NA Digest, V. 22, # 11

NA Digest Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 11

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Heike Fassbender [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2022
Subject: Call for Proposals to Organize the 2025 Householder Symposium

The Householder Committee seeks a team to organize the 2025
Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra. The deadline for
submitting a proposal is June 1, 2022.

Guidelines for preparing a proposal can be found at

Complete proposals as well as any questions that may arise can be
emailed to the Chair of the Householder Committee, Heike Fassbender
([email protected]).

Please note: Proposals by professional congress and convention bureaus
will not be considered. No contact information about local members of
our community will be provided.

From: Nick Gould [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2022
Subject: GALAHAD 4.0, nonlinear optimization

We are delighted to announce the release of version 4 of the
open-source GALAHAD Fortran software library for solving nonlinear
optimization problems. A defining feature of this new release are
native interfaces to C and Matlab. The library contains software for
linear and quadratic programming, unconstrained, bound-constrained and
general-constrained optimization, nonlinear least squares, and
approximate global optimization, as well as a large variety of
auxiliary methods for linear and nonlinear sub-problem solution. Full
documentation and installation scripts for Linux, Mac and MinGW are
provided, and a variety of compilers are supported. The software is
available under the LGPL 3.0 licence.

For more details see and for download
instructions visit

Jari Fowkes and Nick Gould, STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

From: Tzanio Kolev [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2022
Subject: MFEM Version 4.4

Version 4.4 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for
finite element methods, is now available at: The
goal of MFEM is to enable high-performance scalable finite element
discretization research and application development on a wide variety
of platforms, ranging from laptops to exascale supercomputers.

Some of the new additions in version 4.4 are:
- Support for AMG solvers on AMD GPUs.
- Methods for hr-adaptivity and interface fitting of high-order meshes.
- High order Nedelec elements on tet meshes without reordering.
- GPU-enabled partial and element assembly for DG on AMR meshes.
- Initial support for meshes with pyramidal elements.
- Arbitrary order Nedelec + Raviart-Thomas elements on prisms.
- New and improved integrations with libCEED, CoDiPack, ParELAG.
- Documentation for all releases at
- 9 new examples + miniapps, including AD and Jupyter examples.

The MFEM library has many more features, including:
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2, NURBS elements.
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming/nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), including anisotropic refinement, derefinement and parallel load balancing.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, discontinuous Galerkin, hybridized, and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral elements, including arbitrary order curvilinear meshes.
- Scalable algebraic multigrid, time integrators, and eigensolvers.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with the MFEM-based GLVis tool.

MFEM is being developed in CASC, LLNL and is freely available under a
BSD license. For more details, see the interactive documentation and
the full CHANGELOG at

From: Lorenzo Tamellini [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2022
Subject: New release, Sparse Grids Matlab Kit

A new release of the Sparse Grids Matlab Kit is now available for
download at
(version 22-2 California, BSD2 license).

Among the new features, the new release adds support for new random
variables (beta, gamma, exponential) and corresponding orthogonal
polynomials, preset sparse grids construction, hessian approximation
and more visualization tools.

For a comprehensive overview of the package, see also:
C. Piazzola, L. Tamellini. The Sparse Grids Matlab kit - a Matlab
implementation of sparse grids for high-dimensional function
approximation and uncertainty quantification.

From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2022
Subject: New Book, Abstract Fractional Monotone Approximation


In this short monograph we employ an abstract kernel fractional
calculus with applications to Prabhakar and non-singular kernel
fractional calculi. Our results are univariate and bivariate. In the
univariate case we present abstract fractional monotone approximation
by polynomials and splines, and in the bivariate case we give the
abstract fractional monotone constrained approximation by bivariate
pseudo-polynomials and polynomials. This monograph's results are
expected to find applications in many areas of pure and applied
mathematics, especially in fractional approximation and fractional
differential equations. Other interesting applications can be in
applied sciences like geophysics, physics, chemistry, economics and
engineering. This monograph is appropriate for researchers, graduate
students, practitioners and seminars of the above disciplines, also to
be in all science and engineering libraries.

From: Albert Danial [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2022
Subject: New Book, Python for MATLAB Development

Danial, A. (2022). Python for MATLAB Development: Extend MATLAB with
300,000+ Modules from the Python Package Index. Apress. Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-1-4842-7222-0, eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-4842-7223-7, DOI:

The book demonstrates how use MATLAB's Python interface to enhance
MATLAB's capabilities with Python in countless ways. It includes a
complete Python language tutorial using side-by-side MATLAB/Python
code fragments on topics of interest to the NA Digest community:
matrix creation and indexing, linear algebra, interpolation, curve
fitting, differential equations, linear programming, optimization,
sparse matrices, symbolic math, plotting, and input/output using text,
binary, HDF5, netCDF4, and .mat files.

A chapter on high performance computing shows how MATLAB programs can
be accelerated by implementing computationally intensive functions in
Python augmented by Numba, Cython, Pythran, or the f2py Fortran
binding. Examples include the use of the Python dask module to enable
a MATLAB program to easily distribute work to, and receive solutions
from Python code running on compute clusters.

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: March 27, 2022
Subject: New Book, Transfinite Interpolations and Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics

Transfinite Interpolations and Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics
by Andre Garon and Michel C. Delfour

This innovative book introduces finite and transfinite interpolation
methods at a general level in a unifying mathematical style before
covering dynamical interpolation methods, which emphasize the
underlying Eulerian/Lagrangian dynamics. Transfinite Interpolations
and Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics considers the support of the data set
as a geometrically structured set as opposed to an unstructured cloud
of points, is a self-contained graduate-level text, integrating
theory, applications, numerical approximations, and computational
techniques, and tackles transfinite interpolation methods applied to
finite element meshes adaptation and ALE fluid-structure interaction
and to the construction of velocity fields from the boundary
expression of shape derivatives. Specialists in applied mathematics,
physics, mechanics, computational sciences, imaging sciences, and
engineering will find this book of interest.

