NA Digest, V. 19, # 34

NA Digest Sunday, September 01, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 34

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: August 30, 2019
Subject: New Book, Matrix Methods in Data Mining and Pattern Recognition, 2nd Edition

Matrix Methods in Data Mining and Pattern Recognition, Second Edition
by Lars Elden

This thoroughly revised second edition provides an updated treatment
of numerical linear algebra techniques for solving problems in data
mining and pattern recognition. Adopting an application-oriented
approach, the author introduces matrix theory and decompositions,
describes how modern matrix methods can be applied in real life
scenarios, and provides a set of tools that students can modify for a
particular application. It adds a new chapter on graphs and matrices,
and a new chapter on spectral graph partitioning applied to social
networks and text classification.

2019 / xiv + 229 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-85-7 / List $69.00 /
SIAM Member $48.30 / FA15

See more details here:

From: Marco Martinolli [email protected]
Date: August 28, 2019
Subject: Industrial Mathematics (WIM2019), Austria, Oct 2019

We are pleased to announce this Call for Abstracts for the 1st
Workshop in Industrial Mathematics (WIM2019), to be held in Strobl,
Austria from October 14th to October 17th 2019. The workshop will
feature a wide range of exciting talks, discussions, and networking
opportunities with experts and researchers in the mathematical fields
of "Optimization and Inverse Problems", "Coupled Systems" and "Reduced
Order Methods". The focus on industrial applications will be
specifically addressed during an industry-featured session, hosting
speakers with direct experience on industrial mathematics.

To find more details about the event, the program, and the
registration procedure, please visit our website at

The Organizing Committee is inviting the community to submit abstracts
for oral and poster presentations. The deadline for abstract
submission is September 20th. Please, feel free to forward this call
to anyone who may be interested.

From: Shawn W. Walker [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2019
Subject: Numerical Methods, Extended Liquid Crystalline Systems, USA, Dec 2019

Liquid crystals (LCs) are classic examples of partially ordered
materials that combine the fluidity of liquids with the long-range
order of solids, and have great potential to enable new materials and
technological devices. A variety of LC phases exist, e.g. nematics,
smectics, cholesterics, with a rich range of behavior when subjected
to external fields, curved boundaries, mechanical strain,
etc. Recently, new systems came into focus, such as bent-core LC
phases, twist-bend-modulated nematics, chromonics and
polymer-stabilized blue phases, with more to be discovered.

Best known for applications in displays, LCs have recently been
proposed for new applications in biology, nanoscience and beyond, such
as biosensors, actuators, drug delivery, and bacterial control
(related to active matter). Indeed, it is believed that the LC nature
of DNA once enabled the mother of all applications, namely life
itself. New numerical methods and scientific computation is needed to
guide new theory and models for these systems that capture the
interplay of symmetry, geometry, temperature and confinement in
spatio-temporal pattern formation for LCs and extended LC-like

This workshop provides an interdisciplinary platform for computational
and experimental research in extended LC-like systems, and how these
approaches can yield new theoretical insight for novel LC systems.

More information can be found at

From: Pablo Seleson [email protected]
Date: August 27, 2019
Subject: Experimental and Computational Fracture Mechanics, USA, Feb 2020

Workshop on Experimental and Computational Fracture Mechanics:
Validating peridynamics and phase field models for fracture prediction
and experimental design
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
February 26-28, 2020

Comparison of numerical simulations against experimental data is
essential for the validation of fracture models in order to gain
confidence in their predictability and reliability. Peridynamics and
phase field approaches have recently delivered promising results for
modeling complex fracture phenomena and significant efforts have been
carried out in the past years to validate the corresponding fracture
models using available experimental data. However, on one hand, it is
still unclear whether the data obtained from current experiments is
informative enough to satisfactorily validate models in fracture
mechanics. On the other hand, it would also be interesting to combine
simulation tools and experimental design to optimize control
parameters in fracture mechanics experiments.

The objectives of this workshop are to bring together experts in
experimental fracture mechanics, peridynamics, and phase field methods
to discuss the state-of-the-art of experimental measurement and
computational modeling with applications in fracture mechanics, to
promote a dialogue between these communities, and to identify
challenges and pathways for robust validation of phase field and
peridynamic models as well as integration of experimental and modeling

This workshop is sponsored by the Technical Thrust Area on Large Scale
Structural Systems and Optimal Design of the US Association for
Computational Mechanics. the Center for Computation & Techology at
Louisiana State University, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the
Society for Experimental Mechanics.

