  __      |                                                        |
 /_/\  ___|__¦______ ______________¦_______________________  _ _/\_|______
 \_\/  \·    |     /_\______  /·   |    \_______   _ /    /_________    o/
  +:    \\   |    /    ______//          \     /   //    /    /    /   //
  :o     \_______/______|   /______|______\________/________ /________ /
  .·      |                        ¦                       \/      | \/
          |                                                        |
  .       | U   P   H   O   L   D        T   H   E       L   A   W |
          |                                                        |
 ______/\_|_______¦____    __________     _____     _____   _____ /\ _____
 \ _ o     _ /    |   ·\  /  ___    /    /    /____/o   /___\ _  /  \    /
  \//      \/          \\/    _____/    /    /    //   /\    \\ /    \  /
  /_________\_____|______\_______ /    /________ /____________\___/\___/
          |       ¦             \/             \/                  |Sk¡n 

                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )

      ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

      LiGhtStORm iNc. gHQ (Amiga)  ·  aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

  aRtWoRk gHQ (Amiga & PC)  ·  sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

   aLieNDeSiGN gHQ (Amiga-Tools)  ·  tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
         USR V.34+/x2 I-Modem       rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-47411057          &&          +49-(0)30-47411058

                        -----  nOw X2 aVAiLaBle  -----

                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___   \         __/_\\  ____/___       _/_\\ ____/_\\.__   /_\\___   /__
\    _______/                  \/          _/       __/  .   _/ _/  _______/  /
 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|                haze/real - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real   /             |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
tERROR         /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
wORLDWIDE        \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

             _____ ____ ______\__/____ dNo/jA! ____  __  ______  
          ___\ _  |    |     /____\ _ |-------|    |`--'|   _ /  
         |__  \/  |  --|- _ /|__   \/ | __    |  --|-   |   \/|  
       |    ÷  a  ÷  t  ÷  l  ÷  a  ÷  n  ÷  t  ÷  i  ÷  c  ÷   |
       | --- CBK --- STS --- RYL --- LFC --- X!TREK --- GNX --- |
       |        Absolutly one of the fastest in Europe!         |
                       rUNNING 4nODES + 4tELNET (24H)
     Node1: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node2: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node3: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node4: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node5: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node6: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
     Node7: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node8: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
                    SUPPORTING : AMIGA - PEZE - N64

      tHE pARTY 1997

    wRITTEN bY pOW/sSP


  [THE PARTY 1997]

   - Invitation -


  The  Party  scene  is  like  a WiLD animal - it won't just lay down to
  rest,  and  so  we're  back.   This time we have put together the demo
  event  of the year packed with many new features and all the best from
  past years.  We have pretty much thought of everything for you to have
  a blast, only thing is...

  - Batteries not included!

  [Where & When]

  The  Party  1997  will be held in Messecenter Aars, the place with the
  real  party  atmosphere.  The Party 1997 will be held from Saturday 27
  December at 08:00 CET to Monday 29 December at 15:00 CET.


  o Room for max.  3500 people!
  o A seperate sleeping area.
  o Cafeteria and kiosk will be open 24h.
  o Extremely powerful PA equipment and a huge, high quality screen.
  o LaserDisc Room!
  o Free access to swimming bath & showers!
  o The Party 1997 T-Shirts will be sold.


  o 55 hours non-stop activities.
  o 15 main compos with great prizes.
  o Traditional party-events like Body-Crashing and DiskOs.
  o Live concert on stage.
  o Several conferences.
  o Free Party-Bowling night!
  o Plus much more...


  Main competitions and prizes:

  Amiga Demo     PC Demo       WiLD! Demo

  1. $2000       1. $2000      1. $2500
  2. $1000       2. $1000      2. $1250
  3. $500        3. $500       3. $750
  4. $250        4. $250       4. $500
  5. $100        5. $100       5. $250   

  Java Demo      Win95 Demo

  1. $1000       1. $500
  2. $750        2. $300
  3. $500        3. $150 

  Amiga Intro    PC Intro      4 KB Intro

  1. $500        1. $500       1. $200
  2. $300        2. $300       2. $100
  3. $150        3. $150       3. $50    

  Pixel Gfx      Raytraced Gfx

  1. $600        1. $300
  2. $400        2. $200
  3. $200        3. $100
  4. $100        4. $50       

  4-Ch. Music    Multi Ch.

