Index of /tcl/ftparchive/sorted/graphics/tkpaint/1.51

      Name                   Last modified     Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 23-Jun-99 21:18 - [   ] README 08-Dec-98 11:38 21k [CMP] TKPAINT-1.5.3.TAR.GZ 23-Dec-98 14:18 96k [   ] TKPAINT-EXE.ZIP 09-Dec-98 12:43 0k [   ] TKPAINT-SRC.ZIP 09-Dec-98 12:41 265k

TKPAINT 1.51     [ win95/NT/Linux ]
Copyright (C) 1998  Samy Zafrany [[email protected]]

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

*   ZOOM:
    Now it is possible to zoom up your drawing and to perform sensitive
    editing. Read more below.

    JPEG, BMP (windows!), XPM, TIFF, PNG, and POSTSCRIPT.
    All these goodies are available only if you install the "Img package"
    of Jan Nijtmans:
    Win95/NT may have problems with POSTSCRIPT  loading though.
    Not though, that the executable does not have the Img extension.

    Well, after too many requests from users, I have added
    scrollbars to the tkpaint canvas. It's not so bad as I thought it will
    look like (for myself, I still prefer the arrows keys!).

    In earlier versions, when choosing a group of objects for scaling, text
    objects were left unchanged while all other objects got resized.
    This is no longer the case for version 1.5! From now on when scaling
    a group of objects, the text objects are scaled with respect to the
    X direction.

    Now it is much easier to select the grid and snap parameters (previously
    slightly confusing). Note, however, that a distinction is made between
    grid and snap. Mainly, they are independent of each other. Some people
    like to have a grid with no snap . Othres prefer to have snap with no
    grid, and sometimes you need a grid and snap with different sizes.
    All is possible with the new grid selector.
    It is also possible to select grid and snap sizes in cm, mm, or inches.
    Also read the next item:

    New graphics parameters were added to tkpaint 1.5, and some old ones
    were replaced. Sorry for the inconvenience but I am sure that the necessary
    changes are very easy to do:
    If you saved preferences files (*.ini or *.rc) edit them manually and
    make the following changes:

    Graphics parameters whose name has changed:
                    OLD                            NEW
    replace   Graphics(gridcell)     by     Graphics(grid,size)
    replace   Graphics(grid)         by     Graphics(grid,on)
    replace   Graphics(ticks)        by     Graphics(ticks,on)
    replace   Graphics(gspacing)     by     Graphics(grid,snap)

    You should also add the following new graphics parameters:
    New graphics parameters:
    Graphics(snap,on)            default value: 0
    Graphics(snap,size)          default value: 1

    Please update your preferneces files (*.ini) with these values.
    I appologize for the inconvenience this may cause to people with too many
    preferences files, but these changes really make tkpaint much better.

    If you overwrite your tkpaint.ini file with the new tkpaint.ini, then
    you are set, and all is well.

New features  for Tkpaint 1.51
Mainly minor bug fixes.
* Fixed the "Zoom/No snap" bug (graphics snap size somehow increased too
  even if snap was off).
* Fixed bug related to long file names with spaces
  (like "c:/Program Files/tkpaint/...").
  This problem occured with pic files, preference files, and image files.
  Tkpaint did not open such files. Typical bug.

Tkpaint is an easy to use graphics utility based on the canvas widget of
the tool command language Tcl/Tk. It can be very useful for drawing simple
to complex figures, slide presentations, graphs, and diagrams that involve
geometrical shapes, arrows, text, and colors.
From version 1.3 it is also possible to insert bitmaps and gif/ppm/pgm images,
and from version 1.5 more graphics formats are supported via the Img package.
There is a large variety of operations that can be performed on a group of
objects: scaling, rotation, relocation, reflection, and deformation with
respect to inclination. 

Among many possible uses, tkpaint can be very useful for books/papers writers
who like to draw their figures by themselves (don't assume that someone else
will do  it better than you!).  It is easy to get an encapsulated PostScript
output (EPS), and then to include it inside TeX or LaTeX files (via the epsf
macro package).

Tkpaint is very easy to learn, and with little experience it is possible to
produce book quality slides in a short time. With more experience it is
possible to produce unbelievably complex figures. UNIX users who use XFIG
or XPAINT may find TKPAINT more suitable for some of the things that they
are trying to do.

