The Top Group Charts Issue #6
The Month Of September
 I would like to thank everyone for there support, and suggestions
for the charts. And there again is a slight change in the scoring
this issue, do to many responses on this subject. Trainers will
now be worth 2 points, and 1 extra available for a mega-trainer(+10
or greater). And MEGA-Demos also will be worth 2 points. I would 
like to thank Short Circuit for his suggestions, but I cannot 
reveal my identity to anyone who does not already know it. You have
to understand, that only a couple of people know who I am. Maybe
if they can get into contact with you, you can relay the message
to me. The reason I cannot be exposed, is because if I were, then
I could never truly be impartial. I do not want others blaming me
for there group not doing well, or accusing me of trying to assist
one group or another. I have accidentally counted some fakes in
the charts before, but you must understand, I am an older pirate,
and I do not have time to download everything released.
 Mega-demos will not be counted this month, due to insufficent 
acess to all of the releases, but they will begin to be scored 
next issue... 
 Also it was suggested for me to add music-disks, and/or ASCII
collections, intros etc into the charts. The reason I cannot do this
is because, some groups would simply go wild to get their names in
the charts. ASCII disks would be released daily, and music/slideshows
also. I cannot allow for this to happen, so they cannot be counted. 
I do like the suggestions of 2 points/trainer, and mega-demo though.
I feel mega-demos are a very innovative work, and they should thus
be treated as so. Enjoy this issue of the charts! 
		            The Releases
Major Release	5 pts + 1 pt if english + 0-3 pts for quality
Utility		2 pts + 1 pt if cracked or commercial quality
Trainers	2 pt + 1 pt if a mega-trainer
Mega-Demos	2 pts
Docs		1 pt
Fixes		1 pt
1 parts		1 pt

Group Name
*Release Name		Points	    Quality Points
				Total Points			
* = Released this week

