NA Digest, V. 21, # 5
NA Digest Monday, February 08, 2021 Volume 21 : Issue 5
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Nashlib update and consolidation
- CEMRACS, Data Assimilation and Reduced Modeling, Jul-Aug 2021
- Modelling the Cardiac Function, ONLINE, Jul 2021
- Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Germany, Sep 2022
- Full Professor Position, TU Eindhoven
- Assistant Professor Positions, CMSE, MSU
- Junior Professorship Position, NA, Univ of Jena
- Senior Lecturer Position, Applied Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
- Senior Lecturer Position, Data Science, UNSW Sydney
- Lecturer Position, Applied Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
- Lecturer Position, Data Science, UNSW Sydney
- Lecturer Position, Pure Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
- Multiple Positions, Computer Science, Ecole Polytechnique, France
- Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Goettingen
- PhD Position, Optimization, Helmut-Schmidt-Univ Hamburg, Germany
- PhD Positions, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
- CFP, J Comput Appl Math Honoring Luc Wuytack
- CFP, JANO Special Issue on Projection and Splitting Methods
- Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 20 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: John C Nash [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Nashlib update and consolidation
An exchange of emails between Peter Olsen and John Nash has led to a
modest project to bring together various implementations of the
pseudo-code algorithms from Nash J. C. "Compact Numerical Methods for
Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation", Adam Hilger:
Bristol, 1979. There was a 1990 Second Edition with Turbo Pascal codes
which are part of the netlib collection.
The codes have turned out to be surprisingly resilient and have
evolved as they have been applied, in particular in the R project.
Codes and documentation are being collected and edited so they all are
runable at
We believe the collection may prove useful:
- as a repository of different versions of the codes, possibly with additio=
of the extensions that have appeared over the nearly half century since
some were initially coded.
- as a source of modest student or learning projects to code the
algorithms in different programming languages e.g., Matlab/Octave or
C. Python and R are the current goals. Fortran, BASIC and Pascal
are well- represented.
- as a resource for exploring the influence of resource and
programming language features on software design.
- as a base for specialised implementations e.g., a multiprecision
version of an SVD code has been built, where the short code was
helpful to adapting to the programming language extensions.
We welcome interest and collaboration.
John Nash and Peter Olsen
From: Fabio Nobile [email protected]
Date: February 02, 2021
Subject: CEMRACS, Data Assimilation and Reduced Modeling, Jul-Aug 2021
CEMRACS is a summer program aiming at bringing together scientists
from both the academic and industrial communities to work on and
discuss focused topics. The program includes a one-week summer school
followed by 5 weeks of research sessions on projects proposed by
academic and industrial partners. The next CEMRACS 2021 will be on
"Data Assimilation and Reduced Modeling for High Dimensional Problems"
and will be held at CIRM (Luminy, France), Jul 19 - Aug 27, 2021.
Confirmed speakers of the summer school (Jul 19-23) are: Albert Cohen
(Sorbonne University); Masoumeh Dashti (University of Sussex); Eric
Moulines (Ecole Polytechnique); Anthony Nouy (Ecole Centrale de
Nantes); Claudia Schillings (Mannheim University)
More information at
Participants may register to the summer school only or to the entire
program. Junior participants may apply for fellowships to cover part
or the whole stay. Registration and application for fellowships will
be open soon. People interested in submitting a research project
should contact the organizers at [email protected] We also
encourage the students and young researchers interested in
participating to contact the organizers.
From: Luca Paglieri [email protected]
Date: February 08, 2021
Subject: Modelling the Cardiac Function, ONLINE, Jul 2021
2021 iHEART Online Congress
Modelling the Cardiac Function
July 1-3, 2021
This congress aims at highlighting the state of the art in the
mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the cardiac
function and its clinical applications. The event will take place
online and it will host plenary lectures from distinguished scientists
as well as contributed talks.
Plenary speakers: Antonio Frontera (Ospedale San Raffaele, IT); Boyce
Griffith (University of North Carolina, USA); Julius M. Guccione
(University of California San Francisco, CA USA); Gianluca Pontone
(Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IT); Kenji Takizawa (Waseda University,
Tokyo JP); Natalia Trayanova (Johns Hopkins University, MD USA);
Alessandro Veneziani (Emory University, Atlanta GA USA)
This is the fifth Conference of the series MPF - Modelling the
Physiological Flows and is organized by MOX - Politecnico di Milano,
with the support of the EU ERC - ADG - Advanced Grant iHEART - Project
ID: 740132
Contributed talks (15 min) are welcome. Deadline for Abstract
submission is April 30, 2021. For more information, abstract
submission and registration, visit
From: Lars Gruene [email protected]
Date: February 01, 2021
Subject: Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Germany, Sep 2022
The 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks
and Systems (MTNS 2022) will be held on 12-16 September 2022 in
Bayreuth, Germany.
