Abstracts from files in info-mac/text/wp as of Sun 20 Mar 2005

#### BINHEX     append-copy-cut-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 03:30:45 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Append Copy/Cut

This WordPerfect 3.1 for Macintosh file includes two macros I wrote: the
first copies and appends selected text to the clipboard, the second cuts and
appends selected text to the clipboard.

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     arabic-to-roman-numeral-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 03:34:19 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Arabic to Roman Numeral Macro

This WordPerfect for Macintosh macro I wrote converts Arabic numerals from 1
to 3,999 to Roman numerals.

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     auto-insert-date-20-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 23:10:57 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Auto Insert Date Text 2.0 macro

Have you ever wanted to have a letterhead stationery document that would
automatically insert the current date, but would keep that date after you
saved the document and not update it each time the document is opened?
 Here's a technique for doing this with WordPerfect's OnOpenDocument macro

#### BINHEX     classification-201-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 19:46:48 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Classification 2.0.1 Macro


I wrote a rather elaborate WordPerfect for Macintosh macro for marking
classified government documents, and am submitting it for your consideration.
 I have appended it to this message in BinHex format.

#### BINHEX     classification-alerts-10-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 1995 19:44:47 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Classification Alerts 1.0.2


I wrote some macros for use with government classified documents (apart from
the _Classification 2.0.1_ macro which I'm sending you in a different
message).  These macros provide an alert each time a document containing them
is opened, warning the user of the classification level of the information
contained in the document.

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     copy-text-only-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Subject: WordPerfect Copy Text Only Macro

The attached WordPerfect for Macintosh macro, "Copy Text Only" copies the
plain ASCII text only of WordPerfect selections to the system clipboard. This
can be useful when pasting text from WordPerfect to other applications;
WordPerfect formatting codes sometimes result in garbled text in other

George Maschke <wtlefercus@aol.com>,<gmaschke@ucla.edu>
Graduate Student
Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures

#### BINHEX     copy-x-of-y-copies-20-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 13:34:35 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Copy X of Y Copies Macro


I have written a set of macros for WordPerfect for Macintosh that let you
mark copies of printed WordPerfect documents with a "Copy _X_ of _Y_ Copies"
header or footer; I would like to submit them for your consideration.  I've
appended a BinHexed .SIT file to this message.


George Maschke

#### BINHEX     cut-and-append-to-file-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 13:13:58 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Cut & Append to File Macro

This WordPerfect for Macintosh macro cuts selected text and appends it to a
file that you specify. That destination file is then saved and closed.
Suppose you are working on one file, and you get an idea that is relevant to
another project. You can simply type your idea in the current document, and
then run this macro to append it to the appropriate file.

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     enhanced-wp-outlining-101.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: Enhanced WordPerfect Outlining 1.01

Complete documentation for the enhanced outlining module that ships with
WordPerfect 3.5e.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on AMUG,
Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     extended-counting-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 13:14:03 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Extended Counting Macro

The WordPerfect for Macintosh macro, "Extended Counting" saved in the
attached document demonstrates an algorithm which allows you to count beyond
WordPerfect's variable limit of 32,767.

My purpose in writing this was to allow a prompt displaying a counter
variable to continue working after 32,767 iterations.

The Extended Counting macro updates a prompt each time the counter is
incremented by 1.  Displaying the updated prompt takes much longer than
incrementing the variables needed to display the prompt.  Therefore, if you
choose to update the prompt every 100 increments, you will notice a marked
increase in speed.  In the macro code, I have commented out "If" statements
to update the prompt every 10, 100, or 1,000 passes.

#### BINHEX     extra-macros-wordperfect.hqx   ****

Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1993 22:24:46 EST 
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: wp-three-macros.hqx 

This is a compressed and binhexed folder containing three WordPerfect for the 
Macintosh macros that are not available in the WordPerfect Macro file that 
comes with WordPerfect.
 The three macros are described below.

