Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #104 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Thu, 07 May 98 Volume 16 : Issue 104 Today's Topics: (A) Converting huge document (A) Fixing Open Transport (Q) slow window updates & FFT utilities ?????chmod on a Mac? ?????chmod on a Mac? [A] - Keyboard "repair" [A] Cross-platform Graphics Conversion and MS Word [A] empty trash warning [A] Getting rid of Appleshare Autoconnect alert [A] MIDI Translation [A] READ THIS. Rhapsody: A Call to Arms [A] Word on slower PPC [A]: Converting huge document [A]: Help: Dead Powermac 6100/66 [A]: How to transfer files? [A]: Video Ram [Q] GeoPod, voicemail and OS 8.1 [Q] HP printer woes [Q] Three Questions re 7.6 vs 7.6.1 Appleshare Autoconnect alert Auotstart Virus comments on mac products Desktop Printer Error Finder Loses Font Preference Setting Fwd: A - Ofc 98 hires desktop pictures from normal TV (A) Office 98 (C) OS 8.1 sound keeps muting OT config. information QUICKEN & multi-currency personal finance programs for the Mac Retrospect Express? startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac? Trashing multiple items from Find Virtual PC Version 1.0 Why can only one item be dragged from the FindFile window Windows 95 long file names. The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #104" ------------------------------ Date: 5 May 98 23:10:29 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: (A) Converting huge document >I have an 80mb PC text document on a CDROM that I need to open and convert >for use in a database. It's a text document and once I get it converted I >can easily insert it into my db. I've used both Word 5.1 and the DataViz >translator to open it. It grinds away for about an hour then freezes the >machine. I have a Performa 6200 with 16mb ram and Ram Doubler. Do I need >more ram? Any ideas on how I could segment the document and convert it >in >pieces? >Replies either directly or to the list would be appreciated. Try opening it with a text editor like "BBEdit Lite" or Tom Bender's "TexEdit Plus". They should work just fine. You may want to allocate a bit more RAM to them before launching though. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 10:30:48 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: (A) Fixing Open Transport Office 98 includes some internet extensions/control panels that are installed in the System Folder. I did a custom install and ensured that they were not installed. You might try doing a Remove and get rid of the internet stuff. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:19:41 -0000 From: Thomas Peitzmann <> Subject: (Q) slow window updates & FFT utilities Hi netters, I have two unrelated question that I hope some of you may be able to answer: 1) Since some time I do experience occasionally very slow updates of windows to be redrawn. Sometimes a window stays blank until e.g. I hit somewhere, where the scrollbar should be. This obviously forces the update. I'm running D-8.1 on a 7300/200, but this also occurred under D-8.0. It may happen in any application. I do use, besides all the apple stuff, some extensions (OtherMenu, KeyQuencer, ATM, Microsoft stuff etc.). I have tried to disable some of them for testing, but have not really systematically checked them out. This is kind of tedious as the effects does not always appear... I also haven't noticed it with a similar system setup running on a 7100/66AV. Any hint? 2) I'm looking for a way to display a frequency spectrum for a given sound (fast fourier transform) in real time, i.e. I want to take a sound source and get a picture of how the overtone spectrum changes with time. Maybe a simple solution which takes an aiff file is o.k., but I might seriously consider getting some Audio Hardware (Digidesign Card or so) anyway. I'm just looking for some utility that does a sound fourier transform in real time. I've seen a shareware utility called "spectrum" or so in the archives, which gives you snapshots from a sound file. This is already great, but the graphics is not so convincing and it doesn't show the changes in real time. I've also seen a program called "sonicWORX Studio" from prosoniq, which, I think, does what I want. Does anybody have any experience with this? Or better, somebody has a good suggestion what to look for? Thanks, Thomas P.S.: Please respond also to me directly! ------------------------- Thomas Peitzmann Institut fuer Kernphysik University of Muenster Wilhelm-Klemm Str.9 D-48149 Muenster Phone: +49-251-8334965 FAX: +49-251-8334962 email: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 08:59:31 -0400 From: "Paul J. Schinder" <> Subject: ?????chmod on a Mac? At 4:31 AM -0400 5/6/98, Info-Mac wrote: } Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 05:29:07 PDT } From: "Gonzalez, Daniel" <> } Subject: ?????chmod on a Mac? } } Anybody, I need help. } } I received the following instructions from my ISP on how to make a cgi } script active. . } } **Using a program such as WS_FTP or CuteFTP, you will need to make } executable your new script by running a chmod command. After connected to } your site through WS_FTP, highlight the file that you want to make } executable, click the right mouse button, and select "chmod (UNIX)". Then } adjust the permissions...