. _/\ _//\_.___ /\ /\ . . /\_____ v _____/\\_ / T \_/ \_/ \Ś \_/ _ \_/ _ \_ _ _ _/ l \_ _/ _ \ _/ _\_____/ \_____// \\_ _ _/ \_ \ \_ \__ \_______ \_ T T \_ T \_ T T T T T Ś Ś T | | | Ś | | | Ś | | | | l_ : Ś | Ś _ l____| Ś |____| | \______/Ż\_______/Ż ˇ _ \_ _ Ś : Ś Ś Ś : : \ : ˇ : ˇ :_/\ /\_____ _____/\ /\_.Ś Ś /\_____ \_ . . : _ \_/ _ \/ _ \_/ Ś| |/ _ \ _Ś \_____/ _/ \ _/ _/ || _/ _/ \_ \_ T \_ _ _/ T \_ || \_ T _/ . __ + T | T T \_ | T lŚ T | T _\/___ | Ś | | T Ś | _/\ | | | . \/\ / Ś : | | | : | \_ | | | \/ _ Ż\________Ś____| |________|___ /\___/Ś |____| + ˇ \__ Ś : \/ : Ś : ˇ ˇ : . ˇ [ 6 fASt nODEz ] ˇ [ iSDN/v.34/tElNEt ] ˇ [ +49 aSk [saint] ] [ rUnNiN' 0N aN a4K/o6o/66mHz wItH lAtESt /X V4.xx ] [ aMiGa ˇ pEe-CeE ˇ c0ns0lE ˇ pOrnO ˇ mP-3 ] ˇ : __ _/\Ś/\_ __ __/\__ _ _ __ _/(_) | (_)\_ __ _ _ __/\__ iF U sOFT aMIGA \ / ( /_/\\_ | _//\_\ ) \ / gET lOST! tERROR /_ _\ \_\/_/ @ | @ \_\/_/ /_ _\ wORLDWIDE \/ \__ _|_ __/ \/ sHARP aS a kNIFE _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _ \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___ (_Ś_) ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH fICKEN _ \___ / \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/ \ ___/ _ GEWORDENE uND /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\ bOESE tOETEN / (_) \_ \/ \\_ |_|_|_|_| _// \/ _/ (_) \ / _/ _ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _ \_ \ \ ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) ) / /\ \ WE WżLL NEVER _/ Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż \_ WE WżLL NEVER / /\ \/ / SURRENDER _ __/\\__ _\ /_ __//\__ _ COMPROMISE! \ \/ / \\\__/ \/ \_/ \/ \__/// \ \ Ż __/\ /\__ Ż / \ __________________\__/ \__/__________________ / i HATe \( __/\ /\__ )/ PC ANd I Ż \__/ ___ \__/ ;) Ż WONt STOp __/\\_//\__ ONLżNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLżNE BżS ZUM KNAST __/ \__ \_____/ WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY SOZIALAMT ^ ^ ^ [--START--------------------------------------------------------------------] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ..:.....:. :...:. . :__________________. :'..... :::.:' ::::: ....-.... | :: :::::: ` :::::_ ` ::::: ::::: | :. ::::: .::::|:::: ::::.|::: ::::: | :: ::::: :::::|:::: :::::|:::: | : `::::_:cP!:|:::: :::::|:::-[tbF]-[maG]-| .::. ::::_::::' | :' | | Monitor o12 - ironic look on the warez : .|WHERE WILL WE GO THESE DAYS? GALAXY READ! :|.:____________________________________.:: @END_FILE_ID.DIZ`;:'THERE'S ALWAYS THE SUN!BEER AND CHICKS! .______________________________. If you cannot do something it doesnot mean | | not to do it. (Tommy Piper) | .________________________. | | | | | ________ Ś : | | ____/ /_____ ___ |____.____:____ _____ ___________ | | __/ / / \/ \ |_____|_ | / \\\ / | | / / / / / \| / | | / \ / | | / / / /____/ / \ \ \ | | / \_ / | | /___/ / / /________/_____\ \__|______|______/ ____|/____\ _ ___| | /____/[cybergod] \_________\ : .___. | Ś 1084 ()() () () |i/o| | |_______________________|___|__| Hawaii To All You Out There! Welcome To Issue No. o12 Of "Monitor" Magazine DON'T IMMITATE ... PROVOKE!... Hello Traders, Freaks, Sysops, Leechers and Crackers! New Amiga computers are announced and promised to appear in about 18 month.A VERY good news i thought. But then i thought how long would it take to design a new computer. 