Page X of Y Macro
Creates a Header B or Footer B with the phrase "Page X of Y" (X=current page,
Y=total number of pages).  If changes are made to the document, make sure the 
"Target X of Y" code is on the last page before regenerating.
(Use the Librarian Feature to copy the attached macro into the  Private

Case Convert Macro
This macro offers the following choices for case conversion: 1) All Upper Case,
2) Lower Case except first letter of sentence, 3) All Lower Case, 4) Beginning 
each word Upper Case.
(Use the Librarian Feature to copy the attached macro into the WP Private

Revised Endnotes->Text Macro
This macro will convert all endnotes to text and append them to
the end of the document in the format of the currently defined
endnote style.  The endnote numbers in the document will be
changed to superscripted text.  The macro does not convert the
resulting text back into endnotes.

(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)

#### BINHEX     georges-bookmarks-10-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 23:11:06 -0400
Subject: George's Bookmark Macros 1.0

A "bookmark" marks a place in your WordPerfect document to which you may wish
to return.  These macros enable you to set up to ten bookmarks in a single
WordPerfect document.

I got the idea of a bookexcellent set of bookmark macros for WordPerfect for Macintosh.  My macros
differ in several respects.  A key difference that only one document variable
is used,leaving the others free for use with other macros.

#### BINHEX     how-to-install-wp-macros.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: How to Install WordPerfect Macros

This standalone ReadMe file gives detailed instructions on macro
installation and keystroke assignments for WordPerfect 3x.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac
and Umich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     indexing-macros-10-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 13:34:25 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Indexing Macros


I have written a set of Indexing macros for WordPerfect for Macintosh, and
would like to submit them for your consideration.  They help to automate the
process of marking WordPerfect text for indexing.  I've appended a BinHexed
.SIT file to this message.


George Maschke

#### BINHEX     john-wp-auto-char-style-102.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Auto Character Styles 1.0.2

Creates a menu of up to 25 styles that you can apply (by mouse or keyboard)
to any amount of selected text or, if no text is selected, the style will
apply to what you subsequently type. Supports all WordPerfect attributes.

Updating a style definition updates all applications of that style in all
documents, exactly like the standard paragraph styles.

Although Auto Character Styles use WordPerfect's style mechanism -
supporting automatic updating - they can still be used along with paragraph

Version 1.0.2 has clearer documentation. No change in functionality.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be distributed on
Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-bookmarks-wp-11.hqx   ****

From: (John Rethorst) jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: Johns WP Bookmarks 1.1

These let you set up to five bookmarks in any WP document, and you can go
to any one from a menu. Bookmarks are saved with the document.

#### BINHEX     johns-char-styles-111-wp.hqx   ****

From: (John Rethorst) jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: Johns WP Character Styles 1.1.1

These WordPerfect macros create a menu of up to 26 styles that you can
apply (by mouse or keyboard) to any amount of selected text or, if no text
is selected, the style will apply to what you subsequently type. Supports
all WordPerfect attributes.

Easy to use, promotes accuracy, saves a lot of time and steps. By defining
10 character styles in addition to 10 paragraph (regular) styles, you have
the flexibility and power in formatting that would require 100 paragraph
styles alone. "Incredibly useful." - UMich Mac Archives

May be included on UMich and Sumex CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-meta-styles-wp.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu (John Rethorst)
Subject: Johns WP Meta Styles

This macro for WordPerfect Mac 3x lets you create multiple sets of any number of
styles (transparently includes your regular styles) and switchwith one command.

Powerful aid to document formatting.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on UMich and Sumex

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-tip-o-the-day.hqx   ****

From: (John Rethorst) jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: Johns WP Tip o' the Day

Posts an alert with a random choice of one of up to 98 user-definable tips.
Can be configured to run when you start WP.

Free. May be included on UMich and Sumex CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-window-manager-2-wp.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu (John Rethorst)
Subject: Johns WP Window Manager 2.0.1

This set of five macros for WordPerfect 3.x:

1) goes through all open windows, asking for each if you want to save and
close, just close, or leave open. You can opt to close all windows at
once, save all, or print all.

