Open Pluggable Edge Services BOF (opes) Tuesday, December 11 at 0900-1130 ================================== CHAIRS: Michael Condry <> Markus Hofmann <> AGENDA: 1. Administrative matters 1.1 Selection of minute-taker 1.2 Circulation of sign-up sheets 1.3 Agenda bashing [5 min] 2. Update on IESG status [M. Condry, M. Hofmann - 5 min] 3. Discussion of IAB Considerations for OPES draft-iab-opes-01.txt (now informal RFC) [S. Floyd, L. Daigle - as much time as needed] 4. Time permitting - Discussion of current work 4.1 A Model for Open Pluggable Edge Services draft-tomlinson-opes-model-01.txt [A. Barbier - 20 min] 4.2 Data Integrity and Security draft-barbir-opes-vpcn-00.txt [H. Orman, A. Barbier - 30 min] 4.3 Requirements for Callout Protocols draft-dracinschi-opes-callout-requirements-00.txt [R. Menon - 15 min] 4.4 OPES Use Cases and Deployment Scenarios draft-mchenry-opes-deployment-scenarios-00.txt [S. McHenry - 10 min] 4.5 Policy Requirements for Edge Services draft-rafalow-opes-policy-requirements-00.txt [L. Rafalow - 10 min] 5. Time permitting - Demo and implementations [M. Condry, M. Hofmann - 5 min] 6. Time permitting - Invited Presentation on Personalization Services draft-barbir-opes-fsp-00.txt draft-barbir-opes-spcs-00.txt [A. Barbier, N. Bennett - 10 min]