Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #117
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 02 Jun 98       Volume 16 : Issue 117

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Cathay-Red Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] "CAthay" Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Aardvark Professional 1.0.5 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] AliasMenu 2.0
      [*] AppleWindows 2.0.2
      [*] Autostart Worm Cleaner lite 98/05/22
      [*] Ballistik 6.0_e (fat)
      [*] Bielle-Manivelle 1.0.5 (french version)
      [*] BouncyOS 1.1.1 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Box 1.2.9 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.0 and 1.0J
      [*] Celtic-Knot Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] CESLab2.8.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator
      [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2
      [*] DockZone 1.0.6 update
      [*] Glidel 3.7b2 France
      [*] Glidel 3.7b2 U.S.
      [*] Icon Archiver 3.0 - the best icon database for the Mac
      [*] IdleTime init
      [*] KvLsPatterns1.sit.hqx - Mac Desktop Patterns
      [*] KvLsPatterns2.sit.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2 and 2.2J
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Restart Controller 1.0.0 68k
      [*] Restart Controller 1.0.0 ppc
      [*] strtupicndblr-10.hqx
      (Q) PowerBook 160 vs System 7.6.1
      Backup driver for Lacie (?)
      Curve fitting
      Find file in OS 8.0 Dialog boxes (Q)
      FTP (Q)
      Integrating Macs with Win NT
      ISO LaserWriter II NT Tech/Service Info
      Netscape & helpers problem
      Outlook Spell Checker
      Random stalls update (I)
      Rescinding Holdout Status on FinderPop / OS8.X
      Riven vs MAXpowr PRO G3?
      scsi manager
      TechTool Pro 203 (C)
      That @#$! paperclip
      WORD 98
      ZIP External to ZIP Internal?

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Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:51 -0700
Subject: [*]  Cathay-Red Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Cathay-Red Kaleidoscope scheme on your recent additions
Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/cathay-red-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 354K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:53 -0700
Subject: [*] "CAthay" Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Cathay Kal. scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/cathay-scheme-for-kal.hqx; 402K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:46 -0700
Subject: [*] Aardvark Professional 1.0.5 for Kaleidoscope

Aardvark Professional is a colour scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8 or later.
It's free, and is loosely based on Apple's Platinum appearance, only with
all the copyright infringement taken out. Brought to you by BouncyWare -
almost a company, but without the tax breaks.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/aardvark-pro-105.hqx; 26K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:21 -0700
Subject: [*] AliasMenu 2.0

AliasMenu is a control panel that adds customized menus to the menu bar.
These menus work like the Apple menu: Each menu has a corresponding folder
and the menu automatically reflects the folder's content.

The menu name can be replaced by a custom mini-icon, to get a nice layout
or to save room in the menu bar and add more menus.

AliasMenu 2.0 has a host of new features:
* Menus are now present in all opened applications.
* Menus can be added after the application's menus, or inserted before.
* Keyboard shortcuts are always active and can use any modifier key.
* Items of any kind can be put in a menu: folders, applications, documents,
servers, scripts, and even URLs. Use AliasMenu to create several cross-
application bookmarks menus, always available.
* Multiple launching: launch several items with a single keystroke or menu

You will find a full description of the new features at:

AliasMenu is a $25 shareware. Secure online registration through Kagi is
available. Encrypted e-mail registration and other methods are available
from within the control panel.

System requirements: System 7.0 or better, PowerMac or any Mac with color

Benoit Widemann <>

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/alias-menu-20-cdev.hqx; 244K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:22 -0700
Subject: [*] AppleWindows 2.0.2

AppleWindows is a freeware utility that makes the application menu (up in
the right hand corner) much more usable. It:
- lets you switch between applications with a modifier+left and right arrow
- lets you switch between open windows of an application with a modifier+up
  and down arrow
- makes the application menu heirarchical so you can jump between open windows
  of an application
- makes different areas of your screen hotspots to pop up the application menu.
  (I set the outside of my screen as the hot spot so get the application
menu by
  just moving the mouse pointer to the edge and clicking)
- lets you set popup command keys for the application menu to popup anywhere
  with a mouse-click (I use ctl+shift+click)

It was written back in 1993 by Hiro Yamamoyo <Hiro> but still
works like a charm even up to OS 8.1. Unfortunately, it was so well written
it hasn't been updated since then and so has dropped off of the Info-Mac
lists (althugh still on the UMich archives).

I'm resubmitting this with the permission of the author; I'm just a very
satisfied user.

Stan Hadley

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/appl-windows.hqx; 49K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Autostart Worm Cleaner lite 98/05/22

Autostart Worm Cleaner lite
Release 98/05/22
Version 1.0.1

The Autostart Worm Cleaner lite is an Applescript that removes known
autostart worms. This release recognizes:
  - Autostart worm 9805
  - Autostart worm 9805-B
  - Autostart worm 9805-C

The script requires the scripting additions Jon's Commands and
Processes (part of Script Tools). It should run on any system with
AppleScript installed.