Mem Click v1.07			2 pts
				2 pts
Skid Row 	
Soccer Kid 100% Patch		1 pt
Tapeworm-FS v1.0/v1.2		2 pts	1 pt
Skid Marks Preview		1 pt
Brilliance v1.1 Update		2 pts	1 pt
				-----	-----
				6 pts	2 pt
				    8 pts
Airbus 320 Data Disk		5 pts	1 + 1 pt
Dong Playable Preview +2	2 pts
Air Force Commander(multi-lang) 5 pts	1 + 1 pts
Rovobo v1.8 VMB Service		2 pts
Blaster				5 pts	1 + 2 pts
Pipe Line 3 +3			2 pts
Qwak +15 			2 pt	1 pt
Cap Master 3.0			2 pts
*Gold Rusher +9			2 pt
				-----   --------
				27 pts	8 pts
				     35 pts
Boot Disk Util			2 pts
				2 pts
IFFTrasher v.975		2 pts
				2 pts
Fast System Info		2 pts
				2 pts
Sim-Life			5 pts	1 + 3 pts
Micro Machines			5 pts	1 pt + 2 pts
Blaster Fix			1 pt
Overdrive			5 pts	1 + 2 pts
Overdrive Docs			1 pt
*Space Hulk			5 pts	1 + 2 pts
				-----	---------
				22 pts	13 pts
				      35 pts
Shades Tracker v3.1		2 pts
Mathe IV Junior			2 pts	1 pt
Shades Killer 3.3		2 pts
				-----	----
				6 pts   1 pt
				    7 pts
Coders Comp HD Fix		1 pt
Fort Apache AGA Fix & HD	2 pts
Qwak +4				2 pts	
				5 pts
QB Tools v2.06			2 pts	1 pt
				-----	-----
				2 pts	1 pt
				    3 pts
Sigfried Copy v1.2		2 pts
				2 pts
Yo Joe HD-Version		1 pt
File ID Library			2 pts
				3 pt
GOAL - Utility			1 pt
Screen to IFF v1.0a		2 pts
*Termite v1.0			2 pts
*Recoq Library			2 pts
				7 pts
5-d Disk util			2 pts
				2 pts
Dual Crew
BC Kid(older ami's)		1 pt
				1 pt
Arrion Preview			1 pt
*Anstoss Preview		1 pt
				2 pts
Arrion Preview 1 part & train	2 pts
Micro Machines 1 parted		1 pt
Arnie 2 +15			2 pt	1 pt  
Alfred Chicken Prev 1 part +2	3 pts
Blaster +58			2 pts	1 pt
Qwak +18 & 1 part		3 pts	1 pt
Powerdate v38.120		2 pts
*Crystal Hammer 1 part & train	3 pts
*Graham Gooch's 2nd Inning Prev	1 pt
*Turrican 3 & +26		3 pts	3 pts	:1/2 credit for 1/2 
*Alfred Chicken 1 part +6	3 pts
				-----	----- 	:release
				25 pts	6 pts
				    31 pts
Micro Machines +9		2 pts	
Arnie 2 +14			2 pts	
Oscar AGA Disk Version 		1 pt
				5 pts	
Arnie 2				5 pts	1 + 1 pt
Lothar Matheus Soccer		5 pts	1 + 2 pts
Dogfight			5 pts	1 + 3 pts
*Pinball Fantasies AGA/HD Fix	2 pts
				-----	--------
				17 pts	 9 pts
				     26 pts
Global Overdose
Arnie 2 +19			2 pts	1 pt
Arnie 2 1 part & + 9		2 pts
Pipe Mania 2 +7			2 pts
Blaster Fix			2 pts
Blaster +27			2 pts	1 pt
Qwak +15 & fix			2 pts	1 pt
Overdrive +12			2 pts	1 pt
Wonderdog +8			2 pts
Crystal Hammer '93 1 part	1 pt
*Gold Rusher 1 part		1 pt
*Theatre Of Death 1 part	1 pts
*Galaxy '93 1 part & train	3 pts
*Genesia French			5 pts	1 pt
				-----	-----
				27 pts	5 pt
				    32 pts
Arnie 2 + 16			2 pts	1 pt
Oscar AGA HD-Version		1 pts	
Woody's World Final +13		2 pts	1 pt
Blaster Fix			1 pt
Qwak				5 pts	1 + 2 pts
Qwak +15			2 pts	1 pt
Overdrive +15			2 pts	1 pt
*Space Hulk			5 pts	1 + 2 pts
*Alfred Chicken +8		2 pts
				-----	-----
				22 pt	10 pt
				    32 pts
Multi Translator Data Disk	2 pts	1 pt
*Nibby Nibble +5		2 pts
				-----	-----	
				4 pts	1 pt
				    5 pts
Woody's World 100% Final	5 pts	1 + 2 pts
Dogfight			5 pts	1 + 3 pt
Overdrive			5 pts	1 + 2 pts
*Overdrive +5 Trainer		2 pts
*Gooch's 2nd Inning Prev Fix	1 pt
*Time Runners			5 pts	1 + 1 pt
*Space Hulk			5 pts	1 + 2 pt  :late as customary!
*Alfred Chicken Final		5 pts	1 + 1 pt
				-----	---------
				33 pts	17 pts
				    50 pts
Woody's World +4		2 pts	
Wonderdog preview & +3		3 pts
Virus Workshop v2.5		2 pts
*Nibby Nibble +7		2 pts
*Free Copper			2 pts
*Okozun +1			2 pts	:lame, game is in amos!	
*Alfred Chicken +9		2 pts
				13 pts
World Of Twist
Moon Cycle Predictor		2 pts
*Alfred Chicken +9		2 pts
				4 pts
Oscar AGA HD Fix		1 pt
*Pinball Fantasy Score Fix	1 pt
*Oscar CD 32 100% Fix		1 pt
				3 pts
Burntime Playable Preview GERM	1 pt
*Nodewriter v1.5		2 pts
				3 pts
Oscar AGA Fix			1 pt
Overdrive Docs			1 pt
Overdrive 100%			5 pts	1 + 2 pts
*Alfred Chicken			5 pts	1 + 1 pt
				-----	---------
				12 pts	5 pts
				    17 pts				
Overdrive			5 pts	1 + 2 pts
				-----	---------	
				5 pts	3 pts
				    8 pts
Tarkus Team
Qwak +22			2 pts	1 pt
				-----	-----
				2 pt	1 pt
				    3 pts
Nerve Axis
DC Paint v1.1			2 pts
				2 pts
Overdrive +23			2 pts	1 pt
				-----	-----
				2 pts 	1 pt
				    3 pts
Alpha Flight
Crystal Hammer '93		1 pt	
				1 pt
*Theatre Of Death Preview	1 pt
				1 pt
*Theatre Of Death 100% Preview	1 pt
*Nibby Nibble 1 part & fix	2 pts
				3 pts
*Knax German			5 pts	
				5 pts
*Combat Air Patrol		5 pts	1 + 3 pts
				-----	---------
				5 pts	4 pts
				    9 pts
2000 A.D.
*Intertalk 2.0			2 pts	1 pt
*Par:Relais Controller		2 pts	1 pt
*A-Fact				2 pts	1 pt
*Victor Looms German		5 pts	1 pt
				-----	-----
				11 pts	4 pt
				    15 pts
*Deep Core Preview		1 pt
				1 pt
*Looz Text Utility		2 pts
				2 pts
*Alfred Chicken			5 pts	1 + 1 pt
				-----	--------
				5 pts	2 pts
				    7 pts
			   The Top Groups
1. Paradox	50 pts	:Lotsa points!
2. Faith	35 pts	:Best month yet...
   Fairlight	35 pts	:Best month in quite a while...
4. Anthrox	32 pts	
   GOD		32 pts	:Best showing yet I believe!
6. Zenith	31 pts	:I believe their best month ever!
7. TRSI		26 pts	
8. Crystal	17 pts	:Some releases this month, for better or worse!
9. 2000 A.D. 	15 pts	
10.Mystic	13 pts	:Surprised many with more trainers this month...
11.Loons	9 pts	:1 good release can do wonders!
12.Skid Row	8 pts	:Dissapointing month for SR!
   Classic	8 pts	:In their returning debut...
14.LSD		7 pts
   Shades	7 pts
   Quartex	7 pts	:Are they back, yet again!?!
17.Esprit	5 pts	
   Cherry	5 pts
   Panthera	5 pts	:Shitty game...
			  The Ami-X Releases
1 pt per release + 1 pt if high quality

