NA Digest, V. 21, # 40
NA Digest Tuesday, October 26, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 40
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Pravir Dutt (1958 - 2021)
- Launch of the Olof B. Widlund Prize
- Advanced Courses, Modelling & Simulation, Italy/ONLINE, Jan 2022
- SIAM UKIE Annual Meeting, Ireland, Jan 2022
- 35th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, Germany, Sep 2022
- Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Germany, Sep 2022
- Faculty Positions, UC, Santiago, Chile
- Tenure Track Position, Applied Math, URI
- Tenure Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Concordia
- Tenure Track Position, Applied and Comp Math, Arizona State Univ
- Tenure Track Position, Data Science, Univ of Texas at Dallas
- Tenure Track Position, Mathematics of Data Science, UC Davis
- Researcher Position, Local Public Transport Optimization, Univ of Pisa
- Temporary Researcher Position, Univ of Salerno, Italy
- Postdoc Position, CNR-IMATI, Pavia, Italy
- Postdoc Position, Cardiovascular Modeling, UNC-Chapel Hill
- Postdoc Position, Computational Engineering, Lappeenranta, Finland
- Postdoc Position, Green Scholars, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Postdoc Position, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
- Postdoc Position, Miles Fellow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Postdoc Position, Optimization-Learning-Control, WIAS, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Research Software and Data, Univ of Goettingen
- Postdoc Positions, Comp Methods of Optimization, Unicamp, Brazil
- PhD/Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, RWTH Aachen
- PhD/Postdoc Positions, Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems
- PhD Position, Computational Math, Sci and Eng, Michigan State Univ
- PhD Position, Mathematical Modelling, CRM, Spain
- PhD Position, Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Methods, Univ of Jena
- PhD Position, Numerical Mathematics, WIAS, Germany
- PhD Position, Statistical Applied Mathematics, Bath, UK
- PhD Position, Stochastic Algorithms, WIAS, Germany
- PhD Positions IMPRS ProEng Magdeburg, Germany
- PhD Positions, Data Science, DASHH, Germany
- PhD Positions, Innovation and Sustainability with Industry, Italy
- CFP, ASCR Quantum Computing Testbeds
- Contents, Adv Comput Math, 5
- Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 39 (5)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Akhlaq Husain [email protected]
Date: October 23, 2021
Subject: Pravir Dutt (1958 - 2021)
I am saddened to announce the sudden demise of Pravir K. Dutt,
Professor (Mathematics) at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
(India) due to cardiac arrest on Oct 12, 2021.
Prof. Dutt obtained M.Sc. (integrated) degree in Mathematics from the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Indian Institute of
Technology Kanpur in 1980 and Ph.D. from the University of California,
Los Angeles in 1985 under the supervision of Prof. Stanley Osher. He
worked as Staff Scientist (ICASE), NASA Langley Research Center,
Hampton USA during 1985-1987 before joining the Indian Institute of
Technology Kanpur as Assistant Professor in 1987 and later became full
Professor at IIT Kanpur.
He made substantial contributions to Partial Differential Equations,
and Numerical Analysis in a career spanning over 4 decades and
published a number of articles on the theory, numerical schemes and
parallel algorithms for elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic problems, and
eigenvalue problems. He had keen interest in solving PDEs with
singularities on polygonal and polyhedral domains.
He was a silent mathematician and deep thinker, having a calm state of
mind with an amusing sense of humor. He will be deeply missed by all
his students, friends and colleagues.
From: Laurence Halpern [email protected]
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: Launch of the Olof B. Widlund Prize
The Scientific Committee of is pleased to launch the Olof B.
Widlund Prize for Excellence in Domain Decomposition Methods, which
will be awarded for the first time at DD27 in Prague in 2022. The
naming of the prize honors a great pioneer of the theory, algorithms,
and applications of domain decomposition, a mentor of numerous
productive contributors to the field -- both at his own institution
and internationally, and a builder of bridges between theorists and
practitioners in academic, industry, and government labs on multiple
continents. It can be awarded for advances in the theory, algorithmic
innovation, scalable implementation, or application of domain
decomposition methods, service to the domain decomposition community,
or any combination thereof. The Olof Widlund Prize awardee gives a
plenary lecture at the next conference and receives a
certificate and a cash award of 2500 Euros from the Scientific
Nominations for the 2022 Olof Widlund prize are sought with a deadline
of November 30, 2021. A nomination packet consists of: (1) a citation
of 25 words or fewer on the key contributions of the nominee,
beginning with the word "For ... ", (2) a statement of 1000 words or
fewer putting the contributions of the nominee in context and
expanding on their cumulative influence, (3) a bibliography of the
nominee's papers relevant to domain decomposition methods, (4) a list
of the nominee's most notable public presentations of domain
decomposition methods, and (5) the name and short CV of the nominator.
Nomination materials should be in English and bound together in a
single pdf file. No endorsement letters are required. No
self-nominations are permitted. Please send nominations to the
president of the selection committee, Prof. Petter Bjorstad, email
[email protected]
For details see
From: Michael Dumbser [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2021
Subject: Advanced Courses, Modelling & Simulation, Italy/ONLINE, Jan 2022
The post-graduate honors program Modelling & Simulation of DICAM at
UniTN, Trento, Italy, is a collection of advanced special courses for
post-docs, PhD students or graduated MSc students from engineering,
mathematics and physics to gain additional specific knowledge in the
fields of modelling, computational mechanics and scientific computing.
