NA Digest, V. 22, # 8
NA Digest Tuesday, March 01, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 8
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Richard S. Varga (1928-2022)
- Call for Nominations, Smale Prize, Deadline Sep 11, 2022
- PhD Spring Workshop, Italy/HYBRID, Mar 2022
- Iterative Methods For Saddle-Point Problems, Italy, May 2022
- Sparse Days France, Jun 2022
- CEDYA/CMA, Spain, Jul 2022
- Professor Position, Mathematics of ML, Wuerzburg Univ
- Associate Professor Position, High Performance Computing
- Assistant Professor Position, Univ of Cambridge
- Research Position, Parallel Numerical Methods, JSC, Germany
- Senior Researcher Position, Quantum Computing, Paderborn Univ
- Postdoc Position, HPC, MPI for Plasma Physics
- Postdoc Position, Optimization, Prague, Czech Republic
- PhD and Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Germany
- PhD Position, Inria Univ Cote d'Azur, France
- PhD Position, Mathematics, Sweden
- PhD Position, UQ for PDE-Based Inverse Problems, DTU, Denmark
- PhD Position, Weakly Coupled Minigrids, WIAS, Germany
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Daniel B Szyld [email protected]
Date: February 27, 2022
Subject: Richard S. Varga (1928-2022)
Richard S. Varga, a giant of our community, died peacefully in the
early hours of February 25, 2022. He was 93.
Richard made his mark in the profession in multiple ways across
several areas: Matrix Analysis, Numerical Methods, Approximation
Theory, and more.
His first book, Iterative Matrix Analysis, completed when he was 32
years old became a classic. He published a total of seven books, over
230 research papers, directed 25 PhD dissertations, and mentored many
younger colleagues.
He received many honors and awards, including a senior von Humboldt
prize, the Hans Schneider prize, two honorary degrees (Karsruhe and
Lille), and becoming a SIAM Fellow and an AMS Fellow.
But these numbers are only part of the story. He was a gentleman with
a sense of humor, and a generous man. He serviced the community in
many ways. He was editor-in-chief of Numerische Mathematik for
fourteen years, co-founding editor of ETNA, the Electronic
Transactions of Numerical Analysis, serving as co-editor-in-chief for
sixteen years, and editor of many important journals in Linear
Algebra, Numerical Analysis, and Approximation Theory.
Many of us have been inspired by his work and his service ethic. We
honor his career and his life.
C. Garland, V. Mehrmann, L. Reichel, D.B. Szyld
From: Markus Bachmayr [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2022
Subject: Call for Nominations, Smale Prize, Deadline Sep 11, 2022
The fifth Stephen Smale Prize will be awarded at the Foundations of
Computational Mathematics (FoCM) conference that will be held in
Paris, France, June 12-21, 2023.
The goal of the Smale Prize is to recognize major achievements in
furthering the understanding of the connections between mathematics
and computation, including the interfaces between pure and applied
mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer science.
To be eligible for the prize, a candidate must be in his or her early
to mid- career, that is, removed typically by at most ten years from
his or her (first) doctoral degree by the first day of the FoCM
meeting (June 12, 2023).
Eligible candidates should be nominated by email to the chair of FoCM,
Albert Cohen ([email protected]) no later than
September 11, 2022. Each nomination (self-nominations excluded) should
be accompanied by a brief supporting letter, the nominee's CV and
should include at least three letters of recommendation.
The recipient of the prize will be expected to give a plenary lecture
at the conference. A written version of this lecture (tagged as the
Smale Prize Lecture) will be included in the volume of plenary talks.
See for further details on the
prize, and for further details on the FoCM
From: Ngoc Mai Monica Huynh [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2022
Subject: PhD Spring Workshop, Italy/HYBRID, Mar 2022
It is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to the Phd
Spring Workshop, which will be held on March 16-17, 2022 at the
University of Pavia, to promote the doctoral program in Computational
Mathematics and Decision Sciences ( This
innovative, international and multidisciplinary program aims to
combine academic research with industry demand. As a matter of fact,
many of the doctoral scholarships are focused on industrial projects
for IT innovation in collaboration with local companies.
The aim of this Workshop is to gather academia (in particular graduate
and PhD students) and industry, in order to create and strengthen
networks. The Workshop also welcomes the participation of more senior
scientists as well as all companies interested in this emerging
The Workshop will be held in hybrid format, allowing for both
in-presence (at the historical aula Volta, University of Pavia), and
online participation. Super Green-pass (due to vaccination or
recovery) is mandatory and will be checked at the registration desks
onsite. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, in-presence participation is
limited, so registration is free but mandatory. Please register at
Please feel free to publicize this event to anyone interested. For
further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected].
