Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #37 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Tue, 17 Feb 98 Volume 16 : Issue 37 Today's Topics: [*] TidBITS#417/16-Feb-98 News Reader Programs "Unlocking" Adobe Acrobat Files [A] News Reader Programs [A] Text listing of files on disk [A] Text listing of files on disk [Q] Appletalk for NT machines [Q] more on "Text listing of files on disk" [Q] Mystery File Format [Q] Norton Disk Doctor Error [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms [Summary] Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD AMTPUtil? Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format? Blackened monitor broken desktop DOS formatted PCMCIA cards HDT the best Mac virus! (solution) Info-Mac Digest V16 #35 Long wait for smiley face.... Lost Keyboard shortcut MAC FREEZE UP Mystery File Format (R) netscape 3 and audio PowerBook speaker. Quadra 660AV and System *.0? SMTP server for Mac? start-up blows-up! System 8 memory problems Text Editor Find/Replace Feature Text listing of files on disk Total Recall (C) Video card for Perf. 6360 Want to do some small network integration x24CDROM inside a 8100? The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #37" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 20:46:26 -0800 From: TidBITS Editors <> Subject: [*] TidBITS#417/16-Feb-98 TidBITS#417/16-Feb-98 Creating graphics for the Web is often less fun than pulling teeth and twice as painful. In this issue, guest writer Cynthia Baron takes a detailed look at BoxTop Software's ImageVice and explores how to make images both look great and download quickly. Also this week, we report on rumors of the Newton's demise, Emailer 2.0v3, the final 56K modem standard, and reader responses to Apple's most recent upheavals. Topics: MailBITS/16-Feb-98 Emailer's Last Gasp Update? Apple Retreat or Focus (Followup) Putting the Squeeze on Color: ImageVice 1.1 <> <> [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-417.etx; 30K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 10:08:36 -0500 (EST) From: donner <> Subject: Anyone know where I could download the ControlStrip Control Panel? I can find the patcher and modules but am unable to find the cdev. Thanx! ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 22:14:32 +0000 From: (Ian Burt) Subject: News Reader Programs On : Thu, 12 Feb 98 10:26:12 CST, Mike Sisson <> wrote > >I have recently gotten "online" at home and I am interested in checking out >newsgroups. I have downloaded NewsWatcher and the documentation even mentions >variants to the "official" version. I was wondering what "everyone" else is >using for reading news. Anybody care to suggest others I might try or is >NewsWatcher the cat's meow? MacSoup is the best 'offline' newsreader imho. That's my two cents then, Ian Burt ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Feb 98 01:15:30 -0500 From: slauson <> Subject: "Unlocking" Adobe Acrobat Files There is an e-zine that I get monthly which comes in Adobe Acrobat format. In the past few months it comes "locked." This means that I can't cut and paste text from the file to a word processing file to save an article that I am interested in. If I open the AA file select "Document Info" from the File menu, then select "security" from the pop over menu it gives file security characteristics. With these problem files "selecting text and graphics" is not allowed. Any utility out there to work around this? TIA, Jim Slauson ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 16:07:19 +0000 From: (Peter Grundy) Subject: [A] News Reader Programs Mike Sisson <> wrote... >I have recently gotten "online" at home and I am interested in checking out >newsgroups. I have downloaded NewsWatcher and the documentation even mentions >variants to the "official" version. I was wondering what "everyone" else is >using for reading news. Anybody care to suggest others I might try or is >NewsWatcher the cat's meow? The official ftp site for NewsHopper is located at: Email... Laurent Humbert <> New versions are announced in comp.sys.mac.comm and also in Lobo. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 01:13:19 +0200 From: Matti Haveri <> Subject: [A] Text listing of files on disk > Ken Laskey <> > > I need to get a list of files in a folder Get BBEdit and choose Edit/Insert/Folder Listing. </info-mac/text/bbe/bbedit-lite-351.hqx> </info-mac/text/bbe/bbedit-35-demo.hqx> -- Matti Haveri <> <> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 09:29:03 -0500 From: Sam <> Subject: [A] Text listing of files on disk I followed your posting with interest since I have been looking for a solution that would allow me to export to and manipulate the Finder file directory data in its original hierarchical format in FileMaker or other generic database application. (1) The FindFile solution is clever, but on my (OS 8.1) desktop option--drag-dropping from FindFile to the desktop copies the files themselves rather than their information. Option-drag-dropping to the Notepad works as described, though. (2) Rather than copying the Notepad text to Word, I recommend Excel. You'll get the table instantly. (3) The "List Files" application is cool, but its output is space - rather than tab limited, so it does not allow you to directly generate neat tables. (4) My favorite solution is Mark Pirri's "Disk Tracker" shareware. Its files emulate the hierarchical structure of the Finder, including collapsible folders. Data can be exported from them as tab-indented text to Excel (or to the excellent -but now defunct- "InfoDepo", which is the only database program I know has hierarchical capabilities). (5)...but to a hierarchical FileMaker: still no cigar. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 22:45:07 -0800 (PST) From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: [Q] Appletalk for NT machines >Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 18:09:36 -0800 >From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> >Subject: [Q] Appletalk for NT machines > >We have a mixed office primarily Mac with W95 & NT machines being added to >the network. We need an appletalk solution for NT that will allow them to >use files on the Appleshare Server. COPTALK and MacLINK do a reasonable job >with W95, but do not have an NT version. It think it would be worth checking if PC MacLan runs on NT. Or perhaps someone on the list can answer that one. Daly ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 10:58:55 -0800 (PST) From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: [Q] more on "Text listing of files on disk" List Files will definitely do it. Once running List Files, choose the Options menu item, and inside there, choose "List Formatting". Daly >... I need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that >list in a mail message (or any other word processing document). On a PC at >a command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would >appear in a file named dir.out. How do I do that on the Mac?... > >The majority of responses said to do a select in the folder window and a >paste in a word processor, etc. This does a great job of capturing the >names, but what if I wanted to capture attributes such as the modified >date. Someone suggested a shareware program called List Files, which I >haven't yet checked out. If there another option? I haven't used >AppleScript but can a script be written to do this? > >Ken Laskey > > ------------------------------ Date: 14 Feb 98 12:10:23 -0600 From: WJ Shack <> Subject: [Q] Mystery File Format Mike Sisson asked: In my perusing of the newsgroups, sometimes files have attachments that = NewsWatcher shows as attachments (which I think are always UUencoded). = However, other messages don't appear as having an attachment but at the end= of the readable text part of the message is something such as the = following: Content-Type: image/jpeg; x-mac-type=3D"4A504547"; x-mac-creator=3D"= 4A565752"; name=3D"sunrise.jpg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base-64 My work around is to copy everything from Content-Type to the end of the = ASCII gobblygook and paste into Tex Edit. I then save the resulting text = file and then decode it using YA Base 64 (available from Info-Mac). ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 22:17:22 -0600 From: Michael Leetmaa <> Subject: [Q] Norton Disk Doctor Error I recently purchased a Micropolis Stinger 4.3 Gb drive, 4743NS, (yeah, I know they're out of business, but the price was right). I formatted it with HDT PE 2.0.6. To double check everything before storing anything on it I ran NDD, v3.2.4. Right away I got the error message "A serious disk error occured" with the numbers (6903,-48) at the bottom of the dialog. I spent an hour or so cruising the Symantec web site to no avail. Does anyone know what might be causing this? I'm running a Power Center Pro 210 MT, system 7.6.1, and the drive is in the spare internal bay on the Ultra-SCSI bus. TIA. mike ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Leetmaa | | Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Feb 98 11:55:47 -0500 From: JB Rephan <> Subject: [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms >At 4:30 AM -0500 2/12/98, Info-Mac wrote: > >} Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 07:56:47 -0600 >} From: (Michael Cook) >} Subject: [Q]: Creating BinHex files on non-Mac platforms >} >} I would like to be able to create BinHex (.hqx) files for a Macintosh, >} but do it on a non-Mac platform (VMS, UNIX, or Windows NT). >} >} This would allow me to convert downloaded files to a format for easier >} transporting to my Mac, which is not on a network. >On Unix you can use mcvert (it's in the Info-Mac archives; you'll need to >know how to compile). On any platform with Perl installed, you can use >Convert::BinHex <>. > >But why do you want to convert to BinHex, especially for a machine not on a >network? How do you get the files to the Mac? BinHex makes files larger >(it's not a compression protocol) and turns them into text, while you >probably want them to be small, and whether they're text or not shouldn't >matter. You should probably be looking into using tar on Unix and SunTar >on Mac. I get large Mac files to my Mac (which *is* on a network at times, >but over a modem) by tar'ing MacBinaries onto floppies and taking them off >with SunTar. An Easier way...if both computers are on the "Net" - Use Hotline A)bort, R)etry, I)gnore, V)alium? ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 23:44:45 +0100 From: Sebastiano Pilla <> Subject: [Summary] Key combination to bypass boot from internal HD I've received many helpful messages replying to my query about the key combination needed to bypass booting from the Mac's internal hard drive. I was searching for that combination to test if the emergency Zip disk I've made was really working as expected. First, of course, one need a bootable external hard drive to do this; I've considered it obvious, but someone pointed it out. Then, I know that I can choose a startup drive from a control panel: I was looking for a way to solve an anomalous situation. However, next time I'll be clearer. The general consensus is: 1) command-option-shift-backspace boots from the external HD (assuming you have only one external HD) 2) command-option-shift-backspace-#SCSI_ID lets you choose the external HD to boot from 3) c lets you boot from a bootable CD-ROM; I couldn't try it because I haven't got a bootable CD-ROM here Other key combinations didn't work for me. Many thanks to all the people who replied to my message, both in the digest and privately; you're far too many to list all your names here! Best Regards Sebastiano Pilla ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 09:52:42 -0600 From: (Ted Logan) Subject: AMTPUtil? Can someone please tell me what "AMTPUtil" is? Its icon suddenly appeared on my hard drive. Its an application program, version 1.0.1, 384k, created 4 August 97. When click on it, nothing much happens except that SimpleText becomes active. When I choose Open from the SimpleText menu it navigates to the readme.txt file related to the U.S. Robotics Modem Wizard I installed around the same time *on another drive*. Has me stumped, as in "what for?" I use Virex -- AMTPUtil checks out okay. Thanks. Ted Logan ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 16:54:56 -0600 From: Miles Abernathy <> Subject: Auto Upgrading Older Word Docs to Word 6 Format? Can anyone suggest a way to automatically convert a hard drive full of older MS Word documents (2000??) to Word 6 format? They constitute 13 years of word processing, extending from Word 1 through Word 6, and I would like them all upgraded to Word 6. Thank you! Miles Abernathy, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 22:24:20 -0800 From: David Snow <> Subject: Blackened monitor >I have an old (1987-8) Apple 21" b/w monitor that has recently started >giving me problems... --snip-- >Any chanches of it exploding? Exploding, no. Dying, yes. My last monitor did that before it died. >I will be making a back-up copy of recent files, to be used in an >emergency on another Mac, but I would like to know how to lenghten its >life, if possible. Dust I know might be a cause, But I would like to >know what components to clean, and how. It's eleven years old. It's lived a full live. Let it go! <smirk> >Could I plug-in a non-Apple Monitor to a C650? Yes, but check to make sure if it's Apple compatible when you buy one. You need a VGA-to- Apple adapter. >And should it decease, :-( , what is the price range for large monitors? US: 21" approx. $1600, 20" approx. $1,100. >Do they still make b/w monitors? Not for Mac. HTH! David Snow _______________________________________________________________ David Snow Design mailto:// ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 00:48:29 -0600 From: Subject: broken desktop There must be something obvious, but I don't know what it is. This afternoon I was having problems with an application (WriteNow) bombing, so I tried turning off a few extensions (including Kaleidescope, SmoothType, and a few others). OK, that worked, my application is now working fine (I suspect it was SmoothType that was conflicting with WriteNow but that's a different issue) however.... now my desktop is broken. ok what do i mean - i can not drag anything (file or folder) onto the desktop. but from within applications i have no problem saving it to the desktop. i can not drag anything into the trash (to eject a zip disk i had to use "put away" instead of just dragging it to the trash) i tried rebuilding my desktop, but that did not work. and i am seeing this problem in both my scsi drives (that is i cant drag anything from either drive to the desktop) so i dont think a disk problem is the issue. i am using a centris 650 with 24 meg ram (virtual off) running system 7.1. any brilliant ideas please email me directly ben ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 98 12:50:30 +1100 From: Stewart Smith <> Subject: DOS formatted PCMCIA cards You may want to try to use PC Exchange as a driver for it. In the PC Exchange control panel there is a button called (i think) Advanced that has options for loading SCSI drivers for devices. Let me know how this goes. I'm only guessing as I haven't tried this or have half