*** } } However, being new to web publishing, I am not as familiar as I would like } to be on Mac TCP programs much beyond Fetch and Anarchie. Is there a Mac } program that would let me do this. Since most web publishing is done on a } Mac I would think so. All help is sincerely appreciated. Fetch makes this easy. Under the Remote menu there's "Set Permissions...", with a nice little grid for the permissions themselves. I'd guess you want read + execute for everyone since you'll wind up owning the file but the "owner" of the http daemon will try to execute it, but you might want to check with your ISP to make sure. With Anarchie, it's possible, but it looks like you have to issue a raw FTP command. I don't see anything helpful in a quick check of the menus. } } Many thanks- } Dan Gonzalez } - my daytime address. } - my evening address ----- Paul J. Schinder ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 07:54:11 -0500 From: James Atkinson <> Subject: ?????chmod on a Mac? On 5/5/98 7:29 AM Gonzalez, Daniel said: > >Anybody, I need help. > >I received the following instructions from my ISP on how to make a cgi >script active. . > >**Using a program such as WS_FTP or CuteFTP, you will need to make >executable your new script by running a chmod command. After connected to >your site through WS_FTP, highlight the file that you want to make >executable, click the right mouse button, and select "chmod (UNIX)". Then >adjust the permissions...*** > >However, being new to web publishing, I am not as familiar as I would like >to be on Mac TCP programs much beyond Fetch and Anarchie. Is there a Mac >program that would let me do this. Since most web publishing is done on a >Mac I would think so. All help is sincerely appreciated. Daniel: Fetch will let you set permissions, and it sounds like that may be what your ISP is after. Open a connection to your account with Fetch, then select the appropriate file by single-clicking. Then pull down the "Remote" menu and select "Set Permissions." You will get a dialog box containing 9 possible permissions settings (read, write, search/execute for owner, group, and everyone else). The far right column is what you're after for making something executable...probably click each of the three boxes in that column (so that they have X's in them), then click on the OK button. This will do precisely what the chmod commands in UNIX do. Note that this only works with Fetch version 3.0.1 (?) and later. James Atkinson ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 98 11:53:41 GMT From: Subject: [A] - Keyboard "repair" >Any advice for "repairing" a key on my old performa style keyboard that >now requires extraordinary pressure to use? >Thanks, >Scott Horton <> You could try squirting some Electrolube into the switch. At your own risk of course. You'll probably need to take the casing apart to get a suitable angle for the squirter. You may find some screws concealed under the rubber feet. Ian. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 10:42:18 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A] Cross-platform Graphics Conversion and MS Word I have had similar problems and found that saving as PICT files works fairly well. You can insert them into Word using Insert->Picture->From File. If this doesn't work well enough, you might post the question to which is a mailing list devoted to using Word on the Mac. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:08:21 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A] empty trash warning The PB1400 has its own battery in addition to the removable batteries. It is doubtful that that battery could have failed already (mine is 1.5 yrs old and still going strong). If the internal battery failed you would see problems with the clock and monitor resetting etc. I agree with "Johan W. Elzenga" <> that you need to fix this problem. A couple of things to try (in order): a) Run Disk First Aid b) Run Norton Utilities c) throw away the finder preferences d) Boot from the CD, throw away the system & finder in your System Folder and reinstall. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:25:55 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A] Getting rid of Appleshare Autoconnect alert Try this: 1) Go to the filesharing machine, Add the user and password (or if the user still exists, change the password so you know what it is) 2) On your machine, select Chooser->Appleshare and select the filesharing machine. 3) Login with the user and password 4) Uncheck the Mount on startup box on the offending drive volumes 5) Delete the user on the filesharing machine (once this works) -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 98 11:50:06 GMT From: Subject: [A] MIDI Translation Noah Sager wanted to know how to convert QuickTime movies containing MIDI data back to standard MIDI files. This is straightforward if you have a version of QuickTime prior to version 3, or have paid for QuickTime 3 Pro. Load the movie file into Movie Player, and then choose Export. You can choose the output format from a selection that includes MIDI. You may also set other options. I don't remember off-hand what is available. If you have the basic version of QuickTime 3, you can still use the old Movie Player from version 2.5 to Export. Ian. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 10:33:54 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A] READ THIS. Rhapsody: A Call to Arms According to the Rhapsody newsletter, the GUI is getting more Mac like. The screen shots on the web site are probably from DR1 which was pretty much NEXT GUI only. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 10:45:36 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A] Word on slower PPC Works great on 117Mhz and there are numerous reports of it working well on 60MHz machines in the mailing list. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:07:58 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A]: Converting huge document I suspect you need lots more memory allocated to Word. I would try maxing out Ram Doubler and allocating Max memory to Word e.g. 3x16=48 - 10M for System, use File->Get Info on the Word application and change the preferred memory to something in the order of 30Meg. There are some shareware utilities which will segment files. Stuffit Deluxe will segment and the newest version of Disk Copy will segment files. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:47:27 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A]: Help: Dead Powermac 6100/66 I had a similar problem on a Mac IIfx and it was the switch. Those switches are not really very substantial. On a couple of 6100 we use in a business the switches only seem to work about half the time and I am expecting them to fail at any time. Try this: Take ALL power off the machine including unplugging the power cord and leave it that way for a couple of minutes. Plug it back in and try again. You may have to boot from a floppy. I spent an hour last week trying to get a 6100 to come back to life that was exhibiting the same problem. I was successful, hopefully you will be. Once you get it fixed you should use the keyboard for startup and do not use the on/off switch. We shutdown the machine and turn off the monitor, not much energy use in that mode. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:07:31 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A]: How to transfer files? You can use any powerbook as SCSI disk with a SCSI docking device ($24). Set the SCSI in Control Panels->Powerbook Setup. This is the fastest method. Next fastest would be via Ethernet using File Sharing. After those choices comes File Sharing via Localtalk, using Zip drives, etc. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:51:07 -0700 From: Maurice Mike McNeil <> Subject: [A]: Video Ram Vram is different, sorry. You might consider donating the simms to a school to upgrade machines there. I have two schools I support and would be happy to pass the RAM on if you don't have someone who could use it. There are a couple of sites which discuss Memory configuration and different types of memory. <> is one. -----|----- 0-0 (_)+ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 15:48:25 +-200 From: Phil Hudson <> Subject: [Q] GeoPod, voicemail and OS 8.1 I have been using Cypress Research's MegaPhone voicemail/telephony = software over an Apple GeoPort Telecom Adapter (GeoPod) for a couple of = years now, and until now it has worked well enough to rely on -- just. However, under MacOS 8.1, the product apparently suffers from = unacceptable degradation of the sound quality of stored incoming = messages. The developers have stated that they are not planning to fix = this. I'm using MacOS 8.0 and I need to upgrade to 8.1 sometime soon. None of = the developers' proposed workarounds is adequate for my requirements. Apple has been bundling its own telephony software with new Macs for = some time, but this software is not available for sale or