NA Digest, V. 21, # 22
NA Digest Sunday, June 13, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 22
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, ONLINE, Jul 2021
- Data Assimilation and Reduced Modeling, France, Jul-Aug 2021
- Sparse Days 2022, Save the Date, Jun 2022
- Faculty Position, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Full Professor Position, Applied and Industrial Math, Univ of Bremen
- Postdoc Position, Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Univ of Bern
- Postdoc Position, Bayesian Optimization and Exp Design, Sandia
- Postdoc Position, Politecnico di Milano, Deadline Extension
- Research Positions, Mathematical Complexity Reduction, Germany
- Contents, Constructive Approximation, 53 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Simone Scacchi [email protected]
Date: June 10, 2021
Subject: RANAPDE, ONLINE, Jun 2021
We are pleased to announce the workshop Recent Advances in the
Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations (RANAPDE)
that will be held online via the Zoom platform on Thursday June 24 and
Friday June 25, 2021.
Additional information can be found at the website
The participation is free of charge. Please register by sending an
email to [email protected] not later than June 21.
Zoom access links will be sent shortly before the meeting.
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: June 11, 2021
Subject: Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, ONLINE, Jul 2021
4th IMA Conference on Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures
7- 9 July, 2021, Online Conference via Zoom Webinar
Nonlinearity plays an important role in many fields of Science,
Engineering and Technology. The aim of this conference is to bring
together researchers working on aspects of nonlinear phenomena and to
encourage interaction between experts from different areas such as
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics,
Engineering and Physics. Recent theoretical developments, new
computational methods and experimental findings will be presented and
discussed. We plan to avoid parallel sessions and foster as much as
possible communication across the different communities. Please note
all talks will be recorded and available shortly after the event for
everyone who had paid and registered for the conference and will be
available for one month after.
Conference topics: Integrable systems and soliton theory; Nonlinear
waves and nonlinear evolution equations; Dispersive hydrodynamics;
Rogue waves and extreme wave phenomena; Instabilities in nonlinear
media; Coherent structures and turbulence; Nonlinear phenomena in
physical and biological sciences; Phenomena at the interface of
nonlinear waves and machine learning.
Our Oral Presentation submission is now closed. We are accepting
Posters Presentations on the basis of a 200-300 word abstract until 16
June 2021. If you would like to submit a Poster please email the IMA
Conferences Department with your submission.
From: Fabio Nobile [email protected]
Date: June 10, 2021
Subject: Data Assimilation and Reduced Modeling, France, Jul-Aug 2021
We are happy to announce that the CEMRACS 2021 on "Data Assimilation
and Reduced Modeling for High Dimensional Problems" will eventually
take place from Jul 19 to Aug 27, 2021, and registration is now
open. All details available here
CEMRACS is a summer program aiming at bringing together scientists
from both the academic and industrial communities to work on and
discuss focused topics. The program includes a one-week summer school
followed by 5 weeks of research sessions on projects proposed by
academic and industrial partners. Participants may register to the
summer school only or to the entire program.
The summer school will be proposed in hybrid format, with participants
on-site at CIRM (Luminy, France) as well as online. Due to sanitary
restrictions, the number of places on-site is limited. Confirmed
speakers of the summer school (Jul 19-23) are Albert Cohen, Masoumeh
Dashti, Eric Moulines, Anthony Nouy, Claudia Schillings, Johannes
Registration is available here
The 5 weeks research stay is fully on site at CIRM, Luminy. Interested
students should apply here by June 19th,
2021. The number of slots for participation in the projects is very
limited, but few slots are still available.
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: June 10, 2021
Subject: Sparse Days 2022, Save the Date, Jun 2022
The Annual Sparse Days Meeting for 2022 will be held on 20-22 June.
Normally this meeting is in Toulouse, France but we are planning to
hold the meeting next year in St Girons, Ariege and to repeat the
formula for the highly successful meetings held there in 1994, 2003,
and 2015.
Further information and confirmation of the location will be broadcast
this summer but, in the meantime, please save this date.
