NA Digest, V. 19, # 48

NA Digest Monday, December 16, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 48

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Pavel Solin [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2019
Subject: New Self-Paced Linear Algebra Course

Our team is looking for partner instructors to beta-test a new
innovative Linear Algebra course with their students. This interactive
free online course allows students to actively learn in the classroom
or at home at their own pace.

This short video explains how the course works:

The course was first officially piloted at the University of Nevada,
Reno (UNR) in Fall 2019, and it received overwhelmingly positive
student feedback. Student scores improved by 21 % compared to
traditional instruction.

The course page provides
more details about the course including the syllabus, additional
materials, teaching tips and student feedback.

If interested, please contact me at [email protected] or request
instructor access on the page of the course.

From: Stephan Rave [email protected]
Date: December 16, 2019
Subject: Software Release, pyMOR 2019.2

The pyMOR development team is happy to announce the release of version
2019.2 of pyMOR (

pyMOR is a software library for building model order reduction
applications with the Python programming language. Implemented
algorithms include reduced basis methods for parametric linear and
non-linear problems, as well as system-theoretic methods such as
balanced truncation or IRKA. All algorithms in pyMOR are formulated in
terms of abstract interfaces for seamless integration with external
PDE solver packages. Moreover, pure Python implementations of finite
element and finite volume discretizations using the NumPy/SciPy
scientific computing stack are provided for getting started quickly.

Highlights of this release are:

- Improved model and reductor design makes pyMOR easier to extend.
- Extended VectorArray interface with generic complex number support.
- Improved and extended system-theoretic MOR methods.
- Builtin support for model outputs and parameter sensitivities.

The full release notes can be found under the following address:

From: Kees Oosterlee [email protected]
Date: December 13, 2019
Subject: New Book, Mathematical Modeling and Computation in Finance

I am happy to announce our new book "Mathematical Modeling and
Computation in Finance", by Cornelis Oosterlee and Lech Grzelak. We
discuss financial option pricing, SDE modelling of asset prices,
interest rates, and foreign-exchange financial products, next to
modern risk management. Fourier methods and Monte Carlo simulation are
explained for the numerical valuation. Codes (Python and MATLAB) that
generate the results in the book's figures and tables are provided, as
well as answers to the Exercises.

Book details:

From: Pietro Zanotti [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2019
Subject: Structure, Regularity and Robustness in the Approximation of PDEs, Italy, Feb 2020

The workshop Structure, Regularity and Robustness in the Approximation
of Partial Differential Equations will be held on Monday, February 10,
2020 at the Department of Mathematics of the Universita degli Studi di

The following speakers have confirmed their participation
- Remi Abgrall
- Lourenco Beirao da Veiga
- Emmanuil Georgoulis
- Ralf Hiptmair
- Christian Kreuzer
- Alexander Linke
- Gianluigi Rozza
- Giancarlo Sangalli

The participation is free of charge. Please register sending an email
to [email protected] not later than February 3, 2020.

The program of the workshop will be made available at the webpage

From: Tobias von Petersdorff [email protected]
Date: December 11, 2019
Subject: Sayas Numerics Day, USA, May 2020

SAYAS NUMERICS DAY (formerly DelMar Numerics Day) is an annual
workshop which aims to display the research diversity of computational
mathematics in Maryland, Delaware and vicinity.

The meeting is named in honor of Francisco Javier Sayas
(1968-2019). In addition to his many other achievements, he played a
key role in establishing and running DelMar Numerics Day, and was
dedicated to its mission of giving especially younger mathematicians
an opportunity to share their work.

SAYAS NUMERICS DAY will be held on Saturday, May 9, 2020 from 9:00am
to 5:50pm at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

The keynote talk will be
Nonlocal Modeling, Analysis and Computation: Recent Developments
by Qiang Du (Columbia University).

In addition there will be 12 contributed talks, selected by the
scientific committee to represent diverse topics of research in
computational mathematics.