MTNS is a major symposium in the general area of mathematical systems
theory, networks and control. The symposium is interdisciplinary and
attracts mathematicians, engineers and researchers working in all
aspects of systems and control theory and its applications. The
symposium is held every two years. Mathematical methods which play a
role in the areas mentioned above stem from a broad range of fields of
pure and applied mathematics, including ordinary and partial
differential equations, real and complex analysis, numerical analysis,
optimization, probability theory and stochastic analysis, operator
theory, linear and commutative algebra as well as algebraic and
differential geometry. Application areas range from biology,
communications and mathematical finance to problems in electrical,
mechanical, aerospace and chemical engineering, and robotics.
We are looking forward to a stimulating symposium with exciting talks
and discussions. For more information see
From: Michiel Hochstenbach [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Full Professor Position, TU Eindhoven
We have a position for a Full Professor Data-Driven Computational
Science; please see:
From: Daniel Appel=C3=B6 [email protected]
Date: January 29, 2021
Subject: Assistant Professor Positions, CMSE, MSU
We are delighted to let you know that the Dept. of Computational
Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE; at
Michigan State University is inviting applications for multiple Fixed-
term Assistant Professor positions with a starting date of Fall 2021.
We are interested in exceptional candidates with experience in
computational or data science who can teach flagship courses in these
areas. Successful candidates will receive training in research-based
teaching pedagogy, will have the opportunity to perform research in
collaboration with CMSE faculty members, and will be able to
participate in a range of additional professional development
opportunities. Applications received by February 22, 2021 will
receive full consideration.
The official advertisement for this search is found at
and contains additional details.
Please direct all questions to Arjun Krishnan ([email protected]; Search
committee chair).
From: Dietmar Gallistl [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2021
Subject: Junior Professorship Position, NA, Univ of Jena
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of
Jena invites applications for the position of a Junior Professorship
(W1, fixed-term) in Numerical Analysis, which is available from 1st
October 2021.
The application deadline is 4th March 2021. More details about the
position and the application process can be found at
From: Josef Dick [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Senior Lecturer Position, Applied Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
Actively carry out research in an area of applied mathematics that
aligns with the research strengths in the School, with a view to
publication in influential and high-impact scholarly
journals. Mathematicians working at the interface of applied
mathematics and data science are particularly encouraged to apply.
From: Jake Olivier [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Senior Lecturer Position, Data Science, UNSW Sydney
The Senior Lecturer in Data Science will; (i) conduct research in this
specialized field and align, where possible, with the existing
research strengths in the School; (ii) contribute actively to the
School's teaching activities in Data Science and Statistics across a
range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including online
teaching; (iii) engage with the community and industry to build links
in Data Science
From: Josef DIck [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Lecturer Position, Applied Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
Actively carry out research in an area of applied mathematics that
aligns with the research strengths in the School, with a view to
publication in influential and high-impact scholarly
journals. Mathematicians working in mathematical modelling are
particularly encouraged to apply.
From: Jake Olivier [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Lecturer Position, Data Science, UNSW Sydney
The Lecturer in Data Science will; (i) conduct research in this specialized
field and align, where possible, with the existing research strengths in th=
School; (ii) contribute actively to the School=E2=80=99s teaching activitie=
s in Data
Science and Statistics across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate
courses, including online teaching; (iii) engage with the community and
industry to build links in DThe Lecturer in Data Science will; (i)
conduct research in this
specialized field and align, where possible, with the existing
research strengths in the School; (ii) contribute actively to the
School's teaching activities in Data Science and Statistics across a
range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including online
teaching; (iii) engage with the community and industry to build links
in Data Science.