download. = Standard OS installer CDs will only install it on selected models, not = mine (Power Mac 8100/80AV). Speakerphone capabilities are not important for me. I just need a) = double-click dialing of stored numbers, and b) incoming messages storage = and playback. My question is this: is there any other software out there which I can = use to drive the GeoPod and give me a virtual answering machine and = smart dialer? TIA. >| Phil Hudson Phaleng IT Consultancies, Gaborone, Botswana |< <| Email: |> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 17:21:23 -0400 From: Jim Gates <> Subject: [Q] HP printer woes We've got an HP Paintjet 300 printer in our art department at school. It will print small documents just fine from the attached Powermac 5500. But, when we try to print Freehand or Painter documents, it will get about 40% of the way through and then display the error that says there was an Appletalk error. It is connected using phonenet connectors (which I've replaced with new ones) and it used to work just fine- for YEARS, although only recently has it been connected to a Powermac. We tend to think that we can putz around with the software, replacing or updating drivers, etc. and all will work out. I tend to think that it is the printer that has just given up the ghost. Does anyone know of a way to make that determination? Jim Gates ----------------- =B3I went to a general store, but they wouldn=B9t let me buy anything specific.=B2 - Stephen Wright ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 14:36:29 -0800 From: glaston <> Subject: [Q] Three Questions re 7.6 vs 7.6.1 I have been soldiering along with 7.6 (APS 4.1 disk drivers) for some time because I think I read somewhere that 7.6.1 installs an older version of 0T/PPP than 7.6. I think I have OT 1.1.2 (at least that's the version of the Open Transport Library installed). This is important enough to keep me from upgrading as I had a great deal of difficulty getting my ISDN working, and now its been functioning for so long that I can't remember enough about it to trouble shoot and re-install should a system upgrade so require. Question 1: Is the stability or speed of 7.6.1 worth the upgrade? Question 2: Will 7.6.1 interfere with the functioning of my ISDN TA and software? Question 3: Should I do a clean install to both disks? If so, will I have to find and reinstall all my inits, drivers and other residents of the system folder? TIA Glaston -Mind how you go. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 08:23:45 -0400 From: Michael Blair <> Subject: Appleshare Autoconnect alert bkwelk <>, on 5/6/98 4:31 AM you wrote: > There is probably a pretty simple answer to this, but it is eluding >me right now. I have a Quadra running system 7.6.1, and it used to be >networked to another machine, with appleshare set to automatically >connect to that machine at startup. Now when the Quadra is started up, it >pops up the standard appleshare connection dialog box at startup (with >the username/password info etc.), and you must click either the cancel or >okay button 5 times before it goes away. I have tried disabling >filesharing extensions, deleting various preferences and zapping the >PRAM, but to no avail. Any suggestions? Please send answers to my email >address so that I don't miss any. > Blayne: Throw away the AppleShare prefs file. Michael Blair ======================================================================= Blair Technical Communications Tel: (514) 989-8713 106 - 3500 Atwater Avenue Fax: (514) 989-7521 Montreal, Quebec CANADA H3H 1Y5 Email: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:46:52 +0100 From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <> Subject: Auotstart Virus Tidbits Ezine No. 428 has a reference to the Autostart virus. They say that one of the features of the Autostart virus is an invisible file called "DB". I have invisible files called Desktop DB and Desktop Printers DB. Are these four files SUPPOSED to be here on a normally functioning G3 with OS8.0 or (gulp!) do i have the dreaded Autostart virus? CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Suite 207 at 37 Store Street Bloomsbury, London WC1B-4AA UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0044.(0)7050.028.797 Facsimile 0044.