Abstracts from files in info-mac/per/im/infomacv17 as of Sun 12 Dec 2004

#### TEXT       infomacv17-1.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#511/03-Jan-00
      [*] TidBITS#512/10-Jan-00
      [*] TidBITS#513/17-Jan-00
      [*] TidBITS#514/24-Jan-00
      Info-Mac ADMIN: Test of the list!
      Info-Mac ADMIN: Test of the list!

#### TEXT       infomacv17-10.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Power Windows 2.2
      [*] Prometheus 1.1
      [*] PuppetTime 1.0
      [*] PuppetTime Producer 1.0
      [*] Purple Gradient Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] QuickShot Deluxe 2.01 Demo
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.7
      [*] RAM Disk Backup 2.1
      [*] RTU 3D Shapes VOL 1
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.1.1Fr - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.1.1J - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Sherlock Plugins 1.5
      [*] Sherlock Plugins 1.6
      [*] ShockBox 1.4
      [*] Shout3D 1.0.2
      [*] Simple To Do 1.1
      [*] simpleHype: Hypertext for the rest of us.
      [*] SmartWrap 1.6.1J - Japanese version
      [*] software submission
      [*] Sound Byte 1.3.0
      [*] Sound Byte 1.4.0
      [*] Sound Shuffler 2.0
      [*] Star Wars Racer Setup 1.0.1
      [*] Star Wars Racer Setup 1.0.2
      [*] STATsimple 2.0.5
      [*] Style 1.6.1; a scriptable styled text editor
      [*] SuperKeno 2.0  Fully featured Keno program
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] System's Twilight 1.1.0: An Abstract Fairy Tale
      [*] TACS V1.1.2 - 3d action / strategy game
      [*] TaskMenuBar 1.0.0
      [*] TaskMenuBar 1.0.1
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.8J - Japanese Version
      [*] TimeLabel 1.5
      [*] TimeLabel 1.6
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.02 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezonesincluding DST
      [*] TinyPIM 1.3
      [*] Tudoo
      [*] Tunnelvision 1.1.1Fr - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Tunnelvision 1.1.1J - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] UBB Writer v1.0.1 (68k) easy to use UBB forum code editor
      [*] UBB Writer v1.0.1 (PPC) easy to use UBB forum code editor
      [*] Ultimate Pool 1.2
      [*] UltraLingua FR-ENG 2.2 (Le Franglophile) French-English dictionary
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.4.3 - foreign language learning

#### TEXT       infomacv17-100.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) found free ftp server for the Mac
      3d ftp search i. project X hot Sauce
      can't get scanner to work with ibook
      iMac hesitation?
      iMac hesitation?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #97
      problem downloading software

#### TEXT       infomacv17-101.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#535/19-Jun-00
      [*] Alan's Solitaire 1.0.6
      [*] audio tools 2.2
      [*] BOOM 1.2.3 Update
      [*] CP290 Director 1.5 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System
      [*] cue import 3.0
      [*] Dart Board v1.06
      [*] Doublet Scan
      [*] DXoft Get Info 2.0.0
      [*] Dynamical Systems - submission
      [*] EjectDisk 3.1.3 - Eject disks of all types with a single key!
      [*] Euro Convert 2.0 currency converter
      [*] eurv2kp.hqx - Europe! Geography Game (update)
      [*] FTP (Update) MacScribe-206.sit, (New) MacScribeLight-206.sit
      [*] ICC Profile editor
      [*] iUnit 1.0.0
      [*] iView Expanded Dictionary
      [*] Label print 3.0
      [*] MacCurveFit 1.5.4
      [*] MacScripter's Mag #1 ENG (Applescript tutorial
      [*] Master Key 1.1 68K
      [*] Master Key 1.1 PPC
      [*] Uploaded: Z-Write 1.1
      File Assistant and File Synchronization II
      Promote InfoMac!

#### TEXT       infomacv17-102.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] * Virtual Composer 2.1d1
      [*] File Buddy 5.3.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] FTP QuoEdit mini 1.0.1
      [*] Master Spell 4.2 68K
      [*] Master Spell 4.2 PPC
      [*] MI Convert 2.6 68k
      [*] MI Convert 2.6 PPC
      [*] music notation (AW6)
      [*] music notation update (AppleWorks 5) 
      [*] MusiCatalog: Data Management (Music collection tracking)
      [*] NetBackup 2.0 Demo
      [*] NotePad Deluxe 2.0 - Exclusive notepad with many features
      [*] Print Forwarder.sit
      [*] Tess 1.03 68K - Symmetric Drawing Program
      [*] Tess 1.03 PPC - Symmetric Drawing Program
      [*] YP Reflection 1.0.3 (physics simulation software)
      [*] YP Reflexion (french version, physics simulation software)
      can't get scanner to work with ibook
      iMac hesitation
      iMac Hesitation - summary

#### TEXT       infomacv17-103.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] 3D Setback aka Pitch 1.2
      [*] 3D Spades Deluxe 2.2
      [*] BBTidy v1.0b6: BBEdit plugin checks and corrects HTML and XML
      [*] Beasts and monsters
      [*] Bi-Product 1.1
      [*] fileFinagler 1.0 - file properties utility
      [*] FontBuddy 2.0.1 Japanese [ftp: FontBuddy-2.0.1-J.sit.hqx]
      [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled ADDITION & SUBTRACTION for Special Learners, v2.9
      [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled MULTIPLICATION for Special Learners, v3.2
      [*] geditcom-280.hqx
      [*] glidel_411_fr
      [*] glidel_411_us
      [*] GPS Plotter 1.0
      [*] Idea Keeper 2.0 (ik2.hqx)
      [*] MacTidy v1.0b9: checks and corrects HTML and XML source
      [*] mathemania.hqx
      [*] money2mac 1.0 - financial data conversion tool
      [*] MoonMenu 1.2
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square
      [*] PandoCalendar (68K) - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      File Synchronization
      iMac Hesitation - summary
      MacWrite Pro 1.5v3 update no longer at Claris
      OS 8.6 growing
      PowerBook CD Drive

#### TEXT       infomacv17-104.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] File "SnakPPC.sit.hqx" uploaded
      [*] PandoCalendar - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Play it Cool 3.4.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.4.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Play it Cool 3.41
      [*] Synk 3.0.3 (uploaded as SynkDistribution.img.hqx)
      [*] Web Confidential 2.0 - French version
      [*] Web Confidential 2.0 - German version
      [*] YA-AutoPoster: Mac Usenet autposter
      CSW 4100 w/o color cart.
      Failure to boot MacPlus
      G3 CD Update 2
      NCSA Telnet (followup)
      using a western digital drive in a G4 (Q)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-105.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#536/26-Jun-00
      [A] iMac won't stay shutdown
      CD firmware update
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #104
      Mac OS 7.6 screen shot
      Network time server

#### TEXT       infomacv17-106.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] BilgePump-0.9.sit.hqx uploaded to ftp://macgifts:macgifts@info-mac.org
      [*] BOOM 1.2.3
      [*] Extension Overload v5.1.1
      [*] FTP MATH DITTOS 2: Fact Controlled SUBTRACTION for Special Learners, v1.6
      [*] Ghouls Kaleidoscope schme
      [*] Greg's Browser 2.7
      [*] Mailcharm 1.0 -
      [*] Master Key 1.1.1
      [*] Master Spell 4.2.1
      [*] Photo Viewer 4.0
      [*] Play it Cool 3.42
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.6.1 Freeware
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.6.1 French Freeware
      [*] Power20 1.4 - Commodore VIC-20 Emulator
      [*] Power20 1.4 - Commodore VIC-20 Emulator
      [*] Power64 2.8 - Commodore C64 Emulator
      [*] Power64 2.8 - Commodore C64 Emulator
      [*] Power64 2.8 - Commodore C64 Emulator
      [*] Power64 2.8 - Commodore C64 Emulator
      [*] The Book of Changes 3.3.2
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #105
      launch file sharing = frozen system
      Network time server
      Network time server

#### TEXT       infomacv17-107.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#537/03-Jul-00
      [*] Please add to sci/
      [*] SmartWrap 1.7.2
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.6
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.0.1 (gui/task-menu-bar.hqx)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-108.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Four free ISPs for the Mac and counting
      (A) Mac OS 7.6 screen shot
      (Q) keyboard shortcuts on a G4
      [*] NetFinder 2.1.1J - FTP client / Japanese Version
      [Q] Opcode down?
      [Q] Sonnet or Newer Tech upgrade for PMac 6500?
      HotLoop 1.1.4 - Video-Remixer for the Mac
      Mac OS 7.6 screen shot
      Network time server
      PowerBook glitch
      Studio display problem

#### TEXT       infomacv17-109.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) keyboard shortcuts on a G4
      (A) Mac OS 7.6 screen shot
      (A) saving web wallpapers
      [*] Billionth Birthday 1.0 - compute interesting dates
      [*] CalCountNote 1.6.0 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.6.0 (PPC)
      [*] Cast Off 1.0 Submission
      [*] Decoder 2.1
      [*] Diet Sleuth 3.0.0b10
      [*] Edible Landscaping 4.61
      [*] Glue Factory
      [*] iRemember 2.0 (68K)
      [*] iRemember 2.0 PPC
      [*] iUnit 1.1.0
      [*] Japanese Font Package 3.0
      [*] John's WP Tips & Macros 1.8
      [*] Loteria Primitiva
      [*] NameChum Pro 2.5.0; names management.
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square
      [*] pads-1.0b4.sit.hqx   Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the
      [*] ShadowKeys1.1.1.sit
      [*] ShadowKeysF-1.1.1.sit
      [*] Switch-It 3.1 - Switch Applications via the Keyboard - *Freeware*
      display problem cure
      G3/G4 upgrade for 7300

#### TEXT       infomacv17-11.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) John Madden football
      (C) The Mac and y2k
      1400/G3 Battery problems-update
      [*] Disk Recall
      [*] dominoes12.hqx
      [*] File Buddy 5.3.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 D (German version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 F (French version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 I (Italian version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 J (Japanese version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Quit CSM 1.7.7 N (Dutch version)
      [*] MacOSTray 1.1b2
      [*] Mitch Power Actions
      [*] NameCleaner 2.0.1 - Cross-platform file naming and typing
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.2 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Poor Man's Solitaire 1.0
      [*] PowerCalc 5.1
      [*] PrintToPDF 1.1.1 (printer driver to make PDF files)
      [*] QuoEdit mini 1.0
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.6.0
      [*] Road Kill 1.0
      [*] Search Designer 1.0
      [*] Sherlock II Creator 2.0.1
      [*] SimpleBackup 1.6.1
      [*] Slide Show 5.2 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3 files.
      [*] SpinShow2000 v1.0
      [*] Subtle arcade sound set
      [*] TalkTime 1.0 - a talking scheduling application
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.5.6
      [*] Thumbnail Maker 1.0
      [*] VideoZoom 2.1
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.5.2 - Web Site Promotion Tool
      [*] VSE Update Finder 1.0 - Freeware
      [*] VSE Update Finder 2.0 - Freeware finds updates for allapplications
      [*] VSE Web Site Turbo 3.0.2 - Image and web page optimizer
      [*] Web Confidential 1.3.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] WebsiteDietician 1.0
      [*] WelcomeStartup Application, Utility and Source Code
      [*] Window Manager 2.1
      [*] YA-AutoPoster 1.5: Mac Usenet autposter
      Eudora slowdown in OS9
      iMac Reset Button
      Virtual PC vs. SoftWindows - PC Emulators for the MAC

#### TEXT       infomacv17-110.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CyberStretch by Jazzercise: An interactive Screensaver
      [*] e: WebButtons 1.0b3 update
      [*] Revised Submission
      [*] Screensaver
      [*] video-toolbox-00-06-22-c.sit
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-English)
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-French) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-German) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (68k-Italian) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-English)
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-French) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-German) -- Cellar management software for
      [*] WineBook 1.0.4 (PPC-Italian) -- Cellar management software for
      free ISPs
      Virtual PC

#### TEXT       infomacv17-111.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#538/10-Jul-00
       (A) Mac OS 7.6 screen shot
      (opinion) G3/G4 upgrade for 7300
      (Q) QuicKeys 5.0 any more stable?
      [*] [*] Mac06-1.0-Basic.hqx
      [*] fractal-domains-137.sit.hqx  Fractal Domains - Fractal
      [*] FTP VideoClips Pro v.2.0.2
      [*] Kineticon 1.7.1 - Animated icons on your desktop!
      [*] Kineticon 1.7.1J - Animated icons on your desktop! (Japanese Version)
      [*] METAL v1.6T
      [*] PhotoCat 3.1 E
      [*] Tess 1.04 68K - Symmetric Drawing Program
      [*] Tess 1.04 PPC - Symmetric Drawing Program
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 4.0J - Japanese Version
      [A] Opcode down?
      AppleCare Renewal
      Can't start under 9.0.4?  Replace Enabler!
      G3 Motherboard.
      G4 DVD-ROM/RAM Opinions?
      Lowering Startup Chime Sound
      pilot/mac grading
      Raster View/ Efit
      Replacing serial port on Quadra 630
      Subject: Studio display problem
      What about the Coldstone Game Engine?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-112.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#539/17-Jul-00
       Accessing logic board on the 8100 AV
      (A) Summary - Keyboard control panel based shortcuts
      (Q) USB freezes
      .exe files
      2 volume disk and HFS
      ASIP 6.2 Problems
      iMac gutz removal
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #111
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #111
      Lowering Startup Chime Sound
      Pagination problems in Word 98

#### TEXT       infomacv17-113.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) .exe files
      (A) Pagination problems in Word 98
      (A) Summary - Keyboard control panel based shortcuts
      .exe files
      .exe files
      2 volume disk and HFS
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.0.4
      [*] Scheduler 2.0
      [Q] on the new multiprocessor G4s
      Accessing logic board on the 8100 AV
      Greeting card programs?
      IBM techexplorer Version 3.0 Preview Release 1: Windows 95/98/NT, 
      iMac gutz removal
      iMac gutz removal
      iMac Help
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #112
      Lowering Startup Chime Sound
      Pagination problems in Word 98
      Pagination problems in Word 98

#### TEXT       infomacv17-114.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      .exe files
      [*] ClipClap-General purpose text input utility+internet research helper
      [*] PictoGizer-Graphic collection manager
      [A] IMac gutz removal
      Accessing logic board on the 8100 AV
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #112
      Iomega Extension Trouble on iMac
      update performa 6115

#### TEXT       infomacv17-115.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Dearmach T1 -  a typeface based on the Book of Durrow
      [*] Dearmach TT - a typeface inspired by the Book of Durrow
      [*] Font Smoothie 1.1
      [*] NetFinder 2.1.1r1J - FTP client / Japanese Version
      [*] Red Bird's Quick Scripts, release 0.6
      [*] SndSampler 4.3
      [*] Thunder Chat Client
      [A] Accessing logic board on the 8100 AV
      [A] Iomega Extension Trouble on iMac
      Greeting cards
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #113
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #114
      Seeking pre-purchase iMac advice
      slooow PB 1400
      VPC and a warning!
      WordPerfect scrolling speed

#### TEXT       infomacv17-116.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#540/24-Jul-00
      <no subject>
      [*] AutoCat 2.8.2 - Catalog different
      [*] CDFinder 2.8.1
      [*] CRefDynGenStrArray JUL24_00
      [*] Default Folder 3.0.6 - Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] MultiMode 3.5.0
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.1.1 - CULTURE INTERCHANGE Square
      [*] QXP Photobook 1.1.2a
      [*] SC Server Switch
      [*] Screen Catcher 2.0 - screen capture utility with "Catch-All"
      [*] UltraLingua DE-ENG 1.21 German English Dictionary
      [*] UltraLingua ES-ENG 1.01 Spanish English Dictionary
      [*] UltraLingua FR-ENG 2.32 French English Dictionary
      [*] UnCoverIt 1.3
      [*] Verbs & Nouns 2.4.4 - foreign language learning
      Netting Two Macs?
      Pagination problems in Word 98
      WordPerfect scrolling speed

#### TEXT       infomacv17-117.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) one caveat about 8100 Newer upgrades
      (C) VirtualPC warning
      6100 upgrade iinfo
      [*] Any Requests?: Voice-activated MP3 interface
      [*] Find In Files 2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Math Stars 4.1
      [*] Sesame 2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] SwitchBack 3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] SwitchRes 2.4J - Japanese Version
      Greeting card programs
      Greeting Cards
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #115
      Netting Two Macs?
      Upgrading from LCII to iMac DV
      X'd out Zip250 Icon

#### TEXT       infomacv17-118.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Conflict Catcher reports memory conflict
      [*] D-Sound Pro 3.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] EjectDisk 3.1.4 - Eject disks of all types with a single key!
      [*] Hearts card counter
      [*] HTML TagWriter 3.5 - a no-nonsense HTML editor
      [*] LogTimer J - Japanese Version
      [*] MasterFKey1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] SpaceAgent 2.0 
      [*] StartScreenUp 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] studio system 3.1
      [*] Translucent Tiles
      [*] virtual wine cellar 2.5
      [A] Netting Two Macs?
      Help needed
      Netting two macs?
      Netting Two Macs?
      PowerCentre 132 CD not working
      PowerCentre 132 CD not working
      Problematic TCP+PPP settings
      Problems with iMac's CD/DVD drive
      USB/SCSI peripherals
      WP scrolling speed - thank you
      X'd out Zip250 Icon

#### TEXT       infomacv17-119.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A): Raster View/ Efit
      [*] 800-SAY-WHAT 2.1v2J - Japanese Version
      [*] AppWatcher Lite 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] AutoSaver 1.0
      [*] ComicSaver 3.0
      [*] DatePaster 68k 1.0
      [*] DatePaster PPC 1.0
      [*] Extension Overload v5.2
      [*] GXMask 1.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacLaunchIt 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] MoonMenu 1.2r1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MoreFinderPrefs 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [Q] X server recommendations
      Help needed
      Problematic TCP+PPP settings (C)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-12.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Time Tracker 1.0
      [*] Trinity 1.1 68K
      [*] Trinity 1.1 PPC
      [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 68K Version
      [*] uCalendar 2.0.4 PPC Version
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.5.1 - Award-winning web site promotion tool
      [*] WineBook 1.0b5 -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] Worlds Apart (v1.1): a text adventure