2022 / xx + 268 pages / Hardcover / ISBN: 978-1-611976-94-6 / List
Price $89 / SIAM Member Price $62.30 / DC38

SIAM Bookstore:

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2022
Subject: IMA Diversity, ONLINE, Apr 2022

IMA Diversity event sponsored by the Early Career Mathematicians (ECM)
Wednesday 6th April 2022, 1pm-3pm
Online Via Zoom

Draft Programme
- 1pm-1:30pm: Talk on TBC by Snezana Lawrence, the Diversity Champion of the IMA.
- 1:30pm - 3pm: "Connecting with the community" hosted by TBC

Welcome to the IMA Diversity event sponsored by the Early Career
Mathematicians (ECM) Committee. In this event, we will provide a safe
environment for ECMs to discuss issues related to Equity, Diversity
and Inclusion (EDI) with diversity champions of major mathematical
societies and find out what those societies are doing on EDI matters,
in particular focused on ECMs. We will begin the event with a talk on
TBC from our very own Diversity Champion Snezana Lawrence. This will
be followed by 'connecting with the community': using or
zoom breakout rooms, TBC will each host a discussion based on issues
of EDI in mathematics and for ECMs to generate conversation. Topics
TBC. As well as these discussions, other ECM committees from the major
mathematics societies will be there to answer questions on what they

This event is free, it only requires a registration to MyIMA so we can
communicate the event details and joining instructions to
you. Register to attend our diversity event!

You will be sent all joining information 24 hours prior to the event
and registration will close at 12noon on the 5 April 2022.

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2022
Subject: SIAM Virtual Career Fair, ONLINE, Apr 2022

The next SIAM Virtual Career Fair is Wednesday, April 20, 2022. We
invite you to participate in this networking and recruitment event,
where you will have the opportunity to engage with hundreds of applied
mathematicians and computational and data scientists from leading
institutions and companies. SIAM is an organization of applied
mathematicians, computational and data scientists. We are students,
researchers, practitioners, and educators. We come together to advance
the use and application of our work in industry, engineering, science,
and society. SIAM members have the quantitative, mathematical,
computing, and analytical skills that are needed in today's
marketplace. The SIAM Career Fair is an/ideal place to recruit
employees with mathematical, computational, and data science education
and training, and it is also an excellent opportunity to present your
company's mission and vision to a broad audience./

Employers can view and register for a Career Fair booth at this link:

Job seekers can sign up for the event at this link:

Please contact [email protected] if you have with any questions. We
hope to have you join us!

From: Vu Thai Luan [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2022
Subject: Computational Methods and Applications in Engineering, USA, May 2022

The 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods and
Applications in Engineering, May 7-8, 2022, will be held in a hybrid
format (in-person + virtually) at Mississippi State University (MSU):

This interdisciplinary conference will provide a joint forum where
computational mathematicians, scientists and engineers in the USA and
Europe exchange research and develop ideas in the field of
computational methods and their applications to science and

The conference will also offer mini-symposium sessions with fifty
invited talks, and there will also be sessions for twenty-minute
contributed talks. Proceedings of the conference will be published in
a special issue of the Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics (JCAM) by Elsevier.

Online registration: April 20, 2022.
Abstract submission: April 10, 2022.

Partial travel support by the NSF is available for junior
participants. For further information, please visit

From: Martin Eigel [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2022
Subject: High Dimensional Approximation and Deep Learning, France, May 2022

We are glad to announce the research school "High Dimensional
Approximation and Deep Learning" (HiDADeeL2022), which will be held in
Nantes, France, from May 16 to 20, 2022.

This school addresses the mathematical foundations of high-dimensional
approximation and statistical learning with particular attention to
nonlinear approximation, model reduction, tensors and neural networks.

The research school is intended for PhD students, young researchers
and established researchers interested in these themes.

The school will feature four courses and invited talks given by
experts in the mathematics of approximation and learning.

Courses will be given by Albert Cohen (Sorbonne Universite), Lars
Grasedyck (Aachen University), Sophie Langer (University of Twente),
Philipp Petersen (University of Vienna).

Deadline for application is April 8, 2022.

For more information and application, see the web site

From: Robert Krasny [email protected]
Date: March 25, 2022
Subject: Midwest Numerical Analysis Day, USA, May 2022

Registration is open for the next Midwest Numerical Analysis Day,
May 20-21, 2022 at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Invited speakers:
- Daniela Calvetti (Case Western Reserve University)
- Yingda Cheng (Michigan State University)
- Peijun Li (Purdue University)
- Lothar Reichel (Kent State University)
- Li Wang (University of Minnesota)
- Zhimin Zhang (Wayne State University)

Registration and further details:

In addition to the invited talks, there is an opportunity for
contributed talks and posters including from students and
postdocs. The meeting will be in-person, but virtual participation
through Zoom for those who cannot be present will be accommodated. We
look forward to welcome you to the MWNAD22 in Ann Arbor in May!

From: Francesco Tudisco [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2022
Subject: Numerical Methods for Compression and Learning, Italy, May 2022

The workshop "Numerical Methods for Compression and Learning" will be
held at GSSI, L'Aquila (Italy) on May 11-13, 2022.

The workshop aims at bringing together experts from signal processing,
compressed sensing, low rank methods and machine learning with the
goal of highlighting modern approaches as well as challenges in
computational mathematics arising in all these areas and at their

The workshop will be held in the main auditorium of GSSI, a center of
doctoral studies and the newest established Italian school of
excellence, located in the city of L'Aquila, a small university town
in the heart of the Apennine mountains east of Rome.

For more details about the workshop:

There is no registration fee, but we kindly ask all interested
participants to register here:

We plan to host a poster session during the event with contributed
poster presentations from any interested participant. The call for
abstracts for the posters is available here:

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any question:
[email protected]

From: Grady Wright [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2022
Subject: SIAM Pacific Northwest Meeting, USA, May 2022

3rd Biennial Meeting of SIAM Pacific Northwest (PNW) Section
May 20-22, 2022
Washington State University Vancouver, Vancouver, Washington (USA)

The 3rd Biennial Meeting of SIAM Pacific Northwest (PNW) Section will
be held in Vancouver, Washington (USA) on May 20-22, 2022. The
conference will bring together applied mathematicians in academia,
national labs, and industry located primarily in the Pacific
Northwest. The meeting will consist of plenary lectures, thematic
sessions, contributed talks and student posters. Limited travel
support is available for students from universities in the PNW.