From: Dilmurat Azimov [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2019
Subject: Optimal Guidance and Control, USA, March 2020

IUTAM Symposium on Optimal Guidance and Control for Autonomous Systems
(ISOGCAS 2020)
March 19, Thursday, 2020 - March 21, Saturday, 2020
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI, 96822

The ISOGCAS 2020 invites papers representing the results of research
and studies in optimal guidance and control, and the utilities of
these theoretical developments in the performance of autonomous
systems. The ISOGCAS 2020 intends to bring together leading
scientists, experts and engineers engaged in the development and
application of novel concepts, theories and methods of optimal
guidance and control, nonlinear dynamic systems and motion stability,
sensor fusion and machine learning to discuss and address the issues
relevant to theory and performance autonomous and other controllable
systems. Areas of the symposium include, but not limited to: Motion
planning, Optimal control, Optimal guidance, Feedback control, Machine
learning, Swarm network control, Centralized or decentralized control,
Guidance, navigation and control (GNC), Stability, Targeting, Data
processing, Sensor fusion, On-board control systems and capabilities,
Autonomous GNC. Papers from participants affiliated with academia,
private and government sectors, small businesses and industry are

Important due dates:
August 26, 2019: Announcement
December 10, 2019: Abstract is due
January 10, 2020: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
February 20, 2020: Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers
January 30 - February 20, 2020: Early Registration
March 19 - March 20, 2020: On-cite Registration

Registration fee: $500.00
Includes program, dinner banquet (second day), continental breakfast
(all three days), and publication of proceedings.

For more details, please click here:

From: Ren-Cang Li [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2019
Subject: Faculty Position, Data Science, UTA

The Department of Mathematics at The University of Texas at Arlington
invites applications for a tenure-stream faculty position, beginning
September 1, 2020, in Data Science (broadly defined to include machine
learning, Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian statistics, bio-
statistics, etc.). The rank of the faculty position is open and
commensurate with qualifications and experience of candidates.
Candidates may be considered for appointment at the level of Assistant
Professor, and exceptional candidates eligible for appointment at the
rank of Associate Professor or Full Professor can also be considered.
Applicants should have significant research and scholarly
accomplishments in the field. Demonstrated excellence in research,
effective teaching and a strong potential for external funding are
essential, and a demonstrated record of significant external funding
is expected for senior faculty candidates. Successful candidates are
expected to demonstrate a commitment to diversity and equity in
education through their scholarship, teaching, and/or service. The
salary and the start-up package will be competitive and commensurate
with qualifications and experience. The minimum qualification is an
earned Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, Statistics, or Computer
Science. At least two years of experience beyond the Ph.D. is
preferable. Duties will include teaching and mentoring undergraduate
and graduate students, conducting scholarly research, writing grant
proposals, interdepartmental collaboration, and department and
university service. Successful candidates will be expected to have
close collaborations with other faculty at UTA in the areas of data
driven discovery and health and human conditions and contribute to the
development of data science degree programs.

Applicants must submit electronically via a
letter of application plus a complete curriculum vitae, statement on
research interests, statement of teaching philosophy that addresses
evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness, and an American
Mathematical Society (AMS) cover sheet. Applicants should arrange to
have at least three letters of recommendation uploaded to At least one should address
teaching. Inquiries about the position may be directed to
[email protected]. Review of applications will begin on October 15,
2019, and will continue until the position is filled. Persons from
groups historically underrepresented in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics are encouraged to apply.

