NA Digest, V. 21, # 29

NA Digest Sunday, August 01, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 29

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Tzanio Kolev [email protected]
Date: July 30, 2021
Subject: MFEM Version 4.3

Version 4.3 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for
finite element methods, is now available at:

The goal of MFEM is to enable high-performance scalable finite element
discretization research and application development on a wide variety
of platforms, ranging from laptops to exascale supercomputers.

Some of the new additions in version 4.3 are:
- Variable order spaces, serial p- and hp-refinement.
- Low order refined discretizations, solvers and transfer.
- Preconditioners for advection-dominated systems.
- Support for GPU solvers from hypre and PETSc.
- GPU-accelerated mesh optimization algorithms.
- Explicit vectorization for Fujitsu's A64FX ARM microprocessor.
- Support for high-order Lagrange meshes in VTK format.
- New and improved integrations with FMS, Caliper, libCEED, Ginkgo.
- 18 new examples and miniapps.

The MFEM library has many more features, including:
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2, NURBS elements.
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming/nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), including
anisotropic refinement, derefinement and parallel load balancing.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, discontinuous Galerkin, hybridized,
and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral
elements, including arbitrary order curvilinear meshes.
- Scalable algebraic multigrid, time integrators, and eigensolvers.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with the MFEM-based
GLVis tool.

MFEM is being developed in CASC, LLNL and is freely available under a
BSD license. For more details, see the interactive documentation and
the full CHANGELOG at

From: Quan-Fang Wang [email protected]
Date: July 26, 2021
Subject: New Book, Quantum Control Theory and Application

Title: Quantum Control Theory and Application
Author: Quan-Fang Wang
Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing
Date: July 21, 2021 ; ISBN: 978-620-2-80240-6
Language: English; Pages number: 488 ; Price: 98.90 Euro

In this monograph, recent years published papers on the quantum
control had been collected both for theoretical study and numerical
approach. The practical application to the quantum systems covered the
Klein-Gordon equation; Sine-Gordon equation; Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger
equation (KGS); Gross-Pitaevaskii equation (Bose-Einstein Condensates,
BEC); Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equation, and so forth. For the particles
physics, single particle, couple heavy particles, many body particles
problems had been considered in the quantum theory and computational
approach. Three parts contained in the book, Part I is Quantum
Control of KGS System; Part II is Quantum Control of BEC; Part III is
Control of Quantum System. It is certainly hope to connect system
control field to chemistry, physics as well as other research areas
(aero space, surface science, etc.). Thereby, wish to get much more
interest worldwide on the hot topic quantum system control.

From: WIM2021 Organization Committee [email protected]
Date: July 27, 2021
Subject: Industrial Mathematics, Italy, Oct 2021

We are pleased to announce this Call for Abstracts for the 2nd
Workshop in Industrial Mathematics - WIM2021 - to be held in Catania,
Italy from October 20-22, 2021.

The workshop will feature a wide range of exciting talks, discussions,
and networking opportunities with experts and researchers in the
mathematical fields of 'Optimization and Inverse Problems', 'Coupled
Systems' and 'Reduced Order Methods'. The focus on industrial
applications will be specifically addressed during an
industry-featured session, hosting speakers with direct experience in
industrial mathematics.

Confirmed plenary speakers: Peter Benner (MPI Magdeburg), Pasqualina
Fragneto (ST Microelectronics), Jan S. Hesthaven (EPF Lausanne),
Barbara Kaltenbacher (Univ. Klagenfurt), Jan ter Maten (TU Eindhoven),
Wil Schilders (Eindhoven University), Claudia Totzeck
(Univ. Wuppertal).

The Organizing Committee is inviting the community to submit abstracts
for oral presentations. All abstracts must be sent as a PDF file via
e-mail to [email protected] . Deadline for submission: September
13th, 2021.

