From: NA-Digest on behalf of NA Digest Editor
Sent: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 21:20:52 -0600
[NADIGEST] NA Digest, V. 21, # 27
Subject: NA Digest, V. 21, # 27
NA Digest Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 27
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Software Release: ChASE v. 1.0.0
- Firedrake Tutorial/ARCHER2, ONLINE, Aug 2021
- SIAM Parallel Processing, Seattle, Feb 2022
- Professor/Associate/Assistant Positions, HKBU
- Postdoc Position, Adaptive Solution of PDEs, Univ of Milan
- Postdoc Position, Texas A&M Univ-San Antonio
- Postdoc Position, Analysis/NA, Germany
- Postdoc Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester
- Postdoc Position, Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Postdoc Position, NA/Comp Math, City Univ of Hong Kong
- PraeDoc Positions, Visualization and Data Analysis, Univ of Vienna
- Contents, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 84 (1)
- Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 9 (2)
- Contents, Comm on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 3 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Edoardo Di Napoli [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2021
Subject: Software Release: ChASE v. 1.0.0
We are happy to announce the official release of the ChASE library
version 1.0.0.
ChASE (Chebyshev Accelerated Subspace Eigensolver) is an eigensolver
for the solution of the extremal spectrum of algebraic eigenproblems
generated by dense real symmetric and complex Hermitian
matrices. ChASE is a modern parallel C++ library. The library comes in
two versions and multiple builds. The current GPU build supports the
use of one or more GPU cards per computing node in a number of
flexible configurations. For more information please visit the
official online documentation at https://chase-library.github.io/ChASE
ChASE 1.0.0 has been extensively tested on both artificial problems
and eigenproblems extracted from electronic structure simulations up
to matrices of size N~5e+05 on a number of different supercomputing
clusters (Blue Waters, JUWELS, JUWELS Booster, JURECA-DC). The library
has been integrated in a Bether-Salpeter code
(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108081). ChASE is particularly
effective when used to solve for sequences of correlated eigenproblems
such as the one appearing from the Self-Consistent Field iterations of
Density Functional Theory codes.
ChASE library can be freely downloaded from
The development of the library is partly supported by the PRACE 6IP
WP8 project "Forward looking Software Solutions". The main development
team is the Simulation and Data Lab Quantum Materials located at the
Juelich Supercomputing Centre (Germany) supported by the Rudjer
Boskovic Institute (Croatia) for the multi-GPU implementation.
From: Jack Betteridge [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2021
Subject: Firedrake Tutorial/ARCHER2, ONLINE, Aug 2021
The Firedrake team will be delivering an online training session on
23rd August 2021, 13:00 - 17:00 BST (12:00 - 16:00 UTC). This course
will introduce users to Firedrake, an automated system for the
solution of partial differential equations using the finite element
method. The training will also be an opportunity to get hands on
experience using ARCHER2, the UK national supercomputer.
Participants will gain experience writing Firedrake code to solve
PDEs, configure solvers and preconditioners for HPC and run the
resultant code on ARCHER2. Our course is aimed at researchers who have
little or no previous experience of using Firedrake and have a desire
to run on HPC.
For further details and registration see:
From: Xiaoye Li [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2021
Subject: SIAM Parallel Processing, Seattle, Feb 2022
The SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
(SIAM PP22) and the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG- SC)
invite research paper submissions on parallel algorithms, scalable
scientific computing, simulation, visualization, and machine learning.
The SIAM PP conference series focuses on the design of numerical and
discrete algorithms in the context of modern parallel computer
architectures, covering both theory and practice. The SIAM PP22
conference will take place on February 23-26, 2022, Seattle, U.S.A.
Included Themes: Compilers and programming systems; Data analysis and
visualization; Education in HPC; Fault-tolerance; Large-scale parallel
applications; Parallel computer systems; Performance analysis, tuning,
and debugging; Reproducibility; Scalable parallel algorithms;
Scientific workflows. Special Themes: Algorithms and applications on
multiphysics and multiscale computing; Frontiers of scientific
computing; Integration of scientific computing and machine learning
methods; Post Moore systems and algorithms; Verification, validation,
and uncertainty quantification.