At this time, we are planning to hold the meeting in a hybrid format
with face-to-face and virtual participation.

Important deadlines:
April 6: Submission of minisymposia proposals
April 18: Submission of talks and posters
April 18: Student travel support requests
May 13: Registration for the conference

Please see the conference website listed above for submission details,
travel information, and registration.

From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2022
Subject: AMiTaNS'22, Bulgaria, Jun 2022

The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its 14th Conference AMiTaNS'22 to be held in the Northern Bulgarian
Black Sea resort of Albena. The conference will be scheduled in
plenary and keynote lectures followed by special and contributed
sessions. The accents of the conference will be on Mathematical
Physics, Solitons and Transport Processes, Numerical Methods,
Scientific Computing, Continuum Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied
Physics, Biomathematics, complemented by some specific topics in
contributed special sessions. In order to make the conference
accessible to all those who wish to attend, it will be fully
hybrid. If you are interested in attending AMiTaNS'22 please prepare a
short abstract within 300 words clearly stating the goal, tools, fill
out the online Application form and send it.

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2022.

Conference website:

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact
the conference organizer Dr Michail Todorov at [email protected].

From: Nicoletta Del Buono [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2022
Subject: Structural Dynamical Systems, Italy, Jun 2022

SDS2022 - 11th meeting STRUCTURAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS: Computational
Aspects, Rosa Marina (Brindisi), Italy, June 7-10, 2022

SDS2022 is the 11th edition of a series of meetings which started in
2001, whose aim is to bring together researchers from different
fields, mainly Mathematics and Engineering, and give them the
opportunity to discuss, in a friendly atmosphere, recent developments
in computational and theoretical methods for Dynamical Systems and
PDEs, and their applications.

This year, the meeting will host 4 hours long Mini Courses on special
topics and a Light Talk session. The 5 Minicourses are:
- Introduction to Virtual Elements (Organizers: Louren o Beir o da Veiga and Alessandro Russo).
- Dynamical systems with delay: theoretical and numerical aspects (Organizer: Dimitri Breda).
- Selected aspects of networks, stability and numerical considerations (Organizer: Luca Dieci).
- Principles of stochastic numerics and applications to dynamical systems (Organizer: Raffaele D'Ambrosio)
- Model reduction methods for ODEs and PDEs (Organizer: Maurizio Falcone).

There will also be a Light Talk session for young and senior
researchers consisting of 10 minutes talks presenting recent research
topics on the field.

For more information visit the following web page:

From: Organizing Committee CEDYA2022 [email protected]
Date: March 25, 2022
Subject: New Deadline, XXVII CEDYA/XVII CMA, Spain, Jul 2022

XXVII CEDYA/XVII CMA will be held in the Faculty of Sciences of the
University of Zaragoza on July 18th-22nd, 2022, organized by the
Institute of Mathematics and Applications (IUMA).

Participants can contribute to CEDYA2022 with a poster, a contributed
talk in any of the CEDYA topics or by organizing a minisymposium.

New deadlines for submission of proposals and registration:
Deadline for submission of proposals: April 24th, 2022.
Acceptance notification: April 30th, 2022.
Deadline for early registration: May 8th, 2022

More information regarding CEDYA2022 in

From: Michele Ruggeri [email protected]
Date: March 25, 2022
Subject: Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, Austria, Aug 2022

Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM 2022)
TU Wien, August 29 - September 2, 2022

The conference is focused on various aspects of mathematical modeling
and numerical analysis. It aims at fostering cooperation between
researchers working in the area of theoretical numerical analysis and
applications to modeling, simulation, and scientific computing.

Confirmed plenary speakers: Daniele Boffi, KAUST; Thomas Fuehrer,
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; Philipp Grohs, University of
Vienna; Jun Hu, Peking University; Barbara Kaltenbacher, University of
Klagenfurt; Dalibor Lukas, Technical University of Ostrava; Svetozar
Margenov, IICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Neela Nataraj, Indian
Institute of Technology Bombay; Christoph Ortner, University of
British Columbia; Amiya Kumar Pani, Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay; Sergei Pereverzyev, RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Rob
Stevenson, University of Amsterdam; Andreas Veeser, University of
Milan; Thomas Wihler, University of Bern; Jun Zou, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong

Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2022

From: Sara Grundel and Benjamin Unger [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2022
Subject: GAMM Annual Meeting, Germany, Aug 2022

The annual meeting of the GAMM (International Association of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics) will take place this year in August, 15-19,
in Aachen, Germany. Since the beginning of this month you can upload
abstracts here:
2022/registration-abstract-submission/. The abstract submission
deadline is May 01, 2022.

From: Laura Scarabosio [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2022
Subject: Summer School, Uncertainty Quantification, Netherlands, Aug 2022

The Radboud Summer School "Quantifying Uncertainty: Prediction and
Inverse Problems" will take place at Radboud University in Nijmegen
(Netherlands), from 8-12 August 2022. There will be lectures from
Giovanni Migliorati (Sorbonne), Bjorn Sprungk (TU Freiberg) and Laura
Scarabosio (Radboud).

More information can be found at

Early bird deadline for registration is 1 April 2022, and the
registration deadline is 1 July 2022. The event is partially sponsored
by the Platform Wiskunde Nederland.

From: Pietro Zanotti [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2022
Subject: GIMC-SIMAI workshop, Italy, Sep 2022

GIMC (Gruppo Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale) and SIMAI (Societa
Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) are glad to announce
that their first joint workshop for young scientists (d 35-year-old)
will take place in Pavia on September 29-30, 2022.

The meeting aims at providing participants with a platform to exchange
their most recent results, to keep up-to-date on new trends and to
foster their interactions. The program includes two plenary lectures
delivered by leading scientists, a session dedicated to the recipients
of the GIMC-SIMAI young awards, parallel thematic sessions organized
by the participants, as well as contributed sessions. Contributions
are welcome from all areas of applied mathematics and computational

The initiative is also supported by the ECCOMAS Young Investigators

For more information, see the website

From: Per Christian Hansen [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2022
Subject: Imaging with Uncertainty Quantification, Denmark, Sep 2022

September 27-29, 2022, Elsinore, Denmark

Imaging is everywhere in science and technology, and often there is a
need for assessing the uncertainty of the reconstructions due to
measurement noise, model errors, etc. We see an increasing interest in
performing uncertainty quantification (UQ) for imaging applications,
and for making such methods readily useful in applications.