Cyberstat v1.1
2 pts

/x Tool 2 	
1 pt

New Join Conf
1 pt

News In All Confs
1 pt

Public Enemy '93	 
2400 NUP 
1 pt

System & NUP Comment
*User Info v1.0
2 pts

/x Clock v1.0
ByteKiller v1.0
Newfiles v2.0
Conf Scan v1.7
*Sysop Download v1.0
5 pts

5-d Stat
5-d Logoff
5-d TopFaker
3 pts

Nodewriter 1.48
1 pt

Top Pager /x
1 pt

Ax-Edit v1.4c
1 pt

IFL Pager v1.0
1 pt

Tape Downloader v1.1
1 pt

Quick New v1.1
1 pt

Butt On Mission
Logon Who v1.1
1 pt

Callers Lottery v1.35
1 pt

Simply Page v1.6
Digi Clock v1.24
User Info
3 pts

Operator Page v1.3
Super PWFail v1.1
2 pts

Node Group
1 pt

Operator Page v1.4
1 pt

Status v1.0
1 pt

2000 A.D.
*/x Door Library
1 pt

*Door Menu v1.1
*Operator Page
2 pts

*User Info
1 pt

3 pts
			 The Top Ami-X Groups
1. Mystic	5 pts	:Lot's of Ami-X tools this month!
2. Dynasty	3 pts
   Progress	3 pts
   Enigma	3 pts	:They come in bunches!
5. Cyberdine	2 pts
   Faith	2 pts
   Defiance	2 pts
   NASA		2 pts
		         The Trainer Releases
2 pts per release + 1 pts per 5 options

Arrion 			+ 1
Arnie 2 		+15
Alfred Chicken 		+ 2
Blaster 		+54
Qwak 			+18
*Turrican 3		+26
*Alfred Chicken		+ 6
-------------		----
    38 pts		+124

Micro Machines		+ 9	
Arnie 2			+14	
-------------		----	
    8 pts		+23	

Dong Preview		+ 2	
Pipe Line 3		+ 3
Qwak			+15
*Gold Rusher		+ 9
-------------		----
    13 pts		+29

Arnie 2 1 part & 	+ 9
Arnie 2 		+19
Pipe Mania 2 		+ 7
Blaster			+27
Qwak			+15
Overdrive		+12
Wonderdog Preview	+ 8
*Galaxy '93 1 part	+ 1
-------------		----
    35 pts		+97

Arnie 2 		+16
Woody's World		+13
Qwak 			+15
Overdrive		+15
*Alfred Chicken		+ 8
-------------		----
    23 pts		+67

Woody's World 		+ 4
Wonderdog Preview	+ 3
*Nibby Nibble		+ 7
*Alfred Chicken		+ 9
-------------		----
    12 pts		+23

