NA Digest, V. 19, # 20

NA Digest Sunday, May 19, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 20

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: May 15, 2019
Subject: Reports and Testimonies Requested

With Michela Redivo-Zaglia, we are writing a paper where we analyze
the works of Peter Wynn on extrapolation methods, Shanks'
transformation, the epsilon-algorithm, Pade approximation, and
continued fractions.

We were unable to find some of his publications. If some of you have
them, could you send them to me by post-office mail or, preferably, by
electronic mail (any form). These references are

P. Wynn, On some extensions of Euclid's algorithm, and some
consequences thereof, Report CRM, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques,
Universite de Montreal, 1972.

P. Wynn, An array of functions, Report, School of Computer Science,
McGill University, Montreal, 1976.

P. Wynn, A continued fraction transformation of the Euler-MacLaurin
series, Report, School of Computer Science, McGill University,
Montreal, 1976.

In our paper, we also intend to post testimonies by reseachers whose
work was influenced by the work of Wynn. If this is your case, could
you send us a text (preferably in latex) describing your work, how it
is connected to Wynn's work, and how you used and/or extended it
(references can be inserted).

Any personal testimony or anecdote on him is also welcome. Of course,
you also have to allow us to publish your contribution in our paper,
where it will be acknowledged.

Thank you and best regards.

My postal address is:
Claude Brezinski
7 rue de Provence
75009 - Paris

From: J. Frédéric Bonnans [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: New Book, Convex and Stochastic Optimization

Convex and Stochastic Optimization
Bonnans, J. Frederic
2019 / xiii + 311 pages / Softcover / 978-3-030-14977-2 /
Springer Nature / List $59.99

This textbook provides an introduction to convex duality for
optimization problems in Banach spaces, integration theory, and their
application to stochastic programming problems in a static or dynamic
setting. It introduces and analyses the main algorithms for stochastic
programs, while the theoretical aspects are carefully dealt with.

The reader is shown how these tools can be applied to various fields,
including approximation theory, semidefinite and second-order cone
programming and linear decision rules.

This textbook is recommended for students, engineers and researchers
who are willing to take a rigorous approach to the mathematics
involved in the application of duality theory to optimization with

See the website

From: Yair Shapira [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: New Book, Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists and Engineers

Linear Algebra and Group Theory for Physicists and Engineers
Shapira, Yair

This book contains numerical-analysis stuff: a regular mesh is
designed in 3-D domains, and high-order finite elements are assembled
in advanced applications in physics and engineering.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: May 17, 2019
Subject: Dense Granular Flows, UK, Jul 2019

3rd IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows
Monday 1 - Thursday 4 July 2019
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK

CALL FOR POSTERS - still time to submit!

Flows involving solid particulates are ubiquitous in nature and
industry alike. Such flows are found in pharmaceutical production, the
chemical industry, the food and agricultural industries, energy
production and the environment. Many unsolved problems remain,
however. In order to be able to solve problems, granular flows need to
be understood so that their behaviour can be controlled and predicted.

We are able to describe rapid granular flows, where the particles are
highly agitated and there has been some success describing static
systems. The intermediate regime, where these two phases meet and
coexist, is not as well understood and yet is the most commonly
observed behaviour of granular flow. The objective of this meeting
will be to interface the two ends of the particulate flow spectrum -
those working to understand the fundamentals of granular flows and
those attempting to control particulate flows in an industrial setting
- to develop solutions to the complex problems presented by dense
granular flows. Themes will include dense granular flow, biological
systems, self- propelled particles and geological flows, exploring new
developments in theoretical analysis and experimental techniques. All
attendees will be provided with an opportunity to present recent work
and there will be substantial time for discussion, both during the
workshop and during the evening! Postgraduate and PhD students are
particularly welcomed and oral presentations will reflect the breadth
of the field.

Registration is now open via

For further information on this conference, please visit:

From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: May 17, 2019
Subject: Sparse Days 2019, France, Jul 2019

The Annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse on
11 and 12 July 2019. The deadline for registration is 14th June using
the web site

As usual, there is no registration fee but interested parties should
register using the website. Please do register before the 14th June
since it will greatly help our organization. When you register, you
should indicate whether you want to give a talk and whether you want
to attend our traditional conference dinner on the evening of Thursday
11th. The dinner will be held at Les Caves de la Marechale (free of
charge for students, 22 euros for non-students, 43 euros for extra

The normal length for the talk and questions is 30 minutes but this is
open to negotiation in either direction subject to the fact that as
usual we will not be having parallel sessions.

For participants wanting to go to the ICIAM meeting in Valencia there
is a summer scheduled flight on Easyjet that flies non-stop to
Valencia leaving Toulouse at 11.45 on Sunday 14th. If you are worried
about your carbon footprint there is a regular train service or you
can drive; both options taking around 7.5 hours.