Submission format: 10 pages without references. Supplementary
material will be allowed.
Papers due: October 1, 2021
Decisions: Mid November 2021
Camera-ready: Mid December, 2021
Submission Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pp22
All papers must be prepared using the SIAM
proceedings format:
From: Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University
[email protected]
Date: July 13, 2021
Subject: Professor/Associate/Assistant Positions, HKBU
1. Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor (PR0348/19-20)
The Department invites applications for one tenure-track faculty
vacancy at the Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor rank
specialising in optimisation, or an area which complements the
Department's research profile.
2. Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor (PR0015/21-22)
The Department invites applications for a tenure-track faculty vacancy
at the Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor rank
specialising in applied/computational mathematics, especially with
numerical partial differential equations and scientific computing, or
an area which complements the Department's research profile.
Applicants should possess a relevant PhD degree with solid track
record in research. Teaching experience is preferred. They are
expected to be energetic and motivated and have strong commitment in
teaching. They will also actively participate in current research and
teaching programmes of the Department and be able to support its
independent research with external research grants. Those with
substantial teaching experience and a good record of scholarly
achievements will be considered for appointment at the rank of
Associate Professor/Professor. Initial appointment will be offered on
a fixed-term contract of up to three years. Re-appointment thereafter
will be subject to mutual agreement. Rank and salary will be
commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants are
invited to submit their applications at the HKBU e-Recruitment System
(jobs.hkbu.edu.hk) with samples of publications, preferably three best
ones out of their most recent publications/works. They should also
request two referees to send in confidential letters of reference,
with PR number (stated above) quoted on the letters, to the Human
Resources Office (Email: [email protected]) direct. Those not
invited for interview 4 months after the closing date may consider
their applications unsuccessful. All application materials including
publication samples, scholarly/creative works will be disposed of
after completion of the recruitment exercise. Details of the
University's Personal Information Collection Statement can be found at
http://hro.hkbu.edu.hk/pics. The University reserves the right not to
make an appointment for the post advertised, and the appointment will
be made according to the terms and conditions then applicable at the
time of offer. Closing date: 31 August 2021 (or until the positions
are filled)
From: Andreas Veeser [email protected]
Date: July 13, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Adaptive Solution of PDEs, Univ of Milan
A postdoctoral research fellowship is available at the Mathematics
Department of the University of Milan, under the supervision of
Andreas Veeser. The post holder is expected to contribute to research
around the adaptive solution of partial differential equations.
The duration is 13 months and the deadline of applications is August
30, 2021. For further information and application details, see
https://www.unimi.it/en/node/42283, clicking "english version".
From: Burak Aksoylu [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Texas A&M Univ-San Antonio
The Department of Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences at
Texas A&M University-San Antonio seeks a full-time postdoctoral
researcher appointment beginning on August 19, 2021. The official
position announcement and application steps are posted at
Candidates should demonstrate the ability to publish research outcomes
and writing grant proposals. Successful candidates will carry a 1+2
teaching workload for the fall and spring semesters. The mentors of
the postdoctoral fellow will be Drs. Burak Aksoylu and Kun Gou. The
research topic involves mathematical and numerical aspects of nonlocal
formulations applied to peridynamics, fracture mechanics, soft tissue
mechanics, and solid mechanics at large. A background in
computational mathematics and/or computational mechanics is desired.
The ability to program in C, C++, Python, Matlab, or Mathematica is a
plus. This is a one-year position and if the external grant proposals
are successful the position may be renewed, but renewal is not
guaranteed. The salary is $45,000 for 12 months. Review of
applications will begin immediately and the position is open until
filled. Finalists must request at least two current letters of
recommendation to be sent directly by the authors to the Search
Committee Chair, Dr. Burak Aksoylu, One University Way, SciTech 311,
San Antonio, Texas 78224 via USPS or email to [email protected].