Tkpaint was developed on:
1. Pentium/100MH/Win95/Linux     + wish 8.0 (or prowish 8.03)
2. PentiumPro/200MH/NT4/Linux    + wish 8.0 (or prowish 8.03)
It should run well on such platforms.
The Unix port of tkpaint is maintained by Victor B. Wagner ([email protected]),
which has integrated the Img extension in it and has an Autoconf configure
script. According to Victor B. Wagner, tkpaint 1.4 works well under BSDI,
Solaris and Linux. The same is expected about tkpaint 1.5.
Please visit
for more details and to download.                                    

New versions of this program are availabe via:

1.    (Tkpaint homepage)

The first site is the "official" homepage of tkpaint. It has more info and some
nice screen shots, and will always be more updated than the others.
Those that are interested to be informed about new releases
and news about tkpaint may enter their e-mail via the form there.
(or send me your e-mail to: [email protected], but I prefer you do it via
the form)

WIn95/NT:  There is not much to do. If you have tcl/tk 8.0 installed
           then you may want to install the source package (
           Just unzip the package somewhere on your disk, and create
           a shortcut to tkpaint.tcl.
           If you do not have Tcl/Tk installed then you may install the
           tkpaint-exe package anywhere you like and create a shortcut
           to tkpaint.exe.
           If you have an old installation of tkpaint, you may want to
           save your tkpaint.ini file (if you have done any special changes
           to it) before proceeding with the new installation, or else your
           old tkpaint.ini will be overwritten by the default tkpaint.ini.

Unix:      The Unix port of tkpaint is maintained by Victor B. Wagner
           ([email protected]), which has integrated the Img extension in it
           and has an Autoconf configure script. According to Victor B. Wagner,
           tkpaint 1.4 worked well under BSDI, Solaris and Linux. So I expect
           that version 1.5 will continue to work well on these Platforms.
           Please visit   
           for more details and to download.      

With Tkpaint it is possible to draw a variety of geometrical objects:
 1.  Polygons
 2.  Rectangles
 3.  Rounded rectangles
 4.  Circles
 5.  Ellipse
 6.  Splines
 7.  Arcs (of circles)
 8.  Chords (of circle)
 9.  Pie slices (of circle)
10.  Free hand curves.
11.  Text in any size, type, color, and stipple.
12.  Since version 1.3 it is possible to insert images from files.
     The supported formats are X BMP, GIF, PPM, PGM.
     Since version 1.5: If you install the Img package of Jan Nijtmans
     then you can insert images of type: JPEG, WINDOWS BMP, XPM, TIFF, PNG, and
     POSTSCRIPT. Win95/NT may have problems with POSTSCRIPT though.
13.  Since version 1.4 it is possible to edit polygons and lines.
     That is, it is possible to relocate vertices, add new vertices to
     existing polygons and lines, and delete vertices.
14.  Since version 1.4 you can save and load configuration files
     (called preferences files). The default file is tkpaint.ini.
15.  Since version 1.4 you can deform a group of objects. Read below.

The arc, chord, and pieslice way of drawing is especially
nice, and the author did not see anything like it in other similar prgrams.
I do not know about other programs that support arrows on arcs too!

The canvas environment of Tcl/Tk is based on objects, which means that
every shape, line, text item, or image are treated as an undivisible unit.
All actions are performed on these objects:
you can create, move, copy, raise, lower, and delete
each object as a graphical unit.

However, in this application it is also possible to select a group of objects
and perform various actions on all the objects in the group:

1. Edit their outline width and outline color.
2. Edit interiour color.
3. Stretch the group of objects horizontaly, vertically, or in both directions.
4. Copy, move, and delete of a group of objects.
5. Reflect with respect to the x-axis or y-axis.
6. And even rotate the group to any desired angle.
7. It is possible to UNDO the last 50 operations, and then you can REDO the
   last 50 undo actions.


8. It is possible to edit lines, polygons (including smooth
   lines and polygons). This means that you can relocate vertices with
   the mouse, create new vertices, and delete existing vertices.
   See the help for more info.

9. It is possible now to change the inclination (deform) of a group of
   objects. (Like "Italics" in fonts). This is described by the
   following figure:

        -----------------                  -----------------
        |               |    deform      /                /
        |               |    ------>    /                /
        -----------------              -----------------
   This operation is very useful for special effects to make slides look
   more impressive.