2) tiles all open windows horizontally, rather than to the pattern of
approximate squares that the program command produces, so you can read
whole lines of text. Tiles windows to standard width.

3) tiles windows horizontally as above, but to the width of the screen.

4) opens a new view of the active window, independently scrollable so you
can view two parts of one document at once.

5) toggles between the top two open windows, saving you the trouble of
cycling through all open windows or selecting the window by name from the

New in this version: Save All and Print All commands; Tile commands are
button-bar aware; and Close without Saving prompts you to confirm your

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on UMich and
Sumex CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-citations-23.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Citations 2.3

Integrates WordPerfect 3.5 and any database (optimized for FileMaker Pro)
to automate selection and formatting of bibliographic citations from the
database to your paper.

Supports any reference style, including footnotes, endnotes or in-text
citations plus bibliography as required by the Chicago Manual of Style,
MLA, APA or any others.

Designed to function as easily and competently as a dedicated reference
manager such as EndNote or ProCite. Works with any database program.
Operates as a transparent extension of both the database and WordPerfect.
Works especially well with FileMaker Pro, a powerful and elegant program
with extensive internet integration.

New in this version: faster. Supports two special database fields: one for
up to 10,000 words of full text, which is entered in the body of your
paper, and one for comments, which go with the footnote/endnote.

Free. May be included in AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-custom-prefs.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Custom Prefs

Multiple users of one installation of WordPerfect may prefer different
preferences settings. One user might as well, for different kinds of work.

This Applescript lets you set up any number of custom prefs settings. Then
put those prefs files anywhere and run a copy of this applet, named
anything, e.g. "Fred's WP" or "Ginger's WP", from anywhere, such as your
Apple Menu items folder.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac,
AMUG and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-document-notes.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Document Notes

This enhancement for WordPerfect 3x generates a document-specific note,
comment or reminder which, by default, displays automatically when you open
a WP file. Or, it can be set to display only when you wish. Notes can be
set to display on screen until you click the close box, or to disappear in
five seconds. Adding a note to any document, editing it, or deleting it,
are all easy and fast.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac
and Umich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-equation-manager.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Equation Manager

This enhancement for WordPerfect 3x formats an equation you enter to
standard style, with an automatically-updating number to the right, and
supports cross referencing and listing of all equations in the document,
and inclusion of automatic chapter numbers with the equation numbers.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac
and Umich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-file-manager-223.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: Johns WP File Manager 2.2.3

This set of enhancements for WordPerfect 3.x includes these macros that
operate on all open files or, if none are open, on all files (or
aliases) in a specific folder:

*Batch Macro Processor: run a macro on every file *Global Find and
Change: change text (and attributes) for all files *Combine all files
into a new one

plus these macros for generally more flexible and powerful file

*Frequent Filer: a dynamic menu of all files or aliases in a folder, for
quick access. *Workset: opens all files in a folder. *Save and/or print
all open documents with one keystroke. *Rename all files in a folder
(append any string to existing names). *Rename folders according to date
or to day of the week - for rotating backups or other date-relevant

Free. May be included on UMich and Info-Mac CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-find-manager-12.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Find Manager 1.2

This set of enhancements for WordPerfect 3x includes:

*QuickFind - a smaller faster Find dialog that shows find direction in its
title and doesn't stay on screen.
*Find in All Open - search for text in all open documents. Includes Find
Next in All Open and Find Previous in All Open.
*Find Recent - a menu of the five most recent strings you've found, plus
the Clipboard and any text you enter manually. Go back to any one easily.
Includes Find Recent in All Open.
*Find All - looks for every instance of text in a file. Makes a new
document with the paragraphs containing that text.
*Find Near - find any text that's in the same paragraph as some other text.

New in this version: Find Near, and a faster Find All.