The full advertisement of this position is at

From: Joerg Fliege [email protected]
Date: August 27, 2019
Subject: Associate Professor Position, Operational Research, Univ of Southampton

Associate Professor in Operational Research
Salary: 51,034 to 64,145 GBP per annum
Closing Date: Tuesday 24 September 2019
Reference: 1175319PJ

Strong applicants should demonstrate a doctorate and postdoctoral
experience in Operational Research or a related discipline as well as
the ability or potential to obtain peer-reviewed funding. You should
be able to demonstrate a high-quality research track-record with plans
for future research activity. The postholder is expected to have
research expertise or experience closely aligned to CORMSIS, as well
as experience of teaching, assessment of students and dissertation
project supervision. Duties, as determined by the Head of
Mathematical Sciences will include: conducting research at
world-leading level in OR; applying for externally funded research
grants; contributing to the research activities of Southampton
Mathematical Sciences and CORMSIS; and teaching undergraduate and
postgraduate students. As part of the role, you will also be expected
to support effective management and administration within Mathematical
Sciences. We particularly welcome applicants with a strong analytical

Application Procedure: You should submit your completed online
application form at The application deadline
will be midnight on the closing date stated above. If you need any
assistance, please call Hannah Farrance (Recruitment Team) on +44 (0)
23 8059 2507. Please quote reference 1175319PJ on all correspondence.

From: J.J.W. van der Vegt [email protected]
Date: August 25, 2019
Subject: Assistant/Associate Professor, Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods

Within the Mathematics of Computational Science Group in the
Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Twente in
Enschede, The Netherlands, there is a vacancy for an Assistant or
Associate Professor with focus on the Mathematical Theory of Finite
Element Methods.

For more details see
or contact J.J.W. van der Vegt, email
[email protected]

From: J.J.W. van der Vegt [email protected]
Date: August 25, 2019
Subject: Assistant/Associate Professor, Mathematical Theory of Uncertainty Quantification

Assistant/Associate Professor in Mathematical Theory of Uncertainty

Within the Mathematics of Computational Science Group in the
Department of Applied Mathematics of the University of Twente in
Enschede, The Netherlands, there is a vacancy for an Assistant or
Associate Professor with focus on the Mathematical Theory of
Uncertainty Quantification.

For more details see
or contact J.J.W. van der Vegt, email
[email protected]

From: Ren-Cang Li [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2019
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Computational Neuroscience

The Department of Mathematics at The University of Texas at Arlington
invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position,
beginning September 1, 2020, in Computational Neuroscience (broadly
defined to include data driven modeling for brain research such as
neural imaging, brain informatics, bio-inspired data science,
mechanistic models, brain signal generation and propagation, brain
disease modeling, etc.). Applicants should have significant research
and scholarly accomplishments in the field. Demonstrated excellence
in research, effective teaching and a strong potential for external
funding are essential. Successful candidates are expected to
demonstrate a commitment to diversity and equity in education through
their scholarship, teaching, and/or service. The salary and the
start-up package will be competitive and commensurate with
qualifications and experience. The minimum qualification is an earned
Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, Statistics, or Computer Science. At
least two years of experience beyond the Ph.D. is preferable. Duties
will include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate
students, conducting scholarly research, writing grant proposals,
interdepartmental collaboration, and department and university
service. Successful candidates will be expected to have close
collaborations with other faculty at UTA in the areas of data driven
discovery and health and human conditions.

Applicants must submit electronically via a
letter of application plus a complete curriculum vitae, statement on
research interests, statement of teaching philosophy that addresses
evidence of teaching experience and effectiveness, and an American
Mathematical Society (AMS) cover sheet. Applicants should arrange to
have at least three letters of recommendation uploaded to At least one should address
teaching. Inquiries about the position may be directed to
[email protected]. Review of applications will begin on October 15,
2019, and will continue until the position is filled. Persons from
groups historically underrepresented in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics are encouraged to apply.

UTA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
institution. Minorities, women, veterans and persons with disabilities
are encouraged to apply. Additionally, the University prohibits
discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation. A
criminal background check will be conducted on finalists. The UTA is a
tobacco free campus.

The full advertisement of this position is at

From: Heike Sill [email protected]
Date: August 30, 2019
Subject: Research Assistant Position, WIAS

The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB
comprises eight non-university research institutes in Berlin which are
funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes
are members of the Leibniz Association. Employment advertisement WIAS
invites applications for a Research Assistant Position (m/f/d)
(Ref. 19/22) in the Research Group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and
Operator Equations" (Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller) starting at
the earliest possible date.