From: Carlos J. S. Alves [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: Trefftz and MFS Methods, Portugal, Jul 2019

Call for abstract submission for the 9th/5th International Conference
on Trefftz and MFS Methods to be held July 29-31, 2019 at the
University of Lisbon, Portugal.

This meeting aims to bring together researchers working on Trefftz
methods, in particular on the Method of Fundamental Solutions, to
present the up-to-date state-of-the-art in the field.

More details are available in the webpage:

From: Martin Stoll [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Sep 2019

The next workshop of the GAMM activity group "Applied and Numerical
Linear Algebra" will take place at TU Chemnitz (in Chemnitz, Germany)
on Thursday and Friday the 26th and 27th of September, 2019.

Special emphasis will be given this year to Linear Algebra Challenges
in the Sciences, but all other areas of applied and numerical linear
algebra are welcome. The organization committee is looking forward to
meeting all interested scientists in Chemnitz.

We are happy to announce this years invited speakers to be
- Andreas Frommer (University of Wuppertal)
- Alison Ramage (University of Strathclyde)
- Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin)

Registration is now open under
and we look forward to your contributions.

The workshop homepage also contains all the other relevant information
and latest news regarding the workshop (accommodation, important
deadlines, travel information, scientific and social program etc.).

From: Jose Luis Gracia [email protected]
Date: May 13, 2019
Subject: Fractional Calculus, Spain, Sep 2019

The 3rd Fractional Calculus Meeting will be held in Zaragoza (Spain)
on 25-27 September 2019. It is organized by the Research Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications of the University of Zaragoza
( . The aim of this meeting is to bring together
senior and young researchers to interact and expose recent
developments in Fractional Calculus, modelling, numerical analysis and
efficient resolution of fractional differential equations and other
related nonlocal problems.

Registration is free and the deadline is 1 September 2019.

The deadline for abstract submission is 1 July 2019.

For further details consult:

From: Sanja Singer [email protected]
Date: May 16, 2019
Subject: Parallel Numerics (PARNUM), Croatia, Oct 2019

PARNUM 2019, the 12th workshop in the series of "Parallel Numerics"
workshops, will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 28 to 30
October, 2019.

The PARNUM series started in 1994 and from that date, eleven workshops
were held in Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, and Germany.

The objective is the exchange of research results in the area of
parallel scientific computing, parallel algorithms, and high
performance computing.

- Deadline for submitting an abstract has been changed to June 30th.
- Deadline for registration: September 1st.

For details, please consult the conference web-site
for more details and contact the organizers at [email protected] for
additional information.

From: André Weideman [email protected]
Date: May 16, 2019
Subject: Computational Complex Analysis, UK, Dec 2019

This is an announcement of a workshop on computational complex
analysis to be held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical
Sciences, Cambridge UK, 9-13 December 2019. Confirmed participants
include Folkmar Bornemann, Daan Huybrechs, Sheehan Olver, Nick
Trefethen, and Tom Trogdon. Topics include traditional tools of the
field (conformal mapping, series expansions, integral transforms,
rational approximation, quadrature) as well as recent developments
(Riemann- Hilbert problems). Interested persons are encouraged to
consult the web sites below. There may be limited support for early
career researchers; this can be requested at the same time as the
application to attend.

The workshop forms part of a bigger programme, namely Complex
Analysis: Techniques, Applications, and Computations, which runs from
2 September to 19 December. See
for details of the specific programme, and for various ways in
which to participate (including two other workshops on different
aspects of applied complex analysis.)

From: Shawn W. Walker [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: Numerical Methods for Extended Liquid Crystalline Systems, USA, Dec 2019

Liquid crystals (LCs) are classic examples of partially ordered
materials that combine the fluidity of liquids with the long-range
order of solids, and have great potential to enable new materials and
technological devices. A variety of LC phases exist, e.g. nematics,
smectics, cholesterics, with a rich range of behavior when subjected
to external fields, curved boundaries, mechanical strain,
etc. Recently, new systems came into focus, such as bent-core LC
phases, twist-bend-modulated nematics, chromonics and
polymer-stabilized blue phases, with more to be discovered.

Best known for applications in displays, LCs have recently been
proposed for new applications in biology, nanoscience and beyond, such
as biosensors, actuators, drug delivery, and bacterial control
(related to active matter). Indeed, it is believed that the LC nature
of DNA once enabled the mother of all applications, namely life
itself. New numerical methods and scientific computation is needed to
guide new theory and models for these systems that capture the
interplay of symmetry, geometry, temperature and confinement in
spatio-temporal pattern formation for LCs and extended LC-like

This workshop provides an interdisciplinary platform for computational
and experimental research in extended LC-like systems, and how these
approaches can yield new theoretical insight for novel LC systems.