(0)171.242.6087 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 05 May 1998 18:25:28 +0000 From: "gene nail" <> Subject: comments on mac products that's probably simple to long time users. What I would like to find is a location on the web where I can send and get comments on mac software and hardware. I have been a mac user since the beginning and regularly I run into situations that I would like to advise (warn might be too strong) other users about, particularly some experiences with Epson printers. If i knew where to find such comments on the net, I might not even have had those expreiences. If you can help, i appreciate it. If you do not have time to resond, I understand. thanks. gene nail ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 12:24:53 -0500 (EST) From: "William A. Ahroon, Ph.D." <AHROONWA%VULCAN@SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU> Subject: Desktop Printer Error Hello all, My PowerMac 8100/100 (OS 8.0) crashed while printing. [I tried to do too many things with two little memory and too buggy a program (i.e., DeltaGraph).] I have three desktop printers on my system (LaserWriter, LaserWriter 8, and PDFWriter). Since the crash, I get an error on startup saying: Desktop printer unknown error "-192" at '18'. Whatever that means. I've thrown away the desktop printers and chosen them again and even reinstalled Adobe Acrobat (for the PDF Writer driver). Any suggestions. I'd hate to reinstall my OS. BTW, I saw a demo of the Education All-in-one G3s last week. Great product. Bill Ahroon AhroonWA@SPLAVA.CC.PLATTSBURGH.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:46:26 +0100 From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <> Subject: Finder Loses Font Preference Setting Can someone PLEASE tell me why the Finder keeps 'losing' the Font setting under the Finder's menu -- EDIT: Preferences: Fonts For View? I've set the font to "BeBox", "Epsi Sans Bold", whatever and whether I SHUTDOWN or RESTART or crash my computer (inadvertently), upon reboot, the Desktop is displayed in good ol' (boring) Gevena. (It doesn't matter whether fonts are installed in the FONTS folder in the System Folder or are opened by ATM 4.0 Deluxe) All replies appreciated. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Suite 207 at 37 Store Street Bloomsbury, London WC1B-4AA UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0044.(0)7050.028.797 Facsimile 0044.(0)171.242.6087 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:20:56 -0700 From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: Fwd: A - Ofc 98 David Reed answered a question about whether Office 98 would run on a slower PowerMac, and said: ------------------------------ I have it running on a 6100-66 and it works very well indeed. Word 7(?) starts and runs faster than Word 6. Just watch out if you have to uninstall - it will throw your system folder in the trash! Mac Office users have a huge advantage over Win95 users when importing graphics into Word - the Win version is unusable with 133MHz, 32MB Ram and a couple of screen shots. David I just wanted to say that to the best of my knowledge, that threat of removing your System folder only existed if you moved a library or file of some kind from the Office 98 folder itself into the system folder. The file had to do with Removing MS Office. If you put it in the System, then it will think the System folder is the Microsoft Office 98 folder, and remove it. This whole thing was an issue because some people were double-clicking the little file to see what it would do, and it was giving the standard Mac system message about "this file adds functionality to your system... put it in your System folder to use it" (you know the one, something like that). So they put it in the system. Anyway, I heard Microsoft came out with a fix for it. Maybe that's why I don't have it on my computer any more, I don't know. If you don't move that file to the system, you are in no danger of removing your System folder! And to tell the truth, I can't even find the file right now. Maybe I removed it myself? I don't remember. But Office is running great. Daly ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 15:15:42 -0500 From: "Paul M. Sheldon" <> Subject: hires desktop pictures from normal TV (A) With encouragement a shareware author might use "stacking" of tracked video images (interlacing scan lines from different frames for high resolution!) to get hires images for desktop pictures. Someone at Cornell evidentally mistakenly said that this would require expensive computation on big computers and was, in fact, done at Cornell. Wrong! The computation is cheap and accessible on your mac! I heard about this "pict stacking" at amateur astronomer's gathering. "Pict stacking" enables people with ordinary cameras getting ordinary images to do this stacking (normally done only in ccd camera software for shorter startrail tracking error) for longer effective exposure and higher resolution. All you need is to make several pict files. While an amateur astronomer needs an expensive film scanner and to use up expensive rolls of film, not so Apple Video Player! Mac video player makes pict files and is built in! So, the shareware author might gain increased