#### TEXT       infomacv17-120.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#541/31-Jul-00
      (C) one caveat about 8100 Newer upgrades
      (Q) Conflict Catcher 8.0.7 patch doesn't work
      (Q) Wanted...a file cataloger program
      [*] Curmudgeon's Eudora Fixer 1.1
      [*] Filter Organizer 1.0.7
      [*] halloween icons
      [*] Haunted House Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Mac's Talkin' Dictionary v3.0
      [*] MacWise
      [*] Mimic 1.1 - memory game
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.9.1
      [*] Smart Window 1.6 (68k)
      [*] Smart Window 1.6 (PPC)
      [*] Spring FLower Icons
      controlling a remote Mac
      Eudora Filter Dinosaurs?
      Help: Java stopped working
      Library Card Catalogue Wares needed
      Netscape Questions
      PowerCentre 132 CD not working
      Problematic TCP+PPP settings
      USB/SCSI peripherals [Mac OS 9.0.4 SCSI problem]
      X server recommendations (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-121.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Diet Sleuth 3.0.0
      [*] HAPPY HOWLIDAYS Kaleidoscope 2.0+ scheme
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.7.2
      [*] LinkGardener 1.0
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7.7
      [*] Mulligan's Golf Personal 1.0.7 Demo
      [*] Principia
      [*] Sound Studio 1.3, an audio editor
      [*] VisualKeyboard 1.1
      an almost crashed G3
      Clipboard & EPS conversion & memory
      Font crash requires system wipe
      OS9 and usb and zip

#### TEXT       infomacv17-122.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) free ISPs
      [*] Mailcharm 1.1
      [A] Execution of program on remote Mac
      Changing PRAM battery in Powerbook 145B
      Eudora Filter Dinosaurs?
      Eudora Filter Dinosaurs?
      Eudora Filter Dinosaurs?
      Eudora: automatic self-BCC?
      GlobalVillage PowerPort Gold 1xx Quick Reference Card?
      Help: Java stopped working
      Library Card Catalogue Wares needed
      Microtek 600ZS Scanner Problem
      MiniDisc USP
      OS9 and Zip and usb, progress
      Recording a phone call with a modem
      Trouble w/ Sherlock
      Utility to view/change invisible items?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-123.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Can I connect my Studio Display 21 to the Cube?
      (Q) Wanted...a file cataloger program
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.9
      [*] MathSkills Maker 2.0
      [*] MyMonEE 1.0
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.5.3 (68K) - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.5.3 (PPC) - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PiPhilology 11 : A collection of Pi mnemonics in several languages
      [*] Social Styles Assessment
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.1.1
      [*] The Dailies 1.0.4 - Daily Startup and Shutdown Items.
      [*] TransENDE 1.0
      [A] Eudora: automatic self-BCC?
      [A] Execution of program on remote Mac
      [A]:Utility to view/change invisible items?
      Automatic Login Woes
      Eudora Filter Dinosaurs?
      Eudora: automatic self-BCC?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #122
      OS9 and usb and zip
      Replacement for iMac internal modem?
      Thanks for iMac pre-purchase advice
      Utility to view/change invisible items?
      Utility to view/change invisible items?
      X-server recommendations

#### TEXT       infomacv17-124.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#542/07-Aug-00
       motorola Lifestyle 28.8 modem
      (A) A firewire to SCSI converter at last!
      (A) Utility to view/change invisible items?
      (Q) CD-ROM with longer than usual life
      [*]  MIDI Warehouse v1.0.5
      [*] Morse Mania 1.9.0
      [*] MusicMentor 1.2
      [*] ScreenGrid 1.0
      [*] StripLaunch 1.3
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.04 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezones including DST
      [A] X server recommendations
      Answer: Utility to view/change invisible items?
      Conflict between USB Ports on Powerbook G3 (bronze key)
      Eudora: automatic self-BCC?
      Eudora: automatic self-BCC? (A)
      Eudora: random signatures
      HyperArchive has a new search tool
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #122
      installing specific files
      Modem upgrade question
      Q) Wanted...a file cataloger program
      Utility to view/change invisible items
      Utility to view/change invisible items?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-125.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Conflict Catcher warning?
      [*] Sound Studio 1.4, an audio recorder and editor
      [*] Synk 3.0.5
      [*] TextureMagic 1.3.2
      [*] Tile-it Icons 2.5.1
      [*] TypePopper 1.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Worlds Apart (v2.1): a text adventure
      Anyone have DT Calculator?
      Eudora Random Signatures
      Eudora: random signatures
      IDE hard disk formatting

#### TEXT       infomacv17-126.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Setting Sun 1.4
      [*] WordPerfect Updater for OS 8 and 9
      [A] Eudora: random signatures
      IDE hard disk formatting
      IDE hard disk formatting
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #125
      Internet Explorer 5.0 & Central European texts
      Personal LaserWriter NTR
      Sherlock2 (paths?)
      Trouble w/ Sherlock
      wich Programm triggers my dial-in account

#### TEXT       infomacv17-127.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) how good is NAT as a firewall?
      [*] NetFinder 2.1.2J / - Japanese Version
      Eudora: random signatures
      Internet Explorer 5.0 & Central European texts
      Personal LaserWriter NTR
      USB Floppy with Orange PC with a MAC without FD drive?
      Which name server is a DHCP server giving?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-128.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#543/14-Aug-00
      [*] ACRONYMS (v2.0) - A Casual Round-up Of Novelties in Your Message
      [*] ACRONYMS Update List {1}Bondi (1.0->2.0)
      [*] Anagrams 1.6 - a fast, friendly anagram generator
      [*] Argybee Submission
      [*] Asset Basset 2.96
      [*] Big Red Button Submission
      [*] Book of Decks 2.5.5 Submission
      [*] BrnAgain.hqx--Run Mac OS 8.1 on 68030 Mac's
      [*] Butterfly II Folder icons
      [*] Cache Killer Pro II 2.0 - web browser cache management
      [*] Catalog Search FM III, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders
      [*] Deathly Duel Abstract
      [*] Down&Out 1.0
      [*] Duck Timmy
      [*] Poor Man's Solitaire v2.1
      [Q] Info on USB digital camera drivers
      how to error check .uu?
      HyperSearch is back
      Internet Explorer 5.0 & Central European texts
      Personal LaserWriter NTR
      Sort menus by Label
      Which name server is a DHCP server giving?
      Which name server is a DHCP server giving?
      Which name server is a DHCP server giving? (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-129.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      'Little Elvis' - QT Demo moovie?
      (C)  Eudora vs. Outlook
      [*] Duck Wassabi
      [*] Five Space Age Desktop Photos
      [*] Haunted House Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] HunterDeer 1.1
      [*] Including Tax Submission
      [*] iText 2.1E - iMac's Text Editor
      [*] LightWayText 3.1E - Powerful Text Editor
      [*] MacFootballManager22a.hqx
      [*] MacJamz 1.0
      [*] Macro/Automation Utility: TriVectus Launch Key 4.0
      [*] MyMonEE 1.1
      [*] NetFinder 2.1.2 - FTP client.
      [*] Pepper 3.0, a new text editor for MacOS
      [*] Red Bird's Quick Scripts, release 0.6.3
      [*] Serena's Stuff
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.7 controls Scrolling Speed!
      [*] Substitute Pro 1.8.5; General purpose utility.
      [*] SynchPPP 1.1 Auto-Synchronise an application with your PPPconnection
      [*] VSE My Privacy 1.2 - Store your passwords with 448-bit encryption
      Eudora: random signatures
      getting Mac/PC to talk via Ethernet
      Personal LaserWriter NTR
      Sherlock2 (paths?)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-13.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AutoCat 2.6 FR - Catalog Different
      [*] CookWare 5.5.1
      [*] Mac Mail Purger v1.1 description
      [*] METAL v1.3
      [*] Secret Garden Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.8, German version
      [*] Update Finder 2.0.1  - freeware finds updates on the Internet
      [Q] Vimage card and O/S 9
      cases for exterior IDE driver
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #6
      java web phones question
      microscopic printing from Netscape (Q)
      Need advice: good newbie printer?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-130.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Call waiting while online arrives for the Mac
      [*] Mactivation 3.3 Neural Network Simulator
      [*] PixelToy 2.2 Visual Display/Animation Generator
      [*] SweetMail 1.8e
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #128
      USB and Serial

#### TEXT       infomacv17-131.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#544/21-Aug-00
      (C)  Eudora vs. Outlook
      (C)  Eudora vs. Outlook
      (Q) Microsoft Netshow and Personal Web Server
      (Q) Techworks airstation?
      [*] AliasMenu 2.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.0.6
      [*] Mortgage Maker 2.2
      [*] Pepper 3.0.1 released
      [*] Presidents3000 v1.01
      [*] Scheduler 2.1
      [*] Slider 1.0.4
      [*] Smart Scroll 3.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.05 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezonesincluding DST
      [A] Power Mcintosh 720075?
      Automatic Login Woes (Summary)
      Caller ID Utility
      Help: drivers for Sportster 28.8 PCMCIA modem needed
      PowerMac 7200
      Sort menus by Label
      USB and Serial
      Why Use A Mac??
      Windows driver for Apple Laserwriter

#### TEXT       infomacv17-132.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] [ANN] Fuffy 2.1.1
      [*] ACDSee
      [*] Any Requests? 1.2
      [*] Color Jig
      [*] Deathmatch
      [*] Deathmatch Revisited
      [*] DragThing 2.9 release
      [*] DT Calculator
      [*] Dungeon
      [*] EXAMwHELPdemo Submission
      [*] iGregs Icons
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.0.7
      [*] Much To Do About Nothing 1.0
      [*] NotePad Deluxe 2.0.1 - Exclusive notepad with many features
      [*] NotePad Deluxe 2.0.1 Sv - Exclusive notepad (Swedish version)
      [*] Pocket Album v1.1.3
      [*] States3000 v1.0
      [*] StdMap 3.7
      [*] SynchPPP 1.1.1 - Auto-Synchronise an application with yourPPP connection
      [*] SysEx 4.5.2
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.1.2 
      [*] Udana 1.3
      [Q] FAX software
      G4 Networking
      NTFS vols larger than 2GB?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-133.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] PowerSMS 1.3r2-se (Swedish Version)
      [*] RmoreUrl-1.0.2
      [*] Scheduler 2.1.1
      [*] SweetMail 1.8.3e
      Performa and the net
      Performa and the net
      ram disk and work processors

#### TEXT       infomacv17-134.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

       [Q] FAX software
      (A) running Macintosh on an Intel Platform
      (A) Why Use A Mac??
      [*] File Buddy 5.3.8J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mail Forward 1.1 for Macintosh
      [*] Pitbull for Hotline 1.0 FAT
      [*] Plunk! 1.0
      [*] Rearrange Folders 1.1.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Simple Diary 1.5 PPC
      [*] SweetMail 1.8.4e
      [*] TypeSaver v1.0
      [A] Power Mcintosh 720075?
      [A] Power Mcintosh 720075?
      File translation
      G3 Powerbook and external monitor resolution problem
      Mac Computer Expo
      TrueType Fonts
      Why Use A Mac??

#### TEXT       infomacv17-135.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) video conferencing
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.0.8
      [*] Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the Macintosh
      [*] The Eraser Pro 2.7.0; Security erasing and cleaning utility.
      [*] Version Master 2.0.2J - Japanese Version
      File translation (R)
      Fusion 3.0 - free Mac emulator for PCs
      FW: (A) Why Use A Mac??
      IDE Hard Drive help
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #134
      Opinion: Why IT departments don't like Macs
      TrueType Fonts
      TrueType Fonts
      Why Use A Mac??
      Why Use A Mac?? & G4 Networking

#### TEXT       infomacv17-136.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.5
      [*] Purple Passion kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] QuoEdit 0.7
      [*] Sound Byte 1.8.0
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6.1 (German version)
      FW: FW: (A) Why Use A Mac??
      Q: 7100 won't start

#### TEXT       infomacv17-137.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#545/28-Aug-00
      (Q) Displaying HTML Formatted Messages
      7100 won't start reply
      [*] Pitbull for Hotline 1.0.1
      [*] Sigma Chess 5.0 Lite PPC - free PowerMac chess program with 3D board
      [*] SweetMail 1.8.4ef4
      [A] G3 Powerbook and external monitor resolution problem
      [A] Power Mcintosh 720075? -- and GURU
      [A] Power Mcintosh 720075? and GURU
      [GRR] Bloody PowerBook Power Mgmt!
      [Q] Appletalk resetting to other connection mode
      Boot off a FireWire HD?
      cd drive-disks not showing up
      discontinued software
      downloading IE 5.0
      Eudora is a bust
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #136
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #136
      internal 56K modem for PB G3
      Q: 7100 won't start
      Redirect snapshots?
      Why Use A Mac??

#### TEXT       infomacv17-138.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Bird, Dog, Cat, Fish
      [*] Default Folder D-3.0.6 - German Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder DK-3.0.6 - Danish Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder F-3.0.6 - French Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder J-3.0.6 - Japanese Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder N-3.0.6 - Dutch Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Multilingual e-mail software "Magellan" 1.2.1
      [*] Multilingual HTML Editor "Unisite" 1.0.4
      [*] MultiMode 3.7.0
      [*] QuickFinance
      [*] What Do You Know 1.0
      [A] Appletalk resetting to other connection mode
      [A}] Boot off a FireWire HD?
      [Q] Appletalk resetting to other connection mode
      Appletalk resetting to other connection mode
      Eudora is a bust
      Eudora is a bust
      Eudora is a bust???
      FAX software
      How can I reload the Apple disk driver software
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #136
      internal 56K modem for PB G3
      Microsoft Netshow and Personal Web Server (C)
      Print shop delux
      Why Use A Mac??

#### TEXT       infomacv17-139.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] EjectDisk 3.1.5 - Eject disks of all types with a single key!
      [*] Enchanted Garden Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] GLMStat 5.2.0;Generalized linear models
      [*] Heart Folders
      [*] Loveletters
      [*] Mac Grayliner 2.2.0
      [*] Mac OS Items Manager 2.0.1
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.6.0
      [*] Number Theory
      [*] Sales Organizer 2.7 b
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 4.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] YP Circuits CC 1.0 (simulates an electric circuit, french version)
      [*] YP DC Circuits 1.0 (simulation of an electric circuit)
      Can't print: Netscape to HP Deskwriter 540
      Can't print: Netscape to HP Deskwriter 540
      discontinued software
      Hard drive advice
      Zip disks

#### TEXT       infomacv17-14.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#515/31-Jan-00
      [*] Extension Overload v4.8
      [*] Infinity MetaFile Editor 1.0
      [*] Infinity Model Builder 1.0
      [*] Infinity Object Converter 1.0
      [*] Infinity Rasterizer 1.2
      [*] Infinity Terrain Builder 1.0
      [*] Infinity Terrain Converter 1.0
      [*] MacZip 1.04 final
      [*] Marrakesh Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] MICR E13B Type Typeface
      [*] Net DICTionary 1.2 - 68k
      [*] Net DICTionary 1.2 - PPC
      [*] OneshotRecorder1.1, sound recorder with simple operation and timer
      [*] Romanesque Kaleisdoscope Scheme
      [*] Wordmaker 1.0
      Default Page Size under OS 8.6 - Problem Solved!
      Diablo music?
      Graphic indexer with backgrounding
      Palm V and the PowerBook G3, IrDA networking
      Recommendations for 7600/120 system

#### TEXT       infomacv17-140.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#546/04-Sep-00
      [*] MacChess 2.5.1 68K - Free chess program for older Macs.
      [*] MacTidy v1.0b10: checks and corrects HTML and XML source
      [*] Presidents3000 v1.02
      [*] States3000 v1.01
      [*] Student Invoice Lite v.2.2.2 for FileMaker Pro
      Cable Modem Connectivity
      discontinued software
      Eudora is a bust???
      Eudora is a bust???
      FAX software
      Netscrape Problem Duo270c
      Zip disks

#### TEXT       infomacv17-141.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      9600MP ->G3/G4 MP?
      [A] How can I reload the Apple disk driver software
      Eudora is a Bust -Redux-
      Hard drive advice
      Looking for Processor Data
      Microsoft Netshow and Personal Web Server (C)
      pps extensions
      Print Preview Utility ?
      Print Shop Substitute
      Supraexpress 33.6/288.á
      Zip disks
      Zip disks
      Zip disks

#### TEXT       infomacv17-142.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Pads 1.0.1 - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the Macintosh
      [A] zip disks - reformatting as Mac
      difference between PPC, G3 and G4.
      Eudora is a Bust -Redux-
      Looking for Processor Data
      pps extensions
      pps extensions
      Zip disks
      Zip disks
      Zip Drive

#### TEXT       infomacv17-143.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] HTML Rename! 2.00
      [*] Memory
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.0.9
      [*] Office Building- Epic Banana
      [*] QIF Categories 1.0 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based onDescription
      [*] Runestone
      [*] SweetMail 1.92e
      [*] Things
      [*] Web Confidential for Mac 2.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [A] pps extensions (oops!)
      alternative to Print shop deluxe (was discontinued software)
      Deskjet 500 with Mac
      DHCP, OT, and Beige G3
      Eudora is a Bust -Redux-
      HELP NEEDED for my 8100/
      pps extensions
      pps extensions
      pps extensions
      pps extensions
      Printing from USB to HP6MP?
      Supraexpress modem
      ZIP disk "life"
      Zip disks
      zip disks - reformatting as Mac (C)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-144.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#547/11-Sep-00
      [*] OSL_DD Watchdog
      [*] QIF Categories 1.1 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based onDescription
      [*] SweetMail 1.9.3
      [*] SwitchRes 2.4.1J - Japanese Version
      Desktop Printer Icons missing
      G3 won't boot from CD or Zip
      Microtek E3 scanner and Adaptec 2940UW
      PC Zip Disks and Macs
      remote shutdown?
      remote shutdown?
      Zip disks