10. It is possible to save and load prefernces files.
   A new file "tkpaint.ini" added to the package.
   Tkpaint will load this file when it starts if it exists.
   However, the user may choose any file names for saving his preferences,
   create multiple preferences files, load them whenever he wants to (even
   at the midst of work). It is also easy to edit them by hand and thus
   making it possible to choose special parameters that are hard to get via
   the menus of tkpaint (like a huge arrow shape, precise color numbers,
   grid parameters, etc).

11. Tkpaint will accept one command line argumnet. The name of pic to load.
    This is useful for Unix users or people who use Dos boxes.

12. Some of the more frequently used operations have shortcuts ("accelerators")

Not mentioned earlier: since version 1.3, the "Group" menu has the
"Select 1 object" item which is useful for picking a single object
that may be covered by tons of other objects and therefore the usual
selction mechanism is incapable to isolate it for editing.


13. Zooming is now possible: 50%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 250%, ..., 500%.
    It is now possible to enlarge the view of the canvas.
    One warning in place though: since line widths and font sizes have
    integer values, zooming by 50%, 75%, 150%, 250%, 350%, and 450% may not
    be completely accurate. The design of the zoom operation in tkpaint
    makes sure that you do not loose any precision by zooming into one
    of this factors and then zooming back (no matter how many times you do it).
    So no harm to the figure or to the precision will happen if you use these
    zoom factors for viewing only.  However drawing any new items at this
    factors may not be advised.
    For work sake, it is best to work within the 200%, 300%, 400, and 500%
    factors. This way, no precision will be lost, and the results will be
14. If you install the Img package of Jan Nijtmans
    then you can insert images of type: JPEG, windows BMP, XPM, TIFF, PNG, and
    PostScript. Win95/NT may have problems with PostScript though.

    Well, after too many requests from users, I have added
    scrollbars to the tkpaint canvas. It's not so bad as I thought it will
    look like (for myself, I still prefer the arrows keys with no scrollbars!).

    For emphasis, I repeat here the following:
    New graphics parameters were added to tkpaint 1.5, and some old ones
    were replaced. Sorry for the inconvenience but I am sure that the necessary
    changes are very easy to do:

    Graphics parameters whose name has changed:
             OLD                                        NEW
        Graphics(gridcell)    was replaced by     Graphics(grid,size)
        Graphics(grid)        was replaced by     Graphics(grid,on)
        Graphics(ticks)       was replaced by     Graphics(ticks,on)
        Graphics(gspacing)    was replaced by     Graphics(grid,snap)

    New graphics parameters:
        Graphics(snap,on)            default value: 0
        Graphics(snap,size)          default value: 1

    Please update your preferneces files (*.ini) with these values.
    I appologize for the inconvenience this may cause to people with too many
    preferences files, but these changes really make tkpaint much better.

You may send output to printer if you have gsview installed, or get the output
in EPS (encapsulated PostScript) file format or as a Tcl script.
Or save as Encapsulated PostScript to be used in TeX/LaTeX files (or any
application that supports EPS inclusion)

For more information it is best to press the "Help" button or simply play
with the program. It is quite easy to use.

If you have downloaded the Tcl source package (,
then you should find the following files:

1.   tkpaint.tcl      (main program)
2.   tkpaint.ini      (initialization file - from version 1.4 only)
3.   help.tcl         (help file)
4.   fontsel.tcl      (font selection box)
5.   arrowshape.tcl   (arrow head editor)
6.   gifs/*.gif       (GIF files directory, it should contain many gif files)
7.   COPYING          (Gnu general public license)
8.   readme           (this file)
9.   4 demo files: demo1.pic, ..., demo4.pic
13.  some gif/ppm and bitmap files (for the demos)
14.  changes          (changes made from version to version)

The main file is of course tkpaint.tcl.
And it should be fed to wish 8.0, 8.03, or prowish.

if you have dowloaded the executable package (,
then you should find there the following files:

1.  tkpaint.exe
2.  tkpaint.ini
3.  readme
4.  copying
5.  demo files
6.  some gif and bitmap files (for the demos)

1. Donald K. Fellows ([email protected]) for the wonderful font selection
   box. It was modified a little to support color selection and some more
   text size radio buttons.

