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Re: row/column change OOPS!
Hi Frieder ,
I've discovered an error in the previous post I sent (the modifications
to plot.scm).
So Here is the new listing (/usr/local/share/siag/siag/plot.scm)
(this stuff still needs more work, but I think it's usable).
And yes Frieder, I'm from Salta - Argentina. I'm waiting for your
Rodrigo .
;; Use Gnuplot to plot diagrams
;; This is the modified file .
;; Data graphed by columns instead of by rows.
;; Modificado por Rodrigo A. Guzman (30-1-1999)
([email protected])
;; para que la seleccion se haga por columnas.
;; con la columna de valores de x para cada serie, es decir
;; que se pueden imprimir vectores x y1 y2 y3 y4....
;(define (plot-cell fp buf row col)
; (if (= (get-type buf row col) EXPRESSION)
; (writes fp (get-cell row col) "\n")
; (writes fp "\n")))
(define (plot-cell1 fp buf row col)
(if (= (get-type buf row col) EXPRESSION)
(writes fp (get-cell row col) "\n")
(writes fp "\n")))
(define (plot-cell fp buf row col rowx colx)
(if (= (get-type buf row col) EXPRESSION)
(writes fp (get-cell rowx colx) "\t" (get-cell row col) "\n" )
(writes fp "\n")))
; Check if the first row can be used for tics
; Yes, the heuristics are questionable
(define (is-tics buf row c1 c2)
(let ((type (get-type buf row c1)))
(and (<= c1 c2)
(or (= type LABEL)
(and (not (= type EXPRESSION))
(is-tics buf row (+ c1 1) c2))))))
; Check if the contents of the first column is likely to be titles
(define (is-titles buf r1 r2 col)
(let ((type (get-type buf r1 col)))
(and (<= r1 r2)
(or (= type LABEL)
(and (not (= type EXPRESSION))
(is-titles buf (+ r1 1) r2 col))))))
(define (plot style)
(let ((has-tics nil) (has-titles nil)
(pid 0)
(c 0) (c1 0) (c2 0) (r 0) (r1 0) (r2 0)
(fn-cmd "") (fn-output "") (fn-data "")
(fp-cmd nil) (fp-output nil) (fp-data nil))
(set! pid (number->string (getpid) 10))
(set! fn-cmd (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid ".cmd"))
(set! fn-output (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid ".ps"))
(set! fp-cmd (fopen fn-cmd "w"))
(writes fp-cmd "# This file is used by Siag to control Gnuplot\n")
(writes fp-cmd "set terminal postscript\n")
(writes fp-cmd "set output \"" fn-output "\"\n")
(writes fp-cmd "set data style " style "\n")
(set! r0 (position-row (get-blku)))
(set! r1 r0)
(set! r2 (position-row (get-blkl)))
(set! c0 (position-col (get-blku)))
(set! c1 c0)
(set! c2 (position-col (get-blkl)))
; the case with only one line must be treated specially
(set! has-tics (if (= c1 c2) (is-tics nil r0 c1 c2)
(is-tics nil r0 (+ c1 1) c2)))
(set! has-titles (if (= r1 r2) (is-titles nil r1 r2 c0)
(is-titles nil (+ r1 1) r2 c0)))
(if has-titles (set! c1 (+ c1 1)))
(if has-tics
(set! r1 (+ r1 1))
(writes fp-cmd "set xtics (")
(set! c c1)
(while (<= c c2)
(if (> c c1) (writes fp-cmd ", "))
(if (get-text r0 c)
(writes fp-cmd "\"" (get-string r0 c) "\" "))
(writes fp-cmd (- c c1))
(set! c (+ c 1)))
(writes fp-cmd ")\n")))
(writes fp-cmd "plot ")
; This is the original code (by rows).
; (set! r r1)
; (while (<= r r2)
; (set! fn-data (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid "."
(number->string r 10)))
; (set! fp-data (fopen fn-data "w"))
; (writes fp-cmd "\"" fn-data "\"")
; (if (and has-titles (get-text r c0))
; (writes fp-cmd " title \"" (get-string r c0) "\""))
; (if (< r r2)
; (writes fp-cmd ", "))
; (set! c c1)
; (while (<= c c2)
; (plot-cell fp-data nil r c)
; (set! c (+ c 1)))
; (fclose fp-data)
; (set! r (+ r 1)))
; Rodrigo A. Guzman. ([email protected])
; Codigo modificado para dibujar tablas del tipo x y1 y2 y3....
; el bloque seleccionado debe tener 2 o mas columnas.
; c1 es la columna que tiene los valores de X
; These are my modifications (see, only changed the counters, so
; it iterates by columns).
(if (< c1 c2) ; 1 Column case.
(set! c (+ c1 1)) ; comienza con y1
(set! c c1)) ; solo 1 vector.
(while (<= c c2)
(set! fn-data (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid "."
(number->string c 10)))
(set! fp-data (fopen fn-data "w"))
(writes fp-cmd "\"" fn-data "\"")
(if (and has-titles (get-text r c0))
(writes fp-cmd " title \"" (get-string r c0) "\""))
(if (< c c2)
(writes fp-cmd ", "))
(set! r r1)
(while (<= r r2)
(if (< c1 c2)
(plot-cell fp-data nil r c r c1)
(plot-cell1 fp-data nil r c))
(set! r (+ r 1)))
(fclose fp-data)
(set! c (+ c 1)))
(writes fp-cmd "\n")
(fclose fp-cmd)
(system "gnuplot " fn-cmd)
(set! pid (spawn (string-append viewer-command " -landscape "
(deletia-add pid fn-data)
(deletia-add pid fn-cmd)))
; (spawn (string-append "ghostview -landscape " fn-output))))
;; Use Gnuplot to plot diagrams
;; This is the modified file .