#### TEXT       infomacv17-145.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] anarchie.hqx and interarchy.hqx
      [*] CalCountNote 1.7.0 (PPC)
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.5
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.5
      [*] cleaning-agent-11.hqx
      [*] CRefDynGenStrArray AUG26_00.sit  (into Development)
      [*] Dhammapada 1.2
      [*] Doublet Scan
      [*] East Tower
      [*] Extension Overload v5.3
      [*] Font "Apilum"
      [*] Font Smoothie 1.2
      [*] FTP: iclean_35tw_installer.hqx
      [*] GEEphor Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] HexMapMaker 2.1
      [*] Hotfind 1.2.4 (68K).hqx
      [*] Hotfind 1.2.4 (PPC).hqx
      [*] iOrganize 3.0 - Advanced NotePad, Address book, File Manager
      [*] iUnit 1.2.0
      [*] Submission
      IE 4.5.1 update
      Mac Help~
      PC Zip Disks and Macs
      Printing from USB to HP6MP?
      systems for older mac's

#### TEXT       infomacv17-146.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] anarchie.hqx and interarchy.hqx
      [*] Font "Therea"
      [*] Font "TryferSans"
      [*] image-sxm-164-1.hqx
      [*] InsideScan 1.0.2 - FileMaker plugin for image and file handling
      [*] Itivuttaka 1.4
      [*] John's WP Note Editor 5.0
      [*] MultiMode 3.7.1
      [*] SweetMail 1.93f2
      Authentication Manager
      G4/350 powers off on startup
      SpaceAgent 2.1

#### TEXT       infomacv17-147.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Data integrity on PC Zip disks
      (A) Noisy 250 K Zip drives
      [*] SpaceAgent 2.1
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.2.0
      [*] Tile-it Icons 2.6.2
      [*] USB Overdrive 1.3.7 - Universal USB mouse, joystick and gamepaddriver
      [Q] G4 TV tuners
      [Q] G4 won't sleep
      Mac OS 9.0.3 & Printer Problem
      systems for older mac's
      systems for older mac's
      systems for older macs (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-148.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#548/18-Sep-00
      (A) G4 stability issues resolved
      (A) Utility to view/change invisible items?
      (C) MacOS X and classic apps
      (Q) Connecting Kodak DC290 and PowerMac G3/266
      [*] McLottery Pro 4.0
      [*] Mean Green Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Moreover News plugin - searches 2,000 news sources
      [*] Nuku 1.0
      [*] Reckless Drivin 1.0
      [*] Site Fetcher 1.0.1 - helper app for Anarchie/Interarchy
      [*] Web Confidential 2.1
      [*] Web Confidential 2.1 - French version
      [*] Web Confidential 2.1 - German version
      [*] Weight a'Minute 1.1.0 - Weight Tracking Tool
      AppleWorks Goes Crazy
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #144 OSL_DD Watchdog
      replacement for print shop delux
      SpaceAgent question
      systems for older mac's
      systems for older Macs
      systems for older macs (R)
      VImage PB1400 upgrade card driver

#### TEXT       infomacv17-149.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] MoonMenu 1.5J - Japanese Version
      Eudora 4.3 Alerts
      TrashMan 4.05
      Using AppleTalk on two ports

#### TEXT       infomacv17-15.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] JChecker 2.1
      [*] MacPopUp 1.0
      [*] Pannini Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] PTE 1.1 - 68K
      [*] PTE 1.1 - PPC
      [*] Security/Password protection program: TriVectus SuperLock 4.0.2Pro
      [A] Applications for capturing websites
      [Q] Location Manager
      [Q] PB 170 screen
      Default Page Size/OS 8.6/ Problem Solved! (Errata).

#### TEXT       infomacv17-150.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Nuku 1.1
      [*] QIF Categories 1.2 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based onDescription
      [A] Eudora 4.3 Alerts
      [A] Using AppleTalk on two ports
      Eudora 4.3 Alerts
      follow-up on "Apple Works Goes Crazy"
      mass storage CD recommendations
      ZIP drive problem solved (?)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-151.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Holiday Lights 5.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mail Convert 2.1
      [*] Nuku 1.1.1
      [*] pc Setup 2.1.7 DOS/Windows Drivers for Apple/Reply Compatibility cards
      [no subject]
      Eudora 4.3 Alerts
      iMac Crashes and Freezes
      MacOS X and  G3->G4 upgrade?
      missing buy button

#### TEXT       infomacv17-152.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Utility to view/change invisible items?
      (C) Wanted a base station for under $300
      [*] McLottery Pro 4.1
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.7 Freeware
      [*] Sigma Chess 5.1 - free PowerMac chess program with 3D board
      [*] Virtual Composer 2.6.3
      [*] YP Pendule Simple 1.0 (french version of YP Simple Pendulum)
      [*] YP Simple Pendulum 1.0 (simulation for physics teaching)
      [A] Using AppleTalk on two ports
      [Follow-up] Using AppleTalk on two ports
      HELP NEEDED for my 8100/
      iMac Crashes and Freezes
      iMac Crashes and Freezes
      LDAP e-mail address data
      MacOS X and  G3->G4 upgrade?
      Microtek E3 scanner and Adaptec 2940UW
      missing buy button
      Modem to modem connections with new Imac and Microphone LT
      Switching SMTP server with Eudora 4

#### TEXT       infomacv17-153.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#549/25-Sep-00
       Microtek E3 scanner and Adaptec 2940UW
      [*] MailURL 2.0.2b1 - Auto-mail URL+title of current WWW page.
      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.6
      [*] SweetMail 1.95f2
      [*] Time Tracker 1.10
      [*] UpdateAgent 8.1 - Update all your software with just two clicks!
      Apple/Reply Compatibility cards
      HELP NEEDED for my 8100/
      iMac Crashes and Freezes
      Kaleidoscope Schemes and MacOS Themes and Converter Dreams
      missing buy button
      Via Voice & MS (Mac) Office 2001

#### TEXT       infomacv17-154.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Abstract for JanusNode-110.hqx (Automatic text-generation tools;
      [*] account-buddy-10.hqx
      [*] Activity Tracker
      [*] Alchemy 1.0 - can turn LEAD into GOLD, literally!
      [*] BBTidy v1.0b7: BBEdit plugin checks and corrects HTML and XML
      [*] CalCountNote 1.7.1 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.7.1 (PPC)
      [*] CESLab3.0b0.sit.hqx: 3-D cardiac electrophysiological simulator
      [*] Export Icon Plug-in 1.5b19 - export icons from Photoshop!
      [*] Factoid
      [*] FTP: intellinews_30_installer.hqx
      [*] Gene 4.3.1 genealogy database
      [*] GeoMetriX 1.5 - A Setting Sun Fader
      [*] Gerry's Attraction 3.0 (View Lorenz and Rossler Attractors in 3D)
      [*] Graphin' Stuph Again
      [*] HandyMan208.hqx
      [*] HTML Optimizer 3.1
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.8
      [*] New Utility: KML Color Icons 1.022
      A weird folder inside System =?iso-8859-1?Q?=9F?=
      Freezes Power Mcintosh 7200-75
      French Mac OS 8.1 on PowerMac 7200 w/G3 Card
      iMac Crashes and Freezes
      Toast v4.1.1 Deluxe Updater

#### TEXT       infomacv17-155.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Norton and 8.1 +
      [*] MacTFTP Client 1.0 [PPC]
      [*] Slide Puzzle Maker 1.5
      [*] SweetMail 1.95f5
      [*] SwitchRes 2.4.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] WebSiteManager 1.0
      [Q] cheap USB FM Radio for Mac?
      Identifying ColorSync Profiles
      Using SCSI Zip disk with G4

#### TEXT       infomacv17-156.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Norton and 8.1 +
      (Q) Filemaker into Outlook (?)
      [*] LockOut 1.9J - Japanese Version
      [*] Mac500 1.0
      [*] Mandarin Rosary
      [*] Out! 1.0 - Close different
      [*] ProDOSifier
      [*] runTime Debugging Utilities for Director 1.5.3
      A weird folder inside System Folder
      Chooser problems?
      Getting a color Stylewriter 4500 to work with my G4
      iMac Crashes and Freezes - Thanks for the Help
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #155
      MacOS 9.0.4
      Q: Undelete?
      Using SCSI Zip disk with G4

#### TEXT       infomacv17-157.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Norton and 8.1 +
      [*] MacChess 5.0.1D - German Version
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.1.0
      [*] MultiMode 3.7.2
      [*] Sherlock Plugins 1.9
      [*] Sound Byte 1.8.1
      [Q] netscape slowdown
      A weird folder inside System 
      HP 6MP LaserJet connecting via a USB adapter.
      Netscape 4.73/Epson 740i/ EpsonShare 1.62 printer font size
      Q: Undelete?
      System for Performa 577?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-158.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#550/09-Oct-00
      [*] Aqua_Business_Manager.sit.hqx
      [*] ATPM-609-print.pdf.sit
      [*] Blue Topaz kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Chembalancer - balancing equations game
      [*] Cricket v5.3
      [*] crystal-maker-410-demo.hqx
      [*] MacSOUP 2.4.6
      [*] MacSOUP 2.4.6 (German)
      [*] MacSOUP 2.4.6 - Danish Version
      [*] MacSOUP 2.4.6 - French Version
      [*] MacSOUP 2.4.6 - Swedish version 
      [*] PCalc 2.0
      [*] submission of devalipi arabic malayalam tamil urdu word processors
      [*] submission of devalipi arabic malayalam tamil urdu word processors
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.2.1
      [*] The Atomic Mac 4.3.0
      [*] WhatRoute 1.7 PPC
      Eudora 5.0 (Paid Version)
      HP 6MP LaserJet connecting via a USB adapter.
      Netscape 4.73/Epson 740i
      Netscape 4.73/Epson 740i/ EpsonShare 1.62 printer font size
      Netscape 4.73/Epson 740i/ EpsonShare 1.62 printer font size
      Netscape 4.73/Epson 740i/ EpsonShare 1.62 printer font size
      Quicken Deluxe 2001

#### TEXT       infomacv17-159.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] DreamLight Verttice 3.0
      [*] easy beat 1.2
      [*] Fortune Cookie
      [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5
      [*] Ghost 3.5
      [*] GLMStat 5.2.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] ImageViewer 5.3 PPC (New Version)
      [*] Information Manager v1.0
      [*] Launch Pack 1.0 released
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.6.1
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.1.1
      [*] Mouse
      [*] MovingPictures 1.0
      [*] MyWILL 2.0
      [*] new software submission
      [*] ODLog for Macintosh version 1.1.0
      [*] Pong2 1.0
      [*] StarcraftGuide3
      [*] submission of devalipi arabic malayalam tamil urdu word processors
      [*] submission of devalipi arabic malayalam tamil urdu word processors
      [Q] LaserWriter IIf on PowerBook G3 Bronze
      A weird folder inside System folder
      HP 6MP LaserJet connecting via a USB adapter
      HP 6MP LaserJet connecting via a USB adapter.
      norton & 8x

#### TEXT       infomacv17-16.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Does iTools work?
      [*] BetterPlayer
      [*] BOOM 1.2b1
      [*] Free Backup 1.0
      [*] LSQL111.sit.hqx
      [*] MacTicker 1.6.2 Full Installer
      [*] MacTicker 1.6.2 Updater
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7.4
      [*] MI Convert 2.5.1 ( English )
      [*] MI Convert 2.5.1 ( Espanol  )
      [*] Navi iRae 1.7
      [*] Screamer 1.0: Strong free chess program
      [*] ShrinkWrap 3.5.1 Updater
      [*] Substitute Pro 1.8.0
      [*] Update:BirthdayChecker 2.2.1
      [*] Uptime 1.0 - 68K
      [*] Uptime 1.0 - PPC
      [*] Wapp pro 2.5
      [*] YaCa 2.3
      booting -up from a ZIP
      LaserWriter print driver modification
      Modem/ISP problems
      netscape crash 
      New Info-Mac addresses
      Recommendations for 7600/120 system

#### TEXT       infomacv17-160.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] PlayFreeLotto 7.0.2
      [*] RecklessDrivin 1.1
      [*] RecklessDrivin 1.1 Patch
      Can't Install Quicktime 4
      Eudora 5/Quicken freezes
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #157
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #157

#### TEXT       infomacv17-161.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MacPlanner v1.2 - Daily planner / scheduler
      [*] Master Key 1.5 teaches typing
      [*] Passenger 1.0 Server Account/Password Tool
      [*] session timer 3.0
      Can't Install Quicktime 4
      file type changes
      Odd behavior when multiple apps are running
      Spurious(?) Word 98 'Insufficient Memory' problem.

#### TEXT       infomacv17-162.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] "Lime11.sit.hqx draws beautiful lines"
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.1
      file type changes
      G3 b/w & 100base ethernet :-(
      Greeting card software

#### TEXT       infomacv17-163.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Mankato Halfwit Font
      Duo suddenly died while in docking mode
      Eudora & Config PPP
      File Changing
      file type changes
      G3 b/w & 100base ethernet :-(
      G4 Cube won't stay off/asleep
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #162
      Launcher Window on OS 9.04
      Odd behavior when multiple apps are running
      Odd behavior when multiple apps are running
      SetSIZE XCMD
      Sound and Java in IE5
      There is insufficient memory, close windows
      upgrading applications for OS 9

#### TEXT       infomacv17-164.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#551/16-Oct-00
       upgrading applications for OS 9
      (A) Two browsers, two Javas
      (Q) Can a USB Zip disk serve as a startup disk?
      [*] GuideCM 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] LockOut 1.9.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Orbit 1.0
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Runestone 1.0.1
      [*] Screen Catcher 2.1 - screen capture utility with "Catch-All"
      [*] Screen Catcher D-2.1 - German screen capture utility with"Catch-All"
      [*] Screen Catcher DK-2.1 - Danish screen capture utility with"Catch-All"
      [*] Screen Catcher F-2.1 - French screen capture utility with"Catch-All"
      [*] SPOOKYcons5
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.06 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezonesincluding DST
      [*] YellowCard1.0E
      file type changes
      LaserWriter IIf on PowerBook G3 Bronze
      Launcher Window on OS 9.04
      Odd behavior when multiple apps are running
      Two Mac <-> NT Filesharing Q's

#### TEXT       infomacv17-165.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] News XPress 1.2
      [*] Orbit 1.2.1
      [*] QuickShot Deluxe 2.03 DEMO
      [*] String Generator Pro 1.0
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.2.2
      [*] Twistory 2.2 - History Browser
      [*] War on Lithon 2.4
      Launcher Window on OS 9.04

#### TEXT       infomacv17-166.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Addressbook utility
      [*] ACRONYMS (v2.1) - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See!
      [*] ACRONYMS Update List {1}Blueberry (2.0->2.1)
      [*] California 3.0
      [*] CD File 3.0 Fr
      [*] CD File 3.0 US
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.6 (68K)
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.6 (PPC)
      [*] Cyclone 1.3
      [*] dataloom1_1.sit.hqx - Multivariate Data Visualization
      [*] EasyMP3 [Plays all the music files in a folder] ezmp3-10.sit
      [*] evolutionarywar10.sit
      [*] Extension Overload v5.4
      [*] geditcom-291.hqx
      [*] Hearts 3.0
      [*] Manic Minefields 1.4.2
      [*] Peek-a-Boo 1.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] PRESS RELEASE: Brickles Deluxe v1.3.1 [Macintosh]
      [*] PRESS RELEASE: Hang2000 v1.7.2 [Macintosh]
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.1r1J - Japanese Version
      A mute Mac
      cannot get LPR to work, error -5750 [Q]
      Font Smoothing
      TeX \ LaTeX  ????

