Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory 18-Dec-99 07:01 -
README 06-Jul-97 16:59 8k
README.html 06-Jul-97 16:59 8k
adabastcl-1.0.tar.gz 07-Jul-97 14:39 299k
changes 06-Jul-97 10:17 11k
manuals/ 29-Jan-99 12:24 -
AdabasTcl is an extension to TCL (Tool Command Language), that provides access to an ADABAS D database server of Software AG. AdabasTcl adds additional Tcl commands that connect to a database, pass SQL code, read results, etc. AdabasTcl was inspired by similar extensions for other database servers, notably oratcl by Tom Poindexter.
There are also four TK (ToolKit) applications, that provide the access to the database in the X11 environment with the motif look and feel. You can run them on a windows system, too.
These applications can be started as Tclets inside the Netscape brower, too.
Last but not least there is an extension module for perl, which makes it possible to access Adabas D from Perl.
Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Christian Krone. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Tcl itself.
See also licence.terms
See the file changes for details.
Since AdabasTcl is an extension to TCL, you should already have TCL, or be prepared to get it via ftp. To use the feature of dynamically loading the AdabasTcl extension into the TCL interpreter (tclsh), you must have TCL version 7.5. The tk applications need the installed TK widget set version 4.1.
It will work also with Tcl7.5/Tk4.5 or Tcl/Tk8.0
Of course, you must also have access to an ADABAS D databaser server. AdabasTcl must be linked with the Adabas D precompiler libraries. I've linked and tested it with a server version 6.1 and version 6.2 on different flavours of Unix (mostly Linux, Unixware, Sun and HP9) and on Windows 95 and NT/4.0.
If you want to work with the perl extension, you must have perl5.003 installed. For using the Tclets, you must have the Tcl plugin version 2.0a2 (or above?) and Tcl/Tk version 8.0a2 (or above) installed. All this (and more!) you can get at
To configure, compile and install AdabasTcl, you have to go through the following approximately 3 steps.
This package has been compiled and tested on the following platforms:
For configuration, compilation and installation you can call the Tk program makeVC.tcl. There you can customize the mentioned configuration variables. After this a click of the button Make should build and install everything.
It is tested with VC++ (not Borland!). If you have the precompiled version of Tcl/Tk, you need the vc libs, which should be available at the same ftp sides, where you got Tcl/Tk. In Tcl8.0b1 or later they are part of the normal distribution as .../TCL/lib/tcl80vc.lib and .../TCL/lib/tk80vc.lib. This are the locations, where they are expected even with older versions.
You have to create icons and/or shortcuts for the tk appls in $DBROOT/bin manually.
With the Windows95 PE 6.1 there is a bug, that every application reports an invalid instruction on exiting.
Comments, suggestions, bugs reports,, should be mailed to me mailto:[email protected] or posted to news:comp.lang.tcl or news:comp.databases.adabas if general enough nature.
Please always include:
Have fun, Krischan
Christian Krone
Varziner Str. 12
D-12161 Berlin
mailto:[email protected]