Copyright 1998, Tom N Harris

[Archived as /info-mac/vir/autostart-worm-cleaner-lite.hqx; 14K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Ballistik 6.0_e (fat)

Ballistik 6.0_e (fat) by Helge Peters  ( Ballistik_6.0_e.hqx )

This software is shareware and in english language (a german version is also
The program containes 8 different functions for sports shooters, hunters and

1. Calculate the energy and impulse or factor of bullets and get statistics.
2. Statistic Analysis of hit pictures.
3. Calculate the flight path of a bullet.
4. Calculate the recoil energy.
5. Store and manage shooting results.
6. Timer for dry-training.
7. Conversion Units (14 range).
8. Measuring the time between shots (with and without a timer).

Please read the manual Ballistik.doc (enclosed the program) for more details.

It's allowed to store this program on CD-ROM.


[Archived as /info-mac/sci/ballistik-60e.hqx; 422K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:19 -0700
Subject: [*] Bielle-Manivelle 1.0.5 (french version)

(This is the French version of YP Slider Crank 1.0.5)

Un simulateur de piston actionne par une bielle-manivelle.

Mise a Jour: Mai 1998

Auteur:  Yves Pelletier
         Email:    ou

Prix (Shareware):  $15 US

Mots-Clefs:  Enseignement de la physique, sciences,  cinematique, rotation,
mecanisme, genie mecanique, simulation, vecteurs, graphiques.

Description du logiciel:

YP Bielle-Manivelle simule le mouvement d'un piston actionne par une
bielle-manivelle.  La manivelle est en mouvement de rotation uniforme
(vitesse angulaire constante), ce qui entraine un mouvement de va et vient
assez complexe pour le piston.  La longueur relative de la bielle et de la
manivelle peuvent etre modifiees par l'utilisateur.  Pendant l'animation,
il est possible de voir les graphiques de la position du piston en fonction
du temps, de sa vitesse en fonction du temps, et de son acceleration en
fonction du temps.  Les vecteurs representant l'acceleration instantanee,
la vitesse instantanee et la position peuvent egalement etre traces
directement sur l'animation.

Bugs corriges dans cette version:
- Un bug qui necessitait une quantite excessive de memoire RAM lorsque le
programme etait utilise sur un tres grand ecran (plus de 15 pouces) a ete

Yves Pelletier

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/yp-bielle-manivelle-105.hqx; 228K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:48 -0700
Subject: [*] BouncyOS 1.1.1 for Kaleidoscope

BouncyOS is a colour scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8 or later. It's free,
grey, has an awful lot of custom Finder icons, and is the sort of scheme
you could use every day, if you felt so inclined. Brought to you by
BouncyWare, the company that isn't a company, but just looks like one
from certain angles.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/bouncyos-111.hqx; 91K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:50 -0700
Subject: [*] Box 1.2.9 for Kaleidoscope

Box 1.2.9 is a colour scheme for Kaleidoscope 1.8 or later. It's very
red, and very free, and comes to you courtesy of BouncyWare, the company
that isn't a company at all, but is really two aardvarks and a ferret
working in perfect harmony.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/box-129.hqx; 18K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:23 -0700
Subject: [*] Calculate Size CMM Plug-in 1.0 and 1.0J

Calculate Size CMM Plug-in is the MacOS 8 Contextual Menu Plug-in
that makes it easy to calculate the total size of the selected
items (files and/or folders).

It has been difficult to calculate the total size of the multiple
folders and files without using special utility program. Now, with
Calculate Size CMM Plug-in, it's just a simple Control+Click from
the Finder.

< Features >

* It can calculate the total size of selected folders and files.
* It can include invisible files (such as folder's custom icon) for
the calculation. You can get more precise size than Finder's
"Get Info" dialog.
* It can display the progress information while calculating.
* You can cancel the operation any time during the calculation.
* By setting the progress information display mode to OFF, it can
performe high speed calculation.

- Mailware -

System Requirements:
* OS: MacOS 8
* Hardware: PowerMac
* Software: Contextual Menu Extension, SOM Objects for Mac OS

For more information, please read the documents enclosed.

by Hide Itoh <>

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/calculate-size-10-jp.hqx; 36K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Celtic-Knot Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Celtic Knot Kaleidoscope scheem on your recent additions
page. Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/celtic-knot-kaleidoscope.hqx; 302K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:18 -0700
Subject: [*] CESLab2.8.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator

CESLab 2.8 is a comprehensive, high-performance freeware cardiac
electrophysiological simulation system for the Power PC, oriented towards
educational users and researchers.  It is capable of rapidly simulating
complete cardiac cycles in high or low resolution 3-D models, displaying
the cardiac activation and recovery processes in color animation.