More information can be found at

From: María Gabriela Armentano [email protected]
Date: May 13, 2019
Subject: Boundary and Interior Layers, Argentina, Jul 2020

We are pleased to invite you to participate of the The Boundary and
Interior Layers Conference, BAIL 2020, to be held on July 13th-17th,
2020 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The BAIL conferences focus on all aspects of computational and
analytical methods for problems whose solution shows sharp layers, and
singular perturbation problems.

A number of minisymposia will be scheduled during the conference. If
you are interested in organising a minisymposium, in any topic related
to the meeting, please send a mail to [email protected] with the
title of your proposal along with a brief abstract and a tentative
list of speakers (see for
specific instructions).

If you want to submit a contributed talk we recommend that first look
at the mini-symposia that are running and, if one is relevant to your
talk, please contact the organisers directly and enquire as to whether
you may join their session. In other case, you can submit your work
following the instructions given in our website

Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, has a varied architecture,
reflecting a mixture of Spanish, French and Italian styles. Its
culture, cosmopolitan nature, the fact that it is avant-garde and at
the same time traditional, make Buenos Aires a very friendly city as
modern as it is conservative. Buenos Aires has a music that
distinguishes it world wide, Tango, together with a very rich cultural
movement. Asides from that, Buenos Aires is also known as a city with
a varied and attractive gastronomic offer, multiple shows and a great
night life. You can find updated lists of attractions in Buenos Aires
at the official sites Buenos Aires as

From: Roland Herzog [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Mathematical Shape Optimization, TU Chemnitz, Germany

Two postdoc positions are available within the group Numerical Methods
for PDEs at TU Chemnitz, Germany. The successful candidates will
pursue a research agenda in the area of mathematical shape
optimization. The envisioned starting date for both positions is July
1, 2019, or soon thereafter. Funding at 100% of salary level TV-L E13
(gross salary approximately 45 900 EUR per year) is currently secured
until December 31, 2019, and it is likely to be extended for another
year. Please see for further details and apply
by May 31st to [email protected].

From: Raphael Kruse [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Stochastic and Numerical Analysis, Berlin

Within the research unit "Rough Paths, Stochastic Partial Differential
Equations and Related Topics" (FOR 2402) funded by the German Research
Council, TU Berlin, WIAS, HU Berlin, U Potsdam and U Bielefeld invite
applications for PostDoc positions within the following projects:

- P1: SPDEs - a rough path perspective, P. K. Friz (TU/WIAS), M.
Hofmanova (Bielefeld), W. Stannat (TU),
- P2: Foundations of regularity structures, P. K. Friz (TU), S.
Paycha (Potsdam), N. Perkowski (HU),
- P3: Numerical analysis of rough PDEs, C. Bayer (WIAS), R. Kruse
(TU), J. Schoenmakers (WIAS),
- P4: Rough paths and random dynamical systems, P. Imkeller (HU),
S. Riedel (TU), M. Scheutzow (TU),
- P5: Singular SPDEs - approximation and statistical properties,
J. D. Deuschel (TU), W. Konig (WIAS/TU), N. Perkowski (HU),

Applications are invited for several postdoctoral research fellow
positions to work within our research unit, typically directed by the
PIs of the respective project teams P1-P5.

For more information, please visit

From: Andreas Potschka [email protected]
Date: May 17, 2019
Subject: PhD/PostDoc Positions, Opt/ML, U Heidelberg/U Magdeburg, Germany

Two 3-year scientific assistant positions (PhD or PostDoc level) in
the area *optimization and machine learning for cardiac
electrophysiology* are available within the Heidelberg-based
*Informatics For Life* project [] in
joint supervision of Eberhard Scholz (Cardiology, Heidelberg), Andreas
Potschka (Optimization, Heidelberg), and Sebastian Sager
(Optimization, Magdeburg and Heidelberg).

Further information is available in the job description
and on the group web pages:

From: Jennifer Scott [email protected]
Date: May 17, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematics of Planet Earth

Full Time 3 year PhD - Reading UK - starting in October 2019

Applications are sought for EPSRC funded 3-year PhD studentships in
the Centre for the Mathematics of Planet Earth

Applicants will have the opportunity to choose from available projects
or develop a research project in consultation with a prospective
supervisor in the following topics of mathematics with applications to
weather, ocean and climate dynamics: Data Assimilation, Dynamical
Systems, Extreme Value Theory, Fluid Mechanics and Turbulence, Large
Deviation Theory, Machine Learning, Numerical Methods, Partial
Differential Equations, Statistical Mechanics, Stochastic Processes.