Registration is free. We particularly encourage graduate students and
young researchers to attend and submit talks. The deadline for
submitting talks is April 12, 2020.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: December 13, 2019
Subject: IMA Energy Efficient Computing, UK, Jun 2020

11-12 June 2020, Bristol, UK

Energy consumption in data processing tasks is growing exponentially
worldwide. The data industry could use around 20% of all the global
electricity by 2025, disrupting targets to avoid climate change and
straining even more power supply networks. In order to mitigate this
scenario, it is necessary to understand which are the fundamental
physical limits of computation from an energy perspective and which
are the best technologies that can provide computing capabilities
close to that limit. In order to achieve this goal a complete
multidisciplinary approach is required. The first IMA Conference on
Energy Efficient Computing aims to bring together researchers working
on all areas of physics, engineering and computer science with a
special focus on the efficiency of computation. The idea is to
highlight the depth and sophistication of ideas and techniques used in
this field and to foster cooperation between researchers working in
different areas.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Fundamental limits
of computation; Physics of computation; Neuromorphic engineering;
Energy harvesting; Devices; Computer architecture; Embedded systems;
Programming models; High performance computing; Case studies; Cyber

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 400 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. We welcome abstracts to be
submitted by 15 March 2020 via Please indicate
whether your title is intended for oral 'presentation' or 'poster'

From: Alexander Ostermann [email protected]
Date: December 13, 2019
Subject: Summer School on Kinetic Equations, Italy, Jun 2020

The 17th Dobbiaco Summer School in Numerical Analysis will take place
from June 28 to July 3, 2020 in Dobbiaco/Toblach in northern Italy.

The topic of the school is Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations.

The confirmed speakers are
- Eric Sonnendruecker (MPI for Plasma Physics and TU Munich)
- Lukas Einkemmer (University of Innsbruck)

The school is mainly intended for PhD students and young
researchers. An additional poster session will be organized.

Registration is now open. The deadline for early bird registration is
April 30, 2020. Please note that the number of participants is

For more information, see

From: Benjamin Sanderse [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2019
Subject: Tenure Track Position, CWI Scientific Computing, Amsterdam

Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Dutch national research
institute for mathematics and computer science in Amsterdam, invites
enthusiastic and highly talented researchers to apply for a

Tenure track position in the area of Machine Learning and Partial
Differential Equations

Job description: CWI is looking for an excellent applied mathematician
with research interests in machine learning, partial differential
equations and scientific computing. You have profound expertise in one
or more of these areas; preferably, you combine them in your
research. Furthermore, you have an interest in applications relevant
to the Scientific Computing research group: multiscale systems,
climate, finance, renewable energy, and computational fluid dynamics.

The tenure track position will be in the Scientific Computing research
group at CWI. Current research topics of the group include uncertainty
quantification, data assimilation, multiscale modeling and simulation,
data- driven stochastic modeling, numerical algorithms for stochastic
differential equations, Monte Carlo methods and rare event simulation.

For more information, please visit

We especially invite qualified women to apply.

Please e-mail your application before 15 January 2020 to [email protected]

From: Prof. Colin Cotter [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Assistant/Associate Professor Position, Applied/NA, Imperial College London

The Depatment of Mathematics at Imperial College London (UK) has a
position open in Applied and Numerical Analysis targetting an Lecturer
(Assistant Professor in UK-speak) or Senior Lecturer (Associate
Professor in UK-speak) hire. We particularly seek applications from
researchers with expertise in control theory, optimization,
uncertainty quantification, inverse problems, partial differential
equations, numerical analysis of PDEs, machine learning, mathematics
of data science, stochastic modelling and stochastic differential
equations, as well as those with a track record of interdisciplinary
research in the physical and social sciences, biology, engineering,
and/or Data Science.

The application deadline is 15th January 2019.

For more information and to reach the application form, please use
this link:

From: Euan Spence [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2019
Subject: Assistant Professor Positions, Univ of Bath, UK.

We are seeking applicants for 2 Assistant Professor positions in the
Mathematics and Statistics of Data Science, where "Data Science" is
interpreted broadly to include relevant parts of Statistics, Applied
Probability, Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing, Networks,
Applied Analysis, and the interfaces between these areas.