the equipment to try this. --------------------------- Stewart Smith Founder/Programmer/Owner Purple Grapefruit ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 18:48:20 +0100 From: Massimo Cattaneo <> Subject: HDT the best Mac virus! (solution) Thanks to all friends who sent me their advice on my dead motorola HD. Of course I had tried all normal remedies before writing to the list (zapping the pram, starting up with no extensions, forcing the startup from Motorola 7.6 floppy and CD, from Apple 8.0 floppy and CD, from an external HD, and so on..) but I could never complete the startup procedure, always getting a freeze or a Mac with the question mark. Thanks to the advice of some of you, I took the HD from my motorola and put it in another NON TANZANIA Mac: I could immediately format it (with Drive Setup 1.3.1), and then reinsert it in my motorola. (Some of you wrote me to have had the same inconvenient even with HDT 2.5, the release that - according to FWB - solves the problem...). Massimo ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 17:09:40 +0000 From: Simon Dobbs <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #35 > >I knew that someday I'd run across something I knew how to do on a command > >line that I couldn't quickly figure out on a Mac, and today was the day. I > >need to get a list of files in a folder and be able to include that list in > >a mail message (or any other word processing document). On a PC at a > >command line, I'd type DIR > DIR.OUT and the directory listing would appear > >in a file named dir.out. How do I do that on the Mac? {My crude approach > >today was to take a screen shot of the relevant portion of the folder in > >list view and attach it to the email.} easy- view the folder by list, select all and copy, puts the list into the clipboard. pretty intuitive, i would say, more than knowing 'DIR > DIR.OUT' anyway ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 98 09:56:23 -0800 From: chrism <> Subject: Long wait for smiley face.... Hi, Question: should it take 10 seconds or more to have the little disc icon and smiley face mac come up on the screen when I start up my Performa 6400 PPC? I have just installed 8.0 and really noticed the wait. It doesn't happen when I restart, however. Thanks, Chris McVay You can email me at: "What a long, strange nap it's been..." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 09:24:30 -0500 From: "L. Hou" <> Subject: Lost Keyboard shortcut Recently installed OS 8 and then 8.1 on a PM 7500/100, 48 RAM. I can no longer "control" c and copy, or "control" v to paste. Works from Edit menu w/mouse though. Any ideas? Thanks! Lee H. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 21:34:12 -0500 From: "Mark H. Bowersox" <> Subject: MAC FREEZE UP Hello. I am running a POWER MAC 7300/200 with 32meg ram and 2.1gig hd. I am running Netscape communicator 4.04. At least once a day my mac will lock up while running netscape. There are times when it will not load. Ive checked with others who tell me that it is something in the way i have my netscape setup. Any bpdy help me out? Thanks. Mark H. Bowersox ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 12:43:22 +0100 From: (Christian F Buser) Subject: Mystery File Format (R) Mike Sisson <> wrote: > However, other messages don't appear as having an attachment but at the > end of the readable text part of the message is something such as the > following: > > Content-Type: image/jpeg; x-mac-type="4A504547"; x-mac-creator="4A565752"; > name="sunrise.jpg" > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base-64 This is an uu-encoded attachment. You need MPack 1.5 (available in the info-mac archives to decode it. Best wishes, Christian. -- Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86 Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland) Look at <> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 22:43:44 -0800 From: (Doug Hardie) Subject: netscape 3 and audio I tried to use netscape to pick up sound files that were in wav and aiff formats. Whenever netscape is set to use the live audio plugin that came with it, it always dies with a type 2 error. If I point the MIME type to soundapp, it works fine. Unfortunately, helpers leave the input file around so the junk builds up fast. Any ideas why live audio is not working properly. The quicktime plugin seems to work properly. Movies come up fine. However, under about plugins all I get is a blank window. -- Doug ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 12:14:24 +0000 From: (Mike) Subject: PowerBook speaker. I've got an old PowerBook 180 (33mhz, 14mb RAM) whose speaker does strange things. First of all, it is impossible to turn "off" (mute) the speaker. I'm running System 7.1, and in the sound control panel there is no "mute" option, and setting the volume to 0 doesn't work. Setting the volume level to 0 only makes the sound REALLY soft, and then it only works to get on my nerves. Second of all, if I dial in using my internal modem some really strange things happen. Clicking the mouse causes a slight crackling sound (very softly and even