Lecturers in the program: V. Casulli, L. Deseri, M. Dumbser,
L. Fraccarollo, L. Giovannini, A. Piccolroaz, R. Rigon, P. Scardi, A.
Siviglia, M. Toffolon, A. Vitti, D. Zardi, G. Zolezzi
Courses offered in the honors program:
1. Numerical methods for hyperbolic PDE and geophysical flows
2. Advanced computational solid mechanics
3. Modelling and simulation of turbulence
4. Molecular dynamics: a primer with elements of statistical mechanics
5. Introductory nonlinear mechanics of soft biological tissues
6. Modelling hydrological systems with GEOframe
7. Modelling and simulation of integrated river eco-morphodynamics
8. Numerical modelling of weather and climate
9. Remote sensing and geomatics for environmental applications
Duration: January 2022 - November 2022
The deadline for application is November 30th, 2021.
If admitted during the selection process, participation in the honors
program is free of charge. Due to COVID-19 all courses will be also
offered online via ZOOM.
For further questions, please contact [email protected]
From: Jennifer Scott [email protected]
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: SIAM UKIE Annual Meeting, Ireland, Jan 2022
We are pleased to announce that the 26th Annual Meeting of the SIAM UK
and Republic of Ireland Section will take place on Friday, January 7th
2022 at Trinity College Dublin.
Invited speakers are:
Dr. David Barret - Google Deepmind
Prof. Sarah Dance - Univ. Reading
Prof. Marco Marletta - Cardiff Univ.
Dr. John Pearson - Univ. Edinburgh
Prof. Valeria Simoncini - Univ. Bologna
There will be a poster session with Best Poster prizes to be awarded
to PhD students, and some travel support is available to PhD students
studying in the UK and Republic of Ireland.
Registration is now open. The plan is for the meeting to be held
in-person but there is an option to attend the invited talks remotely.
For more details and to register, see
From: Thomas Apel [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2021
Subject: 35th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, Germany, Sep 2022
The 35th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium takes place in Herrsching
at Lake Ammersee near Munich from September 15 to 17, 2022. The
symposium is devoted to all aspects of finite elements and other
computer-based methods for solving partial differential equations.
We particularly encourage talks on
- Discretization of problems with low-regularity solution
- Discretization of optimal control problems
- Neural networks with applications to PDEs
Invited speakers are Gitta Kutyniok (LMU Munich), Mariano Mateos
(Universidad de Oviedo), Serge Nicaise (Universite Valenciennes),
Joachim Schoberl (TU Wien), and Max Winkler (TU Chemnitz). For
further information see
From: Lars Gruene [email protected]
Date: October 26, 2021
Subject: Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Germany, Sep 2022
The 25th Mathematical Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and
Systems (MTNS 2022) will be held in Bayreuth, Germany, on 12-16
September 2022. MTNS is a prime conference on all mathematical aspects
in systems and control theory.
Plenary Speakers: Claudio De Persis (Groningen), Luz de Teresa (Mexico
City), Weinan E (Princeton), Maria Elena Valcher (Padova), George
Weiss (Tel Aviv)
Semi-Plenary Speakers: Roland Herzog (Heidelberg), Anna-Lena
Horlemann-Trautmann (St. Gallen), Boris Houska (Shanghai), Achim
Ilchmann (Ilmenau), Dante Kalise (London), Christopher M. Kellett
(Canberra), Yann Le Gorrec (Besancon), Na Li (Harvard), Masaaki
Nagahara (Kitakyushu), Jacquelien M. A. Scherpen (Groningen), Claudia
Schillings (Mannheim), Sanne ter Horst (Potchefstroom)
MTNS welcomes the submission of Papers and Extended Abstracts until 7
February 2022 and Invited Session as well as Mini Course Proposals
until 31 January 2022. For more information see
From: Norbert Heuer [email protected]
Date: October 20, 2021
Subject: Faculty Positions, UC, Santiago, Chile
The Department of Mathematics of the Catholic University of Chile is
inviting applications for two faculty positions (tenured/tenure
track), starting in March or August 2022. All areas of mathematics
will be considered.
Application deadline is November 30, 2021.
For details see
The Mathematics Faculty website is
From: James Baglama [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied Math, URI
Applications are invited for a tenure-track, academic-year Assistant
Professor position in the Department of Mathematics and Applied
Mathematical Sciences at the University of Rhode Island to begin Fall
2022. We are seeking to attract a diverse pool of job applicants for
this position. A key pillar of URI's mission is to "inspire an
enlightened community that is characterized by vibrant cultural
diversity; that embraces difference; that is built upon a learning
environment that fosters respect, understanding, and social justice;
and that rejects prejudice and intolerance." Our department seeks
candidates whose principles align with that mission. The research
activities of the faculty are mainly concentrated in the areas of
combinatorics and graph theory, complex dynamical systems,
computational mathematics, data science, difference equations,
financial mathematics, mathematical biology and modeling, numerical
analysis, numerical linear algebra, applied probability/statistics,
partial differential equations, scientific computing, and applied
Responsibilities include teaching and developing undergraduate and
graduate courses, publishing original research, conducting
interdisciplinary research, seeking external funding, advising
undergraduate and graduate students, and engaging in departmental,
college, and university service. A research specialty in any of the
following applied math areas: Applied Probability; Mathematical
Finance; Difference Equations or Ordinary Differential Equations,
preferably with applications to mathematical biology. For complete
details, including required and preferred qualifications, and the
application process itself, please visit the URI jobs website at to apply for job posting (F00269). The search
will remain open until the position is filled. First consideration
will be given to applications received by (December 1, 2021). Second
consideration may be given to applications received by (January 15,
2022). Applications received subsequent to second consideration date
(January 15, 2022) may not be given full consideration.