Application deadline: January 20, 2020.

Full advertisement:

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: KTU Research Technician Position, Applied Statistics

In the framework of the BCAM "Maths & Artificial Intelligence"
strategy, a series of projects in this field will be launched in
different areas of Applied Mathematics. This project is titled "Health
cost analysis with large and incomplete data". Based on a database of
more than forty million records, the project aims at studying and
describing health- related costs. The objectives will focus on (1)
automating the workflow that will allow obtaining (and managing) the
data, and (2) defining the statistical analyses to be performed.

Master's degree in Statistics, Computer Science, or a closely related
field. Strong background in Statistics and Mathematics. Fluency in
spoken and written English. Ability to analyse data, perform
statistical analysis and interpret results. Strong analytical and
problem-solving skills. Strong programming skills Good interpersonal
skills. Ability to effectively communicate and present research ideas
to researchers and stakeholders with different backgrounds.
Demonstrated high level written and oral communication skills.
Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a
collaborative research team.

The preferred candidate will have: Strong background in Statistics and
Mathematics. Demonstrated knowledge in advanced statistical methods
and/or machine learning techniques. Good programming skills in R
and/or Python. Research experience in interdisciplinary applications
(e.g.: Health, Energy).

DEADLINE: January 8th 2019, 14:00 CET (UTC+1)

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Research Technician Position, Deep Learning

Deep Learning methods and imaging algorithms applied to Geophysics.

In the framework of Simulation of Wave Propagation research group, we
are looking for a Research Technician in Deep Learning to join the

Master's degree in Sciences or Engineering. Strong background in
Mathematics. Fluency in spoken and written English and Spanish.

The preferred candidate will have: A genuine passion for sciences and
project management. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to effectively
communicate and present research ideas to researchers with different
backgrounds. Experience writing LaTeX documents. Demonstrated
high-level written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated
ability to work independently and as part of a collaborative research

Work on Deep Learning methods and imaging algorithms applied to
Geophysics. Technical project management and support for preparation
of reports. Participation in project management activities and
coordinating team efforts. Contribution to the dissemination
activities of collaborative research projects. Collaboration in
knowledge transfer projects with industry and research entities.

DEADLINE: 8TH January 2019, 14:00 CET (UTC+1)

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, CFD Modelling and Simulation

Mesoscopic Fluid Dynamics Modelling and Simulation of Espresso Coffee

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in mesoscopic
modelling of espresso coffee extraction at the CFD group (BCAM) in
collaboration with the Illycaffe. The percolation of hot water
through ground coffee represents a complex thermo-fluid dynamics
process where particulates and aromatics migrate from the grains into
the brew. From a coffee cup quality point of view it is necessary to
model accurately the mass transfer occurring during the process,
focusing on the solubilization of key odorant and taste-wise compounds
from the roasted coffee phase. In fact, distinct compound kinetics
generally lead to an altered balance in the final cup depending on
extraction times, ground coffee granulometry, applied pressures and
temperatures resulting, finally, in a highly variable sensorial
experience. The goal of this project is to use and further develop an
existing simulation framework (based on Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics and Dissipative Particle Dynamics techniques) to control
and engineer coffee flavors by 'virtually' monitoring the balance of
specific key-odorant or taste-actives compounds in the beverage under
unexplored flow processing conditions. The postdoctoral candidate
will work under the supervision of Ikerbasque Prof. Marco Ellero (CFD
group, BCAM) on the developments and use of mesoscopic
particle-simulation methods to better understand the mesoscopic
extraction kinetics. He/she will also interact closely, both with the
Illycaffe R&D Department in Trieste, Italy (Dr. Luciano Navarini), and
with experimental groups at the College of Engineering (Swansea
University UK) where X-ray micro-CT techniques will be used to
morphologically characterize the ground coffee microstructure.