This workshop aims at bringing together specialists in UQ for imaging,
and we invite talks that cover various aspects related to the
development of theory, methodology and software. We also welcome talks
about interesting applications of UQ in imaging. The goal is to
stimulate networking and collaboration between researchers and
students in these areas.

Before the workshop, we arrange a 1-day short course devoted to the
Python software CUQIpy that we are currently developing for modeling
and computations related to UQ for imaging.

For more details about the workshop, and to register, go to:

The workshop and training course are part of the activities in the
research project CUQI, , funded
by The Villum Foundation.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2022
Subject: Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Sep 2022

University of Oxford, hybrid

The 4th IMA Conference on The Mathematical Challenges of Big Data is
issuing a Call For Papers for both contributed talks and
posters. Mathematical foundations of data science and its ongoing
challenges are rapidly growing fields, encompassing areas such as:
network science, machine learning, modelling, information theory, deep
and reinforcement learning, applied probability and random matrix
theory. Applying deeper mathematics to data is changing the way we
understand the environment, health, technology, quantitative
humanities, the natural sciences, and beyond - with increasing roles
in society and industry. This conference brings together researchers
and practitioners to highlight key developments in the state-of-the
art and find common ground where theory and practice meet, to shape
future directions and maximize impact. We particularly welcome talks
aimed to inform on recent developments in theory or methodology that
may have applied consequences, as well as reports of diverse
applications that have led to interesting successes or uncovered new

Contributed talks and posters are welcomed from the mathematically
oriented data science community. Contributions will be selected based
on brief abstracts and can be based on previously unpresented results,
or recent material originally presented elsewhere. We encourage
contributions from both established and early career
researchers. Contributions will be assigned to talks or posters based
on the authors request as well as the views of the organizing
committee on the suitability of the results. The conference will be
held in person with the option to attend remotely where needed.

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 300-word
abstract. Abstracts should be submitted by Midnight GMT 4 April 2022
online at decisions will be issued on or
shortly following 3 May 2022. Please state whether your title is
intended for oral or poster. Oral presentations are expected to be 15
minutes in length, including time for questions and answers. Please
state if the intention is to attend in person or remotely.

From: Mariantonia Cotronei [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2022
Subject: SMART2022, Italy, Sep 2022

SMART2022 - International Conference on Subdivision, Geometric and
Algebraic Methods, Isogeometric Analysis and Refinability in ITaly
September 20--24, 2022, Rimini, Italy

SMART2022 is the third Conference in the series. The first SMART
Conference was held in Pontignano in 2014, the second one in Gaeta in
2017. The main goal of SMART Conferences is to bring together
researchers working in the fields of Subdivision, Geometric and
Algebraic Methods, Isogeometric Analysis and Refinability, with
special emphasis on new emerging research areas.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Applications of
Algebraic and Differential Geometry, Computer Aided Design, Curve and
Surface Design, Isogeometric Analysis,Refinability, Approximation
Theory, Subdivision, Splines, Geometry Processing, Wavelets and
Multiresolution Methods, Applications of Geometric Methods to
Industrial Computations, Geometric Deep Learning, Computational
Imaging, Industrial Design.

- Registration and abstract submission for oral/poster presentation: starting March 31, 2022 - closing May 31, 2022
- Notification of abstract acceptance: June 7, 2022
- Room reservation at Litoraneo Suite Hotel: starting March 31, 2022 - closing July 31, 2022

Conference website:

From: Anand Panangadan [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2022
Subject: IEEE HiPC, India, Dec 2022

29th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing,
Data & Analytics (HiPC 2022)
December 18-21, 2022, Bengaluru, India

IEEE HiPC 2022 will be the 29th edition of the IEEE International
Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, Analytics, and Data
Science. HiPC serves as a forum to present current work by researchers
from around the world as well as highlight activities in Asia in the
areas of high performance computing and data science. The meeting
focuses on all aspects of high performance computing systems, and data
science and analytics, and their scientific, engineering, and
commercial applications. Authors are invited to submit original
unpublished research manuscripts that demonstrate current research in
all areas of high performance computing, and data science and
analytics, covering all traditional areas and emerging topics
including from machine learning, big data analytics. Each submission
should be submitted to one of the six tracks listed under the two
broad themes of High Performance Computing and Data Science. Up to two
best paper awards will be given for outstanding contributed papers.

Depending on how the COVID-19 pandemic situation evolves, the
presentation may be in person or in a virtual format. Authors of
selected high-quality papers in HiPC 2022 will be invited to submit
extended versions of their papers for possible publication in a
special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

From: Yong Cheng Liu [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2022
Subject: Software Developer Position, Linear Algebra/Solvers, Ansys

CF Job Title: Senior R&D EngineerJob Code: P140886
Job Function: Product Sub-Function: R&D
Career Level: P3
Effective Date: February 2022

The Senior R&D Engineer is responsible for the development of software
products and supporting systems. In this role, the Senior R&D Engineer
will use advanced technical and problem-solving skills to help the
team tackle complex issues, satisfy customer requirements, and
accomplish development objectives.

