NA Digest, V. 19, # 15

NA Digest Sunday, April 14, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 15

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Weizhang Huang [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2019
Subject: MMPDElab 1.0 now available

We are pleased to announce that MMPDElab is now available at or

MMPDElab is a free package written in MATLAB for adaptive mesh
movement and adaptive moving mesh P1 finite element solution of
partial different equations. A brief introduction of the package is
given in the arXiv report

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2019
Subject: New Book, PDE Dynamics: An Introduction

PDE Dynamics: An Introduction
by Christian Kuehn

This book provides an overview of the myriad methods for applying
dynamical systems techniques to PDEs and highlights the impact of PDE
methods on dynamical systems. Also included are many nonlinear
evolution equations, which have been benchmark models across the
sciences, and examples and techniques to strengthen preparation for

PDE Dynamics: An Introduction is intended for senior undergraduate
students, beginning graduate students, and researchers in applied
mathematics, theoretical physics, and adjacent disciplines. Structured
as a textbook or seminar reference, it can be used in courses titled
Dynamics of PDEs, PDEs 2, Dynamical Systems 2, Evolution Equations, or
Infinite- Dimensional Dynamics.

May 2019 / xiv + 245 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-65-9 / List
$69.00 / SIAM Member $48.30 / MM23

See more details here:

From: Maxwell Hayes [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2019
Subject: SIAM Control and Its Applications, China, Jun 2019

The SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory (SIAG/CST) is
pleased to announce that registration and the conference program for
the SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT19) are now

SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT19)
Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory
Chengdu Cynn Hotel, Chengdu, China
June 19-21, 2019

Registration and the conference program are now posted at



For additional information, contact [email protected]

From: Michael Stich [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2019
Subject: Challenges in Mathematical Architecture, Spain, Jul 2019

International Conference Challenges in Mathematical Architecture:
Theory, Modelling and Applications.
July 11-13 2019, Universidad Politecnica Madrid, Spain

The aim of the conference CCMA2019 Madrid (Spain), a satellite meeting
of ICIAM 2019 in Valencia (Spain), is to create a meeting point among
researchers in different areas of Mathematics and Architecture.

The main conference topics are:
- Mathematical modelling.
- Computer Aided Geometric Design and Parametric Architecture.
- Discrete Differential Geometry.
- Numerical analysis.
- Applications to Architecture: Gridshells, Tensile Architecture,
Energy efficiency.
- Smart Cities and Big Data.
- Teaching Mathematics in Architecture Schools.

Invited Speakers:
- Ildefonso Diaz (UC Madrid)
- Konrad Polthier (FU Berlin)
- Helmut Pottmann (KAUST and TU Vienna)
- Sancho-Madridejos Arquitectos (UP Madrid)
- Ramon Sastre (UPC Barcelona)
- Tom Van Mele (ETH Zurich)

We welcome your participation and contribution (talk or poster). For
more information and registration, see

From: Roberto Garrappa [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2019
Subject: Computational Methods for Fractional-Order Problems, Italy, Jul 2019

This is a preliminary call for the training school on Computational
Methods for Fractional-Order Problems which will be held in Bari
(Italy) on July 22- 26 2019.

The aim of the Training School is to provide to young researchers,
mainly PhD students, the background for understanding the mathematics
beyond operators of non-integer order and devise accurate and reliable
computational methods. In particular, the development of numerical
software for the effective treatment of fractional differential
equations will be one of the main assets of the training school with
the possibility of organizing some laboratory tutorials.

The Training School is an activity of the Cost Action CA 15225
Fractional Systems and there is no admission fee but the number of
places is limited. Some grants to support the participation for PhD
students from European countries will be available.

Lecturers of the school will be: Kai Diethelm (Germany), Roberto
Garrappa (Italy), Maria Luisa Morgado (Portugal), Marina Popolizio
(Italy), Magda Stela Rebelo (Portugal), Abner J. Salgado (USA), Martin
Stynes (China), Yubin Yan (UK)

Further information at: (to appear)
or send an e-mail to [email protected]

From: Alexander Ostermann [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2019
Subject: New Talent Invited Speaker, SciCADE, Austria, Jul 2019

SciCADE, the International Conference on Scientific Computation and
Differential Equations, offers an award for promising young

We invite applicants to submit their papers to be considered for the
New Talent Award. The topic of the paper has to be in a field that is
covered by the SciCADE conference, see

The author of the best paper will be invited to give a plenary talk at
SciCADE 2019. All local expenses will be covered for this speaker, and
the registration fee will be waived as well.