CESLab is highly configurable, allowing the user to edit the geometry and
electrophysiological characteristics of the heart model, as well as the
torso model in which it is embedded.  Simulated ECG and VCG can be
displayed, as well as animated BSPM (body surface potential maps).

Please send questions or comments to

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/ces-lab-28.hqx; 2359K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Desktop Resetter 1.2

Do you keep your most used programs and files on your desktop for easy access?
Ever accidently choose Clean Up in the Finder or find that after you played that
fun game which switched your monitor resolution, your icons got all screwed up
and thrown all over your desktop? Especially after you just spent all that time
placing them nice and neatly?

Desktop Resetter will 'remember' where you keep your icons, and if they ever get
moved, just run this program and it will automatically re-arrange them to the
positions you had set them to. It also works good as a startup item. Just
drop an
alias in your startup items folder. Whenever your Mac boots up, it will
re-arrange your icons instantly.

What's New?

Desktop Resetter now features an entirely new engine. It will support any icons
on the desktop, such as cd's, shared volumes, aliases, folders, etc.

The new engine is 25% to 90% faster depending on the machine and amount of icons
on the desktop.
Nick D'Amato

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/desktop-resetter-12.hqx; 121K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:27 -0700
Subject: [*] DockZone 1.0.6 update

Objective Software announces the maintenance release of DockZone 1.0.6.

* Version 1.0.6 (98/05/24)
- added the possibility to change the bevel size for the Dock border (from
1 to 6 pixels),
- added the possibility to choose between 3 types of background for the
Dock: either full color, or utility pattern (i.e. the pattern used for
instance by the Find File application), or gradient (wow, you should see
that!) - this last feature is only available when your screen displays
color in 24 bits.

DockZone delimits an area on the right side of your main screen, where the
volumes and the trash are usually located, giving your Desktop a BeOS or
Rhapsody look. The control panel lets you customize the dock colors and its

Author:    Harry Alloul
Price:     $10 (shareware, see docs for more info)

Have Fun!

All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/dockzone-106.hqx; 93K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Glidel 3.7b2 France

    Glidel est une extension qui sert, a partir de la selection du Finder, a :

- declencher les actions correspondants aux articles du menu Fichier,
- ouvrir des documents par des applications ne les ayant pas crees,
- mouvoir ou copier la selection,
- creer des alias de la selection.

    Nouveautes de la version 3.7b2 :

- Compatibilite avec les nouvelles possibilites du tableau de bord
AliasMenu 2 (merci Benoit Widemann),
- Renforcement du code,
- Preparation automatique d'un contact avec l'auteur par courrier
electronique (merci Benoit Widemann) dans A propos de Glidel...

    Gilles Berkovitch

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/glidel-37b2-fr.hqx; 120K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Glidel 3.7b2 U.S.

    Glidel is a system extension that extends the Finder's drag-and-drop
abilities within System 7 and beyond. You can select any icon currently
visible, either on your Desktop or in an open folder, and drag it to:

* The Open, Print, Get Info, Sharing..., Duplicate, Make Alias, Put Away
options (and Reveal Original starting with system 7.5) on  the File menu;

* Any application or folder in the Apple menu, including those accessible
via a third-party hierarchical menu utility such as BeHierarchic, NowMenus,
HAM, or OtherMenu;

* Any currently running application, via the Application menu on the
right-hand side of the menu bar.

    New in version 3.7b2:

- Compatible with the AliasMenu 2 control panel new fonctionnalities
(thanks to Benoit Widemann),
- Improvement of the code robustness,
- Automatice set up of the e-mailer (thanks to Benoit Widemann) to get the
author in touch via About Glidel=8A

    Gilles Berkovitch

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/glidel-37b2.hqx; 125K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Icon Archiver 3.0 - the best icon database for the Mac

Program:   Icon Archiver 3.0 FAT
Author:    Alessandro Levi Montalcini <>
Price:     $25 (shareware, see docs for more info)


  The Icon Archiver is an extremely powerful database
specifically designed for easy icon storage and retrieval. It
can quickly scan whole disks or folders and grab all the icons
they contain, including those you won't ever see in the Finder
and all icon archives created by other icon utilities. It can
easily export them in most graphics formats, including the ones
you need for your web pages. Drag & Drop is fully supported, so
you can create or stick custom icons by simply dragging them
around. All icons are compressed on the fly to save memory and
disk space, and archives can contain a very large number of
icons (unlike all other icon  utilities which are limited to a
few hundreds). Advanced features include removing duplicate
icons, sorting them by shape, filtering them by size or color
depth, and viewing them in many different ways. The Archiver
includes native PowerPC code and its icon handling routines are
highly optimized for maximum speed.