Key Duties and Responsibilities: Participates in planning,
architecture, and research in core mechanic and acoustic-structure
interaction features, including linear algebraic methods used finite
elements and linear dynamics simulation procedures. Performs complex
development activities that may require extensive analysis in areas
including user experience, software design and solver research in
acoustics and the related Multiphysics. Employs best practices and
helps to maintain them through technical reviews and mentoring.
Performs complex bug verification, release testing and beta support
for assigned products. Research problems discovered by QA or product
support and develop solutions Researches and understands the marketing
requirements for the acoustic product, including target environment,
performance criteria and competitive issues. May work with strategic
customers or proxies to assess needs and develop solutions Works
independently with minimal supervision and may take on some planning
and mentoring responsibilities May be responsible for managing interns
and co-ops but typically does not have direct reports

Minimum Education/Certification Requirements and Experience: BS in
Mechanical or Aeronautical Engineering, Applied Mechanics or
Mathematics, or related fields with 5 years' experience, MS with 3
years' experience, or PhD with 1 year experience Commercial experience
with various usages of linear dynamics or linear algebra with finite
element method or linear equation solvers packages or other numerical
analysis software. Strong scientific programming background in
development & application of Finite Element Analysis/techniques by
using knowledge of linear dynamics or linear algebra. Extensive
background in areas of advanced linear algebra or linear equation
solution or the related linear dynamic analysis: for example, modal
superposition transient or harmonic, acoustics-structural interaction
and viscous thermal acoustic. Proficiency in FORTRAN, C/C++, Python.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills: Excellent technical knowledge and
commercial experience with object- oriented design, scripting
languages, data structures and algorithms. Ph.D. Degree with strong
backgrounds in linear dynamic and Finite element coding experiences.
Passion for crafting robust and efficient code. Experience delivering
high-quality products in a large-scale commercial software development
environment. Understanding of customer requirements and tools used in
this domain. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to
work collaboratively in a geographically distributed team. Linux
experience is desirable. Experience with either the Microsoft or

From: Kristian Bredies [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2022
Subject: Scientist Position, Mathematical IT Support

The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is looking for a
(Senior) Scientist for mathematical IT support (m/f/d) 40 hours a week
expected employment for the period of 6 years with an objective
agreement; position to be filled as of now Career objective: Permanent
employment as Senior Scientist.

Further information:

From: Marko Huhtanen [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2022
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied Math, Univ of Oulu

The applied and computational mathematics research group, part of
faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at
University of Oulu in Finland, invites applications for a tenure track
assistant/associate professor faculty position in the area of applied
and computational mathematics. Candidates must have completed their
PhD in applied mathematics, or a closely related field. The position
will start January 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The detailed position advertisement with application instructions can
be found at

From: Sina Ober-Blöbaum [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2022
Subject: Full Professor Position, Mathematics and Its Applications

At the Institute of Mathematics which is part of the Faculty of
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics an W3 - Full
Professor (f/m/d)( of Mathematics and its applications is to be filled
as soon as possible. We are looking for a personality with an
outstanding track record in an area of applied mathematics. The
candidate is expected to have a strong publication record in
internationally renowned journals, success in obtaining competitive
external funding and international research experience. Furthermore,
it is expected that the existing research profile in applied
mathematics at the Paderborn University will be strengthened and
complemented, among other things within the framework of scientific
cooperation. Furthermore, a scientific connection to the Institute of
Mathematics, the willingness to work on collaborative third-party
funded projects and an active participation in existing research
networks at the Paderborn University, in particular the Institute for
Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS) or the Paderborn Center for Parallel
Computing (PC2), are desirable.

The position holder shall be significantly involved in the teaching
tasks of the subject of mathematics, in particular numerical
mathematics, and shall also be involved in teacher training and in
interdisciplinary training. At the beginning, courses can be offered
in English as well as German. German courses are available if
required. Hiring requirements: S36 Abs. 1 Ziff. 1 - 4 HG NW -
University law of the State of NRW - (completed university degree,
pedagogical aptitude, PhD degree and additional research

Applications with the usual material, including a research plan and
teaching plan, must be received by 21.04.2022 (Ref. No. 5114). Please
send your application (preferably in a single pdf file by e-mail to
[email protected]).

For more information please visit

From: Edda Gruitrooy edda.gruitrooy@tu-berlin
Date: March 18, 2022
Subject: Professor Position, Data Driven Mathematical Modeling, Germany

Technische Universitat Berlin, Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Weierstrass Institute invite
applications (deadline April 19th, 2022) for the permanent position of
a joint professorship (salary grade W3) in the field of Data Driven
Mathematical Modeling. The position includes the role of head of the
new unit "Data Driven Mathematical Modeling" at Weierstrass
Institute. The holder of the position covers teaching in the area at
TU Berlin. Candidates should be able to teach in German as well as in

Applicants must fulfill the requirements for appointment at the
professor level in compliance with S100 BerlHG (Berlin Higher
Education Act). Candidates have a profile in applied and computational
mathematics, with special focus on the optimal combination of complex
(for example thermodynamic consistent) models with data. The
candidate's research interest comprises the intersection of model
driven and data driven approaches, combined with the development of
new technologies and tools for the solving or addressing of problems
with partial differential equations and subsequent data analysis. The
development and analysis of methods in the area of artificial
intelligence (for example machine learning) and their application in
at least one of the following areas is compulsory: Modeling of
materials; Optimization and regulation in technology and economy;
Quantitative biomedicine and medical imaging; Transformation, storage
and distribution of energy

Relevant experience in teaching, including the supervision of
Bachelor's, Master's and PhD theses, as well as experience in
administrative duties and experience in third party funded and joint
research projects is expected. For more information, please visit

From: Emmanuil Georgoulis [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2022
Subject: Lecturer Positions, Mathematics, UK

The School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the University of
Leicester has opened 3 Lecturer positions (Assistant Professor
equivalent) in Mathematics. More details can be found here:

Applicants in the areas of Numerical Analysis and/or Scientific
Computing are particularly encouraged to apply.

For any informal enquiries you may contact either Lu Liu
([email protected] , Head of School) or Emmanuil Georgoulis
([email protected]).

From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2022
Subject: Research Assistant Position, Knowledge Modelling, Germany

In the work area "Cooperation with other disciplines" of MaRDI, the
WIAS research group "Partial Differential Equations" (Head: Professor
Alexander Mielke) has an immediate vacancy for the position of a
Research Assistant (m/f/d) for knowledge modelling in the field of
applied mathematics and simulation (Reference number 22/07) to be
filled. The work tasks include: Documentation and analysis of
workflows in the area of modelling, simulation and optimization;
Standardization of mathematical descriptions in other disciplines,
especially mathematical models, with a focus on physics; Development
of associated meta-data descriptions; Development of a database of
mathematical models and integration into the MaRDI knowledge graph;
Supporting the development of the "MaRDI Portal for Interdisciplinary
Exchange" by data integration based on case studies.