Eligibility criteria and submission guidelines can be found at

Deadline for New Talent submission is May 20, 2019.

From: Timo Heister [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2019
Subject: Summer School, Computational Methods for PDEs, USA, Aug 2019

The community devoted to the numerical solution of partial
differential equations is not diverse. Most researchers are white
males and most software is developed by all-white, all-male teams. We
all lose out if we accept this state. An important piece in addressing
this issue is building a *community* among those who do not look like
the majority. As one step towards this, we will run the

Computational Methods for PDEs Summer School
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, USA
August 3-9, 2019

This summer school is geared toward undergraduate and graduate
students with an interest in the numerical solution of partial
differential equations, primarily using the finite element
method. While registration is open to everyone, we will give strong
preference to female applicants and applicants from other minorities.

The school will run August 3-5. It precedes the "Seventh deal.II
Users' and Developers' workshop" which will be held August 6-9, 2019,
also in Fort Collins, Colorado. Participants of the school will get an
introduction to deal.II and will then participate in the deal.II

More information and registration:
Deadline for registration: May 5, 2019. Participation is capped at
around 30. Travel support: A limited amount of (domestic) travel
support is available courtesy of the National Science Foundation, with
preference to undergraduate and graduate students.

From: Hesam Salehipour [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2019
Subject: Summer School: AI for Engineering, Canada, Aug 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Engineering Summer School 2019,
hosted by Autodesk, is a two-week event that brings together a
talented group of engineering graduate students and industry
professionals to acquire expertise in state-of-the-art AI methods and
techniques, with the focus on deep learning and reinforcement

While there has been a significant resurgence of AI technologies,
other scientific disciplines such as mechanical or civil engineering
are yet to fully embrace these new promising technologies, especially
in their academic curriculum. The goal of this inaugural event is to
bridge this gap between the recent advancements in AI and engineering

Primarily, this event aims to educate the participants on the
significance and potential of AI applications in engineering.
Lectures and tutorials will be given to bring the participants up to
speed with the latest deep learning methods and techniques. In
addition, a series of invited talks will demonstrate how AI can be
employed beyond its typical applications such as image classification,
text processing, and speech recognition tasks. The talks will
elucidate how AI can also be leveraged in various engineering problems
where experimental, observational and simulation data are
available. Finally, the participants will get to employ the learned
methods on engineering-specific problems in hands-on workshops.

From: Timo Heister [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2019
Subject: deal.II User and Developer Workshop, Aug 2019

The Seventh deal.II Users' and Developers' workshop will be held
August 6-9, 2019 in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. The intent of this
workshop is to discuss applications and tools using deal.II, as well
as future directions of the library itself.

We invite proposals for talks and discussion topics by users and
existing developers in the following areas:
- Use cases and applications of the library.
- What users think would be useful directions for the library to go
into, things that are missing, and possibly getting people together
who can help implement those parts.
- Newer parts of the library (e.g., geometry descriptions, large
parallel computations, etc.) and how these could help in your

A significant part of the time will be set aside for "hackathon"- or
"code jam"-style sessions where people can ask questions, work on
their codes with others, and receive help from experienced users.

For workshop and registration information, see

Deadline for registration: May 5, 2019. Participation is capped at
around 60.

Travel support: A limited amount of (domestic) travel support is
available courtesy of the National Science Foundation, and will be
given on a first come first serve basis, with preference to
undergraduate and graduate students. If you need support, please state
so in your registration.

From: Jochen Garcke [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2019
Subject: High-Dimensional Approximation (HDA 2019), Zurich, Sep 2019

The 8th Workshop on High-Dimensional Approximation will be held at ETH
Zurich, Switzerland, on September 9-13, 2019.

Numerical approximation in high-dimensional spaces has, in the past
decade, emerged as a key mathematical and computational theme at the
intersection of several broad research areas in applied and
computational mathematics. HDA is a series of informal, bi-annual
workshops which serves as forum for researchers to exchange ideas and
co-ordinate research agendas at the forefront of high-dimensional
approximation and computation.

The 2019 edition of the HDA conference at ETH Zurich continues the HDA
series of bi-annual meetings initiated at ANU in Canberra (HDA05)
which has alternated between INS, Bonn, UNSW, Sydney and ANU,

Topics include, but are not limited to Sparse grid methods;
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods; Tensor decompositions; Polynomial chaos
expansions; Sparse approximations; Reduced basis methods; Multi-level
methods; Bayesian inversion; Uncertainty quantification; Manifold
learning; Nonlinear dimensionality reduction

See the website for more information

From: Miro Rozloznik [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2019
Subject: MAT TRIAD, Czech Republic, Sep 2019

The 8th International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its
Applications MAT TRIAD 2019 ( will be
held held from September 8 to September 13, 2019, in Liblice, Czech
Republic. MAT TRIAD provides an opportunity to bring together
researchers sharing an interest in a various aspects of matrix theory,
numerical linear algebra, applications of linear algebra in statistics
and statistical models, matrices and graphs as well as interval
computations, optimization and reliable computing. The format of the
meeting will involve plenary sessions, special sessions and sessions
with contributed talks or posters.