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-glossary-14.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@yahoo.com>
Subject: John's WordPerfect Glossary 1.4

[ANN] John’s WP Glossary 1.4

This is an update to my set of macros that provide 26 instant glossary 
entries. This version adds options to make editing of glossary entries 
faster and easier. Also, installation is much easier than in previous 

It’s probably the most broadly useful utility I’ve written for WP. Some 
of my stuff has fairly specialized uses, but who doesn’t type their 
address or some boilerplate from time to time?

With WP Glossary, I press F12 (you can assign any keystroke) to get the 
menu of 26 entries (one per letter of the alphabet). I then type a 
single letter, e.g. “H” to insert that entry in the current document at 
the insertion point. Two keystrokes.

Thank you,
John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-grep-115.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP GREP 1.1.5

Adds regular expression (GREP) search capability to WordPerfect 3.5 and later.

The standard Find command lets you search for occurrences of the word
'apple' in your file. But sometimes, instead of searching for a specific
word or phrase, you'd benefit from searching for a certain _kind_ of word
or phrase. That kind could just be a list of, say, 'apple', 'orange',
'plum', 'pear'. Or it could be any word that starts with 'p' and has four
letters, or any word starting with 'p' and having four letters, the second
and fourth of which are within the first half of the alphabet.

In like manner, you can search for a telephone number from any country or
configuration followed by a word that starts with a vowel. If you can
conceive of the kind of text - the pattern that describes it - you can
search for it.

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and Umich CDs.


#### BINHEX     johns-wp-note-editor-50.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: John's WP Note Editor 5.0

Compiles all footnotes or endnotes in a WP document into a table in a
separate file, allowing more flexible editing, including drag-and-drop
between notes, and greatly enhanced formatting and printing, including
spacing and alignment. New in this version: automatic cross-referencing,
custom numbering/lettering options, easy reassignment of an editor to a
later paper version, endnote/footnote conversion, faster.

Unsolicited comments from users include:

"a great job . . . brilliant . . . very clever . . . works like a charm!
. . . I finally finished my doctoral dissertation, submitted it in
December, got the degree last month. The whole thing (400 pp.) written on
WordPerfect for Mac, and your footnote macros made the work *much* easier
. . . really useful! . . . it's a great program . . . Note Editor works
wonderfully! . . . I'm especially tickled with the Note Editor, which makes
WP for the Mac so much more agreeable than WP 6.1 for Windows, my starting
point long, long ago . . . I really need Note Editor . . . Note Editor -
and all your macros - still make WP for the Mac far better than WP for PC"

Free. May be included on AMUG and Info-Mac CDs.

Should replace /text/wp/johns-wp-note-editor-41.hqx currently on the
Info-Mac archives.

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-outlining-keyst.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Outlining Keystrokes

Adds an on-off mode to the enhanced outlining that comes with WP 3.5e. When
on, your Return, Tab and Shift-Tab keystrokes perform their outlining
functions. When outlining is off, these keys behave as standard. Also
facilitates assigning any keystroke to any of the 68 outlining commands.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on AMUG,
Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-prev-pos-20.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Previous Positions 2.0

This set of macros for WordPerfect Mac 3x lets you set up to ten places
among all open documents, and go to any one with a keystroke. Like
bookmarks but reflect the current session only, and much faster to set.

New in this version: replace any position, and the whole set is now
smoother and easier in operation.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac
and Umich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-quickcorrect-12.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: John's WP QuickCorrect 1.2.3

Offers a much faster way to add mistypings/corrections to WordPerfect's
auto-correct list. Includes a Letterswitch macro to quickly switch the last
two letters typed, and a toggle command for QuickCorrect.

New in this version: Letterswitch.

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-scripting-guide.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Scripting Guide

A complete learning guide for writing WordPerfect macros and Applescripts.
52,000 words, 1700 lines of sample code, 50 illustrations.

This is a substantial expansion of my columns for the WP Mac News.
Extensively edited by a top-notch programmer and consultant. New chapters
on advanced Applescript and math in macros.

It's also a nice example of book-length formatting in WordPerfect, with
extensive use of style sheets and automatic lists.