market base and be very motivated. One might imagine, with a bit of encouragement, that the software author could track really moving images "through" scanlines on a TV pinning those images together by their center of mass (center of intensity) which can be between scan lines and so interlace or interpolate. If any of you, including Apple, want this capability with television images for desktop pictures, contact the author (s?) at : ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:00:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Al Bloom <> Subject: Office 98 (C) OK, let's continue the Office 98 discussion. It seems to work on slower PowerMacs, but memory is another question. My boss, with a mere 48mb on his 7200/90, had both Excel and PowerPoint up and could not copy/paste between the two programs. Well, he had a few other goodies running, too, like TN3270 and Eudora. When he quit those, he could copy/paste. But he didn't like having to change his methods, so we're going to get more memory for our Macs. I love it when a plan comes together. Since my CDR burner is in LaCie's shop (along with the new LaCie DDS-3 tape drive which was OK if you didn't actually want to use the DDS-3 capability, snarl), I wondered if I might put Office 98 onto a lesser medium. The Office 98 folder you copy from CD to install on your HD fits rather nicely onto a ZIP disc. I copied from CD to ZIP, then copied from ZIP to HD. No joy. Nothing would launch. Hmmm. Mister Softie is getting tricky in old age. I haven't done much with Office 98 yet. But I cordially despise what I see in PowerPoint. Guides seem to be off or on by slide, not generally. And trying to actually move the guides around would annoy the Easter Bunny, a notoriously mild chap. The "picture" tool bar can't seem to make up its mind whether to float or be a stationary bar. I somehow got it to be a stationary bar on my office machine. By turning off one of the other bars. I think. But that trick doesn't work on my home machine. Naughty- wording floating tool bar no matter what I do. What's the difference between home and office machines? Nada. Both are 7300/180's running System of the 8.1 persuasion. And PPT-98 doesn't exactly print what its predecessors did. I have some maps with progressively lower dot densities for counties with progressively lower populations. The bottom two now come out as light greyscales, the bottom one indistinguishable from the white that indicates nada. By eyes as old as mine. Whoopie. Change the map indicators to not use those two dot densities. Oh, this is such fun. I can't wait to see what awaits when I try the other parts of Office 98. Al Bloom ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 14:59:37 -0400 From: XENMAN <> Subject: OS 8.1 sound keeps muting Every time I start up my 6500/225/32 the "mute" button in the monitors and sound control panel is checked. I uncheck it but it is always rechecked when I restart. Anyone know why? ------------------------------ Date: 5 May 98 21:24:16 -0400 From: "D. Scott Beach" <> Subject: OT config. information >Last night in the process of trying to install Microsoft Office 98 on my >hard disk at home I somehow managed to screw up my Internet connection. I >use Open Transport with System 8.1. Nobody around here supports this >configuration with a modem. It was working fine until yesterday, and I >don't look forward to troubleshooting it. Is there a good website or >document that makes clear exactly what pieces have to be functioning in >what ways to make this combo work? Paul: I'll let you judge how good it is, but I've put up some instructions for fellow users of my ISP because they're so woefully Mac ignorant. Perhaps it would be of some help to you. There's a link to it at . Let me know if it's any help at all. - Scott ************************** D. Scott Beach, A rabid Mac dude in Toronto. ************************** ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:46:14 +0100 From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <> Subject: QUICKEN & multi-currency personal finance programs for the Mac I purchased QUICKEN 98 Deluxe for the Macintosh, expecting it to have the same feature set as the Windoze version. There is no "multi-currency" support: i.e. tracking current accounts and savings accounts, for example, denominated in Pounds Sterling, Deutche Mark or Swiss Francs in addition to US Dollars. (and, I'm sorry, but setting up a mutual fund account ot buy & sell currency seems TOO cumbersome) Does anyone know if MICROSOFT MONEY (or anyone else) offers "multi-currency" support? All replies appreciated. Dudley CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Suite 207 at 37 Store Street Bloomsbury, London WC1B-4AA UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0044.