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   ؛  BپnZli #4 - Swiss Art Party  كككككككك  4x4 = 1st birthday not to miss  ؛
   بححححححححححححححححححححؤؤؤ--- ù ْ          ْ ù --ؤؤؤؤححححححححححححححححححححححح¼



  Once more,  it gets cut down...  Maybe  I should begin  typing  those  lines
  before 01.00 in the morning.  But as my brain is dry now,  after the efforts
  of Analysis exercises, you shouldn't expect much creativity anyway.

    Well, maybe you remember  BپnZli #3 party,  being hold in Bern,  in a vast
  room, featuring peace, love and happiness, with better mood and better music
  than Woodstock...  exercising peace by blasting other Quakes,  love by mani-
  pulating with network  terminators and happiness by  NOT  getting  disturbed
  by loud speakers?!  BپnZli #3 - the party providing you with REAL coke, pro-
  viding US with biiig pizza profits!

    And now,  the chance has come,  to slam the profits,  to show networks run
  better, to give your life a sense and to shoot down others again!

    BپnZli #4 emerges,  one year aged,  still with great ideas.  Come and meet
  other sceners,  touch sysops,  enslave coders, search composers  and inspect
  our graphicians! Again, we offer you the unique chance to meet guys addicted
  to computers (nearly)  as  much as you are,  to compete in fair competitions
  and to win fabulous prizes [really, are they..?]!


    Doors opening  : Saturday, 1st of March 97, 14.00

    Doors closing  : Sunday, 2nd of March 97, 10.00

    Location       : Hotel Kreuz, Zeughausgasse, Bern

    Entrance fee   : 25.- sFr, for rent, coke and prizes

    Timetable      : 14.00    doors opening
                     23.00    deadlines
                     00.00    competitions
                     0?.00    prizegiving
                     10.00    doors shutting

    As you might  see on the map  (BUENZ04.JPG),  this is  at the  same  place
  where BپnZli #2 was hold.  It's no  problem to  stop your  car in  front  of
  the hotel in  order to unload  it,  but  you probably  won't find  a parking
  lot directly besides the hotel.  Note the blue zone areas on the map (marked
  with "blz", north and south).

    Again, we remember you the option that you might come by train -  it's not
  a big problem  with computers  as the luggage  cars feel  perfectly well  in
  in hotel rooms (ask Nuker for details).


  Well, and what are we going to offer you this time, ey?

    - Bistro         offering pizza, coffee and toast hawaii for FAIR prizes

    - Free coke & ice-tea

    - Network        with a running server and maybe a multiport-rerouter

    - Public HiFi    blasting YOUR sound throughout people's heads

    - Big Screen     where old and new productions will be shown

    - Competitions   shown on bigscreen, with fine prizes

  And all the great things we don't want to tell you yet...


  As usual, there will be music, graphics and intro competition. Rules:

   1. Module competition

    - All formats are allowed (digital, FM and Midi)
      If your tune is not of a common format, we recommend you
      to bring your own player and hardware with you

    - Time limit is 5.00 minuutes

    - Size limit is 1 MB

    - The composer must be at present at BپnZli #4

    - The Module must have a title

   2. Picture competition

    - All formats are allowed (Graphics, ANSi and ASCII)

    - Maximum Resolution is 800x600, TrueColor

    - Animations are not allowed

    - The artist must be present at BپnZli #4

    - Your picture must have a title

   3. Intro competition

    - Your intro must run on a Pentium 133 with 16MB RAM under MS-DOS

    - Size limit is 256KB in executable form

    - You must either support VGA, VESA 1.2 or VESA 2.0

    - Time limit is 5.00 minutes

    - At least one of the intro team must be present at BپnZli #4

    - The intro must have a title


    Well, be remembered,  that this  is a computer party,  and therefore Zengo
  recommends you to  take your computer with you.  So do I.  But this  is also
  a scene meeting,  so don't mind if  you can't bring your equipment  with you
  as meeting is more important than gaming!

    BپnZli #4 strongly depends on the people joining this happening.  So don't
  hesitate to bring your  friends and other guys  with you that  somehow might
  be interested in the demo scene.

    Note that we've got a web-page,  too.  If you're lucky enough to have your
  phone-bill paid, enter "www.space.ch/scene/buenzli" for up-to-date infos.

    Har, and now some minor points you've got to know:

    - We strongly reccomend you to bring your headphones with you as
      you might encounter problems listening to your sound while public
      noise is quite high...

    - You're kindly invited to bring YOUR music along to play on public
      HiFi. If you can't agree on the music in some democratic manner,
      the system will shut down. (or we'll put on music, PANIC!)

    - Smoking is NOT allowed in the conference room itself
      (But we LOVE these circles right in front of... anyway)


    If you've got any questions, please contact us at:

    - Chicken      The Lycaeum BBS     +41-(0)41-484-3289

    - Furball      The Lycaeum BBS
                   e-mail:             furball@space.ch
                   voice:              +41-(0)31-761-1207 (fr/sa)
                                       +41-(0)1-312-7665 (so-do)

    ْ       be there! nothing is lamer than a party without people!        ْ
    ³               BUENZLI #4 - FIRST BIRTHDAY NOT TO MISS                ³
    بححؤؤ---ùْ                                                   ْù---ؤؤححح¼