  Even if you hate custom icons, you'll be fascinated by the
number of icons that come out of a typical shareware CD-ROM like
the ones that are bundled with many Mac magazines. No matter
what you use your Mac for, this is guaranteed to give you
countless hours of fun and entertainment as well as a much nicer

New in version 3.0:

- Icons can now be rearranged at will inside an archive by
simply dragging them around.
- You can now add comments to an archive as well as a copyright
string that's shown at the bottom of the window. Note that the
new archive format can't be read by older versions of the
- Family views! You can now see all 6 members of each icon
family in your archive windows.
- A status icon tells you if the archive was changed and if it's
got a comment or copyright string. Clicking on the icon displays
the archive information window, option-clicking on it lets you
edit the comments.
- You can now stick icons on Finder items directly from archive
windows. The Sticker window is still there for historical
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon-archiver-30.hqx; 441K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:34 -0700
Subject: [*] IdleTime init

The IdleTime INIT returns the number of clock ticks since the last
keystroke, disk insertion,  mouse movement or mouse click. Implements a
Gestalt selector; the value is then available to your Applescript via the
Finder or Jon's Commands.

>From Userland Software. Per their ReadMe:

"The INIT is completely free, you may distribute it unmodified with any
software you develop, no royalty or license fee."

John Rethorst

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/idletime-init.hqx; 24K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:44 -0700
Subject: [*] KvLsPatterns1.sit.hqx - Mac Desktop Patterns

This is my first collection of Macintosh desktop patterns. The patterns
are stored as picture clipping files. The patterns are compatible with
all versions of the Desktop Patterns control panel.

				Karl J. von Laudermann
				Richard's PBeM Server ID: karlvonl

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/kvls-patterns-1.hqx; 36K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:45 -0700
Subject: [*] KvLsPatterns2.sit.hqx - Macintosh Desktop Patterns

Spruce up your desktop with Karl's amazing desktop patterns! In this, my
second collection, there are 10 desktop patterns guaranteed to dazzle
and amaze! (Well, I think so anyway :-)

The patterns are stored as picture clipping files, and are compatible
with all versions of the Desktop Patterns control panel (i.e., OS 8 is
not required).


				Karl J. von Laudermann
				Richard's PBeM Server ID: karlvonl

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/kvls-patterns-2.hqx; 130K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:35 -0700
Subject: [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2 and 2.2J

Have you ever thought these thoughts?

* "I wish I could see the type and creator of a file easily."
* "I wish I could change the type and creator of multiple files easily."
* "I wish I could know the pure image size of a graphic file such as JPEG,
GIF..., the size that does not include any resource data like thumbnail
* "I wish I could get the information on the graphic files, or wanted to
view them quickly."
* "It's a bit troublesome to open and close the 'Get Info' dialog to see
the infomation of a file."
* "I wish I could change the lock status of multiple files easily."
* "I wish I could know the size of a big file in KB or MB rather than
lengthy byte size."
* "I wish I could restore the original memory requirements for an
application that you have already changed before."
* "I wish I could play the QuickTime movie right from the Finder without
starting Movie player."

More File Info CMM Plug-in is the MacOS 8 Contextual Menu Plug-in that
realize such things. Main feature of this plug-in is to show the detailed
information on the selected file to the contextual menu. However, it also
allow users to set or change the following settings.

  * File's Type and Creator
  * FIle's lock status (ON/OFF)
  * Memory requirements for an application program
  * File's creation and modification date
  * Zap file's resource fork

- What's new with v2.2 -

v2.2 has added the following new features:

* Capability of changing file's creation/modification date
* Capability of zapping file's resource fork
* Three new functions are added to the view image window
  (1) Copy image to the clipboard
  (2) Save image as a PICT file
  (3) Move image to the trash

- Shareware ($10) -

System Requirements:
* OS: MacOS 8
* Hardware: PowerMac
* Software: Contextual Menu Extension, SOM Objects for Mac OS
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/more-file-info-cmm-22-jp.hqx; 197K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:37 -0700
Subject: [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.

PandoCalendar is a freeware Macintosh application that places a small
customizable calendar on your desktop. The calendar may be customized by
changing the frame, background color, text color, font, and font size.

Version 3.1 - Adds QuickView Corners, Event Cycling, and customizing the
abbreviations for the days of the week..

Panda Systems

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pando-calendar.hqx; 528K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Restart Controller 1.0.0 68k

Restart Controller is a Macintosh utility to restart Macintosh computers
automatically controlling if the conditions indicated by the user to
restart are satisfied.
In this way the computer can run unattended and restart itself when the
prefixed conditions are satisfied.