From: Simone Brugiapaglia [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2021
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Concordia
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Concordia University
invites applications for a tenure-track position in Applied
Mathematics at the rank of Assistant Professor. The expected start
date is August 2022. Candidates must have completed their PhD in
Mathematics, or a closely related field, or be near completion at the
start date of the appointment.
For more information about the position, qualifications and assets,
how to apply, employment equity, immigration status and territorial
acknowledgment, please visit:
Any inquiries about this position should be directed to the Department
Chair at [email protected].
From: Rodrigo B Platte [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2021
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied and Comp Math, Arizona State Univ
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University invites applications for a full-time tenure-eligible
position in applied and computational mathematics at the rank of
Assistant Professor. The essential duties of the position will be to
conduct research on areas of applied mathematics, computational
mathematics, data science, and/or mathematical modeling, publish in
appropriate high-quality journals, disseminate research at conferences
and colloquia, provide quality teaching and mentoring in our
undergraduate and graduate programs, and participate in appropriate
professional service.
Required Qualifications: a Ph.D. in mathematics, applied mathematics,
statistics or a closely related area by August 10, 2022; demonstrated
potential for excellence in research and teaching; demonstrated
understanding of the importance of diversity, equity and inclusiveness
in the mathematical community. Desired Qualifications: documented
record of published research and strong potential for grant support;
demonstrated interest in teaching and successfully mentoring a diverse
student body; documented experiences and/or expertise indicative of
strong support for individuals who have been systemically underserved
in the mathematical sciences.
The application deadline is 5:00 pm Arizona time on November 8, 2021;
only applications that are complete by the deadline will be
considered. If the position is not filled, remaining applications will
be considered every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed. A
background check is required for employment. Women and minority
candidates are encouraged to apply.
For additional information please visit:
From: Yifei Lou [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2021
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Data Science, Univ of Texas at Dallas
The Department of Mathematical Sciences within the School of Natural
Sciences and Mathematics at The University of Texas at Dallas invites
applications for a tenure-system Assistant Professor in the following
area: Data Science with emphasis on mathematical and/or statistical
aspects. Successful candidates will have an outstanding record of
research excellence in the field; a commitment to be an effective and
engaging teacher at both undergraduate and graduate levels; and a
commitment to mentoring students in the respective programs.
Candidates must have a PhD (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Statistics,
or a closely related field.
The University of Texas at Dallas is a rapidly growing university with
ambitious plans to advance in education and research. The Department
of Mathematical Sciences has active research programs in several areas
of Mathematics and Statistics. It has 32 tenure-system faculty, and
offers the following degree programs: BA, BS, MS and PhD in
Mathematics, BS in Data Science, MS and PhD in Statistics, BS and MS
in Actuarial Science, MS in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
and a Graduate Certificate in Data Science.
To apply, candidates should upload a letter of interest; a current
curriculum vita with a complete publication record; detailed
statements of research, teaching, and diversity interests; teaching
evaluations; and the full contact information for at least three
academic or professional references. For candidates with prior
teaching experience, recent teaching evaluations are required.
Evaluation of applications will begin November 1, 2021 and will
continue until the positions are filled. For more information, contact
Dr. Swati Biswas, chair of the search committee, by email at
[email protected]. Apply at
From: Matthias Koeppe [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Mathematics of Data Science, UC Davis
The Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Davis
invites applications for one Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
faculty position starting July 1, 2022. This position is in the area
of the mathematics of data science.
Minimum qualifications for the position include a Ph.D. or its
equivalent in the Mathematical Sciences or a related field and
demonstrated potential for performance in teaching and
research. Duties include mathematical research, undergraduate and
graduate teaching, and departmental, university and professional
Applications include: Cover Letter, CV, Research Statement, Teaching
Statement, Letters of Reference and a Statement of Contributions to
Diversity. Additional information about the Department may be found at
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To
guarantee full consideration, the application should be received by
November 1, 2021. The application is available through UCRecruit @
From: Antonio Frangioni [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2021
Subject: Researcher Position, Local Public Transport Optimization, Univ of Pisa
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa has
opened a three-years, fixed-term researcher position (RTD-A) on the
project "A contribution to greenhouse emissions reduction by a more
efficient Public Local Transport". The RTD-A position is considered
the first significant step of the academic career in Italy. Despite
being strictly a fixed-term contract with the duration of three years,
it is a staff position giving right of vote in the Council of the
Department, full access to labor and pension rights (with a gross
salary around 35000 Euro/year), and requiring some teaching duties
(about one course per annum). It can also be prolonged for two (but no
more than two) years subject to availability of funding and mutual
interest. The position has to be viewed in the context of the
multi-decades research collaboration between the Department of
Computer Science of the University of Pisa and M.A.I.O.R. S.r.l. .
The research activity will address decision-making processes in
organized systems, with particular focus to, but not exclusively,
those relating to Local Public Transport. The research considers all
the different phases that characterize the decision-making process:
the definition of the problem, its mathematical formalization, the
formulation of constraints, objectives and action alternatives, the
development of solution algorithms as well as their implementation,
evaluation and certification. Besides the methodological and
theoretical aspects, the research will focus on the development of
efficient and well-engineered software implementing the proposed
approaches for the solution of either large-scale structured
optimization problems or of sub-problems with specific structures that
can result from the application of algorithmic methodologies
(decomposition, implicit enumeration, large-scale local search, ...)
to the original problems. A proper balance will be struck between the
development of algorithms for general classes of problems and for the
specific problems encountered by M.A.I.O.R. within planning and
management (operational and real time) of Local Public Transport systems.