From: Daniel Chan [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: Lecturer Position, Pure Mathematics, UNSW Sydney
The School of Mathematics and Statistics currently has more than sixty
continuing academic staff and more than thirty research staff as well
as visiting academics. UNSW is the only university in Australia to be
ranked in the top 100 in the world in Mathematics and Statistics by
each of the four ranking bodies: CWTS Leiden, ARWU, USNews, QS. The
School embodies a broad range of research interests in the areas of
applied and pure mathematics and statistics. In Pure Mathematics, the
School has particular research strengths in Algebra, Analysis,
Combinatorics, Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Number Theory. More
broadly, the School also has research strengths in Bayesian and Monte
Carlo Methods, Mathematical Modelling and Biomathematics,
Biostatistics and Ecology, Computational Mathematics, Data Science,
Dynamical Systems and Integrability, Data Science, Finance and Risk
Analysis, Nonparametric Statistics, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences,
Optimisation, Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Modelling and Fractional
From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2021
Subject: Multiple Positions, Computer Science, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Ecole polytechnique, leading engineering school in France, member of
IP Paris, welcomes applications for several academic positions, jobs
starting in september 2021:
- 1 Assistant Professor in Computer Science, specialty "Bioinformatics
or Machine learning", full-time position
- 1 Professor in Computer Science, specialty "Cybersecurity,
Distributed Algorithms or Computer Networking", full-time position
- 1 Professor in Computer Science, full-time position
- 1 part-time Assistant Professor in Computer Science, part-time
teaching position
- 1 part-time Assistant Professor in Computer Science specialty "Big
Data, Computer Graphics, C++", part-time teaching position
- 1 part-time Professor "Charge de cours" in Computer Science,
part-time teaching position
- 1 part-time Professor "Charge de cours" in Computer Science
specialty "Computer Networking", part-time teaching position
Full-time position holders are expected to join LIX, the joint CS lab
of Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS (
). Part-time position holders combine their teaching activity at Ecole
Polytechnique with a main job (in France) carried out in the academic
or industrial sector. Precise informations (and in particular
contacts) regarding each of these job offers are available following
the link:
Applications are open until March 15, 2021.
From: Gerlind Plonka-Hoch [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2021
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Goettingen
The Research Training Group 2088 "Discovering Structure in Complex
Data: Statistics Meets Optimization and Inverse Problems" (Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Gerlind Plonka-Hoch) at the University of Gottingen offers a
Postdoc Position (all genders welcome) in Applied Mathematics starting
as soon as possible for a period of three years. The salary is in
accordance with the German public service salary scale (E13 TV-L) with
100% of the regular working hours (currently 39.8 hours per week).
We are looking for a postdoc who has strong expertise related to at
least one of these fields: inverse problems, optimization,
mathematical statistics, data analysis, computational harmonic
analysis or mathematical signal and image processing. The candidate
shows considerable breadth in their previous research and a
willingness to explore new topics.
Your profile: an excellent Master's degree or equivalent
qualification, followed by a doctorate in mathematics with a strong
publication record; a strong background in one of the mathematical
disciplines covered by the RTG; very good English skills (written and
spoken); willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team; good
programming skills are beneficial.
Deadline is February 12, 2021. The position will be filled as soon as
possible. More information is available at
From: Kathrin Welker [email protected]
Date: February 01, 2021
Subject: PhD Position, Optimization, Helmut-Schmidt-Univ Hamburg, Germany
The Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces
in Hamburg (Germany) offers a position as a Research Assistant (f/m/d)
to be filled by a PhD student. The position is initially limited until
December 31, 2024.
The successful candidate will be working in the interdisciplinary
research project "Structural Health Monitoring" (principal
investigator: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Welker,
Helmut-Schmidt-University). The project is carried out in
collaboration with research partners from the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the
We offer the possibility to participate in special programs to promote
young scientists, funding to participate in conferences and summer
schools, new personalized IT setup and access to university
laboratories including powerful computing clusters.
Requirements for employment are a masters degree in mathematics,
programming skills and a strong background in optimization or numerical
For the job announcement, please see
or visit
The job announcement is written in german but english applications are
very welcome. Should any questions appear, please contact Prof. Dr.
Kathrin Welker ([email protected]). Applications (including at least a
cover letter, CV and certificates of academic degrees) should be
directed by e-mail to [email protected] by mentioning the
reference number MB- 5620 by February 25, 2021.
From: Michele Benzi [email protected]
Date: February 02, 2021
Subject: PhD Positions, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
Seven PhD Fellowships are available for students interested in
pursuing a PhD degree in Computational Methods and Mathematical
Modeling for the Sciences and Finance. Areas of specialization include
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Stochastic Analysis,
Computational Physics/Chemistry/Biology, and Quantitative Finance.