The workshop will be held in a hybrid format: participants have the
option to attend virtually or in-person (we recommend participation

For more details, please visit our website at

From: Agnieszka Miedlar [email protected]
Date: July 29, 2021
Subject: SIAM Central States Meeting, USA, Oct 2021

2021 SIAM Central States Section 6th Annual Meeting
October 2-3, 2021
University of Kansas Lawrence

We are kindly inviting you to organize a mini-symposium, present a
contributed talk, or poster at the 2021 SIAM Central States Section
6th Annual Meeting.

The deadline for submissions is August 25, 2021.

Proposals for mini-symposium:

Proposals for contributed talk or poster session:

We specially encourage students and young researchers to join the

Plenary Speakers:
- Fioralba Cakoni, Rutgers University
- Peter Jan van Leeuwen, Colorado State
- Dongbin Xu, Ohio State
- Xiu Ye, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

For more details see

From: Dominik G=F6ddeke [email protected]
Date: July 30, 2021
Subject: Professor Position, Data-driven Simulation of Fluids, Univ of Stuttgart

The new professorship aims at a unified perspective on data-integrated
simulation science and high performance computing. New approaches
combining advanced HPC and data-driven techniques for modeling,
simulation, and analysis should be developed for innovative
applications in multi-phase flow and/or porous media and in
interdisciplinary collaboration between engineering, sciences,
mathematics, and computer science. The professorship will be
established at the University of Stuttgart in the context of the
DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data-integrated Simulation
Science". The professor will be jointly appointed by the Stuttgart
Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) and the Faculty 6:
Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Stuttgart.

The full announcement is available here:

From: Daniel Lesnic [email protected]
Date: July 28, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Inverse Problems

6 month post-doc position at the University of Leeds in Applied
Inverse Problems, see:
(deadline for applications 24 August 2021)

From: James Nagy [email protected]
Date: July 26, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Comp Math for Data Science, Emory Univ

The newly funded NSF Research Training Group in Computational
Mathematics for Data Science within the Department of Mathematics at
Emory University invites applications for a postdoc
position. Appointments are normally for two years with the possibility
of renewal for a third year. Applicants must be citizens, nationals,
or permanent residents of the United States, have a PhD in Mathematics
or a closely related field (the PhD must be completed by September 1,
2021 for a Fall 2021 start, or by January 1, 2022 for a Spring 2022
start), and show evidence or promise of excellence in research and
teaching. We are especially interested in candidates with research
interests broadly related to data science (e.g., data assimilation,
machine learning, numerical optimization, linear algebra and
PDEs). Candidates must also have a strong background in numerical
analysis and scientific computing. For more details about the research
activity in Emory's Scientific Computing Group see

The successful candidate is expected to engage in all RTG activities.
Postdoctoral Fellows will have the opportunity to teach two courses
per year (one in Fall and one in Spring semesters), conduct research,
collaborate with faculty, and work with undergraduate and graduate
students in our dynamic computational mathematics research group. RTG
Postdoctoral Fellowships include an allowance for travel and computing
equipment, and access to state-of-the-art computing resources,
including GPU clusters.

Applications should be sent via Interfolio at Screening starts immediately and
will continue until positions are filled.

Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative
action employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities and
veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. Emory University is
committed to student and faculty diversity, equity, and inclusion.

From: Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa [email protected]
Date: July 27, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Univ of Sao Paulo

Project: High-performance computing using multiscale domain
decomposition methods. Supervisor: Prof. Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa

The Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), a
Research, Diffusion and Innovation Center (CEPID) funded by FAPESP and
hosted at ICMC-USP, offers a 12-month postdoc fellowship in the area
of Computational Fluid Dynamics. The objective is the development of
multiscale domain decomposition methods and its implementation in a
HPC environment, for the direct numerical simulation of incompressible
flows. Candidates must have obtained a PhD in the last 5 years, and
must provide at least three authored scientific articles in the field,
as well as proof of experience in the implementation of parallel
methods in C/C++, in HPC environments.