The call can be found at
(it's one of 43 positions, check the record RIC2021PON_A19) and the
strict deadline for applications is 13:00 November 4, 2021 (Italian
time). Selection procedures are expected to be completed before year's
end with the position starting around February 2022 at the latest.
From: Beatrice Paternoster [email protected]
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: Temporary Researcher Position, Univ of Salerno, Italy
The Department of Mathematics- University of Salerno invites
applications for a temporary junior research position (3 years) for
carrying out research on analysis of diffusion of fake news through
evolutionary mathematical models. The program includes strong
interaction with the Industrial partner: ELIS Innovation Hub s.r.l..
More information on the position and instructions for the submission
of applications, as well as a link to the official call, can be found
at the web page
The research proposal is available on
Please contact Prof. Beatrice Paternoster, [email protected] for further
From: Micol Pennacchio [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, CNR-IMATI, Pavia, Italy
The team working on polytopal methods at the CNR Institute for Applied
Mathematics and Information Technologies "Enrico Magenes" in Pavia
(Italy) invites applications for a PostDoc position (1 year, renewable
for a second year following a positive evaluation) for carrying out
research on analysis and implementation of efficient virtual element
methods. The deadline for applications is November 15, 2021 at 23:59
PM (Rome time).
More information on the position and instructions for the submission
of applications, as well as a link to the official call, can be found
at the web page
For enquiries and more information please contact:
[email protected], [email protected]
From: Boyce Griffith [email protected]
Date: October 20, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Cardiovascular Modeling, UNC-Chapel Hill
Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation group at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which is affiliated with UNC's Carolina
Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Computational
Medicine Program and McAllister Heart Institute. Potential areas of
research include mathematical and computational models of: cardiac
fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction, particularly in
therapies for valvular heart disease such as transcatheter valve
replacement; cardiac electrophysiology, especially atrial
fibrillation; cardiac electro-mechanical coupling; thrombosis,
particularly in atrial fibrillation or following transcatheter aortic
valve replacement.
Research can also be broadly related to numerical methods and high-
performance software to enable these types of models. Teaching duties
for the position can be tailored to the applicant's background,
interests, and career goals, but will be no more than one course per
Please provide via (1) a
curriculum vitae; (2) a statement of research interests; and (3) at
least two letters of reference. UNC also requires application
submission at A Ph.D. in
Mathematics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, or a related
field is required. Applicants should also have substantial experience
with scientific computing using compiled software languages (e.g., C,
C++, Fortran).
Application review will begin December 1, 2021 and will continue until
all positions are filled.
For further information, please visit, or
contact Boyce Griffith at [email protected].
From: Andreas Rupp [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Engineering, Lappeenranta, Finland
The Department of Computational Engineering of the LUT School of
Engineering Science is looking for a post-doctoral researcher in
numerical analysis to strengthen the department's research activities
at the interface of numerical analysis and inverse problems.
The numerical analysis research at the department currently deals with
computational fluid dynamics and finite element methods (in
particular, discontinuous Galerkin and hybrid methods) with
applications varying from soil science to engineering and
astrophysics. The research group Uncertainty Quantification and
Inverse Problems (UQIP) focuses on applied statistics and inverse
problems. The UQIP group is part of the Centre of Excellence of
Inverse Modelling and Imaging (2018-2025) of the Academy of Finland.
For full details about the positions and to apply, visit:
From: Matthias Morzfeld [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Green Scholars, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Green Foundation Postdoctoral Appointments in Geophysics
The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at the
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San
Diego, has openings starting in 2022 for up to two postdoctoral Green
Scholars. The PhD awarded to the applicant must have a date no earlier
than 5 years before the application deadline, and no later than 6
months after it. The appointment cannot start until after the award
of the PhD. These positions are supported by funding from the Green
Foundation for Earth Sciences, matched with extramural funds for
specific research projects. Before submitting an application,
applicants should contact potential IGPP mentors to find out if they
have a suitable project. Green scholars are encouraged to broaden
their experience through interaction with other researchers at IGPP;
individual research goals may be pursued if project progress can be
maintained. Information on recent IGPP research is available at
The positions are for one year, renewable for a second year subject to
satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Starting salary is
$60,000/yr plus benefits, along with $3000/yr of discretionary
research funds. Applications are due by November 14, 2021, and should
be submitted online at Potential
applicants are strongly advised to initiate contact with prospective
mentor(s) well before this date. Applications must include a
statement of research interests (1-2 pages, 12 point), a dissertation
abstract (1 page), a curriculum vita with publications list, and
personal information (including immigration status). The application
also requires contact information for two writers of support letters,
but candidates are themselves responsible for ensuring that these
support letters are submitted (by emails to [email protected]) by
November 21, 2021. Review of applications typically takes 1-2
months. Applications may be accepted until the position is filled, but
full consideration is not assured if all materials are not received by
the deadlines given above.
Please address questions to [email protected].
From: Sherry Li [email protected]
Date: October 26, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
Berkeley Lab's Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division
has an opening for a Computational Algorithms Postdoctoral Fellow. In
this exciting role, you will develop highly parallel linear and
multilinear algebra algorithms and implement them on the leading
pre-exascale and exascale platforms. The postdoc will participate in
various research activities funded through the DOE's Scientific
Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) project and the Exascale
Computing Project (ECP). The key tasks include:
- Develop distributed low rank tensor algorithms, such as
factorization and contractions, to solve tensor equations on CPUs
and GPUs, for large-scale electronic structure calculations to model
chemical reaction and dynamics in non-equilibrium systems.
