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Re: Non-member submission from ["Sheldon F. Oppenheim"<[email protected]>] (fwd)

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Ulric Eriksson wrote:

> I have been trying to install Siag on an Iris Indigo running Irix 5.3.  I
> am a novice at this stuff and have run into a problem that I cannot
> resolve.  I read the install file which included the items on the Irix
> setup. I ran the ./configure and tried the make file.  I received an error
> unable to open regex.h.  On my install of Irix 5.3 there is no regex.h.
> There is regexp.h regdef.h regexpr.h and wsregexp.h.  I tried substituting
> these items for regex.h. I also tried using a version of regex.h found in
> the 4Dgifts.  All produced a list of syntax errors (shown
> below)

There are prebuilt binaries for Irix available at
ftp://silicon.chem.qmw.ac.uk/pub/siag and also at
ftp://ftp.edu.stockholm.se/pub/siag/binaries/irix (copy of the above).

INSTALL contains instructions by Harold Toms, who also made the binaries.
I have no way to test any of it and will be happy to update the
information in INSTALL if it contains errors. The only change I can think
of is that the configure script now tests for the availability of fnmatch
and/or gmatch, so there shouldn't be any need to hack the sources.

According to INSTALL, regex is available from "rx-1.5 (downloaded from
somewhere-or-other)". Again, if anybody knows where that is, share! ;-)

> The Irix notes in the install are a bit confusing has anyone created a
> list of changes to make Siag work on Irix 5.3?  It seems odd to me that
> changes in filesel.c need to be made when ./configure found out that
> fnmatch does not exist on Irix.  Is this an old item?