  1. $600        1. $600
  2. $400        2. $400
  3. $200        3. $200
  4. $100        4. $100  

  C64 Demo       C64 Music     C64 Gfx

  1. $300        1. $200       1. $200
  2. $200        2. $100       2. $100
  3. $100        3. $50        3. $50 

  [Competition Rules]

  [Amiga Demo]

  o Take up no more than 6 MB on disk in uncompressed form. 
  o Max. one demo per coder. 
  o No more than 10 min. will be shown.

  [Pc Demo]

  o Must be a standalone executable with or without data files. 
  o Use no more than 600 KB of conventional memory. 
  o Support silent mode (-nosound). 
  o Take up no more than 6 MB on disk in uncompressed form. 
  o Run while HIMEM.SYS is loaded. 
  o Max. screenmode is 1024 x 768. 
  o Change of screenmode during the demo is not recommended. 
  o Max. one demo per coder. 
  o No more than 10 min. will be shown.

  [Wild Demo]

  o In this competition there are practically no restrictions. 
  o Allowed audio connectors: (mini)jack (mono/stereo), scart, phono (mono/stereo). 
  o Allowed video connectors: Phono composite pal, VGA/SVGA 15 pin SUBD (max. 1024 x 768), RGB 23 pin SUBD (Amiga), scart composite pal, SVHS mini din. 
  o Note: If your contribution can take part in other competitions it cannot take part in WiLD!. 
  o A complete list of the hardware & software used must be available. 
  o Entries may also be delivered on VHS, SVHS or Betacam SP tape. 
  o No more than 15 min. will be shown. 

  [Java Demo]

  o Will be shown in latest Netscape Navigator release version (not beta) under WinNT4.0. 
  o Shown on 233MHz Pentium-MMX, 32MB Ram 
  o Shown from a web server via LAN 
  o Must me 100% pure java applet, ie. platform independable. 
  o Max 6MB compiled including all class and html files, graphics and soundtracks. A zip archive may be used. 
  o No more than 5 min. will be shown. 
  o Resoution max 640x480. 
  o Source code need not to be submitted 
  o May run in Navigator window or separate window. 
  o Html page in which to run the applet must be provided, and maxi resolution is 640x480. 
  o Only one demo per coder 

  [Windows95 Demo]

  o Must be a standalone executeable with or without data files. 
  o Must be able to run on 16MB of physical memory and 20MB of swap space. 
  o Take up no more than 6 MB on disk in uncompressed form. 
  o Will be shown in 800x600 in 24 bit. 
  o Max one demo per coder. 
  o No more than 5 min. will be shown. 
  o The demo must use and comply to Direct X 3.0 
  o No direct hardware access is allowed, only through Windows 95 calls. 
  o This is not an animation competition. 

  [Amiga Intro]

  o Max. size 40 KB. 
  o Max. one intro per coder. 
  o Must be right mousebutton exitable. 
  o No more than 5 min. will be shown. 

  [Pc Intro]

  o Must be a standalone executable with or without data files. 
  o Use no more than 600 KB of conventional memory. 
  o Exit by pressing ESC-key at any time. 
  o Support silent mode (-nosound). 
  o Take up no more than 64 KB on disk in uncompressed form. 
  o Run while HIMEM.SYS is loaded. 
  o Max. one intro per coder. 
  o No more than 5 min. will be shown. 

  [4Kb Amiga/Pc Intro]

  o 4 KB is a joint competition for Amiga and PC. The rules are the same as for the intro compos, but with a 4 KB filesize limit. 
  o No sound allowed.

  [Pixel & 3D Graphics]

  o Max. size is 1 MB. 
  o Max. screenmode is 1024 x 768 pixels. 
  o Max. screendepth is 24 bitplanes. 
  o Accepted filetypes: IFF, TIFF, GIF, PCX, JPEG, TARGA, PNG. 
  o The pictures will not be scaled or converted. 
  o Max. one picture per graphician. 

  [4Ch Music]

  o Max. size is 1 MB. 
  o Must be Protracker format. 
  o Will be played with Accessible Player (Amiga). 
  o Max. one tune per musician. 
  o Max. 5 min. will be played. 

  [Multi Ch Music]

  o Max. size is 1 MB. 
  o Accepted formats: Fast Tracker 2, Impulse Tracker, Scream Tracker 3, Octamed. 
  o Entries will be played on a Gus Max or Amiga (Octamed). 
  o Max. one tune per musician. 
  o Max. 5 min. will be played. 

  [C64 Demo]

  o Standard C-64 without accessories. 
  o Must be executable. 
  o Max. length 10 min. 

  [C64 Music]

  o Must be executable. 

  [C46 Graphics]

  o Standard C-64 without accessories. 
  o Must be executable. 
  o No sprites or moving parts. 

  [General Rules]

  o If you want to take part in a competition you must be present at
    The Party during the presentation and prize ceremony.
  o If too many contributions are delivered for a competition a
    competent jury will make a selection.
  o All contributions can only participate in one competition.
  o We will copy and spread all contributions.
  o All contributions must be final, no bug-fixes will be accepted
    before or after presentation.
  o Compo-disks will not be returned.
  o PC hardware configuration: Pentium 166 MHz, 16 MB ram, SVGA by
    VESA 1.2 Support, Soundblaster AWE 32 or Gus Max. 
  o Amiga hardware configuration: Amiga 1200-030 50 MHz/882 50 MHz,
    8 MB FAST ram & 2 MB CHIP ram.
  o All entries for Amiga can be compressed with either LZX or LHA.
  o All entries for PC can be compressed with either ZIP, ARJ or RAR.
  o No self-extracting archives will be allowed.
  o No other archive-types will be allowed.
  o All filenames must comply to ISO-9660 8+3 standard. No funny
    charaters allowed.
  o All contributions must be able to run from HD and CDROM, except
    for WiLD! demos.
  o Contributions with racial content (incl. anti-racial) will not
    be accepted.

  [Please Note]

  o We will not accept anybody selling anything without our
  o Alcohol and drugs are not allowed at the party place. If we find
    any it will be confiscated and not given back.
  o Intoxicated people will be thrown out or handed over to the
  o We will not accept weapons, spraycans or firework etc.
  o People who cause damages of any kind will of course have to pay
    for it.
  o We take no responsibility for illegal swapping, software,
    hardware, video etc.
  o The entrance price is dkk 300.


  Party Place:
  Messecenter Aars
  Messevej 1
  DK-9600 Aars

  The Party-Phone:
  For further information:
  (+45) 9862 5859

  World Wide Web:

             _____ ____ ______\__/____ dNo/jA! ____  __  ______  
          ___\ _  |    |     /____\ _ |-------|    |`--'|   _ /  
         |__  \/  |  --|- _ /|__   \/ | __    |  --|-   |   \/|  
       |    ÷  a  ÷  t  ÷  l  ÷  a  ÷  n  ÷  t  ÷  i  ÷  c  ÷   |
       | --- CBK --- STS --- RYL --- LFC --- X!TREK --- GNX --- |
       |        Absolutly one of the fastest in Europe!         |
                       rUNNING 4nODES + 4tELNET (24H)
     Node1: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node2: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node3: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]         Node4: [-- +46-XX-XXXXXX--]
     Node5: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node6: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
     Node7: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]         Node8: [-- FIND ME ON IRC-]
                    SUPPORTING : AMIGA - PEZE - N64

                               __ _/\¦/\_ __    
               __/\__ _ _  __ _/(_)  |  (_)\_ __  _ _ __/\__  iF U sOFT
aMIGA          \    /   ( /_/\\_     |     _//\_\ )   \    /  gET lOST!
tERROR         /_  _\     \_\/_/   @ | @   \_\/_/     /_  _\
wORLDWIDE        \/           \__   _|_   __/           \/   sHARP aS a kNIFE
          _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _
          \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___  (_¦_)  ___ __ (_) _____//__/// dAS fLEISCH
fICKEN   _          \___  /  \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/  \  ___/          _ GEWORDENE
uND     /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\  bOESE
tOETEN /    (_)  \_    \/    \\_ |_|_|_|_| _//    \/    _/  (_)    \ 
      /          _/      _  _ _| | | | | | |_ _  _      \_          \
      \                  ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) )                  /  
    /\ \   WE WILL NEVER      _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_       WE WILL NEVER  / /\
    \/ /     SURRENDER  _ __/\\__ _\   /_ __//\__ _  COMPROMISE!   \ \/
      /                 \\\__/  \/  \_/  \/  \__///                 \
      \                  ¯  __/\           /\__  ¯                  /
       \  __________________\__/           \__/__________________  /
        \(                    __/\       /\__                    )/ 
         ¯                    \__/  ___  \__/                    ¯
              ONLiNE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLiNE BIS ZUM KNAST
                                  __/ \__

                       .                   .
            __________/__ _         .______:_                                 .
 _ _ .______\        /____ .________\\_    |____  _______  ________ .________/_
__\\\\\___   \         __/_\\  ____/___       _/_\\ ____/_\\.__   /_\\___   /__
\    _______/                  \/          _/       __/  .   _/ _/  _______/  /
 \   \/      __   _____________________|__\\     ________|_ _\      \/       /
.|__________/-\__/---------------------·----\____\-------·-\\\\   ___________|.
|·                                                             \_/_          ·|
|                haze/real - zleik/skr - nemo/awe - glue/real   /             |
|                                                                             |
|      your favorite board for demos/intros/music/ansi-/ascii art/pcb/asm     |
|                                                                             |
|                           »» pc · amiga · c64 ««                            |
|                                                                             |

 |                                                                   \\  |
 |     :____.              .____.              .____.                 \\ |
 |     |    |____  _______ |    |     ________ |    |      _______     \\|
 |__ _ |    |    |_\__.   \|   _|___  \___.   \|    |    ._\__.   \_ _ _\\
 |     |    |    |    |    |   \_   \_    |    |    |   _|    |    |     \
 |     |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |__/ |    |    |     |
 |     |    |    |    :    |    |    |    |    |    | /  |    |    |     |
 |     |    :    |    .___/|    |    |    :    |    :    |    :    |     |
 |     |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         |     |
 |__ _ |         |    |    |    |    |         |         |         | _ __|
 |     ¯\_______/|____|    |____|    |\_______/¯\_______/|________/¯     |
 |                              |____|                                   |
 |                              :    :                                   |
 |           .____.                  .____.              .____.          |
 |   ________|    |      _________   |    |      _______ |    |  .____.  |
 | _/        |   _|___ ._\  _____/   |    |    ._\__    \_    |  |    |  |
 | |    .    |   \_   \|    __)__    |    |   _|    |    |    |  |    |  |
 | |____|    |    |    |    |    |   |    |__/ |    .    |    |  |    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |    |    |   |    | /  |    |    |    |  |    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |    :    |   |    :    |    |    |    |/\|    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |    :  :    |  |
 |      |    |    |    |         |   |         |    |    |            |  |
 |      |____|____|    |\_______/¯   ¯\_______/|____|    |\____/\____/¯  |
 |                |____|                            |____|·AbN·          |
 |                :    :                            :    :               |
 |                       dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:                       |
 |                                                                       |
 |    aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII   ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )    |
 \                                                                       |
 \\            Node 1 & 2 :                     Node 3 & 4 :             |
 |\\          USR V34+ Modem                     Euro  ISDN              |
 | \\       +49-(0)30-47411057               +49-(0)30-47411058          |
 |  \\                                                                   |
                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]