- Develop next-generation sparse factorization based linear solvers
and preconditioners for multi-node GPU platforms, for a broad range
of scientific and engineering problems.
Please follow the link below to see more details and to apply online:
Sherry Li, Scalable Solvers Group, LBNL
From: Matthias Morzfeld [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Miles Fellow, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Miles Fellow Postdoctoral Appointment in Geophysics
The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at the
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San
Diego, has an opening starting in 2022 for a Miles Fellow postdoctoral
appointment, awarded in honor of the late John W. Miles. This
appointment supports a scientist whose expertise lies within the broad
areas of computational and theoretical geophysics. The PhD awarded to
the applicant must have a date no earlier than 5 years before the
application deadline, and no later than 6 months after it. The
appointment cannot start until after the award of the PhD. This
position is fully supported by funding from the Green Foundation for
Earth Sciences. Before submitting an application, applicants should
contact potential IGPP mentors to find out if they have a suitable
project involving computational or theoretical geophysics. Miles
Fellows are encouraged to broaden their experience through interaction
with other researchers at IGPP; individual research goals may be
pursued if project progress can be maintained. Information on recent
IGPP research is available at
The positions are for one year, renewable for a second year subject to
satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Starting salary is
$60,000/yr plus benefits, along with $3000/yr of discretionary
research funds. Applications are due by November 14, 2021, and should
be submitted online at Potential
applicants are strongly advised to initiate contact with prospective
mentor(s) well before this date. Applications must include a
statement of research interests (1-2 pages, 12 point), a dissertation
abstract (1 page), a curriculum vita with publications list, and
personal information (including immigration status). The application
also requires contact information for two writers of support letters,
but candidates are themselves responsible for ensuring that these
support letters are submitted (by emails to [email protected]) by
November 21, 2021. Review of applications typically takes 1-2
months. Applications may be accepted until the position is filled, but
full consideration is not assured if all materials are not received by
the deadlines given above. Please address questions to
[email protected].
From: Jia-Jie Zhu [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization-Learning-Control, WIAS, Germany
The Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) in Berlin, Germany, is looking for a
postdoc candidate passionate about conducting research in the
intersection of mathematical optimization, machine learning, optimal
control with a focus on robustness under distribution shift. The
position is associated with a third-party funded research project led
by Dr. Jia-Jie Zhu (WIAS Berlin) and Dr. Michael Hintermuuller (WIAS/
Humboldt- Universitat zu Berlin). The initial funding period will run
for two years, starting January 1st, 2022. The applicants should have
completed their Ph.D. degrees by the starting date of the project.
Motivated by numerous partial differential equation (PDE) related
practical applications, a pressing challenge for data-driven
optimization and control systems is the ubiquitous distribution shift,
which implies higher demand for the robustness of the
learning-for-control design. The project, funded by the Excellence
Cluster MATH+: The Berlin Mathematics Research Center, aims to address
data-driven robust control and optimization of dynamical systems under
data distribution shifts, using principled tools from applied
mathematics and statistical machine learning as well as reinforcement
learning. We invite candidates whose scholar profiles are mainly
theoretical and exhibit proven excellence in research. We specifically
prefer two types of mathematical research experiences:
(1) either in principled statistical machine learning/reinforcement
learning theory (related to dynamical systems, time series, Markov
decision process (MDP), principled control theory). Those
qualifications are demonstrated, among others, by high-quality
publications in credible venues such
(2) and/or in applied mathematics, in optimization, numerical
analysis, optimal control, dynamical systems (PDEs and S(P)DEs),
data-driven modeling of dynamics, theory of model predictive control
(MPC). Those qualifications are demonstrated, among others by relevant
publications in credible venues such as SIAM
To learn more, follow this link: Please direct all inquiries to
the email address [email protected], with the subject
containing [inquiry-postdoc-mathplus].
From: Christoph Lehrenfeld [email protected]
Date: October 26, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Research Software and Data, Univ of Goettingen
The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1456 Mathematics of
Experiment: The challenge of indirect measurements in the natural
sciences at the Georg-August-University Gottingen started in 2021;
more information on the CRC can be found at The infrastructure
project supports the constituent projects to meet the highest
standards in reproducible research and collaborate on software
projects and data from the natural sciences. Therefore, the University
of Gottingen and the University Medical Center Gottingen offer
positions for 1 PostDoc candidate (f/m/d). The position should be
filled as soon as possible. The salary is in accordance with the
German public service salary scale (E13 TV-L) for two years. The
position is offered with 100 % of the regular working hours.
The application deadline for both PostDoc positions is August 31,
Further details can be found here:
If you have any questions, please contact Eva Hetzel via e-mail
([email protected]).
From: Paulo J. S. Silva [email protected]
Date: October 25, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Comp Methods of Optimization, Unicamp, Brazil
Postdoc Positions on Computational Methods of Optimization at Unicamp,
Brazil, Postdoctoral fellowship: Computational Methods in Optimization
Our Thematic Project announces two-year pos-doctoral fellowship
positions to work at the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and
Scientific Computing, IMECC ( of The
University of Campinas, Unicamp (,
Campinas, SP, Brazil. The possible subjects are research on energy
and optimization (generation, sustainable systems, electricity
markets), and on convex optimization and extensions to data science.