Field of work: Optimal control of partial differential equations. The
holder of the position is qualified in a modern field of optimization
with partial differential equations. Of particular interest are
non-smooth coupled systems and data-driven (e.g. machine learning)
approaches to modeling and optimization. In addition to analytical
considerations, the development and implementation of numerical
solution methods are of central importance.

Wanted: A motivated, outstanding young researcher with a very good
degree and excellent doctorate in mathematics as well as previous
experience in the field of call for proposals with the willingness to
take on responsibility for interdisciplinary projects. Further
experience within the framework of independent research in a
postdoctoral phase as well as very good knowledge in the areas of
Optimal control with partial differential equations and numerical
solution methods; Quasivariation inequalities; Non-smooth variation
problems, e.g. with applications in image processing; as well as
experience in the computer-aided realization of the associated
numerical solution methods. This position is associated with the
production of publications in international peer-reviewed journals,
presentation of the results at international conferences and
co-support of students working at WIAS in this field as Bachelor's,
Master's or Doctoral students.

Technical queries should be directed to Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller
([email protected]). The position is remunerated
according to TVoD and is initially limited to two years, with a view
to long-term cooperation. Translated with
Institute aims to increase the proportion of women in this field, so
applications from women are particularly welcome. Among equally
qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
Please upload your complete application documents, including cover
letter, curriculum vitae and certificates, to our website
( or via the
applicant portal (
until September 15th, 2019 using the button "Apply online".

From: Vicente Garibay Cancho [email protected]
Date: August 28, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Medical data modeling, Univ of Sao Paulo

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to
Industry(CEPID-CeMEAI) at University of Sao Paulo opens a post-
doctoral research position in Statistics. The selected candidate will
work at Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences of University
of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil. Sao Paulo Research Foundation
provides the financial support with a monthly salary of R$ R$
7.373,10. Financial support can also be provided to cover
transportation expenses as to the move to Sao Carlos - Brazil. An
extra grant is also provided to cover participation in highly relevant
conferences and workshops, as well as research trips (limited to 15%
of the annual amount of the fellowship). The position is for one year.

Project: Medical data modeling in presence of recurrent events
Supervisor: Vicente Garibay Cancho

Description: Analysis medical data in presence of recurrent events is
important in clinical study for design of therapeutic strategies, and
specific methodologies to prevent the event. The project aims to
develop models for modeling of recurrent events in the medical field,
which allows estimating important quantities such as the expected time
between disease recurrence, factors associated with recurrences, and
the impact of these factors on recurrence. Another objective of this
project is to develop efficient computational methods for inferential
procedures. The research will be led jointly by Vicente Garibay
Cancho. Requirements: Applicants should have PhD in Statistics or
related fields with some experience in medical data modeling,
especially in multivariate survival data analysis and stochastic
simulation. Candidates must have got their PhD in the last 5 years.
Application: Please send your application before September 29, 2019.
Please indicate "post-doctoral application - Statistics" in the
subject line. Applications should include curriculum vitae, statement
of research interests and two contact information for recommendation
letters(only PDF files).

Contract Condition: Grant from FAPESP under the Research, Innovation
and Dissemination Centers (RIDC- CeMEAI) (,

From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: August 31, 2019
Subject: Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 14 (4)

Contents, Vol. 14, no, 4, International Journal of Mathematics and
Computer Science:

1) Alsoboh, Maslina Darus, New Subclass of Analytic Functions Defined
by q-Differential Operator with Respect to k-Symmetric Points.

2) Abdulrahman Balfaqih, Hailiza Kamarulhaili, On The Diophantine
Equation (132k)x +(4355k)y =(4357k)z.

3) Sanaa Harroudi, Dounia Bentaleb, Youssef Tabit, Saida Amine, Karam
Allali, Optimal control of an HIV infection model with the adaptive
immune response and two saturated rates.

4) Bilal N. Al-Hasanat, Ahmad S. Al-Hasanat, Order Graph: A new
representation of finite groups.

5) Lucien Kouassi Yao, Kinvi Kangni, An extension of the Poisson

6) Suhila Elhaddad, Huda Aldweby, Maslina Darus, On a Subclass of
Harmonic Univalent Functions Involving a New Operator Containing
q-Mittag-Leffler Function.

7) Irem Akbulut, Cemil Tunc, On the stability of solutions of neutral
differential equations of first order.

