NA Digest, V. 19, # 10

NA Digest Sunday, March 10, 2019 Volume 19 : Issue 10

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Michael Singer [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2019
Subject: Call for Nominations, Fourth Stephen Smale Prize

The fourth Stephen Smale Prize will be awarded at the Foundations of
Computational Mathematics (FoCM) meeting in Vancouver, Canada June
15-24, 2020. The goal of the Smale Prize is to recognize major
achievements in furthering the understanding of the connections
between mathematics and computation, including the interfaces between
pure and applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer
science. To be eligible for the prize a candidate must be in his or
her early to mid-career, meaning, typically, removed by at most ten
years from his or her (first) doctoral degree by the first day of the
FoCM meeting (June 15, 2020). Eligible candidates should be nominated
by email to the secretary of FoCM, Michael Singer, [email protected], no
later than September 15, 2019. Each nomination (self-nominations
excluded) should be accompanied by a brief supporting letter, the
nominee's CV and include at least three letters of recommendation. The
recipient of the prize will be expected to give a lecture at the
meeting. A written version of this lecture (tagged as the Smale Prize
Lecture) will be included in the volume of plenary talks. For more
information, see http://focm-

From: Kris ONeill [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2019
Subject: New Book, Bits and Bugs: Software Failures in Computational Science

Bits and Bugs: A Scientific and Historical Review of Software Failures
in Computational Science
Thomas Huckle and Tobias Neckel
Software, Environments, and Tools 29

In scientific computing (also known as computational science),
advanced computing capabilities are used to solve complex
problems. This self- contained book describes and analyzes reported
software failures related to the major topics within scientific
computing: mathematical modeling of phenomena; numerical analysis;
mathematical aspects and complexity of algorithms, systems, or
software; concurrent computing; and numerical data. Readers will find
lists of related, interesting bugs, MATLAB examples, and 'excursions'
that provide necessary background, as well as an in-depth analysis of
various aspects of the selected bugs. Illustrative examples of
numerical principles such as machine numbers, rounding errors,
condition numbers, and complexity are also included.

January 2019 / xii + 251 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611975-55-0 / List
Price $44.00 / SIAM Member Price $30.80 / Order Code: SE29

See more details at:

From: Maxwell Hayes [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2019
Subject: SIAM Applications of Dynamical Systems, USA, May 2019

The SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (SIAG/DS) is pleased to
announce that registration and the conference program for the SIAM
Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS19) are now

Conference: SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
(DS19) This meeting is being held jointly with the SIAM Workshop on
Network Science (NS19)
( .
Location: Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Snowbird, Utah, U.S.
Dates: May 19-23, 2019

Registration and the conference program are now posted at


Invited Speakers:
Danielle Bassett, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.
Marc Bocquet, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France
Karen Daniels, North Carolina State University, U.S.
Lisa Fauci, Tulane University, U.S.
Michelle Girvan, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.
Sayan Mukherjee, Duke University, U.S.
Bjorn Sandstede, Brown University, U.S.
Tadashi Tokieda, Stanford University, U.S.
Chad Topaz, Williams College, U.S.


For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department at
[email protected].

From: Edmondo Minisci [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2019
Subject: Abstract submission EXTENDED, EUROPT, UK, Jun 2019

Please note that the deadline to submit your contribution to the 17th
Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization (EUROPT 2019) has been
postponed to the March 18th 2019.

The EUROPT Workshop, the annual event of the EUROPT Continuous
Optimization working group of EURO - held on 28-29 June 2019 at the
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK - brings together researchers
from Europe and around the globe for stimulating discussions on the
latest developments in continuous optimization. Authors are invited to
submit abstracts especially (but not only) on one or more of the
topics mentioned at

Info on the speakers at

The submission process is done through the EURO submission system.
You can find the link and the instructions at

Info on organised sessions and minisymposia are available at .
Please contact the organisers to contribute to the sessions or

Info on the registration fees can be found at

You can find more and updated info about EUROPT 2019 at

From: Silas Alben [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2019
Subject: Fluids, Materials, and Biology, USA, Jun 2019

We are pleased to announce a conference on "Mathematical Fluids,
Materials, and Biology," in part to celebrate the 60th birthday of
Michael Shelley, to be held June 13 - 15, 2019 at the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. A mini-tutorial for graduate students and
postdocs, offered by the organizers on topics in active matter,
fluid-structure interactions, and complex fluids, will be held in
advance of the workshop on June 12.