The candidate must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics, Computer
Science, Engineering, or in a related field. The candidate must have
finished the PhD less than seven years before the beginning of the PD
fellowship. The candidate should demonstrate a solid background in
nonlinear optimization. Experience in programming is highly desirable.
The candidate is expected to interact with other members of the
project including, masters and PhD students, and professors of the
The post-doctoral fellowship includes a monthly stipend of R$ 7.373,10
(about USD 1,400 - enough for the comfortable maintenance of a single
person in Campinas), access to the health-care system of Unicamp, and
research contingency funds (10% of the annual value of the fellowship,
each year). For more details, check out FAPESP's webpage
To apply, the candidate must send the following documents by email
until November 26th, 2021: Curriculum vitae with a list of
publications, and previous experience; Two recommendation letters,
being one preferably from a previous supervisor (those can be sent
directly to [email protected] by the recommenders); A motivation
letter for the application, indicating one, or more, subjects of
All documents must be sent to Prof. Paulo J. S. Silva at
[email protected], using 'pos doc application' as the subject.
From: Frank Knoben [email protected]
Date: October 20, 2021
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, RWTH Aachen
At the Chair for Numerical Mathematics of the RWTH Aachen University
we offer a PhD position in the field of Numerical mathematics. In our
group we work on the analysis, implementation and application of
numerical simulation methods for partial differential equations. Main
research topics are on numerical methods for two-phase incompressible
flow problems and for partial differential equations on surfaces. More
information on these topics can be found on and
The application deadline is Nov 15,. 2021
The full job ads can be found at
From: Matteo Tommasini [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Taming Complexity in Partial
Differential Systems
In the framework of the SFB 65 "Taming Complexity in Partial
Differential Systems" ( 2 PhD
positions and 5 post-doc positions are currently open. Each position
is based in one of the various Project Parts of the SFB, with
envisaged collaborations with other SFB Project Parts, and does not
involve teaching duties. The annual gross salaries are approximately
30k Euro for the PhD positions and 54k Euro for the post-doc
positions. Requirements, duration of the contracts and preferred start
dates vary among the aforementioned positions. The deadline for
application is on 15.11.2021 (at 23:59 Europe/Vienna
timezone). Further details on the individual positions as well as the
online application form can be found at
From: Ming Yan [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Math, Sci and Eng, Michigan State Univ
Michigan State University's (MSU) Department of Computational
Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE; is
currently accepting applications for its interdisciplinary PhD program
in Computational Modeling and Data Science (CMSE PhD; and a new MS program in Data science
The CMSE PhD program provides its graduates broad and deep knowledge
of the fundamental techniques used in computational modeling and data
science, significant exposure to at least one application domain, and
the opportunity to conduct significant original research in algorithms
and/or applications relating to computational and data science. A
brief introduction to the program can be found at Hdya3snxWl2m2HelP5MfB,
and a list of CMSE faculty and their research interests can be found
Additional information about the PhD program, as well as application
information, can be found at Please note
that the deadline for application for the Fall 2022 cohort is January
2, 2022.
From: Francesc Font [email protected]
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematical Modelling, CRM, Spain
The Industrial Mathematics Research Group at the Centre de Recerca
Matematica in Barcelona is seeking candidates for a Spanish Ministry
funded PhD. The project will focus on the removal of environmental
contaminants via sorption (examples include carbon capture, water or
biofuel purification). Mathematically this involves coupling
advection- diffusion equations to mass removal models. The work will
be carried out in collaboration with an experimental group at the
University of Girona.
Applicants must have a Masters degree (or be just about to finish). A
background in applied mathematics, physics or engineering is
preferable. For further information contact Prof. Tim Myers
([email protected])
From: Roland Maier [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Methods, Univ of Jena
We seek a doctoral researcher (m/f/d - 75%) at the Chair of Numerical
Analysis at the University of Jena.
The doctoral researcher will work on the development of multiscale
methods that aim at reliably simulating solutions to physical problems
which are characterized by effects on multiple scales. This includes
the development, the implementation, and the rigorous mathematical and
numerical validation of such methods, focusing in particular on
time-dependent PDEs with multiscale effects in space and
time. Additionally, the doctoral researcher will also assist with
teaching in the field of Numerical Mathematics.
We offer a three-years funded research position (30 hours per week)
with the possibility of an extension by one year. The successful
candidate is expected to work towards his/her doctorate and will be
given support for his/her individual development and
qualification. Applicants should have a successfully completed
master's degree in Mathematics (ideally with a focus on Numerical
Analysis), profound knowledge on the Finite Element Method, and
knowledge of at least one programming language (Matlab, Python, etc.).
The application deadline is December 1, 2021. For further details,
please refer to If
you have questions concerning the position, please contact Roland
Maier ([email protected]).
From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Mathematics, WIAS, Germany
WIAS invites applications for a PhD student position (f/m/d)
(Ref. 21/22) in the Research Group "Numerical Mathematics and
Scientific Computing" (Head: Prof. Dr. Volker John, Supervisor:
Dr. Christian Merdon) starting at at the earliest possible date. The
position is framed within the DFG funded project "Kopplung
Atomistischer und Kontinuumsskaliger Modelle der Heterogenen Katalyse
mittels eines Reduzierten-Basen- Ansatz und
Mehrlevel-On-the-fly-Dunngitter-Interpolation". The applicant will
work at an interdisciplinary project involving the modeling and
simulation of multi-scale flow, transport and reaction processes in
heterogeneous catalysis in cooperation with the Fritz-Haber-Institute
of the Max-Planck Society. The applicant is expected to perform active
research in the development and numerical analysis of modern finite
element and finite volume discretizations for partial differential
equations and their implementation in the programming language Julia.