Promising young researchers. Applicants must have their PhD completed
before the contract starts. PhD degree preferable in Physics, Applied
Mathematics, Chemical/Mechanical Engineering Good communication and
interpersonal skills. Ability to effectively communicate and present
research ideas to researchers with different background (e.g.,
mathematicians and engineers). Ability to clearly present and publish
research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written (papers) form. Good
command of spoken and written English.

The preferred candidate will have: Background in fluid mechanics,
rheology, soft matter, particulate systems or complex fluids.
Experience in modelling and simulation using particle methods such as
smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), dissipative particle dynamics
(DPD) or molecular dynamics (MD) is required. Knowledge of C/C++ or
Fortran programming languages is required. Experience in parallel
programming for HPC is desirable.

DEADLINE: 8th January 2019, 14:00 CET (UTC+1)

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, Geometric Modeling and Manufacturing

Geometric Modeling and Manufacturing

The researcher will work on a research project in the framework of
ADAM^2: Analysis, Design and Manufacturing, using Microstructures,
funded by FET Open Project #862025. Possible research topics include,
but are not limited to: simulations of 5-axis hybrid manufacturing, in
particular 3D printing and 5-axis computer numerically controlled
(CNC) machining, free-form surface rationalization, and tool-shape
design and optimization. Previous experience in geometric modeling
projects is particularly welcome.

Promising young researchers. Applicants should have their PhD
completed before 31.12.2019. PhD degree in mathematics, computer
science, or related area. Ability to effectively communicate and
present research ideas to researchers with different background.
Ability to clearly present and publish research outcomes in spoken
(talks) and written (papers) form. High level of spoken and written
English. Good communication and interpersonal skills.

The researcher will work on a research project in the framework of
ADAM^2: Analysis, Design and Manufacturing, using Microstructures,
funded by FET Open Project #862025. Possible research topics include,
but are not limited to: simulations of 5-axis hybrid manufacturing, in
particular 3D printing and 5-axis computer numerically controlled
(CNC) machining, free-form surface rationalization, and tool-shape
design and optimization. Previous experience in geometric modeling
projects is particularly welcome.

DEADLINE: 08.01.2020

From: Jose A Cuminato [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Brazil

Post-Doc position in Modelling the Wheatley heart valve

This project involves the mathematical modelling of blood flow from
the left ventricle into and through a novel heart valve. The flow
emerges from the left ventricle as spiral flow and enters the aortic
valve. This artificial valve consists of a titanium ring attached to a
special flexible polymer with a complex mathematical shape designed to
rapidly open during systole and close rapidly during diastole. It has
three leaflets (flaps) which may be modelled as curved elastic plates.

Thus the modelling problem involves fluid/structure interaction. The
fluid (blood) may require to be treated as non-Newtonian.

The candidate will need to have expertise in computational fluid
dynamics, elasticity and a good working knowledge of a fluid
simulation package and a high-level programing language.

The candidate will be based in Sao Carlos, Brazil and will be required
to spend some time at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK. The post is
initially for one year and can be renewed for another two depending on

To apply, please send a CV and a reference letter to
[email protected] . Applications are open until Jan/31st, 2020.

From: J. Lu [email protected]
Date: December 14, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computer Vision/Machine Learning, SZU

Job Type: Full-Time
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 positions

Salary: about 350,000 RMB (50,000 US dollars) per year, of which
180,000 RMB per year is after tax.

Closing Date: Open Until Filled

Requirements: no more than 35 years old and PhD degree within 3 years.

Description: We have projects that are looking for Postdoc in Computer
Vision, Machine Learning, Image/Video/Signal Processing/Analysis,
Mathematical Imaging, Optimization, Inverse Problems, etc.

We have no teaching tasks and Check-in/Check-out policy.

- Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine Learning
and Applications, Shenzhen University)
- Prof. Ke Chen (University of Liverpool)
- Prof. Lixin Shen (Syracuse University)
- Prof. Yiqiu Dong (Technical University of Denmark)

Those who are interested in Research Scientist please send their C.V.
to Prof. Jian Lu, Emails: [email protected], [email protected]

From: Dirk Lorenz [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Position, Inverse Problems, TU Braunschweig

A three year research position is available at the Institute of
Analysis and Algebra at the TU Braunschweig inthe group of
Prof. Lorenz. The preferred starting data is March, 2020 but later
start is possible.