Requirements for employment are a university degree, preferably in
mathematics, natural sciences, engineering or computer sciences, as
well as experience in the field of mathematical modeling with
(partial) differential equations and mathematical solution methods or
numerical methods. A strong interest in Open Science, an affinity for
research data and interdisciplinary work at the interface between
mathematics and physics and engineering as well as between science and
technical infrastructure are expected. Experience in knowledge
representation methods and knowledge graphs is desirable, as well as
knowledge of tools for collaborative work (e.g. github, gitlab),
scripting languages, experience in working on projects in spatially
distributed workgroups. We are looking for an open, communicative and
flexible personality and offer a versatile job in a modern equipped
institute with the opportunity to help build an infrastructure for
mathematical research data. Please direct scientific queries to
Dr. Thomas Koprucki ([email protected]). See here for
more information:

From: Fred Hickernell [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, Illinois Tech

The Department of Applied Mathematics at Illinois Institute of
Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral position in
computational mathematics starting mid-August 2022. The appointment
is for one year with the possibility of renewal for an additional
year. Priority is given to applicants with research expertise and
interest in adaptive algorithms, quasi-Monte Carlo methods,
information based complexity theory, or tractability of multivariate
problems. This position will involve research and some teaching.
Applications will be considered starting March 1, 2022 until the
position is filled. To apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae,
brief research plan, and the names of three references to Fred
Hickernell [email protected]. Illinois Institute of Technology is an
EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer committed to
enhancing equity, inclusion and diversity within its community.

From: Santiago Badia [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Mathematics, Monash Univ

The School of Mathematics at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia)
invites applicants for a two-year full-time postdoctoral position in
Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis. The successful candidate
will work on novel numerical approximations of PDEs under the guidance
of Prof Santiago Badia. Current research lines include neural
networks for nonlinear approximation of PDEs, machine learning for
PDE-constrained inverse problems, data assimilation, and nonlinear
preconditioning. Current applications of this research include
seawater intrusion, heart modelling and bushfire propagation. This
research is supported by the Australian Research Council.

Applicants must have a PhD in Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or a
related field, with a strong background in numerical methods for
partial differential equations. The position is open to candidates of
any nationality and the selection is based upon academic excellence.

More information about the position, salary details, and the application
procedure can be found in this link:

Informal enquiries regarding the position can be addressed to Santiago
Badia ([email protected]). The closing date for applications
is 14 April 2022.

From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Optoelectronics, WIAS, Germany

WIAS invites applications for a Postdoc position (m/f/d) in
computational optoelectronics (Reference number 22/10) in the research
group "Partial Differential Equations" (Head: Professor Alexander
Mielke) starting as soon as possible. The position is located within
the newly granted UVSimTec project that focuses on the development of
an electrically pumped semiconductor laser diode based on AlGaN for
coherent emission in the UVC spectral range.

Within the project position, various tasks can be addressed:
microscopic treatment of random alloy fluctuations, e.g. via
tight-binding methods and assessment of their influence on peak gain
and lasing threshold; device level modeling of AlGaN quantum wells by
combining microscopic theories and macroscopic drift-diffusion models;
modeling of doping activation, polarization doping, and interband
tunneling; contribution to the development of coupled laser simulator
including carrier transport and stimulated emission with the focus on
integration of novel models; implementation of numerical methods in
optoelectronics using the Julia programming language; collaboration
with partners from physics, electrical engineering and material science.

Requirement for employment is a university degree (master or diploma),
in mathematics, physics or electrical engineering. We are looking for
candidates with a PhD degree and a strong background in modeling and
simulation of optoelectronic devices. Moreover, the candidate should
be willing to implement numerical schemes for the solution of partial
differential equations in a modern programming language such as
Julia. The willingness of the candidate of interdisciplinary
interaction with cooperation partners from theoretical and
experimental physics as well as applied mathematics is expected.

Please direct scientific queries to Dr. Thomas Koprucki
([email protected]). The appointment is limited until
31.12.2024. The work schedule is 39 hours per week, and the salary is
according to the German TVoeD Bund scale. See here for more

From: Ricardo Ruiz Baier [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Monash Univ

We invite applications for a 2-year postdoctoral research fellowship
available at the School of Mathematics of Monash University
(Melbourne, Australia). The fellowship revolves around fundamental and
applied research for the coupling between diffusion of intracellular
calcium and hyperelasticity in different types of cells (embryonic
epithelial, cardiomyocytes, and other single cells or cell compounds),
using virtual element methods or other schemes based on polytopal meshes.

Candidates are expected to have a doctoral qualification in applied
mathematics or numerical analysis, sufficient experience with the
analysis and realisation of virtual element methods or similar
schemes, and a strong publication record commensurate with the career
stage. The call is open to talented researchers of any nationality and
the selection will be based upon academic potential and fit with the
main themes of the project. The group of numerical and computational
mathematics at Monash covers many aspects in this field: numerical
analysis, high performance computing, optimisation and OR, inverse
problems, uncertainty quantification, etc. This group sits in a
vibrant school with a strong research in broader applied mathematics,
but also in pure mathematics and probability/statistics.

More information about the position, as well as salary details and
specifics on the application procedure can be found here:

Informal enquiries can be directed to me
([email protected]), whereas confidential or official
enquiries should be directed to [email protected] citing the
Job No.: 602668. Applications are open until Thursday 28 April 2022,
11:55pm AEST (morning the same day for Europe, the night before for
the US).

From: Armin Iske [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Approximation, Hamburg, Germany

The Collaborative Research Center (DFG-TRR181) "Energy Transfers in
Atmosphere and Ocean" invites applications for one research associate
(Postdoc) in its project M5, within the research area M: "Mathematics,
new concepts and methods". The position may be filled as soon as
possible. The salary is in accordance with the German public service
at salary level E13 TV-L, with 100% of the standard working hours per
week. The position is on a fixed-term contract up until September 30,

We are looking for a highly motivated team player, who has a sound
background in numerical approximation, where preference will be given
to a candidate whose research focus is related to the mathematical
topics of project M5,
cf. .

