Network Configuration WG (netconf) Thursday, August 4 at 0900 - 1000 ================================= CHAIRS: Simon Leinen <> Andy Bierman <> AGENDA: - Administrativia (10 minutes) - Blue sheets, scribe/Jabber scribe, (volunteers are welcome to send a short advance note to the chairs) agenda bashing, status of WG Documents (Reminder: All four documents have been submitted to the IESG for publication.) - Charter Update Discussion (50 minutes) - Discuss specific "phase 2" standardization goals and whether the WG can realistically commit to them. Internet Drafts: no active WG drafts Individual contributions: draft-chisholm-netconf-model-03.txt draft-adwankar-netconf-reporting-00.txt draft-chisholm-netconf-event-00.txt draft-romascanu-netconf-datatypes-00.txt draft-atarashi-netconfmodel-architecture-02.txt Guidelines for WG charters: BCP 25 (RFC 2418), "IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures"