Package Contents

Below is a listing all files currently released for Breeze Designer. The full installation file set has been broken into a number of smaller ZIP files for ease of down loading.

	SETUP.EXE  		Setup program and associated files
	SETUP.INS  				"
	_SETUP.LIB				"
	DISK1.ID				"
	MACROS.Z 		Sample macros, archive
	SAMPLES.Z	  	Sample scene files, archive
	PROGRAMS.Z contains
	BREEZE20.EXE 		Breeze Designer program
	BREEZE20.HLP		On-line help file
	BREEZE.TEX   		Texture database
	RENDER.DLL		Preview view renderer
	IV32.DLL  		Image view library
	README.WRI  		Release notes (this file)
	OPENGL.ZIP		OpenGL support for Windows 95
	BREEZE.INF		General Breeze Designer internal settings
	POVRAY20.INF		POV-Ray 2.0 internal settings
	POVRAY30.INF		POV-Ray 3.0 internal settings

	TEXTURES.Z	 	Sample textures images

	TEXMAPS.Z	 	Texture maps for OpenGL preview

	INTEL3DR.Z contains
	INSTALL.EXE		Intel 3DR rendering library
	INSTALL.INS		Intel 3DR rendering library
	INSTALL.LGO 		Intel 3DR rendering library 
	INSTALL.PKG 		Intel 3DR rendering library
	3DR.Z   		Intel 3DR rendering library

The textures and samples are optional components. The sample textures are used to provide on-screen previews for texture selection.

The Intel 3DR interface is provided as an option, aside from OpenGL for generating a shaded model preview within Breeze Designer.

For futher information contact [email protected]
Last modified: 31-May-96