(0)7050.028.797 Facsimile 0044.(0)171.242.6087 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 16:35:31 -0600 From: Ted Logan <> Subject: Retrospect Express? On a Power Mac 7100/80 running 7.6.1 and on a G3 running 8.1 I'm using Retrospect 4.0. Do I need Retrospect Express for anything besides HFS+-formatted disks? Why isn't it Retrospect 4.1 or 5.0 or whatever instead of "Retrospect Express?" Do I need them both? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 08:23:47 -0400 From: Michael Blair <> Subject: startup schedule software or tricks for older Mac? Mike Whybark <>, on 5/6/98 4:31 AM you wrote: >my goal is to try to get it to boot up and shut down at scheduled >times, bracketing the normal usage times of all the other machines (2) >on the LAN. > >I think I remember having the II set up to do exactly that in the dark >ages, but I don't recall how I did it. > >Using (or trying to use) the control panels Powerbook, Energy Saver, >and Auto Power On/Off yeilded no success. I don't remember, does the Mac II turn on via the keyboard power key? If not, I don't think you can set it to auto power on/off. Michael Blair ======================================================================= Blair Technical Communications Tel: (514) 989-8713 106 - 3500 Atwater Avenue Fax: (514) 989-7521 Montreal, Quebec CANADA H3H 1Y5 Email: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 10:07:50 -0800 From: Chuck Garrett <> Subject: Trashing multiple items from Find >When I want to drag (move or copy) a set of files from the FindFile "Items >Found" window to another folder or to the trash, that folder (or the trash >can) gets highlighted, but after I release the mouse the files flash back >to the "Items Found" window and don't get moved or copied. If I do this >with one file, it works fine. If I use command-I ("Get Info") on multiple >files in the "Items Found" window, it also works. I am running MacOS 8.1 on >a G3/233. Has anybody else seen this behaviour and does anybody have a >solution? For some reason this came about with 8.1. My work around is to create a trash alias. The system will allow you to drag multiple files to that. Go figure. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 19:46:44 +0100 From: Dudley Warrington Thomas <> Subject: Virtual PC Version 1.0 I had used VPC on a PowerMac 8100. I upgrade to a G3/266 and fooled around with VPC for a few days before deleting it. I reinstalled VPC the other day & WINDOZE 95 now only boots half way and then freezes. What's up? (I have the upgrade to 1.01 VPC but that seems to make the program LESS stable) Do I have to upgrade to VPC Version 2.0? CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Suite 207 at 37 Store Street Bloomsbury, London WC1B-4AA UNITED KINGDOM Telephone 0044.(0)7050.028.797 Facsimile 0044.(0)171.242.6087 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 06:25:34 -0800 From: Dan Frakes <> Subject: Why can only one item be dragged from the FindFile window Pieter Stouten <> wrote: >When I want to drag (move or copy) a set of files from the FindFile "Items >Found" window to another folder or to the trash, that folder (or the trash >can) gets highlighted, but after I release the mouse the files flash back >to the "Items Found" window and don't get moved or copied. If I do this >with one file, it works fine. This is a known bug with Mac OS 8 and 8.1. There is no way to fix it :-( Dan InformINIT: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 23:35:37 +0800 From: "Dr. Steven Luh" <> Subject: Windows 95 long file names. Hi Folks, I've read about this problem before and I know there is supposed to be a solution but I nver had to do anything about it until.... A friend of mine burned me a CD with Windows 95/NT? files. I can see them under the Wintel machine and even see them under emulation software like Virtual PC running Windows 95. My problem is that I can't see it under the Mac OS 7.6.1 with PC Exchange. It knows that the files are there and says that the CD occupies the space (it even knows that there are 24 files there) but it won't let me see the icons. Aren't you usually supposed to see the "8 + 3" file name or something? Or is this some format that PC Exchange can't handle yet? What am I doing wrong? Need to upgrade to 8.1? Actually I'm waiting for 8.2 so I don't have to spend extra money as 7.6.1 doing fine right now. Many people told me to upgrade to OS 8 already but I'm waiting for that "definite" upgrade before I throw down my money. Thanks for any replies. Please e-mail your replies since I'm in the process of moving back to the US and will not be able to read the digest during this transition. Steven Luh -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************