There are 3 conditions the program can check:
1) Time interval. The computer shuts down only inside a specified time
2) Critical applications.The computer shuts down only if the applications
indicated by the user as critical are not running.
3)Internet connection.The computer can't restart if an internet connection
is up and running (the computer will restart if the internet connection

Combining these three conditions as the user prefers it is possible to
automatize the moment when the computer will restart itself unattended.
In this way a Mac server can be configured to run continuously with an
internet connection up.
If the Internet connection drops, the Mac will restart itself.
If the Mac is properly configured to restart the connection at startup, the
Mac will acquire the capability to restart and re-initialize all the
settings by itself in case something goes wrong and the connection drops.
When the user leaves the Mac, he can launch a series of tasks, backups,
network jobs, communication tasks or everything else.
He can also use a utility to launch tasks at night automatically  as for
example our CronoTask.
When all the tasks are completed,  if the specified time range is reached
the Mac will be immediately restarted by Restart Controller.
It is also possible to configure the Mac to restart at a prefixed time with
no other conditions, or at a prefixed time only if critical apps are not
running or also if a internet connection is down or both the conditions,
and so on..
This is the PPC version
Further info at the Tension Software web page at

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/restart-controller-68k.hqx; 159K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Restart Controller 1.0.0 ppc

Restart Controller is a Macintosh utility to restart Macintosh computers
automatically controlling if the conditions indicated by the user to
restart are satisfied.
In this way the computer can run unattended and restart itself when the
prefixed conditions are satisfied.

There are 3 conditions the program can check:
1) Time interval. The computer shuts down only inside a specified time
2) Critical applications.The computer shuts down only if the applications
indicated by the user as critical are not running.
3)Internet connection.The computer can't restart if an internet connection
is up and running (the computer will restart if the internet connection

Combining these three conditions as the user prefers it is possible to
automatize the moment when the computer will restart itself unattended.
In this way a Mac server can be configured to run continuously with an
internet connection up.
If the Internet connection drops, the Mac will restart itself.
If the Mac is properly configured to restart the connection at startup, the
Mac will acquire the capability to restart and re-initialize all the
settings by itself in case something goes wrong and the connection drops.
When the user leaves the Mac, he can launch a series of tasks, backups,
network jobs, communication tasks or everything else.
He can also use a utility to launch tasks at night automatically  as for
example our CronoTask.
When all the tasks are completed,  if the specified time range is reached
the Mac will be immediately restarted by Restart Controller.
It is also possible to configure the Mac to restart at a prefixed time with
no other conditions, or at a prefixed time only if critical apps are not
running or also if a internet connection is down or both the conditions,
and so on..
This is the PPC version
Further info at the Tension Software web page at

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/restart-controller-ppc.hqx; 163K]


Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 13:43:42 -0700
Subject: [*] strtupicndblr-10.hqx

StrtUpIcnDblr is for everybody who wants to fill the startup screen with
Using this INIT, you can spend more time than normal startup.
But don't worry, lazy MacOS becomes just lazier! Enjoy your waiting.
You will find many icons that you've never seen before.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/strtupicndblr-10.hqx; 18K]


Date: 	Tue, 26 May 1998 15:58:53 -1000
From: Jerry Levinson <>
Subject: (Q) PowerBook 160 vs System 7.6.1

I tried loading System 7.6 and the 7.6.1 update onto my PowerBook 160 (8MB
RAM). Everything seems to work OK except that the computer freezes
whenever I try to either restart or shut down. When I boot from a 7.6
floppy, both restart and shutdown work. I have tried 7.6.1 with base
extensions, no extensions, some extensions, no luck. I will keep trying
whatever I can think of, but thought you might have...

Ideas? Suggestions?



Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 19:20:05 +0000
From: Fred Klingeman <>
Subject: Afterdark

How can I get afterdark into my macintosh performa 630? If I try to use
a screensaver, it says: "... can't find afterdark ...", so I think I
need afterdark to use my screensavers.
Can somebody help me?


Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 10:51:08 -0400
From: (Denis Tremblay)
Subject: Backup driver for Lacie (?)

 Hi everyone,

I'm using Laci driver like backup on cd's but i'm looking for software then
it could split a to big file on two or three cd's. Actually i'm using
DiskFit Direct but he try to write on cd, thing it's not possible because
you have to use Toaste or DirectCd to writ on it. In short, i'm looking for
something like DiskFit Direct "without initialization"

There somebody coudl help me....I hope so

Thank you for your help,

Denis Tremblay


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 22:01:40 -0400
From: "Zoltan Tyeklar, Ph.D." <>
Subject: Curve fitting

Hi Netters,

I am looking for a high-end curve-fitting/plotting program for the Mac that
could fit experimental data on several independent variables, i.e., y(1),
y(2),...y(i),...y(n); where the parameters to be determined are common in each
equation [y(i)=f(x(1), x(2),..., x(m)]. The program should simultaneously
optimize the parameters for all equations, providing the best possible fit for
all the dependent variables [y(1)...y(n)].
I'd appreciate your help.
P.S. Supposedly, Scientist, a peecee program, can do the job, but it is hard
to believe that there is no software for the Mac that can do the same (or
better) job.


Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 15:50:55 -0400
Subject: Find file in OS 8.0 Dialog boxes (Q)

Dear Digest reader,
I know I have asked this question before, but maybe since that time
somebody has developed a compatible version.   Default Folder I know allows
you to keep aliases of folders you access frequently, and Instant Folder
allows you to do the same from the Open/Save Dialog boxes.   Last time I
used Directory Assistance it crashed, but maybe I wasn't using the most
current version.
I've heard of Superboomerang doing the same, but is there a MacOS 8
compatible version that has a Find File within the Open/Save Dialog boxes?

Thank you.


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 12:55:13 -0400
Subject: FTP (Q)

Dear Digest Readers,
I've asked this question before, but I have received very limited response.
I have tried Fetch, Cyberdog, Anarchie, Vicom FTP, and the numerous
Applescript based solutions, but none come close to emulating the AppleTalk
interface.   Essentially I would like an AppleTalk that does FTP.   Does
such a beast exit?
I hear something like this might exist with MacOS 8.5, but I can't wait
that long.

Does AppleTalk IP, the commercial package, give one Mac folder icons for
directories on NT web servers?   Can one use AppleTalk IP to double click
on a Mac folder, and see a Mac folder listing of what is on the NT web
If not is there another package that does the same? I'd like to also be able
to get access to my web server through all Open/Save dialog boxes, and not
only BBEdit.  Commercial or public domain, it doesn't matter.

The web server is simply an internet provider using a Windows NT and a
Linux server for web space.

Thank you.


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 10:28:54 -0400
From: Michael Holtzman <>
Subject: Integrating Macs with Win NT

Greetings. I have been asked to "fix all the Mac problems" here at St.
John's University. These "problems" stem from having a minority of Mac
users afloat in a sea of Windows NT servers.

I need to fully integrate the Macs into our NT network. This means:

	1 - login to NT network, and automatically access a newtwork home
directory, and possibly one or more read-only (applications, data, etc)
directories. A general login script would be a big plus.

	2 - print to NT printers, and to local (directly attached or
workgroup) printers. I don't think we'll allow Appletalk on our backbone,
but within a workgroup its probably OK.

	3 - some "low administration" method of providing software updates.
This can be a "push", or a notification with instructions for a "pull"
(i.e., installing over the network).

	4 - providing other NT services (such as messaging) would be nice,
but are not necessarily essential.

Restrictions: No Appletalk on backbone. Prefer not to run AppleShare, but
not entirely ruled out.

Options: UNIX (Solaris) based solutions are acceptable.

Thanx in advance for any suggestions / hints / pointers / etc.

Please respond directly, and I will summarize for the list.

Michael S. Holzman				Information Technology				St. John's University (NY)


Date: Tue, 26 May 98 23:29:00 -0700
From: Paul Mullen <>
Subject: ISO LaserWriter II NT Tech/Service Info

Several weeks back I requested general info on a newly acquired 
brain-dead LW IINT, and as usual, the response was tremendous. I was sent 
(free of any charge) a copy of the old user's manual, and made an 
equitable trade that netted me a paper tray. All that great news aside, 
I'm still trying to figger out just what's wrong with it.

I've been told that there was once alternative tech/service literature 
available for this unit, and that it might be able to help me decode the 
sequence the front panel indicator LEDs go through at start-up. Does 
anyone have any copies of this info available, or know of where I might 
go to find it? I've been to Apple's Tech Info Library, but it's mostly 
service bulletins and the like that are very specific to certain common 

Thanks again!



Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 07:48:08 +0100
From: Ezra Nathan <>
Subject: Netscape & helpers problem


Can anyone help me out with a problem I'm having with Netscape?
I've been using Netfinder with Netscape Navigator as the default ftp
programme to get to an ftp site. I used Internet Configure to do this by
putting Netfinder as a helper. I've decided that I don't want to use
Netfinder any longer and would like to use Fetch instead. (I have found
Netfinder to have problems with connections too often).

I deleted Netfinder from the helper section of Internet configure and added
Fetch instead. However, Netscape still opens Netfinder regardless. When I
quit Netfinder and told Netscape (via an applescript) not to use it,
Netscape tried to use Fetch but did not manage to open it. Netscape did,
however, download what I wanted and then gave me the message it can be
opened by using Fetch. Fetch didn't recognise it. I dropped it on stuffit
expander to open/decode it.

If this reads a little confused then it is because I am just that. I've
never got a hang of Internet configure - the help file being very scant and
essentially says "if you're not experienced, don't worry, we've done nearly
everything you might want in default settings" Hmmmm. Maybe not quite so.