#### TEXT       infomacv17-167.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MovingPictures 1.0.1
      [*] Orbit 1.2.7
      [*] Red Bird's Quick Scripts, release 0.7
      [*] Soviet 2002 Font
      [*] SPARK downloader 1.0
      [*] SPARK downloader 1.0 Japanese
      [*] SunLight Diagnostics
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 4.0.2J - Japanese Version

#### TEXT       infomacv17-168.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#552/23-Oct-00
      [*] MoreFinderPrefs 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Open Directory Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] UnCoverIt 1.3.1
      Ethernet Working on UMAX S900?
      Font Smoothing
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #166
      Switching Platforms
      Virtual PC and USB Deskjet / Mouse

#### TEXT       infomacv17-169.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      [*] Aquamarine kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] ATPM 6.10 Print PDF
      [*] ATPM 6.10 Screen PDF
      [*] Balls! Lotto Manager
      [*] BibGene 1.2.2
      [*] Blockhead Font
      [*] CookWare 7
      [*] Dan's BePeople, Vol. 2  (Icons)
      [*] Danwriting Font
      [*] Default Folder D-3.0.7 - German Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Juggling Editor Beta
      [*] Pepper 3.5
      [*] Serial Logger 2.0
      [*] Time Tracker 1.11
      [*] Uploaded new version of CEF/ESM to info-mac.org
      [A] A mute Mac
      [A] Switching Platforms
      Chooser/ printer problem
      converting PowerPoint files?
      Dead PowerMac 6100
      Here's an odd one---
      One Mac <-> NT Filesharing A
      Switching Platforms
      Switching platforms

#### TEXT       infomacv17-17.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#516/07-Feb-00
      (A) iTools plugin only works on Explorer
      [*] ahson-10.hqx
      [*] Aladdin DropZip
      [*] DeskTray 1.2.1
      [*] Helen of Troy Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] InstallerMaker 6.5
      [*] Intellinews 2.0
      [*] MacJDic 1.3.4
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.6
      [*] MatchWord
      [*] MI Convert 1.0.4 Light ( Espanol )
      [*] NCAA Basketball Tournament Pool Mgr 2000
      [*] NixIcons v2.2
      [*] Periodic Table of Elements 1.1.1 68K
      [*] Program Switcher v5.0.1
      [*] ScreenCloze 1.3
      [*] Slide Show 5.2.6 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3files.
      [*] Smart Window 1.0 (68k)
      [*] Smart Window 1.0 (PPC)
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.5
      [*] Star Wars Racer Setup 1.0.3
      [*] Talking Blocks
      [*] The Age of Discovery
      [*] Update-Virex Definitions
      [*] Vocab 1.6 with Vocab Scheduler - Foreign language vocabulary madesimple
      [*] WineBook 1.0b7 -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WWW Sites 2.1.1
      [*] ZAGAT Restaurant  Guide for Palm OS
      [Q] boot to 8.0 but not to 8.5
      Acorn RiscPC 600 to Macintosh
      booting -up from a ZIP
      can not boot
      Mac OS X and Unix
      need help! disk not found!
      Networking Question
      New Info-Mac addresses
      Problem reading SimpleText text file
      Quantum firball TM  2.0   FBTMA  655 - 0410  for performa 
      Wiper Malfunction

#### TEXT       infomacv17-170.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Default Folder 3.0.7 - Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder DK-3.0.7 - Danish Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder F-3.0.7 - French Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder J-3.0.7 - Japanese Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder N-3.0.7 - Dutch Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] DownloadAssistant 2.6.3
      [*] DupliMizer 1.6.1
      [*] e-VueImageTools17.bin
      [*] ExaChess Lite 2.1 - free chess database, PGN viewer
      [*] Extension Overload v5.4.2
      [*] Finder Workspaces 2.2
      [*] Flex++_Bison++_CWPro5.sit.hqx
      [*] glidel_511_fr
      [*] glidel_511_us
      [*] Glooton 1.1.1
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.8.1
      [*] iMage 1.0b2
      [*] In Jeopardy! 2.0
      [*] iOligo primer designer v1.0
      [*] John's WP4 Splash Screen
      [*] Kaffeine Psychosis Font
      [*] Keep It Up 2.4
      [*] Mac game submission: Gate
      [*] Mac game submission: Gate
      [*] SUBMISSION: Fallen Font Family

#### TEXT       infomacv17-171.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#553/30-Oct-00
      (Q) LDAP conversion utility for Now Up-To-Date
      [*] LineSort 4.8
      [*] Lotto Chances 1.2.1
      [*] Lucidity Font
      [*] MazeBall 1.5
      [*] New Tricks 1.1.5 68K
      [*] New Tricks 1.1.5 PPC
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) 1.2 - Culture Interchange Square
      [*] People 2.0 - Personal Information Manager
      [*] Preternatural Font
      [*] RightWord 1.0 (68K)
      [*] RightWord 1.0 (PPC)
      [*] Virtual Composer v 2.6.6
      Architectural Drawing Program

#### TEXT       infomacv17-172.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) A mute Mac
      (A) Passwords
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      [*] Once in a Lifetime 2.0
      [*] PCalc 2.1
      [*] PCalc F-2.1 (French)
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.3
      [*] UtilityDog 1.3.1 - file utility
      desktop wont rebuild
      Flow diagram program
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #169

#### TEXT       infomacv17-173.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Chooser/ printer problem
      (A) Switching Platforms
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (Q) Entrust Toolkit for Macintosh
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.6.2
      [*] Printools XT 2.0
      [*] Prometheus 1.2
      [*] RTF to HTML/XML conversion
      [*] Ultimate Pool 1.3
      [*] webfeedback version 2.0 for macintosh
      converting PowerPoint files?
      converting PowerPoint files? (R)
      Dead PowerMac 6100
      Dead PowerMac 6100
      G3 Audio Output Jack
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #164
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #169
      Switching Platforms

#### TEXT       infomacv17-174.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Request for Mac programmers
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      [A] Subject: desktop wont rebuild
      Another mute G3
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #173
      Irish Accessories
      Resources for lego-mindstorms for 680xx Mac?
      This is REALLY getting to me---

#### TEXT       infomacv17-175.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) converting PowerPoint files
      [*] PandoCalendar (68K) 5.5.5 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.5.5 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PhotoAdvent 2.0 - Personalized Advent Calendar
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Space Debris v2.2 - A Crystal Quest clone for Macintosh
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 4.0.3J - Japanese Version
      [A] Subject: desktop wont rebuild
      [A]: This is REALLY getting to me---
      Opening image file import from a PC system
      Slow Find by Content Indexing

#### TEXT       infomacv17-176.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (A) Converting PowerPoint files
      (A) find by content
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      (Q) 3rd and higher level filtering with Eudora?
      [*] Abstract for Sales Organizer 3
      [*] Meteor Storm 1.4
      [*] MikaFolders
      [*] Mikaicons
      [*] TypeLaunch 1.0.1
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - Deutsch
      [*] Web Confidential for Palm 1.1.1 - French
      [*] WebSiteManager 1.6
      [A]: Irish Accessories
      Another mute G3
      browser weirdness
      Flow diagram program
      Internet Telephony
      Opinions wanted
      Q Dying ZIP Power Supplies
      Slow Find by Content Indexing
      This is REALLY getting to me (A)
      This is REALLY getting to me---

#### TEXT       infomacv17-177.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#554/06-Nov-00
      (A) browser weirdness
      [*] MacPython 2.0 distribution.
      [*] MacTidy v1.0b12: checks and corrects HTML and XML source
      [*] TexFinder 1.6
      [*] The Atomic Mac 4.5.0
      [*] TurboMCS Controller
      [A]: Architectural Drawing Program
      Backup entire HD
      how do I disassemble a powerbook g3?
      Modem file error "invalid CCL command"
      order of messages

#### TEXT       infomacv17-178.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) silent G3s
      (Q) Disk Catalog File Problems
      (Q) Strengths of Final Cut Pro over Premier, or vice versa
      [*] MacPython 2.0 Source
      [*] Micaic: creates mosaics from icons
      [*] NetChronometer 1.4.6
      [*] Santa
      [*] Snak version 4.5.2
      [*] Snak version 4.5.2 uploaded
      [*] studio system 3.5
      [*] Thermograph 1.1.0
      [*] Verses of the Elders 1.0
      browser weirdness
      long distance over the internet (q)
      powerbook audio out (resurrected, sorta)
      Problems with AOL Instant Messenger
      Q Dying ZIP Power Supplies

#### TEXT       infomacv17-179.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#555/13-Nov-00
      (Q) still hunting for airport under $260
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5
      [*] Akua Sweets 1.4.1
      [*] Amythest kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Anagrams 2.0
      [*] Argus Clearinghouse Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] Athenaeum Light 5.sit.hqx submitted to macgifts
      [*] AudioGraph 3.2.3 Sound Analysis Software
      [*] AutoCat 2.9 - Catalog different
      [*] AutoCat 2.9 FR
      [*] BladeEnc for Mac 1.3
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.7 (68K)
      [*] CuliDataBase 5.7 (PPC)
      [*] Google Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] Happy Thanksgiving Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] HTML Optimizer 3.2
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.8.2
      [*] Jrju v0.9 (The Spider) Tool for Self-Organizing Hypertext
      [*] Librarians' Index Plugin for Sherlock
      [*] MiniWinCP Demo 5.0
      [*] Morse Mania 1.9.1
      iMacDV display problems

#### TEXT       infomacv17-18.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Mac Mail Purger v1.5
      [*] MuchoLauncher 1.0
      [*] Plugin Filter source code
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.6.0
      best accelerator cards?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-180.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] A Smaller GIF 68K 1.2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] A Smaller GIF PPC 1.2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Guitar Distotion DT1
      [*] Juggling Pack 1.0
      [*] MIDI Warehouse v1.1.2
      [*] Mylar City Icons
      [*] Network Toolbox 0.3.0
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.7 French Freeware
      [*] Pocket Album v1.1.4
      [*] prowler 1.0 - Freeware picture browser with a stylish interface
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.9
      [*] SafeDog 5
      [*] Sorcerer 1.0
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.0
      [*] SpaceAgent 2.5 - Speed Up Your Website in Seconds!
      [*] the timewaster collection 2
      [*] Vocab version 1.8.1
      [Q] G4 DVD drive
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #176
      No subject was specified.
      Outlook Express Messages
      remote shutdown? SOLVED
      Sherlock finds
      Visual Effects switching Apps?
      zip drive problems

#### TEXT       infomacv17-181.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Accounter
      [*] Airport Modem Utility 1.0 - control and monitor Airport Base
      [*] AKI Font Dowloader
      [*] BBTidy v1.0b8: BBEdit plugin checks and corrects HTML and XML
      [*] Decode da Code 1.4.1
      [*] Down&Out Carbon 1.0.1
      [*] Droids 1.3
      [*] Extension Overload v5.5
      [*] FoldIt_light_475.hqx
      [*] FontBuddy 2.0.2 [FTP: FontBuddy-2.0.2.sea.hqx]
      [*] FontBuddy 2.0.2 Japanese [FTP: FontBuddy-2.0.2-J.sea.hqx]
      [*] Frog Xing 1.4
      [*] Genetish 1.0.1
      [*] Here is cachecrusher 1.1 (Freeware)
      [*] Infinite Vocab 1.0.0
      [*] Jewel of Arabia 1.4
      [*] MacSaver 2.0
      [*] Submission: iMalc112PPC.sit.hqx scientific calculator
      [*] The Book of Changes 3.4
      [*] The Fontz 2.0.2
      [Q] G4 DVD drive
      [Q] How do I defrag the HD of my iMAC?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #180
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #180
      zip drive problems

#### TEXT       infomacv17-182.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Desktop Pics by J
      [*] Holiday Lights 5.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacDo 1.0.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] MacNews v0.71d
      [*] Mouse 1.1
      [*] Orbit 1.2.8
      [*] QT Pad v1.0.5
      [*] simpleDays 1.0
      [*] Speed Download 1.0
      [*] The Dailies 1.0.5 - Daily Startup and Shutdown Items.
      [*] Virtual Composer 2.6.7
      [*] WebSiteManager 1.7
      [*] Weight Tracker 1.0.0
      [Q] 56K PCI modems?
      [Q] How do I defrag the HD of my iMAC?
      [Q] Router recommendation
      Ethernet Appletalk on OS 7.5
      MSIE 5.0 Chokes on Site Certificates (Q)
      Outlook Express Messages
      Wireless Ethernet?
      Zip Clicks on one computer only
      zip drive problems

#### TEXT       infomacv17-183.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#556/20-Nov-00
      (A) Ethertalk-for Nick Pappas
      (Q) Microtek V6usl setup
      [*] Palm Synch-n-Quit 2.0
      [*] QIF Categories 1.4 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based on Description
      [Q] 56K PCI modems?
      [Q] 56K PCI modems?
      [Q] Router recommendation
      help:  iMac black screen at startup
      Outlook Express & HTML
      Printing from Netscape 4.73 to Epson 740 printer
      Re(R): [Q] Router recommendation
      router for cable modem
      Web page builders

#### TEXT       infomacv17-184.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Holiday Lights 5.1
      [*] TIM 1.0
      USB to serial adapter
      Wireless Ethernet?
      Word 98 Macro Misery

#### TEXT       infomacv17-185.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Ethertalk-for Nick Pappas
      (Q) free bookmark manager?
      [*] Make iAlias
      [*] MIDI Pack'en v1.1.7
      [*] Nuku 1.2.2
      [*] StripLaunch 1.4
      [*] SwitchRes 2.4.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Udana 1.4
      [Q] USB to serial adapter (software?)
      [Q] Word 98 Macro Misery
      Attachments  powermac 7200/75
      firewire/scsi adapters
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #184
      Macs on Exchange servers
      Netters' Dinner 2001, An SF Macworld Odyssey
      Printing from Netscape 4.73 to Epson 740 printer
      Printing from Netscape 4.73 to Epson 740 printer
      Printing from Netscape 4.73 to Epson 740 printer
      Q: How to use disks with bad clusters?
      Serial to USB adapter
      Timetabling Software
      Web page builders
      Web page builders
      Web page builders
      Wireless EtherNet

#### TEXT       infomacv17-186.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CINEFAN
      [*] PrinterMate.2.0 - AppleTalk Network Printer Management
      [*] Sorcerer 1.1
      [*] Space Invaders 2000
      [*] Weight Tracker 1.1.0
      answered my own question
      Ethernetting iMac and Laserwriter Pro 630
      old extension needed
      using USB scanner on non-USB beige G3
      Wireless Ethernet Again

#### TEXT       infomacv17-187.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#557/27-Nov-00
      [*] Activity & Expense Tracker v2
      [*] ASCIIEnc
      [*] AutoShare 4.2.1 released
      [*] Chocoletters 1.6 - A puzzle game
      [*] ChocolettersVF 1.6 - French version
      [*] Clipboard Edit 1.0, a clipboard editot [ftp:
      [*] CWPT_full_demo.sea.hqx
      [*] emailcleaner.sit.hqx Convenient cleaning on emails and newsgroups posts
      [*] redbikini Plakativo Postscript font 0.1
      [*] redbikini Plakativo Truetype font 0.1
      [*] redbikini Significa Postscript font 0.1
      [*] redbikini Significa Truetype font 0.1
      [*] Shade: a text adventure
      [*] Skully
      [*] Vanessa Chess 2.0.1
      [*] White Christmas
      [*] WYSIWYG Font Preview 1.0
      [Q] dead 6500/225
      Ethernetting iMac and Laserwriter Pro 630
      HP DeskJet 970cxi
      iMac suddenly soundless

#### TEXT       infomacv17-188.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) iMac harddrive swap
      [*] LockOut 2.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.5.6 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] Prowler 1.1
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.7.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Verses of the Elders 1.1
      [A] Word 98 Macro Misery
      [Q] Word 98 Macro Misery
      Caller ID on a iMac
      Desperately seeking an old Multimedia music composer program 
      Digital line kills analog modem?
      Ethernetting iMac and Laserwriter Pro 630 (R)
      G3 upgrade
      iMac suddenly soundless
      MacOS/Hardware and disabilities
      Serial to USB adapter
      Serial to USB adapter
      System Information
      using USB scanner on non-USB beige G3
      using USB scanner on non-USB beige G3
      using USB scanner on non-USB beige G3
      using USB scanner on non-USB beige G3
      using USB scanner on non-USB beige G3
      Web page builders (C)
      Word 98 Macro Misery

#### TEXT       infomacv17-189.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      15" flat screen displays
      [*] Orbit 1.2.9
      [*] PandoCalendar (68K) 5.5.6 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] publishing symbol font
      [*] Sherlock Plugins 2.0
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.1
      [*] TechTracker Pro Desktop  1.0 - Software Update Monitoring Client
      [Q] Stylewriter problem
      Digital line kills analog modem?
      G4 freezes: maybe it's Adaptec 2906 SCSI card?
      Q: How to use disks with bad clusters?
      Treating Folders As Volumes
      Wireless Ethernet Again

#### TEXT       infomacv17-19.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Mac Mail Purger v1.5
      [*] MuchoLauncher 1.0
      [*] Plugin Filter source code
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.6.0
      best accelerator cards?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-190.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MI Convert 2.6.2 68k English
      [*] MI Convert 2.6.2 Carbon English
      [*] MI Convert 2.6.2 PPC English
      [*] MicroAccounts fp4 - Accounting Template for FileMaker Pro Ver 4.0
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.3.0
      [Q] how to do 'java -jar file.jar' on the Mac?
      dead 6500/225
      Digital line kills analog modem?
      G4 freezes: maybe it's Adaptec 2906 SCSI card?
      G4 freezes: maybe it's Adaptec 2906 SCSI card?
      HP DeskJet 970cxi
      iMac suddenly soundless
      Keystroke in Startup Items?
      MacOS/Hardware and disabilities
      Treating Folders As Volumes
      Web page builders (C)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-191.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Unix volumes mounted on X?
      [*] 'Tis the season Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] ASCIIEnc 1.1
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.6.3
      [*] Pitbull for Hotline 1.1 PPC
      [*] publishing symbol font 2.0
      [*] Screamer Chess 1.0 build 55: Strong free chess program
      [*] Screamer Chess Opening Book File
      [*] The Show Must Go FOND 1.1.1b
      [*] WebSiteManager 1.7.1
      Digital line kills analog modem? [A]
      DVD audio extraction
      Macally USB cardbus problem
      Treating Folders As Volumes
      Treating Folders as Volumes, Part II
      TV Remote Controls a Macintosh!  Explanation?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-192.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#558/04-Dec-00
      (Q) Unix volumes mounted on X?
      [*] SweetMail 2.0
      Connecting Olympus D-490Z to G4 Cube
      Connecting Olympus D-490Z to G4 Cube
      G4 freezes: maybe it's Adaptec 2906 SCSI card?
      Mac Appearance "themes"
      PowerPC Enabler 9.0.4
      TV Remote Controls a Macintosh!  Explanation?
      TV Remote Controls a Macintosh!  Explanation?
      TV Remote Controls a Macintosh!  Explanation?
      video help

#### TEXT       infomacv17-193.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Faneuil Hall-Boston
      [*] 4OP Librarian v1.0.6
      [*] BackgroundWarper PPC 2.0 submission
      [*] BarWare 5
      [*] Black Magik File Hider 1.0
      [*] CalcIT1.1.sit.hqx
      [*] CarCare 3
      [*] Club MID v1.1.5
      [*] DupliMizer 1.6.3
      [*] DX7 Librarian v1.2.6
      [*] eMerge 1.6.5 -- Customerize your e-mail
      [*] ept30_excel_addin.hqx
      [*] GameOver T1 - a free Type 1 font
      [*] GameOver TT - a free TrueType font
      [*] Gene 4.3.2
      [*] hogwasher-25-demo-hqx:  An Offline + Online Newsreader
      [*] HTML Optimizer 3.3
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.9.1
      [*] JUNO Librarian 1.2.0
      [*] K1 Librarian v1.1.4
      Application Switcher-Related Problems
      Connecting Olympus D-490Z to G4 Cube
      Connecting Olympus D-490Z to G4 Cube
      TV Remote & Computer
      TV Remote Controls a Macintosh!  Explanation?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-194.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Lurk Webcambrowser 3.9
      [*] RAM Disk Backup 3.0
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.0
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.0 - Dutch Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.0 - French Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.0 - German Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.0 - Italian Version
      [*] World Clock Deluxe 3.0 - Japanese Version
      Docking Stations for G3 PowerBooks?
      Treating Folders as Volumes, Part II

#### TEXT       infomacv17-195.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) FTP mapped to MacOS X
      [*] ODLog for Macintosh version 1.1.2
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.3.1
      [*] Retro 1.0, classic arcade game
      [*] Where in the World? 1.1
      [A] IR has a way of bending
      Connecting Olympus D-490Z to G4 Cube
      Connecting Olympus D-490Z to G4 Cube
      Mac Appearance "themes"
      Modem Problem
      TV Remote & Computer
      TV Remote & Computer
      unerase a pc zip

#### TEXT       infomacv17-196.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Cardbus USB adapter compatible printers
      (Q) finding FCR LinkUPPP
      (Q) replacing a CD-R with a CD-RW?
      [*] MaxNews v0.80d
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.2
      [*] SweetMail 2.01
      [*] virtual wine cellar 3.0
      Free Cell Solitaire on Mac???
      iMac Modem Performance
      Internet Explorer & Java
      Modem Problem
      Performa 630cd fails to complete startup
      Thank you for USB on beige G3 help
      TV Remote & Computer

#### TEXT       infomacv17-197.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#559/11-Dec-00
      (A) Free Cell Solitaire on Mac
      (A) replacing a CD-R with a CD-RW?
      (Q) iMac Locks up - OS 9
      [*] QIF Categories 1.5 - Adding Categories to QIF Files Based on Description
      [*] Random Number Generator v1.2
      [*] SweetMail 2.02
      [*] WYSIWYG Font Preview 1.1
      Free Cell Solitaire
      Free Cell Solitaire
      Free Cell Solitaire on Mac???
      Internet Explorer & Java
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier
      PC Discs no longer mount...