To apply, send the following items (PDF only) by email to
prof. Dr. Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa ([email protected]) no later than
August 22nd, 2021: 1. Letter of interest, containing complete contact
information and year of graduation; 2. Curriculum; 3. Cover letter
including names and contact information for two references. Enter
"Postdoc - Multiscale" in the subject field of the message.

The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctoral fellowship from
FAPESP in the amount of R$ 7,373.10 monthly and a research contingency
fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which
should be spent in items related to the research activity.

From: Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa [email protected]
Date: July 27, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Univ of Sao Paulo

Project: Hybrid particle-mesh methods for large-scale applications of
fluid-structure interaction. Supervisor: Prof. Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa

The Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), a
Research, Diffusion and Innovation Center (CEPID) funded by FAPESP and
hosted at ICMC-USP, offers a 12-month postdoc fellowship in the area
of Computational Fluid Dynamics for the development and implementation
of a particle-mesh model (SPH-FEM or MPS-FEM) coupled by boundary
integrals, in order to accelerate large scale numerical simulations of
fluid- structure interactions involving free-surface flows and
deformable structures. Candidates must have obtained a PhD in the last
5 years, and must provide at least three authored scientific articles
in the field, as well as proof of experience in the implementation of
parallel methods in C/C++, in HPC environments.

To apply, send the following items (PDF only) by email to
prof. Dr. Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa ([email protected]) no later than
August 22nd, 2021: 1. Letter of interest, containing complete contact
information and year of graduation; 2. Curriculum; 3. Cover letter
including names and contact information for two references. Enter
"Postdoc - Particle Methods" in the subject field of the message. The
selected candidate will receive a Post- Doctoral fellowship from
FAPESP in the amount of R$ 7,373.10 monthly and a research contingency
fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which
should be spent in items related to the research activity.

From: Jo Ueyama [email protected]
Date: July 27, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Image Processing, Univ of Sao Paulo

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) at the University of Sao Paulo opens a post-doctoral
research position in Image Processing. The selected candidate will
work at the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of the
University of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil. Sao Paulo Research
Foundation provides financial support with a monthly salary of R$
7.373,10 and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the
annual value of the fellowship which should be spent in items directly
related to the research activity. The position is for one year.

Project: Image processing for flood detection
Supervisor: Prof. Jo Ueyama

This position focuses on detecting and forecasting floods using images
and thus automating flood identification without human intervention.
With such an approach, it will be possible to use only the cameras
without a river height sensor submerged in the river. Applicants must
have completed, or are nearing completion, a doctorate in Computer
Science or related subjects in the past five years. The selection
criteria will include demonstrated research capacity in the field of
call, a solid background in image processing, machine learning, and
English speech and writing skills. It is also desirable that the
candidate knows how to work in groups and has the ability to interact
with researchers from other areas, such as hydrology.

To apply, send the following items by email to Professor Jo Ueyama
until 08/31/2021. Professor Ueyama email address is
[email protected]. Please send the pdf files of the following
documents: 1. Letter of interest, containing complete information of
contact, year of graduation, and citizenship/immigration status,
clearly addressing the research above; 2. Resume; 3. Cover letter
including names and contact information for three references. Enter
"Postdoc" in the subject field of the message.

From: Raffaele D'Ambrosio [email protected]
Date: July 26, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of L'Aquila

A postdoctoral research fellowship in Numerical Analysis is available
at the University of L'Aquila, under the scientific supervision of
Raffaele D'Ambrosio.

The scientific activity covered by the position regards numerical
modeling for evolutive problems in space and time, with and without
memory, deterministic and stochastic, mainly in the direction of the
conservation of qualitative and quantitative properties of the
operators under investigation. In line with the scientific objectives
of PRIN 2017 project "Structure preserving approximation of
evolutionary problems", the scientific activity will deal with the
theoretical study of the proposed numerical schemes, the design of
mathematical software based on these schemes, the experimental
verification of their properties on a wide selection of test problems,
their effectiveness in applications.

