NA Digest, V. 19, # 26

NA Digest Sunday, July 07, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 26

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Charlie Elliott [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2019
Subject: John W. Barrett

We are very sorry to pass on the news that John W. Barrett died during
the night of 30 June, at home with his family - wife Bianca and
children Pierpaolo and Chiara.

He had been struggling with ill health for a number of years. During
this time he carried on working with great fortitude and spirit,
enjoying his collaborations and football.

His academic friends will miss his good nature, dry humour,
entertaining company, drive and integrity.

In the world of mathematics he will be remembered for his deep
contributions to the numerical analysis of the finite element method
and free boundary problems and the well posedness theory for nonlinear
partial differential equations in continuum mechanics.

A considered account of his work and contributions will appear in
another forum.

Charlie Elliott
Harald Garcke
Robert Nurnberg
Endre Suli

From: Benedict Leimkuhler [email protected]
Date: July 06, 2019
Subject: IMA Leslie Fox Prize 2019

Following the Leslie Fox Symposium on June 24, the winners of the 2019
IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis are announced as follows:

1st Prize:
Yunan Yang, New York University
for "Optimal Transport for Challenging Seismic Inversions"

2nd Prizes:
Daniel Fortunato, Harvard University
for "Fast Poisson solvers for spectral methods"

Alexander Bastounis, Cambridge University
for "On the Absence of Uniform Recovery in Many Real-World
Applications of Compressed Sensing and the Restricted Isometry
Property and Nullspace Property in Levels"

Simone Brugliapaglia, Simon Fraser University
for "Correcting for unknown errors in sparse high-dimensional function

Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali, Heriot Watt University
for "Multilevel nested simulation for efficient risk estimation"

A full report of the adjudicators will appear eventually in
Mathematics Today.

From: Jon Lee [email protected]
Date: July 01, 2019
Subject: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming, USA, Oct 2019

CRM/DIMACS Workshop on Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming
October 07, 2019 - October 10, 2019
Universite de Montreal Campus

The workshop will be held at Polytechnique Montreal in collaboration
with a month-long program on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming in
October 2019 that is sponsored by the Centre de Recherches
Mathematiques (CRM).

Confirmed speakers include: Amir Ali Ahmadi (Princeton University);
Dan Bienstock (Columbia University); Christoph Buchheim (TU Dortmund);
Santanu Dey (Georgia Tech); Aida Khajavirad (Rutgers University); Leo
Liberti (CNRS); Jeff Linderoth (University of Wisconsin); Sabastian
Sager (Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg); Nick Sahinidis
(Carnegie Mellon University); Renata Sotirov (Tilburg University);
Mohit Tawarmalani (Purdue University); Juan Pablo Vielma (MIT); Robert
Weismantel (ETH Zurich)

Registration is required but not yet open.

From: CSC Admin [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2019
Subject: Lectureship Positions, Scientific Computing & Computational Materials Science

The Centre for Scientific Computing is looking for two University
Lecturers to start in MT 2019. The two posts are part of the Gianna
Angelopoulos Programme in Science Technology and Innovation (GAPSTI),

1) The Gianna Angelopoulos Lectureship in Scientific Computing -
focusing on continuum multi-physics modelling. Apply by 21 July.
For detailed information and to apply visit:

2) The Gianna Angelopoulos University Lecturer in Computational
Materials Science - focusing on atomistic and multi-scale modelling.
Apply by 31 July.
For detailed information and to apply visit:

From: Richard F Katz [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2019
Subject: Research Assistant Position, Earth Sciences, Univ of Oxford

RESEARCH ASSISTANT POSITION Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Oxford, supervised by Prof. Richard F Katz

Developing a Jupyter Notebooks companion for a new textbook on
magma/mantle dynamics

Full details here:

Deep beneath volcanos, partial melting of the Earth's mantle
creates a two-phase aggregate: a matrix of granular mantle rock that
contains liquid magma in a permeable network of pores between
grains. Despite the physical and mathematical richness of this system,
there is no published book on the subject that brings together the
theory and applications.

The successful applicant will develop a set of Jupyter Notebooks as a
companion to a forthcoming textbook by Prof. Katz about the dynamics
of partially molten rocks, to be published by Princeton University
Press. S/he need not have any background in Earth Sciences, but will
have experience with Python programming and numerical solutions to
differential equations. S/he should have a passion for writing
elegant, clear, and well- documented code. A track-record of
self-motivation and independence are key selection criteria.

The work may be done remotely and without set hours. The total pay for
the project is 1600 GBP, to be apportioned and paid by chapter. Work
to commence as soon as the successful applicant is ready, and to
complete before the end of 2019. To apply, email a CV with names/email
addresses of two referees and a 1-page (maximum) statement of interest
to [email protected] before Friday 26 July 2019. PDF
documents only, please. Enquiries welcome.

From: Julia Brandt [email protected]
Date: July 01, 2019
Subject: Research Fellow Position, Germany

Job Description: Scientific services in the research project
'Equilibria for Energy Markets with Transport' (Cluster of Excellence
MATH+); the research will concentrate on modeling, analytic,
optimization and numerical aspects of generalized Nash equilibrium
problems with partial differential equation constraints; tasks for own
scientific qualification (doctorate).

Requirements: A completed university degree in mathematics or a
related discipline (preferably with very good results); Knowledge of
continuous optimization and applied functional analysis; Experience in
the field of numerical and computer-aided implementation; a high
proficiency in spoken and written English.

For further information see: or

Please send your application and quoting the reference number
DR/100/19 to Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Michael
Hintermuller (located: Rudower Chaussee 25), Unter den Linden 6, 10099
Berlin, or preferably in electronic form to
[email protected](cc to [email protected]).