2. Brent Welsh for his excellent book "Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk".
   Most of my Tcl education was acquired through this book.
   Example 31-12 (Simple edit bindings for canvas text items) saved us
   Lots of trouble. It was, of course, modified to suite tkpaint.

3. My students: Michel Zohar, Yaniv Katan, and Amit Noph whose good ideas,
   good source code, and especially their snagged gifs (;-), contributed a
   lot to this program.

4. Christopher Jay Cox ([email protected]) for his inspiring ImPress program.
   playing with it on the Netscapes browser was really impressive and
   motivating.  Some of the ideas like line width scale and manipulation of
   group of objects were stollen from ImPress (not the code! just ideas).

5. Since the release of tkpaint 1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4, I have received many good
   suggestions and ideas for improvements from users all over the world.
   Although I have very limited time to spend on tkpaint, I could not resist
   the cute ones (like reshaping polygons/lins due to Markus Meng) or the
   more urgent ones (like load/save preferences to file - very essential).
   Many of the improvemnets in release 1.4 are based on their suggestions.
   The motivation for the zoom feature in version 1.5 came from
   David Alan Gilbert ([email protected]) who convinced me about its importance.
   It turned out that zoom is very easy to implement (contrary to what I
   thought earlier).
   Apologies for other people for not being able to implement their
   suggestions. There are many more interesting improvements to be made,
   but I have very limited time to devote to tkpaint, and regrettably I will
   be able to implement only things that fit to this little time that I have.

6. Special thanks goes to Victor B. Wagner for his contributions and for
   maintaining the Unix port of tkpaint:
   and thus making Tkpaint available to Unix users as well. I could not
   have done it myself.
This program could not have been written without the so many ideas and tips
that I got from these sources, hence it is free and open as these sources are.

I hate bugs! If you find any, please let me know as fast as lightning.
I will do anything I can to fix them.

Tkpaint started as an experiment for testing Tcl/Tk capabilities in a
undergraduate course (on graphical user interfaces) given by me at
Netanya Academic College, Israel, Fall 1997.
I was just introduced to Tcl/Tk by a friend who thought that it would be
a good choice for this course (and, frankly, considering the alternatives,
I could not realy avoid it). one of the projects (among others)
that came to my mind was to try to create a drawing tool that besides of making
an interesting project, will also be useful for educational duties like
preparing lecture slides and figures for lecture note, papers, and text books.
I have had a long and bad experience with similar programs (which I will
not mention here) which where either too simple and deficient or too large
and complex to use or install or cost a lot of money.
While many of my students worked on this project, I did work on it privately
myself. At the end of term, during the grading of their projects, I have
integrated many of their ideas and some of their source code to my tkpaint,
and after some hard work came up with this final result (tkpaint 1.0).
Since its release, more ideas and suggestions and bug fixes flow through
internet lines, and hence releases 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5.

To conclude: I think that Tcl/Tk did provide me with almost anything that
I initially wanted for tkpaint to have. My initial plan was to create a
small, simple, easy to use tool for creating slides and book figures which does
not suffer from the bugs and deficiencies of similar tools, yet this tool
should not try to catch up with a monster as Corel Draw or have any of the
capabilities of Adobe Photoshop (since these features ar rarely needed for
creating simple figures or class slides).

With this respect, I think that tkpaint did quite well.
The program works very good for me and I am using it constantly with great
results.  There are, as always, many features that can be added, and many
other things can be improved. But one must draw a finish line somewhere.
I will, of course, fix bugs and do some simple fix-ups from time to time,
or even do a major change if it is strongly demnaded by users, but I do not
intend to go ahead and make any major changes to the program (unless I will
suddenly become a milioner and be completely relieved from my teachnig and
other duties).
The only deficiency that irritates me the most is the lack of dash lines
in the canvas widget of Tcl/Tk. Hopefully, in the near future, the dash
patch will be integrated to the tk core, and from that point tkpaint will
get much better.

Send bug reports to:
Samy Zafrany                 School of Computer Science and Mathematics
[email protected]           Netanya Academic College
Phones:                      16 Kibutz-Galuyot Street
972-9-8607738 (Office)       Kiriat Yizhack Rabin
972-4-8258140 (Home)         Netanya 42365, ISRAEL

Copyright � 1998 Samy Zafrany. All rights reserved.