The duration of the position is 12 months (eventually renewable) and
the value of the fellowship is 30.000,00 Euro (gross) per
year. Closing date: August 15, 2021.

For further information and application details, see the website

From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: August 01, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Zeroth-Order Optimization & Learning, Argonne

The Laboratory for Applied Mathematics, Numerical Software, and
Statistics (LANS) at Argonne National Laboratory is seeking a
postdoctoral researcher in the area of mathematical optimization and
machine learning. We value and strive for diversity in backgrounds,
experiences, and perspectives.

The postdoctoral researcher will work with Argonne staff to design,
analyze, and apply methods for derivative-free/zeroth-order
optimization especially relevant to challenging classes of scientific
machine learning problems.

Desired but not required knowledge and interests include:
- Analyzing algorithms.
- Designing randomized, stochastic, or derivative-free algorithms.
- Researching statistical and machine learning techniques.
- Developing parallel algorithms and software.

Find out more details and apply at

US citizenship is not required. Openings are available immediately,
but there is flexibility in start dates.

From: Jorge Tiago [email protected]
Date: July 30, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Optimal Control and Fluid Mechanics, Portugal

The Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics (CEMAT) at
Instituto Superior Tecnico, ULisboa, invites applications for two
postdoctoral positions in Optimal Control of PDE's and Fluid
Mechanics. The postdoctoral grants require that the candidate has
obtained this PhD during the previous 3 years before submitting the
application. The research will take place within the scope of the
project HemoControl and in collaboration with the team members Adelia
Sequeira (CEMAT), Ana Leonor Silvestre (CEMAT), and Alberto Gambaruto
(University of Bristol). The application procedures, including
submission details, can be found here:

Position 1 (Optimal Control of PDEs):

Position 2 (Fluid Mechanics):

Deadline for submissions: August 10, 2021

For other queries, please contact [email protected]

From: Emiliano TRAVERSI [email protected]
Date: July 28, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Univ Sorbonne Paris Nord, France

One PhD position is opened at Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
(these CIFRE). The position is in collaboration with Horizontal
Sofware (

Horizontal Software (HSW), created in 2010, is a publisher of SaaS and
App solutions, specialized in management and optimized planning of
human resources. The E-OPTIM solution provided by HSW is intended for
the planning and optimization of human resources, taking into account
heterogeneous constraints: legal, organizational and social. A
company's performance is closely linked to well-being at work. It is
therefore very important to take into account employee preferences in
the development of schedules. The goal of the PhD thesis is to develop
heuristic algorithms that take into account employee preferences in
addition to the standard constraints (legal, organizational and
social). This additional requirement poses a severe challenge as it
complicates a problem that is already difficult to solve. To overcome
this challenge the candidate will use the most advanced techniques in
the field of mathematical optimization and artificial intelligence.

Required competences: Good experience with mathematical optimization;
Knowledge in machine learning and deep learning is considered as a
plus; Excellent programming skills.

To apply or to have more information, please contact Roberto Wolfler
Calvo ([email protected]) and Nora Touati
([email protected]).

From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: August 01, 2021
Subject: Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 16 (4)

The papers below can be downloaded freely via

Thejasvi Nagaraju, Shubamangala B.R., Elicitation of Resilient
Requirements through Countermeasure Decomposition Technique.

Eiman Jadaan Alenezy, An Integer Programming Formulation of
Capacitated Facility Location Problem.

Khwancheewa Wattanatripop, Thawhat Changphas, The length of terms and
their measurement.

Nagornchat Chansuriya, Sarawut Phuapong, Structural Properties and
Submonoids of Generalized Cohypersubstitutions.

Daya K. Nagar, Edwin Zarrazola, Alejandro Roldan-Correa, A bivariate
distribution whose marginal laws are inverted beta and gamma.

W. Mohammed, M. Abdelrahman, H. Boulares, F. Khelifi, E. Elabbasy, E.
Aly, The exact solutions for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation forced
by multiplicative noise on Ito sense.