Please visit our website, which gives
you access to the legally binding German version.

From: Olga Mula [email protected]
Date: July 01, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA and Statistical Learning, Paris Dauphine Univ

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position on "Reduced
Modeling and Statistical Learning for Nonlinear State Estimation
Algorithms". The position will be at Paris Dauphine University, under
the supervision of Olga Mula. Ideal candidates should have a strong
background on numerical methods for PDEs or Statistics, as well as on
Python/Julia/C++ programming.

The deadline for the application is September 10. Further details can
be found on the website

From: Nicola Guglielmi [email protected]
Date: July 01, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, GSSI

Please inform the interested people that the call for 3 GSSI
postoctoral positions can be found on

Application deadline is July 11, 2019, h. 6 p.m. italian time zone For
additional information: [email protected]

- 1 position for the EU research project "GrowBot -Towards a new
generation of plant-inspired growing artefacts". The postdoc position
is funded for 2 years, with possibility of renewal subject to
financial availability.

-2 GSSI positions for the following profile: Numerical methods for Partial
differential equations and Dynamical systems, Numerical linear algebra,
Mathematical models in Fluid dynamics and Biology, models of
collective behavior, dynamics on networks. Stochastic differential
equations, stochastic methods in statistical mechanics, hydrodynamic
limits. Computational methods in seismology with experience in HPC.
Mathematical methods for quantum computing, mathematics in
quantum cryptography. The research grant is for 2 years.

A very good knowledge of English is required. The applications must be
sent to GSSI only by filling out the online application form at

The application must include:
- a curriculum vitae
- a research statement
- id document

From: Guo-Wei Wei [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Michigan State Univ

One or two postdoc positions are available in one of the following
-AI-based drug design and discovery
-Computational biophysics
-Machine learning/deep learning
-Computational topology/geometry/graph/algebra
-Numerical PDEs

The ideal candidates will have extensive experience in code
development, have demonstrated the potential for excellence in
research, and must hold a recent Ph.D. degree in either computational
biophysics, computational mathematics, computer science, computational
chemistry, or bioinformatics. The selected candidates will be teamed
up with top performers in recent D3R Grand Challenges, a worldwide
competition series in computer-aided drug design. Salary depends on
experience and will be at least $47.5k. The positions enjoy standard
faculty health benefit and can be either in the Department of
Mathematics or the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Please send CV to [email protected].

From: Igor Pivkin [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2019
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Positions, Particle Modeling of Cell Biomechanics, Switzerland

PhD student and postdoctoral positions are currently available in the
area of cell mechanobiology and particle-based methods at the
Institute of Computational Science, USI Lugano, Switzerland. The
successful candidates will work on the development and application of
coarse-grained particle-based methods and models for simulations of
cells in health and disease (cancer).

The starting date is as soon as possible, at the latest in spring
2020. Candidates should have strong programming skills (C++, GPU),
background in numerical methods, and a degree in Applied Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science or a relevant engineering

Additional information can be found at

Inquiries should be directed to Prof. Igor Pivkin ([email protected]).

From: Lieven De Lathauwer [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2019
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Tensor Methods, KU Leuven

We are advertising two PhD or postdoctoral positions at KU Leuven,
Belgium, on the broad theme of tensor decompositions and
applications. This includes the development of numerical linear
algebra / numerical optimization based algorithms for the computation
of tensor decompositions, and the development of tensor-based methods
for signal processing, machine learning, system identification.

We are seeking outstanding candidates who have obtained a master's or
doctoral degree in mathematical engineering, computer science,
electrical engineering, mathematics or physics. Strong candidates have
a proven record in numerical mathematics / numerical
optimization. Experience with signal processing, machine learning
and/or system modelling is a plus. A good knowledge of linear algebra
is mandatory but experience with tensor techniques is not
required. Candidates must be fluent in English.

Successful applicants will join a well-equipped and experienced
multidisciplinary research group. The positions are initially for one
year and can be extended. The work will be supervised by Lieven De
Lathauwer (
Candidates are requested to send an application letter and detailed CV
to [email protected].

From: Markus Bause [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Mathematics and Machine Learning, Germany

DASHH ( is a newly established graduate school
that offers challenging PhD topics at the interface of the natural
sciences, numerical mathematics, and data and computer science. DASHH
is a partnership of several research institutions and universities in
the vibrant and multifaceted city of Hamburg. DASHH is looking for
highly qualified and talented PhD candidate, interested to work on
high performance numerical simulation of X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
(XFELs) under usage of techniques of machine learning. For further
information see the synopsis of Project 7 under

Requirements: We are looking for highly motivated students with an
excellent academic background in numerical mathematics and physics.
The candidates should bring a strong interest to work on highly
interdisciplinary topics, should be team oriented and have a strong
background in programming.

For further information regarding the application process please
contact Prof. M. Bause ([email protected]).

Application deadline is July 15, 2019.

From: Marco Donatelli [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy

Outstanding students are sought for 7 Ph.D. fellowships in "Computer
Science and Computational Mathematics" at the Department of Science
and high Technology, University of INSUBRIA Varese-Como, Italy,

The call for the application is available at the website

The application deadline is 31st July 2019.

The applicants will be interviewed 17 September 2019.

The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary
environment, developing skills in Computer Science and Scientific
Computing. During the 3 years of the Ph.D. program, the students will
attend 4 courses with final exam, and summer schools. Short visits
abroad will be also possible during the first two years. The students
will carry out original research in Computational Mathematics and the
results of their work will be reported in their Phd thesis.

For further information the applicants may contact the deputy
coordinator Prof. Marco Donatelli ([email protected])

End of Digest