18 month? Not long enough for a new mainboard layout, a new software and a new commerial strategy. I fear that the new Amiga computers will be another PC clone computer. But who will buy these "things"? PC users? Surely not. They are playing around with their WIN95/98/NT and they seem quite happy with it. Insert a CD and play the game untill midnight... So why should they buy a new OS? Or a even a new computer? And the present Amiga users? Why should they buy one of these computers everyone could buy everywhere? Why have they been with the Amiga for years now and now should go for the hated system? If this future Amiga will be a PC clone then it will dissapear as fast as it was risen. I like to have a computer which is not PC based and i won't buy a PC untill there is no other way to avoid it. Let's hope that the engeneers of Amiga Inc. understood... I finally made a descicion. I won't reply to any texts by - GALAXY - ... it's not that i don't have a need to argue with him but i'm tired of all his verbal shit. Do you want examples? Here they are (just the worst ones!).: "can't get more famous than now, because i'm already famous", "don't care about the Amiga scene anymore", "You are writing your magazine to get more friends and tele- phone calls ever day from your scene friends", "i did my efforts for the amiga scene but i don't mind if the amiga dies", "the amiga scene is kind of trash- can for my bad mood" FULL STOP! The last note to - GALAXY - : (in GERMAN LANGUAGE SO THAT EVEN HE CAN UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Du redest 3/4 des Textes über die tollen PCs und warum sie denn so viel besser sind als die Amigas oder andere Systeme. Zum Schluß kommst Du dann nicht mal zu einer definitiven Aussage. Naja, nichts besonders bei Deinen Texten. Aber jetzt mal ehrlich, warum ist der Amiga weg vom Fenster?! Weil es um GELD geht, genau wie Du schon seit 100 Zeilen in Deinem Text schreibst. Es geht Dir nur ums Geld, wie jedem in der PC Branche. Mit dem Amiga konnte man auch Geld machen, oder erinnerst Du Dich nicht mehr an die Zeit (ich dachte da warst DU so mega famous! (hahahaha)). Aber die Zeit ist vorbei. Es war doch genau so beim Wechsel von C64 auf Amiga wie jetzt von Amiga auf PC. Doch ist der C64 jetzt tot? Oder gibt es nur noch Scheiss Programmierer auf dem C64, die im wahren Leben Sozialhilfeempfänger sind? Bestimmt nicht! Und so wird es auch mit dem Amiga weitergehen, falls nicht doch jemand das Steuer herumreißt. Mag es Phase5, Haage&Partner oder Amiga Inc. sein. So langsam muß ich Siriax zustimmen (er hat vielleicht vor mir verstanden), wenn er Deine Releases 99* nuked. Du sagst es doch auch selber, die Amiga Scene ist Dir egal, also kann der Amiga Scene auch Deine Releases egal sein! Fame ist garantiert nicht das was Du in Deinem Leben schaffst, aber egal, Du weißt ja so genau worüber Du redest. Genauso ist es auch mit den angeblichen Drohungen, die ich and Deine Adresse gegeben haben soll. Ich habe gesagt es gibt eine Überraschung auf der nächsten Party. Wenn das eine Drohung für Dich ist, dann viel Spaß in der Nervenklinik, wenn sie Dich endlich eingeliefert haben. O-==========================================================================-O LAMER04.TXT 31234 05-25-98 .------------------------------------------. | LAMER issue oo4 | |------------------------------------------| | often copied, but never reached da real. | | it is showtime! your beloved and behated | | scener hits back to you with another | | cool issue of this german mag! | |------------------------------------------| | this text is written in german language! | `------------------------------------------' Often released, but never wanted... LAMER issue is back on your Amiga screens written by a guy who even doesn't own an Amiga and who doesn't give a shit about the Amiga scene. THANK YOU. O-==========================================================================-O PTLAME.NFO 8971 05-25-98 ............................................ : THE STORY BEHIND THE FIGHTER BOMBER FIX : : OR : : THE WAY TFX OF PTL STEALS OTHER PEOPLES : : WORK AND THEN POINTS OUT MR ZED DID IT ! : :..........................................: We are not amused.... O-==========================================================================-O WAD_HINT.TXT 3139 05-25-98 _____. __________/\ ____________/\ \_ l____ \___.____ \\\___.