Tarkus Team
Qwak			+22
-------------		----
    6 pts		+22

Backlash		:Are they back?!?
Overdrive		+23	
-------------		----
    6 pts		+23

Qwak			+ 4
---------------		----
    2 pts		+ 4

*Overdrive		+ 5
-------------		----
    3 pts		+ 5

*Nibby Nibble		+ 5
-------------		----
    3 pts		+ 5

World Of Twist
*Alfred Chicken		+ 9
-------------		----
    3 pts		+ 9
			The Top Trainer Groups
1. Zenith	38 pts	:The new trainer leaders? They are this month!
2. GOD		35 pts	
3. Anthrox	23 pts	:Still release the TOP quality trainers...
4. Faith	13 pts	
5. Mystic	12 pts	
6. Cherry	8 pts	:'nuff said!
7. Tarkus Team	6 pts	:The controversy continues...
   Backlash	6 pts	:Have they returned??!!??
9. Paradox	3 pts
   Esprit	3 pts
   WOT		3 pts
			 The Cracking Releases
5 pts per release + 1 pt for english + 0-3 pts for quality 
+ 1 pt per 2 disks(max 3 pts)

Airbus 320 Data Disk	7(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt)
Air Force Comm(multi)	8(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt + 1 pt)
Blaster			9(5 pts + 1 pt + 2 pts + 1 pt)
				24 pts
Simlife			9(5 pts + 1 pt + 3 pts + 1 pt)
Micro Machines		8(5 pts + 1 pt + 2 pts)
Overdrive		9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
*Space Hulk		9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
				    35 pts
Arnie 2			7(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt)
Lothar Matheus Soccer	9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
Dogfight		10(5 pts + 1 + 3 + 1 pt)
			          26 pts
Woody World 100% Final	9(5 pts + 1 pt + 2 pts + 1 pt)
Dogfight	 	10(5 pts + 1 + 3 + 1 pt)
Overdrive		9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
*Time Runners		6(5 pts + 1 pt)
*Space Hulk		9(5 pts + 1 pt+ 2 pts+ 1 pt)
*Alfred Chicken Final	7(5 pts + 1 + 1 pt)
			           50 pts
Qwak			8(5 pts + 1 + 2 pts)
*Space Hulk		9(5 pts + 1 + 2 pts + 1 pt)
				   17 pts
Overdrive		9(5 pts + 1 + 2 + 1 pt)
				   9 pts
Overdrive 100%		9(5 pts + 2 pts + 1 pt)
*Alfred Chicken		7(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt)
			           16 pts
*Knax German		5(5 pts)
			           5 pts
*Combat Air Patrol	9(5 pts + 1 + 3 + 1 pt)
				   10 pts
2000 A.D.
*Victor Looms German	6(5 pts + 1 pt)
				   6 pts
*Alfred Chicken		7(5 pts + 1 pt + 1 pt)
				   7 pts
Global Overdose
*Genesia French		6(5 pts + 1 pt)
				   6 pts
*Turrican 3		10(5 pts + 1 + 3 + 1 pt)
				  10 pts

			The Top Cracking Groups
1. Paradox 	50 pts	:Was there any doubt?
2. Fairlight	35 pts	
3. TRSI		26 pts
4. Faith	24 pts
5. Anthrox	23 pts
6. Crystal	16 pts
7. Hersey/ZEN	10 pts	:Turrican 3 beta, C00L!
8. Classic	9 pts
   Loons	9 pts
10.Quartex	7 pts
11.2000 A.D.	6 pts
   GOD		6 pts	:Their cracking debut???
			 The Utility Releases
2 pts each release + 1 pt for cracked/hi-quality + 1 pt/2 disks(max 3 pts)