From: Thomas Richter [email protected]
Date: July 20, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Analysis/NA, Germany
The Institute of Analysis and Numerics of the Faculty of Mathematics
deals with the modeling, analysis and numerics of partial differential
equations and collaborates with various application areas, e.g. in
medicine, natural sciences and engineering. We are looking for a
personality who will support us in teaching, research and
administration in the long term. After a transition period, teaching
support in German is expected.
The position will initially be filled for three years on a temporary
basis as a qualification position. As part of the qualification
process, goals for professional and personal development will be
established. If these goals are met, the employment relationship is
intended to become permanent.
The complete job advertisement and information on how to apply can be
found on this website:
From: Nick Higham [email protected]
Date: July 20, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester
Two 15-month postdoctoral posts are available in the Numerical Linear
Algebra Group (https://nla-group.org/) at the University of Manchester
on projects developing and analyzing numerical linear algebra
algorithms for high-performance computers.
For details, see
Closing date: August 17, 2021.
Informal enquiries should be directed to
Professor Nick Higham ([email protected]).
From: Jose A Cuminato [email protected]
Date: July 16, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Post-Doc position in Modelling the Wheatley heart valve This project
involves the mathematical modelling of blood flow from the left
ventricle into and through a novel heart valve. The flow emerges from
the left ventricle as a spiral flow and enters the aortic valve. This
artificial valve consists of a titanium ring attached to a special
flexible polymer with a complex mathematical shape designed to rapidly
open during systole and close rapidly during diastole. It has three
leaflets (flaps) which may be modelled as curved elastic membranes.
Thus the modelling problem involves fluid/structure interaction, that
may be modelled by the immersed boundary method. The fluid (blood) may
require to be treated as non-Newtonian. The candidate will need to
have expertise in computational fluid dynamics, especially in CFD
packages for simulation of fluid-structure interactions or the
immersed boundary method, a good working knowledge of fluid simulation
package(s), and a high-level programing language. The candidate will
be based in Sao Carlos, Brazil, and will be required to spend some
time at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK., Covid permitting. The
post is initially for one year and can be renewed for another two
depending on performance. Starting date is expected to be from October
1st, 2021. To apply, please send a CV and a reference letter to
[email protected] . Applications are open until August/31st, 2021.
From: Lina Zhao [email protected]
Date: July 18, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA/Comp Math, City Univ of Hong Kong
A postdoctoral position is available in the research group of Dr. Lina
Zhao. Candidates with research experience in numerical analysis,
PDEs, machine learning are all welcome to apply. The position can be a
3-year contract and can start anytime before the end of 2021. Please
send a CV (with a publication list) to E-mail address:
[email protected] directly for an application.
From: Michaela Hubweber [email protected]
Date: July 16, 2021
Subject: PraeDoc Positions, Visualization and Data Analysis, Univ of Vienna
The University of Vienna seeks to fill the position as soon as
possible of 2 University Assistants (prae doc) at the Research Group
Visualization and Data Analysis. The research group Visualization and
Data Analysis (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Torsten Moller, Dr. Laura Koesten) at
the Faculty of Computer Sciences invites applications for the position
of a research assistant aiming at a PhD degree. We seek a highly
motivated PhD researcher with a background in computer science,
information science, or a related field. The successful applicant has
the opportunity to propose their own project idea (in the areas of
data science, data visualization, data practices or research data
management) or to work in collaboration with the project "Talking
charts", funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF). The
duration for this prae doc position is 4 years starting in the mid of
October. Applications including a letter of motivation, a full
detailed curriculum vitae (including contact information of 3
referees), and a research statement should be submitted via the Job
Center to the University of Vienna (http://jobcenter.univie.ac.at) no
later than 29.07.2021 (Reference number: 12127) or 4.8. (Reference
number: 12125), mentioning reference number.
The detailed job call and application procedures can be found at:
From: Irena lasiecka [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2021
Subject: Contents, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 84 (1)
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Springer, vol 84 , Issue 1,
August, 2021.