From: Fabio Durastante [email protected]
Date: February 28, 2022
Subject: Iterative Methods For Saddle-Point Problems, Italy, May 2022
SMI Course on Iterative Methods For Large-Scale Saddle-Point Problems
Cortona, Italy, May 8-20, 2022
Lecturers: Prof. Michele Benzi, Scuola Normale Superiore
Dr. Fabio Durastante, Universita di Pisa
Large-scale systems of equations in saddle-point form arise in many
different areas of science and engineering, from the numerical
solution of important PDEs to problems in constrained optimization and
data science. Many techniques have been developed to solve such
systems but a number of challenges remain, and research in this field
continues to be very active. The course will describe some of the
applications where these systems arise and offer a panoramic view of
the best solution methods available, up to recent advances.
Theoretical foundations will also be addressed.
Topics will include: A brief introduction to Krylov subspace methods
and preconditioning; Spectral properties of saddle-point matrices;
Saddle-point problems arising from finite element discretizations of
incompressible flow problems and elliptic PDEs; PDE-constrained
optimization problems; Solution of saddle-point problems arising in
constrained optimization; Approximate Schur complement and augmented
Lagrangian techniques; Constraint preconditioning; Spectral analysis
of preconditioned matrices.
Reading material will be distributed to the participants, who are
expected to take an active role in the learning process. Each
participant is required to attend both mornings and afternoon lectures
for the entire duration of the course (40hrs).
Applications can be submitted exclusively online, on the SMI website:
Application window: 1 March 2022 - April 15, 2022
A selection committee will meet shortly afterward and all accepted
applicants will be notified of the result in due time. Applications
should contain a brief CURRICULUM VITAE and a detailed CURRICULUM
STUDIORUM. The exact e-mail address to which all correspondence
concerning the Summer courses must be mailed should be clearly
stated. All accepted participants will be informed by e-mail.
For further information concerning the organization of the courses,
please contact: [email protected]
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2022
Subject: Sparse Days France, Jun 2022
Sparse Days 2022 will be held in St Girons, Ariege, from 20-22 June.
This enhanced version of Sparse Days is being co-organized by Cerfacs
and ENSEEIHT/IRIT. It will be the fourth meeting in St Girons
following the tradition of the previous meetings held in 1994, 2003,
and 2015. The tradition involves coupling our highly successful annual
technical meeting with the ambience and hospitality of this wonderful
Pyrenean town. A bus will take participants from Toulouse on Sunday
19th and there will be a welcome buffet in the evening. The meeting
will finish after lunch on Wednesday 22. A panel on High Performance
Computing will be held at ENSEEIHT in Toulouse in the evening of the
As always, we will not have any parallel sessions. This year we will
be highlighting themes in high performance computing including quantum
computing, mixed precision computation, artificial intelligence, and
data assimilation in addition to our normal fare of sparse solution
techniques including direct, iterative, and hybrid methods. This year,
we have a very good room for posters and will be able to leave them in
situ for the duration of the conference. We also plan to have a poster
blitz session so that posters are an integral part of the meeting.
We have some funding to support students to cover part or all of their
costs. If you are a student, you should indicate this when registering
for the meeting.
Further information and registration are now available on the website:
From: Organizing Committee CEDYA2022 [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2022
Subject: CEDYA/CMA, Spain, Jul 2022
XXVII CEDYA/XVII CMA will be held in the Faculty of Sciences of the
University of Zaragoza on July 18th-22nd, 2022, organized by the
Institute of Mathematics and Applications (IUMA).
Participants can contribute to CEDYA2022 with a poster, a contributed
talk in any of the CEDYA topics or by organizing a
minisymposium. Deadline for submission of proposals is March 25th,
More information regarding CEDYA2022 in
From: Frank E. Curtis [email protected]
Date: February 21, 2022
Subject: ICCOPT/MOPTA, USA, Jul 2022
This is an announcement about the jointly organized International
Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) and Modeling and
Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) conference that will
take place in-person at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,
USA on July 23-28, 2022. We are excited to announce that, in addition
to our fantastic set of plenary and semi-plenary speakers (see below),
we have over 550 speakers who have accepted invitations to present at
the conference.
Registration for the conference will be open soon at
The early registration deadline is April 15, 2022, and the overall
registration deadline is June 1, 2022. (No registrations or
cancellation requests will be accepted after June 1, 2022.)
Contributed talks: Deadline March 22, 2022.
AIMMS-MOPTA Optimization Modeling Competition: Deadline May 15, 2022
Best Paper Prize for Young Researchers: Deadline April 15, 2022.