Free. May be included on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-table-manager-11.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP Table Manager 1.1

This set of enhancements for WordPerfect 3.x facilitates working with tables:

*Table Increment: automatically enters incremented numbers or repeating
text in all selected cells in a column or row.

*Table Box: makes a text box, puts a table in it, and sizes the table to
the box. Allows much greater flexibility in placement and in

*Stripe Table: shades every other column or row.

*Table Selection: select specified parts of tables.

*Go to Table Cell: navigates numerically within a table.

*Table Info: returns information about the current table.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info Mac,
AMUG and UMich CD's.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-tips-and-macros-19.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: John's WP Tips & Macros 1.9

Hundreds of tips, short macros and Applescripts for every aspect of
WordPerfect. This latest revision, the first in over a year, has a lot of
new material.

Unsolicited comments from users include: "John! You the man! . . . You're
the best . . . It's great . . . a huge resource . . . Thanks John! . . . I
downloaded the above file earlier tonight and have spent a thoroughly
engrossing several hours going through it and learning a lot more about
WordPerfect, so I'd like to join the undoubted long list of people thanking
you for it along with all [your] other macro files . . . I'd urge everyone
with questions about WP 3.5 to take a look at John Rethorst's "John's WP
Tips & Macros" . . . Much appreciated!"


John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp-ultraclip-107.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: John's WP UltraClip 1.0.7

Gives WordPerfect 3.x up to 50 clipboards/glossary entries, which are named
and saved to disk. Text only, any amount of text. You can name a clip, or
let it be automatically named with the first 31 characters of the text.

Free for non-commercial distribution and use. May be included on Info-Mac,
AMUG and UMich CDs.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     johns-wp4-splash-screen.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: John's WP4 Splash Screen

Changes WordPerfect's splash screen to a picture of the top of the US
Constitution, with "We the People", in its aged and yellowed color. Overlay
has "WordPerfect 4" in 60 pt. and "Word processing for the rest of us" in
28 pt, in dark red Adobe Garamond. Fast installer allows revert to
original. Users say: "Excellent job! . . . beautiful". Free.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     letter-spacing-wp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 01:05:01 -0500 (CDT)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: WordPerfect 3.x Letter Spacing Macro

This file contains a WordPerfect/Mac 3.x file. Stored within the file
is a macro called "Letter Spacing", which allows a user to adjust 
(enlarge, condense or normalize) the spacing between all the letters
in a selected text string simultaneously. (WordPerfect's built-in
kerning feature allows you to adjust space between only two letters
at a time.) Uploaded by the author: William Porter (Internet e-mail:

#### BINHEX     link-documents-wp.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 01:13:09 -0500 (CDT)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: WordPerfect Link Documents Macro

The Link Documents macros enable you to do four things. You can:

        (1)   define a link between the current document and the one
                you want to follow it ("the linked document"); 
        (2)   reset the page numbers in the linked document;
        (3)   open the linked document quickly from within the 
                current document (without having to remember where it's 
                located); and
        (4)   print all the rest of the documents in the chain by 
                initiating the print command from any document in the 
                chain. (This is especially useful if, for example, you 
                have a chain of five linked documents.)

Uploaded by the author: William Porter (wmporter@jetson.uh.edu).

#### BINHEX     pc-wordperfect-files.hqx   ****

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1992 11:16 EST 


Subject: Report on Translating WordPerfect files 

Please find below my report on translating WordPerfect files from PC DOS

format to Word 5.0 on the Mac.

Leo G. Leduc


#### BINHEX     re-number-11-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 13:18:13 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Re-number Macro 1.1

The WordPerfect for Macintosh macro embedded in the attached document
searches selected text for numbers followed by a right parenthesis ")" and
renumbers them sequentially, starting with a number specified by the user.
 Numbers above 999 will not be affected, so that recent years in parentheses,
such as in the citation (Johnson, 1976) will not be changed.