From: David G. Yu [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2021
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, 9 (2)
CONTENTS, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing,
Volume 9 (2021), Issue 2 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.19139/soic.v9i2)
1. Lesaja Goran, G.Q. Wang , A. Oganian, A Full Nesterov-Todd Step
Infeasible Interior-point Method for Symmetric Optimization in the
Wider Neighborhood of the Central Path
2. Marah-Lisanne Thormann, Jan Farchmin, Christoph Weisser, Rene-
Marcel Kruse, Benjamin Safken, Alexander Silbersdorff, Stock Price
Predictions with LSTM Neural Networks and Twitter Sentiment
3. Fazlollah Lak, Morad Alizadeh, Hamid Karamikabir, The Topp-Leone
odd log-logistic Gumbel Distribution: Properties and Applications
4. Hanaa Elgohari, A New Version of the Exponentiated Exponential
Distribution: Copula, Properties and Application to Relief and
Survival Times
5. Md. Raisul Kibria, Mohammad Abu Yousuf, Context-driven Bengali Text
Generation using Conditional Language Model
6. Hector Zarate, Edilberto Cepeda, Semiparametric Smoothing Spline in
Joint Mean and Dispersion Models with Responses from the Biparametric
Exponential Family: A Bayesian Perspective
7. Nahla Abdellatif, Walid Bouhafs, Jerome Harmand, Frederic Jean, A
Geometrical Approach for the Optimal Control of Sequencing Batch Bio-
8. Sunila Sharma, Priyanka Yadav, Nonsmooth Vector Optimization
Problem Involving Second-Order Semipseudo, Semiquasi Cone-Convex
9. Olawale Joshua Adeleke, Absalom El-Shamir Ezugwu, Idowu Ademola
Osinuga, A New Family of Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Methods for
Unconstrained Optimization
10. Iman Malmir, A Novel Wavelet-based Optimal Linear Quadratic
Tracker for Time-varying Systems with Multiple Delays
11. Anass Belcaid, Mohammed Douimi, Nonconvex Energy Minimization with
Unsupervised Line Process Classifier for Efficient Piecewise Constant
Signals Reconstruction
12. Yuly Shipilevsky, Prime Optimization
13. Wirote Apinantanakon, Khamron Sunat, Sirapat Chiewchanwattana, A
Cooperation of the Multileader Fruit Fly and Probabilistic Random Walk
Strategies with Adaptive Normalization for Solving the Unconstrained
Optimization Problems
14. S Balaswamy, R V. Vardhan, G Sameera, Improper Multivariate
Receiver Operating Characteristic (iMROC) Curve
From: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation [email protected]
Date: July 20, 2021
Subject: Contents, Comm on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 3 (2)
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 3,
Issue 2 (2021)
CAMC Focused Section on Tensor Computation, D. Chu, M. Ng, L. Qi, Q.,
W. Wang
T-Jordan Canonical Form and T-Drazin Inverse Based on the T-Product,
Y. Miao, L. Qi, Y. Wei
Parallel Active Subspace Decomposition for Tensor Robust Principal
Component Analysis, M.K. Ng, X., Z. Wang
The Spectral Radii of Intersecting Uniform Hypergraphs, P.-L. Zhang,
X., D. Zhang
MERACLE: Constructive Layer-Wise Conversion of a Tensor Train into a
MERA, K. Batselier, A. Cichocki, N. Wong
On the Complexity of Finding Tensor Ranks
M. Aliabadi, S. Friedland
A Focused Section on Deep Neural Network Machine Learning for
Scientific Computing, W. Cai
Drop-Activation: Implicit Parameter Reduction and Harmonious
Regularization, S. Liang, Y. Khoo, H. Yang
Learning the Mapping \mathbf {x}\mapsto \sum\limits _{i=1}^d x_i^2:
the Cost of Finding the Needle in a Haystack, J. Zhang, L. Zepeda
Nunez, Y. Yao, L. Lin
A Non-intrusive Correction Algorithm for Classification Problems with
Corrupted Data, J. Hou, T. Qin, K. Wu, D. Xiu
Discovering Phase Field Models from Image Data with the Pseudo-
Spectral Physics Informed Neural Networks, J. Zhao
End of Digest