The application deadline is March 1. For instructions on how to apply,
please see
From: Adhemar Bultheel [email protected]
Date: January 30, 2021
Subject: CFP, J Comput Appl Math Honoring Luc Wuytack
The Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is announcing a
special issue in honor of Luc Wuytack who passed away on November 6th
2020. He was one of the founding editors of JCAM and held the role of co-
editor-in-chief until the end of 2018.
Subjects include but are not limited to computational aspects of
approximation theory, classical and modern approximation methods
ranging from rational and Pad=C3=A9 approximants to splines, methods of
numerical integration, iterative processes for solving nonlinear equations
and any other numerical approximation techniques for solving various
types of mathematical and applied problems.
This issue will contain only papers that meet the publication
standards of the journal, and that are approved by normal refereeing
More details can be found at
Guest editors are Lucia Romani (University of Bologna), Adhemar Bultheel
(KU Leuven), and Miodrag Petkovic (University of Ni=C5=A1)
Important Dates:
Submission opening: March 8th, 2021
Submission deadline: July 9th, 2021
From: Thomas Humphries [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2021
Subject: CFP, JANO Special Issue on Projection and Splitting Methods
We (Aviv Gibali, Pontus Giselsson and Thomas Humphries) are serving as
guest editors of a special issue of the new Journal of Applied and
Numerical Optimization ( focused on
Projection and splitting methods and their applications
This special issue aims at bringing together articles on recent
advances in projection and splitting methods. The topic should appeal
to researchers working in the field of mathematical optimization, for
example, variational inequalities, fixed point theory, feasibility
problems, parameter estimation, and learning.
In case you plan to contribute, we would appreciate receiving a
tentative title from you no later than April 1, 2021. The deadline for
submitting the manuscript is September 1, 2021. All your
communications regarding your submission to the special issue should
be addressed to [email protected], with copies to Editor-in-Chief Akhtar
A. Khan at [email protected] and the Editorial Office of the journal at
[email protected]. Final publication decisions on (possibly revised
versions of) all submitted articles will be made by April 1, 2022.
Hoping that you will join us on this project, with best regards on
behalf of Aviv Gibali (ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel), Pontus
Giselsson (Lund University, Sweden) and Thomas Humphries (University
of Washington Bothell, USA)
From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: January 31, 2021
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 20 (1)
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Special Issue on Fuzzy logic and its application to modeling epidemies:
Coronavirus and beyond
Vol.20, No.1, February 2021
Preface: Oscar Castillo, Zakia Hammouch, Abdon Atangana, Cruz Vargas
De Leon, Karam Allali
A study on the spread of COVID-19 in Brazil in crisp and fuzzy
environment via a mathematical model, S. Melliani, A. El Allaoui,
L.S. Chadli, S. Mondal
Algorithms for screening travelers during COVID-19 outbreak using
probabilistic dual hesitant values based on bipartite graph theory,
Harish Garg, Gagandeep Kaur
Analyzing a novel coronavirus model (COVID-19) in the sense of
Caputo-Fabrizio fractional operator, Mustafa Ali Dokuyucu, Ercan Celik
Modeling the optimal interventions to curtail the cluster based
COVID-19 pandemic in India: efficacy of prevention measures, Tanvi,
Rajiv Aggarwal, Ashutosh Rajput
Forecasting of the Istanbul stock exchange (ISE) return with a golden
ratio model in the epidemic of COVID-19, O. Oztunc Kaymak, Y. Kaymak,
N. Ozdemir
Application of similarity measure in pattern recognition of COVID-19
spread and its effects in Pakistan, Muhammad Saeed, Asad Mehmood,
Thabet Abdeljawad, Muhammad Haris Saeed, Muhammad Asim
An adaptive neuro fuzzy modelling and prediction system for diagnosis
of COVID-19, Aditya Khamparia, Rajat Jain, Poonam Rani, Deepak Gupta,
Ashish Khanna, Oscar Castillo
A stochastic mathematical model for COVID-19 according to different
age groups, A. Babaei, H. Jafari, S. Banihashemi, M. Ahmadi
A fuzzy-based strategy to suppress the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
massive outbreak, Tie-Hong Zhao, Oscar Castillo, Hadi Jahanshahi,
Abdullahi Yusuf, Madini O. Alassafi, Fawaz E. Alsaadi, Yu-Ming Chu
A fractional multi-order model to predict the COVID-19 outbreak in
Morocco, Abdelouahed Alla Hamou, Elhoussine Azrou, Zakia Hammouch,
Abdelilah Lamrani Alaoui
End of Digest