A conference website including a registration form is now available at

Support from the University of Michigan and the National Science
Foundation (DMS) allows us to waive the registration fee for all
attendees. Partial support for students and young researchers may be
requested on the registration form. Registration deadline: April 1.

From: Roger Ghanem [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2019
Subject: Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification, USA, Jul 2019

We are pleased to announce the Second Workshop for Research Challenges
and Opportunities at the Interface of Machine Learning and Uncertainty

The Workshop, to be held on the campus of the University of Southern
California, in Los Angeles, CA, on July 24-26 2019, aims to delineate
mathematical and scientific questions at the confluence of Machine
Learning and Uncertainty Quantification. Individuals interested in
presenting at the workshop are invited to submit a two-page abstract
for review.

Additional information together with abstract submission and logistics
detail can be found at

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2019
Subject: Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, UK, Jul 2019

3rd IMA Conference on
Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures
10 - 12 July 2019, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK

Nonlinearity plays an important role in many fields of Science,
Engineering and Technology. The aim of this conference is to bring
together researchers working on aspects of nonlinear phenomena and to
encourage interaction between experts from different areas such as
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics,
Engineering and Physics. Recent theoretical developments, new
computational methods and experimental findings will be presented and
discussed. We plan to avoid parallel sessions and foster as much as
possible communication across the different communities.

Conference topics include: Integrable systems and soliton theory;
Nonlinear waves and nonlinear evolution equations; Dispersive
hydrodynamics; Rogue waves and extreme wave phenomena; Instability in
nonlinear media; Orthogonal polynomials; Mathematical biology;
Coherent structures in shear flows and transition to turbulence

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 200 word
abstract on any of the above topics for oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 22 March 2019 via . Please state whether your title is intended
for oral "presentation" or "poster" presentation.

Further information:

Contact information:For scientific queries please contact: Dr Matteo
Sommacal (Northumbria University) - [email protected]

From: Dmitri Kvasov [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2019
Subject: Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, Italy, Jun 2019

NUMTA2019 - The 3rd International Conference and Summer School
"Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms" will be held in Italy
in the All Inclusive "TH Le Castella Village" resort close to Crotone
- the city of Pythagoras, from 15th to 21st June 2019, see for the NUMTA2019 Call-for-Papers.

Abstract submission deadline: March 18, 2019.

Plenary lectures will be delivered by Bob Coecke (UK), Louis D'Alotto
(USA), Renato De Leone (Italy), Kalyanmoy Deb (USA), Luca Formaggia
(Italy), Jan Hesthaven (Switzerland), Francesca Mazzia (Italy), Panos
Pardalos (USA), Michael Vrahatis (Greece), Anatoly Zhigljavsky (UK).

The Springer Young Researcher Prize for the best NUMTA2019
presentation made by a young scientist will be awarded.

Proceedings will be published as a special volume of the
world-renowned Springer "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" and will
contain regularly peer-reviewed short and full papers. One-page
abstracts of presentations at NUMTA2019 will be published as online
Book of abstracts with its own ISBN. Special issues of the
international journals Applied Mathematics and Computation (Impact
Factor 2017 = 2.300), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
(Impact Factor 2017 = 1.632), both produced by Elsevier, and Soft
Computing (Impact Factor 2017 = 2.367), produced by Springer, will be
dedicated to the Conference.

For more details:

From: Roderick Melnik [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2019
Subject: AMMCS International Conference, Canada, Aug 2019

This international conference will take place in Waterloo, Canada,
August 18-23, 2019 ( The AMMCS Conference Series
aims at promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration
involving mathematical, computational and experimental sciences within
a larger international community, and highlighting recent advances in
Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS).You
are invited to submit your abstract by going directly to the
submission page at to one of our
special sessions, minisymposia, or contributed sessions.