Applicants are requested to follow the instructions in the job

From: Eric Miller [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Tufts Univ

Tufts University has openings for three post-doctoral researchers to
engage in cross-cutting projects focusing on the development of
"precision" models and algorithms with applications in learning
science, nutrition, and medicine. These three domains are seeing an
explosion in the types and quantities of information that can be
collected to provide insight into various aspects of human physiology
and psychology. Practitioners in these fields are eager to use these
data to understand the dynamics of a wide variety of processes taking
place both within and between people and make timely and accurate
predictions at the scale of the individual. The characteristics of the
data however render traditional analysis methods, largely concerned
with population level statistics, inadequate. Many of these challenges
arise from issues of heterogeneity. Some sources such as wearables
provide data continuously. Others yield measurements at only a few
discrete points in time (e.g., biomarkers derived from saliva samples)
while audio and video are examples of data that may be provided in
noncontiguous intervals of varying length. Most of these data are
only indirectly related to the phenomena of interest with no explicit
model linking the two as is the case for student work in the context
of learning, electronic medical records for nutrition or medicine, or
the results of questionnaires in all applications of interest.
Finally, although the quantity of data collected about any one
individual may be relatively large, practical considerations make the
number of participants associated with most studies relatively small,
on the order of tens at most making these simultaneously "big" and
"small" data problems.

For more information about this position, please email Prof. Eric
Miller at [email protected]. Interested candidates should provide
Prof. Miller with a copy of their CV, list of references, cover
letter, and copies of relevant articles, theses, technical reports, etc.

From: Francesco Tudisco [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2022
Subject: PhD/Postdoc positions, Applied and Numerical Mathematics, GSSI, Italy

Call for 2 Postdoc and 9 PhD positions within the "Mathematics in
Natural, Social and Life Sciences" program at GSSI (Gran Sasso Science
Institute), L'Aquila, Italy. The postdoc positions are fully funded
two-year positions with ~35K Euro annual salary and funding for
research travel. The PhD positions are fully-funded four-year
scholarships covering ~16K Euro annual salary, travel and research
funding, free accommodation and free lunches within the institute's

GSSI is an international school of advanced studies in Mathematics,
Physics, Computer Science and Regional Economics located in the city
of L'Aquila, a small university town in the heart of the Apennine
mountains east of Rome. The institute offers a stimulating
environment, with numerous PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
selected internationally every year. The School of Mathematics is
characterized by four groups: Applied Partial Differential Equations,
Stochastic Analysis, Numerical Methods and Data Science, Continuum
Mechanics. English is the official language of the institute.

April 7, 2022 for postdoc applications
June 1, 2022 for PhD applications

To apply for the Postdoc positions and for additional info:

To apply for the PhD positions and for additional info:

More info about the PhD program and some of the research groups:

From: Svajūnas Sajavičius [email protected]
Date: March 26, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, CAGD, Kaunas Univ of Technology, Lithuania

A state-funded 4-year PhD position in computer aided geometric design
is available at Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania).

Research project is focused on geometric iterative methods for surface
fitting using adaptive hierarchical splines.

Starting date is September 1, 2022.

Requirements, deadlines and full details on application procedure can
be found at:

Informal enquiries about the project and position can be directed to:
Dr. Svajknas Sajavicius ([email protected])

From: Argyrios Petras [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematical Methods, RICAM

The Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics
(RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) is offering a PhD
position in the Mathematical Methods in Medicine and Life Sciences
Group for a duration of 3 years, starting after June 01, 2022. The PhD
student will become a part of the group at RICAM located in
Linz/Austria, will collaborate with medical doctors and work with
medical imaging data for the mathematical modelling of radiofrequency
catheter ablation procedure.

More information can be found in the link

or via email to Dr. Argyrios Petras
([email protected]), before the deadline of the call
(March 31st, 2022).

From: Clemens Heitzinger [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, AI and ML, CAIML, TU Wien

Three four-year PhD positions are available at the Center for
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML) at TU Wien.

The deadline for applications is 21 April 2022.

Please refer to for all
information about the positions and how to apply.

Informal enquiries about these open positions can be directed to Prof.
Clemens Heitzinger (Co-Director, CAIML,
[email protected]).

From: Dörte Mindermann [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Bremen

The research training group "Pi3: Parameter Identification - Analysis,
Algorithms, Applications" at the University of Bremen, funded by the
German Science Foundation DFG, invites applications for 10 PhD
positions, German federal employee scale TV-L E13, 75% of a full
position, for 3 years, starting October 1st, 2022. The employment is
fixed-term and governed by the Act of Academic Fixed-Term Contract, S2
I (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz - WissZeitVG). Therefore,
candidates may only be considered for appointment if they still have
the respective qualification periods available in accordance with S2
(1) WissZeitVG.

For detailed information please visit

From: Cluster of Excellence Mathematics Münster [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2022
Subject: PhD Positions, University of Munster, Germany

Dive into your own research project and benefit from the excellent
research environment at the University of Munster, Germany. Doctoral
positions, as well as Ada Lovelace Fellowships at Mathematics Munster
are open for application.

Apply now: Doctoral Positions
Join the Mathematics Munster Graduate School and profit from the
active and demanding research environment for talented and motivated
doctoral researchers aiming to become the next generation of leading
scientists. Salary level E13 TV-L, 75% for three years. In all
research areas related to the Cluster of Excellence. The duration of
the PhD positions is three years. The expected starting date is no
later than October 2021. Apply until May 1st 2021.

Apply now: Ada Lovelace Fellowships

If you plan to do your doctoral studies with one of the groups at the
department, why not apply for one of our Ada Lovelace Fellowships for
excellent PhD students? If you succeed you will be funded for 3 years
with additional resources for travel and material expenses at your
disposal. With the Ada Lovelace Fellowship Mathematics Munster
supports underrepresented groups and aims to increase gender equality
in mathematics. Salary level E13 TV-L, 25% add on (salary raise) for
up to three years. Offered to exceptionally strong candidates in the
PhD programme. Increasing gender equality within the mathematical
sciences. Supplementing doctoral positions: applications may also be
combined with the application for a 75% PhD position.

