NA Digest, V. 19, # 50
NA Digest Tuesday, December 31, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 50
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Robert van de Geijn [email protected]
Date: December 24, 2019
Subject: Massive Open Online Courses for Spring 2020
We will be offering four MOOCs on, of interest to the NADigest
community, starting Jan 15, 2020:
- Advanced Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers (ALAFF), offered
for the first time. This is a full-semester graduate course on
numerical linear algebra. These materials can be used for
self-study, as a supplement to tradition textbooks, and/or as an
alternative to such textbooks. Materials will be released
incrementally as the semester progresses.
- Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers (LAFF), offered for the
tenth time. This is a full-semester introduction to linear algebra
designed with those interested in computing in mind.
- LAFF-On Programming for Correctness, offered for the third time. It
is a 6 week course that teaches some of the core mathematics that
underlies reasoning about programming, with an application to matrix
computations. The techniques have been key to the development of
the libflame library, an alternative to LAPACK.
- LAFF-On Programming for High Performance, offered for the second
time. This is a 4 week course that uses matrix-matrix
multiplication to teach core ideas of high performance. Learners
discover some of the basic techniques that underlie the BLAS-like
Library Instantiation Software (BLIS) framework. A related paper
will receive the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Best Paper
Prize in February 2020.
These courses can be audited for free or taken for a Verified
Certificate ($49). Related materials are also made available for
free, independent of these courses. For additional information, visit
Please help raise awareness of these opportunities.
From: Elise DE DONCKER [email protected]
Date: December 26, 2019
Subject: CFP, Large Scale Computational Science, Italy, Jul 2020
This is an invitation for contributions for the Workshop on Large
Scale Computational Science (LSCS), to be held with ICCSA 2020,
July 1-4, 2020 in Cagliari, Italy,
The LSCS workshop focuses on numerical and symbolic methods and
simulations, algorithms and tools for developing and running large
scale computations. Apart from traditional algorithms, problem solving
tools include techniques such as neural networks and machine learning.
Parallelism, scalability and numerical precision are important in view
of the large computational requirements and data, as well as system
architectures supporting the applications: massively parallel systems,
GPUs, many-integrated-cores, hybrid systems and distributed (cluster,
grid/cloud) environments. Applications will be considered from areas
including computational mathematics and statistics, computational
physics, fluid dynamics, quantum physics, molecular dynamics,
materials science/nanotechnology, computational biology/medicine, bio-
and neuroinformatics, environmental and climate modeling.
Themes: Large scale computations, massive parallelism, modeling,
simulations, data and applications
Paper submission:
Deadline (tentatively): March 15, 2020
Format: 10-16 pages in LNCS format, see the ICCSA Conference URL at for detailed information
From: Scott Field [email protected]
Date: December 29, 2019
Subject: Six Postdoc Positions, Brown Univ, ICERM
We invite applications for postdoctoral positions as part of a
semester-long Fall 2020 program on "Advances in Computational
Relativity" ( at ICERM, Brown
University in Providence.
For full consideration, applicants must submit an AMS Standard Cover
Sheet, cover letter, curriculum vitae (including publication list),
research statement, and three letters of recommendation. While
priority will be given to applications received before January 4,
2020, we will continue to accept applications until all six
appointments are filled.
Please apply through MathJobs:
Brown University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer
and encourages applications from women and minorities.
From: Carlos Fonseca [email protected]
Date: December 25, 2019
Subject: Contents, Special Matrices, 7 (1)
Special Matrices, 2019
All papers are now available at:
Special Matrices is indexed to SCOPUS, Web of Science, MATHSCINET,
zbMATH, and other major databases.
Self-dual Leonard pairs, by Nomura, Kazumasa / Terwilliger, Paul
Bidiagonalization of (k, k + 1)-tridiagonal matrices, by Takahira,
S. / Sogabe, T. / Usuda, T.S.
Some matrix properties preserved by generalized matrix functions, by
Benzi, Michele / Huang, Ru
Some Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for operator convex functions
and positive maps, by Dragomir, S. S.
Explicit determinants, inverses and eigenvalues of four band Toeplitz
matrices with perturbed rows, by Zhang, Maoyun / Jiang, Xiaoyu /
Jiang, Zhaolin
Infinite dimensional generalizations of Choi's Theorem, by Friedland,
Best linear unbiased estimation for varying probability with and
without replacement sampling, by Haslett, Stephen
Determinant of binary circulant matricesm, by Hariprasad, M.
On computing the minimum singular value of a tensor sum, by Ohashi,
A. / Sogabe, T.
Construction of generalized rotations and quasi-orthogonal matrices,
by Verde-Star, Luis
A note on multilevel Toeplitz matrices, by Cao, Lei / Koyuncu, Selcuk
Computational methods for difference families in finite abelian
groups, by Dokovic, Dragomir Z. / Kotsireas, Ilias S.
On relationships between two linear subspaces and two orthogonal
projectors, by Tian, Yongge
Special Issue Dedicated to Charles R. Johnson
Frobenius normal forms of doubly stochastic matrices, by Paparella,
A note on the eigenvalue free intervals of some classes of signed
threshold graphs, by Andelic, Milica / Koledin, Tamara / Stanic, Zoran
A note on completing quasi-distance and distance matrices, by Zhang,
Yulin / Costa, A. Veloso da / Simoes-Pereira, J. M. S.
Toeplitz nonnegative realization of spectra via companion matrices, by
Collao, Macarena / Salas, Mario / Soto, Ricardo L.
Updating a map of sufficient conditions for the real nonnegative
inverse eigenvalue problem, by Marijuan, C. / Pisonero, M. / Soto,
Ricardo L.
The location of classified edges due to the change in the geometric
multiplicity of an eigenvalue in a tree, by Toyonaga, Kenji
Numerical construction of structured matrices with given eigenvalues,
by Sutton, Brian D.
The integer cp-rank of 2 x 2 matrices, by Laffey, Thomas / Smigoc,
Achievable multiplicity partitions in the inverse eigenvalue problem
of a graph, by Adm, Mohammad / Fallat, Shaun / Meagher, Karen /
Nasserasr, Shahla / Plosker, Sarah / Yang, Boting
The almost semimonotone matrices, by Wendler, Megan
Extensions of the Enestrom-Kakeya theorem for matrix polynomials, by
Melman, A.
Diagonalizable matrices whose graph is a tree: the minimum number of
distinct eigenvalues and the feasibility of eigenvalue assignments, by
Saiago, Carlos M.
Inertias of Laplacian matrices of weighted signed graphs, Monfared, K.
Hassani / MacGillivray, G. / Olesky, D. D. / van den Driessche, P.
End of Digest