For example, if we run the macro and choose to begin re-numbering with 1, the

 (1) Cats (3) Dogs (4) Parrots (2) Fish (5) Hamsters

will become:

 (1) Cats (2) Dogs (3) Parrots (4) Fish (5) Hamsters

or, if we begin re-numbering with 5:

 (5) Cats (6) Dogs (7) Parrots (8) Fish (9) Hamsters

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     time-last-opened-103-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 03:34:35 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Time Last Opened 1.0.3 Macro

This WordPerfect 3.1 for Macintosh macro I wrote uses a document variable to
keep a record of the last time a document was opened.

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     times-opened-103-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 03:34:42 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Times Opened 1.0.3 Macro

This WordPerfect for Macintosh macro I wrote uses a document variable track
of the number of times a WordPerfect document has been opened.  Also see my
Time Last Opened Macro.

George Maschke

#### BINHEX     word-list-21-wp.hqx   ****

From: WTLefercus@aol.com
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 23:08:16 -0400
Subject: WordPerfect Word List Macro 2.1

The Word List Macro embedded in this document creates an alphabetized list of
every word that appears in a WordPerfect document.  Duplicate words will be
removed.  This is useful in creating a concordance file for generating
indexes.  Additional macros and a button bar also included in this document
facilitate editing the word list. 

#### BINHEX     word-perfect-conversions-20.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: WordPerfect Conversions 2.0

Over 40 conversions, to make the WordPerfect free download equal in
flexibility to the commercial product. Includes MacLink, DataViz, all
popular graphics formats, MS Word 6 and other word processors, Quark Xpress
and PageMaker. Free.

The free program download is at:

and the free OS 8/9 updater (also slows scrolling speed for 7x users) is at:

#### BINHEX     word-perfect-updater.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: WordPerfect Updater for OS 8 and 9

This updates the latest version of WordPerfect Mac for compatibility with
OS versions 8 and 9:

- slows scrolling speed (also on fast machines running 7.5x or 7.6x)
- fixes grayed out Styles, Window and Movie menus
- improves display
- fixes outlining

Since any application compatible with OS 9.0.4 should run in classic mode
on OS X and later, WordPerfect should now be compatible with all future OS


John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     wordperfect-35e-patch.hqx   ****

From: jcr2@cornell.edu
Subject: WordPerfect 3.5e patch

This patch for WordPerfect 3.5e does three things:

1. makes the application incredibly stable.
2. adds several commands to the enhanced outlining.
3. fixes every bug that WP and a fine group of beta testers could find in
nearly three months of testing.

It patches WP 3.5e, but not earlier versions (the CD with 3.5e, several
hundred truetype fonts, a ton of clip art, etc., is available for about $25
to every registered owner of WP 3.5 and later. That's available at

To install the patch, move or rename your Library first. Run the patch, and
then copy your macros, keyboards, button bars etc. from the old Library to
the new. Do not copy any outlining macros, as updated outlining commands
have been incorporated into the program itself.

The patch is free.

John Rethorst

#### BINHEX     wordperfect-tips.hqx   ****

Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1993 15:03:24 EST 
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: wp-tips.hqx 

This is a 12-page WordPerfect document that contains a collection
of tips and tricks for using WordPerfect 2.1. It is in question
and answer format.

This file needs WordPerfect 2.1
The author is WordPerfect Corporation.

(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)

#### BINHEX     wp-character-sets.hqx   ****

From: jrethorst@post.com
Subject: WordPerfect Character Sets
Large set of specialized fonts and symbols for use with WordPerfect.
Install like any other font. Free. Set includes:

Arabic Sihafa
ArabicScript Sihafa
Cyrillic A
Cyrillic B
Greek Century
Greek Courier
Greek Helvetica
Hebrew David
IconicSymbols A
IconicSymbols B
Math A
Math B
MathExtended A
MathExtended B
Multinational A Courier
Multinational A Helve
Multinational A Roman
Multinational B Courier
Multinational B Helve
Multinational B Roman

#### BINHEX     wp-doc-compare-201.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: WordPerfect DocCompare 2.0.1

Compares two WordPerfect documents using PERL and an advanced algorithm that finds a longest common subsequence (LCS) of two sequences. Marks differences between the documents quickly and precisely. Free. Requires MacPerl, also free, at ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch//software/platform/macos/perl/ or http://www.perl.com/CPAN/ports/mac/. 