The online registration for the conference and the abstract submission
are already open. To register and payment please visit the conference
webpage ( The deadline
for registration and submission of abstracts is May 31, 2019 and the
local organizers can be contacted via: mattriad (at)

In addition to the scientific program we have put together a social
program for conference participants leaving enough time for the
discussion and exchange of ideas. We look forward to meeting you in

From: Marta D'Elia [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2019
Subject: Control and Optimization for Nonlocal Models, Austria, Oct 2019

As part of the Special Semester on Optimization at the Radon Institute
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the workshop on "Optimal Control
and Optimization for Nonlocal Models" will take place on October
28-30, 2019, in Linz, Austria. The workshop is organized by Marta
D'Elia (Sandia National Laboratories) and Max Gunzburger (Florida
State University).

The workshop will gather experts in diverse areas of modeling
(fractional derivatives, general integral equations), mathematics
(analysis, numerics), and applications (diffusion, mechanics, image
processing) of nonlocal modeling with focus on control and
optimization of those models.

Registration for the workshop is open at

There is no registration fee but registration is compulsory. Please
choose "regular participant" when asked which category of participant
applies to you.

Please be aware that number of participants is limited by the
available lecture space, so those interested in participating are
strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible.

From: Hamdullah Yücel [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2019
Subject: Faculty Position, Institute of Applied Mathematics, METU

Institute of Applied Mathematics (IAM), Middle East Technical
University (METU), Turkey offers several academic positions on each
programme for academic year 2020. To this aim, we invite all scholars
who are interested in full-time faculty positions starting from
Assistant Professor level based on the academic profile of the
applicant. We encourage you to send us your information if you have a
solid research history with a strong publication record in one of the
prioritized areas of the departments/programs in IAM:

Actuarial Science: Life and Non-Life Insurance Mathematics, Pension
Fund Mathematics, Asset Liability Management, Solvency and Internal
Modeling; Cryptography: Cryptographic Protocols; Financial
Mathematics: Stochastic Control, Quantitative Finance; Scientific
Computing: High Performance Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra,
Mathematical Modelling with Multidisciplinary Applications, and Data
Science/Data-Driven Modelling.

For more details, please see:

Application Deadline: June 15, 2019.

From: Fabrício Simeoni de Sousa [email protected]
Date: April 09, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Fluid Dynamics

The Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) at University of Sao Paulo opens a post-doctoral
research position in Computational Fluid Dynamics. The selected
candidate will work at Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
of the University of Sao Paulo in Sao Carlos/SP, Brazil. The position
is for one year.

Project: High performance computing and multiscale domain
decomposition methods for the simulation of petroleum reservoirs
Supervisor: Dr. Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa

Description: The simulation of large oil reservoirs, such as those
found in the pre-salt layers of the Brazilian coast, require the use
of computational meshes of billions of elements, a scale that still
cannot be handled with current commercial simulators. The use of
multiscale domain decomposition methods have shown great scalability
potential that allows an efficient parallelization of meshes with such
order of magnitude. Among the several methods found in the literature,
the Multiscale Robin Coupled Method (MRCM) has become a reference in
the area thanks to its great flexibility introduced by the Robin
boundary condition and the independent choice of interface spaces. The
present project aims the development and implementation of the 3D
version of the Multiscale Robin Coupled Method (MRCM), in a high
performance computing environment, taking advantage of its modern
hybrid multicore architecture. The final goal is to implement a
large-scale simulator capable of handling meshes with billions of
elements, required for the accurate simulation of large petroleum
reservoirs. Professor Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa will lead the
research, jointly with his research group.

Requirements: Applicants should have PhD in Applied Mathematics,
Computer Sciences, or related fields, with experience in Computational
Fluid Dynamics. Experience in the implementation of multiscale methods
for reservoir simulation is required. We also require experience with
order reduction methods for subsurface flows problems and experience
in high performance computing with C/C++ languages. At least one
scientific journal paper published in the last 5 years in the field of
multiscale methods for reservoir simulation is required. Candidates
must have got their PhD in the last 5 years.