Wasim Audeh, Hilbert-Schmidt numerical radius inequalities for 2x2
operator matrices.

Khaldoun Al-Zoubi, Shatha Alghueiri, On graded J_{gr}-2-absorbing and
graded weakly J_{gr}-2-absorbing submodules of graded modules over
graded commutative rings.

Yousef F. Alharbi, Study on Moments of Generalized Order Statistics
from Lomax-Exponential Distribution and Characterization.

Raden Sulaiman, Separability of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations.

Syaiful Anam, Zuraidah Fitriah, Early Blight Disease Segmentation on
Tomato Plant Using K-means Algorithm with Swarm Intelligence-based

K. Rauf, I. A. Ogunleke, Extension of Polarity in a Signed
Transformation Semigroup.

S. A. Syed Ali, L. S. Supian, S. Shafie, Equivalent formulations for
Economic Lot-sizing Problem with Remanufacturing and Joint Setups.

A. A. Ramadan, E. Hamouda, A. Seif, Generalized soft bi-ideals over

Stephanie Dorough, Peter Johnson, Rainbow Connectivity and Proper
Rainbow Connectivity of theta(1,s,t).

Devendra Kumar, Azza M. Alghamdi, Generalized Lower Order and
Approximation of Entire Transcendental Functions of Several Complex
Variables in Some Banach Spaces.

Matthew O. Oluwayemi, Joshua O. Okoro, Certain results on a class of
functions with negative coefficients.

Fancy V. F., V. Jude Annie Cynthia, Local Metric Dimension of Certain
Wheel Related Graphs.

Alvaro H. Salas, New Method for Solving Nonlinear equations.

Peter Johnson, Fadekemi Janet Osaye, On edge-weighted mean
eccentricity of graphs.

C. Nontpa, C. Kesamoon, N. Kaewhawong, P. Intrapaiboon, A New Hybrid
Forecasting Using Decomposition Method with SARIMAX Model and
Artificial Neural Network.

Laila A. Alnaser, Makkia Dammak, Biharmonic problem with indefinite
asymptotically linear nonlinearity.

Moin Akhtar Ansari, Rough Set Theory Applied to JU-algebras.

Jatuporn Sanborisoot, Thawhat Changphas, Ordered semigroups in which
the radical of every quasi-ideal is a subsemigroup.

Alvaro H. Salas, Lorenzo J. Martinez, David L. Ocampo, Trigonometric
Solution to the Pendulum Equation.

Ramzi B. Albadarneh, Iqbal M. Batiha, Adel Ouanna, Shaher Momani,
Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak using Fractional-Order Systems.

Fadi Alrimawi, Some norm inequalities of Davidson-Power type.
Supawadee Prugsapitak, On the set of solutions of x^2-axy-y^2 =3D \pm 1
over some finite fields.

Mona Sakkijha, Eman Aldabbas, Omar Yasin, Numerical radius
inequalities involving accretive-dissipative matrices. Wikanda
Phaphan, R Package for the Two-Parameters Crack Distribution.

Hadeel Hadi Abo-Alsood, Hassan Rashed Yassein, Design of an
Alternative NTRU Encryption with High Secure and Efficient.

Kelly Guest, Andrew Johnson, Peter Johnson, William Jones, Yuki
Takahashi, Zhichun (Joy) Zhang, Graphs with prescribed radius,
diameter, and center.

J. V. L. Chew, J. Sulaiman, F. A. Muhiddin, Numerical evaluation on
the solution of the porous medium equation by 4-Point Newton-Explicit

Nada Sabeeh Mohammed, Areej M. Abduldaim, Algebraic Hessenberg
Decomposition Method Optimized by Genetic Algorithm for Zero
Watermarking Technique.

Sarah Hussain Shahhadi, Hassan Rashed Yassein, A New Design of
NTRUEncrypt-analog Cryptosystem with High Security and Performance
Level via Tripternion Algebra.