#### TEXT       infomacv17-198.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Lexmark Z52 + Cardbus USB + 9.0.4
      (Q) iMac Locks up - OS 9
      [*] MADE 1.7.0 - Macintosh Application Development Essentials
      [*] NetFinder 2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] NetFinder OSX 2.2J Preview - Japanese Version
      [*] SwitchBack 3.2
      [*] TableText 1.0.1 - Table to text and back
      [Q] CD-R removable bay drive for WallStreet PB?
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier
      Network printing to a pc/printer
      USB printer to Ethernet

#### TEXT       infomacv17-199.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#560/13-Dec-00
      [*] /info-mac/art/zine/ATPM-612-print.pdf.sit.hqx
      [*] Aqua_Calendar1.0.sit.hqx - Calendar Scheduling Application
      [*] Dhammapada 1.3
      [*] DoubletScan321.hqx
      [*] FM Style Maker 1.0
      [*] FriezingWorkz 1.0 - investigate frieze groups, or just make nice
      [*] Great Northern Scripts
      [*] Itivuttaka 1.5
      [*] OmegaWindow+ v1.3: mouse free-control over windows for Macintosh
      [*] QuickFind
      [*] S-Levi
      [*] SwitchBack 3.2J - Japanese version
      [A] Serial Port software for USB
      Code Resources (DLL) on Excel 2001
      I-mac sometimes won't start up
      LifeStyle 28.8 Modem question...
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier
      Name That Apple Menu Modifier - Done
      Network printing to a pc/printer
      PC Discs no longer mount...

#### TEXT       infomacv17-2.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      Info-Mac ADMIN: Test of the list (#3 in a series)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-20.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Alarm Clock 2.0 (PPC/68k/FAT)
      [*] Alarm Clock 2.0 (PPC/68k/FAT)
      [*] Alarm Clock 2.0 (PPC/68k/FAT)
      [*] GetInfoPro 1.2 (PPC/68k/Fat)
      [*] GetInfoPro 1.2 (PPC/68k/Fat)
      [*] GetInfoPro 1.2 (PPC/68k/Fat)
      [*] MacScribe 2.0.3
      [*] PTE (Periodic Table of Elements) 1.1.1 FAT
      [*] PTE (Periodic Table of Elements) 1.1.1 PPC
      [Q] Need Bellbottom Type 1 Font
      accidentally initialized hard drive
      best accelerator cards?
      New Info-Mac addresses
      Palm V and the PowerBook G3, IrDA networking
      upgrade cards

#### TEXT       infomacv17-200.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) CD-R Removable Drive for Wall Street or other Powerbook
      [*] Okidoki Guard 2.0
      Disappearing Launcher Icons in OS 9.0.4
      Network printing to a pc/printer
      PCI card with USB to connect to printer, camera, card reader

#### TEXT       infomacv17-201.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Reorder Disk Icons
      [*] Repeating Decimals 1.1
      [*] SuiteSweep 1.0.1
      [*] The Fontz 2.5
      [*] Trash*Desktop 1.3.1 (FAT)
      [*] Trash*Desktop 1.3.1 (FAT) (French version)
      LifeStyle 28.8 Modem question...
      Maine Bus Trip to 2001 MacWorld NYC

#### TEXT       infomacv17-202.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Accessus_1.1.sit.hqx, the fastest and most flexible way to access
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5.1
      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.5.1
      [*] Analog Helper 1.2.2 - Log analysis assistant
      [*] bs2000free.hqx: Ball & Stick - Molecular Graphics
      [*] Catalog Search FM 3.2, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders
      [*] Cross Platform 1.1.1 - Mac to Windows Consultant
      [*] Decode da Code 1.5
      [*] Desktop Pictures
      [*] DupliMizer 1.6.4
      [*] easy beat 1.2.1
      [*] Email Effects 1.6.5 - ASCII art for email
      [*] Email Merge 1.9.5 - Easy customized email merging
      [*] Fortune Cookie 2.1
      [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5 Carbon
      [*] GLMStat 5.2.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] HTML Optimizer 3.3.2
      [*] iText 2.2.1E - iMac's Text Editor
      [*] Member Organizer 1.3F
      [*] Orbit 1.3
      FORTRAN ?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #200
      PCI card with USB to connect to printer, camera, card reader
      Regarding: Apple DVD Player 2.2

#### TEXT       infomacv17-203.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) well I'll be, 9.0.4 does work with Lexmark & Cardbus USB
      [*] 8-ball emulator x
      [*] Amadeus II 3.0
      [*] Catalog Search FM 3.3, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders
      [*] CP290 Director 1.6 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System
      [*] Drop Drawers 1.5 - Versatile floating drawers
      [*] Eudora2FMP
      [*] Extension Overload v5.6
      [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon English
      [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 Carbon Espanol
      [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 fat English
      [*] Geometry Calculator 1.5.1 FAT Espanol
      [*] Goldberg 2.0
      [*] Key Values 1.0
      [*] LightWayText 3.2.1E - Powerful Text Editor
      [*] Listen&Type2.12, sound player + text editor = dictation tool
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.9
      [*] Okidoki Guard 2.1
      [*] QMidi 1.0.1 FAT
      [*] QuoEdit 0.71
      [*] Yahoo Mailto Handler 1.1
      [Q] Zipped files unreadable on iMac
      Problem with Java
      Spell Checkers for Outlook Express 5?
      Sys 9.0.4 impairs Sound / Video

#### TEXT       infomacv17-204.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Can the Cube support a second monitor?
      [*] Hang2000 v1.7.3
      [*] Installer Observer 3.0.3 68K Version
      [*] Installer Observer 3.0.3 PPC Version
      [*] INTBEAM (Integer Balance Beam)
      [*] MaxBulk Mailer v0.07d
      [*] Presidents3000 v1.03
      [*] TIM 1.3J - Japanese Version

#### TEXT       infomacv17-205.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] [FTP] BlackWatch 1.5.5
      [*] Bedlam 2 1.0.6
      [*] Chac 1.1
      [*] Gerrys ICQ d44.1-SE
      [*] GrapicConverter 4.0.1-SE
      [*] Lurk 4.1 Webcambrowser
      [*] Mouse 1.2
      [*] Pads - Note Pad/Stickies Replacement for the Macintosh
      [*] PowerSMS 1.3.1-SE
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.7.1r1J - Japanese Version
      FORTRAN ?
      MD5 Checksums
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      Question about a game and an icon utility...
      Sonnet Encore/G4

#### TEXT       infomacv17-206.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Can the Cube support a second monitor?
      (Q) Can the Cube support a second monitor?
      [*] Colibricks
      [*] e-20 4 Mac
      [*] Image SXM 1.6.5
      [*] Mac500 Version 1.1
      [*] Santa Droppings
      [*] Tide Stamp Australia 2.0.2
      [*] Tide Stamp Canada 2.0.2
      [*] Tide Stamp North America 2.0.2
      [*] Tide Stamp World 2.0.2
      [Q] Zipped files unreadable on iMac
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      PCI card with USB to connect to printer, camera, card reader
      Video switch for PC/Mac

#### TEXT       infomacv17-207.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) FreeCell
      .kar (midi karaore), web page and App!le's idisk??
      [*] FileChop 1.0
      [*] MakeiAlias 1.1
      [*] MediaCenter digital image database
      [*] SunClock 1.2.2
      [*] Talk Talk 1.0
      [Q] Zipped files unreadable on iMac
      FW: Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      OS X on PowerCenter?
      replacing a CD-R with a CD-RW?
      Video switch for PC/Mac
      Video switch for PC/Mac

#### TEXT       infomacv17-208.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Cube Can take two monitors
      512 meg PowerBook chips?
      [*] ATF (Adding Three Fractions)
      [*] CHASE (Chase)
      [*] COINS ($1.64 Puzzle)
      [*] Cyclone 1.4 Carbon
      [*] Cyclone 1.4 Classic
      [*] Default Folder 3.0.9 - Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder D-3.0.9 - German Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder DK-3.0.9 - Danish Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder F-3.0.9 - French Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder J-3.0.9 - Japanese Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Fat Tracker 4.0 (Mac)
      [*] FTILE Fraction Tiles
      [*] GRAPHING (Graphing Functions)
      [*] Mosquito
      [*] NLINE (Number Line)
      [*] ResCompare 2.6
      [*] Roidz 0.9a
      [*] Roidz 0.9a Source Code
      [*] SLOTS (Slot Machine Clinic)
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.07 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezones including DST
      [*] WRITING (Writing Numbers Part 2)
      Driver for Apple Scanner
      One other Tetris Game question...

#### TEXT       infomacv17-209.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Internet Explorer and Java
      [*] Angle Doubling (this time with file)
      [*] Arcs & Sectors
      [*] Box & Whisker Drill
      [*] Chac 1.1.1
      [*] Evaluating Crossnumber Puzzles
      [*] Extension Overload v5.6.1
      [*] Fraction Puzzles
      [*] GLMStat 5.3.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] Jedit4.0.3 For Classic Mac OS - Powerful Text Editor
      [*] Jedit4.0.3 For Mac OS X - Powerful Text Editor
      [*] Linear Systems Beams
      [*] Percent-O-Rama
      [*] Pizza Party Puzzles 
      [*] Pocket Album v1.1.5
      [*] SimpleEnvelope 1.5
      [*] SndSampler 4.4.2
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.3
      [*] SweetMail 2.05
      [*] SweetMail 2.05f2
      [*] Triangle Types
      accessppp english version
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD 
      Sound Utility formerly called "D-[something]"

#### TEXT       infomacv17-21.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [A] PB 170 screen
      netscape crash

#### TEXT       infomacv17-210.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Cameraid 1.1.4
      [*] Catalog Search FM 3.4, FM Pro 4-5 DB to catalog disks and folders
      [*] DoubletScan 3.2.2
      [*] Loan Calc v1.1
      [*] Universal Conversion Calculator
      [Q]Redundant software on info-Mac?
      Ethernet Question
      extensions query
      Harman/Kardon speakers
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #207
      Linking Macs and PCs
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      Powermac G3/266 and internal IDE CD-RW
      Share Mac USB keyboard with a PC
      Stickies Window hack?
      What drives work with Apples CD/DVD driver?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-211.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Background Calendar v1.0
      [*] Personal Directory 2.2
      AOL Pix question
      Multi-Mac Bootable CD - Solved!
      Sherlock 2 copies file paths!

#### TEXT       infomacv17-212.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#561/01-Jan-01
      [*] CCN Plus 1.0  (68k)
      [*] CCN Plus 1.0  (PPC)
      [*] Hoops 1.0
      [*] HTTP Benchmark v1.2
      [*] IE Cache Trasher 1.0
      [*] Imagino 1.1 hc
      [*] Jarosh Desktop Pictures
      [*] KillTemporaryItems 2.0
      [*] LetsSee 1.0
      [*] MaxBulk Mailer v0.10d
      [*] MotionShotDEMO 1.1
      [*] QuoEdit 0.7.2
      [Q] Questions About Internal Connectors
      [Q] Questions About Internal Connectors
      [Q] Satellite TCP service?
      can't print!
      Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9
      MacOS 8.1 Help menu broken
      Money Management Software
      Need Help Creating a Mult-Mac Bootable CD
      OS 9 system resource 'alis' ID=-8192: damage->no start

#### TEXT       infomacv17-213.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Lego Mindstorms and the Mac
      [*] Bub and Bob 1.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] Countdown Reminder v2.0.1
      [*] Devalipi 2.0
      [*] eQuery v1.0 - "Data_Management" - create data merge source files for Word
      [*] Export Icon Plug-in 1.5 - export icons from Photoshop!
      [*] Fetch-O-Matic 2.4 automated website maintenance via FTP
      [*] GestLab 1.2 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.2 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] Mystery Letter
      [*] NotePad Deluxe 2.1 - Exclusive notepad with many features
      [Q] problems getting external microphone to work
      [Q]Redundant software on info-Mac?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #210 (Adding a CD-RW)
      Money Management Software

#### TEXT       infomacv17-214.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#562/08-Jan-01
      [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 7.0.1
      [*] Audiocorder 2.0.0
      [*] Bub and Bob 1.7.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] DocSaver 1.0
      [*] Extension Overload 5.6.1 French
      [*] iLabel 1.0 (Carbon) - label printing application
      [*] iLabel 1.0 - label printing application
      [*] J-Man's Auto Tasks
      [*] KinkyBeepII 2.0.0 - The Sound Synthesizer -
      [*] MaxBulk Mailer v0.11d
      [*] MergePDF 1.4.4
      [*] Morse Mania 1.9.5
      [*] NameRegistry Inspector 1.0 US available
      [*] redbikini PythonianDeluxe Truetype Font 0.1
      [*] So Bot 0.7 PPC US
      [*] Sound Warehouse v1.0.4
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.6 - For Faster Start-Ups!
      [*] WebSiteManager 1.8
      Anyone with Experience Loading OS9 on UMAX S900?
      Converting mpegs to VCD
      Fwd: Quicken Deluxe 2001
      HP Officejet drivers for the Mac?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #213
      Mac Prices

#### TEXT       infomacv17-215.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) How to run 68K software on a powermac?
      [*] A Big Trouble For Gynk (Aspirin III)
      [*] Email Effects 1.6.6 - ASCII art for email
      [*] FileBuddy 6.0.2 - Japanese Version
      [*] FontBuddy 2.1
      [*] FontBuddy 2.1 japanese
      [*] Listen&Type2.21, sound player + text editor = dictation tool
      [*] MusicDriver 3.1.2
      [*] Passenger 1.1 Server Account/Password Tool
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Dutch version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (French version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (German version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Italian version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.1 (Japanese version)
      [*] Scheme Factory 1.0pr2
      [*] Simple Diary 1.5.2
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.6J For Faster Start-Ups! - Japanese Version
      [*] Tao Te Ching 1.0
      [*] TIM 1.4J - Japanese Version
      IE 5 Memory Problems
      Internet config. and boot up cd
      Mac: CD Labeling Software Compatible with Mac G4-OS9
      MS Word for Mac attachments
      PCI card with USB ports. CompactFlash card reader.

#### TEXT       infomacv17-216.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      .mix files
      [*] TableText 1.0.2 - Table to text and back
      [Q] Software for Disk defragmentation
      Modem connect speed!
      PCI, AGP and Gigabit Ethernet G4s

#### TEXT       infomacv17-217.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CDFinder 3.0.1  68k
      [*] CDFinder 3.0.1  PPC
      [*] FontAgent 8.1 - Organize and Repair Your Fonts in Minutes
      [*] LockOut 2.1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.7
      [*] QuoEdit mini 1.0.2
      [*] Wheel of the Teachings 2.0
      [*] YP Atwood 1.0 (physics)
      [*] YP Atwood 1.0 (physics, french version)
      [*] YP Croix de Malte 1.0 (french version of YP Geneva Mechanism)
      [*] YP Geneva Mechanism 1.0 (mechanical engineering)
      [A] Software for Disk defragmentation
      iTunes -wow!
      Quicken Deluxe 2001
      Using ATI Rage 128 in Pre-G3 Mac

#### TEXT       infomacv17-22.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      7300/Netscape 4.08 Query
      [*] MacV
      [*] Moments
      [*] money2mac - online banking tool
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.5 Freeware
      [*] Pocket Quicken for Palm Organizers
      [*] Red Bird's Quick Scripts, release 0.3
      booting -up from a ZIP
      crashes when waking from sleep with OS9
      microscopic printing from Netscape (Q)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-23.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.0.1e
      [*] Vintage Bouquet
      [*] XY Digitizer 1.0

#### TEXT       infomacv17-24.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      Is IX3D Road Rocket available anywhere?
      Is PC memory suited for Powerbook G3/333?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-25.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#517/14-Feb-00

#### TEXT       infomacv17-26.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CalCountNote 1.3
      [*] CrystalDesigner 7.0
      [*] Iterated Function Systems, version 1.0.4
      [*] Program Switcher v5.0.1 J - Japanese Version
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3.2J - Japanese version
      [*] Ultima III (Exodus) fantasy role playing game 1.4 PPC
      Font Organization Program
      PBk G3/300 Battery problem
      Quickmail Plug-ins
      Uh oh, dead battery!