The Conference features distinguished plenary and semi-speakers,
including Ed Boyden (M.I.T.), Fioralba Cakoni (Rutgers University),
Eric Cances (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Matt Davison (Western
University), George Em Karniadakis (Brown University), Peter Kloeden
(University of Tuebingen), Lisa Lix (University of Manitoba), Deanna
Needell (University of California), Ariel Procaccia (Carnegie Mellon
University), and William Thomson (University of Rochester).

Refereed proceedings will be published by Springer. A number of prizes
for students and young researchers will be awarded at the Conference,
including the Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize. Travel scholarships for
students are available on a competitive basis.

Further details are at the conference website:
(contact us at [email protected]).

From: Chensong Zhang [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2019
Subject: Multigrid and Deep Neural Networks, China, Aug 2019

During the International Multigrid Conference (IMG) in Kunming, China,
there will be two short courses on multigrid and deep neural networks:

Part 1. An integrated introduction to multigrid and deep learning,
Speaker: Jinchao Xu, Penn State University

Part 2. Generalization, optimization dynamics, and robustness of deep
neural networks, Speaker: Zhanxing Zhu, Peking University

The short courses will be given on Aug 11-12, 2019 and it follows by
the regular program of IMG2019. For more information, please visit the
conference website:

From: Roger Ghanem [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2019
Subject: UQ Summer School, USA, Aug 2019

We are pleased to announce the 2019 UQ Summer School at the University
of Southern California (USC), in Los Angeles, CA.

This 7th edition of the Summer School will take place on the campus of
USC on August 14-16 2019, and is jointly sponsored by USC and FASTMath
( This year's topics will focus on
Variational Inference, Probabilistic Machine Learning, Design of
Experiments, Low Rank Tensors, and Gaussian Processes, with talks
given by:

- Laura Swiler (Sandia Nat. Labs)
- Tamara Briderick (MIT)
- Rif Saurous (Google Inc.)
- Alex Gorodetsky (U Michigan)
- Xun Huan (U Michigan)

Registration and logistics information is available at:

From: Tino Ullrich [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2019
Subject: Applied Analysis in Chemnitz, Germany, Sep 2019

Summer School on Applied Analysis
September 23-27, 2019, Chemnitz, Germany

The Chemnitz Summer School on Applied Analysis has been organised
annually since 2006. The format is a five day-long series of
multi-lecture short courses by a number of distinguished researchers
from mathematical fields including functional analysis, approximation
theory, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, and linear
algebra. No registration fee is imposed for graduate students and
postdocs, however the number of participants is limited.

The courses of the summer school focus on different aspects of Applied
Analysis. They are meant for training of graduate students,
Ph.D. students and young post-doc researchers. This years lectures are
given by
- Benjamin Gess (MPI Leipzig), Optimal regularity in time and space
for the porous medium equation
- Karin Schnass (Universitaet Innsbruck), Dictionary Learning
- Birgit Schoerkhuber (Universitaet Karlsruhe), Singularity formation
in nonlinear time-dependent PDEs
- Andreas Seeger (University of Wisconsin, Madison), The Haar system
in various function spaces
- Vladimir N. Temlyakov (University of South Carolina), Sampling
discretization of integral norms

For more information please visit

From: Wim Vanroose [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2019
Subject: Professor Position, Numerical Optimisation, U. Antwerpen Belgium

The Faculty of Science is seeking to fill the following full-time
vacancy in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
"Tenured academic staff in the area of Numerical Optimisation".

The sub-department of Mathematics has research groups in Applied
Mathematics and Fundamental Mathematics. The research group Applied
Mathematatics is expanding research in industrial and scientific
applications of numerical optimisation.

Full details of the vacancy can be found here:

Applications may only be submitted online, until the closing date 21
April 2019. For questions about the profile and the description of
duties, please contact Prof. Karel in 't Hout
([email protected]), spokesperson of the research group
Applied Mathematics or Prof. Wim Vanroose
([email protected]), chair of the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science.