Any help appreciated.

> Ezra


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 14:02:42 -0400
From: Tony McWilliams <>
Subject: Outlook Spell Checker

After a new installation of a Macintosh G3, where MS Office 98 was
installed instead of Office 4.2.1b, the spell check function of
Microsoft Outlook does not work.

Can anyone tell me why this happens? I know that Outlook and Exchange
used the dictionary from the old Microsoft folder, but there is no
Microsoft folder with Office 98? How do I reset Outlook to use the
Office 98 dictionary?

Any help is appreciated.

Tony McWilliams
30 May 98  1400


Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 02:17:05 -0400
From: Donald Webb <>
Subject: Random stalls update (I)

Thanks to all who wrote with suggestions concerning my external APS drive
that was freezing the finder at random intervals.

Extensive bench testing shows it's a double problem:

(1) The power supply in the chassis is failing; it recycles erratically at
periods ranging from 5 minutes to 2 hours.

(2) The drive's scsi id selector has developed a bad #2 slot, which makes
half the scsi id's inaccessible.

The drive was originally an internal but put into a case at the company's
suggestion.  With a good deal of luck I'll salvage the data and get the
drive repaired.

Thanks again to Info-Mac'ers' offlist help.  I only wish it had been a
software problem or something easier to fix.

Don Webb


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 00:32:30 -0400
From: Allan Hunter <>
Subject: Rescinding Holdout Status on FinderPop / OS8.X

The latest issue of MacAddict contains CDROM which (in turn) contains the
(presumably) latest version of FinderPop.

I put it on my old 6115 Performa, which was necessarily upgraded to OS 8
(and, given that, 8.1 as well), because the supervisor is springing for a
NewerTech G3 upgrade card for it  :-)

So I installed FinderPop from the CDROM, remembering as I did so what a
pathetic comparison it was to PopupFolder, which I considered to be the
most divine and indispensible piece of interfaceware in a long long time.
PopupFolder, as you may know, is not compatible with system 8.

So I loaded it and rebooted and quickly discovered that FinderPop has
matured gracefully and powerfully, and has done a hell of a good job of
playing catch-up to PopupFolder.  Now you get Contents right by the
mouse-arrow whenever you click on a folder or volume.  (It's still one more
level of hierarchy to navigate through than PopupFolder, but at this point
the customizability of the rest of the items on the menu start to outweigh
the original complaint that I only wanted to see Contents of what I click
on and FinderPop makes it difficult in comparison to PopupFolder.  This is
just no longer true.

Meanwhile, Alsoft, the nominal owners of PopupFolder, have never returned
my email messages or my insistent pelting of their email site, all of which
were geared towards trying to extract a statement from Alsoft, re: are they
or are they not going to develop an OS-8 compabible version of PopupFolder.

Tonight I installed the upgrade sequence (commercial 8.0, free 8.1 upgrade)
onto my 7100, and nuked PopupFolder and replaced its functionality with
FinderPop v. 1.5.9.

Alsoft:  You have squandered what you had, including a rather chauvinistic
following for PopupFolder, people who wanted what they had had in System 7
to work under OS 8.  People who wqnted PopupFolder so badly they'd forego
upgrading to MacOS 8 and stick with 7.X just to be able to use PopupFolder.

I nevertheless wish you luck with the rest of your Mac-oriented product
line.  However, at this point I'm satisfied with FinderPop, so I don't need

  Allan Hunter

Allan Hunter



Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 20:47:29 -0700
From: Chris Schram <>
Subject: Riven vs MAXpowr PRO G3?

Posted to Info-Mac Digest and comp.sys.mac.apps

This one has had me stumped all week! I am hoping someone out there has
had the same problem and has been able to resolve it. Help!

I dug out Riven in the early part of the week, having not looked at it
since December, when I had walked through it (read: cheated) but hadn't
really "played" it.

I was surprised that it took "forever" to load (with constant CD-ROM
activity) and once loaded, the opening sequence was mostly disjointed
still frames with little or no sound. After the opening sequence, the
small animations were choppy; sometimes clicks went unnoticed;
sometimes the game seemed to get "lost." None of this crappy was
evident last December.

Since December I have Installed a MAXpowr PRO G3 card in my PowerCenter
120, removed the Level II cache (as recommended by NewerTech), added
more memory and upgraded to OS 8.1.

OK, process of elimination time. I have:

-- Made sure the CD-ROM discs were clean.
-- Trimmed Extensions to the minimum.
-- Doubled Riven's memory allocation.
-- Fooled with the MAXpower G3 Control Panel (1.3.2) settings.
-- Swapped System software 7.5.3, 7.5.5, 7.6, 8.0, 8.1.
-- Tried both QuickTime 2.5 and 3.0.
-- Swapped Apple CD-ROM (5.3.1) and a couple versions of CD-ROM Toolkit
(1.6, 3.0.2) and played with the various settings thereof.
-- Jacked up the Finder's heap allocation.