We therefore seek for an applicant who has a university diploma or
master degree in mathematics or a closely related discipline; has
basic knowledge in numerics for partial differential equations; has
some experience with programming languages (desireably in Julia); is
interested in working together with colleagues also from other
Please direct scientific queries to Dr. C. Merdon
([email protected]). The position is funded for a total
of 36 months. This is a part-time position (75%) with a weekly working
time of 29.25 hours, remunerated according to the TVoD Bund. The
Weierstrass Institute is an equal opportunity employer. We explicitly
encourage female researchers to apply for the offered position. Among
equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given
preference. Please upload complete application documents including a
cover letter, curriculum vitae and photocopies of relevant certificates
as soon as possible via our online job-application facility using the
button "Apply online". The advertisement is open with immediate
effect and will remain open until the position will be filled.
See here for more information:
From: Matthias J Ehrhardt [email protected]
Date: October 21, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Statistical Applied Mathematics, Bath, UK
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics
(SAMBa). The Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied
Mathematics ( offers a 4 year PhD programme,
including an MRes qualification earned during the first year of
training. Throughout the PhD you'll be working at the interface of
statistics with applied and computational mathematics, and delivering
high quality applied and applicable research. SAMBa offers at least
10 fully-funded studentships starting in October each year. SAMBa has
a current cohort of 85 students whose thesis topics range from
problems which are industrially motivated, to more abstract problems,
and which use deterministic, probabilistic, statistical and
computational mathematical tools. The department of Mathematical
Sciences at Bath provides an excellent research environment and the
SAMBa cohort offers invaluable peer support. The first year of SAMBa
will consist of courses, projects and symposia tailored to the
individual student, together with Integrative Think Tanks. ITTs are
intensive, week-long events where students work in collaboration with
academics and industrialists to synthesise relevant mathematical
formulations for solving industrial and cross-disciplinary problems.
Each student will choose a supervisor or supervisory team and finalise
a thesis proposal by the end of year 1. They will work on PhD research
in years 2-4. Graduates from SAMBa will be ready to work in leading
academic and industrial roles, collaborating with individuals from
different backgrounds, and communicating effectively to both experts
and nonexperts.
To find out if your application is likely to result in an interview,
and to speed up the process, please send an expression of interest to
the Centre Coordinator, Helena Lake, at [email protected] Your
expression of interest should include: a short statement (250 words)
explaining your motivation for applying to SAMBa; a 2-page CV which
includes your academic and work experience, your nationality and
country of residence (for the past three years, not including
full-time education); scans of your academic transcript(s); and
information on where you heard about SAMBa. To apply formally to
SAMBa, follow the process through our Doctoral College
( study/).
All applications will be reviewed rapidly and promising applicants
will be invited to an interview online. Successful applicants will
hold, or will be expecting, a first or high upper second class honours
degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, or in a subject with
substantial mathematical content.
From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: October 19, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Stochastic Algorithms, WIAS, Germany
WIAS invites applications for a PhD student position (f/m/d)
(Ref. 21/21) in statistical machine learning, continuous optimization,
and nonparametric statistics in the Research Group 'Stochastic
Algorithms and Nonparametric Statistics' (Head: Professor V. Spokoiny)
starting as soon as possible. We are looking for candidates
passionate about researching the principled theory of machine
learning, nonparametric statistics, and mathematical optimization,
with a focus on enhancing the robustness of learning and
decision-making. The concrete methodological components of the
Ph.D. project include Nonparametric statistics, especially on minimax
estimation and robustness. Example applications include generative
modeling, imaging and vision; Learning for decision-making and
dynamical systems, with a focus on distributional robustness and
satisfying (safety) constraints, and dynamical systems/RL, online
learning; Kernel methods, especially for robust estimation of
conditional distributions, maximum mean discrepancy, with applications
to dynamical systems and statistical learning theory; and Continuous
optimization for machine learning and deep learning. The position is
hosted at Research Group 6. The Ph.D. project is also a part of the
collaboration between Prof. Vladimir Spokoiny and Dr. Jia-Jie
Zhu. Therefore, the student will have the opportunity to conduct
research work in collaboration with both faculties. We invite
candidates with a degree (master's level) in computer science,
statistics, or mathematics, with a special focus on rigorous training
in machine learning. Those qualifications are demonstrated by
high-quality technical reports or publications in credible venues such
See here for more information:
From: Peter Benner [email protected]
Date: October 25, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions IMPRS ProEng Magdeburg, Germany
The IMPRS ProEng in Magdeburg, Germany, is a graduate school jointly
run by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical
Systems (MPI) and the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
(OVGU). Through an innovative concept of combining cutting-edge
mathematical and systems-oriented engineering research driven by
challenging questions arising from the analysis, design and
optimization of chemical and biochemical processes, the school has
been bringing together researchers from various engineering areas,
natural sciences, and mathematics. Several Ph.D. positions in the
aforementioned areas are available in 2022. For more information,
please consult
Deadline for applications: November 18, 2021
From: Heike Hufnagel Martinez [email protected]
Date: October 26, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Data Science, DASHH, Germany
We would like to inform you that the DASHH Call for Applications 2021
is open now: 14 exciting PhD positions are advertised at DASHH: Data
Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of
DASHH is seeking highly qualified and highly motivated candidates with
an excellent academic background in the Natural Sciences or Computer
Science/Mathematics as well as a solid experience in programming.