____ \\ | _ _/__ _ | / \ _ | '_____/ l___\ \(_)l________/(_)l____| yop .------ \______\ ----------------------- > | | sLAMs yA wITH mORe eXTRA WADS fOR dOOM2 | =- QUAKE IS LAME <--> DOOM IS FAST -= | |ˇ-> read this for hints, codes, usage ! | `----------------------------------------> whooooop... i waited days for this shit...NOT! I have to admit that the conversion of Doom and Quake and all the other 3D-Engines is quite cool work, but i get tired of playing all these .WAD files. I'm sure that there are more games on the Amiga that deserve to be played as much as DOOM or QUAKE or what- ever. So go out and buy Foundation or Genetic Species... O-==========================================================================-O xxxxxxx xxxxx 05-26-98 .------------------------------------------. aTs 4.0 NotFound <File_Id.DIZ> PleaseCheck ^------------------------------------------^ I deleted the name of this file but some will know what this was. But it does not really matter what this release was because i wanted to set the stress on something else. Look at the ID. This is the famous aTs (Auto Trade System). Auto Trade System? Isn't trading more an act of friendship than of monotone and organized action. And this aTs is not intelligent enough to stop the spreading of this release without File_ID.Diz. A human trader could test the release for it's contents and could write a new DIZ. Nobody really care about the stuff that is traded and the aTs is the worst of this behavior. O-==========================================================================-O JST-ROHD.LHA 782731 05-27-98 Jst Of Rolling Ronny From StarByte JST-TNTH.LHA 982618 05-27-98 Jst Of Traps'n'Treasures From StarByte I hate those jst fixes.. even my grandma could do them... O-==========================================================================-O DC-SP404.LHA P 4548 05-29-98 .________________ ____Ś____ ( _____/__ - ------------- _/ ___/ _/\_ T Ź\_ ˇ diGiTAL ˇ .-\ Ś/ 7--7 l / ˇ cORRUPTiON ˇ | \____.-----Ś Ś----.____/------- - - - | ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ | SerPrefs v40.4 keymodule for Spirit | Algorithm reverse engineered by [7] | `-[28-May-98]---------------------: 7/dC :-- X!-GMS10.LHA P 3469 05-29-98 źźźź X-tREK iN 1998 pRESENTS -------. źźźź źźźźź ____ ____ ____ __ ___ ˇxźź źźźźź _) /-.___| /-._) _/-._) _) /-. źźźźźźźźxˇ | |_ | ___/ | \ | źźźźźźźźźźx. | _/ | \| | \_ | źźźź źźźźźźź___ |___\ |____ |_____/ | źźźź źźźźźźź /____: /______: /___: /______: .--- źźźźźźź ------------------------------. | | | GMS 1.0 KeyModule for Spirit | |_ ______| ˇ//__________________________aV!____\\ pSB ˇ I _love_ those cool ideas and as you can see i'm not the only one! O-==========================================================================-O TBC-001.TXT P 9333 05-30-98 .------------------------------------------. | The Borg Collective : | | --------------------' | | a nEW gROUP | | iS bORN tODAY! | | 28th May 1998 | `------------------------------------------' I'm curious about their lastest releases. Let's see what this new crew can do to speed up the business... O-==========================================================================-O OPS-BPS2.LHA P 541623 05-30-98 ./\___./\___./\___./\___./\_. ____ ____. | _ | _ | _ | __/| | //\____ __ _| l T l T l T l____ l | | | | | | | .__| T | - -- OOPS! 1998 | | : | : | | | : |___| PRESENTS : | | | pdy! . | | ____ _____| l_____l_____l__| l_____l___l //\____ __ _| : : : "Beeps" : : The Chippack Series! - Issue #2 : :.........................................: Chip packs... i love them... these little gaily playing bastards! biepbiepbiep O-==========================================================================-O APACHE.LZX P 816734 05-31-98 APACHE HD/AGA FIXED Apache? I can't really remember what this game was but i have to say it again. I'm sick and tired of all these AGA/HD fixes... 