w/ snd volume on 0) and scrolling the scroll bar also causes a slight sound from the speaker. Are these problems from old age, or does anybody else have similar problems?? Is there any way to fix this?? Mike ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 16:39:42 EST From: Subject: Quadra 660AV and System *.0? Can Vanilla System 8.0 work with a Quadra 660AV? Thank you. Michael B. Luskin ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 23:59:30 +0100 From: Christian F Buser <> Subject: SMTP server for Mac? Steve <> wrote: > I just got a cable modem and want to put my system online full time with its > own mail server... Any suggestions for a good non-commercial mail server? - Stalker Internet Mail Server, aka. SIMS (freeware) - The "CommuniGate" system from Stalker Software (free for up to 5 users, payware for more) Look into <> for more info on both products. I have CommuniGate running on a Mac IIci (Sys. 7.6.1, 36 MB RAM, 500 MB HD) and about 30 users are sending and receiving their mail via it. They use Eudora Light 3.x on their Macs and Windows PC. The connection to the ISP is in my case via UUCP because I did not want to re-number the whole thing to make my IP-numbers work with it, but it would also be possible to use SMTP. CommuniGate has also modules for fax, mailing lists, Voice (just saw it, but we don't use it) and is very easy to set up. Best wishes, Christian. -- Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86 Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland) Look at <> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 00:01:12 -0400 From: David Roche <> Subject: start-up blows-up! Hi folks, Why, oh why, can I NOT create a bootable system disk for my PowerBook 1400? I've used my Norton Utilities 3.5 cd to create bootable DiskDoctor or SpeedDisk disks, but when I re-boot, the system invariably crashes, giving me a blank crash error with a picture of the all-too-common bomb symbol. Although most of the load sequence seems to be fine, it's at the end of the boot-up that the crash occurs. Does anyone know of any way I can create a bootable system floppy that works?? please help!!! David ps. I need something other than the DiskTools disk included with the 'Book. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 16:39:49 EST From: Subject: System 8 memory problems I have 32 Meg of memory on my new G3, and frequently get messages that folders and windows must be closed for things that run well on my small SE/30. IS System 8 somehow at fault, or must software be system 8 aware? Will system 8.1 help? Thank you Michael B. Luskin ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 13:23:33 -0500 (EST) From: "Marian C. Poczobutt" <> Subject: Text Editor Find/Replace Feature I recently had to edit and format a bunch of text files and it involved numerous find & replace operations where the string consisted of spaces, tabs and returns. I first used Word, but then moved to BBedit Lite since it gave me info on line and column numbering. Tabs and returns showed up as \t and \r (varies with the program) in the find/replace window, but spaces were invisible. I could see them in the main window since I had the show invisibles option enabled, but not in the find/replace one and this would lead to occasional errors. I worked around this by first changing spaces to a symbol, but this made the file hard to read. Since I will have to do some more editing of this type in the future, does anyone know of a text editor that will show the spaces in the find/replace window? Or has a better method to do so? Thanks. Marian Poczobutt ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 09:58:26 -0800 From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <> Subject: Text listing of files on disk Steve Smith <> wrote: >You can do it on the Mac too, with just a few keystrokes. > >. In the finder, open the folder that you want to generate a > list of files for. >. Press Command 'A' to select all the files. >. Press command 'C' to copy the list. >. Go to your email application (or any other text editor) > and press command 'V' to paste the list. On my Mac, running 7.5.5, the maximum number of filenames that can be copied from a folder and pasted in a document is 19. Any longer list of files is truncated to the first 19. Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164-5020 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 18:20:03 -0500 (EST) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Total Recall (C) On January 20 I received a Dear DiskEssentials Customer letter from Kelly Leopard (President of Total Recall) accompanying the enclosed DE 1.12 (sic! It was DE 1.1.2, but why should a mere president know what he is talking about) upgrade. The letter announced the availability of DE maintenance packs to registered DE users, effective January 1. Point your web browser to, and give your name and serial number. Evidence does not support that exists. I've tried that address, off and on, for the past three weeks. Nada. I've no trouble getting to the vanilla site. That vanilla site has nothing for Disk Essentials