DASHH offers data-driven interdisciplinary research topics in Physics,
Engineering, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and
Structural Biology with a work contract at the level of the German
TV-L/TV-AVH/TV- oeD 13 salary scheme for 3 years. Please find all PhD
topics as well as the application requirements here: and feel free to
share this information with all interested parties.
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Innovation and Sustainability with Industry, Italy
Open PhD positions on innovation and sustainability with industries at
SISSA, Trieste, Italy (Green) Ph.D course in Mathematical Analysis,
Modelling, and Applications (AMMA/mathLab at SISSA:
- Project 1: Development of advanced tools for mathematical and
numerical modelling of multi-phase and multi-physical phenomena in
order to improve sustainability and energy saving in refrigeration
- Project 2: Development of advanced tools for mathematical and
numerical modelling of processes related to steel production.
(Innovation) Ph.D Course in Theoretical and Scientific Data Science
- Project 3: Big data analytics to innovate demoscopic polling and
improve understanding of public perception.
To Apply:
Deadline: October 28, 2021 at 1pm (Rome time)
For further info about the companies please contact Prof. Gianluigi
Rozza ([email protected])
From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: October 25, 2021
Subject: CFP, ASCR Quantum Computing Testbeds
DOE ASCR is holding a Quantum Computing Testbeds Stakeholder Workshop
in December (dates should be up very soon):
2-page white papers are due November 12 and are solicited on a diverse
list of topics:
Among other things, an aim of the workshop is to engage and hear from
applied math and computer science researchers who could benefit/use
such testbeds in their research.
Please share with your networks.
From: Alex Barnett [email protected]
Date: October 18, 2021
Subject: Contents, Adv Comput Math, 5
Accurate singular values of a class of parameterized negative
matrices, Rong Huang, Jungong Xue
An O(N) algorithm for computing expectation of N-dimensional truncated
multi-variate normal distribution I: fundamentals, Jingfang Huang,
Jian Cao, Fuhui Fang, Marc G. Genton, David E. Keyes, George
Error analysis of the SAV Fourier-spectral method for the
Cahn-Hilliard- Hele-Shaw system, Nan Zheng, Xiaoli Li
Non-symmetric isogeometric FEM-BEM couplings, Mehdi Elasmi, Christoph
Erath, Stefan Kurz OPEN ACCESS
Analysis of a Helmholtz preconditioning problem motivated by
uncertainty quantification, I. G. Graham, O. R. Pembery, E. A. Spence
A fast ADI orthogonal spline collocation method with graded meshes for
the two-dimensional fractional integro-differential equation, Leijie
Qiao, Da Xu
An alternative approach for order conditions of Runge-Kutta-Nystrom
methods, Xue Sun, Zhongli Liu, Hongjiong Tian
Mixed precision path tracking for polynomial homotopy continuation,
Sascha Timme OPEN ACCESS
A rational RBF interpolation with conditionally positive definite
kernels, Elham Farazandeh, Davoud Mirzaei
Carleman estimates and controllability results for fully discrete
approximations of 1D parabolic equations, Pedro Gonzalez Casanova,
Victor Hernandez-Santamaria
Kernel aggregated fast multipole method, Wen Yan, Robert Blackwell
(Topical Collection)
Computing low-rank rightmost eigenpairs of a class of matrix-valued
linear operators, Nicola Guglielmi, Daniel Kressner, Carmela Scalone
Convergence rates for boundedly regular systems, Erno Robert Csetnek,
Andrew Eberhard, Matthew K. Tam
Robust preconditioning techniques for multiharmonic finite element
method with application to time-periodic parabolic optimal control
problems, Zhao-Zheng Liang, Guo-Feng Zhang
Comparison of integral equations for the Maxwell transmission problem
with general permittivities, Johan Helsing, Anders Karlsson, Andreas
An H1 convergence of the spectral method for the time-fractional non-
linear diffusion equations, Hui Zhang, Xiaoyun Jiang, Fanhai Zeng
An a posteriori error estimate for a dual mixed method applied to
Stokes system with non-null source terms, Tomas P. Barrios, Edwin
M. Behrens, Rommel Bustinza
From: Yonghui Yu [email protected]
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: Contents, J Computational Mathematics, 39 (5)
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 39 (2021), issue 5
Numerical Analysis of Crank-Nicolson Scheme for the Allen-Cahn
Equation, Qianqian Chu, Guanghui Jin, Jihong Shen and Yuanfeng Jin
A Cell-centered ALE Method with HLLC-2D Riemann Solver in 2D
Cylindrical Geometry, Jian Ren, Zhijun Shen, Wei Yan and Guangwei Yuan
A Greedy Algorithm for Sparse Precision Matrix Approximation, Didi Lv
and Xiaoqun Zhang
A Fast Compact Difference Method for Two-dimensional Nonlinear
Space-fractional Complex GinzburgLandau Equations, Lu Zhang, Qifeng
Zhang and Hai-wei Sun
Modified Alternating Positive Semidefinite Splitting Preconditioner
for Time-harmonic Eddy Current Models, Yifen Ke and Changfeng Ma
A Posteriori Error Estimates for a Modified Weak Galerkin Finite
Element Approximation of Second Order Elliptic Problems with DG Norm,
Yuping Zeng, Feng Wang, Zhifeng Weng and Hanzhang Hu
Analysis on a Numerical Scheme with Second-order Time Accuracy for
Nonlinear Diffusion Equations, Xia Cui, Guangwei Yuan and Fei Zhao
End of Digest