From: Wim Michiels [email protected]
Date: June 10, 2021
Subject: Faculty Position, KU Leuven, Belgium
Faculty Position, Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Inverse Problems
and Data Assimilation, KU Leuven, Belgium
The research unit NUMA, Department of Computer Science, invites
applications for a full-time faculty position. The unit covers many
aspects of numerics, incl. approximation theory, numerical
integration, numerical (multi)linear algebra, numerical PDEs,
uncertainty quantification, optimization and control, discrete
optimization and scheduling, data science, HPC and applied numerical
mathematics. The recent surge in advanced techniques for data
acquisition gives rise to computational tasks of a complexity beyond
numerical simulation as integrating measurement data in complex models
requires specific numerical algorithms. In the simplest setting,
finding the "best" model parameters given some measurement data is an
optimization problem. However, demands of practical applications often
go far beyond this optimization: one can, for instance, also be
interested in quantifying the uncertainty on the resulting optimum,
the remaining modeling error with respect to the physical system, or
the evolution of the model as a function of time. The new faculty
position aims to strengthen NUMA's position in scientific computing
towards a data rich environment. The successful candidate is expected
to develop a research program in inverse problems and data
assimilation, ensure high-quality education within the area of
mathematical engineering, and be prepared to provide scientific,
social and administrative services.
For further details, contact information and the application procedure
(deadline October 11), follow the link:
From: Andreas Rademacher [email protected]
Date: June 09, 2021
Subject: Full Professor Position, Applied and Industrial Math, Univ of Bremen
The Mathematics and Computer Science Department at the University of
Bremen is hiring a Full Professor in the field of Applied and
Industrial Mathematics (salary grade W3). We are looking for a
mathematician (f/m/d) highly recognized in the field of applied and
industrial mathematics and with special interest in applications. The
professorship is embedded into the Center for Industrial Mathematics
(ZeTeM). Participation in the center's leadership is desirable. The
scientific focus of this professorship is preferably in the area of
inverse problems, parameter identification, or mathematical methods in
machine learning. The research profile should provide links to the
existing research topics of ZeTeM, of the Department, as well as of
the university's high-profile areas. We are searching for a
personality with an excellent publication record in the fields
mentioned above, who has proven her or his ability to bridge the gap
between theory, applied research, and industrial practice. The
appointed person will independently represent these fields in
research, teaching, and applications. Experience in heading research
teams, strategic planning of these teams, and, most important, in
acquisition and implementation of R&D projects on national and
international scale is a prerequisite.
For application details, see:
From: Thomas Wihler [email protected]
Date: June 09, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Univ of Bern
The Mathematical Institute at the University of Bern, Switzerland,
invites applications for a postdoc position in the applied and
numerical mathematics group of Professor Thomas Wihler. Candidates
are expected to hold a PhD in mathematics and to demonstrate excellent
research potential in areas that will complement and extend the work
of the group. Topics of interest include all aspects of numerical
analysis and related fields, with a particular focus on the
development and analysis of modern numerical methods for the efficient
treatment of applications, or on the mathematical aspects of
scientific computing. Besides contributing to the vibrant research
environment in the Mathematical Institute, the successful applicant
will teach one or two courses per academic year. Individuals with some
previous teaching experiences are thus particularly encouraged to
apply. A professional command of English language is mandatory and
some knowledge of German is also preferred. Appointments are made for
one year, renewable on a yearly basis for up to three years, if
performance is satisfactory. A competitive salary will be commensurate
with experience in accordance with the university's policies. The
starting date of the position is flexible; however, the beginning of
2022 or earlier would be ideal. Review of applications will begin
immediately, and the position will remain open until filled.
Applicants are required to submit a CV, bibliography/publications
list, a short statement of research and teaching background (max. 1
page total). Letters of recommendation are optional and welcome.
Applications or any questions can be submitted to:
[email protected]
From: Thomas Catanach [email protected]
Date: June 07, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Bayesian Optimization and Exp Design, Sandia
Postdoctoral Position, Bayesian Optimization and Experimental Design
Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA
To Apply: go to , click
'View All Sandia Openings', search for Job ID: 676521 .