50% of them are not working and the others are not worth to be played because they are just SHIT! Not the fixes bust the games.. O-=[news flash]=============================================================-O Hey sceners, this is the news flash for this week's amiga elite people. Read it and judge yourself what you have seen. I'm quite happy about the uploads during the last weeks and a special interest lies in the many ascii uploads. I think that the ascii business is back again despite all the internet image based browser action. Ascii is not dead. And on the Amiga it rises again. Let's hope that the Amiga will be back for future. .O-==========================================================================-O STOP STOP ... I Have ENUFF For This Week. I Can't Continue. Heeeeeeehhhhhmmm. - MAY THE WAREZ BE WITH YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - You Have Reached The End Of Monitor Issue No. o12. Now Dry Your Tears And Be Prepared For The Forthcoming Issue Of Monitor - The Week Of Warez. hmmm... if we meet again next week it will be the end or it will be an issue you won't recognize as monitor unless you will read it. the changes are unstop able or they will never come... I thank all people who consider this magazine as a cool piece of work and also all people who read and/or reply. WRITE A MESSAGE TO CRYPTOR ON THESE BBS : TOON TOWN or ACID SLAM. ______________________________________________________________________________ _) (_ Digiman - G-MOVE! Exon - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!!!! Asphyx - HELP! I NEED SOMEBODY'S HELP! Darkangel - BURN BABY, BURN! Jailer - DON'T BURN! HEHEHEHEHEEEE Epoz - BABABABBAAAABAAAABAABAAAAAA _ _ (______________________________________________________________________________) See you again next week in another issue of Monitor!! Goodbye, Ciao, Tschoe!!! [--END----------------------------------------------------------------------] ˇ : __ _/\Ś/\_ __ __/\__ _ _ __ _/(_) | (_)\_ __ _ _ __/\__ iF U sOFT aMIGA \ / ( /_/\\_ | _//\_\ ) \ / gET lOST! tERROR /_ _\ \_\/_/ @ | @ \_\/_/ /_ _\ wORLDWIDE \/ \__ _|_ __/ \/ sHARP aS a kNIFE _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _ \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___ (_Ś_) ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH fICKEN _ \___ / \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/ \ ___/ _ GEWORDENE uND /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\ bOESE tOETEN / (_) \_ \/ \\_ |_|_|_|_| _// \/ _/ (_) \ / _/ _ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _ \_ \ \ ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) ) / /\ \ WE WżLL NEVER _/ Ż Ż Ż Ż Ż \_ WE WżLL NEVER / /\ \/ / SURRENDER _ __/\\__ _\ /_ __//\__ _ COMPROMISE! \ \/ / \\\__/ \/ \_/ \/ \__/// \ \ Ż __/\ /\__ Ż / \ __________________\__/ \__/__________________ / i HATe \( __/\ /\__ )/ PC ANd I Ż \__/ ___ \__/ ;) Ż WONt STOp __/\\_//\__ ONLżNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLżNE BżS ZUM KNAST __/ \__ \_____/ WE WOULD DiE FOR COMMODoRE ^ ^ ^ SPONSORED BY SOZIALAMT ^ ^ ^ dZ/A! _____ ______ ________________ _______ _____ / /_\ /____\_ / _____/___\ _/___ \ / / \ / / / \___ \_ / / / /. \/ / /_ / \ /____\_____|___________/_______(_____________________\ _______ _________ _________ ________ _________ _\ ___/____\__ /_\ ___ /_____\__ (____\_ / \ \ _/ _/ \ / / / / / \ \_ / /\ / /_ /______________\_____/________________/\________/_______( [AĄRaDDer v3.5 By AĄRcř] _____ passed through .. _( /_________ \ _ /---| ____ _____ ˇ-\----)_______/ |______\_ )__ _____ _\ /______ |_____| _ /_\ __/_______/_ _/ _/__ `-------/___/____\ /--\_________/ / /---------ˇ / b l a c k _____ a r t s .. \ / _______\_ )__ _____ _____ \ ˇ-/------- \ _ /__\ _ ))_ _| /_ ___ ---\- ˇave'bm ˇ-----/_____/ / /_\ _/_( _/____ `------\______\|___|_\__ )_ /________/ +o positive pain