PPP Extensions (PPPEXT) Working Group 46th IETF--Washington, D.C. Monday, November 8, 1999, 1930-2200 Chair: Karl Fox <karl@extant.net> Reported by Matt Holdrege <holdrege@lucent.com> 57 people were in attendance VPN Interoperability Workshop Announcement Anita Freeman <anfreema@cisco.com> The 10th PPP Workshop plus 8th IPsec Workshop will meet together in San Diego on Jan 9-14th. PPP Bridge Control Protocol draft-ietf-pppext-bcp-01.txt Mitsuru Higashiyama <Mitsuru.Higashiyama@yy.anritsu.co.jp> The old BCP is from 1994 as RFC 1638. IEEE 802 has standardized many Bridge Management Protocols. 802.1Q standardized Virtual LAN's supporting STP, GARP multicast registrations protocols (GMRP, GARP VLAN registrations protocol (GVRP) and others. Tinygram-Compression option is obsoleted in the draft. 802.3 Frames with VLAN tagging adds new fields to the Ethernet header. Backwards compatibility, but the new BCP can handle the old STP protocol. This covers 802.1Q and 802.1D COS. Supports multiple bridge management protocols with one general format. Allows easy support by LAN switches with high-speed hardware logic. We had a discussion about using a different protocol (BCPv2) or the version-id as described in this draft. We will add an option for 802.1Q in a new format. The PID will stay the same. The draft will be updated. It was also decided to not obsolete tinygram-compression. Implementations can reject tinygram-compression if they do not wish to support it. PPP Multiplexing draft-ietf-pppext-pppmux-00.txt Irfan Ali <fia225@email.mot.com> Rahesth Pazhyannur pazhyannr@cig.mot.com Craig Fox fox@cisco.com Objective: Reduce PPP frame overhead 5-7 bytes per each RTP/UDP packet. This is for VoIP over cellular infrastructure networks such as T1 lines between BSC's and MSC's. The authors were recommended to look at the RMOA in the ATM forum which might employ similar techniques. The usefulness of this protocol will depend on the cellular infrastructure employed and bandwidth financial concerns. draft-simpson-des-as-01.txt Bill Simpson We had a discussion on moving PPP DES Encryption Protocol (RFC 2419) to Historic status. Since everyone has moved towards triple-DES, RFC 2419 will move to Historic. Discussion of PPPEXT Standards Track Document Status Karl Fox <karl@extant.net> L2TP work has moved to the L2TP Extensions WG SDL is in the IESG for approval as an Experimental RFC AODI is being commented on, on the list. The rest of the RFC's on the PPP charter need to be moved forward as planned. Draft-ietf-pppext-secure-ra-00.txt Pyda Srisuresh srisuresh@yahoo.com This talk was supposed to be as part of the L2TP WG, but the author isn't able to make that session so he presented it here. This draft provides link-level authentication authorization and accounting services. Static/Dynamic IP address assignment to a remote user from an enterprise address pool Provides host-route connectivity to remote user and monitors link status. Uses RADIUS to provide the AAA services so it can scale to a large number of remote users. Proposed LNS RADIUS attributes are IPSEC_MANDATE, SECURITY_PROFILE and IKE_NEGOTIATED_PROFILE. The group didn't think his was a PPPEXT item as it doesn't extend PPP and perhaps not a L2TPEXT work item for the same reason. It is perhaps an IPsec policy issue.