#### BINHEX     wp-download-outlining.hqx   ****

From: John Rethorst <jrethorst@post.com>
Subject: WP Download Outlining Fix

The free download of WordPerfect 3.5e has a mistake, so the highly-regarded
Enhanced Outlining module does not install correctly. Fortunately, the fix
is simple and quick.

If you do any outlining at all, you'll want to make this correction.
Unsolicited comments from users about this outliner include:

"brilliant . . . wonderful . . . a world-class outliner . . . awesome . . .
magnificent . . . fabulous . . . incomparable . . . a godsend . . . the
very best of all outline programs . . . unequalled . . . exceptional
capabilities . . . nothing short of superb . . . the most powerful tool in
the outlining world . . . design and functionality are sleek and elegant
. . . very nice work . . . superior . . . superduper . . . my dream come
true . . . I am amazed at this high quality addition . . . a great outliner
. . . terrific . . . really superb . . . richly endowed with every possible
feature one could want . . . I am very grateful . . . Fine Work!"

#### BINHEX     wp-language-files-a-f.hqx   ****

From: jrethorst@post.com
Subject: WP Language Files A-F

Contains a dictionary, thesaurus, and hyphenation module for the following
languages and localizations. The program is a free download at
http://acmfiles.csusb.edu/corel/wpmac.html. The OS 8/9 updater, at the same
site, is necessary and the only updater needed. The program runs very well
in Classic in Jaguar and Panther. Good support is available on the WP
mailing list, at http://www.r8ix.com/lists.html. A complete set of
conversions is available on Info-Mac, in


#### BINHEX     wp-language-files-aux.hqx   ****

From: jrethorst@post.com
Subject: WP Language Files.aux

Contains utility files and documentation for WP Language Files (A-F, G-N
and O-Z). The program is a free download at
http://acmfiles.csusb.edu/corel/wpmac.html. The OS 8/9 updater, at the same
site, is necessary and the only updater needed. The program runs very well
in Classic in Jaguar and Panther. Good support is available on the WP
mailing list, at http://www.r8ix.com/lists.html. A complete set of
conversions is available on Info-Mac, in

#### BINHEX     wp-language-files-g-n.hqx   ****

From: jrethorst@post.com
Subject: WP Language Files G-N

Contains a dictionary, thesaurus, and hyphenation module for the following
languages and localizations. The program is a free download at
http://acmfiles.csusb.edu/corel/wpmac.html. The OS 8/9 updater, at the same
site, is necessary and the only updater needed. The program runs very well
in Classic in Jaguar and Panther. Good support is available on the WP
mailing list, at http://www.r8ix.com/lists.html. A complete set of
conversions is available on Info-Mac, in


#### BINHEX     wp-language-files-o-z.hqx   ****

From: jrethorst@post.com
Subject: WP Language Files O-Z

Contains a dictionary, thesaurus, and hyphenation module for the following
languages and localizations. The program is a free download at
http://acmfiles.csusb.edu/corel/wpmac.html. The OS 8/9 updater, at the same
site, is necessary and the only updater needed. The program runs very well
in Classic in Jaguar and Panther. Good support is available on the WP
mailing list, at http://www.r8ix.com/lists.html. A complete set of
conversions is available on Info-Mac, in


#### BINHEX     wp-mac-glossary-31.hqx   ****

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 21:51:55 -0500
From: jcr2@cornell.edu (John Rethorst)
Subject: word-perfect-mac-glossary 3.1


Attached is an update to my glossary of WordPerfect terms, and Mac terms
useful to people learning WordPerfect.

This is now current for WordPerfect 3.1 and System 7.5.

John Rethorst