Poster Competition: Deadline April 15, 2022
From: Daniel Wachsmuth [email protected]
Date: February 28, 2022
Subject: Professor Position, Mathematics of ML, Wuerzburg Univ
The Institute of Mathematics at the University of Wurzburg invites
applications for the position of a University Professor for
Mathematics of Machine Learning (W3 or W2 with tenure track option to
Depending on the qualifications of the applicant the position will be
filled in the grade W3 for life, or in the grade W2 for a fixed term
of six years with tenure track option to a university professorship in
the grade W3 for life. The person to be appointed should be an expert
in mathematics of machine learning in research and teaching and have
excellent scientific qualifications in mathematical research.
Further information and the online application form can be found at
From: Kees Vuik [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2022
Subject: Associate Professor Position, High Performance Computing
Delft University of Technology is looking for an associate professor
in the field of High Performance Computing, with emphasis on its
numerical analysis aspects and foundations. The associate professor
1. strengthen, and complement the research in High Performance
Computing already present within several sections (mathematical
physics, optimisation, and numerical analysis), making it more visible
and strengthen it in the direction of applied mathematics and
computational science foundations.
2. further develop the field of High Performance Computing within TU
Delft, together with the people already involved in education and
research in High Performance Computing and related subjects.
For more details:
From: Carola-Bibiane Sch=F6nlieb [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2022
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Univ of Cambridge
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the
University of Cambridge is looking to fill an assistant professor
position with tenure in the broad field of the Mathematics of
Information. The range of subjects includes mathematical aspects of
data science, as well as numerical mathematics and mathematical
optimisation. Closing date for applications is the 13th of March
2022. For more details and how to apply see or email Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb
[email protected] for an informal enquiry.
From: Robert Speck [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2022
Subject: Research Position, Parallel Numerical Methods, JSC, Germany
The Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC, Germany) is looking to recruit
a research assistant in the field of parallel numerical methods for
heterogeneous HPC systems. Develop tailored parallel numerical methods
for cutting-edge supercomputers and see them in action within
large-scale application codes. Build on promising methods and codes
you already work on or follow new ideas. Use your expertise to support
our HPC users in the fields of numerical methods and mathematical
If you hold a PhD degree in the field of mathematics, computer
science, engineering or a related discipline and if you believe that
math and supercomputing must go together, check out the advertisement
on our website for further details:
From: Christian Offen [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2022
Subject: Senior Researcher Position, Quantum Computing, Paderborn Univ
With the Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS), the Paderborn
University aims to establish an international research center in the
field of photonic quantum technologies. The goal is to develop new
technologies for photon-based quantum applications as well as new
theoretical and experimental concepts and research approaches. The
ultimate focus is on the understanding and control of photonic quantum
simulators and quantum computers. Within this scope, we invite
applications for the fixed term position of a Senior Researcher within
the project "Photonic Quantum Computing (PhoQC)". The position will
start at the earliest opportunity. The salary is according to 14
TV-L. The job posting with details on requirements, the area of
responsibility, and the application process can be found here:
From: Roman Hatzky [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC, MPI for Plasma Physics
On behalf of the European Fusion Community the Max-Planck Institute
for Plasma Physics (IPP) offers an opportunity to participate in a
group for the high level support of European code developments for
magnetic fusion related plasma physics and material modelling. Experts
in high performance computing (HPC) are invited to apply for a
position in this group.
More information can be found under the code number 22/001 at:
From: Michal Kocvara [email protected]
Date: February 28, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization, Prague, Czech Republic
A postdoctoral position in Engineering Optimization is available at
the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of
Sciences, Prague. The position is for one year and can be extended for
up to 30 months. It is funded by Czech Science Foundation project
No. 22- 15524S. The postdoctoral candidate will work on an engineering
optimization project with applications in mechanical engineering. More
specifically, the candidate will be working in one or more subfields
of nonlinear optimization, including polynomial, bilevel, structural,
semidefinite, and/or eigenvalue optimization.
The candidate must have a PhD in Operations Research, Applied
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. The
candidate should demonstrate a solid background in nonlinear
optimization and have programming experience.
Interested candidates are invited to provide their basic contact
information at
The application materials should be combined to a single PDF file and
must contain: Academic curriculum vitae including a detailed list of
publications, Motivation letter (up to two pages), stating personal
goals and research interests and their relation to the research topic.
Copy of the Ph.D. diploma or the expected date of Ph.D. completion.
The file can be (preferably) submitted via the application form
specified above or by email to [email protected]. In addition, two letters
of recommendation from academic colleagues should be sent separately
by their authors to [email protected].
For full consideration, complete applications must be received by 31st
March 2022, but applications will be accepted until the position is
More details here :
From: Martin J. K=FChn [email protected]
Date: February 24, 2022
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Germany
A PhD and a PostDoc position are open in the group of Predictive
Simulation Software in the Institute of Software Technology,
Department of High Performance Computing.
