Editor's Note:  Minutes received 12/2/92


Reported by John Tavs/IBM

Minutes of the Border Gateway Protocol Working Group (BGP)

The BGP Working Group met twice on Monday, November 16, 1992, and
discussed the following issues:

BGP-4 Editorial Change

The Working Group approved minor editorial change to the BGP-4 protocol
specifications suggested by Yakov Rekhter.  The revised text of the
Internet-Draft will be posted shortly.


It was pointed out that there are differences between MIB for BGP-3 and
MIB for BGP-4.  The Working Group decided to get a new OID for the
bgpPathAttrEntry object.  It is expected that BGP-3 MIB will eventually
be deprecated.

BGP-4 Implementation

Dennis Ferguson (ANS) discussed his implementation of BGP-4 in GATED. It
is expected that ANSNet will be running BGP-4 1Q93.  A copy of the
presentation should be available upon request from Dennis.


The Working Group met jointly with several key members of the IPAE/SIP
Working Group to discuss a possibility of supporting IPAE/SIP
inter-domain routing with BGP. The Group suggested that inter-domain
routing with IPAE/SIP should not be supported by BGP, but rather should
be accommodated by IDRP. The rationale for this recommendation was based
on the urgency of deploying BGP-4, unwillingness to change BGP-4
protocol specifications, and the overall consensus that IDRP is more
suitable (than BGP) as an inter-domain routing protocol for IPAE/SIP.


Roland Acra              acra@cisco.com
Nagaraj Arunkumar        nak@3com.com
Anthony Ballardie        A.Ballardie@cs.ucl.ac.uk
William Barns            barns@gateway.mitre.org
David Bolen              db3l@ans.net
Scott Brim               Scott_Brim@cornell.edu
Jeffrey Burgan           jeff@nsipo.nasa.gov
Richard Colella          colella@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
Peter Ford               peter@goshawk.lanl.gov
Shoji Fukutomi           fuku@furukawa.co.jp


Vince Fuller             vaf@stanford.edu
Thomas Hacker            hacker@citi.umich.edu
Kevin Jackson            kmj@concord.com
David Jacobson           dnjake@vnet.ibm.com
Matthew Jonson           jonson@server.af.mil
Dan Jordt                danj@nwnet.net
Akira Kato               kato@wide.sfc.keio.ac.jp
John Krawczyk            jkrawczy@wellfleet.com
Tony Li                  tli@cisco.com
Peter Lothberg           roll@stupi.se
David Meyer              meyer@oregon.uoregon.edu
Robert Moose             rmoose@gateway.mitre.org
Dennis Morris            morrisd@imo-uvax.disa.mil
John Moy                 jmoy@proteon.com
Julianne Myers           jmyers@network.com
Tu Nguyen                Nguyen1T@cc.ims.disa.mil
Peder Norgaard           pcn@tbit.dk
Laura Pate               pate@gateway.mitre.org
Michael Patton           map@bbn.com
April Richstein          abm@tycho.ncsc.mil
John Tavs                tavs@vnet.ibm.com
Paul Traina              pst@cisco.com
Kannan Varadhan          kannan@oar.net
Iain Wacey               cat@pluto.dss.com
Linda Winkler            lwinkler@anl.gov
Cathy Wittbrodt          cjw@nersc.gov