#### TEXT       infomacv17-27.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      CD-Rom Security
      crashes when waking from sleep with OS9
      Cursor in Execl VB
      iMac "sleeping disorders"
      PBk G3/300 Battery problem
      Uh oh, dead battery!
      USB Printers on a Network

#### TEXT       infomacv17-28.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Belle Nuit Subtitler 1.0
      [*] Road Runner v1.0.0/Jikes v1.10.1
      [*] TCplus
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 2.2 68K
      [*] TitleTrack CD Player 2.2 PPC
      [*] Ultima III (Exodus) fantasy role playing game 1.4.1 PPC
      [*] VSE My Privacy 1.0 - Data security software and password manager
      CD-Rom Security
      Font Organization Program
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #26
      USB Printers on a Network

#### TEXT       infomacv17-29.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Voice Power Pro - has finally made real voice recognition for
      [*] MoonMenu 1.0
      [*] RK Ancient Fonts 1
      [*] SimpleSlide 1.5 (update to the slideshow viewer)
      [*] SplitsVille 1.0.1
      [*] Tape 1.1.2 - Mac OS 9 Package Creation Tool
      [*] TaskMenuBar 1.1.0
      [*] Time Palette 4.0
      [A] Re: Uh oh, dead battery!
      [A]: USB Printers on a Network
      Cabbages and Kings
      crashes when waking from sleep with OS9
      PB G3/300 Battery Problem
      Unimplemented trap!
      USB Printers on a Network

#### TEXT       infomacv17-3.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      Info-Mac ADMIN: Test of the list (#4 in a series)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-30.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#518/21-Feb-00

#### TEXT       infomacv17-31.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Modified IAD
      [*] Notes
      [*] PsychOffice/PsychScheduler version 2.1
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.7
      [*] Sherlock nobanners 2.0- French
      [*] StEp 1.0
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.7.0
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6 (French version)
      [*] VisualProjector
      Acrobat Reader Prints in Foreground
      large drive on a beige g3/233
      USB Printers on a Network

#### TEXT       infomacv17-32.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      DSL Firewalls
      Fonts and firewalls

#### TEXT       infomacv17-33.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) John Madden 2000 & system requirements
      1-1 conference
      Appearance Extension and Desktop Pictures?
      Cabbages and Kings
      DSL Firewalls
      DSL Firewalls
      DSL Firewalls
      External IDE drives
      FM Pro Server 3.0v4 and TCP/IP
      Font converters
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #32
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #32
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #32
      ISO: A Programmer's Text Editor...
      PCI bus IDE controller cards?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-34.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] glidel_4_fr
      [*] glidel_4_us
      [*] Listen&Type2.11, sound player + text editor = dictation tool
      [*] Pocket Album v1.1.2
      [*] RootLocs 3.7
      [*] TestMy.CGI internet script debugger
      Appearance Extension and Desktop Pictures?
      ISO: A Programmer's Text Editor
      Mac and Java
      Mac OS Runtime for Java
      Need advice on DVD-RAM

#### TEXT       infomacv17-35.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Gif.gIf.giF 68K 1.5.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Gif.gIf.giF PPC 1.5.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] MultiMode 3.0.2
      [*] Pork Barrel 1.5
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.8.0
      [*] Stock Calculator 2.0 for Macintosh
      [*] The Eraser Pro 2.6.0
      [*] Ultima III (Exodus) fantasy role playing game 1.4.2
      [*] Ultima III (Exodus) fantasy role playing game 1.4.2
      [*] YA-Decoder 3.0.2
      [Q] Eudora Pro 4.2.2 menus missing
      Anybody try the PetiScan from NEC?
      Appearance Extension and Desktop Pictures?
      Best USB keyboards
      Configuring OS X server
      PB 3400 Expansion Bay

#### TEXT       infomacv17-36.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#519/28-Feb-00
      (A) 1-1 conference
      (A) FM Pro Server & TCP/IP
      (Q) Will PCI Modems work in Macs?
      [*] MoviePhile 3.0.2
      [*] Nigiri-zushi (Japan) - CULTURE INTERCHANGE square
      [*] Tax Spreadsheet
      [Q] Eudora Pro 4.2.2 menus missing
      Anybody try the PetiScan from NEC?
      Best USB keyboards
      Celestium, multiplayer space action rpg
      ISO: A Programmer's Text Editor...
      PCI bus IDE controller cards?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-37.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Modified iMac Modem Script for Apple Remote Access 
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2
      [*] More File Info CMM Plug-in 2.2J
      [*] Morse Mania 1.7.0
      [*] StuffIt Pack for 4D
      [*] UpdateAgent 8
      [*] USB Overdrive 1.3 - Universal USB mouse, joystick and gamepaddriver
      Adding security certificates to Internet Explorer 4.5.1?
      ISO: A Programmer's Text Editor...
      Lacie CD-RW, Orange Micro SCSI 930U, and G3w/OS9- stumped
      Modem on a non-analog office phone line
      Using Japanese in English version of Eudora

#### TEXT       infomacv17-38.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.9J - Japanese Version
      Adding security certificates to Internet Explorer 4.5.1?
      ISO "Shock Da Monkey"
      Microsoft office startup
      PC Anywhere Connection To PPC?
      plain talk mic 
      Update: Search for programmer's editor...
      Vinyl records into CDs

#### TEXT       infomacv17-39.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] M3U Drop Downloader 2.0
      [*] OfficePool 2000
      [*] Pukool 1.0
      [*] TrashScan 1.0
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6 (German version)
      [*] VideoZoom 2.2
      [*] VSE Update Finder 2.1 - Free tool to find updates
      [Q] Comparing Printers
      accelerator speeds
      Eudora and signatures
      Eudora menus recovered [Yay!]
      How do I connect an iBook to External Monitor/LCD Projector
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #38
      TextBroom version 1.3.0 Released
      Vinyl records into CDs
      Vinyl records into CDs

#### TEXT       infomacv17-4.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      Info-Mac ADMIN: Test of the list!

#### TEXT       infomacv17-40.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Extension Overload v4.9
      [*] File Buddy 5.3.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] macgix SDI-TS 1.6.1r4.2
      [*] Master Key 1.0 - Multi-user typing instruction
      [*] OfficePool 2000 2.0.6 PPC
      [*] Ringsys WebMonitor 1.1.1
      [*] session timer 2.0
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.3J - For Faster Start-Ups! (Japanese Version)
      [*] VSE Be Found 1.6 - Web Site Promotion Tool
      [*] VSE My Privacy 1.1 - Password manager with military-strength encryption
      [Q] G3 Powerbook won't wake up
      Comparing Printers
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #38
      mac to phone over internet
      PC Anywhere Connection To PPC
      Videoconferencing with Mac?
      Vinyl records into CDs
      Vinyl records into CDs

#### TEXT       infomacv17-41.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#520/06-Mar-00

#### TEXT       infomacv17-42.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) DHCP and @home network
      (Q) Proofreading/editing skill development app?
      (Q) Remote disconnect script
      [*] capitals.sit attached
      [*] crystal-maker-406-demo.hqx
      [*] DoubleTouch2.3.hqx
      [*] eMerge 1.6.2 -- Customerize your e-mail
      [*] ForgotIt_12_PPC
      [*] Free Backup 1.0.1
      [*] FTP FoldIt (light) 4.6.3
      [*] GEDitCOM-251.hqx upload
      [*] iDim 1.0, a ScreenSaver module (iDim-1.0.sit.hqx)
      [*] LockOut 1.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] mac dicom viewer & source
      [*] OfficePool 2000 v2.0.7
      [*] Program Switcher v5.1.0
      [*] Program Switcher v5.1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Pukool 1.3
      [*] session timer 2.01
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.6
      [*] Sound Byte 1.5.0
      [*] StampSaver 1.0
      [*] TaskMenuBar 1.1.1
      [*] TimeZonesHC 1.03 / HyperCard stack time in ALL timezones includingDST
      [*] WineBook 1.0 (68k) -- Cellar management software for wineenthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0 (PPC) -- Cellar management software for wineenthusiasts
      [Q] Desktop recording
      [Q] ixTV troubles
      Apple posts DVD FAQ
      Garden design sw?
      re> Japanese and Eudora
      suggest on this please
      WebsiteDietician in version 1.1.1 available

#### TEXT       infomacv17-43.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] File Buddy 5.3.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] Refill Maker v1.0.8
      [*] Sindler's List 1.0.4
      [*] Talisman Maker V1.5
      [*] Warp Save 1.0 Rings Plug-in
      [A] PC Anywhere connection to PPC
      [Q] cd database?
      Apple still number one in education
      networking Mac and PC

#### TEXT       infomacv17-44.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#521/13-Mar-00

#### TEXT       infomacv17-45.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#522/20-Mar-00
      >Subject: [Q] cd database?
      [*] Babel: a text adventure
      [*] Calnote v5.1, desktop calendar and note collection for Filemaker Pro 4
      [*] Desktop Picture Spider
      [*] DX7 Librarian v1.2.5
      [*] Edible.45.sit.Hqx
      [*] Electric warper
      [*] Fallacy Tutorial 1.0.2 68K - Teaches 42 logical fallacies
      [*] Fallacy Tutorial 1.0.2 PPC - Teaches 42 logical fallacies
      [*] ForgotIt121.sea.hqx and ForgotIt?121_68k.sea.hqx
      [*] ForgotIt121.sea.hqx and ForgotIt?121_68k.sea.hqx
      [*] Keys via FTP
      [*] l Verbo simple
      [*] mac dicom viewer & source
      [*] MedLibMgr 4.0
      [*] MultiMode 3.0.3
      [*] MultiMode Lite 3.0.3
      [*] NetCD 1.6.7/68K - An Internet-savvy CD Player Program
      [*] NetCD 2.0 - An Internet-savvy CD Player Program
      [*] OfficePool 2000 v2.1
      [*] Open Special Folders 1.0.1
      [*] PixPlayer Mac 1.0
      [*] QuickMP3 1.5 Final
      [*] Simple To Do 2.0.1
      [*] StonerView 1.2 - a meditative visual toy
      [*] Warp Save 1.0 from Euphorian Design
      [A] Networking Mac and PC
      [A] networking Mac and PC
      [A] PC Anywhere connection to PPC
      [A]: Records to CD
      Best USB keyboards
      cd database?
      Eudora 4.3 upgrade - no Help
      Free Email Program
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #43
      networking Mac and PC
      networking Mac and PC
      networking Mac and PC
      networking Mac and PC
      networking Mac and PC
      networking Mac and PC
      sound problems
      Speed & Your Browser
      Token Ring Drivers Needed

#### TEXT       infomacv17-46.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      ".mix" Files: How do I open them?
      [*] [FTP] BlackWatch 1.5.2
      [*] Abstract for JanusNode-104.hqx (formerly 'McPoet')
      [*] blableu121.hqx
      [*] CardSaver201.hqx
      [*] CarSaver1.hqx
      [*] commagic via FTP
      [*] CookWare 6.1
      [*] Default Folder 3.0.5 - Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder D-3.0.5 - German Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] Default Folder J-3.0.5 - Japanese Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] DiskLibrary 1.0 - a disk indexing tool
      [*] FalconNc 2.0.1
      [*] Fleur Provençal Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] FTP Agill English-Spanish Dictionary 1.0
      [*] Fuffy 1.1 - a new dice game for the Macintosh (fuffy11.sit.hqx)
      [*] GolfSaver1.hqx
      [*] MacScribe 205
      [*] MoonMenu 1.0.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] PictureArchive V1.1 Store Images In Searchable Database
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.5 FR Freeware
      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.2
      [*] Simple Diary 1.3.2
      [*] Simple Diary 1.3.3
      [*] Slide Show 5.3 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3 files.
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.3 - For Faster Start-Ups!
      [*] Submission of BOOM 1.2b2
      [*] Switch-It 3.0
      [*] SwitchBack 3.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] TaskMenuBar 1.1.2
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.7.1
      [*] TimeCache 3.0.1
      [*] UnCoverIt 1.0
      [*] Whoopie v1.1.1
      [*] Word List Maker 2.2 - text utility
      [A] cd database?
      [Q] Old S/W: ClickChange
      can somebody gimme a hand with this.....PLEASE....
      Forward Delete key on G3/G4 keyboard
      G4-sys9, HP970, Word '98, Yellow highlight
      Help! Japanese Text Problem
      HELP: Nort Mac Backup 2.0 
      open/save by date
      sleep freeze

#### TEXT       infomacv17-47.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Aqua II K2 scheme
      [*] AutoCat 2.7 FR - Catalog different
      [*] CalCountNote 1.4 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.4 (PPC)
      [*] Convenient Text Cleaning on Emails
      [*] crystal-diffract-300.hqx
      [*] Default Folder F-3.0.5 - French Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] GEOMETRIX-1.2.0-68k
      [*] Internet Location CM 1.3
      [*] lusions.hqx via FTP
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.2
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Euro Assistant Pro 2.2 J (Japanese version)
      [*] PictureSnooper2K V1.0 AutoSearch/Download Binaries Off NewsGroups
      [*] Submission: GPS Plotter
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3.3J - Japanese version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.9r1J - Japanese Version
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.7.2
      AppleCare and TechTool Deluxe
      Excel/ Word to imac

#### TEXT       infomacv17-48.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] AliasHelper 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] MoonMenu 1.0.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] MouseMove 1.0
      [*] Sherlock nobanners 2.0- Dutch
      Disk Warrior may fix iBook disk damage from crash on sleep
      MailSmith & MondoMail

#### TEXT       infomacv17-49.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      sleep freeze [for all OS9 iBook/iMac users]
      sound problems

#### TEXT       infomacv17-5.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) games, games and more games
      (A) MacOS 9 & Appletalk
      (R) The Mac and y2k
      [*] ACRONYMS (v1.0.1) - A Casual Round-up Of Novelties in YourMessage System
      [*] Digital Wipeout 4.2
      [*] Expert Blackjack 3.0
      [*] FoldedCat 1.0
      [*] French version of Snow 2.4 (freeware)
      [*] Gif.gIf.giF 68K 1.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Gif.gIf.giF PPC 1.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] HandyMan 2.0.6
      [*] Hiding
      [*] LockOut 1.6.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] MADE 1.5.0 - Macintosh Application Development Essentials
      [*] Mental Math
      [*] MI Convert 2 (Spanish)
      [*] Money
      [*] Organizer 2.8.1
      [*] Orrery 1.2 - Solar System Animation
      [*] People” 1.1
      [*] PhotoGrid1.4, a quick image viewer with resizable thumnail
      [*] Pocket Album v1.0.1
      [*] QuoEdit 0.62
      [*] Recycling
      [*] Sales Organizer 2.3.6
      [*] Sales Organizer 2.3.6 (Canada)
      [*] Sound Byte 1.1.0
      [*] StatistFunctions2.4 / HyperCard stack statistical PDFs and CDFs
      [*] StuffCM 2.5.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 2.7, German version
      [*] The 20th Century Aerial Joust  V1.00 - 3d action / strategy game
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.5.7
      [*] TransCryptor 2.2 F - shareware
      [*] Vintage Floral Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] VSE File Pirate 3.0.2 - Finds free images, sounds, patterns andmore
      [*] Word Juggler
      Alternative to PowerPoint?
      database products similiar to FILEMAKER
      Dollars and $ense patch
      invisible file utilities
      invisible file utilities
      making my own icons
      Need app to monitor AirPort modem connection
      Q: QuickTake and OS 8.6
      Speakable item problem!