The group of Predictive Simulation Software develops a comprehensive
software package that simulates the spread of infectious diseases such
as Sars-CoV-2. In addition to high-resolution modeling of the spread
of infection, the effect of countermeasures is considered and included
in the scenarios. The modeling and simulations are done by
complementary and supplementary approaches. In addition to a hybrid
graph-differential equation model, agent-based models are
considered. These expert-based models should take into account
important parameters such as the resolution of the location or age of
individuals or groups of individuals. For this purpose, realistic
contact patterns between different age groups have to be included and
high-quality, spatially resolved information on commuting activities
has to be integrated. Efficient and parallelized implementations of
the models will be performed. Furthermore, machine learnt surrogate
models will be develop to allow for fast execution and feedback loops
with the expert models.
For the full job descriptions (in German) and how to apply see:
From: Th=E9ophile Chaumont-Fr=E9let [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Inria Univ Cote d'Azur, France
The Atlantis team at Inria centre of University Cote d'Azur, France
invites applications for a fully funded PhD studentship to work on the
project "Semiclassical approach to the solution of the Helmholtz
The aim of the project is to develop new methods to solve Helmholtz
equation in the regime of high numerical frequencies. These methods
are inspired by theoretical considerations of semi-classical analysis
and wavelet theory.
A Bachelor degree in Mathematics is required and a Master degree to be
obtained before the start of the PhD. Ideal applicants should have a
good background in analysis (Fourier transform, Sobolev spaces,
distributions&) as well as basic knowledge in numerical analysis
(finite element methods&) and ideally (but not mandatory) spectral
theory or skills in numerical implementations would have advantages.
A brief remunerated internship (which can be part of the completion of
the Master degree) can be done in this project, if needed even prior
to the start of the PhD.
The studentship covers fees and stipend for three years with an
additional attractive package. Interested candidates should send their
CV with a brief statement of interest, before 30th April 2022 to
(mailto:[email protected]) , (mailto:Maxime.Ingremeau@univ-, (mailto: [email protected]).
From: Andrii Dmytryshyn [email protected]
Date: February 26, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics, Sweden
Orebro University and the School of Science and Technology are looking
for a doctoral student/doctoral students for the doctoral programme in
mathematics, concluding with a doctoral degree.
The project addresses fundamental research problems, motivated by
computational needs, in the field of matrix analysis and numerical
linear algebra with possible applications in control theory and
machine learning.
Application deadline: April 1, 2022
Starting date: Spring or summer 2022, upon agreement.
More information and link to the full announcement:
From: Per Christian Hansen [email protected]
Date: February 26, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, UQ for PDE-Based Inverse Problems, DTU, Denmark
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has an opening for a 3-year
PhD position. The position is part of the research project CUQI,
Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse problems
This position focuses on computational aspects of uncertainty quanti-
fication (UQ) for inverse problems formulated in terms of PDEs, with
applications in, e.g., inverse scattering problems and problems in
electrical impedance tomography. For such problems, standard sampling
methods are computationally too expensive to work in practice, and
therefore alternatives must be found, e.g., via direct inversion
formulas or surrogate models. The goal of the project is to develop
and evaluate numerical UQ tools and best practices suited to these
inverse problems. The project relies on a combination of theory
development and numerical computations. Experience with inverse
problems or Bayesian inference will be a plus.
For more details and to apply:
The applicant will work in a team of PhD students, postdocs and
faculty members in the Section for Scientific Computing, and must
contribute with research towards the overall goals of the CUQI
project. Applicants are expected to give limited contributions to
teaching and training activities as well as supervision of students.
The deadline of applications is March 31, 2022 at 23:59 (Danish time).
From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Weakly Coupled Minigrids, WIAS, Germany
WIAS invites applications for a PhD student position (f/m/d)
(Ref. 22/04) in the Research Group "Nonlinear Optimization and Inverse
Problems" (Head: Prof. Dr. D. Homberg) starting at April 1, 2022. The
position is tied to the MATH+ Cluster of excellence project AA4-10:
"Modelling and Optimization of Weakly Coupled Minigrids under
Uncertainty". The project investigates the design and optimal
operation of green minigrids in rural Africa, combining renewable
energy sources with batteries and diesel generators in weak coupling
to the main grid. The research comprises control strategies for the
daily operation, accounting also for battery degradation and bi-level
optimization problems for the design of minigrids respecting
probabilistic constraints. We are looking for candidates with a
master's degree and a strong background in applied mathematics or
computational electrical engineering. Prior knowledge in optimal
control, stochastic optimization or circuit simulation are beneficial.
Please direct scientific queries to Prof. D. Homberg
([email protected]). The appointment is limited until
31.03.2025. The reduced work schedule is 29,25 hours per week, and the
salary is according to the German TVoeD Bund scale. Please upload
complete application documents including a cover letter, curriculum
vitae and photocopies of relevant certificates as soon as possible and
no later than 20.03.2021 via our online job-application facility using
the button "Apply online".
See here for more information:
End of Digest