The successful candidate will work in the project ``Model-based damage
analysis'' within the Research Unit FOR3022 ``Ultrasonic Monitoring of
Fibre Metal Laminates Using Integrated Sensors'' funded by the
DFG. The project in concerned with the inverse problem of damage
identification in fibre metal laminates by guided waves.

The position is suitable for a PhD student or a postdoc a strong
background in numerical analysis is required, preferred numerical
method for partial differential equations and knowledge in inverse
problems is a plus.

The base salary for the position if according to 75\% of the TVL E13
pay scale. A successful postdoctoral applicant will be offered an
upgrade to a 100\% position from other sources.

Equally qualified severely challenged persons will be given
preference. The TU Braunschweig especially encourages women to apply
for the position. Please send your application including CV, copies of
certificates and letters of recommendation (if any) in electronic form
via e-mail to Dirk Lorenz, [email protected]

Application deadline: 31.01.2020

From: Frank Knoben [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Position, RWTH Aachen, Germany

At the Chair for Numerical Mathematics of the RWTH Aachen University
we offer a full ph.d. / postdoc position in the field of Numerical

In our group we work on the analysis, implementation and application
of numerical simulation methods for partial differential equations.
Main research topics are on numerical methods for two-phase
incompressible flow problems and for partial differential equations on

For all information and to apply by February 1, 2020, please visit

More information on these topics can be found on and .

From: Anton Arnold [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2019
Subject: Predoc Position, Numerical Analysis, TU-Vienna, Austria

- job vacancy in the research group of Anton Arnold, at TU Vienna, 30
- start: 2.1.2020 (or soon after), 4 years
- annual gross salary: 30.077 EUR

Scientific topic: Numerical methods for highly oscillatory
differential equations. The successful candidate will work on the
project "Numerical methods for highly oscillatory differential
equations", in a collaboration between TU Vienna, University of
Vienna, and University of Bourgogne (Dijon).

Highly oscillatory scattering problems appear in many wave propagation
models (from acoustics, electronics, quantum mechanics -
e.g. Schrodinger equation in the classical limit). The goal of this
project is to develop and analyze efficient numerical methods that do
not need to resolve each oscillation. Possible aspects of the PhD
research include:
- hybrid (analytical-numerical) scheme for vector systems and 2D
- coupling of such WKB-based methods to the Landau-Zener formula close
to eigenvalue crossings
- error analysis

An association with the ongoing doctoral school "Dissipation and
dispersion in nonlinear partial differential equations" is offered,
for details see: Thus the PhD candidate
can benefit from the collaboration between the three universities
through workshops, research stays, and courses. The candidate will be
part of a network of researchers on all levels (PhD candidates,
post-docs, professors) envolved in the doctoral school.

- completed master or diploma studies in mathematics.
- solid knowledge of (partial) differential equations and numerical
analysis; programming experience (e.g. Matlab)

The position comes with a teaching load of max. 4h/week (exercise
classes). Initially teaching in English is OK.

Application for position # 472.3.3: via e-mail to
[email protected] ; deadline 16.12.2019

For further scientific information contact: [email protected]

From: Dirk Lorenz [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Deep Learning, TU Braunschweig

The group of Prof. Dirk Lorenz at the Institute of Analysis and
Algebra has an open (possible two, depending on grant approval) PhD
position for a Scientific Assistant (75% TV-L EG13). The position is
available from April 1, 2020 and is initially limited to three years.

The scientific focus of the group includes optimization, inverse
problems, machine learning, and mathematical imaging. Besides teaching
and research, the position includes work in projects or preparation of

If you have a degree (Masters or Diploma) in mathematics (possibly
computer science) above average, focus on optimization and/or
numerical mathematics and applications, e.g. imaging or machine
learning, have programming skills in MATLAB, Julia and/or Python, have
good knowledge of German and/or English, have the capacity for
teamwork and independent work, we look forward to your application. If
you even have experience with the training of neural networks or even
graph networks, it's even better.