Alvaro H. Salas, Lorenzo J. Martinez, David L. Ocampo, Analytical and
Approximate Trigonometric Solution to Duffing-Helmholtz Equation.
Ibtisam A. H. Masmali, Pythagorean Picture Fuzzy Hyperideals in

Ming-Ming Xu, Jumat Sulaiman, Labiyana Hanif Ali, Half-Sweep SOR
Iterative Method Using Linear Rational Finite Difference Approximation
for First-Order Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations.

R. Stalin Mary, Indra Rajasingh, Embedding of Recursive Circulant
RC(2^{n}, 4) into Circular Necklace.

Nada Yassen Kasm Yahya, Emad Bakr Al-Zangana, The Non-existence of
[1864,3,1828]_{53} Linear Code by Combinatorial Technique.

Fatema A. Sadiq, Shatha A. Salman, Raghad I. Sabri, The General
Formula for the Ehrhart Polynomial of Polytopes with Applications.

Tammatada Khemaratchatakumthorn, Duangpon Siriwan, Pasting Lemmas for
b-Metric Preserving and Related Functions.

Niphawan Phoopha, Prapanpong Pongsriiam, Notes on 1089 and a Variation
of the Kaprekar Operator.

Anwar Khaleel Faraj, Areej M. Abduldaim, Commutativity and Prime
Ideals with Proposed Algebraic Identities.

Aiyared Iampan, Ronnason Chinram, Pattarawan Petchkaew, A note on
almost subsemigroups of semigroups.

Alvaro H. Salas, Analytical Approximant for a Damped KdV Equation.

Silas Luliro Kito, Gerald Wanjala, The Toeplitz-Hausdorff and Spectral
Inclusion Theorems for Linear Relations.

Alvaro H. Salas, Elementary Solution to the Damped Pendulum.

Natdanai Chailangka, Apisit Pakapongpun, Neo balancing numbers.

Salah Uddin Mohammad, Md. Rashed Talukder, Interpretations of
Kronecker product and ordinal product of poset matrices.

Thodsaporn Kumduang, Khwancheewa Wattanatripop, Thawhat Changphas,
Tree languages with fixed variables and their algebraic structures.

Khwancheewa Wattanatripop, Thodsaporn Kumduang, Sorasak
Leeratanavalee, Thawhat Changphas, Power Menger algebra of terms
induced by order-decreasing transformations and superpositions.

Julian A. D. Allagan, Benkam Bobga, Dominion of Some Graphs.

Jeeraporn Thaithanan, Wandee Wanishsakpong, Thammarat Panityakul,
Dulyawit Prangchumpol, The Efficiency of Ridge Estimations for
Multicollinearity Multiple Linear Regression: A Monte-Carlo
Simulation- Based Study.

Fares Bekhouche, Iryna Komashynska, Traveling wave solutions for the
space-time fractional (2+1)-dimensional Calogero-Bogoyavlenskii-Schiff
equation via two different methods.

Abdulrahman Balfaqih, Hailiza Kamarulhaili, Corrigendum to: On The
Diophantine Equation (132k)^x + (4355k)^y =3D (4357k)^z.

C. Sahatsathatsana, S. Sahatsathatsana, W. Pimpasalee, Error
estimation for nonoverlapping success runs with length k via
Stein-Chen method.

Ansam Nazar Younis, Fawziya Mahmood Ramo, Detecting Skin Cancer
Disease Using Multi Intelligent Techniques.

Hessa Alharbi, Makkia Dammak, Existence of solutions to fourth order
problems with sign-changing weights.

Raffaele D'Ambrosio, Martina Moccaldi, Beatrice Paternoster, Adapted
numerical modeling for advection-reaction-diffusion problems on a
bidimensional spatial domain.

Amira A. Ishan, A Classification of Totally Umbilical Semi-invariant
Submanifolds of Riemannian Product Manifolds.

End of Digest