except an order form. I do have trouble getting through to Total Recall's DiskEssentials people that way. A mail note to "contact us" yielded a response that I should have sent my note to another address. Say what? Does the other address work? Now let's not always see the same hands. I dunno about y'all, but I had great expectations for Total Recall as the only alternative to Norton Utilities for disk problems. Nope. As I said in an earlier note, TR's DE programs -- individually small enough to fit on a boot floppy -- only launch together. If you don't have a largish boot disk (ZIP, M/O), you can not fix a hard disk. And you need a largish space on an alternate disk to direct DE's recovery. Even if all you need to do is correct a goofy directory. I cordially despise Norton with the best of you, but Disk Doctor fits on a boot floppy and doesn't expect a lot of destination space just to fire up. Total Recall's product seems to suck toads. Total Recall's "maintenance packs" don't seem to exist. I still judge Norton to be less useful than the awfully good utilities that Symantec bought up and killed, but I do not see Total Recall as a good alternative. I now look forward to Micromat's Tech Tool Pro 2. Micromat has been awful nice to us over the years. Maybe they can do good with Pro 2. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 10:49:05 +0100 From: Emporium Limited <> Subject: Video card for Perf. 6360 I have a Performa 6360, and work on-line with many applications running sumultaniously. I also have an extra 14" monitor laying around unused. It occurs to me that it would be handy to have a second monitor available. However, new video cards start at around $300+ CDN. This is more than I want, or should, spend for something that is a convenience, rather than a necessidy. I wonder if anyone has a used video card, with 512K VRAM, that would work in my PCI Performa, and wold they let it go for $100 CDN or less? Failing that, does anyone have a URL or 800 phone number for a company that sells used/refurbished Macintosh equipment? Thanks. Ernie Cassidy Phone/Fax: 769-3894 eMail: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 10:58:53 -0800 (PST) From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: Want to do some small network integration >Until recently, our setup consisted of a Mac Performa 5200CD with a cable >modem connection to the Internet, along with a LaserWriter Select 300 (a >PostScript printer). The cable modem is connected to the Mac by 10BaseT >Ethernet. >I would like to enable the following, with a minimum of expense: >(1) Both Macs should be able to share the printer. >(2) Both Macs should be able to connect to the Internet through the cable >modem. If necessary, I would be willing to live with only one Mac at a >time being connected. >(3) If possible, I would like to enable File Sharing between the Macs. >(4) I would prefer to use Ethernet, rather than LocalTalk, for as much of >this as possible. > >If anybody has any suggestions, please contact me via e-mail at > Thanks. We have a similar setup, though we are running system 8.0, not 8.1. We have an 8500/233, an 8100/80 and a 6155/CD connected by 10Base-2 ethernet using Asante FriendlyNet adapters. On the same network, we have a LaserWriter 16/600 and also an HP DeskWriter 1200C/PS with an ethernet card added. Each item on the network has one of the FriendlyNet adapters. The last item on the "chain" (I think it is the printer) plugs into one of the 10Base-2 plugs in a 3Com hub. The hub has 4 10Base-2 ports and one 10Base-T port. The cable modem plugs into that 10Base-T port on the hub. We choose Ethernet in the AppleTalk control panel, and set TCP/IP control panel to Ethernet, using DHCP server. We all share both printers without any problems at all. Each of us has set our hard drives to "Shared" in the File menu and set permissions for each other in the File Sharing Control Panel. We each used the Chooser to mount the disks of the others and made aliases to each others disks and put them in our Apple Menu items folder. We even set up Eudora so that we can transfer mail to mail boxes for each other with a button, and also recover mail from each others' disks that other family members transferred to us. One click of the button mounts the other person's disk and opens the mailbox they keep for us. That way, whoever downloads the mail first just distributes mail to the mailboxes for each other. It works wonderfully well. We could all log on to the cable modem separately, but we thought it was worthwhile to spend the extra $10 a month to get two extra IP addresses so we can all use it simultaneously. If you have any other questions, please write. There should be absolutely no problem setting up your network this way, unless the printer doesn't have an ethernet card. If it does, it is almost too easy! Daly ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 07:36:10 +1000 From: (Mie) Subject: x24CDROM inside a 8100? does anyone know if you can put a x12 or x24 CD ROM inside a 8100? please let me know. z -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************