Equally qualified severely challenged persons will be given
preference. The TU Braunschweig especially encourages women to apply
for the position. Please send your application including CV, copies of
certificates and letters of recommendation (if any) in electronic form
via e-mail to Dirk Lorenz, [email protected].

From: Johan Hoffman [email protected]
Date: December 10, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, KTH

In Europe cardiovascular diseases acount for 45% of all deaths. In
this project we seek to develop personalized simulation models for
improved treatment of heart disease, with a focus on heart valve
disease. You will work with a multidisciplinary research team
involving experts from clinical medicine, medical imaging, data
analysis and scientific computing. Your specific task is to develop a
finite element model of the blood flow in the heart which is
calibrated to patient-specific imaging data, to be used to simulate
clinical interventions with the purpose to improve diagnosis and
treatment of heart disease. You will learn about numerical methods for
solving partial differential equations, specifically finite element
methods; how to use such methods to model the biomechanics of the
human heart, including fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction;
and how to implement the methods as efficient software components
using high performance computing technologies.

Johan Hoffman

For more information on the position:

From: Jose E Castillo [email protected]
Date: December 08, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Science, Southern California

The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Computational Science is aimed
at training scientists and engineers who will create advanced
computational methods and tools to model and solve challenging
problems at the intersections of scientific disciplines. The doctoral
program offers coursework and research in a broad range of subjects
that develop expertise in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific
Computing with applications to Biological Science, Earth Science,
Engineering Science, Health, Physical and/or Chemical Science. UCI and
SDSU campuses are recognized as Hispanic Serving Institutions offering
a welcoming and supportive environment for diverse students. Admitted
graduate students are offered a range of financial assistance options
while they are pursuing advanced degrees, including Teaching,
Graduate, and Research Assistantships and Fellowships. Applicants with
strong backgrounds in mathematics, physical, biological and geological
sciences, computer science, and engineering are invited to apply.
Please check our website for details regarding the doctoral program
and the application process.


From: Sabine Le Borne [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Hamburg Univ of Technology

The Math Department of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH,
Germany) is offering two PhD/Postdoc positions to contribute to
research projects in (one of) the fields of modeling, simulation and
optimization. Candidates will be integrated into the newly established
Research Training Group "Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of
Fluid Dynamic Applications".

Besides research, the position includes teaching responsibilities (in
German, predominantly "Analysis for Engineers"). The position is
available April 1, 2020, for a duration of three years. The salary
level is according to the German public service regulation (TV-L 13).

For additional information, please refer to

The application deadline is Jan 17, 2020.

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: December 12, 2019
Subject: Phd Fellowship Position, Computational Mathematics

Geometric Modeling and Manufacturing

The researcher will work on a research project in the framework of
ADAM^2: Analysis, Design and Manufacturing, using Microstructures,
funded by FET Open Project #862025. Possible research topics include,
but are not limited to: simulations of 5-axis hybrid manufacturing, in
particular 3D printing and 5-axis computer numerically controlled
(CNC) machining, free-form surface rationalization, and tool-shape
design and optimization.

Promising young researchers. pplicants should have their
MSc. completed before 31.12.2019. MSc. degree is required from
mathematics, computer science or related area. Ability to effectively
communicate and present research ideas. Previous experience in
research projects is highly desirable. High level of spoken and
written English. Good communication and interpersonal skills.

The researcher will work on a research project in the framework of
ADAM^2: Analysis, Design and Manufacturing, using Microstructures,
funded by FET Open Project #862025. The Phd fellow will design and
implement path planning algorithms for hybrid manufacturing, in
particular 5-axis Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining and
5-axis 3D printing. Previous experience in geometric modeling
projects is particularly welcome.

