaction of offshore
floating photovoltaics. Your task is to develop mathematical models
and efficient computational tools for large deflection and wrinkling
simulation of so- called very flexible floating structures (VFFS)
within the framework of isogeometric analysis. The FlexFloat project
is a multi-disciplinary initiative between the Delft Institute of
Applied Mathematics (DIAM) and the groups Ship and Offshore
Structures, and Ship Hydromechanics at the Department of Maritime and
Transport Technology (MTT).

Further information and instructions on how to apply for the open position
are available at

The closing date for applications is May 31, 2022.

From: Attila Tan=E1cs [email protected]
Date: April 28, 2022
Subject: Contents, ACTA CYBERNETICA, 25 (3)

Regular Papers

Domain Semirings United, Uli Fahrenberg, Christian Johansen, Georg
Struth, Krzysztof ZiemiaDski

Computing Different Realizations of Linear Dynamical Systems with
Embedding Eigenvalue Assignment, Gergely Szlobodnyik, Gabor

The Inverse Epsilon Distribution as an Alternative to Inverse
Exponential Distribution with a Survival Times Data Example, Tamas
Jonas, Christophe Chesneau, Jozsef Dombi, Hassan Salah Bakouch

An Efficient Sampling Algorithm for Difficult Tree Pairs, Sean Cleary,
Roland Maio

Strongly Possible Functional Dependencies for SQL, Munqath Al-Atar,
Attila Sali

Verified Integration of Differential Equations with Discrete Delay,
Andreas Rauh, Ekaterina Auer

The Generalized Epsilon Function: An Alternative to the Exponential
Function, Tamas Jonas

Dense Languages and Non Primitive Words, Toshihiro Koga

Models and Algorithms for Social Distancing in Order to Stop the
Spread of COVID-19, Alexandru Popa

From: Raiondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2022
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 27 (2)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
Raimondas Ciegis (Editor) Volume 27, Issue 2, 2022


Lateef O. Jolaoso, Akindele A. Mebawondu and Oluwatosin T. Mewomo,
Inertial Mann-Krasnoselskii Algorithm with Self Adaptive Stepsize for
Split Variational Inclusion Problem and Paramonotone Equilibria

Habtamu G. Debela, Mesfin M. Woldaregay and Gemechis F. Duressa,
Robust Numerical Method for Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion
Type Problems with Non-Local Boundary Condition

Ahmad Shahsavaran and Forough Fotros, An Effective and Simple Scheme
for Solving Nonlinear Fredholm Integral Equations

Farah Balaadich and Elhoussine Azroul, Existence Results for
Fractional $p$-Laplacian Systems via Young Measures

Dang Van Hieu, Le Dung Muu and Pham Kim Quy, Strong Convergence of
Multi-Parameter Projection Methods for Variational Inequality Problems

Carmen Coll, Sergio Romero-Vivo and Elena Sanchez, On a Safety Set
for an Epidemic Model with a Bounded Population

Salma M. Al-Tuwairqi and Walaa S. Bahashwan, The Impact of Quarantine
Strategies on Malware Dynamics in a Network with Heterogeneous

Mohammad Ivan Azis, Numerical Solutions for 2D Unsteady Laplace-Type
Problems of Anisotropic Functionally Graded Materials

Ufuk Beyaztas and Han Lin Shang, Function-on-Function Linear Quantile

Brian Choi, Multilinear Weighted Estimates and Quantum Zakharov System

End of Digest