For eligibility criteria, inquiries and information on how to apply
please see

From: Joerg Fliege [email protected]
Date: May 14, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Operational Research, Data Science, Math Modeling

The Southampton initiative "from Data and Intelligence via ModelliNg
to Decisions" (DIAMOND) invites applications for their fully funded
PhD studentships. DIAMOND is run jointly by Mathematical Sciences of
the University of Southampton and the Southampton Business School. It
offers graduate students an intensive training and research programme
that equips them with the skills needed to tackle modern problems in
Operational Research, numerical optimisation, data science, and
mathematical modeling.

This year, DIAMOND offers eight fully funded studentships to strongly
motivated students. Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive

For further details, including short briefs of sponsored projects
available, please see

or contact Professor Joerg Fliege, [email protected]

From: Ramona Kloss [email protected]
Date: May 13, 2019
Subject: Doctoral Positions, Data Science related to Life, Earth and Energy

The international graduate school "Helmholtz School for Data Science
in Life, Earth and Energy" (HDS-LEE) offers positons for doctoral
projects in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and
engineering. We are looking for students interested to work in
interdisciplinary projects at the interface between data science and
one of the research domains: life & medical sciences, earth sciences,
and energy systems/materials. HDS-LEE is a cooperation between RWTH
Aachen University, Forschungszentrum Julich, the University of
Cologne, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and the
Max-Planck-Institut fur Eisenforschung. The accepted candidates
receive full positions and are supported by courses in data science as
well as transferable skills and career advancement courses. The
graduate school started on March 1, 2019 and is currently hiring the
first round of doctoral students. For details, please visit the

From: Edward Saff [email protected]
Date: May 15, 2019
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 49 (3)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 49, Issue 3, June 2019
Table of Contents

Appell Hypergeometric Expansions of the Solutions of the General Heun
Equation, Artur Ishkhanyan

Computing a Quantity of Interest from Observational Data, Ronald
DeVore, Simon Foucart, Guergana Petrova, and Przemyslaw Wojtaszczyk

Generic Behavior of Classes of Taylor Series Outside the Unit Disc,
George Costakis, Andreas Jung, and Juergen Mueller

Elastic Splines II: Unicity of Optimal S-Curves and Curvature
Continuity, Albert Borbely and Michael J. Johnson

Positive Lp-Bounded Dunkl-Type Generalized Translation Operator and
Its Applications, D. V. Gorbachev, V. I. Ivanov, S. Yu. Tikhonov

Formal Duality in Finite Cyclic Groups, Romanos Diogenes Malikiosis

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: May 13, 2019
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 81 (1)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 81, No. 1

Carolina Vittoria Beccari, Giulio Casciola, Marie-Laurence Mazure,
Design or not design? A numerical characterisation for piecewise
Chebyshevian splines

Guangxin Huang, Lothar Reichel, Feng Yin, On the choice of subspace
for large-scale Tikhonov regularization problems in general form

S.S. Ezz-Eldien, E.H. Doha, Fast and precise spectral method for
solving pantograph type Volterra integro-differential equations

Fermin S.V. Bazan, J.R. Quiroz, Galerkin approach for estimating
boundary data in Poisson equation on annular domain with application
to heat transfer coefficient estimation in coiled tubes

Keerati Siriyan, Atid Kangtunyakarn, A new general system of
variational inequalities for convergence theorem and application

Vijay Gupta, Gancho Tachev, Ana-Maria Acu, Modified Kantorovich
operators with better approximation properties

Andreas Potschka, Backward step control for Hilbert space problems

Robert A. Van Gorder, Optimal homotopy analysis and control of error
for implicitly defined fully nonlinear differential equations

Auwal Bala Abubakar, Poom Kumam, A descent Dai-Liao conjugate gradient
method for nonlinear equations

Gwanghyun Jo, Do Y. Kwak, Geometric multigrid algorithms for elliptic
interface problems using structured grids

Samad Noeiaghdam, Mohammad Ali Fariborzi Araghi, Saeid Abbasbandy,
Finding optimal convergence control parameter in the homotopy analysis
method to solve integral equations based on the stochastic arithmetic

Phan Tu Vuong, Yekini Shehu, Convergence of an extragradient-type
method for variational inequality with applications to optimal control

Rashad M. Asharabi, The use of the sinc-Gaussian sampling formula for
approximating the derivatives of analytic functions

Kendall Atkinson, David Chien, Olaf Hansen, A spectral method for an
elliptic equation with a nonlinear Neumann boundary condition

Luigi Brugnano, Juan I. Montijano, Luis Randez, On the effectiveness
of spectral methods for the numerical solution of multi-frequency
highly oscillatory Hamiltonian problems

Baohua Huang, Changfeng Ma, Finite iterative algorithm for the
symmetric periodic least squares solutions of a class of periodic
Sylvester matrix equations

End of Digest