#### TEXT       infomacv17-50.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Excel/ Word to imac
      (A) Forward Delete key on USB keyboard
      (C) finally, a slots game for a PowerPC Mac!
      (C) sleep freeze
      [*] Add-Strip 3.4: Superior Text processing utility
      [*] AliasHelper
      [*] AliasHelper 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Amad_v2.3.sit.hqx: Sound editing and analyzing
      [*] AutoBoot 1.6.5
      [*] blackjack-royale-11.hqx
      [*] CodeWizard 1.0 submission
      [*] ConversionMaster-Lite.sit
      [*] Desktop Resetter 2.2.1
      [*] Drive Monitor 4.0.0 (PPC)
      [*] DupliMizer 1.0
      [*] EasyDialogLists.sit.hqx - Makes dialog lists easy
      [*] Elmer 1.0.1
      [*] FileT&C Pro 2.3.0;
      [*] FTP Japanese WordMage v5.8.1 demo
      [*] HTML Optimizer 3.0
      [*] HTML_OptimizerPro 1.0
      [*] KillTemporaryItems-10b2.hqx
      [*] OneApp Address Book 3.6.4 - address book with passwordprotection
      [*] Sales Organizer 2.4
      [*] Savitar v1.1
      [*] Sound Byte 1.5.1
      [*] SpeedDial 3
      [*] StuffCM 2.6J - Japanese Version
      [*] Submission: Alchemist.sit.hqx 
      [*] TestMy.CGI v 0.1
      [*] TexFinder 1.1
      [*] Worlds Apart (v2.0): a text adventure
      Eudora 4.3 upgrade - no Help
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #49
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #49
      SE/30 Daystar Adapters?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-51.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#523/27-Mar-00
      ibook...crash on sleep

#### TEXT       infomacv17-52.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] QuickSurvey 1.0
      [A] cd database?
      [Q] Bob's Book of Best Quotes?
      [Q] Carmine La Valle?
      ColorOne Scanner

#### TEXT       infomacv17-53.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Maths Tester
      [*] Quick-Launch/Macro Utility: TriVectus Launch Key 3.0
      [*] uCalendar 2.1 68K
      [*] uCalendar 2.1 PPC
      [*] Variable Creator
      freezing iMac on shutdown
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #49
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #51

#### TEXT       infomacv17-54.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.6.1
      [*] MeasureIt
      [*] ScreenTest 1.0
      [*] UltraLingua ES-ENG 1.0 Spanish <-> English dictionary
      [*] VisualFont  2.6
      Boot Chord
      I submitted to "articles" and nothing shows up?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-55.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#525/03-Apr-00

#### TEXT       infomacv17-56.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] CDFinder 2.7.1
      [*] CP290 Director 1.4 - Control of X10 CP290 Home Automation System
      [*] Displacement
      [*] Displacement_españQ==ol
      [*] easy beat 1.1
      [*] FoldersPlus 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] French DragThing 2.7 upload
      [*] FretPet 2.1.4 - Guitar-oriented QuickTime music sequencer
      [*] FTP Eternity 1.0.2
      [*] Fuffy 1.1.1
      [*] Italian DragThing 2.7 upload
      [*] lusions.hqx via FTP
      [*] Mitch's Power Actions 1.0
      [*] QMidi 1.0
      [*] QMidi 1.0.1, (c)2000 by Bruno Di Gleria
      [*] QuickScrap 1.2
      [*] RetroMail
      [*] Scrapit Pro 5.5
      [*] Simple Diary 68K 1.3.3
      [*] SmartWrap 1.7.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] SmartWrap 1.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] Twistory 2.1 - History Browser
      [*] UnCoverIt 1.2
      [*] URL Management
      [*] USB Overdrive 1.3J - Japanese version of USB driver
      [*] VSE Link Tester 1.0 - Finds broken links on your web site
      [Q] effective speed of G4 with Virtual PC
      HP970 Does not print Yellow Highlight
      Importer&Exporter for Computer
      Quicken Passwords
      Trouble with Touchbase Pro Printing

#### TEXT       infomacv17-57.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MacCrypt 1.0
      [*] Nicer Trash Icons
      [*] Phonemic Font Pack 1.1.2
      [*] Screen Fortress
      [*] SlideRule 2.4
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.4 - For Faster Start-Ups!
      [*] Startup Doubler 2.5.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Stopwatch CSM 1.1
      [*] Stopwatch CSM 1.1D  (German version)
      [*] Stopwatch CSM 1.1F  (French version)
      [*] Stopwatch CSM 1.1I  (Italian version)
      [*] Stopwatch CSM 1.1J  (Japanese version)
      [*] Stopwatch CSM 1.1N  (Dutch version)
      [*] TechTool 1.2.1
      [*] TechTool Pro 253 to 254 Updater
      [*] TechTool Pro 253 Universal Updater
      [*] The Atomic Mac 3.7.3
      [*] virtual wine cellar 2.3
      Duo 280 not responding
      HP870 no work on OS9
      Solution for iMac freezing on shutdown

#### TEXT       infomacv17-58.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Duo 280 not responding
      [*] [FTP] LSQL20_FreeTDS.hqx
      [*] [FTP] LSQL20_OpenClient.hqx
      [*] AutoCheck 2.1
      [*] Catty Corner Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Character Generator
      [*] Convenient Text Cleaning on Emails
      [*] CrystalDiffract 3.0.2 posted on ftp server
      [*] dart_board_v1.05.sit.hqx
      [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.3.4 - Freeware
      [*] Doublet Scan 3.0
      [*] eagle_strike_v1.03.sit.hqx
      [*] Email Client to Claris Emailer Converter
      [*] flashcardwizard.sit.hqx - Flashcard Application with Interval Study
      [*] FoldersPlus 1.0
      [*] FTP German Dictionary 1.5.2
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.1.1
      [*] Joe's SmartProxy 1.02
      [*] Lockme 2.0
      [*] The Bogus Guru: Epic Banana
      G3/500 Powerbook and modem
      newbie monitor question

#### TEXT       infomacv17-59.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#526/10-Apr-00
      Converting MP3 files

#### TEXT       infomacv17-6.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Algebra I: Equation Solving Tutor
      [*] AutoShare 4.1.1, a freeware list server
      [*] budgetBoss 1.1 - home budgeting aid
      [*] Business Pro 2.1-SE
      [*] CalcIT 1.0
      [*] CalCountNote 1.2.6
      [*] CatalogSearch FMP, a folder and volume indexer
      [*] Countdown Pro 1.01
      [*] Creepin' Critter Clocks 1.1.1 - educational game
      [*] Creepin' Critter Math 4.2.1 - educational game
      [*] Creepin' Critter Math Lite - educational game
      [*] Email Cleaner 1.3.1 -  Convenient cleaning on Emails
      [*] English-Polish Dictionary 1.2.4 - language learning
      [*] Extension Overload v4.7
      [*] EZBible 1.3
      [*] FastOpen 3.0;  open document quickly
      [*] GestLab 1.0.3 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.0.3 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] Language Reader 1.6.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Lenses
      [*] Letter Drop
      [*] Mac Mail Purger v1.0
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.5
      [*] MacD 1.5 - A new way to access your files
      [*] MacMinder 1.2b
      [*] MultiMode 3.0.0
      [*] NetFinder 2.0.4 - FTP client.
      [*] NetFinder 2.0.4J - FTP client / Japanese Version
      [*] PandoCalendar 5.0.3 - Customizable desktop calendar for your Mac.
      [*] PlayerPRO plugin 2.0 for Netscape & Internet Explorer
      [*] Real Estate Investor
      [*] ScannerProbePlus 2.0
      [*] Sterling Silver Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Symbionts 2.8.4
      [*] The On-Line Joke Book Volume 6
      [*] Tongue Twisters
      [*] UBB Writer v1.0 (68k) Freeware
      [*] UBB Writer v1.0 (PPC)
      [C] MacLinkPlus 10.0 and Y2K
      G3 and USB External HDs
      Nikon Coolpix950 help
      Sony DCR-TRV510 and the Macinotsh
      splitting an ISDN line
      Windows Icons --> Mac ?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-60.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] abstract for Goliath_0.5_Installer.hqx
      [*] Apple 56K int. modem scripts
      [*] Aqua III Kaleidoscope scheme Version 1.5
      [*] audio tools 2.1
      [*] Audiocorder 1.8.0
      [*] Blackjack Royale 1.2
      [*] CalCountNote 1.4.1 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.4.1 (PPC)
      [*] Chronomenon3.0Folder.sea.hqx
      [*] Code Reader
      [*] coderead via FTP
      [*] Computer Cuisine Deluxe v2.5
      [*] ConneXcellent 1.0 - dialup connection utility
      [*] Expert Blackjack 4.0
      [*] Fuffy 1.1.2 Released
      [*] geditcom-260.hqx
      [*] general-edit-lite-11.hqx Hex/ASCII/Unicode editor
      [*] GLMStat 5.1.0;Generalized linear models
      [*] Hang2000 v1.7.1
      [*] High Contrast Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] iOrganize 1.0 - an enhanced multipurpose NotePad
      [*] Jedit3.0.5 for 68K -- Powerful Text Editor
      [*] La Primitiva
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.8
      [*] MACAddy
      [*] Papirus 1.1
      [*] SoundEmbedder 1.0
      [*] submission
      [*] submission of "BOOM-12-final.hqx"
      [*] Symbionts 2.8.5
      [*] Symbionts 2.8.5 (Dutch version)
      [*] Symbionts 2.8.5 (German version)
      [*] Synk 2.6.0
      [*] Tarot
      [*] Your Finances v1.0
      [*] Zen v2.0: Fortune Cookie program
      [A] Converting MP3 files
      [Q] CLASSPATH for Java
      [Q] mousclick per keyboard key?
      Converting MP3 files
      IE 4.0 Security Certificates
      no sleep at once, and no wake up on FAX
      Umax UC300

#### TEXT       infomacv17-61.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Extension Overload v5.0
      [*] MultiMode 3.2.0
      [*] VSE Link Tester 2.0 - Find broken links on your web site
      [A] mousclick per keyboard key?
      CD-ROM writer - both USB and SCSI

#### TEXT       infomacv17-62.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Kineticon 1.7
      [*] Kineticon 1.7J - Japanese Version
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.9
      [*] Spring Meadow Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Vocab 1.7 and Vocab Scheduler 1.1
      [*] WineBook 1.0.2 (PPC) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] YooZ 1.65 FR
      [*] YooZ 1.65 US
      IE 4.0 Security Certificates
      IE 4.0 Security Certificates
      Script to bring the desktop to the font

#### TEXT       infomacv17-63.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Giltwood Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.5
      [*] MacUptime
      [*] MathPad 2.5.2
      [*] MoonMenu 1.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] NetFinder 2.1 - FTP client.
      [*] Nevisa Dictionary
      [*] ScreenTest 1.1
      [*] ShadowKeys 1.0
      [*] WineBook 1.0.2 (68k-English) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.2 (68k-French) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.2 (68k-German) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.2 (PPC-French) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.2 (PPC-German) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [A] Script to bring the desktop to the font
      [Q] Multiple address books in OE 5.0.2
      [Q] searching for an old mac game
      Free HTTP Server?
      laser writer II & my G4...
      Shutdown problem
      Would an Applescript guru be able to help?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-64.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MailConverter 2.2.4: converts mail-like files
      [*] Poster Print 1.0.0
      [*] SaveATree 1.54: prints conserving paper
      [*] Sliding
      [A] Converting MP3 files
      [A] searching for an old mac game
      Bookmarks: Netscape Comm. to IE
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #63
      laserjet4 driver

#### TEXT       infomacv17-65.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#527/17-Apr-00
      [*] ConneXcellent 1.1 - dialup connection utility
      [*] Dragthing 2.7 J
      [*] Extension Wizard
      [*] FishCard 2.3 - flash card review software
      [*] FTP Wizard
      [*] Hefty FTP 1.0
      [*] Jedit3.0.5 for PPC -- Powerful Text Editor
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7.5
      [*] Recently Submitted File
      [*] Silver Vines Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] VisualProjector v2.0.0
      [Q] OS9 and Performa 6400 internal modem
      [Q] searching for an old mac game... found!
      Bookmarks: Netscape Comm. to IE
      Bookmarks: Netscape Comm. to IE
      Converting Bookmark Files
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #64
      post script errors when printing?
      PowerBook 100 battery status report
      Printer Driver
      Shutdown problem
      TidBITS celebrates 10th anniversary of Internet publication
      Using a PC IDE card in a 7600?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-66.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MacContacts.fp3 version 1.0
      [*] Nu Sans 9.4 PostScript font--a Scalable Espy Sans
      [*] Nu Sans 9.4 TrueType font--a Scalable Espy Sans
      [*] Primus v1.0
      [*] Synk 3.0
      changing systems
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #65
      post script errors when printing?
      PowerMac 6500/225
      Using a PC IDE card in a 7600?
      wide HD

#### TEXT       infomacv17-67.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) G4s beat Ghz Athalon at Photoshop
      (Q)uicktime trailers no longer downloadable?
      .exe files
      [*] NetCD 2.0.2 - An Internet-savvy CD-player
      [*] Porcelain Rose Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Quick-Launch/Macro Utility: TriVectus Launch Key 3.0
      changing systems
      Changing Systems - Digest #66
      installing memory in Performa 635CD
      Internet Explorer 5 Font Problem
      Macally Keyboard Glitch
      Microsoft Project for MacOS?
      PowerMac 6500/225
      PowerMac 6500/225
      System Partitions
      wide HD

#### TEXT       infomacv17-68.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#528/24-Apr-00
      changing systems
      DSL Connection for two computers
      The best project management software???
      Viewing hidden quicktime movies
      Windows 98 driver for Personal LaserWriter 300

#### TEXT       infomacv17-69.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) installing memory in Performa 635CD
      (C) Using a PC IDE card in a 7600
      .exe files
      [*] ACE! 1.7.3 - An extendable save game editor
      [*] C3DAppearance 1.0.0
      [*] DupliMizer 1.0.1
      [*] iStream.sit.hqx
      [*] Pillbug Golf 2.0 - Learn about points, slopes, and angles while you putt!
      [*] PowerToto 1.1 ITA
      [*] RaceBuilder 1.5.1
      [*] RaceBuilder 1.5.1 German Version
      [*] Submittal of HyperCard Investment Tracking Program
      [*] Ticker Strip 1.0
      [*] Timewaster Collection 1.5
      [*] Udana 1.2
      changing systems
      Connecting 2 Macs (was re: DSL)
      DSL Connection for two computers
      formatting USB hard drive
      How do I disable TCP/IP of a machine through C code?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #68
      installing memory in Performa 635CD
      Internet Explorer 5 Font Problem
      Macally Keyboard Glitch
      One technical help needed 

#### TEXT       infomacv17-7.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Eudora (v. 4.2.2) cache folder
      (Q) Math flashcard program with voice entry?
      [*] 3DMF for MATHEMATICA 1.3.1
      [*] AD Launcher 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] ATPM 5.12
      [*] CardSaver 2.0
      [*] ChaosZoom 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] ClickLock! 1.0.1
      [*] ConvertTextInfos version 1.0.4
      [*] Font Explorer 1.2 - Explore your fonts
      [*] GLMStat 5.0.3;Generalized linear models
      [*] Iconographer 1.0.2: 32-bit Icon Editor
      [*] iMorph
      [*] Invoice Builder 2.0.1
      [*] Language Reader 1.6.1 - foreign language learning
      [*] MacDICT 1.0
      [*] MacDim 2.2.1 - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MacOSTray 1.1b4 - a MacOSX-like desktop tray
      [*] Molecules 1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Organizer 2.8.1
      [*] Painting 1.6.5- A fabulous graphics editor
      [*] PixelGallery 1.0 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] PlayFreeLotto 7.0.1
      [*] Polyominoes 7.0
      [*] Power Windows 2.1
      [*] PowerReplace 6.6;  powerful text conversion utility
      [*] Scorpion BarCode 1.60
      [*] ShadeCluster 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Sound Byte 1.2.2
      [*] Sound Byte 1.2.5
      [*] TetraTrap 1.1
      [*] TimeLabel 1.4
      [*] Tunnelvision 1.1.1 - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Web Confidential 1.3.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] WebEvent 3.22
      [*] Word List Maker 2.1.9 - text utility
      [*] YP Force Magnetique 1.0 (physics, french version)
      [*] YP Magnetic Force 1.0 (physics)
      [*] YP Vecteurs 1.0 (mathematics-physics, french version)
      [*] YP Vectors 1.0 (mathematics-physics)
      Default Page Size under OS 8.6
      Default Page Size under OS 8.6 - Curioser and curioser ....
      LocalTalk Bridge--does it work?
      Problems with MacOS 9 and PMac G4/AGP, ATM, Apple Guide, Mac OS

#### TEXT       infomacv17-70.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      635 CD memory
      [*] 10-KeyRacing1.1.sit.hqx
      [*] [ANN] Major Update to Fuffy Released
      [*] Abstract for CodePerfect 2.0 (uploaded to info-mac.org)
      [*] Abstract of HoverSpeeder 1.00(E)
      [*] Abstract of HoverSpeeder sampling-BGM
      [*] Amadeus II v2.3r3
      [*] BOOM 1.2.1
      [*] BOOM 1.2.1 Update
      [*] chaoscastle
      [*] DopeWars
      [*] GunPlay: Epic Banana
      [*] HAX1R2.HQX - A scenario for Realmz
      [*] hotfind-123-68k.hqx
      [*] hotfind-123-ppc.hqx
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.5.1
      [*] KanjiCards - _Education_Language
      [A] DAL
      [Q] Web-safe GIF programs?
      DSL Connection for two computers
      iBook built-in keyboard
      Zip drives

#### TEXT       infomacv17-71.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (C) Washington DC/Baltimore area in need of another Mac support
      [A] Zip Drives
      DVD and PowerBook
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #67
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #68
      installing memory in Performa 635CD
      Looking for Mac software to create and operate virtual robotic
      New Mac user requesting help!
      OS 8.6 Universal version CD

#### TEXT       infomacv17-72.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#529/01-May-00
      a couple of e-mail related queries...
      DVD and PowerBook
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #71
      Remove items from munu bar
      Studio Display with Older Macs
      Zip drives and Powerbook sleep - how to re-recognise drives?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-73.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.3.5 - Freeware
      [*] DiskCatalogMaker 2.3.5 French - Freeware
      [*] Fairy Ring
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.6
      [*] iView 3.8 with iUpload 1.0
      [*] Mail Monitor
      [*] PhotoGrid1.5, a quick image viewer with resizable thumnail
      [*] PictFader18-An image playing screensaver latest release
      [*] PPPRemote 2.6
      [*] Quit CSM 2.0
      [*] Quit CSM 2.0 D (German version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.0 F (French version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.0 I (Italian version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.0 J (Japanese version)
      [*] Quit CSM 2.0 N (Dutch version)
      [*] QXP PhotoBook - Image catalog creator for QuarkXPress
      [*] ScriptStrip
      [*] Sherlock nobanners 2.0 - International English
      [*] Speakable Contacts
      [*] Troi File Plug-in 2.0 for FileMaker Pro
      [*] X-Launch 2.0 -- Enhanced replacement for Apple's Launcher
      [Q] source for 10Mb SIMM stick for powerBook 160?
      a couple of e-mail related queries...
      Remove items from munu bar

#### TEXT       infomacv17-74.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Obsidian Trial Size 1.0.1
      [*] ramBunctious 1.5J - Japanese Version
      [*] Smart Align Illustrator Plug-in
      [*] Type Switcher Pro
      [*] Virtual Composer 2.0
      [*] VSE Link Tester 2.5 - Comprehensive link checker for Mac
      [*] Wildside II Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] YA-NewsWatcher 5.0.1
      a couple of e-mail related queries...
      a couple of e-mail related queries...
      a couple of e-mail related queries... (R)
      a couple of e-mail related queries... (R)
      after 5 years of dormancy, Exchange Server returns to the Mac
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #72
      Looking for Duo270c Stuff
      Remove items from munu bar
      Remove items from munu bar
      Studio Display with Older Macs
      Xpress3.32 and OS 9.0

