Extensible Authentication Protocol WG (eap) TUESDAY, August 2 at 1400-1600 ============================== Room 342 CHAIRS: Jari Arkko <jari.arkko@piuha.net> Bernard Aboba <aboba@internaut.com> AGENDA: 1. Preliminaries (5 min) -- Chairs - Blue sheets - Notes takers - Agenda bashing 2. Document Status (5 min) -- Chairs 3. Keying Framework discussion (40 min) -- Pasi/Joe (TBC) Goal: Talk about revision -08. Make progress on issues discussion. 4. Channel Bindings discussion (15 min) -- Yoshihiro Ohba Goal: Talk about the channel bindings, how they affect the keying framework, and discuss different approaches to implementing channel bindings. 5. Methods review discussion (30 min) Goal: Discuss the results of the reviews and other comments, make progress on moving the methods forward. The intention is to have a discussion led by the reviewers, presenting the main findings, with participation from the authors to describe how they intend to move forward. EAP PSK (Jesse Walker, TBC) EAP IKEv2 (Pasi Eronen, TBC) EAP Smartcard Type (Glen Zorn, TBC) EAP Double TLS (Hannes Tschofenig, TBC) 6. Charter update (5 min) -- Chairs 7. EAP PAX update (5 min) -- Charles Clancy 8. Trusted Computing Group EAP issues (20 min) -- John Vollbrecht