The only conclusive result that I have gotten from all this messing
about is that Riven loads much faster under OS 7.5.x. The animation
quality still sucks however.

My only conclusion has to be that there is either some conflict between
Riven and the MAXpower card or my CD-ROM drive has gone weird on me. I
am kinda used to the speed improvement, so I'm unlikely to reinstall
the old 120MHz 604 card. :-(

I have searched the web for clues and have found nothing. Any ideas? Hints?

Chris Schram -- --


Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 08:33:30 +0800 (SGT)
From: (Hardie & Mala)
Subject: scsi manager

I'm in dire need of scsi manager, the System 7.5 extension (or is it
control panel??!!). If somebody could email this extension to me as an
attachment I'd be eternally greatful.
Thanks in advance,

Hardie (


Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 19:28:44 +0200
From: Tony Hassel <>
Subject: shortcut

MacOs 8.1

shortcut to get to the finder from MS Word please


Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 21:35:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Al Bloom <>
Subject: TechTool Pro 203 (C)

There are three firms towards which I maintain a warm fuzzy feeling: Dantz
Virex, and Micromat. Most everyone else has given me cause to wonder if
quality is job one. Yes, that includes LaCie, a firm that had been on my
Good Guys list until a couple months ago. And Virex (Dr Solomons) is iffy.
They haven't sent me my "automatic" subscription virus defs update in a
long time. On floppy via my secreatry's subscription or by e-mail on my
subscription. Oh well. Their web site works. I'll just forego sending them
more money for services they have stopped providing. But I digress.

I got a mail note from Micromat this weekend (It's automagic if you
register. Even the freebie TechTool. And it's worth it) saying there
was a 203r1 update to the 202 version of TechTool Pro they sent not
long ago. I got it and am happy I did.

The 202 persuasion of TechTool Pro was (1) a great improvement over the
original TTP2 which got folk reminiscing over throwing money down the
toilet for Disk Essentials and (2) not quite as good as it should be.

Yes, TTP202 showed that a new DIMM for my secy's machine was killing
her. Yes, the vendor argued not a bit after I told him what TTP202
said. But TTP202 said I had a goofy or mis-seated DIMM. I spent a
few hours last week mucking with same and could not get TTP202 to
crash reliably. Since I wasn't having problems, I just gave it up as
a bad show. TTP202 goes goofy after 60mb? Maybe.

I dropped a note to Micromat.

Within a week comes TTP203r1. Tells me what I think I know. My RAM's fine.

BTW, that's not on TTP's "dummies" check. Heck, that passed my secy's RAM.
That's on the "expert" options RAM check. Max intensity. If your RAM can
get past that puppy, your computer memory is lots better than your own.

Al Bloom


Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 13:17:20 +1000
From: Ian Davis <>
Subject: That @#$! paperclip

I have Office 98 running on my Performa 6300 (32MB, OS8.1, 100 MHz and
working fine despite the recommendation for 120MHz or better).  All in
all it is a good package and a significant improvement on 4.2.1 with
Word 6, and I would certainly recommend it.  Interestingly, it was
cheaper to buy a new academic version than to try to upgrade my old
academic version.

One area that has been improved greatly is help.  When you need to use
it, the popup help is quick and accurate. 

BUT: *surely* there must be a way to turn it off when you don't want
it.  The most annoying thing I encounter is when I start to write a
letter.  Every time I do it pops up and tells me I'm writing a letter,
asking if I want help.  If I did, I'd have asked for it.  But to close
the window, you have to move the mouse and cancel it: it's not possible
to hit return or escape to close the window.  I type quickly, so a lot
of keystrokes get lost while the paperclip is unfolding itself.

This is infuriating.  Am I missing something that can do away with
this?  In the next version they have at least to add a default close
action when the enter or escape key is pushed.

Ian Davis


Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 02:21:39 +0100
From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <>
Subject: WORD 98

Why on earth does Office 98 for Mac keep asking for the installation CD
moments after I first open, access the spelling checker or go to add a
border? (These peculiarities do NOT happen every time I perform the

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Date: Wed, 27 May 98 07:26:55 -0500
From: "Matthew W. Schmeer" <>
Subject: ZIP External to ZIP Internal?


Does anyone know if it is possible to take an external ZIP drive and make 
it an internal ZIP drive?

I want to take an external ZIP drive I currently have and put it in a 
Centris 610 I recently acquired (no CD-ROM on the Centris). Is this 
possible, or am I wasting my time even thinking about it?

Thanks in advance,

Matthew Schmeer



End of Info-Mac Digest