Application: Please send your application before April 30, 2019 to:
Dr. Fabricio Simeoni de Sousa ([email protected]). Please indicate
"CEPID Postdoc - Multiscale Methods" in the subject line.
Applications should include curriculum vitae, statement of research
interests and contact information of two researchers for
recommendation letters (only PDF files). Contract Condition: Grant
from FAPESP under the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers

From: Julian Hall [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Optimization, Edinburgh

As part of TRAIN@Ed (
ed), an ambitious new postdoctoral fellowship scheme at the University
of Edinburgh, applications for a three-year postdoctoral position in
computational optimization are invited.

The three-year position combines research and consultancy, and is
focused on the linear optimization solver HiGHS
( The research aim is to develop
novel techniques in high-performance computational optimization based
on HiGHS to allow exploration of the efficient frontier in genetic
management and improvement of animal populations. The Fellow will also
contribute to the growing consultancy activity using HiGHS, with the
opportunity for this to lead to the post being self-sustaining beyond
the initial three years.

Further details are available
( and expressions of
interest should be made by emailing Julian Hall via [email protected].

From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA and Scientific Computing at SISSA, Italy

Two new open positions as research associate at SISSA, International
School for Advanced Studies, Mathematics Area, mathLab, Trieste, Italy
( are available:

1. Deadline April 29, 2019 by 1PM (Rome time):

2. Deadline April 29, 2019 by 1PM (Rome time):

The positions are in the framework of European Research Council H2020
Project AROMA-CFD: Advanced Reduced Order Methods with
Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics, GA 681447, PI Prof.
Gianluigi Rozza.

Position 1 (Phd required): Topics: computational fluid dynamics,
fluid-structure interactions, multi- physics, optimisation, control,
reduced order methods, data assimilation, uncertainty quantification
focused on cardiovascular flows. Competences: mathematical modelling
for the cardiovascular system, numerical analysis, scientific
computing and programming, CFD, geometrical reconstruction and

Position 2: Topics: computational mechanics, scientific computing,
optimisation, reduced order methods, programming, offline-online
computing. Competences: scientific computing and programming,
numerical analysis, data science, computer science, HPC. First
availability to start: June 15, 2019

From: Stathopoulos Andreas [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2019
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Libraries for Lattice QCD

Applications are invited for a postdoc position in computational
aspects of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics theory. The position will be
hosted in the Computer Science Department at the College of William
and Mary, and it will be co-directed by Prof. Andreas Stathopoulos in
CS and Prof. Kostas Orginos in Physics. The position, which is funded
by a Department of Energy grant, is initially for one year and
renewable for a second year based upon performance. The candidate is
expected to lead a research program that involves advanced
computational methods for the solution of various linear operators,
the improvement of current multigrid technologies, the variance
reduction in computations of disconnected diagrams, as well as their
implementations on high performance computing resources.

Required Qualifications: Ph.D. In a scientific computing area, with
strong programming skills in C/C++. Strong background in one of the
three areas: Lattice QCD, numerical linear algebra, or high
performance computing.

Preferred Qualifications: Strong background across more of the above
areas and experience with QUDA or CUDA programming.

To apply submit a vita and the names of at least three references at , Position Number: F0842W.
Reviewing of applications starts on May 1, 2019, and continues until
the position is filled.

William & Mary values diversity and invites applications from
underrepresented groups who will enrich the research, teaching and
service missions of the university. The university is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and encourages applications
from women, minorities, protected veterans, and individuals with

From: Shan Zhao [email protected]
Date: April 11, 2019
Subject: Special Issue, Comput Math Biophys, Dev/Apps in Computational Biology

Because of the fast developments of computer hardware and
computational algorithms, computational biology has become a
significant approach to understand the biological phenomena. To
document recent advances in this field, the journal Computational
and Mathematical Biophysics (CMB) will publish a special issue on
"Development and applications of novel methods in computational

Potential topics of this special issue include, but are not limited to:
- Structural determination and molecular shape analysis of molecules
- Protein-protein interactions
- Prediction of ligand-protein interaction energies
- Geometric and topological modeling of macromolecules
- Structure Alignment of macromolecules
- Drug design
- Molecule-related software or database development
- Machine learning and data mining in molecular big data
- Algorithms, analysis and validation for bio-molecular data
- Single cell sequencing data analysis

More information about this special can be found at Article Processing Charges will
be waived for this special issued. Prospective authors should submit
their manuscript online at

Important Dates: Manuscript Due August 1st, 2019; First round of
reviews September 15th, 2019; Anticipated publication date: December
1st, 2019.

End of Digest