From: Henning Bruhn-Fujimoto [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2019
Subject: Professorship Position, Mathematical Foundations of Data Science, Germany

The mathematics department at Ulm University (Germany) is looking for
a professor for the mathematical foundations of data science.
Applicants from all fields related to data science, such as
statistics, numerics, analysis, continuous and discrete optimisation,
are welcome. Teaching could initially be in English. For more
information see


Application deadline: 21.03.2019

From: Fredrik Edelvik [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Mathematics, Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre

The Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre for Industrial Mathematics (FCC) in
Gothenburg, Sweden, has an opening for a PhD Student in the project
"Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation of Paper". The student will be
employed by FCC and enrolled at the research school for applied
mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology.

For more details, please see:

The deadline is March 17, but late applications will be considered
until the position is filled.

From: Sill [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2019
Subject: PhD Position, WIAS, Germany

The WIAS is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB).
The FVB comprises eight non-university natural science research
institutes in Berlin, which are funded by the federal and state
governments. The research institutes are members of the Leibniz

Employment advertisement: WIAS invites applications for a PhD Student
Position (f/m/d) (Ref. 19/07) in the Research Group "Nonsmooth
Variational Problems and Operator Equations" (Head: Prof. Michael
Hintermuller) within the European Innovative Training Network Reduced
Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Coupled systems
(ROMSOC) starting on April 1, 2019.

Contract: Full-time contract until August 31, 2021, extension is

Host institution: Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and
Stochastics, Berlin, Germany

Information/Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermuller (Primary
Supervisor) Email: [email protected]

Application: Please upload your complete application documents
(motivation letter, detailed CV, certificates, list of MSc courses and
grades, copy of the master thesis, reference letter, etc.) via our
online job- application facility
( lang=1) using the button
'Apply online'.

DEADLINE 20.03.2019. To ensure the equality of opportunities we
strongly encourage women with the appropriate qualifications to
apply. If equally qualified, handicapped applicants will be preferred.
We are looking forward to your application!

From: Toni Lassila [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2019
Subject: PhD Positions, Image Computing, School of Computing, Univ of Leeds

PhD students are sought in the School of Computing at the University
of Leeds, UK. Full funding is available for UK/EU students. We are
seeking six PhD candidates working on state-of-the-art techniques for
medical image analysis and deep learning:

1. Accelerating computational fluid dynamics through deep learning
Supervisors: Dr. Toni Lassila and Dr. Ali Gooya

2. Deep atlases for cardiac motion abnormality detection from imaging
Supervisors: Dr. Ali Gooya

3.Methods in machine and deep learning for image analysis at scale
Supervisors: Prof. Alex Grangi and Dr. Ali Gooya

4. Deep learning for detection of cancer recurrence through imaging
Supervisors: Dr. Ali Gooya

5. Deep learning for outcome prediction after pelvic radiotherapy
Supervisors: Dr. Ali Gooya

6. Statistical learning methods in deep cardiac phenotyping
Supervisors: Prof. Alex Frangi and Prof. Sven Plein

Details and instructions for applicants available in the links above.

From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2019
Subject: Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 22 (1)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 22, No. 1, 2019

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

Bouteraa N., Benaicha S., Positive periodic solutions for a class of
fourth-order nonlinear differential equations

Imomnazarov Sh.Kh., Urev M.V., The boundary value problem of
magnetoporosity arising in the study of a near-wellbore space

Klimova E.G., The Kalman stochastic ensemble filter with
transformation of perturbation ensemble

Liseikin V.D., Paasonen V.I., Compact difference schemes and
layer-resolving grids for the numerical modeling of problems with
boundary and interior layers

Penenko A.V., The Newton--Kantorovich method in inverse source
problems for production-destruction models with time series-type
measurement data

Sidikova A.I., The study of an inverse boundary problem for the heat
conduction equation

Sorokin S.B., An efficient direct method for the numerical solution to
the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation

End of Digest