8) Kongpop Siribute, Jatuporn Sanborisoot, On Pure Fuzzy Ideals in
Ordered Semigroups.

9) Michael O. Ajisope, Kamilu Rauf, On Some Refinements of Hardy- type
Integral inequalities.

10) Thiti Gaketem, Some Types of Semigroups by using Interval Valued
Fuzzy Weakly Interior Ideals.

11) Gehad M. Abd-Elhamed, New Fixed Point Theorems in G-metric Spaces.

12) Muhammad Shoaib, Muhammad Sarwar, Hassen Aydi, Aiman Mukheimer,
Common N-tupled fixed points via (CLR) property and an application to
a system Of N-integral equations.

13) B. Elavarasan, K. Porselvi, Prime bi-ideals in ordered ternary

14) Soumya Arach, Halima Bouden, Performance Analysis on Three Breast
Cancer Datasets using Ensemble Classifiers Techniques.

15) Siddaramappa Vantigaru, Ramesh Krishnarajanagar Basavaraj, Two
layer Encryption Schemes for Symmetric algorithms using DNA Sequences.

16) Justin Haenel, Carson Wood, Friends of Products of Two Primes and
of Four Times an Odd Prime.

17) Nosheen Feroz, Saeed Islam, Zahir Shah, Muhammad Farooq, Rashid
Nawaz, Hakeem Ullah, Muhammad Suleman, Micropolar Nanofluid Flow in
Vertical Stretched Surface with Thermophoresis Effect and Brownian

18) M. M. El-Dessoky, Saeed Islam, Corrigendum to the paper "Study of
Chirped Optical Solitons in Dimensional form of Nonlinear Schrodinger

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: August 28, 2019
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 82 (1)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 82, No. 1

R. Dehghani, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Scaled nonlinear conjugate gradient
methods for nonlinear least squares problems

Ana Marco, Jose-Javier Martiinez, Raquel Viana, Least squares problems
involving generalized Kronecker products and application to bivariate
polynomial regression

Edmundo J. Huertas, Anier Soria-Lorente, New analytic properties of
nonstandard Sobolev-type Charlier orthogonal polynomials

Shuying Zhai, Zhifeng Weng, Xinlong Feng, Jinyun Yuan, Investigations
on several high-order ADI methods for time-space fractional diffusion

Ron Goldman, Plamen Simeonov, q-Blossoming for analytic functions

J. Moreno, Miguel A. Lopez, R. Martinez, A new algorithm for solving
all the real roots of a nonlinear system of equations in a given
feasible region

Najmeh Azizi Zadeh, Azita Tajaddini, Gang Wu, Weighted and deflated
global GMRES algorithms for solving large Sylvester matrix equations

Tomohiro Suzuki, Hiroshi Sugiura, Takemitsu Hasegawa, Estimating
convergence regions of Schroeder's iteration formula: how the Julia
set shrinks to the Voronoi boundary

Weidi Yin, Songsong Cheng, Yiheng Wei, Jianmei Shuai, Yong Wang, A
bias-compensated fractional order normalized least mean square
algorithm with noisy inputs

Hongen Jia, Jichun Li, Zhiwei Fang, Ming Li, A new FDTD scheme for
Maxwell's equations in Kerr-type nonlinear media

Jinkui Liu, Yuming Feng, A derivative-free iterative method for
nonlinear monotone equations with convex constraints

M. Marques Alves, Marina Geremia, Iteration complexity of an inexact
Douglas-Rachford method and of a Douglas-Rachford-Tseng's F-B
four-operator splitting method for solving monotone inclusions

Anantachai Padcharoen, Poom Kumam, Yeol Je Cho, Split common fixed
point problems for demicontractive operators

Xiaoli Li, Hongxing Rui, Zhengguang Liu, Two alternating direction
implicit spectral methods for two-dimensional distributed-order
differential equation

Mijanur Rahaman, Mohd. Ishtyak, Rais Ahmad, Imran Ali, The Yosida
approximation iterative technique for split monotone Yosida
variational inclusions

Jianxi Zhao, Qian Feng, Lina Zhao, Alternating direction and Taylor
expansion minimization algorithms for unconstrained nuclear norm

End of Digest