Find more information on positions, requirements and online
application form at:

From: Agnieszka Miedlar [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2022
Subject: MA/PhD Positions, Mathematics, Univ of Kansas

The Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas invites
applications to the Department's graduate program. We offer MA and PhD
degrees in both pure and applied math tracks. Currently, there are 35+
faculty members and 60+ graduate students. All PhD students are
supported by graduate teaching or research scholarships, or other

You can find more information about our graduate program and graduate
admission at the following webpage:

You can submit your application at:

If you have any question, please contact
Graduate Program Coordinator: Kate Pleskac ( [email protected] )
Director of Graduate Admission: Geng Chen ( [email protected] )

From: Hayato Ushijima-Mwesigwa [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2022
Subject: Internship Position, Reinforcement Learning, Fujitsu

Fujitsu Research of America (FRA) has an internship opening for a
graduate-level student. The research will mainly involve developing
Reinforcement Learning and other related Machine Learning methods to
guide quantum and quantum-inspired Combinatorial Optimization solvers.

FRA is located in Sunnyvale, California. It is the U.S. R&D arm of
Fujitsu, the global information and communications technologies leader
headquartered in Japan.

A qualified candidate would have research-level experience in
Reinforcement Learning or related Machine Learning methods.

Students in M.S. and Ph.D. programs with relevant coursework or
research experience are invited to apply, and we are open to advanced
undergraduates who can demonstrate relevant experience.

If this sounds like something you'd be good at, please send a recent
resume to [email protected]

From: Ali R. Soheili [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2022
Subject: Contents, Iranian J of Numerical Analysis and Optimization, 12 (1)

Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization Volume 12,
Issue 1 - Serial Number 21, winter 2022, Pages 1-250


Modified ADMM algorithm for solving proximal bound formulation of
multi-delay optimal control problem with bounded control, K.A. Dawodu

Numerical solution of a system of Volterra integral equations in
application to the avian human influenza epidemic model, R. Katani

Asymptotic and numerical methods for solving singularly perturbed
differential difference equations with mixed shifts, S. Priyadarshana;
S.R. Sahu; J. Mohapatra

Numerical approximation for inverse problem of the Ostrovsky-Burgers
equation, F. Ghanadian; R. Pourgholi; S.H. Tabasi

Preconditioned global GPBiCG method for solving saddle point problems
with multiple right-hand sides and its convergence analysis, Atefeh
Taherian; F. Toutounian

Multiple interpolation with the fast-growing knots in the class of
entire functions and its application, Iryna Sheparovych

Fitted numerical method for singularly perturbed semilinear
three-point boundary value problem, Mulgeta Gebeyehu; Habtamu Garoma
Debela; Ayana Deressa Negessa

Connected bin packing problem on traceable graphs, Ahmad Nejoomi;
Ardeshir Dolati

A heuristic algorithm to combat outliers and multicollinearity in
regression model analysis, Mahdi Roozbeh; Saman Babaie-Kafaki; Monireh

Heuristic solutions for interval valued games, Ranjan Kumar Gupta;
Debdip Khan

Using MOTT polynomials operational matrices to optimize
multi-dimensional fractional optimal control problems, Seyyed Ali
Alavi; Ahmad Reza Haghighi; Ayatollah Yari; Fahimeh Soltanian

Legendre wavelet method combined with the Gauss quadrature rule for
numerical solution of fractional integro-differential equations,
Mohsen Riahi Beni

From: Yonghui Yu [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2022
Subject: Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 40 (2)

Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 40 (2021), Issue 2


Elliptic Reconstruction and a Posteriori Error Estimates for Fully
Discrete Semilinear Parabolic Optimal Control Problems, Ram Manohar
and Rajen Kumar Sinha

Convergence and Mean-square Stability of Exponential Euler Method for
Semi-linear Stochastic Delay Integro-differential Equations, Haiyan

Construction of Cubature Formulas via Bivariate Quadratic Spline
Spaces over Non-uniform Type-2 Triangulation, Jiang Qian, Xiquan Shi,
Jinming Wu and Dianxuan Gong

On Distributed H1 Shape Gradient Flows in Optimal Shape Design of
Stokes Flows: Convergence Analysis and Numerical Applications, Jiajie
Li and Shengfeng Zhu

Numerical Analysis of a Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Delay Volterra
Integro-differential Equation on an Adaptive Grid, Libin Liu, Yanping
Chen and Ying Liang

A Theta-L Approach for Solving Solid-state Dewetting Problems, Weijie
Huang, Wei Jiang and Yan Wang

Stochastic Trust-region Methods with Trust-region Radius Depending on
Probabilistic Models, Huaijun Yang and Dongyang Shi

From: Gamar [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2022
Subject: Contents, TWMS J of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13 (1)

Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Pure and Applied
Contributed by Gamar Mammadova, [email protected]
Volume 13, No. 1, 2022


On the Influence of Integral Perturbations to the Boundedness of
Solutions of a Fourth-Order Linear Differential Equation,
S. Iskandarov, E. Komartsova

Steklov Inequality and its Application, Sh. M. Nasibov

Optimal Trajectories in Reproduction Models of Economic Dynamics,
S.I. Hamidov

On Space-Like Generalized Constant Ratio Hypersufaces In Minkowski
Spaces, A. Kelleci , N.C. Turgay, M. Ergut

Dual Quaternion Closed Form Equations of Spatial 7R Loops,
F.H. Mammadov

Supply Chain Inventory Model for Deteriorating Products with Maximum
Lifetime under Trade Credit Financing, .H. M. Srivastava, J.J. Liao,
K.N. Huang, K.J. Chung, S.D. Lin, S.F. Lee

Generalized Quantum Montgomery Identity and Ostrowski Type
Inequalities for Preinvex Functions, H. Kalsoom, M. Aamir Ali,
M. Abbas, H. Budak, G. Murtaza

Two Monotonic Functions Defined by Two Derivatives of a Function
Involving Trigamma Function, F. Qi

Numerical Solution of the First Kind of Fredholm Integral Equations by
Projection Methods with Wavelets as Basis Functions, N.M. Temirbekov,
L.N. Temirbekova, M.B. Nurmangaliyeva

Constructing an Optimal Controller for Maneuver of Quadrotor in 3-D
Space, F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin, M.M. Mutallimov, N.I. Veliyeva,
A.A. Tunik

End of Digest