;; Data graphed by columns instead of by rows.
;; Modificado por Rodrigo A. Guzman (30-1-1999)
([email protected])
;; para que la seleccion se haga por columnas.
;; con la columna de valores de x para cada serie, es decir
;; que se pueden imprimir vectores x y1 y2 y3 y4....
;(define (plot-cell fp buf row col)
; (if (= (get-type buf row col) EXPRESSION)
; (writes fp (get-cell row col) "\n")
; (writes fp "\n")))
(define (plot-cell1 fp buf row col)
(if (= (get-type buf row col) EXPRESSION)
(writes fp (get-cell row col) "\n")
(writes fp "\n")))
(define (plot-cell fp buf row col rowx colx)
(if (= (get-type buf row col) EXPRESSION)
(writes fp (get-cell rowx colx) "\t" (get-cell row col) "\n" )
(writes fp "\n")))
; Check if the first row can be used for tics
; Yes, the heuristics are questionable
(define (is-tics buf row c1 c2)
(let ((type (get-type buf row c1)))
(and (<= c1 c2)
(or (= type LABEL)
(and (not (= type EXPRESSION))
(is-tics buf row (+ c1 1) c2))))))
; Check if the contents of the first column is likely to be titles
(define (is-titles buf r1 r2 col)
(let ((type (get-type buf r1 col)))
(and (<= r1 r2)
(or (= type LABEL)
(and (not (= type EXPRESSION))
(is-titles buf (+ r1 1) r2 col))))))
(define (plot style)
(let ((has-tics nil) (has-titles nil)
(pid 0)
(c 0) (c1 0) (c2 0) (r 0) (r1 0) (r2 0)
(fn-cmd "") (fn-output "") (fn-data "")
(fp-cmd nil) (fp-output nil) (fp-data nil))
(set! pid (number->string (getpid) 10))
(set! fn-cmd (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid ".cmd"))
(set! fn-output (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid ".ps"))
(set! fp-cmd (fopen fn-cmd "w"))
(writes fp-cmd "# This file is used by Siag to control Gnuplot\n")
(writes fp-cmd "set terminal postscript\n")
(writes fp-cmd "set output \"" fn-output "\"\n")
(writes fp-cmd "set data style " style "\n")
(set! r0 (position-row (get-blku)))
(set! r1 r0)
(set! r2 (position-row (get-blkl)))
(set! c0 (position-col (get-blku)))
(set! c1 c0)
(set! c2 (position-col (get-blkl)))
; the case with only one line must be treated specially
(set! has-tics (if (= c1 c2) (is-tics nil r0 c1 c2)
(is-tics nil r0 (+ c1 1) c2)))
(set! has-titles (if (= r1 r2) (is-titles nil r1 r2 c0)
(is-titles nil (+ r1 1) r2 c0)))
(if has-titles (set! c1 (+ c1 1)))
(if has-tics
(set! r1 (+ r1 1))
(writes fp-cmd "set xtics (")
(set! c c1)
(while (<= c c2)
(if (> c c1) (writes fp-cmd ", "))
(if (get-text r0 c)
(writes fp-cmd "\"" (get-string r0 c) "\" "))
(writes fp-cmd (- c c1))
(set! c (+ c 1)))
(writes fp-cmd ")\n")))
(writes fp-cmd "plot ")
; This is the original code (by rows).
; (set! r r1)
; (while (<= r r2)
; (set! fn-data (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid "."
(number->string r 10)))
; (set! fp-data (fopen fn-data "w"))
; (writes fp-cmd "\"" fn-data "\"")
; (if (and has-titles (get-text r c0))
; (writes fp-cmd " title \"" (get-string r c0) "\""))
; (if (< r r2)
; (writes fp-cmd ", "))
; (set! c c1)
; (while (<= c c2)
; (plot-cell fp-data nil r c)
; (set! c (+ c 1)))
; (fclose fp-data)
; (set! r (+ r 1)))
; Rodrigo A. Guzman. ([email protected])
; Codigo modificado para dibujar tablas del tipo x y1 y2 y3....
; el bloque seleccionado debe tener 2 o mas columnas.
; c1 es la columna que tiene los valores de X
; These are my modifications (see, only changed the counters, so
; it iterates by columns).
(if (< c1 c2) ; 1 Column case.
(set! c (+ c1 1)) ; comienza con y1
(set! c c1)) ; solo 1 vector.
(while (<= c c2)
(set! fn-data (string-append "/tmp/siagplot" pid "."
(number->string r 10)))
(set! fp-data (fopen fn-data "w"))
(writes fp-cmd "\"" fn-data "\"")
(if (and has-titles (get-text r c0))
(writes fp-cmd " title \"" (get-string r c0) "\""))
(if (< c c2)
(writes fp-cmd ", "))
(set! r r1)
(while (<= r r2)
(if (< c1 c2)
(plot-cell fp-data nil r c r c1)
(plot-cell1 fp-data nil r c))
(set! r (+ r 1)))
(fclose fp-data)
(set! c (+ c 1)))
(writes fp-cmd "\n")
(fclose fp-cmd)
(system "gnuplot " fn-cmd)
(set! pid (spawn (string-append viewer-command " -landscape "
(deletia-add pid fn-data)
(deletia-add pid fn-cmd)))
; (spawn (string-append "ghostview -landscape " fn-output))))