Mem Click v1.07		2 pts
			2 pts
Boot Disk Util		2 pts
			2 pts
IFFTrasher v.975	2 pts
			2 pts
Fast System Info	2 pts
			2 pts
Shades Tracker v3.1	2 pts
Mathe IV Junior		2 pts	1 pt	
Shades Killer 3.3	2 pts
			-----	-----
			6 pts	1 pt
			    7 pts
QB Tools v2.03		2 pts	1 pt
			-----	-----
			2 pts	1 pt
			    3 pts
Skid Row
Tapeworm-FS v1.0	2 pts	1 pt
Brilliance v1.1		2 pts	1 pt
			-----	-----	
			4 pts	2 pt
			    6 pts
Sigfried Copy v1.2	2 pts
			2 pts
5-d Disk Util		2 pts
			2 pts
Multi Translator Data	2 pts	1 pt
			-----	-----
			2 pts	1 pt
			    3 pts
Rovobo VMB v1.8		2 pts
Cap Master 3.0		2 pts
			4 pts
Screen to IFF v1.0a	2 pts
*Recoq Library		2 pts
			4 pts
World Of Twist
Moon Cycle Predictor	2 pts
			2 pts
File Id Library		2 pts
			2 pts
Nerve Axis
DC Paint v1.1		2 pts
			2 pts
Virus Workshop 2.5	2 pts
*Free Copper		2 pts
			4 pts
PowerData v38.120	2 pts
			2 pts
2000 A.D.
Intertalk 2.0		2 pts	1 pt
*Par:Relais Controller	2 pts	1 pt
*A-Fact			2 pts	1 pt
			-----	-----
			6 pts	3 pts
			    9 pts
*Nodewrite v1.5		2 pts
			2 pts
			The Top Utility Groups
1. 2000 A.D.	9 pts	:The new utility leaders? Where's Skid Row?!?
2. Shades	7 pts
3. Skid Row	6 pts	
4. Faith	4 pts
   LSD		4 pts
   Mystic	4 pts
7. Angels	3 pts
   Esprit	3 pts
                         My Personal Views
 This month was halfway decent, we seen some very good quality games,
and then we seen some games by the Exterminators, haha! Lot's of good
trainers, and some trainer wars also.
 I'm sure everyone has noticed the nasty comments made between Toxic/ATX
and HEAT/TT or MST? I would like to make a quick assessment of this 
situation. Toxic stated that Heat stole his trainer, that all of his
options were ripped, and that he was lame. Heat came back and stated that
all options are in the same place, and that he did not rip, and that
Toxic was lame for accusing him of doing so(for those who haven't read
these files). I am not an expert in this field, but here is what I think.
True, there are only so many locations where the values can be found,
but there are also many styles of programming. Programmers all have their
special style of doing things. I say, look into the source code. If the
source codes are identical, then Heat ripped from Toxic, and/or others.
If the source codes are different, then he may or may not have ripped.
I will say this much, if you made the same exact errors in your source
code that Toxic did, that would be conclusive evidence in my opinion that
you ripped from him. From my observations I have come to this conclusion:
You released your trainer a full day after many other groups had already
released sufficient trainers. The fact is, your trainer had no options
that others hadn't already implemented. So really, being that late, you
probably shouldn't have released your trainer in the first place. But
you did, and that is not the first time someone has, but there really
was no need for your trainer. I am not going to pass judgement on wether
or not Heat ripped from Toxic and/or others. I have my opinions, and they
will remain mine. But I do not think the tarkus team trainer ever really
needed to be released.
 I will be frank with you when saying, Loons shocked the hell out of me
when they released Combat Air Patrol, which is one of the best games I 
have seen in a very long time!
 I was surprised that Skid Row did so poorly this month, after doing so
well last month, but I guess that is traditional with them eh? Who cares?
 The third week of September seems to have had the biggest push in quite
a while, and then it was followed by a slow, dull fourth week. Haha, where
Combat Air Patrol was really the only game worth grabbing, then in the last
1/2 week of the month(I guess week 5), we seen a flood of games in 1 night.
Including the *LONG* Awaited Turrican 3, Alfred Chicken, and Space Hulk.
I guess we can never guess what is around the corner, I'd say we can look
forward to Bubba 'n Stix, and Deep Core very soon.
 Paradox continues in their somewhat lame ways, and I must make an article
devoted to them. Look guys, you have great suppliers, a decent cracker, and
a very good reputation to many. But the fact is, I think everyone is 
getting tired of you having to release your version of every game that 
comes out, wether 1 or 2 other groups have already released it. The most
recent example: Space Hulk. Why did you deem it necessary to release this?
Fairlight and Anthrox had both released it much earlier, and I see no 
difference in yours... Furthermore, came Alfred Chicken 100%. Haha, you
forgot to dms your bootblock, and thus it is a non-dos disk. Check your
shit before you upload it, I was one of the many who was very pissed to
find that it didn't even work! Please, do not go back to the interpol 
way of doing things. Check your wares, you do not need to release every
single game that comes out. Enough on this subject...
 I guess there really is nothing more to say, until next week, enjoy this
issue of the charts!