DEADLINE: 08.01.2020

From: Jonathan Sadeghi [email protected]
Date: December 11, 2019
Subject: Intern Position, AI/Computer Vision, FiveAI

We have several vacancies for interns at FiveAI. A wide variety of
projects are available. Applications are closing soon. For further
information please see:

From: Alex Barnett [email protected]
Date: December 13, 2019
Subject: CFP, ACOM special issue on integral equations, by Aug 2020

We invite submissions for the special issue (topical collection)
"Advances in Computational Integral Equations" (ACIE), in the journal
Advances in Computational Mathematics (ACOM).

Integral equation methods bring tremendous advantages for the
numerical solution of a wide variety of PDEs in complex geometries. In
recent years there have been tremendous advances in fast (iterative
and direct) solvers, representations, and quadratures; yet, many
challenges remain, and the research community is active and
growing. This topical collection will summarize the state of the art,
and is inspired by an upcoming BIRS workshop at Oaxaca (May 31,
2020). Submissions from the global research community and the workshop
are welcome, and all will undergo ACOM's usual peer-review process.

Topics of interest include: boundary integral equations; singular
geometries; randomized algorithms; high frequency; inverse problems;
HPC; software packages; numerical analysis; time-domain...

The guest editorial board will be: Stephanie Chaillat, Adrianna
Gillman, Gunnar Martinsson, Michael O'Neil (chair), Alex Barnett,
Mary-Catherine Kropinski, and Timo Betcke.

The submission deadline is: August 31, 2020.

For details:

From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: December 09, 2019
Subject: Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 22 (3-4)

Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 22, No. 3, 2019

Averina T.A., Rybakov K.A., A modification of numerical methods for
stochastic differential equations with the first integral, (in

Kozelkov A.S., Efremov V.R., Kurkin A.A., Tarasova N.V., Utkin D.A.,
Tyatyushkina E.S., Simulation of body motion in viscous incompressible
fluid (in Russian)

Matckevich N.A., Chubarov L.B., Exact solutions of shallow water
equations for the water oscillation problem in a simulated basin and
their implementation in verifying numerical algorithms (in Russian)

Mbehou M., Chendjou G., Numerical Methods for a Nonlocal Parabolic
Problem with Nonlinearity of Kirchhoff type (in Russian)

Salov G.I., On the controllability of one new non-parametric
statistical criterion, alternative to the Wilcoxon--Mann--Whitney
criterion (in Russian)

Senotrusova S.D., Voropaeva O.F., Mathematical modeling of positive
connection functioning in the tumor markers p53--microRNA system (in

Stepanova L.V., Asymptotic analysis of the crack tip stress field
(consideration of higher order terms) (in Russian)

Uchaikin V.V., Litvinov V.A., Variational interpolation of functionals
in transport theory inverse problems (in Russian)

Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 22, No. 4, 2019

Bakushinsky A.B., Leonov A.S., Numerical solution to a
three-dimensional coefficient inverse problem for the wave equation
with integral data in a cylindrical domain (in Russian)

Borisov V.G., Zakharov Y.N., Shokin Y.I., Ovcharenko E.A.,
Klyshni-\linebreak kov K.Y., Sizova I.N., Batranin A.V., Kudryavtseva
Y.A., Onishchenko P.S., A numerical method for predicting hemodynamic
effects in vascular prostheses (in Russian)

Vorontsov E.A., Gasnikov A.V., Ivanova A.C., Nurminsky E.A., The
Walrasian equilibrium and centralized distributed optimization in
terms of modern convex optimization methods on the example of resource
allocation problem (in Russian)

Ivanov M.I., Kremer I.A., Urev M.V., A solution of the degenerate
Neumann problem by the finite element method (in Russian)

Karatsuba E.A., On computation of the Bessel function by summing up
the series (in Russian)

Lutay V.N., Increasing the stability of triangular decomposition of
ill-conditioned matrices (in Russian)

Megrabov A.G., Conservation laws and other formulas for families of
rays and wavefronts and for the eikonal equation (in Russian)

Fadeev S.I., Kogai V.V. The simulation of nonlinear oscillations in a
micro clock generator (in Russian)

End of Digest