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Appointee at Sandia National
Laboratories in Livermore, CA. This position involves research on
Bayesian optimization and/or experimental design with an eye towards
developing novel algorithms and approaches. Qualifications We Require:
Ph.D. in computer science, applied mathematics, related
engineering/science subject area, or a Ph.D. in a domain science with
extensive experience in computational science for Bayesian methods.
Technical expertise in Bayesian optimization or Optimal Experimental
Design. Knowledge of Bayesian inference theory and computational
methods. Publication record indicative of relevant research expertise
Excellent written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
The ability to obtain and maintain a DOE Q-level security
clearance. Qualifications We Desire: Ability to work in collaborative,
interdisciplinary research environments on problems comprising diverse
application domains. A background in solving practical problems in
science and engineering that involve encounters with real-world data.
Experience in high performance, distributed, or parallel computing
Proven software development experience in C++, C, Matlab, R, Python,
Julia, or related languages. Expertise in Machine Learning and
Bayesian Neural Networks. Proven research community leadership
through activities such as participation in student or professional
organizations, outreach activities, etc. Related professional
experience such as internships in industry or at other national labs,
participation in visiting research programs, etc.
From: Paolo Zunino [email protected]
Date: June 08, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Politecnico di Milano, Deadline Extension
Every year Politecnico di Milano offers a complete training package
for MSCA-Posdoctoral Fellowship applicants that intend to apply with
PoliMi as host institution. This initiative is called MSCA Master
Class. The call for interest and the applications for the training
course on the proposal writing are now open (extended until June 30th)
at the following address:
The Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano and the
Laboratory of Modeling and Scientific Computing (MOX) are joining this
initiative sponsoring the participation of candidates in the area of
"digital twins for precision medicine" with particular focus on
cardiovascular applications. More details are available here:
Enquiries: [email protected]
From: Sebastian Sager [email protected]
Date: June 07, 2021
Subject: Research Positions, Mathematical Complexity Reduction, Germany
The DFG Research Training Group 2297 "Mathematical Complexity
Reduction" currently hires people for mathematical research. The
research topic within mathematics may be from numerics, optimization,
control, machine learning, stochastics, algebra, or geometry, but
should address topics of complexity reduction, e.g., via dimension
reduction or lifting into higher dimensional spaces. A description of
the qualification and research program can be found at [1]. We are
currently offering a PostDoc position with competetive salary (TVL E14
100%), manifold possibilities for independent research and networking,
no teaching obligations, and a runtime of 3 years which can be further
extended. Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply. The
qualification goal is a move towards a permanent professor position
(see [3] for success stories of former MathCoRe PostDocs). The topic
should be related to complexity reduction (e.g., extended
formulations, lifted Newton methods, error-controled surrogate models,
model order reduction, ...). Please check the list of principal
investigators on [1] and contact whoever is scientifically close to
discuss possible topics you could apply with. The deadline is July 25,
2021. We are also continuously recruiting PhD students from any of the
above-mentioned mathematical areas, preferably open to innovative
cross-field research supported by two supervisors from different
areas. There is no deadline.
See [2] for further details and instructions on how to apply.
From: Ed Saff [email protected]
Date: June 07, 2021
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 53 (3)
Constructive Approximation
Volume 53, Issue 3, 2021
Table of Contents
Unregularized Online Algorithms with Varying Gaussians, Baobin Wang
and Ting Hu
Gegenbauer and Other Planar Orthogonal Polynomials on an Ellipse in
the Complex Plane, Gernot Akemann, Taro Nagao, Ivan Parra, and
Graziano Vernizzi
Planar Sampling Sets for the Short-Time Fourier Transform, Philippe
Jaming and Michael Speckbacher
Besov Spaces Induced by Doubling Weights, Atte Reijonen
Chebyshev Multivariate Polynomial Approximation and Point Reduction
Procedure, Nadezda Sukhorukova, Julien Ugon, and David Yost
On Baker's Patchwork Conjecture for Diagonal Pade Approximants,
D.S. Lubinsky
Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer
End of Digest