#### TEXT       infomacv17-75.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MoonMenu 1.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Obsidian Trial Size 1.0.2
      [*] SmartWrap 1.7.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Virtual Composer 2.0d5
      [*] XPressGuides 1.1
      [*] Z-Write 1.0
      after 5 years of dormancy, Exchange Server returns to the Mac
      External Modem and PowerBook
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #74
      Scripting Monitors (Q)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-76.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*]  Smart Scroll 3.7b1J - Japanese Version
      [*] GestLab 1.1b3 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.1b3 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] GLMStat 5.1.1;Generalized linear models
      [*] imageSXM-162-7.hqx
      [*] Listen&Type2.12, sound player + text editor = dictation tool
      [*] MultiMode 3.3.0
      [*] Mystery of Seagull Rd.
      [*] Report Aide 2.0
      [*] StereoPress 1.4.0-E (stereoscopic image maker)
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3.4J - Japanese version
      [*] Virtual Composer 2.0d6
      [*] WebsiteCompressor 2.0 - the web site optimizer in aqua look 
      [*] WineBook 1.0.3 (68k-English) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.3 (68k-French) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.3 (68k-German) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.3 (PPC-English) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.3 (PPC-French) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] WineBook 1.0.3 (PPC-German) -- Cellar management software for wine enthusiasts
      [*] Z-Write 1.0.1
      [Q] PC equivalent of G4 with new Virtual PC
      Appletalk conundrum
      Audio input plug for G4
      commands in Finder
      PB G3/500 and slow startup

#### TEXT       infomacv17-77.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#530/08-May-00
      (A) treasure chest at the end of the rainbow!
      [*] The Fontz 1.0 - font organizer and browser
      [Q] com port on virtual PC?
      Audio input plug for G4
      Audio input plug for G4
      counting MB
      Keyboard Commands
      laserwritet select 310, iMac & KeySpan
      OS 8.6

#### TEXT       infomacv17-78.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MediaWrapper Light 2.0.9
      [*] Menuette 3.0.1J - Japanese Version
      [*] Obsidian Trial Size 1.0.6
      [*] Window Monkey 1.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] WindowMenu v1.2.1J - Japanese Version
      Appletalk conundrum
      Audio input plug for G4
      Consumer Reports Opinions
      Keyboard Commands
      Locking Finder Window Locations
      Quote of the Day

#### TEXT       infomacv17-79.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Cricket v5.1
      [*] Export Icon Plug-in 1.1.2 - export icons from Photoshop!
      [*] FinalChapter 1.0.1
      [*] H2C_16.hqx - The must for every C++ programmer
      [*] H2C_SDK_16.hqx
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.6.3 
      [*] MacOS Items Manager 1.6.3 Japan
      [*] Quote of the Day 1.0
      [*] UpdateAgent 8.0.1
      [*] Virtual Composer 2.0d9
      Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail

#### TEXT       infomacv17-8.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Applications for capturing websites
      (Q) Saving RealAudio stream
      [*] Amadeus II v2.2r4 (sound editor)
      [*] Area Properties 3.6
      [*] AutoCat 2.6 - Catalog Different
      [*] banachan-10.hqx
      [*] Blue Harmony Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Bridge 1 Plug-in 2.0 for Sherlock (Japanese)
      [*] Classic Nude Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Connect me to...    freeware WWW Utlity for Macintosh
      [*] Creatures & Chaos 2.0 for Kaleidoscope
      [*] Dark Towers Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] DeskPicture 4.5.1
      [*] Dhammapada 1.0
      [*] Droids 1.2
      [*] Drop DownloadGURL, 2 AppleScript ftp clients
      [*] Drow Runes Font
      [*] Duck Donny
      [*] Duck Gross
      [*] Duck Shut Up Little Man
      [*] DXoft Get Info 1.0.2
      [*] Empty Temp Folder 1.0.1
      [*] Font Explorer 1.3 Browse your fonts' characters
      [*] FreeCasino 1.3 upload
      [*] Frog Xing 1.3
      [*] Geometrix 1.1.0
      [*] Giza 2.1.7
      [*] GLMStat 5.0.4; Generalized linear models
      [*] Gold-Digger-130.hqx
      [*] Greg's Browser 2.6.1
      [*] Hearts and Flowers kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Hearts and Flowers Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Hockeee 1.4
      [*] HTML Optimizer 2.6.3
      [*] HTML Optimizer 2.7
      [*] Image Extractor Upload
      Hardware/Software Problem?
      Online database of extensions and Control panels
      Operating system for Centris 610
      Palm V and the PowerBook G3, IrDA networking
      Quantum firball TM  2.0   FBTMA  655 - 0410  for performa 630CD not
      SoundEdit 16??

#### TEXT       infomacv17-80.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Looking for Duo270c Stuff
      [*] SpeakOUT an ESL adventure game (ppc)
      Audio Input plug
      ColorSync Profiles....
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #79
      Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail
      Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail
      Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail
      Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail

#### TEXT       infomacv17-81.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Audio input plug for G4
      (C) cookie toolbar item
      [A] Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail
      [A] PC equivalent of G4 with new Virtual PC
      [A] PC equivalent of G4 with new Virtual PC
      Consumer Reports Opinions
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #78
      Locking Finder Window Locations
      Mailbox assignment for outgoing mail

#### TEXT       infomacv17-82.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#531/15-May-00
      [A] PC equivalent of G4 with new Virtual PC
      [Q]hard drive install
      Another Toggle Possibility
      Toast Bug

#### TEXT       infomacv17-83.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Application version checking
      (Q) Print window not working
      Another Toggle Possibility
      Experience with CD-ROM burners?
      multiple proxies for IE 5

#### TEXT       infomacv17-84.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Application version checking
      [*] AccountsAuditor 1.0b3 (68K)
      [*] AccountsAuditor 1.0b3 (PPC)
      [*] anubis-casino-120.hqx
      [*] Audiocorder 1.9.0
      [*] automail2.hqx - merge databases with email templates
      [*] CD File 2.000
      [*] cleaning-agent-10.hqx
      [*] Darkwood kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Default Folder N-3.0.5 - Dutch Open/Save dialog enhancement
      [*] DragThing 2.8 upload
      [*] Factura
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.6.1
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Stopwatch CSM 1.2 (French version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Stopwatch CSM 1.2 (German version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Stopwatch CSM 1.2 (Italian version)
      [*] Mimic 1.0 - memory game
      [*] PlayerPRO 5.6 Freeware
      [*] Rainbow Painter 1.9.1
      [*] Resubmission of popular item
      [*] SiteCam 5.0.1
      [*] Sound Studio 1.2, an AIFF recorder and editor
      [*] Stereomaker 2.5 English version
      [*] Stereomaker 2.5 French version
      Experience with CD-ROM burners

#### TEXT       infomacv17-85.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] MaBaSoft releases Stopwatch CSM 1.2 (Dutch version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Stopwatch CSM 1.2 (English version)
      [*] MaBaSoft releases Stopwatch CSM 1.2 (Japanese version)
      [*] The Musician 3.1.0; sound utility.
      [*] the timewaster collection 1.6
      [*] virtual wine cellar 2.4
      [*] VisualKeyboard 1.0
      [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.2 - GIF animation tool
      [*] Web Confidential 2.0
      [*] WebCollector1.0.1
      [*] WordCoach 2.2.2 -- Learning foreign languages

#### TEXT       infomacv17-86.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Application version checking
      (A) Experience with CD-ROM burners?
      (A) John Madden 2000
      [*] Mic's SkateBoarding 1.0
      [*] Periodic Table for Macintosh 2.2
      [*] Play it Cool 3.4
      [*] PubMedMakerII 3.3
      [*] Sneak Preview! 1.0
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.7
      [*] Space Garbage Men 1.0b1
      [A] Experience with CD-ROM burners?
      [ANN] Macintosh port of Lame 3.70 to encode MP3 : GPL shared lib +
      Can't search for recent files on Info-Mac?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #83
      Starting up from DVD-RAM disks.

#### TEXT       infomacv17-87.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#532/22-May-00
      [*] Play it Cool 3.4J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tex-Edit Plus 3.0.2J - Japanese Version
      Hardware Query
      Netscape erases History
      Q: HP9100 internal SCSI CD-RW on Mac?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-88.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Mysterious problems w/ Performa 6116CD
      [*] YP Image 1.0.1 (French version)
      [*] YP Image 1.0.1 (Learn about image formation by mirrors and lenses)
      Experience with CD-ROM burners?
      Netscape erases History
      Netscape erases History
      Starting up from DVD-RAM disks - Update (?)
      Starting up from DVD-RAM disks.

#### TEXT       infomacv17-89.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] PlayerPRO SDK 5.6
      [*] SpeakTime 1.2
      [*] ToolKit 1.0
      CD Writers & Motorola Starmax
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #86
      laserwriter select 310 and iMac

#### TEXT       infomacv17-9.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] iBook StartUp Screens
      [*] iMac StartUp Screens
      [*] InputSprocket driver for SFXPlus
      [*] InterestHC 1.01 / HyperCard stack, comprehensive interestcalculator
      [*] Internet Location CM 1.2
      [*] Internet Location CM 1.2 source
      [*] Jewel of Arabia 1.2
      [*] Kev's Calendar
      [*] Killer Dice Y2K 1.1
      [*] Learn Polish - multimedia Polish language lessons
      [*] Librarian II: Bookworm for Kaleidoscope
      [*] LSQL 1.0.1
      [*] M3U Drop Downloader 1.0
      [*] MacDim 2.2.1Fr - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MacDim 2.2.1J - screensaver/dimmer with many features
      [*] MacSentry 1.0.1 - Simple Password Protection
      [*] MacTidy v1.0b8: checks and corrects HTML and XML source
      [*] MacWasher 1.0.2
      [*] MacWaves v3.0 - IRC Utility and wave player for Macintosh
      [*] Meetch 1.0
      [*] MI Convert 1.0.4 English
      [*] MI Convert 2.5
      [*] MLGraphics Application 1.0
      [*] MLGraphics Package 1.0
      [*] MLQuickDraw3D 1.0
      [*] Molecules 1.1Fr - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] Molecules 1.1J - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] MoviePhile 3.0
      [*] MultiMode 3.0.1
      [*] MyFontKeys 1.0
      [*] Net DICTionary 1.0 - 68K
      [*] Net DICTionary 1.0 - PPC
      [*] OneApp Address Book 3.6.1 - address book with passwordprotection
      [*] OneApp Address Book 3.6.1 Italian Version
      [*] OnTimers 1.0J - Japanese version
      [*] Paper Art VOL 1
      [*] Pixel Spy 1.3.1
      [*] PixelGallery 1.0Fr - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] PixelGallery 1.0J - MacDim screensaver module
      [*] PlayerPRO Plugin 2.1
      [*] Polish for All 1.0.2 - multimedia language lesson
      [*] Postage $aver v4.2.6 Postal Bulk Mail Sorter
      [*] Slide Show 5.2.4 - presentation tool for multimedia & MP3files.
      [*] Slide Show 5.2.4 Italian Version
      [*] SMS 1.5.4 - sends SMS to GSM mobiles

#### TEXT       infomacv17-90.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) Microphone for a G4
      (Q) USB video camera for videoconferencing
      [*] Beyond All Date 1.1
      [*] CalCountNote 1.5.1 (68k)
      [*] CalCountNote 1.5.1 (PPC)
      [*] DupliMizer 1.0.3
      [*] Free Backup 1.1
      [*] FTP FoldIt (light) 4.6.5
      [*] HTML Optimizer 3.0.3
      [*] HTML OptimizerPro 1.7
      [*] JanusNode-108.hqx (formerly 'McPoet')
      [*] Kairon219_d.sea.hqx
      [*] Kairon219_e.sea.hqx
      [*] NewCM 1.2.2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Panda  Kaleidsocope scheme
      [*] Phffluugeltzs a utility for HyperTalk  notation
      [*] PixelToy 2.1 Visual Display/Animation Generator
      [*] Power Menu 2.2.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] PowerCM 1.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] session timer 2.2
      [*] The Book of Changes 3.3.1
      [*] VSE Animation Maker 3.2.2 - GIF animation tool
      [Q] recommended thesaurus?
      URLs of type 'afp://'

#### TEXT       infomacv17-91.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) lost hard disk space
      [*] LockOut 1.8J - Japanese Version
      [*] NetRunner1.0 -- A small Internet launcher for the Macintosh.
      [*] Space Garbage Men 1.1.0b
      [*] SysEx 4.3.3
      [*] TextureMagic 1.3.1
      [*] URL Manager Pro 2.6b2J - Japanese Version
      [*] Web Confidential 2.0J - Japanese Version
      a page that loads on PC browsers but not on Mac browsers
      Can't see HPLJ 2100 in my chooser...
      CD Writers & Motorola Starmax
      EMACs on the MAC?
      Eudora and attachments
      Netscape Autofill
      Netscape erases History
      OE 5.02
      simple sound manipulator available?
      Starting up from DVD-RAM disks - Further Update

#### TEXT       infomacv17-92.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (Q) lost hard disk space
      [*] CopyPaths 1.5J
      [*] NetFinder 2.1b3J - FTP client / Japanese Version
      [*] Security/Password protection program: TriVectus SuperLock 4.5 Pro
      [*] SpeakTime 1.2.3
      [*] Stella's Mover
      [*] TaskMenuBar 2.0.0
      [*] TypePopper 1.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] VSE Web Site Turbo 3.1 - Optimizes web pages, GIF and JPEG images
      [A] lost hard disk space
      Appleshare login not cleartext?
      Emacs for Macintosh
      EMACS on the Mac and now TECO (is there no end to this
      Eudora and attachments
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #91
      REQ: Where can I get "RoboWars"?
      tiff header tags writer
      Zip Drive

#### TEXT       infomacv17-93.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Biorythms 8
      [*] BitMapmusic 1.6
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.4
      [*] CatFinder 2.1.4 68K
      [*] CDFinder 2.8
      [*] HAX1R3.HQX - A scenario for Realmz
      [*] Power Windows 2.4.1
      [*] Sherlock Plugins 1.7
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.5
      [*] SPOOKYcons4
      [*] TypeWell Mc 4.1
      [*] Version 1.2 of Beyond All Date
      [*] Window Manager 2.2
      [*] YP Circulaire 1.0.2 (physics simulation software, french version)
      [*] YP Circular 1.0.2 (physics simulation software)
      [Q] PB G3 - Centris connection?
      [R] Eudora and attachments
      Big Hard Drive for Duo 270c?
      Eudora and attachments
      HP Multifunction Printer
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #91
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #91
      Zip and Jazz
      Zip Drive (R)

#### TEXT       infomacv17-94.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#533/05-Jun-00
      (Q) Church Windows like program for MacOS 9
      (Q) Memory Control Panel with corrupted fonts
      (Q) wanted, duplicator, and ftp server program info
      [*] Hearts 2.0 - Freeware card game
      [*] Infodex 2.6
      [*] ISO Cow v1.0.0
      [*] Kurti's Kolourful Ikons 4.0
      [*] PopChar Pro 1.2
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.0
      [*] Program Switcher v5.5.0J - Japanese Version
      [*] QuoEdit 0.65
      [*] Red Bird's Quick Scripts, release 0.5
      [*] Sound Byte 1.7.0
      [*] Stella's Mover 2.5.5
      [*] studio system 3.0
      [*] The Atomic Mac 4.0.0
      [*] Tiff-Sight 1.0.3
      [*] YER; Yellow Error reference 2.0
      AppleTalk deactivated during sleep?
      Big Hard Drive for Duo 270c?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-95.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] Abyzed Adjectives 1.0: a language resource.
      [*] Abyzed Nouns 1.0: a language resource.
      [*] Abyzed Verbs 1.0: a language resource.
      [*] Alias It 1.0
      [*] Chocoletters 1.5.7 a puzzle game
      [*] Chocoletters 1.5.7 French version
      [*] Dhammapada 1.1
      [*] DupliMizer 1.5
      [*] Flashcard Wizard - Advanced Flashcard Software
      [*] Folder Compare 2.0 Released
      [*] FontBuddy 2.0 [ftp:FontBuddy-2.0.sea.hqx]
      [*] GestLab 1.1 - The ultimate Gestalt Manager tool
      [*] GestLab F-1.1 - L'outil ultime du Gestalt Manager
      [*] GetChar FKEY 1.04
      [*] iOrganize 2.5 - A multipurpose organizer : NotePad, Address Book,
      [Q] PB G3 - Centris connection?
      Crash-happy blue-and-white G3
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #94
      lost hard disk space
      Using Files on a mac by a PC?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-96.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#534/12-Jun-00
      [A] Using Files on a mac by a PC?
      ADMIN: Info-Mac is back!
      Crash-happy B/W G3
      PC utility to read Mac disks

#### TEXT       infomacv17-97.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) ftp server program info
      (A) Memory Control Panel with corrupted fonts
      (A) tiff header tags writer
      (A) Zip Drive
      (Q) Mac application that is PC MS NetMeeting interoperable?
      [*] Describing LMTdemo.sit
      [*] iConcentration 1.0
      [*] Into the Woods Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] Itivuttaka 1.3
      [*] Kalender D-2.0
      [*] Lime100.sit.hqx draws beautiful lines
      [*] Liner 1.1
      [*] LockOut 1.8
      [A] PB G3 - Centris connection?
      [Q] iMac won't stay shutdown
      File Assistant and File Synchronization
      HP DeskJet - MS Word conflict
      OS 9: IP File Sharing disabled
      PC utility to read Mac disks
      PC utility to read Mac disks 
      Type of Motherboard for 400 MHz AGP G4
      URLs of type 'afp://' (R)
      Videoconferencing Software

#### TEXT       infomacv17-98.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      (A) Using Files on a mac by a PC?
      Crash-happy blue-and-white G3
      Ejectable drives + File Sharing = random freezes
      Finder / login errors in OS 9.0.4
      iMac hesitation?
      Mac driver for Dlink DFE-530X ethernet card
      OS 9: IP File Sharing disabled
      PC utility to read Mac disks
      Warwick S and Warwick T fonts?

#### TEXT       infomacv17-99.txt   ****

Today's Topics:

      3d ftp search
      [Q] reasonable price for a used Mac?
      iMac hesitation?
      iMac hesitation?
      Info-Mac Digest V17 #98
      OS 9: IP File Sharing disabled
      OS 9: IP File Sharing disabled